L. Court Administration BOAR)) 0..- COll!\TY COI\1l\IISSJONF.RS .-\(;.E~n^ lTE:\'1 SlJ[\-]I\L\RY Mcdi ng Date: .~){~-Afrt.. 4> J..:jOJpfX)? 1 )1vislon: CUlIIL6._~IJLJjlli;::~r~Llil}J_~__ 13 ulk lLem: Y l'-S X ~l) Dcprt11mClll: Pr~Thnl Seryi_(:~:; SL.tJl' Ctmt.!':.l I'crSI.)n:__;vllJry V...mdcn Urook AG~:"IDA ITEM \VORD1NC: ^ppmvnl h) ellter intn a cOHtrfle! wjlll Any'Jran8ndioll3, lm~. to pwviJe th(; [6~h ludkal Circuifs Pretrial Scr\'i~es Depar1IllC'llt with c1~ctmlljc SI]Il~~1-v1::;:.on via <'I V(11C(~ Illonitoriug call-i n Sy'SL(.'U1 ~)r P{;T!)l1TIS pl<lwJ under their sUJK:n'ision hy the C()urt~_ ITEI\.1 BACKCROUNJ): The f'n'll"ial Services Program monlLun; owr 500 criminal defendants in Monroe COUllty \vhn hilV~ heen rdcflsed on tlOll-lnol\ctnry condltlOll:=; by lhl~ COLJrL. D<.,)j~m.kml;:; ;..!ro;; 0n:.kr~d to c~ll [II to the Prob"rfam two 10 three times per wc~k, ami to H~pOlt 10 SI11!l auy changes ill (heir sIal us_ TlIis dcclnmit: V oicl: Monitoring system will pr,wide iTlcreased rei i nhil ity ns i I hl1:'l Vrl i l-:C n~c.l)Dllit i Orl l.:npnbi Illy, ol1l:r:=; cLlrkw llloniLming .md wiI1 dirninale the net:d f(}r staff to handle upward~ or-200 calb per (by rREVIOUS REI.EVA:"JT HOeC AC'I'I()I'\: ]\'O:-.JE CONTRACT/AGREE:MENT CnA~(;~S: !\'ONE STAFF RECOMI\'l i'i;NIMTIO:'\iS: TOTAL COST: 52l,500 HI: HGKI'FI): Vf:::;: ~ r\o COST TO COUJl\TY; S21500 SOURCE OF FUNDS: IU~V"':~ 1I F PROlHICI::"-lG: Yes ]\"0 X A I\tO l'NT PER :'tl0i\T11 Year "i{.of A l"1-'1..:OV..J) BV: County Ally ~ OMR'Purl~hasing _ Risk Manag<.'nwnt llOCLJ:"IE~TA TJON: Included X Not Rcql1i1ed DlSrOSITION; ACK"J I)A ITEM # Rt'\'i~c'd };.(J/') l [\'10 \J I{ 01-, (~()l ,N'l \" B( lA 1\ I) 01: <. \)\.1 f'..:'1 \{ CO'vl \t1ISS ION F,~ S CO:-.JTRACT S L r\1 MA R Y 1 CLlHlrw.:t .......illl: ^llY Trans~LliUIl.s, !ll<;, (\lJ1tf<.lI;( ,1.' - liff~c1ive Oak: ~'Wffl ~!;zo/D7 Expiration lJak: 9.'30/2007 CUILlrud P urp~ 1Sl,/Dl:seri ption: Provide righl Bncl licell~e to accc~~ ~lHd u!':c rnhoCUI;~,' Voice r-.'1oniloring vifl (I web bww~l'r Ibr lho: r~lrpo:;e uf lawful c1~(;tronic supervision as ordered by the 16th Judicial Circuit ('OIl1i .. .-.. -- -- - ---. --- - ('ontract Mflnngcr: M.uy VamlcIl x 36.10 Courl AdmiIli :;Lr1..ltion Brook (N:.!mc) (E~t.} (DCpartmclil/St(lP 1.') for DOCe m(:cting on 5/16/2007 ^gclldJ Dead1 j Ile: 5/ 1/20W! ('( );\JTR ACT COSTS 'l'otrd Dol 1<11' V (J 1 uc of Coulrad: $ 21500 HLJdg,CTL'fi'! Ye:::.[2) N L) D A~~l'OlJJlt Co(k~: Grant: S COLlTlty Mal(;h: $ Curn;nl Yl::ltE PorliUlL ~ :n ,500 g2 50()~S3034fJ- _-_._ F~Limakd Ongoing Costs: $ ([\0 [ H1;.'. kl d cd in dOU<lI '." Ill'; above) ADnITrO:--JAL COSTS /yr For: (eg. majn~t'JlallCc, uljlili<:~, .iulliLOJi~~l. 5[1][U ie-s, d.C,) CONTRACT REV1E\V Ch:mgl~s flff~t~ ~11 1\ eeded.--f- I)LvI8ion DiH~dol ~ct--Yl:~D l\0U-- Dale OLll Risk Management , ~ ,\ t'Ji.l- ti ~~.~ O. \1.B./p urGklsing "5 -/0. .6) YesD f\~)D I....;(.......--~ Y(;"$nKoVI T _~.T ~~_ ___ .) Ye~D f\'o[k}/ 7!D-1ite~)J (;~ L}/~ I {j County i\UOllH:::y I/P{<.~ 7 _ _ ~r.5f/~/~' 5/} 7'/0) COlll111l'ub: a~ ..... J1 / ,.L _I,~ ' ~H~ (..'~.y ~ tU1,.1e (~.{".ec v..':B~fyJ ~J .>) transaction s ...uhu<.:UFF License Agreement for' Florida 16111 Judicial Circuit. CUll rL rh i., I. in: n '" A.I'."''' rile" Ii; ',II i d "r"1ly tor il~"'<:mm<,;n L ~I.!XL]~ i,'~, I'.~.. I (If.:!: 'Ienllx anti Omllitim]~ All}TnLl1~~Ldi('JL', 1m::, (""..\II}'lrall~Clcti(JIls") hcr~by granb tbe: Ag(':(1(.)' Il<lll1<:':.-1 hf.l"w ("i\gcnC}") Ihc tlOTI-,)\du~i,.f,;, Il('II- H'lJl~Cerable right <lnd Ji,ellSt' to ,KCCS~ and liSt rl)boCI..I'1 Vf'l~(:'~ \-1nniloring r'mhllC \.IFF") vi.. II Wi:lJ '-'[()\\,~I vwr the Illtcmct lor lhe ~"I<' r.nlr"(l~e nf I~\\'flll clcdn'Tlic ,'Llp(:I",'i~itln L,f p,n;uns U~ ur,j"'J"i:d '-'f a~lh(Jri/.eJ hy tl1~ applicabk C0Llltls) 01" l:lW (lr ~pvcmrlmlll.:nLily\ i~~) l~)I" LIi", ~Ippl iC~LlIle juri3Jictioll( sJ. ..\g(,lIcy 1I1n)' not :lllow "1'(~S~ 10 rohn( :~ .1"", indnlling .m}' lI~s",~'j:lted pn'I)I';<:llll'Y nmt<c.-iai~. hJ ,my plll-t~' th<lt is nO! suhj.....t tn the term.' ufthh Agreement. COllllt~-j:\g'1'ru')': Monro.. I :(Ilmty,Yhu-)d.:tf. l'lorilh Hi'h Judicial Cin'lIil CUUll '.,'C'lflnl SC'I....ic~ .Iurbdidiun(~l: ,,'Iuritlll l(1l~ Judicial Circuit Ilillil1g I\.-Idre~~: 55030 ColI('~.. ROllrl. Key Wl'~t~ 11'l!wifl~. 3.~04(J ~t'~ Streel Alhll-e;~ StH;cf l\ddl'c~5: I. St'nil:c~ "ru~ilku. ;\JL}' J lafbaCl~o'13 ,,'iH plY'\lide ..\gellc)' .......th ~n....k~5 i'Is. c1e-Sc~rl~",rl ;n tlK ~H:comr,my in!! Fce: Sdl~utlll.: (p,{.;e 2 ot'1') alld S.ervice D<.:ti-<:rip(L(ln fpQ~e ~~ (If".~) ~s m~y hI? ;lm(~ndl.:d in ~H::coHlam:(; wiiI111~L1<lgnLpll J bd()\\. 2, T""ml '1'1_" 1n,tl~1 ti':rnl nf Tni~ .-\~.rGCm.:nl ~hal' Ix:gin 011 JU[lI,; I. 2007 ~UlU "hr~11 elld ('Il September ::'U. 2Uf.l7. I"h1~ ,\I!l'.:.:mcnt ,hull 1luIL'flI;JLil'lIIJy n.:m:w h..t ;.l\ld iliol\<llle(ll1~. ot' tw~lvc l 1 21 montl1~ lmliJ t"l h<:,:r r<lrty rmvi,k~ v,.T~llcn Il(ltj(:C 10 dl<,; 01!rt'r 1(, [.:qu~3t term illatiolL Tb~' [l~H1 i,'~ ",~~). In"tIJ~II}' ::I~I't'f: m wl'itint" III hegin the iTlilial L.:rrlL (,f lhL~ <J}.';Il:i:Ifl"'111 lip Lo J I rli1y~ hdoo"f fir i1ftr:r. Jlme I. )U1)"1. in whil.:ll CU~(; Lh.: m'~IILhly fl:'.;' H~ plu~'id'OJ h'Olein ,,'ill !>e pl\1m~l'd ~tc.c.onjjllgl}' 3. Ft't' Sdlctlul~ ~U1t.1 Si:n'il:e Film, "'gt'llcJ \, illlJay I~~s to ..\llylran',Klioll~ <K,orclin~ to The ill~e()mr,lll}"in.~r h:~ Sdll.:d\Ll~. Eat;;ll rell.:wa.1 oftlli, .'\grccm'.:nl i, ~;Hbi~'c'.l 10 thf h:':e SL';hr-dlllc' and S.crvl-':c DC~~li[1Lioll ~n dl\xL ~iIl IlL'" dah: l,f lba1 1~11.:"al. r1'f'lvi,krl rf1;11 "ll} I r~111~Ilt:liOrl~ fLotiJic~ ...l,.l\~llo,;y uC WI}' dllUI~l:~ <~l ~",n~,.10 Jay~. b~tore that Jall'. :h Pavnlcnl T(:nn~. AII)TnlJL~<J;,;~i....u~ 11I"(li~",~ "l"e due in h111 011 rceeipl b)' A~tll()" ..\. C('\lllty pertl)rmance ~Uld ('blig;~li"I) 11) P'\~' LJI)01"1' th i~ A~r~cm(ln1.. i., (:onlillgcnl UPOIl mllltlal (l!-'!-'[U!-'ri<Jliv[l by llle Blxm:l ,,1'< 'mlmy ('0Inmi~.,ioTlcr' of \1onr(~c COLLJlly. A, A.llyTnHL~il(,,:Liun~ ~hHII ~lllJl1I,1 t~, lll~ COml!)' ~Il inVOLCC wilh ,~lpr"tTlt1g rl"~lImGl!ali"Tl ;l.c(;crmhlc I,~ lhc:: Ckr~, p~) mellt \,\,,11 he mad" attcr deJj',;ny <lnd insp<:t.t1(Hl hy Cf'lllrIty alld Ilpon ~I~hmi~.ii(m 01" im'oie:.: b}. ..\llylnl[I,Hl,;lLUfb. !' (:"lImy ~f1<l11 pay in ,I(:~onbln~e will1 ltn: FloriJ.. SLlJLu!\: 213.70 '.:t ,d L~H~al Gm.ernmo:'llt F'rompt P~IYIll,nl Ad: raYll1i';iH will hI.: [11:.1<.1.: po,;ri~,Jil:aJl}. ill ~[rl:~LI~. but WI nHlr~ !j-equ~lltly th,m m(1nlhly. D. :\ll;.Triln:,,,-ctil'ns ~>I1~lll ~llbmil ,jll l,h'OI..<:"~ (i\ Th" i 'fllmly with ;;LJrporl iTlg dl'l.:lIftll:11l<Jlil'n H~I.:~;vl.ubl'.: Lv 111\: Ckr 1.. based 0ll ~"'tl"'r;1lly ac~qltcd a(:,:ollnl.ill~', pTil1-.:ipl,~ ;mu ~ul,;h hm'~. nil"" HIIU r\:~~,I,ll i(111~ (15 Inay glwcm tlK Ckrk', ~lj~bLJI'~,~1 oj' fllfBk F. E:xpt'Il'.es ,.U.:ll as tr;n.:cL p,'r ('it'l1l. Itl<:J Is. mi 1l'::l1Y. nf'lkl, nr :lirf,lrc "hill I h-.: paid a':(;()I"uing lu II Sl.uL~IC- 112,06 t and ;'h''-o"Jrrlitlt. to (:lurm:r'2 l\dmiTli~IT:1liOTI, Atiid;: XXVI Se:"'(iuIl1-6D4 l.<.' 2-015 (,j'the I\.-[oluoe COlll1ty Urclin.llKtS- .'\. I1t't::> "'lIi...t:d fur Tnlillt:.lJr Trainim~.- [)'Hing the illitj,,-110 dLl;'S oftbi~ ,\gll.:cn'l,,,,l. Any I r;'ln"~r.rion~ will w~jvc r(:c~ I~~r ,,,--,e~. ('(It<lt(;d ~:olcly t~'r k~1 illg ~lr lt~llIlinG tnr I!r tL' 0llr, {I ) {:~".~ r,~l' ..\gcncv cll1ploy~1.: (raim:J Jllrill~ Hwl pl,;ritl~1. fl. l'ropril'l.lH}' :md ~llrillt'nIiOl.l InrOrlllltlilllL ,-\ILylnLl1~~.l.:tll'll:; will pi ~lvLJe A!;enc)' with ~,c...'" ll' pT'.1rlfl(':.~I'} ,~fld ~()f1lid<';IILial jnfu[J[I<ILL011 ,wJ rnoteri,,-I$. ilKludillg L1A}oCl,I,r lrc'linlLlg. rt'ji"rt:>'H'~ :lnd t'<':!:nllr(~': m;lt.l.:ri,,"I~. .-\nyTI~L1EUl,;liLlfl~ r~t:lins all right, tl1 robo('I_II'i,' 811rl ,~II Q"S()~I~tfrl mMf'riil.k A~'.cnL:~' wi II ,1110\\' acl.:,~s t~, r"h'JCUl'I' llml u,~ul,;ja\o:d III Ole rials rmly ky alJTnilfi7,;:d .-\g.:nc~' I.:lTlpluy-.:-.:., and will u~.; ruboCllJ'I' ollly W IIIl,niIUl per30W, ulHkr /\gcnl'Y ,upt'nt$IOll A~..t1c~Y ad;llP\~I,Jg<,;, i~~ 1<':~P"II~i ['ilil}' 1v pi !:vellt tli3dl):,Lue l,r f)ropridar;' ,1IlJ ""lljl(Ic:T\Ii~1 ''It,)nni1tlon abnLJt. mllnel .I'T Ll1liL IllllV cC1L1lprornisc tile dkl'.\iv<;n~'s$ <)1 .'ol-,)C1.II'I' nr thl'. i~L}mrn,T~i~11 inlL:rC~I~ pf AllyTr1IllSildiun" UVUfl l~1 LllinClt~on (Jf thi~ -"<;I.".,(':tllf'llt ..'\.L',<'tKY ~l:.r'~'~~ In di~GOnLimlc IJoillg rl~lJl)Cl;FF HIIU hi n:Wnr ,-" J",~h0)' ,,-II nnti::f~:lb pro....itkd b.' '\nvTr'....fL~adi(lfl~ UlIJ~r lbL. ~gl"<:\:[JLc:lll, /'q.~'-'!lcJ 0blig<l1 i(11) t~, pr<)t~,t ,lIdl IllLlkrial~ ~h~11I COl1uml<: ;'Ittf':r w1nitlOltifln. ,'1gCIlC~' In"-} dio,clnse pn-'prictar;.' ink'll11atiun ,~~ fb1"ir..--..1 fly ,'.fIIUT 0I'du nr as rcqllin:d ~~. law. I r !b~ Lfl[orlllilLiull L~ J"i,."\jLl ip;.:d h ,(lull "rrl~r "tc-ncy ~llall givl.: .-\nyTntn~l1dil1n~ fI,'Li.-.;~ 'II' ~b.: u[J~r ~glJ '\ll}' 1', all~o.L;tLC)llS may re~p(md a, it ,C',', t'l. 1.1rl<1"r llf'l (;iT~~ml~I~IIC~~ i~ ^~<,;n.:y r<';'1ui[\':,1 hi \~ ilhh01J blwi"L111.v r~qu~,ted iJ\torlll~~tioLl llll(kr (~ ,.,)IJl1 f'11'df't Of l'I".~JLrm (}f 1111;,mlal i(lll :.\-:t or pLlblic rt":~lI'rl~ I~.......s ,:,l;'IL'.[i'-r:1 hy t1lr. (:011m).'. SI~rL: nr 1'I.:(kr~1 (,OHrTLTI1I.:nL. :---.J()Li~1: Lu ..\llyTI~ln>~H~t'0w, ,Jmll b~ IHLlde tn I.rie TLJIll~ri, CEO, I ~.~ C1a.r~IIl()JLt A~'<,:., Suit.<.: 4')0. D'Ot'"tm, G.'\ 3~HUO_ '10.1-.1 [:7-(,[::;(1, f~, :'Hl-1-(,K7-11 :-;'J_, ,-,I" III f.' er i :.(/II\)b,XH t'[;2(J In_ \' n, .WU,' .fJ.' _L)L).1 ],; I L. I ~']' I, . \.II~ T ""I.lIt I inn, (" (0" rod '" Ii" I &". 1'111[1 rir! JI ". l\lrp<Jr:w:: t',:i Cl.Li,CI"l,.,1 AI'"'' Se>jtl' .l'IU. n","'lILlI" (11\ ~\(lfl,1) 11"'1-'1!\,-(,~'11 <'~r1,'~: -'44 \l:rl' 1-. 1\ H' ilL'" W<::,L. ~lIill' 25{~. V;(""~_ V.\ ?'llll1 71)'1-J.'I;>-').IIII! 1',,<: ~r)4-(,JC;'-ll5! I',],: 71):~-'.l91.n ~~ .\',~\, \\_Tphn''"l.ll U':.,IJIl ,'oJ k~.~trll hih'lll ~ ~_........_-- -.. [~J .~ tran saction:s roboClJli'F' license A~r('cmen( I"or Florida 16th .Judicial Circuit CourL "I'll i., I . i C~ "'~ ;\gl"~~ n ", 11 t i" ",,j i LI "'lly l'lr ~',' ,,-,-,', '" Il' II I "~cnc i,,~ !.'.a.Il:e 1 "r.t,. ....nm ~nd ('"",j;I:...", 7. Ri!!ht~ to llutll, ^J!~r.i.:Y r"'18jm; all riglll~ In rim;. in [<JULiC't :1;1' rE":~,mj irJg rmmirorlltg of pl,'...~on~ unr:le>r Agl;?ll~Y ~urcr\;F~i()ll ,H1d 1~~l" ,d,ii.:1l .'\ G<:,ncy ha:; ~mid ;jH ~rplicahlc r,--.:~ In .41.:--'Tl"all'~L"lion~. .~ 11:"['rarJ~HdiOllS relaills .-.Il l"i.l!:JII~ T() ":;l" all :;Udl dma imkrelldentry, wilh ih<.' <:'>;.cepll(,Jt ,)f d~t!l lIHtt c"'l!lj\;tll~.' i,h~mrj]c~; iacl iviuu~J r(':roOII~ ill a rn~ntler ,~'hid, LJ~C, TI1r.ir n~J1l~~" 8l)l,;j~Ll ~C(;lInlJ numb'.7f. adurr~~, kkph\~m:' Illlln h"f ,),- in all)" W:I}' c>:plklTJy iLkaLi lic~ rh~ indiviJLHlI p!:t>:0n:;. 8. "'.'arnUlI}'. At.yTnI.U~Hl:liulI;';, it~ t'n1pIO)l:"CS, ,Ji......dol-s. llg":Jlb. 1'E-~"II"'I1>, dil;lriblJtul":'l ;md oUter amli.~ll'-S. ~hall nol h~ Ibhll' .~ntt -~Il<"'l:ifit'al!r rlbdaim ilny rl!'~pllnqbility fur III tho.': II~e of rulmCI.IFF b~" <II' VIJ h~half!)t' Age'R'Y, hI JJn}' ;II:~ of "Wn i ill r~,1 lwnoll:>. (J r c) th... (l pe lilt iOll uf in tN'r'let 01' kk Ilh,m 0.': ('OlD IIlIIll it.:ltinn~ 1I.!il!'d i'l ,'0 II ni!dio f1 with nl hll r T Ii F , "" wlll'nllnil!~. "'h,,,thcl' o,;1i.lJrl!'~~ft!. Implied ur iuf~rr0l:j, aplJh 1(1 thl" openltiOIl, rdbhilily, Iivilihlhilit}', Or U"::,'U'IIt')' of I'Hlmell Ffo' (lr'lo A.~erl~)' :.~cC'!;:; iu mbnCl. F'" liS ~nllllftj hl'rl!'und..:r. LAt'~lCS~ (:Il(i",s. "\~l.:u~Y wilr icll'lltify ~'~c1, nf il~ pC'r"l)lI[ld whn r~"qLJire u..:>;~"s to fOQl'CUI'l'. ~nd An)--TI'<lJl:;<ldioTl~ \",11 r'D~'ide ;\gl:m:~' WITh <"ith~l H) Fd-':lltllkati'-'rl ~"iJ.:~ ;ltIrl ,nitial ~t1~swor(j~ tQr e~.,;lr or lhmt> pCr501Im;1, or il) the ubiJiLy 10 .l!i.:IKrme ~lIeh Cl,tk~ 11.11.1 11il~sw{lnb. A~..:tl(.)f is r"'~pl)mihk tor ,ecurillg Lh(~~~ lI~e.. iJi:'[JLificatiLltl ,'odes anu p:i~~\'MrJS f(,[ I<II~ ILtI LJS': fly the :\g"JlC'} rCI'~()nrld f0r wJHlm IIll'} 'WI':' IlfUvided. A~ell(;Y HILJ;;l pl'0ll1plly a) L\;nninall' ;1,:.(,~!.~ l<J lV!>(lCl ,I I,' hy il> pel ~ljrrflcl who ~hoLJld IlllI hav-.: ~.,dl (IC,,,,~~. ur h l r.ontjLll1 IHillL:rl lliHlt"K;ltioll lu Any' l"r.'ltJ::;<Kti(III;j pf" In~ 11E"-(~d In ,Iv so. ,'->!.!:Ilq' r'Tnr,t l)(lLi (J .'\Il~' I f.lI1';acti"ll> ,.1- "el'nC)' per:;vrllld Wil,) Me <lWfll,6/.crl I,) gCIl':'luLo,; I ('r ff.fl"(~st 2elKnLlion ('d) IISel ideJllifJ,alron m(i~.s ~J1J 1-'~.~swnJ'd.~. .md to Lo,;rmin:He (.)r reqW,""l Lt'rmill,l~'lll\ of) u..:~ns Tel mb"CUJo'F h~' '\l~f'-Il(;>" p~I~()ml':l. f.:'IJ or Term., ,md ('vllJil i,m._ _ \";'. 2()(O,lJ~_(J'J.2 :', 1,'1 I ~Jf'L~ . \1I",II'lIll~~(ti,.n' (','" !idmlial."l. I'r<)loric~r~' ~ \, 1"il'J I "L~: 11.5 {":I;'l'III<"" ."H~" Sll"i~ '1'If!. [)co<;:Jlur. (it\. 1fH))fl 'W4-4Xi-f,83U S"I,o<: 3H ....t'l,r" ^ ""ILI,J~ \h,~l SIIitc ~~a Vt'-'Tlll:l. 'V' ,\ )' I };lJ "!H3.1,1}-9'1~1(, b:-.: 4nl-(,:O.i. 1151 ra~: 7()~-Wl 21.'2 I"w',., 1". d"'~'',J.!Ji;w)1 ,'q I ( "';:'!~I"I '(.1 II: u {~~.illJJ L [~J tra~actions roboCLTFF License A,;:ycclIlent for Florida 16tJl .Judicial Circuit COllrl Thi" I.iccrm: A!!T,X:In(:rll ii' Vl:Ili{j nlll} f()r (5nv,'.rnm"lll :J[;en(:ie.s. ['~I~~ 3 uf 4: I"~~~~ ,)dl(':d~llr (t)(,-I' ,\:zcnc\', site. or slll.l-tluit" that i~ ~cp.aI"atdy billed or cOllfhwrcdl 011(' Till1l' .!\l::rlln' Site- Stllln mh'.lCUI-I' \'oice MonjTOring System Setup (dll~ ()Ill"olllrad ~igllia~) liir~1 d~y nf ()!l-~ite C0nslllt:ltLon,Tralnmg ({h}(:~; not ilicludc lravel exp~w'~~) SecDn.i di'lY ofOn-~Lt~ Con:>lIJ{alilln.'Tl-ailling (ifpeli~mll~d the day afte.' th~ tit~IIHlid Jay} :t4.500,O():'Sjl~ $2..000 ,OO:'J<l Y r III dlar.~(; Onl;'- TilllC A/!;cJlQ' Site Setup Fce apl)lic~ olll} to nil: illiliallc....n 01'1 h i~ A~n.!:nlt~n I, :J nil is nut l~h:l fl;:t:'11 fm r~nl~wal lenl1~ t'01- simihn sen'ire~. 10-0'% ~}f tile AgcIII.:'JP' Silc Sl'lup Fe!: i~ lillplicd ::I!j ::I 1I011.rdllrllbhlt> rrt'p:l111 t......l1it tO~'''I-d 1l11~" f~s or CXpCIIS~S dC~O:r'jbcllllcn'ill Llurin~ lllc inil il:ll ti:rm flf this ar.:r~l!m~f\l. I [OWE VI,:lt It !;.hnll nor t1flp1r toward the l1lo'lthl~' rec for I'oho(: U J<'F I"rc~cl (:h!:ck.tll :\1ulI ilurill!-; OR fUr" 1I rl~' Ad(l i1inn;!1 CmTnrn i./~lnOI], C{)n~ultinl': and Training Scn'kc Ftts. Tln::rdurc. lhi~ Ilrcp::lid nel]il \V[ 1.[, :I1)pl~. IU~':1 nl: Lip 10 .)()O d;lY~ oITtlrl"(:w MonilOTin~ r(~r montll I'nr (:, InOntlls_ OR .. .my extra d1lY~ of Curiew Monii(Jrill~ ah~',~,(; 300 JCly~;'rmHllll. OR 1m)' cxlri1 CLlrkw Ch(~d-in!; ,lbnw ~ "heck-in>. per clLClll per d<lY. OR .. ilLlY extm Pre~et Check-ill:> aoo ,. I,; 6,(t(W dll:(;k-ill~/llIorllfr, OR WIY I mVl:ll:l<[1t:II~(:~ im:IITrc,(1 hy Any f't<ln~;l('.rinn~ for Un-':>ile C~on.';lllml iun;' l'rajI1irlg_ rnt1flC Ill'.... I'r....~..t Ch(':('k-in Monitoring: lip 111 (t.lHH~ {'.h(~d-ill!; r~.r mOllilll""I<'lh<:c1, ill:. <Ll :j;,).~O'dll'l'~-Ill) $3,OQO,OO'Hlonlh robo-t.'lWF cll..re~ l\1onilo.-in~ fln!,:ll,uJi'S II!) to :; .hC'ck-ill~ per dll\') Up w jUO dilYs 01 m<)llil,~ring i~~Lm dll," ilL ~;L(jll:'~l~IV: ~~Lr~ ,'I1,'dl.-Ln~ m ~;.O-5U"'~hcdi..in) $(1)0 ,()~'/Ir IlHllfl 1\1ininlUm Fe~ pel- elien! Del' l\'lontll; ~.tO(} per mOil III ("::,g. 2 prl:~d I.:h~(;k-i II;'> per m;ck or ~ ~by;<. n 1- Cllrf'n'l \10ndDrinl') MOllthly uRollo\'cl'''': Paid but LJllU~l:J H1lmihn'jrl~ dIJ}"~ nr chcd.im in ~lIIY mnnlh \-I.ill rnlln\i(~r:J~ ~ n0tl-rdutld<lbl", credit tQwmd t~e3 for e:>;.lm IllOnJL()[ irl.E. Ja,.~ lJr d]nl-jrl~ lH'" Atld il iUEnII" ~(:r\'ic'-'" I i"lnl flL'lm'l in ;1 flJ(IIn;' monll\ dlll'itl(; t11~ krill ,Jj" thi:! ^gl'eel11~l1t. ami I" ill abo (:<11 n. H~n\'anl illlo LUlLm.: Icrrm if I.hi~ Agrc~clTlent i" rCl1cw('(1 "j lh... -"ame (lr fJtgfler lIsage ]e."",- ,~Jt~ili~.IIl:d.I. ."lollllllrllll!. SerVll'e F~e.s. if inl'UT!"f-(1: C("t RCcovoel y fee fOI l:'C1dl Ch~c"-ill fn III I IJ lluhlic.'r:lY lekph'llw. $2Jlo."~'hcck in ..\tlllil.iul1al CmtumLo::!tiun, ConsuIHnll;, II lid Tl'lIinhl!!. I..!t'.-vice ...~~, ItS in\=IlITl,:'d or reQuested: Addition"ll rl~lnll:tm-kJ lrullllll!! Xl:S"iml \'i~J Irltl:nl,~1 (IJp 10 .~ r~rri('.ip(\nts, irK.llIdillg mMerlals) $75(}JlO AdJitioHlll CLl"WHI SiLlldi~I!I.'IIIlt:r\'t:111 illrL Prnlncnl~ (il1clLlfk~ lip ((, J protocol, a{ the S,lLtl<:' Lunc) S 1 ,5()(}J)O AddLtioH<l1 Ou-~il(; COIl~ull i 1L1!.'Tnl ill ing, ~plll" Ir:wd U;rt'.n~(~,~ inr IlIdi:';: tl1<1Terials tOL' lip to 15 p<lrllcip;.mL) ~2,()O(}J)Oil,by AJJLtiolLClI 'l'rujllirlg/kdl:n;l~cc I\bkri~]I;<. (im~llIdc~ A~ri~n"y (,..I~tomi7aiiOIl ~Ild shlppmg; lIf~ 10 In wpic',) $ IOltOO ++++++, u . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l H. I. H-+++++- .- -. -. , .t I I I I , , ;r, , I I ~ w . ..11 Z .,. ;' - . S l ~,.~(}{)m,~(~_I[J ~ ~ ~ ~ fi \ ,1>U,) , ) 1- IL :t r~ t $t2.000,OO '.:c 2- ~I() ~ d: 1 (00 i~ ' ~ 1- ~ I .~-A() l. '- rJ} -I";;;" . $.150.(}() -; '.1_ ~.:I ~ N __ .- C. ? .,',....')] $ DO.nO .) u; ~'iJ ~ ~ 1 . -/ ., ('lin.:,()(!.(~(n ~ ~; '~ ~ ':::1 /,/ ./., 'J i..;... ;.:. ;:: l /" t, .~ rr-!:- . L'[':r;~ 1" '-- .AI-r r'Ii........~ Z j) i.1'"Z: r.-". I .::) <'\~, (r,.i ',,", '.......t- ,; ;: -, I~. 'I ~*II F,~tim:-!tcd Fccs and E:wenst!; du rinll' initial term; I. <;,ik Setup (in,~llIdin!j ") d~y~ on-site c(1mlllljng...'IL'ainiL1g)(adu~1) 2. rohoCl iff T'n:~(~1 Ch,:".I:;-in M(mif(lrin[; rKUJUO.{lU....mDIHI1 _....'~ nl{>llth~*)([Ictl.lO!lJ , mho! :1'1,1' C'urfe.w Monltoring (S60 (},'Ll101l Lh x 4 !110nth38 )(estill1<lted) ,1, 1 ,\:rr~l CI)t'-d-itl~. L:xlra MonltMing OaY:i, (>L- AJdil ion;ll f(:es (estilllJt:ed} .., Tr~v~ll.xpet:l;;es (esnmmc:d) . 6, Cmlil of <.;ill": ~ewp I'ee (ilpphcatdc lowiinl ilo.:m~ 3, 4. al1~j 5l(estimated} /,/;' f (':~/..(V~v' Sign: Sigll: D<lLe [)~Jk: rVb)' 9, 7.00-1 "J D Lll~. N:lm(~: .~ nrirfw II. C'ofl",n TillL,: . J !ll~: Vict Prc~iJcnL Iht~in\;'c;~.l )~\'.:IQl1meJ1t fOI- '\II~Trl1nSadions, Inc, fnr I' Im'ilb I to'~ .J lid ir hi I C i r{,"l1 it Co II rl ,,'n, 20n ....o:>_n')_~ ;! I'l, I (~rl~ AlI~'Tran.\:lflinn~ Cllntifl"'llti:lt.'{ F'l"('I)ri~im)' {'OT[)Of:LL\;: ll~ ('I~lr-.:m')rll '\v\~. S"il,,'IL)(l I)L';::II11I". (;A ~wq() .-I(l--j ~~7 (,lnO 'i,lk:~: '1-11 \brIL'. ..\WTlIW \V,'~I. SUiTt' ;l~IL Vknn'L VA 2:':I:-.tO 7ll,l-:::'42-~.WO hl.'_ 404-(~~7- ~ ] 52 F~.,; 7(13-')'1]-21)2 )~ \': ')". r~~t'\ >~t1l L,_,: " III :--:~L~~!--.",.t. n ~[Jf~'~ II t .-L.:~) IJJ l~j .i} transaction s roboCl:FF License ^E.r~~mcnt for Florida 16"1 .Judicial Circuit Cou.'t I hL;;. Lh'.(;Il"~ ...\gl-eemt::llt i~ \'~I i(1 (~n Iy fijr govern 111 ml a~~n~'i(:" Pact: 4 uf 4~ S('n'i~e De~~yiptiou JH.lmClJ F'F r>r~~l:':t Chctk-in includes: · [mLla] ~>etl.)p and <';(lfIfig IIr~1 ion (jf Ag<,"I](:)-' in mlm(TFf, illduJjn!:" '.~ CIJ~I(lll1 iz<,d r'res,-'t Ch.;cl.-ilL Protocol~~ f'lr ~x~mpt~. this Illiglll Lm;ItHJe lJ rm10cnl for j r.hl:l"k ins/we.;;].. r\1:'W....F', " pmtnml for 2 chcc:k il1~""""(:i:k (liTh) .. Uii<.:r AC\:HlJnlii rnr ~Ip TO ~ Agcn.;:y p~r:;{tmll'l · Agency acc,-'~~ 10 mooCU+ ..,.iiJ InkmLJ to .~f":lUp ::mJ manage llIol]iLmilL~'. ol-Cli(~ll1~ and to view and prinlll:pml~ · I\g~m;y m;ci.:~~ 10 rnhnC'L.II'l' loJl-t"rec telephone I im;;-, for \'nil;l~ prim <,mollmenl and Clli:ck-ia l,y C1ti.:1l1 ~ Al110mati, notil]Cu.timl~ tu dc~i~IL~LLd Agcney rer~onncl wh~n eLlcll Clil:J1I ht:coml~s di!~ible tor '"~kp-up.' (01 "~h:p- il~)wn" ;l(','.,....d illg to the ~I.jtel-ia d",ILJl':U ill I he lJrpl iUlbk ~Clllclion:'ll11~IVenLioll rn~L!~L:()I(~) · 24 Iwur CLI,tOHIl'I' S<.:r~'i.:c via ,~mml ilnd loll l're~ tdepburll'. iHdllllir,!;" ~dedul~ ch"'l1ge~; vi(1 [>nlim: fC4uC:SL Fkclmlli!: ,~opies oj" f\JboCU FF tlfli[1 i[I~. ,-HI!J r~~nLJr{'.l~ miHt'rlals, .::md perJ1lh~jull It>r AEL~nC} [() lll<lJ..:.e tll1Jimiled (:(lpil:'o LII' Hw~(! material!> j()f int';!1"I1~1 [j,,(: {tril~. I))' i\~..:Il('Y pl:'rsonnel · PI"<)~I(;tiYe <lJlJly"is lllld n;~tlllll im'! {\f C !Ienl yoi~'~ ;'efiJI(tLtiLIII l:x(:cr/inn~ by roho(."lJ f-'j-' Custorm:r SlJpptlr1 r.:r~<.lm>el \\'ho wi!1 [wljfy up[1r~'lll"ial(~ A~"'l"lcy p('L":!wnlld if flH11J<'::l" ~11l:lll.ipn or int~rvemiotl is requ ired · R~knl iOll (If monilorillg records fl.)!" e~t;h cri,:1l1 rl~r .i ;.'<'Clr.s. .altcr (,;()J1lpletion L)f HI~~II iIL~rille, inelud illj:'. lalJ dd,lil". \'uiu: r<':\:lmljI11rs. ~lld l~a$e nnt3!iOIl3. 1~[(wi.kJ Ih~J1.lhc .",,~.c.n('y p<ly, kes t"!L1ling at kml '!;.2S0 r<~r mr)mll. · !\u;(;)~'> 10 all LLI'I' I i.:al>le ,C:Tvi(,,~ Ilr~l'adc.~ aLld i.!llhancenH:lLlii upon ~l~n.:r.ll a\'<ldCl~Hht)' I";;lcuse roboCt FF CUffe\'!' Monilurinl.! il1dlld('~ ALL. C~[I..bilitic~ uf....~d)llClJFr1' l'l"l;"WT Ule(l( .in Monitorilll!:,. PJ.LS: Dai I,. Monilnril1Ji. l]P to .s Che'.k in~'~ (raIlJollt_ forced, nr rr{'-"e1, en hOlll~ or otheJ IUGII inm, r>~r dif!n1 per day .. InitJal ,~dup and conilglll"<Lli!>rI HI' I CII~~nnllzed (iraduakd Sanction ClJrrL;W Pn1lo.,('.oJ .. AULL~IWJI ic: ~ch{'dLllit1g of raLldom (h.;ck-ill~, <..Lu;onlirl~ In Ih,~ condl1Lon~ ddined fo[ ~iLdl C I iC11l EllI:h. '~(.hed-in'" m,'l}' IncluLlI!' multiple phOlll' can~_ as rt'jl"ir(':d to ('ompl~ti,!' the Cbn'k-jfl, liS follllw~: E:lI.;h R~ILJorrL ForG.~d. or /\d-J Ice Ch(:'cf.i..rl~ may im;1 udi.: ,my or :111 of the tolJnwillg: · ,\n inirio.l11otili.:mjurl c~JlI hy rnhnC'L.,I"1 wtnc CI!el1t (.saIllO: .la, a~ Clil~d.-in) .. .'\ I leasl on.: Il(,tifi('.<lti('l!t c;tll I-ell")'. irthe (J iC111 IIJil~ In cherl-in on lime (,mne day iL~ ('11<.:t:k-tn'l .. Up 1(' !lawr", IllILilil:"LLion ..dry (!~1I1~, if prIor aUclllpt~ eIICOulll(:I' H bu~~' ~i~n~i1 (.,~m(': day <is Check-ill') .. A loll-frec dl,~{:k-in (~all from [he Client with in 10 III illlJks nf rht' frHtLJI nOli licLiti(t!l (all .. A 1[':1'( VL~ lcl~l)h(>'le o[ O;:llLl.lLll!. I h\: (k:~it~na1t,j Ag~'ncy perSOlll1cl Ii)!" OJ III i bl r..hLTk-in F~lC'h IJreSd '-'h~c". III may itlcluJl: ~II)' nr "tl nf Ih~ foJJ0wing: · A h~II-I'f\:e t:heck-ill ('.811 trom Lb.: Cljetl~ to I ~)b~~CI.:FF .. .-" Ie-L1 vi;} l~l~pll(JIW 01 l'J1I~i 11.!1 lire Lksi[~nakd Agl'n~y persollJld ftlr ~J 11Jik:d Ch1.:'d-j[l F.at:h f: INJWf1111e-d Chcc" in illdLld-.;~; · .\ toll-f1 l:C dli.:ck-ifl c~lll trOtI'! the Cllcnt, ('r ,)J\ bl'll~1 r!, r LtI~ C lil'nl, l(l roboC\.II',], Eac-h lutel'\'I';-'" Q.LJe,~liun, nrlll,;; Tc-st r<;olilkajiOll. MC-!;Sll~I;,II.r A.I.liliun:-.1 Cheek-ill ReJllllld.;-1' Nupricaljun ~kl i....f:<red cL~C(HdiJlg tu Ag\:[lc)' f'mll,,'nl ()I' as requc~;ted by ;\,il;~IIC~' p,:nmLrld i~ i:Ollllkd ;l$ om.' (!) ofth..:: [i't'l' L~ I indi],b1 Clleck-ll1~ ((m (tIlY Jay ofCurrc-w \.1~'llil('rtng}, ('If a~ an ",\dditi('n~1 Ch(:d.-in'- ~r(~lldrt"lg g~nl'I-,l! ii'iail<lbility r<.:I~~~(: oflh.:~(, [;lpab[lili~~ ~ml cor, 11~llr"1 inn [,j ^g.~'11CY I<~qll il"etlH:III~), \'n J007.1J5.WL2 ~ t'1.16pL, AllyTr~llJ~~(tiQll~ C'JIIril.l"fltilll & l'r1lllriwlr, (")q'l)J"l~, 12~ CIHir(;IYI!~nl '''\\''~'' Suil"..1 ,)(( 1),',,\1<II,! ,.-\ ,l(I{)30 4(J4-4Jn-Mn(~ ~i1Ic'~. 344 .\lapk AVL~I1I1", \1,'<:"<1, "uite '::50, V,o;lI]I;I. \'..-\ :21IXU 7(n-::"I!.J) 11)(1 I\I_~: 4U4..bX7- r J 52 h\,_ jD3-L)') 1-11.:>2 ~~.""'r'V.I. n I h~)l':1 J 11" ~~I "1 I ~;lk'JI.','lb""II 11" L',,,"