Resolution 261-2007 RESOLUTION NO. 261 - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, WITH ATTACHMENT, DESIGNATING A "BROWNFIELDS" AREA IN THE COUNTY OF MONROE, FLORIDA TO INCLUDE THE OLD BALTUFF DUMP SITE ON MIDDLE TORCH KEY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION, REHABILITATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, FURTHER DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE COURT TRANSMIT A COpy OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TO PROVIDE NOTIFICATION OF SAID DESIGNATION PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 62-785, F.A.C., BROWNFIELDS CLEANUP CRITERIA RULE. WHEREAS, the United States of America Environmental Protection Agency has made available funds such as: I. EPA Site Assessment Grant $200.000 2. EPA Targeted Site Assessment Grant $50.000 3. HUD Brownfield Economic Development Initiative (BED!) of $2.500.000.000 4. Clean Water State Revolving Fund Federal "BrawnfteldS' Tax Incentive; and WHEREAS. local governments may designate a "BrownfteldS' area by resolution; and WHEREAS. a person who owns or controls a potential "BrownfteldS' area may designate a "Brawnftelds" area by resolution; and WHElREAS. Habitat for Humanity of the Lower Keys and Key West is the legal owner of the property seeking the designation; and WHEREAS. Habitat for Humanity of the Lower Keys and Key West is hereby requesting Monroe County to designate the property known as the Old Baltuff Dump Site as a "Brow'!fields"; and WHEREAS. Habitat for Humanity of the Lower Keys and Key West agrees to clean up and redevelop the dump site. creating ten new jobs. remaining in compliance with the Monroe County Land Use Plan. giving appropriate public notice. establishing financial assurances; and BE rf RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMllSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT: I. The area known as the Old Baltuff Dump Site shall be designated as a "Brownfie/dS' ar,ea; to-wit: RE 00112710-000000, described as W 5 acres of E 15 acres of Lot I, Section 17 Township 66 Range 29 as reflected in OR 518-119/121, OR 930-2077, OR 1549- 1353/54; and RE 00112720-000100 described as the N 5 acres of the E 10 acres of Lot I Section 17 Township 66 Range 29, as reflected in OR 518-119/121, OR 930- 2077, OR 1549-1353/54. 2. Habitat for Humanity of the Lower Keys and Key West shall be the responsible party for the "Brow'!fie/dS' Site Rehabilitation. 3. The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this resolution to: a. Ms. Audrey Wright, Assistant District Director, South District Florida Department of Environmental Protection 2295 Victoria Avenue Fort Myers, Florida 33901 b. Bureau of Waste Cleanup Division of Waste Management M.S. #4500 2600 Blair Stone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board on the 18'" day of July, A.D., 2007. Mayur Mario Di Gennaro Mayur Pro Tern Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy ,.;;~~m~ss~oner Geo~e Neugent . >/<~{___~ sloner SylVia Murphy ':. . ,.; 'j.', }';:;C'~ ~ ..,....~\ %\'\ ~l (S' ~}{~ 'I " - ":"" i~~, '--/{;k{C;' 1 .. '7et ., ~ a~"" a.;RK BY~ .~.~ cv~~L/ ./ Deputy clerk MONROE COUNTY ATTOFl Y VED AS TO ~ Yes Yes Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~j(}~ By: Mayor Mario DiGennaro Date UZANN A. H ~ COUNTY~~ 2 ~.