Resolution 353-1980823PdM3 228415 353 RESOLUTION NO. -1980 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAT FOR RECORD WHEREAS, VINCENT M. DROST and WILVER I. DROST have requested that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, approve for record a plat known as "CUDJOE GARDENS EIGHTH ADDITION, a Resubdivision of the North Portion of Cudjoe Gardens Seventh Addition, Plat Book 6, at Page 88, in Section 29, 30, 31, and 32, in Township 66 South, Range 28 East, Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida", and WHEREAS, said plat conforms with all the plat filing rules and regulations of Monroe County, Florida, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the plat known as "CUDJOE GARDENS EIGHTH ADDITION, a Resubdivision of the North Portion of Cudjoe Gardens Seventh Addition, Plat Book 6, Page 88, in Section 29, 30, 31, and 32, in Township 66 South, Range 28 East, Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida", be and the same is hereby approved for record, and the Chairman and Clerk of said Board are hereby authorized to sign the certificate of approval of said plat. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 23rd day of December., A. D. 1980. s T BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF OUNTY, FLOIZ*L-PA I By ,r • airman RECORDED IN OFFI-W, RKARAS ®OOK OF MCNF.CE I.4W i`47'r, ELC00A- kFCORD MERMIED RALPIl W. WHITE CLEM CI'n(. IT MORT APPROVED AS rO FORM N BY 5-a � I, 0 y \� REc._ 823P4154 SEE CUDJOE GARDENS EIGHTH ADDITION A Resubdivision of the North Portion of Cudjoe Gardens `Seventh Addition, Plat Book 6, at Page 88, in Section 29, 30,31 & 32, in Township 66 South, ,Range 28 Easd-, Cudjoe Key, Monroe County, Florida. Plat Book 7 Page 16 •RECORDED IN OFFICIAL I?LCOKL, L,60K \ �IONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RALPH W. WHITE .ClERK OF CIRCUIT COURT RECORD VERIFIED o r C=) z-c 70:1_ m- O c fV 1.T1 N 5;` 1�