01/19/1993 Agreement ---'~-----.................-...........-... '. - .. --. '-. , ' r" ..-~ r- (' 0 P r~ t:' II E 0 F '-h L . ,,\- I ' I ,\.- , , .J " III '. '93 JUN '6 1~\~O:3 3 AGREEMENT , \'V>l [) AGREEMENT, made and dated this '19th ~a~i\of Janua:ry--,- , 1993, by and between the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, having its principal office at the County Administrative Building, Wing II, Junior COllege Road, Stock IslandJ' Key West, Florida 33040 (hereinafter lithe County"), "and TCI CABLEVISION OF FLORIDA, INC., a Florida corporation having its principal office within Monroe County, Florida, at 1700 North Roosevelt Boulevard, Key West, Florida 33040 (hereinafter "the Company" ) . ~ WHEREAS, the County and' the Company have contemporaneouSly herewith entered into an Agreement pursuant to which the County has renewed the Company's franchise to operate a cable television system within Monroe County, Florida for a period of fifteen (15) years. from the expiration date of the Company's current franchise to operate such a cable television system; and WHEREAS, the County after due, appropriate and lawful consideration has approved the above-described Agreement for renewal of the Company's franchise to operate a cable television system within Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, in view of the renewed, long-term relationship between the County and the Company, evidenced by the County's renewal of the above-described Agreement, the County and the Company believing it will be in the best interests of the residents of Monroe County, Florida to establish and provide support for informational, instructional and other programs to familiarize the County's residents. with issues and problems confronting the County, inClUding but not necessarily limited to the environment, ecology and economy, and which programs generally will serVe the needs and interests of the residents of Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Company as a public service and as evidence of its commitment to serve the needs and interests of the residents of Monroe County, Florida wishes to contribute financial and other support for the development and implementation of the above-described specific and general public interest programs; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, understandings arid COvenants hereinafter contained, theCO\l~ty and the Company (sometimes her~inafter collectively "the: I . parties") agree as follows: . 1. The Company agrees that upon the County's approva~ :"j'9~>'.,..,: this Agreement, the execution of this Agreement by the. par,1?;~.s;2" and the County's prior approval of the Company' s above-descri.~~~~'r\'-i', franchise to operate a cable television system in Monroe CO~~t~~' Florida, but not in consideration of such approval, the Company will deliver to the County the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) by certified or cashier's check, or with the prior consent of the County, a Company corporate check, payable to the County in the foregoing amount. 2. The parties understand and agree that the payments provided for in Paragraph One of this Agreement in the total aggregate amount of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) shall be used primarily to achieve the aims and goals descrrbed in this Agreement; PROVIDED, however, that the parties further understand and agree that the County shall have the sole and ultimate discretion to use and apply the funds provided for in Paragraph One hereof as the County may determine will best serve the needs, interests, welfare, health and safety of the residents of Monroe County, Florida. WHEREFORE, the parties hereto of the residents of Monroe County, the execution and implementation hereunto set their hands and seals written. believing that the interests Florida will be best served by of this Agreement, they have the day and date first above By COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OUNTY, FLORIDA (Seal) ~ Mayor/Chairman Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK By: ~~,,~. 4J~~ Deputy ~lerk TCI CABLEVISION OF FLORIDA, INC. By, ~__ (Seal) ,. r;-:,' L:J 2 , i MJNROE COUNTY AND Tel CABLEVISION OF FIDRDIA FRANCHISE RENEWAL AGREEMENT JANUARY, 1993 '11J' ; r.n'J~OtlNGI~ '.11' F' ''-) r; L) \.f 6l: UtI (l ~d~ (6. '",,,", . ." · o~. -:]-1' . dUd:;. j lj l .J , ,j SECrICN 1. SECl'ICN 2. SECl'ICN 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 3.37 3.38 3.39 3.40 -- PIonroe County/TCI Franchise Agreeeent 'I2\BIE OF CXNlENTS PURPOSE AND IN'IENT: GRANT OF REm.WAL OF FRANCHISE TITIE DEFINITICNS "Basic SUbscriber Television Sel:vi.ce" "Broadcast Signal" "Cable Act" "Cable Camunications System", "Cable System", or "System" "Olannel" "County" or "Franchisor" "Closed Circuit Olannel" "Catmercia1 Channel" or "Catmercial Access Channel" "Catmerci.al SUbscriber" "Construction Pennit" or "Pennit" "Construction Area(s) " "Converter" "Educational Olannel. or "Educational Access Channel" "Enhanced SUbscriber Service" "Eristing And Expanded Service Area" "FCC" "Franchise", "Franchise Agreenent", or "Agreenent" "Govemment Olannel" "Grantee" or "Franchisee" "Grantor" "Gross Annual Revenues" "Headend( s) " "Installation" "Interactive Service" "Franchise Fee" "IDeal Origination Channel" "Nonbroadcast System" "Parties " "Pay~le" or "Pay-Television" "Person" "P.rograrmer" "Public Access Channel" "Public Ways" "Residential Subscriber" "Section" "Sel:vi.ce Area" "Sel:vi.ce Tier" " state" " SUbscriber" "SUbscriber Base" "Cable Television System", or "Franchise Territory" or "Tier" i 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3.41 3.42 ~CN 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 SECl'ICN 5. ~CN 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 ~roe County/TCI Franchise Agree.ent "SUbscriber SystEm" . . . . "Transferor" or "Assignor" GRAN!' OF .AU'IHCRITY Franchise Renewal. Renewal Tenn. . . . Non-Exclusive Franchise. .... No Eminent JXmain Pa.1ler. .... Franchisor Not Bound 'lb Renew. .AU'IHCRITY liOl' EXCUJSIVE . . AGRE:EMEN'r AND 1\CCEPTANCE . . . . . . Franchis~ Bound. . . . . . . . Franchisee J\gL~lent. . . . . . . InCX>IlSistencies . ~CN 7. RIGIf1' OF FRANCHI~ '10 ISSUE RmE.WAL OF FRANCHISE PRESERVATICN OF RIGErl'S AND BENEFITS 7.1 Changes In Laws. ................. 7.2 NO Challenge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND ~CN 8. ~'~n:.n\lE DA'IE OF FRANCHISE RENEWAL AND PERR:mmNCE DMES . . 8.1 Effective Date. . 8.2 T.i:nE Limits. ~CN 9. SECl'ICN 10. 10.1 10.2 ~CN 11. 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 ~CN 12. 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 TIME IS OF ':mE ESSEOCE '10 '!HIS ~ CXM?ARABIE FRANCHISE 'lERMS . . . . . . Salle Or Better Features. ....... Systan Franchise Renewals Elsewhere. EXPANSICN AND EX'lENSICN OF CABlE Sy~.l.Ntf ~eI:"a.l. ............. SUbscri.bei Charges For Extension Of Service. Provision Of Residential Service. ~ts . ......................... IJe:lay in Cons'tl:11ction. ............... Provision of Residential Service. CXNS'lROC'l'ICN ~ FUR. ANY EXPANDED SERVICE ARFA . . Right of Inspection of Con.struction. Installation And Con.struction Manual. . . . . . . Public Service Carpany l\greatents. ...... Construction in Rights-of-way; Blanket ~t. Sa.fet:y aIlCi Rest:oration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relcx::ation Cable Facilities. Proper Maintenance Required. .... ii 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 ~ " tlonroe County/Tel Franchise Agreellent 12.8 Staging Maps, As-Built Maps, and M:>nthly Report. 12.9 Existing Facilities in the Expanded Service Area. 12.10 Crnpliance with Codes, Rules and Regulations. . 12.11 street Construction by County. .... 12.12 Mbving Buildings. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.13 Franchisor Use of Franchisee's Poles. .... 19 . . .. 19 19 20 20 20 SEO'ICN 13. RELOCATICN AND ~CN CDSTS . . . 13.1 Franchisee's Obligation. ....... 13.2 Energencies; Franchisor Non-Liability. SEO'ICN 14. crEAR AOCESS-wAYS . . . . . . 14.1 Trees/Vegetation Clearing. ..... 14.2 OWner's Written Pennission. 22 22 22 ..... . . . . 23 23 23 SEO'ICN 15. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SEO'ICN 16. '1RANSFER OF RIGm'S . . . . . 16.1 No Transfer. . . . . . 16.2 Acts Deemed 'lb Be Transfer. . . 16.3 ~ Of Franchisee <>.mership. . . 16.4 Ag>lication For Transfer/Assigrment. 16.5 1ld1itional Info:rmation Required. 16.6 Consent Not 'lb Be Granted. ... '. . . . . . . . 16. 7 Bankruptcy /Reorganization Notice 'lb Franchisor. 16.8 Crnpliance By TrusteejReceiver. ....... ..... 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 . . . . . . . . . SECl'ICN 17. PERFURMl\NCE InID. . . . . . . 17.1 Bond Required; AnDunt. . . . . 17.2 Bond Waived; Requi.rements. .... SEO'ICN 18. SEXIJRI'l'Y, FUND . . . . . . . 18.1 Fund Established; AnDunt. . 18.2 Ptupose Of Fund. ...... 18.3 Ag>licatiop. 'lb Franchise Fee. 18. 4 Co~rateSUrety. . . . 27 27 27 . . . . . . 28 28 28 28 28 . . . . . . . . . . SECl'ICN 19. ~ AND INSURANCE 19.1 Indannification. 19.2 Insurance. 29 29 29 SEO'ICN 20. REPORTS. 20.1 Annual Report. .... 20.2 Q.1arterly Reports. . . . . . . . 20.3 SuJ;plemmtal And Miscellaneous Reports. ~ICN 21. PERFURMl\NCE EVAIllATICN HF.ARl.N; REVIEW . 21.1 New Technology. . . . . . . . . . . 21.2 Review Of Franchisee's Perfonnance. ..... 31 31 31 31 . . . . . . . . 32 32 32 iii ~roe county/TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 22. 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 22.6 22.7 F"URIHER RENE.WAL OF '!HE FRANCHISE 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Rev'ieN'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inspection; Public Hearing Required. No Requi.I:atent to ReneW". . . . . . . . Action By Franchisor . . . . . . . May Grant Franchise. ........ Al:kti.tional Franchise Requi.I:atents. .... Right Of First Refusal. . . . . . . . ~CN 23. 'IERMINATICN; REVOCATICN; FORFEI'lURE; N:NRENE.WAL OF FRANCHISE ..... . . . . . . . . 34 23.1 Material Breach. . . . . . . . . . . . 34 23 . 2 Insol verley- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 23.3 FOreclosure. . . . . >. . . . . . . . . . . 34 23 . 4 Rale:iies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 23.5 Right of Eminent IDnain Reserved; Purchase; Ownership. 35 ~CN 24. PURCHASE OF '!HE ~y~.w.{ . . . . 24.1 Right Of First Refusal. . . . . . . . . 24.2 Continuing Right 'Ib Purchase. . . . . . . ~CN 25. FRANCHISE VIOIATIOOS - REMEDIES . 25.1 Administrative Rale:iies. .... 25.2 Civil Remedy. . . . . . . . 36 36 36 38 38 38 ~CN 26. POLICE PGlERS RECXX;NIZED 39 ~CN 27. CI:MPLIANCE wrm FEDERAL, STA'IE, .AND CXXlNTY lAWS; ~cr OF IAWS; SEPARABII.ITY' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.1 ~lianoe Required. ................... 27.2 Federal, state and County Laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.3 Conflicting Actions by Federal or state Agencies. . . . . . 27 .4 County Laws and Ordinances. . . . . . . . . 27.5 Separability. . 40 40 40 40 40 40 ~CN 28. IEASED amNNELS 42 SECl'ICN 29. SERVICES .AND ~ . . . . 43 29.1 Services and Programning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 29.2 GoveI:nment Channel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 29.3 Expansion of Govem Program Service. . . . . 44 29.4 Program Guides For Gove:rnnent Channel. . . . . . . . . . 44 29.5 IDcal. Programning Audience ~t. . . . . . 44 SEX:TICN 30. Aa:ESS SERVICES .AND cmNEX::l'ICNS . . . . 30.1 Free Residential Connection. ..... 30.2 Multiple Free Residential Connection. 30.3 Access Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . 45 45 45 45 iv Itonroe County/Tel Franchise Agreellent SFrl'ICN 31. 00VERNMmT AOCESS ~ ~ SFrl'ICN 32. RA'IE AND 0lHER RmJIATICN 32 .1 Rates . ......... 32.2 Franchise Regulation. . . QIARGES, REFUNDS, AND Defective Converters. . Rebates And Refunds. Catprt:ation Of Tllre. SFrl'ICN 34. [RESERVED] SFrl'ICN 33. 33.1 33.2 33.3 ..... . . . . REBA'IES ...... . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ...... SFrl'IW 35. PAYMEm' OF FEES AND CDSTS 'ID 'mE FRANCHISE. . 35.1 Franchise Fee. .... . . . . . . 35.2 19>1icable Law. . . . . . . . . . . 35.3 Resolution of Disputes. 35.4 Payment 'lb Franchisor. ......... 35.5 other Provisions Regarding Payments to the Franchisor. 35.6 Cooperation With Regulatory Proceedings. . . . . . . . SFrl'IW 36. SERVICE 'ID aJS'lDo!E:RS 36.1 36.2 36.3 36.4 36.5 36.6 36.7 36.8 36.9 . e....... ~ting Hours. Adequate Funding/staffing. Franchisee Office. ....... IDeal Telephone. .... Written IDg. . . . . Non-Discrimination. . . . . . Ti.ne For Providing Service. SUbscriber Infonnation. .... standards For Custater Service. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... SFrl'IW 37. EMPIDYMENT, TRAININ;, AND PROCUREMENT ~ 37 .1 Enploynen.t. ......... . ~ '.' . SFrl'IW 38. RIGHTS OF'INDIVlDJALS PROl'ECIED 38.1 Cable Tawing Prohibited. . . 38.2 Invasions of Privacy and of Prohibited. . . . . . . . . . 38.3 38.4 38.5 38.6 38.7 . . . . . . . . . Personal Rights Sale of Personalized Data Restricted. Pennission of Property OIImers Required. Service Discrimination Prohibited. RatDval Upon SUbscriber Request. .... Handicap Accessibility. . '. . . SFrl'ICN 39. PUBLIC Wl'ICE . . . . . . . . . . . . SFrl'ICN 40. SERVICE OF Wl'ICE . 40.1 Notice 'Ib Franchisor. . . . . . . . . . v 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 49 50 50 50 50 50 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 53 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 59 59 Iblroe CfYJIlty/TCI Franchise Agree.ent Notice 'lb Franchisee. Franchisee Resident Agent. ~CN 41. ux::ATICN OF FRANCHISEE'S ~ 40.2 40.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND S'nIDlOO . . . . . . . . . . . ~CN 42. FRANCHISE AmINIS'lRATICN ~CN 43. IN'IERPRETATICN OF 43.1 Rights Retained. 43.2 Amendments. . . . . . AGREEMENl' . APPENDIX A ~CN SCHEDJIE: ~AND~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Qlnst:J:1.1ction...................... A.l Construction Schedules and ReJ:x>rts Req\.Iireflents. a. Qlnstnlction Schedules. . . . . b. Extension :requ:iraoonts. .... c. Pennits and Authorizations. . . . d. Progress ReJ:x>rts Requirenents. ......... e. Extensials of Ti..Jte. ...... . . . . f. ~~. . . . . . . . . . . g. Ranedies for Construction Delays. 1) Mlnetary Fbrfeiture. . . . . . 2) Reduction of Tenn or Tennination. . h. Construction Pennits~. . i. other Pennits and Franchises. j. Joint Use of Poles. . . . . k. Safety and \'<<>rkmanship. . . . . . . . . A.2 tJrlcJe:rg:rolJ l?c>licy- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. Installation and Relocation. . . . . . . b. Ne'W Housing Developtelt and Subdivisions. .... A.3 Construction Standards and Codes ... . . . . . a. Good Engineering Practices. ........ b. Public Safety Req\.Iireflents. ........ A.4 Calpliance with Qlnstru.ction and other Codes. . a. Qlunty Codes and Pennits. . . . . . b. Safety Codes. _.__................. c. AI1teI1nas and~. . . . . . . . . . B. d. Carpliance with Aviation Req\.Iireflents. . . A.5 Inspection And Rectification. . . . . . . Sys'ten Req\.Iireflen'ts. . . . . . . . . . . B.l System Design and Architecture. . . . . . . a. Basic Configuration. . . . . b. Intercx>nnection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. Fmergency- Alert Capability. d. st:aIx:n::Jy' ~. . . . . . e. Parental Control IDck. . . . . vi 59 59 60 61 62 62 62 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 ftonroe County/Tel Franchise Agree.ent B.2 Teclmical Perfonnance standards, Maintenance. a. Perfonnance standards. b. Testing. c. Maintenance. APPEmIX A-I SY:'~ll!M MAP . APPEmIX A-2 DIS'IRIBUTICN ::iY::i'll!M PERFORMAN:E S'mNDARDS APPENDIX A-3 'lES'l'IlC ~ AND PRCX:EOORES A-3.1 System Proof Of Perfonnance. A-3.2 Daily Olecks (Nonnal l'hrkdays). a. picture Quality. b. Autanated Services. c. Signal level. A-3.3 Weekly Olecks. A-3. 4, M:>nthly <l1ecks. A-3. 5 Semi-Annual Tests, Olecks And Inspections. a. Antennas. b. Proof Of Perfonnance. c. Equi.prent Tests. APPENDIX A-4: MAI:N'lENAlCE PRa;RAM A-4.1 Preventive Maintenance. A-4.2 Test Point Olecks. A-4.3 Headend Testing. A-4.4 Channelsjrevels Olecking. A-4.5 Signal Ieakage.,__. A-4.6 Mechanical Maintenance. . ~ .. 0, APPENDIX B: LI~ IWW;ES FOR FRANCEIISE VIOIATICNS APPENDIX C: C-l. C-2. C-3. SUBSCRIBER PRmRAM SERVICE Basic SUbscriber Television Services 0 Eoonany Basic SUbscriber Services. Enhanced SUbscriber Services C- 3.1 Premium Services. C-3.2 Premium FM Services. APPENDIX D: D-l. ~ SERVICE POLICY AND SUPPORT FACILITIES B:rr..L:IN; PROCEIXJRES. D-l.A Itemized Bill. D-l. B lAle Date For Bill. D-l. C Discxmnect And Late Charges. D-l. D Notice Of Disronnection. vii Testing and 69 69 69 70 71 73 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 84 84 86 86 86 87 89 89 89 89 89 89 Itonroe County/Ttl Fl"ancMse Agl"eeeent D-l.E Reconnect Charges. ................. 89 D-1.F Changes In Charges, Rates, And/Or Progranming. 89 D-l.G.~ Charges. .......... . . . . . 89 D-1.H Refunds For Changes In Or Failure 'lb Provide ~;""IT. . . . . . 90 "- ~~~&~ .......... D-1. I }obney Back Guarantee. ........ 90 D-1.J Refund paynents. ........... 90 0-2. ClJS'lt:MER SERVICE PRu.:l!;wl(l!;S, E2\CllaITlES, AND STAFFnG. 91 D-2.A ~cy Service Calls And Responses. 91 D-2.B Office And Telepxme Availability. . 91 D- 2. C Telephone Call Response Tine. . . . . . . . . . 91 D-2.D CUstaner Service Center Availability. 91 D-2.E Installation And Service Calls. . . . 91 viii , I Ib1roe County/TCI Franchise Agree.ent SEX:TICN 1. PURPOSE AND IN'IENT: GRANT OF RENEWAL OF FRANCHISE , , 3 'ffiIS AGRE:IM!Nr made and entered into the /9~;' day of JtLn, ,~, by and between the Board Of County Conrnissioners of M::>nroe County, Flo~ pursuant to its authority under Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, having its principal office at County Administrative Office Building, Wing II, Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040 (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "County", or the "Franchisor") and 'leI Cablevision of Florida, Inc., having its local office at 1700 N. Roosevelt BouleVard, Key West, Florida 33040 (hereinafter referred to as the "Franchisee"). WHEREAS, the County, pursuant to M::>nroe County Ordinance 009-1989 and the applicable laws of the State of Florida, is authorized to grant or renew one or nore non-exclusive Franchises to operate, construct, maintain and/or reconstruct a cable television system within the County; and WHEREAS, the County has received a request and proposal from the Franchisee for renewal of its Franchise to operate and maintain its cable television system in the County; and WHEREAS, the County has, following required reasonable notice, conducted full public hearings, affording all persons reasonable opportunity to be heard, which proceedings were concerned with the analysis and consideration of the technical ability, financial condition, legal qualifications and general character of the Franchisee; and WHEREAS, the County, after such consideration, analysis and deliberation, has approved and found sufficient the technical ability, financial condition, legal qualifications and character of the Franchisee; and WHEREAS, the County has also considered and analyzed the plans of the Franchisee for the continued operation and maintenance of its cable television system and found the same to be adequate and feasible in view of the needs and requirements of the County and its residents; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Corrrnissioners has detennined that it is in the best interests of and consistent with the health, safety and welfare of the County to grant a renewal of its Franchise to the Franchisee for continued operation of its cable cornnunications system within the confines of the County, and on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the Franchisee has agreed to be bound by the conditions hereinafter set forth; N:M, 'IHEREFORE, in consideration of the granting of a renewal of its Franchise pursuant to this Agreement, the Franchisee hereby promises to corrply with the provisions of this Agreement. In consideration of the Franchisee's promises, the County hereby grants to the Franchisee a Franchise 1 pursuant to this Agreement. 2 Itonroe CoAlnty/TCl Franchise Agree.ent . tIonroe CCUnty/TCI Franchise Agreetleflt SECl'Irn 2. TITrE This Agreement may be referred to as "The M:>nroe County Cable Contnunications Franchise Renewal Agreement." 3 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agree.ent ~CN 3. DEFINITIa-lS For the purpose of this Franchise the following tenns, phrases, \t,/Qrds and their derivations shall have the meaning set forth herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense; \t,/Qrds in the plural number include the singular number; and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is mandatory and the word "may" is permissive. Words not defined shall be given their comron and ordinary meaning. 3.1 "Basic SUbscriber Television Service" means that tier of service which shall be available to all subscribers and which shall include the retransmission of local television broadcast signals including any public, educational and <})ve:rnmental channels required by the tenns thereof. 3.2 "Broadcast Signal" means a television or radio signal that is transmitted over the air by a television or radio station licensed by the Federal Corrmunications Comnission (FCC) as a broadcast facility. As used in this Agreement, "broadcast signal" does not include a direct broadcast satellite signal (DBS). 3.3 "Cable Act" means the federal Cable Corrmunications Policy Act of 1984, and any amendments thereto. 3.4 "Cable Camumications Systan", "Cable Television System", "Cable Systan", or "Systan" means, and may be used interchangeably to mean, a system of antennas, cables, amplifiers, towers, microwave links, satellite earth receiving station, cablecasting studios, and other conductors, converters, equipnent or facilities designed and constructed for the primary purpose of receiving and/or distributing video prograrrrning to home subscribers, and such additional purposes as producing, receiving, amplifying, storing, processing, or distributing audio, video, digital, data or other fonns of electronic, electrical and/or telephonic signals. 3.5 "Olannel "means a specified frequency band which in a cable corrmunications system carries either one (1) standard television or video signal, a number of audio, digital or other non-video signals, or same combination of signals. 3.6 "Connty" or "Franchisor" means the Connty of M::mroe, State of Florida, as represented by the Board of County Comnissioners, or any 00ard, authority, bureau, conmission, department, County Administrator, or any other entity acting on behalf of the County within the scope of the jurisdiction of the County of Monroe. 3.7 "Closed Circuit Olannel" means any channel which is available only to subscribers who are provided with a special converter or tenninal equipnent to receive signals on that channel. 4 ~roe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t 3.8 "Ccmrercial Channel" or "Ccmnercial Access Charmel" means any channel or portion of a channel available for conrnercial lease for video progranming by persons or entities other than the Franchisee. 3.9 "Ccmnercial SUbscriber" means a subscriber who receives a service in a place of business where the service nay be utilized in connection with a business, trade, or profession. 3 .10 "Construction PeDnit" or "PeDnit" means that authorization which a Franchisee must obtain from the County for construction, installation or other use of the public ways. 3.11 "Construction Area(s) " means those geographical areas into which the Franchise territory nay be divided for the purposes of scheduling construction, testing and the comnencement of service. 3.12 "Converter" means an electronic device which converts signal carriers from one form to another. 3.13 "Educational Channel" or "Educational Access Channel" means a channel where educational institutions are the primary designated prograrrmers . 3.14 "Enhanced SUbscriber SeI:vice" means any service or package of services not included in "Basic Subscriber Television Service" funrished over the subscriber system for which Franchisee i.rrposes a per channel, per unit, or per package charge, and each interactive service. 3.15 "Existing And Expanded SeI:vice Area" means, for "Existing Service Area", that area delineated in the nap attached hereto as Appendix A-l and is that part of the Service Area (as defined below) in which the system plant has been activated and service is being provided to subscribers; and for "Expanded Service Area", means that part of the Service Area delineated in Appendix A-l to which' the system plant has not been extended and in which no service is available to residents or to which the system plant has been extended but has not been activated. 3.16 "FCC" means the Federal Conmunications Comnission and/or any duly established federal agency succeeding to its jurisdiction pertaining to cable television services and facilities. 3.17 "Franchise", "Franchise Agreenent", or "Agreenent" means this Agreement, the enabling or adopting Ordinance of the County relating to this Agreement as nay be amended from time to time, together with the appendices and exhibits provided for herein neg:>tiated and agreed to by the parties, and such others as the parties nay agree upon, and the nonexclusive rights granted hereby to construct and operate a cable corrmunications system along the public ways of the County of M:>nroe. 5 Itonroe County/Tel Franchise Agree.ent 3.18 "Govel:Iment Channel" means any channel where local government agencies are the prirrary designated programmers. 3.19 "Grantee" or "Franchisee" means 'IeI Cablevision of Florida, Inc., to which is granted the rights and privileges set forth in this Agreement to ronstruct and operate a cable carrmunications system within the County of ~nroe, including their lawful successo~s, transferees or assignees. 3.20 "Grantor" means the County of ~nroe, State of Florida as represented by the Board Of County Comnissioners or any delegate acting within the srope of the jurisdiction of the County of ~nroe. 3.21 "Gross Annual Revenues" means the annual gross revenues received by the Franchisee from the operation of the cable system within the Franchise ares (i. e., the Existing And Expanded Service Areas as defined herein), lllCLtiding all of the sources of revenue from all services, without exception, current and future but excluding any sales, excise or other taxes rollected for direct pass-through to local, state, or federal governments ,. 3.22 "Headend( s)" means those locations and installations at which the off-air receiving antennas, final link microwave receivers, and earth receiving stations are generally located, or in any event where the signals from all such sources are combined and processed for distribution throughout the cable COII1Tll.1Dications system. 3.23 "Installation" means the making of a ronnection of the systems feeder cable to tenninals on the subscriber's premises for the provision of service. 3.24 "Interactive Service" means any service which offers to subscribers the capability of both receiving and transmitting signals of any kind over the system. 3.25 "Franchise Fee" means the fee paid by the Franchisee to the Franchisor in ronsideration of the use of the public ways and to defray rosts incident to regulation by the County of the services and facilities of a cable comnuni.cations system. 3.26 "IDeal Origination Channel" means any channel where the . Franchisee is the prirrary designated programmer. 3.27 "Nonbroadcast Systan" means a signal that is transmitted by means of a cable a:mmmi.cations system, which is not involved in an over-the- air broadcast transmission path. 3.28 "Parties" means the Franchisor and the Franchisee. 3.29 "Pay-Cable" or "Pa~levision" means the delivery to subscribers over the cable corrmunications system of television signals for a fee or 6 Itonroe County/Tel Franchise Agreellef'lt charge to subscribers over and al:ove, or independent of, the charge for basic subscriber television service, on a per program, per charmel, per package, or other subscription basis. .3.30 "Person" means an individual, partnership, association, organization, corporation, other legal entity, or any lawful successor, transferee or assignee of, said individual, partnership, association, organization, corporation or other legal entity. 3.31 "P.rogranmer" means a person or entity who or which produces, or otherwise provides, program ma.terial or infonnation for transmission by video, audio, digital, or other signals, either live, from recorded tapes, or from other storage media, to subscribers by means of the cable a:mmuni.cations system. ' 3.32 "Public Access Channel" means any channel where any member of the general public or any noncamnercial organization ma.y be a progranmer on tenns and conditions specified in writing and subject to prior approval by Grantor. 3.33 "PUblic Ways" means an abbreviated term enc:artpassing the surface of and space below any and all public ways and places in the County of M:>nroe, including without limitation all public streets" ways, lanes, alleys, parkways, bridges, tunnels or highways, and all property with respect to which the County has, or hereafter acquires, an easenent or right of way. 3.34 "Residential SUbscriber" means a subscriber who receives a service in an individual dwelling unit where the service is not being utilized in connection with a business, trade, or profession. 3.35 "Section" means any section, subsection, or provision of this Agreement. 3.36 "Service Area" or "Franchise Territory" means the boUndaries of M:>nroe County and participating municipalities and shall include any additions thereto by armexation. 3.37 "Service Tier" or "Tier" means a grouping of services provided on the cable system by the Franchisee to subscribers at a charge applicable for that specific group. 3.38 "State" means the State of Florida or any lawful entity acting on behalf of the State of Florida, within the scope of its jurisdiction. 3.39 "SUbscriber" means any person, firm, corporation, partnership or other entity who or which elects to subscribe to, and lawfully receive for any purpose, a service provided by the Franchisee by means of, or in connection with, the cable corrrnunications system. 3.40 "SUbscriber Base" means the number of occupied residential 7 Konroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t dwellings and conmercial establishments within the County of M::>nroe whose residents have the existing and/or a future ability to subscribe to and receive cable television services. 3.41 "SUbscriber System" means that cable comnunications facility designated and used primarily to furnish basic subscriber television and other services to residential subscribers. 3.42 "Transferor" or "Assignor" means a Franchisee proposing to transfer control of the Franchise by any means whatsoever, or to assign the Franchise to another legal entity. This Agreement and Franchise is equal 1 y applicable in either case. As used herein the terms are interchangeable and each includes the other. Similarly the paired terms "transferee" and "assignee", and "transfer" and "assignment" are interchangeable within the pairing and each term within the pair includes the other. 8 Itonroe Ccunty/TCl Franchise Agree.ent SECrICN 4. GRANT OF AImmITY 4.1 Franchise Renewal. There is hereby granted by the Franchisor to the Franchisee a renewal of the Franchisee's Franchise to operate, maintain, own, expand, construct and/or reconstruct its cable television system for the entire area of the County such renewal being subject to the tenns, conditions and restrictions as hereinafter provided. 4.2 Renewal Tenn. The renewal of Franchisee's non-exclusive Franchise is granted in order to pronote the public health, safety and general welfare, provide for responsible use of public rights of way, to foster maximum availability of cable television service to as many residents of the County as is economically and technically feasible and which will provide for high quality services at reasonable rates, and pursuant to the authority expressed in M::>nroe County Ordinance 009-1989 and applicable laws of the State of Florida, and is for a period of fifteen (15) years from and after the date upon which Franchisee's current and existing Franchise expires. 4.3 Non-Exclusive Franchise. The grant of this non-exclusive Franchise is expressly conditioned on the operation, maintenance, construction and/or reconstruction of the cable television system by the Franchisee which shall be obligated to and liable for the performance and satisfaction of all tenns, conditions, obligations, representations and/or warranties, express or implied, within this Agreement. 4.4 No Eminent JX.rnain Power. No privilege or power of eminent domain is bestowed upon the Franchisee by the tenns of this Agreement or the grant of authority pursuant thereto. 4.5 Franchisor Not Bound 'Ib Renew. The Franchisor by granting renewal of this non-exclusive Franchise shall, Subject to Section 626 of the Cable Act, in no way be bound to further renew or extend the Franchise to allow the Franchisee -to continue to operate the cable television system upon the expiration of the ,Franchisee's renewal term. 9 Itonroe County/TCI F..anchise Ag..~t SECl'Ial 5. AI1IlDUTY!CI' EXCWSIVE The renewal of Franchisee's Franchise and the grant of authority thereto for use of County streets, sidewalks and other public easements and public ways is non-exclusive and does not establish priority for use over other Franchise holders, pennit holders, and the Franchisor's own use of public property. Additionally, the Franchisee shall respect the rights and property of the Franchisor and other authorized users of streets, sidewalks and other public easements and public ways. 10 fIonroe County/TCI Franchise Agreetlel'lt ~CN 6. ~ AND ACCEPTANcE 6.1 Franchisee Bound. Franchisee agrees to be bound by all the terms and oonditions oontained herein, as evidenced by filing with the Franchisor an executed oopy of this Franchise Renewal Agreement, which shall ,be acknowledged and accepted by, or on behalf of the Franchisee. ------- ' " 6.2 Franchisee Agree:ueIIL. Unless otherwise specified in this Franchise Renewal Agreement, the Franchisee also agrees to provide all se1:Vices and meet all requirements of: A. M:>nroe County Ordinance 009-;;; B. The Exhibits attached hereto 6.3 Inoonsistencies. By acceptance of the renewal of Franchise granted herein, Franchisee specifically agrees that all requirements in M::mroe County Ordinance 009-1989 are hereby inoo:rporated by reference and made a part of this Franchise Renewal Agreement; provided, however, that where inoonsistencies exist between the provisions of M::mroe County Ordinance 009-1989 and this Agreement, priority of interpretation shall be given to this Agreement. 11 Monroe ~~y/TCI Franch;se Agree.en~ SECl'ICN 7. RIGHT OF FRANCHIOOR 'ill ISSUE RENEWAL OF FRANCHISE AND PRESERVATICN OF RIGHTS AND BENEFITS 7.1 Changes In Laws. In consideration of the Franchisor's renewal of its Franchise and the conferring of the right to operate and maintain a cable television system, Franchisee understands that the Franchise is being issued pursuant to Federal, State, and County law as it now exists and agrees that in the event of changes in such laws after the Effective Date which conflict with the terms, requirements and service obligations of the Franchise, the Franchisee shall negotiate in good faith to replace any such affected provisions of the Franchise in a manner that will attempt to maintain the public benefits derived from this Agreement. 7.2 No Challenge. The Franchisee agrees that it will not challenge the Franchisor in any court of c::orrpetent jurisdiction with regard to any requirement of this Agreement grandfathered pursuant to the Cable Act. 12 Itonroe COUnty/Tel Franchise Agr~t ~CN 8. ~~n:n\1E DME OF FRANCHISE RENDlAL AND ~ DA'lES 8.1 Effective Date. The effective date of the renewal of Franchisee's Franchise shall be the date upon which Franchisee's current and existing Franchise expires; however, unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, all perfonnance dates shall run frornthe date of the execution of this Agreement by Franchisor and its acceptance by Franchisee. 8.2 Tille Limits. Any resource conmitrnents made by the Franchisee shall be delivered or otherwise placed in operation within the times specified in this Agreement, or within fifty-four (54) m::mths from the date of the Franchise, if not otherwise provided for in this Agreement. 13 Itonroe COU1ty/TCI Franchise Agr~t SEX:.'TICN 9. TIME IS OF '!HE ESSENCE '10 'lliIS llGREEMENl' Whenever the Agreement shall set forth any time for an act to l:le perfonned by or on behalf of the parties, such time shall l:le deemed of the essence. 14 Itonroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SEX:'l'ICN 10. a:MPARABIE FRANCHISE 'IERMS 10.1 Same Or Better Features. The Franchisee shall provide the same or better features in the County System as it offers to any other county or nnmicipality in which the Franchisee, its parent corporation or any subsidiary or affiliated entity owns and operates a cable television system that is not participating in the County -Franchise. ,-SUch features shall include but not necessarily be limited to: expansion, extension or conmit:rnents to serve geographic areas; per capita, per subscriber, or per revenue support for cx:mnuni.ty prograrnning; rates for home and institutional subscribers, consumer servicing programs, policies, discounts and/or rebates, etc.; provided, however, that the terms of their provisions shall not be applicable upon a showing by Franchisee that such features and services are not comnercially, economically or technically feasible ~nroe County. 10.2 System Franchise Renewals Elsewhere~~thin. thirty (30) days upon written request of the Franchisor, provide a copy of the Issuance or Renewal of any Franchise Agreement, which issuance or renewal, is subsequent to the date of execution of this Agreement, and is granted to the Franchisee for the operation of a cable television system within any county or nnmicipality in the State of Florida. 15 ~roe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SOCTICN 11. EXPANSICN AND rocrENSICN OF CABIE SY~l~ 11.1 General. The Franchisee shall provide cable service throughout the Service Area as shown on the nap designated Appendix A-1 to Exhibit A hereto and whenever Franchisee shall receive a request for service from at least twenty-five (25) subscribers within 5,280 cable-bearing or land feet (one mile) of its trunk or distribution cable..- This service shall be provided at no rost to said subscribers for system expansion other than for usual rormection fees, and the Franchisee shall meet or exceed all the naterial ronstruction and service requirements set out in this Agreement. 11.2 Subscriber Charges For Extension Of Sel:vice. No Subscriber shall be refused service arbitrarily. However, for unusual circumstances, such as Subscriber's request to locate his cable drop underground, existence of rrore than one hundred ( 150 ) feet of distance from distribution of cable to ronnection of service to Subscribers, or a density of less than twenty-five (25) Subscribers per 5,280 cable-bearing strand or land feet of trunk or distribution cable, Cable Service or other service nay be nade available on the basis of a capital rontribution in aid of ronstruction, including rost of naterial, labor, and easements. For the purpose of detennining the anount of capital rontribution in aid of ronstruction to be borne by Franchisee and Subscribers in the area in which Cable Service nay be expanded, Franchisee will rontribute an anount equal to the ronstruction and other rosts per mile, multiplied by a fraction whose numerator equals the actual number of potential Subscribers per 5,280 cable-bearing strand feet of its trunk or distribution cable, and whose denominator equals twenty-five (25) subscribers. Potential Subscribers will bear the remainder of the ronstruction and other rosts on a pro rata basis. Franchisee nay require that the payment of the capital rontribution in aid of ronstruction borne by such potential Subscribers be paid in advance. 11.3 Provision Of Residential Service. New residences in active cable areas within the Expanded Service area shall be offered service within 90 days after occupancy and request for service. 11.4 PernlitS'. The Franchisee shall apply to the FCC, any State agency, any County agency, any appropriate utility c:onpanies, any City agency, and to the Franchisor for all necesscrry pennits, authorizations or registrations necesscrry for ronstruction of the cable system within the Expanded Service Area. All such applications shall be nade to ensure that the necesscrry pennits will be granted in time to pennit c:onpliance with the Franchisee's ronstruction schedule, attached hereto and inrorporated by reference as H~ A. II A ropy of all such pennits and licenses shall be naintained at Franchisee's local office and shall be nade available for inspection and copying at Franchisor's request. Failure of the Franchisee to apply for such necesscrry pennits, authorizations or registrations shall be, absent a determination by the Franchisor that such delay was not reasonably foreseeable and/or beyond the Franchisee's control, grounds for the Franchisor to exercise any right it nay have in the Franchise and for the 16 Iblroe County/Tel Franchise Agree.ent i.rrposition by Franchisor of any remedies provided for in this Agreement. 11.5 Delay in Construction. Franchisor may at its sole option enforce any and all of the following measures either singly or in conjunction with any or all other penalties in connection with delays in system construction within the Expanded Service Area due to causes which are within the Franchisee's reasonable control or which are, rea50nablyu foreseeable: A. Call against the corporate security, as provided for in Section 18.4 of this Agreement, for delays which cumulate to one (1) year or nore and/or tenninate the Franchise. B. Assessment of danages against the corporate surety. If, after three (3) nonths from the date of a request for extension of service pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 and 11. 2, the Franchisee has not corrrrenced construction or if the Franchisee has not met the construction schedule and service deadlines for such construction within fifteen (15) days of written notice of such failure from Franchisor, the following liquidated danages shall apply: 1. Inasmuch as any danages sustained by such delay will be substantial and serious, and because they will be difficult, if not i.rrpossible, to ascertain with particularity and to prove, in the event of such delays in construction as stated herein, Franchisee agrees to pay Franchisor an arrount not to exceed 'l\vo Thousand D:>llars ($2,000) per day as liquidated danages, and not as a penalty, for each day of delay. 2. In assessing the danages, Franchisor shall take into account whether construction delays are isolated cases or represent a pattern of delay throughout the Franchise area. 11.6 PI:uvi.sian of Residential Service. New residences in active cable areas within the Service Area shall be offered service within ninety (90) days after occupancy. 17 Itonroe County/TtI Fr-anchise Agr---.t ~CN 12. ~CN ~ FtR ANY EXPANDED SERVICE ARFA 12.1 Right of Inspection of Construction. Franchisor shall have the right to inspect all construction or installation \\lOrk perfonnecl and to make such tests as it shall find necessary to insure a:::mpliance with the tenns of the Franchise and other pertinent provisions of law. 12.2 Installation And Construction Manual. Franchisee shall maintain a copy of its installation and construction manual for service to the Expanded and EXisting Service Area, to be made available for revie\tl and use by Franchisor. Any updates or changes in the installation and construction manual shall be associated. with and made a part of the foregJing manual within thirty (30) days of such update or change. 12.3 Public Service Catpany Agrl:::lt2lents. Copies of all public service COII'p3Ily Agreerrents or contracts, including pole attachment Agreenents (See Exhibit A), shall be filed. and maintained. at Franchisee's local office within thirty (30) days of securing the Agreement or contract and shall be made available for revie\tl and use by Franchisor. 12.4 Construction in Rights-of-way; Blanket Penni.t. It shall be a violation of this Agreerrent for the Franchisee or any other person acting on its behalf to obstruct, open or otherwise distUIb the surface of any street, sidewalk, driveway, public way or other public place, except in the event of emergencies, for any purpose whatsoever without obtaining approval to do so fran the appropriate governmental authority, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any violation of this Section shall be deemed a ~er~aDbreach of this Agreement and shall subject the Franchisee to all sures and remedies which are available to the Franchisor. 12.5 Safety and Restoration. Any obstruction, opening, or disturbance of any street, sidewalk, drive\tlay, public way or other public place shall be properly guarded by adequate barriers, lights, signals and Warnings to prevent danger to any person or vehicle. The Franchisee shall restore any street, sidewalk, driveway, public way or other public place it has disturbed to the same condition it was in, prior to its disturbance. Franchisee shall, at its own cost and expense, restore and replace any other property disturbed, damaged or in any way injured by or on account of its activities, to as good condition as said property was in imnecliately prior to the disturbances, damage or injury. If the Franchisee fails to a:::mply with the requirements of the preceding sentences within thirty (30) days following written derrand by the Franchisor, the Franchisor may cause such work to be done and may withdraw an anount equal to the cost of such \\lOrk from the Security Fund provided for in this Agreement, and the Franchisee shall restore the funds so withdrawn in accordance with the tenns of this Agreement. 12.6 Relocation Cable Facilities. The Franchisee shall, at its own cost and expense, protect, support, terrporarily disconnect, relocate in the 18 Itonroe County/Tel Franchise Agreellef1t same street or other public place, or rerrove from said street or public place, any of its property when required to do so by the Franchisor because of: street or other public excavationj constructionj repair, regrading or gradingj traffic conditionsj installation of sewers, drains or water pipes; Franchisor-owned power or signal lines j tracks; vacation or relocation of streets or any other type of inprovernent necessary for the public health, safety or welfare. 12.7 Proper Maintenance Required. The Franchisee shall naintain all wires, conduits, cables, and other real and personal property and facilities in good condition, order and repair. 12.8 staging Maps, As-Built Maps, and l-tmthly Report. The Franchisee shall prepare naps which show the geographic units by which the cable system in any Expanded Se:rvice Area will be constructed and energized, as required in Exhibit A. A. A set of such naps shall be nade available to the Franchisor within three (3) rronths of the Effective Date of this Agreement award, and revised naps shall be available to the Franchisor as changes are nade by the Franchisee as required in ~ A. B. The Franchisee shall advise the Franchisor up::m <Xlllpletion of construction pursuant to the construction schedule and shall file such interim construction status reports as the Franchisor nay request. Franchisor nay, at its option, require reasonable changes to the reporting process as it deems necessary. 12.9 Existing Facilities in the Expanded Service Area. Franchisee shall utilize existing poles, conduits and other facilities whenever possible, by negotiating Agreements with the public se:rvice companies owning such facilities, and shall not construct or install any new, different or additional poles, conduit or other facilities, whether on public property or on privately owned property, until the written approval of the Franchisor is obtained, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Written permission must be obtained. for use of private property. 12.10 Carpliance with Codes, Rules and Regulations. The construction , and rraintenance of the Franchisee I s Cable System throughout the County shall be subject to all applicable State and County rules and regulations. The Franchisee shall comply with the technical and performmce standards set forth by the FCC Rules And Regulations. A. The Franchisee shall comply with the provJ..sJ..ons of the National Electrical Safety Code as prepared by the National Bureau of Standards, the National Electrical Code of the National Board of Fire Undenvriters, the Bell Telephone System's Code of Pole Line Construction, and all applicable rules, regulations, and ordinances of MJnroe County; and 19 Itonroe COU'Ity/TCI Franchise Agree.ent B. All cables and wires shall be installed parallel with existing telephone and electric utility wires wherever tx>ssible. 12.11 street Construction by County. The Franchisor shall notify the Franchisee of street improvements where paving, regrading, grading or resurfacing of a permanent nature is involved which would affect. the cable system at the same time it notifies all similarly affected enti~s. A. Said notice shall describe the nature and character of said improvements, the streets utx>n which they shall be made, the extent of the improvements and the work schedule for the project. B. The Franchisor shall allow the Franchisee the same time allowed to any other affected entities to make such additions, alterations, or repairs to its facilities as the Franchisee deems necessary in advance of the Franchisor's cornnencement of said improvements so as to permit the Franchisee to maintain continuity of service. c. Notice shall be given as provided herein. 12.12 MJvi.ng Buildings. The Franchisee shall, at the request of any person holding a permit to nove a building, temporarily raise or lower its wires to permit the noving of said building within fifteen (15) business days of such request. A. SUch temporary rerroval, raising or lowering of wires shall be at the sole cost and expense of the person requesting same, and the Franchisee shall have the authority to request payment for the same in advance before complying with such request. B. Any person making such a request from the Franchisee shall give not less than fifteen (15) business days notice of the contemplated nove. C. Any interruption in service occasioned by the temporary rerroval, ralslng or lowering of the Franchisee's wires in accordance with this Subsection shall not subject the Franchisee to any remedy provided in this Agreement. Any interruption of service occasioned under the provisions of this Subsection shall be done outside of prime time so far as reasonably tx>ssible (Le., 7 :00 p.m. to 11: 00 p.m., local time), and to the extent it is within Franchisee's control, unless otherwise authorized by the Franchisor. 12.13 Franchisor Use of Franchisee's Poles. The Franchisor shall have the right during the tenn of this Agreement and any extension or renewal thereof to install and maintain free of charge upon the poles of the Franchisee, any wire, equipnent and pole fixtures that do not unreasonably interfere with the present and future cable system operations of the Franchisee, and, provided that the Franchisor holds the Franchisee hannless against and from all claims, demands, costs or liabilities of every kind and 20 Itonroe CCAInty/TCI Franch;se Agreetleflt nature whatsoever arl.smg out of such use of said poles or conduits, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees and costs. 21 ftonroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SECl'Irn 13. ~rn AND cnffi'IRIJCTIrn CDSTS 13.1 Franchisee's Cbligation. In the event of the relocation, constnlction, reconstruction and maintenance or repair by the Franchisor of any of its facilities or services now owned or hereafter acxpi.red (including but not limited to any street, alley or other romnunication, civil defense system or traffic control facilities or any part thereof), or in the event that access to any street, alley or other public place to or from any property of the County is required, and it is necessary to IIDve, alter or relocate, either permanently or terrporarily, any of the Franchisee's property or part thereof on public property, public rights-of-way or public easements (including but not limited to, posts, poles, wires, manholes, ducts, cables, conduits, electrical conductors, fixtures, appliances, and appurtenances), in order for the Franchisor to relocate, construct, reconstruct, maintain or repair sewer or electric, water, fire alann, police comnunication, civil defense system or traffic control facility, or any part thereof, or to obtain access to or from such property, upon notice from the Franchisor, the Franchisee will IIDve, relocate, or otherwise alter any such property or part thereof, at a cost pursuant to nonnal procedures of M:>nroe County; and should the Franchisee fail, refuse or neglect to comply with such notice, such property or part thereof may be renoved, altered or relocated by the Franchisor at the sole cost of the Franchisee, and the Franchisor shall not be liable to the Franchisee for damages resulting from such renoval, alteration or relocation. The Franchisee agrees, as a condition of this Agreement, that it will do everything reasonably necessary, in a timely manner, to prevent any delays in Franchisor construction projects. 13.2 E)rergencies; Franchisor Non-Liability. If, at any time in case of fire, disaster, or other emergency, it shall appear necessary in the judgment of the Franchisor to cut, IIDve, or otherwise interfere with any of the wires, cables, amplifiers, appliances or appurtenances thereto, of the Franchisee, the Franchisor shall not be liable for any in jury or damage to such property and equipnent of the Franchisee as a result of such cutting, IIDVing or interfering, except those caused by the negligent or unlawful acts of the Franchisor, its agents and/or errployees. 22 Itonroe County/TCl F..anch;se Ag..eetIeOt SEX:TICN 14. CJ:.FAR. ACCESS-wAYS 14.1 Treesjvegetation Clearing. The Franchisee may trim trees or other vegetation owned by the Franchisor to prevent their branches or leaves from touching or othe:rwise interfering with its wires, cables or other structures. A. All trimning or pruning provided herein shall be done only rmder the supervision and direction of the Franchisor and only with its prior approval, except in case of emergency. If trees to be trinmed are within a participating municipality, approval of the municipality shall be secured, except in case of emergency. B. All trimning or pruning shall be at the sole reasonable cost of the Franchisee. C. The Franchisee may contract for said trircming or pruning services with any person approved by the Franchisor prior to the rendering of said services. Any person engaged by the Franchisee to provide tree trimning or pruning services shall be deemed, for the purpose of this Agreement, to be an agent acting for and in behalf of the Franchisee when engaged in said activity. .14.2 Q'..mer's Written PeImi.ssion. The Franchisee shall obtain the written pennission of the owner of any privately owned tree or other vegetation before it trims or prunes the same, rmless othe:rwise provided by the right-i:>f-way Agreement. 23 Itonroe CccJnty/TCI Fr-anchise Agr-ee.ent SECl'IOO 15. 'I2\XES Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to exempt the Franchisee from any tax, levy or assessment which is or may be hereafter authorized by law. 24 Ib'troe Cr:A6lty/TCI Franch;se Agr~t ~rn 16. 'lRANSFER OF RIGHTS 16.1 No Transfer. The Franchise renewed and granted herein shall be a privilege personal to the Franchisee. No interest in the Franchise shall be directly or indirectly transferred or assigned without the prior approval of the Franchisor. 16.2 Acts DeerBi'lb Be Transfer. For the purposes of this Section, a merger, or consolidation, or the formulation of a joint venture or partnership with a third party in which entity Franchisee is also a party and/or participant shall be deemed a transfer or assignment subject to the provisions of this Section and shall not be entered. into or consurrmated. without the prior approval of the Franchisor. 16.3 Change Of Franchisee OWnership. During the term of this Agreement, Franchisee shall not transfer, assign, sell, exchange, release or otherwise dispose or pennit such transfer, assignment, sale, exchange, release or disposition of forty-nine percent (49%) or rrore of the ownership and control of Franchisee without the prior approval of the Franchisor; provided, however, the transfer of any ownership or other interests which constitutes a transfer of control of the Franchisee shall not be made without prior approval of the Franchisor; provided. further however, the assignment of the Franchise to an entity which is wholly owned or controlled by Franchisee or to Franchisee's parent corporation or an entity wholly owned or controlled by such parent and/or is a wholly intra-rorporate transfer or assignment by and between the Franchisee and its parent corporation or a wholly-owned and/or controlled subsidiary thereof may be made without further approval of the Franchisor provided that there has been no change in rrore than forty-nine percent (49%) of the ownership of either the Franchisee or its parent corporation at the time of such transfer. 16.4 Awlication For TransferjAssigrment. Applications for transfer or assignment, except for those described in Paragraph 16.3 of this Section, shall be filed. with Franchisor at least ninety (90) days prior to any proposed transfer or assignment, shall be accompanied. by a transfer application fee of Five Thousand IX>llars ($5,000.00), such fee to be paid by the transferee or assignee, and shall be in a form required by Franchisor to provide infornation necessary for Franchisor to determine that the proposed transferee(s) or assignee(s) is legally, financially, technically and otherwise qualified to maintain and operate the cable system for the remaining term of the Franchise and to assume, and be boill1d by all of the provisions, tenns, conditions, obligations, and limitations of this Agreement. 16.5 ld:litional Info:rmation Required. Franchisee and any proposed transferee or assignee shall provide to Franchisor such additional infornation and/or documents as Franchisor may deem necessary to obtain its consent to a transfer or assignment of the Franchise. Failure of Franchisee and/or proposed transferee or assignee to provide such additional information 25 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t and/or documents within thirty (30) days of Franchisor's request therefor shall be cause for Franchisor to withhold its consent to the proposed transfer or assignment. 16.6 Consent Not 'lb Be Granted. Franchisor shall not grant its consent to any transfer or assignment of the Franchise. if at the time of filing an application for such transfer or assignment Franchisee has failed to corrply with all provisions and requirements of this Agreement; provided, however, that Franchisor, in its sole discretion may waive such corrpliance. 16.7 BankruptcyfReorganization Notice 'lb Franchisor. Franchisee shall notify Franchisor in writing, within twenty-four (24) hours of the filing, under any federal and/or state law of any voluntary or involuntary petitions of bankruptcy by or against Franchisee or any petition by Franchisee for reorganization pursuant to any federal or state bankruptcy law. Similar notice shall be provided by Franchisee to Franchisor of the exercise of default, foreclosure or delinquency rights against Franchisee. Failure of the Franchisee to satisfactorily cure each, any or all of the foregoing events within thirty ( 30) days of the date upon which Franchisee provides notice to Franchisor shall be a material breach of this Agreement and cause for Franchisor, if it so deems, to exercise its rights of tennination and purchase pursuant to Sections 23 and. 24 of this Agreement. 16.8 Carpliance By TrosteejReceiver. !my Trustee or Receiver in bankruptcy duly appointed for Franchisee pursuant to federal and/or state law shall be subject to all the provisions, terms, conditions, and limitations of this Agreement and shall not transfer, assign, sell or otherwise dispose of the Franchise or any ownership interest therein, without filing an appropriate application with Franchisor and obtaining Franchisor's prior consent; provided, further, that in the event of a transfer, assignment, sale or other disposition by such TI:ustee or Receiver in bankruptcy, Franchisor shall have the right to exercise its right to purchase as provided for in Section 24 of this Agreement. 26 Monroe tounty/TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 17. PERF'CIOO\OCE IUID. 17.1 Bond Required; l\m:>UIlt. Franchisor, at its option, may require Franchisee to file with Franchisor a performance bond in the arrount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) in favor of the Franchisor and any person or entity who may be entitled to damages as a result of an occurrence in the operation of Franchisee's cable-- television- system .. or. in the tennination or cessation thereof. Said performance bond shall indemnify the Franchisor up to the full face value of the bond against any costs, loss or damage actually incurred by Franchisor as a result of Franchisee's failure to faithfully perfonn its obligations to construct, operate, maintain and/or renove the system from, and restore the public ways, pursuant to this Agreerrent; provided, however, that Franchisor may not seek recourse against said bond for any costs or damages for which Franchisor has previously been corrpensated through withdrawals from the security fund provided for in Section 18 of this Agreement. 17.2 Bond Waived; Requi.ran:mts. It is agreed, however, that the requirement for a performance bond in the arrount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) will be waived upon Franchisee's filing with Franchisor in lieu of such bond an unconditional contractual conmitment, guaranteed by Franchisee's parent corporation, Telecorrmunications, Inc., such guarantee to be in a form satisfactory and acceptable to Franchisor, that Franchisor shall be compensated in an arrount up to One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) for Franchisee's failure to faithfully perfonn its obligations to construct, operate, maintain and/or renove the system from, and restore the public ways pursuant to this Agreement and shall promptly renove at no expense whatsoever to Franchisor Franchisee's cable corrmuni.cations equipnent and facilities of any kind and nature whatsoever from any and all pole lines, ducts or conduits occupying the right-of-ways of any property of M::>nroe County, Florida and/or private property within said County, in the event of a valid and final determination or revocation of this Agreement pursuant to law, or expiration thereof without renewal; provided, however, that should it become necessary to enforce said contractual comnitrnent and guarantee and thH; provision of the Agreement through ~ attorney or by means of any legal proceedings, each party (i. e., Franchisor and Franchisee) agree jointly and severally to pay any and all court costs, including trial and appellate attorney fees, incurred by Franchisor in pursuing such enforcement action or actions. 27 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SECTICN 18. SEn1RITY FUND 18.1 Furxi Established; AnDunt. Franchisee shall, not later than thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Agreement, establish a security fund in the arrount of Fifty Thousand Dollars ( $50,000.00) . Such fund and anount shall be maintained in a financial institution acceptable to Franchisor throughout the tenn of this Agreement as security for Franchisee's faithful perfonnance of all of the provisions of this Agreement and all of Franchisee's representations and obligations pursuant thereto. 18.2 Purpose Of E\md. The security fund shall serve as security for (A) any expenditures, damages or loss incurred by Franchisor occasioned by Franchisee's unexcused or uncured failure to materially corrply with all of its representations and obligations pursuant to this Agreement; (B) any expenditures, damages or loss occasioned by Franchisee's failure to materially corrply with all rules, regulations, orders, pennits and other directives of Franchisor; (C) the payment by Franchisee of all liens, taxes and all damages, claims, costs, or expenses which Franchisor has been corrpelled to payor incur by reason of any act or default by Franchisee, and all other payments due the Franchisor from Franchisee pursuant to this Agreement; and (D) the loss of any payments required to be made by Franchisee to Franchisor but for Franchisee's failure to perfonn its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 18.3 Awlication'lb Franchise Fee. No payment made from the security fund pursuant to this Section shall be considered to be in satisfaction of any anounts due as part of the annual Franchise fee required by this Agreement if such payment does not pay in full any anounts due and owing to Franchisor. 18.4 Co:rporate SUrety. Franchisor will accept the co:rporate surety of Franchisee in lieu of the security fund described in Paragraph 18.1 of this Section, provided that such corporate surety shall be guaranteed by Telecorrmunications, Inc., the parent of Franchisee, and that all payments by Franchisee pursuant to this Section shall be made in prompt and timely fashion. If payments are not made in such fashion, at the option of Franchisor, the corporate surety will no longer be deemed acceptable and Franchisee shall be required to establish a security fund as provided for in Paragraph 18.1 of this Section. Failure to establish such fund upon timely notice to Franchisee by Franchisor shall be a material breach of this Agreement. 28 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 19. ~ AND INSURANCE 19.1 Indemnification. A. By acceptance of the Franchise Agreement, Franchisee agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Franchisor, its officers, boards, comnissibners, agents and arployees from any and all actions, claims, suits penalties and judgments for damages at law or equity of any nature whatsoever arising out of or through ( 1 ) the act of the Franchisor in granting the Franchise excepting only ultra vires and/or unlawful acts of Franchisor; (2) the acts or omissions of Franchisee, its servants, arployees, agents or independent contractors arising out of the franchising, installation, any other action or event with respect to the system, any service related activity, or the distribution of any service over the system; and (3) the conduct by Franchisee of any aspect of its business. B. The Franchisee shall defend in the name of the Franchisor and pay all expenses incurred by Franchisor in defending itself with regard to all damages and penalties the Franchisor may legally be required to pay as a result of the Franchise granted hereunder excepting only ultra vires and/or unlawful acts of Franchisor. Damages and penalties shall include, but need not be limited to, damages arising out of copyright infringement and all other damages arising out of the construction, installation, operation or maintenance of its cable corrmunications system. Expenses shall include all incidental expenses including attorney fees, and shall also include a reasonable value of any services rendered by the Office of the County Attorney. C. In all instances where Franchisee may be required to indemnify Franchisor, Franchisor shall give Franchisee pronpt and timely notification of any claims. Franchisee shall have the right to select counsel and to direct the conduct of the legal action. Franchisor shall not enter into any settlement Agreement or otherwise tenninate the action without the consent of, and -at its option, participation by the Franchisee or its legal representative. _ , ~~ 19.2 Insurance. JY-)...';- >:fv\. "~-~ A. The Franchisee shall obtain and maintain liability insurance, '\ . ~uring ithe Franchisor and the Franchisee against all claims for penalties or aaffiages charged against the Franchisor or Franchisee arising out of, or through, or alleged to arise out of or through (1) the act of the Franchisor in granting the Franchise excepting only ultra vires and/or unlawful acts of Franchisor; (2) the acts or omissions of Franchisee, its servants, employees, agents or independent contractors arising out of, or related to, the franchising, installation, construction, operating, expansion, or renoval of its cable conmmications system herein authorized; or any other action or event with respect to the system, any service related activity, or the distribution of any service over the system; and ( 3 ) any action in the 29 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t conduct by Franchisee of any aspect of its business as a cable television commmications service. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Franchisee shall maintain such insurance throughout the terms of the Franchise Agreement and in the anounts specified in subsection 19.2.D. below; provided, however, that the anounts set forth for each insurance policy shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Franchisee to any insured under this Franchise to ~e anounts of such insurance. ~ Cb., t.:~~ 6 B. within thirty (30) days after the effective dat-l of the:1. Franchise Agreement, Franchisee shall furnish the Franchisor with7~i86: of "'>-~3\:lrlmCc l:-Vl.i(.;.it::::> 1ind certificates of insurance. In no event shall , Franchisee camnence construction or undertake any business activity authorized by this Franchise until all insurance policies are in full force and effect. c. The insurance policies provided for herein shall name the Franchisor, its officers, boards, conmissioners, agents, and employees as additional insured. Each policy shall be endorsed as follows: II It is understood and agreed by the surety that this insurance policy may not be canceled, reduced or not renewed by the surety until thirty (30) days after written notice to Monroe County by certified mail, return receipt requested, of such intention to cancel, reduce, or not renew. II D. Franchisee shall obtain and maintain liability insurance in full corrpliance with the provisions of this Agreement and Franchise covering each and every liability arising out of this Agreement and in the anounts specified in the following schedule: 1. Workers Compensation, in anounts required by the State of Florida. 2. Bodily Injury Or Death: Dollars ($500,000.00). Five Hundred Thousand 3. Property Damage Resulting From !my One Accident: Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00). 4. Umbrella Coverage For All Types Of Liability: Nine Million Ibllars ($9,000,000.00). 5. Contractual Liability Insurance covering all liability arising out of the terms of this Franchise Agreement will be included in the Umbrella Coverage specified in 4. above. 6. Autorrobile Insurance covering all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles used in connection with the Franchisee's cable commmications system and services: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). 30 Monroe tcunty!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 20. ~. During the tenn of this Agreement, unless othe:rwise specified by Franchisor or the tenns of this Agreerrent, the Franchisee shall sutmit the following reports to the Franchisor in a fonn approved by Franchisor. 20.1 Annual Report. within ninety (90) days of the end of Franchisee's fiscal year, Franchisee shall provide to Franchisor a report of its operations for the subject fiscal year showing in detail the annual gross revenues, as defined in this Agreement , derived by Franchisee from the operation of its cable television system. The report shall be certified by a certified public accountant or by a financial officer of the Franchisee, or its parent, Telecanrnunications, Inc., who is authorized to certify such financial reports. The report shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be sufficient in scope and detail to allow a certified public accountant to issue an opinion regarding Franchisee's compliance with the Franchise fee requirements of this Agreement and Franchisee's financial obligations pursuant to this Agreerrent. 20.2 ~ly Reports. During the tenn of this Agreement, the Franchisee shall sutmit with its quarterly Franchise fee payments, as required by Section 35(A), a report showing in detail the gross revenues, as defined in this Agreement, derived for that quarter by the Franchisee from the operation of its cable television system. Such report shall be in sufficient detail and scope to permit Franchisor to detennine Franchisee's compliance with the Franchisee fee requirements of this Agreement and Franchisee's financial obligations pursuant to this Agreement. 20.3 SUI;plBIeIItal And Miscellaneous Reports. During the term of this Agreement, Franchisee upon the request of Franchisor shall provide such additional financial, subscriber and operational infonration as Franchisor may reasonably request and which is reasonably necessary for Franchisor to m::mitor Franchisee I s compliance with the teDnS of this Agreement. 31 , , , Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SECl'ICN 21. ~ EVAIllATICN HFARIN:; REVIEW 21.1 New Technology. In furtherance of the general policy herewith enunciated that services provided by Franchisee be innovative and m:x:iern, the Franchisee shall actively pursue a continuous policy of incoI]X)rating new technical developnents into its system to reflect such cable industry II state- of-the-art II technology taking into account the cable-related needs of the conmunity and the costs of providing such technology. 21.2 Review Of Franchisee's Perfonnance. In order to facilitate this policy and provide for technological and economical changes in the state-of- the-art of cable conmunications, pronote the maximum degree of flexibility in the cable system and to achieve a continuing, advanced, m:x:iern system for the County, the Franchisor and the Franchisee shall conply with the following review provisions: A. The County shall schedule a perfonnance evaluation hearing within sixty (60) days of the third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth anniversary dates of the Effective Date of this Agreement. The hearings shall be open to the public. The Franchisee shall present at each hearing a description of the cable system's services and capabilities, and the lltprovements achieved and new services introduced in the prior three-year period. County representatives and the public may corrment on any of the above topics, new services, rate structures, Franchise fee, Penalties, application of new technologies, system perfonnance, response to subscriber conplaints , privacy, quality of service, and other matters relating to cable system operations. The record of each perfonnance evaluation hearing may be used by the County as a factor in considering rate increase requests, or in ordering the scheduled introduction of new services found to be technically and economically feasible, as may be appropriate under existing federal and state law and county ordinances. B. Franchisee shall, at its own expense, give notice of the pe~onnance evaluation hearings by a newspaper advertisement or printed not1.ce on the rronthly statements mailed by Franchisee to its subscribers imnediately prior to the scheduled date of the hearing. Such notice shall state the purpose, time and location of the hearing, and shall be approved by the Franchisor. 32 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SOCTICN 22. ~ RENEWAL OF 'mE FRANCHISE Franchisor's consideration and action on any further renewal application by Franchisee shall be consistent with the requirements of all federal and state laws. 22.1 Review. Consistent with the requirements of the federal Cable Act, Franchisee may sul::mi.t an application for renewal of such Franchise on forms approved by the County with a nonrefundable renewal fee of 'I\ox) Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00). 22.2 Inspection; Public Hearing Required. The application when filed shall be available for public inspection at places designated by the County. A public hearing will be held on the application. 22.3 No Requ.i.rarent to Renew. Subject to applicable federal and state law, nothing in M:>nroe County Ordinance 009-1989 or any prior Franchise Agreement shall require renewal of the Franchise by the County, nor shall renewal be presrnned. 22.4 Action By Franchisor. After completion of the review and hearing as provided in 22.1 and 22.2 . above, the Franchisor shall take such actions and make such detenninations with respect to the renewal of the Franchise as it deems appropriate, which may include those actions as set forth herein and/or in Monroe County Ordinance 009-1989. 22.5 Ma.y Grant Franchise. Subject to applicable federal and state law, if the Franchisee has performed to the satisfaction of the Franchisor, a new Franchise may be granted to the Franchisee. 22.6 h:kiitional Franchise Requ.i.rarents. Subject to applicable federal and state law, the Franchisor may require additional services, system upgrade or any other conditions it deems appropriate of the Franchisee before granting a renewal of. the Franchise. 22.7 Right Of First Refusal. Subject to applicable federal and state law, the Franchisor retains the right of first refusal before any sale of the system which occurs pursuant to this Section or Section 24 entitled Purchase of the System. 33 ~roe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 23. 'lERMINATICN; RE.Va::ATICN; FmFEI'lURE; ~ OF FRANCHISE 23.1 Material Breach. The Franchise may be revoked by Franchisor for Franchisee's substantial failure or neglect to construct within the Service Area, or otherwise operate and maintain the cable corrmunications system, as required by applicable cable law or this Agreement, or for other material breach of the Franchise Agreement. (If, within thirty ( 30) days following written notice, corrective action is not being actively and expeditiously pursued, written notice shall be given to the Franchisee of intent to revoke the Franchise, stating the reasons therefor, and a public hearing will be held;:] 23. 2 Insolven~ . The Franchise may, at the option of the County, be revoked one hundred twenty (120) days after an assignment for the benefit of creditors or the appointment of a receiver or trustee to take over and conduct the business of the Franchisee, whether in a receivership, reorganization, bankruptcy, assignment for the benefit of creditors, or other action or proceeding, unless such assignment, receivership or trusteeship has been vacated prior to the expiration of said one hundred twenty (120) days, or unless: A. Such assignee, receiver or trustee shall have, within said one hundred twenty (120) days, fully corrplied with the terms and conditions of this Franchise and the assignee, receiver or trustee within said one hundred twenty (120) days shall have remedied all the defaults under the Franchise granted hereunder; and B. Such assignee, receiver or trustee shall, within said one hundred twenty (120) days, execute an Agreement duly approved by the court having jurisdiction whereby such assignee , receiver or trustee assumes and agrees to be bound by each and every tenn, provision and limitation of the Franchise granted hereunder. 23.3 Foreclosure. In the event of foreclosure or other judicial sale of the plant, property and equipnent of the Franchisee hereunder, or any part thereof, the County may revoke the Franchise granted hereunder by serving notice thereof upon the Franchisee and the successful bidder at any such sale, in which event any such Franchise and all rights and privileges of the Franchise thereunder shall be revoked thirty (30) days after mailing of such notice, unless: A. The County shall have approved the transfer of such Franchise in the manner hereinafter specified; and B. The successful bidder shall have covenanted and agreed with the County to assume and be bound by all the terms and conditions of such Franchise. 23.4 Raredies. Subject to applicable law, if the County revokes the 34 Monroe COAII1ty/TCI Franchise Agr~t Franchise for material breach of M::mroe County Ordinance 009-1989 or this Agreement; or the Franchise is revoked by insolvency; or if this Agreement is not renewed. as provided for in Section 22 of this Agreement; or if for any other reason Franchisee abandons, tenninates or fails to operate or maintain service to its subscribers, the following procedures and rights shall be effective. A. Subject to applicable law, in the event that the Franchisee is required by the Franchisor pursuant to any provision of this Agreement or the law to dismantle the cable system, the County may require that all visible cable plant be renoved at the expense of the Franchisee, and the Franchisee shall restore any property, public or private, to the condition in which it existed prior to the erection or construction of the system. - - B. Restoration of property, including but not limited to, streets, shall be in accordance with the directions and specifications of all affected agencies of the Franchisor and all applicable laws. The Franchisee, at the option and direction of the Franchisor, shall restore the same at its own expense, and if the Franchisee fails to renove the cable system, the Franchisor may perfonn the work at the Franchisee's expense, as well as retain the salvaged equipnent. - 23.5 Right of Eminent IDnai.n Reserved;. Purchase; OWnership. Franchisor and Franchisee agree that nothing in this Agreement shall iltpair Franchisor's right to exercise its power of eminent domain to a~e, purchase, or own the cable comnunication system. 35 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t SECl'ICN 24. .PURCfWm' OF 'lEE ~ The Franchisor shall have the right to purchase the Cable System in accordance with the provisions set forth below: 24.1 Right Of First Refusal. If at any time Franchisee intends to accept a bona fide purchase offer for the Cable System, a corrplete copy of such offer shall be given to the Franchisor, within thirty (30) days of receipt of such offer. A. Upon receipt of such offer, the Franchisor shall have the right to purchase the Cable System according to the terms of that offer. The Franchisor shall exercise such right by suhnitting a written notice of such intent to purchase to the Franchisee, not nore than ninety (90) days following receipt of the copy of the bona fide offer. B. If the Franchisor does not exercise such right, the cable system may be sold, subject to the provisions of Section 16 hereof, but only to the buyer indicated and on the tenn5 suhnitted to the Franchisor. If any changes are made in the purchase offer as given to the Franchisor within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such offer, such purchase offer, as so changed, shall again be given to the Franchisor, and Franchisor shall again have ninety (90) days following receipt of the copy of the bona fide offer to exercise its right to purchase the cable system. If the Franchisor does not exercise such right, the cable system may be sold, subject to the provisions of Section 16 hereof, but only to the buyer indicated on the terms suhnitted to the Franchisor. If any changes are made in the purchase offer as given to the Franchisor within thirty (30) days of the receipt of such offer, such purchase offer, as so changed, shall again be given to the Franchisor, and Franchisor shall again have ninety (90) days from the actual receipt by them of the offer, as changed, within which to exercise its right to purchase as provided herein. c. Failure to provide notice of offer to purchase the system or any changes in that offer by any such deadline established above, shall be sufficient basis for Franchisor withholding its consent to the sale. Non- receipt of proper notice by Franchisee by any such deadline as established above shall be deemed as an intent not to purchase. D. This provision applies only to a sale of the cable system, and not to transactions involving the sale of the stock of a conpany related to the Franchisee which owns other assets ~rth substantially rrore than the assets of the cable system. 24.2 Continuing Right 'lb Purchase. If the Cable System is not sold to the buyer on the terms set forth in the offer or changed offer, as applicable, then the right of the Franchisor to purchase the system shall continue, and all subsequent purchase offers shall be given to the Franchisor pursuant to this paragraph. The Franchisor's right to purchase pursuant to 36 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t this Section shall survive every sale to a buyer and be binding upon every buyer of the Cable System. 37 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 25. FRANCHISE VIOIATICNS - REMEDIES . 25.1 Adm:ini.strative RmEdies. The Franchisor reserves the right to apply at its sole option anyone or a:::unbination of the following, in the event the Franchisee fails to meet a time deadline or violates or engages in willful and/or repeated violations of any provisions of the law or of this Agreement. A. Irrpose liquidated damages in such arrounts and for such cause up to a maximum of $2,000 per day for construction delays, e. g. , technical upgrading, additional services, etc., with respect to the Service Area and/or inprovements and upgrading, and up to $1,000 per day for all other violations as the County deems necessary to cure the breach or default, or equitably corrpensate the Franchisor for the violation, or irrpose such remedies and penalties as provided in Appendix B of this Agreement. B. Require the Franchisee to make payments to its subscribers or classes of subscribers in such anount and on such basis as the County deems necessary to cure the breach or default or equitably corrpensate for the violation. In determining which remedy or remedies for the Franchisee's violation are appropriate, the Franchisor shall take into consideration the nature of the violation, the person or persons bearing the impact of the violation, the nature of the remedy required in order to prevent further such violations, and such other matters as the County may deem appropriate; provided, however, that adequate remedies must be irrposed if service is in any way lessened, or if any material provision of this Franchise is not corrplied with. C. Prior to any of the above-referenced remedies being applied by the Franchisor, written notice shall be sent by the Franchisor to the Franchisee giving it thirty (30) v.urking days to correct the violations set forth in the notice. If the Franchisee has not taken corrective action or if corrective action is not being acti vel y and substantial 1 y undertaken following the thirty- (30) v.urking day limit, then Franchisor may irrpose one or rrore of the remedies set forth above or in AR?endix B of this Agreement, and shall notify the Franchisee in writing of its determination. 25.2 Civil RarEdy. In addition to, or instead of, any other remedy, the County rray institute injunction, mandamus or any other appropriate action or proceeding at law or equity for enforcement of the law and of this Agreement, or to correct violations of the law and the Franchise Agreement, and any court of corrpetent jurisdiction shall have the right to issue restraining orders, terrporary or permanent injunctions or mandamus, or other appropriate forms of remedy or relief. 38 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~ICN 26. POLICE PCMERS REXXX;NIZED In accepting this Franchise, the Franchisee acknowledges that its privileges hereunder are subject to the lawful police power of the Franchisor to adopt and enforce laws, regulations, resolutions and ordinances presently in force or subsequently enacted by the Franchisor pursuant to such power. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as an abrogation by the Franchisor of any of its lawful police powers. 39 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 27. ~ wrm FEDERAL, S'm'IE, AND CXXJN1'Y lAWS; ~cr OF lAWS; SEPARABILITY 27.1 Carpliance Required. The Franchisee shall at all times corrply with all laws and regulations of federal, state, and County governments. 27.2 Federal, State and Connty Laws. It is intended that this Franchise shall be consistent with applicable state, federal and county law. In the event any provisions hereof conflict with any applicable state or federal law, including but not limited to the lawful rules and regulations of the FCC and/or other state or federal agencies having jurisdiction, the statutory requirements and lawful rules and regulations shall be controlling; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to preclude the Franchisor or its designated agents, or the Franchisee from seeking judicial review of any such conflict in courts of conpetent jurisdiction. 27.3 Conflicting Actions by Federal or State Agencies. Should the State of Florida, the FCC or any other agency of the federal government, require the Franchisee to perfonn any act or cease to perfonn any act, and such requirement is inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Agreement, the Franchisee shall notify the Franchisor. Upon receipt of such notification, the Franchisor shall detennine if a material provision of this Agreement is affected. If so detennined, the Franchisor and Franchisee shall seek to negotiate appropriate revisions to eliminate the inconsistency and carry out the intent and pu:rposes of this Agreement; provided, however, in lieu of such negotiation or in the event of failure of Franchisor and Franchisee to agree on revisions which will eliminate the inconsistency, Franchisor may elect to seek judicial relief in a court of corrpetent jurisdiction. 27.4 Connty Laws and Ordinances. The Franchise Agreement entered into herewith is made subject to the general health, safety and welfare ordinance provisions of Monroe County. 27.5 Separability. If any provision of this Agreement or any related Agreements is held by any court or by any federal, state, or county agency of competent jurisdiction to be invalid as conflicting with any federal, state, or county law, rule, ordinance or regulation now or hereafter in effect, or is held by such court or agency to be rrodified in any way in order to conform to the requirements of any such law, rule or regulation, said provision shall be considered a separate, distinct and independent part of this or such other Agreement, and such holding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of all other provisions hereof or thereof. In the event that such law, rule or regulation is subsequently repealed, rescinded, amended or otherwise changed, so that the provision hereof or thereof which has been held invalid or rrodified is no longer in conflict with the law, rules and regulations then in effect, said provision shall thereupon return to full force and effect and shall thereafter be binding on the Franchisor and Franchisee, provided that the Franchisor shall give the Franchisee thirty (30) days written notice of 40 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agree.ent such change before requiring coopliance with said provision. 41 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SECl'ICN 28. lEASED CHANNELS Any channels leased by Franchisee shall be operated in accordance with federal, state and county law. 42 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agree.ent ~CN 29. SERVICES AND PROORAMffiC 29.1 SeIvices and. Programning. Franchisee shall initially provide the services and prograrnning listed in ~ C of this Agreement, subject to any changes required by applicable federal, state or local law. Franchisee shall provide Franchisor thirty (30) days written notification of any additions, deletions or other changes in the. programning services, except where prograrnning becomes unavailable without notice to the Franchisee. A. Subject to applicable federal and state law, the Franchisee shall make available to all of its subscribers Basic Cable Television Service, which shall initially include the broadcast network prograrnning as may be available from the _ Miarnai..... Florida television broadcast channels (including one independent~ broadcast station and one public broadcast station) . B. Subject to applicable federal and state law, including the FCC rules and regulations and the requirement that the Franchisor receive "certification" from the FCC to regulate basic cable television rates and services, and in the event that the Franshisee is required to pay any broadcaster(s) for the carriage of their signal(s), then the Franchisee shall petition the Franchisor for the approval to increase the cable television subscription rates in order to offset the costs of such carriage. The Franchisor shall approve or disapprove of such increase. If the Franchisor disapproves such increase, the Franchisee may automatically iIrplement the increase and the Franchisee shall appeal such denial by the Franchisor to the FCC or such other appellate body as may be designated by applicable federal law, rule or regulation. The Franchisor and the Franchisee shall then abide by the decision of the FCC or such other appellate body as may be designated by applicable federal law, rule or regulation regarding the requested rate increase. 29.2 Goverrment Channel. A. within not rrore than thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, the Franchisee shall provide to Franchisor one (1) channel for government access. B. The government channel shall be provided on the lowest priced basic service tier offered by Franchisee to the subscribers. The Franchisee must maintain the same signal quality for the government channel as for all other channels offered on its cable television system. If the Franchisee decides to change the channel designation of the government channel, it must provide not less than thirty (30) days notice to the Franchisor prior to doing so, and will reimburse the Franchisor for any costs incurred for purchasing or nodifying any equipnent or for making logo changes necessitated by the channel designation change. Alternatively, the Franchisee may choose to supply such equipnent itself, provided such 43 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t equipnent is satisfactory to Franchisor. c. Franchisor or its designee(s) shall be entirely responsible for control, supervision and management of the government channel and any additional channel(s) that may be provided in the future for this purpose. 29.3 Expansion of Govern ProgLdlll SeI:vi.ceL_. F ran chi s or and Franchisee recognize and agree that as of the effective date of this Agreement it is technically and economically unfeasible for Franchisee to provide live, contenp:>raneous, system-wide program coverage of various County governmental activities, including but not limited to coverage of the meetings of the Board of County Conmissioners. The parties, therefore, further agree that at such time and in the event Franchisee detennines to initiate distribution of its cable television service by the use of fiber optics it shall pronptly so notify Franchisor and, thereafter the parties shall promptly initiate good faith negotiations for utilization of the fiber optics facilities for the provision of live, contenp:>raneous, system-wide program coverage of County governmental activities, including but not limited to meetings of the Board of County Cornnissioners, and for such other carnnunications purposes and services as to which the parties may agree. 29.4 Program Guides Fbr Govel:lment Channel. Franchisee shall aid Franchisor in carnnunicating infonnation to subscribers about programs or services on the government channel (s ) by providing public service announcements on Franchisee's local origination channel and on the bulletin board channel. 29.5 IDeal Programning Audience Measllratent. If the Franchisee conducts corrprehensive written viewership surveys, it shall provide the Franchisor with the opportunity to include questions relating to viewership of government channel programning. The Franchisee shall provide to the Franchisor the aggregate results of such surveys of governmental channel prograrrrning. 44 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t SEX:m:CN 30. ACX::ESS SERVICES AND <nmECl'ICNS 30.1 Free Residential Connection. As soon as specified by Franchisor, the Franchisee shall provide regular basic subscriber service at no m::>nthly charge to all County office buildings and all public educational system buildings. Regular subscriber service is defined as the highest tier of service offered, exclusive of pay~le services.---. 30.2 Multiple Free Residential Connection. When the County government and/or public education system has multiple buildings in an area, each building for which connection is useful, as detennined by the Franchisor after consultation with the Franchisee, shall be connected and provided with regular basic subscriber service at no m::>nthly charge. . 30.3 Acx::ess F.quipIent. In addition to the equipnent to be donated by Franchisee pursuant to Section 31 hereof, Franchisee agrees to assist Franchisor in obtaining the lowest conrnercial prices for any further equipnent Franchisor may purchase for the operation of the government channel. . 45 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 31. <nIERNMEm'Aa:ESS PRCGWtmI; ~ within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement, Franchisee shall deliver to Franchisor, at a location to be designated by Franchisor, the type and quantities of studio equipnent described below. Franchisee represents that the listed equipnent is of suitable broadcast industry quality and will enable Franchisor to originate programs of broadcast picture quality and to maintain such picture quality. Quan. Des . . Value n 1 MrlJLM{R: SA-6350 $1,700.00 1 PMWnUC CAKDRDER $1,500.00 2 PMWnUC Q\MERA WVD 5100 $2,200.00 2 PMWnUC Q\MERA IENS WVLZ-148-AF $ 810.00 2 PMWnUC Cl\MERA CABIE \'CVA-10 $ 50.00 2 PMWnUC Cl\MERA PCMER SUPPLY WV3203B $ 150.00 1 VIDEX> SWI'lOIER, ~ ABC-31 (3 INPUT) $ 10.00 4 l:!MELL LIGErl'S, D2-10 $ 640.00 2 BCX:;EN 'lRIPODS, 3140 $ 480.00 4 SHURE MICROPImES, SM-11 $ 340.00 1 SHURE AUDIO MIXER, M-267 $ 480.00 4 MICROPInm CABIES $ 20.00 2 OCNY mliY""li'IVER, en 38W $ 760.00 1 PMWnUC EoI'ItR AG-A95 $ 400.00 1 PMWnUC EDI'ItR AG-1950 $1,700.00 1 PMWnUC EDI'ItR AG-1250 $ 500.00 '.lUmL S'lUDIO ~ VAllJE: $11,740.00 46 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 32. RAm AND cmIER REX;UIATICN 32.1 Rates. Rates and rate changes shall be subject to regulation by Franchisor only consistent with and authorized by federal law, statute and/or regulation, and this Franchise Agreement. 32.2 Franchise Regulation. The Franchise granted in accordance with this Agreement shall be subject to regulation by Franchisor in accordance with the provisions of M:>nroe County Ordinance 009-1989, and other applicable law. Should any conflict arise between the provisions of M:>nroe County Ordinance 009-1989 and the provisions of this Franchise Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement will supersede and be controlling. 47 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t SECTICN 33. OIARGES, REFUNDS, AND REBA'IES 33.1 Defective Converters. Franchisee agrees not to charge for costs associated with replacing leased converters which are defective when the nature of said defect is the result of faulty workmanship or installation. 33.2 Rebates And Refunds. In the event that total service to any Subscriber is interrupted for twenty-four (24) or rrore consecutive hours, except for reasons beyond the control of the Franchisee and except in circumstances for which prior notice of the interruption is provided to Franchisor, the Franchisee shall provide a pro rata rebate of the rronthl y fees to the affected subscriber upon the Subscriber's request. 33.3 Calputation Of Tine. For purposes of corrputing the time of interrupted total service, said time shall begin when a corrplaint for interrupted total service is received by the Franchisee or when the Franchisee has actual or constructive notice of the interruption. 48 Monroe tounty!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 34. [RESERVED] 49 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t SECI'ICN 35. PA>>DT OF FEES .AND CXRrS 'IO '!HE FRANCHI~ 35.1 Franchise Fee. Following the issuance and acceptance of the Franchise and corrrnencing on the effective date thereof, the Franchisee shall pay to the Franchisor a Franchise fee of five percent (5%) of annual gross revenues, as defined in this Agreement , derived by Franchisee from the operation of its cable television system. The Franchise fee shall be paid in quarterly installments. The Franchise fee shall not be consid~red to be a tax or assessment, but shall be in addition to any other taxes or assessments to which Franchisee is lawfully subject. Franchisee shall not designate or describe the Franchise fee as a tax in any statements or bills rendered to its Subscribers. Franchisee may, however, indicate payment of the Franchise fee in such bills and statements, subject to the following: A. Franchisee may not indicate payment of the Franchise fee to Franchisor in bills and statements to subscribers in the Franchise Area until and when such payments also are indicated in bills and statements rendered to Subscribers of those cable television systems operated by Franchisee pursuant to Franchises issued by municipalities located within M:mroe County, Florida. B. For a period of twelve (12) rronths from the effective date of this Agreement, Franchisee will reduce the charges to its subscribers in the Franchise Area for its basic tier program service by an anount equal to the Franchise fee payment designated or described in the bills and statements rendered to such subscribers. 35.2 Awlicable Law. In the event the federal Cable Act and/or other applicable law is rrodified or amended to provide for a Franchise fee in an anount greater than that specified herein, Franchisee and Franchisor agree to enter into gxxi faith negotiations with regard to an increase in the specified Franchise fee. In the event Franchisee and Franchisor are unable to agree upon such increase after a reasonable period of time, Franchisor nay seek judicial relief in a court of corrpetent jurisdiction. . 35.3 Resolution. of Disputes. After the effective date of this Agreement, should any dispute arise as to the provisions hereof which cannot be resolved by negotiation between the Franchisor and the Franchisee, then at the request of either party a technical, legal, or economic consultant shall be retained to assist the parties in the resolution of such dispute and the costs of retaining such consultant shall be borne equally by the Franchisor and the Franchisee; provided, however, the provisions hereof shall not apply to any renewal or extension of this Agreement. 35.4 paynent 'lb Franchisor. No acceptance of any payment shall be construed as an accord that the arrount paid is in fact the correct arrount, nor shall such acceptance of payment be construed as a release of any claim the Franchisor may have for further or additional sums payable under the provisions of this Agreement. 50 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t A. Franchisee shall file at the time of fee payment a financial statement in a fonn acceptable to Franchisor, clearly showing the gross revenues received by Franchisee during the preceding quarter. B. As is necessary for the enforcement of this Agreement and Franchise, Franchisor shall have the right to inspect the l:xx>ks and records of the Franchisee during norrra1 business hours, the right of audit and the recorrputation of any anounts detennined to be payable under this chapter; provided, however, that such audit shall take place within twelve (12) nonths following the close of the Franchisee's fiscal year. !my additional arrount due Franchisor as a result of the audit shall be paid within thirty (30) days following written notice to the Franchisee by the Franchisor, which notice shall include a copy of the audit report. The cost of said audit shall be borne by the Franchisee if it is properly detennined that the annual payment to the County for the preceding year is increased thereby by nore than five percent (5%). C. In the event any Franchise payment or recorrputed arrount is not made on or before the applicable dates heretofore specified, interest shall be charged from such due date at an interest rate equal to the prime rate charged for the relative period by those banks chartered by the federal and state g:>vernments, to do business in M::>nroe County. 35.5 Other Pmvisions Regarding Payments to the Franchisor. Upon the lawful termination for any reason of this Agreement, the Franchisee shall inrnediately sul::mi.t to the Franchisor a detailed financial statement showing the Gross Receipts of the Franchisee for the time elapsed since the last period for which the Franchisee has paid the required fee; and the Franchisee shall pay to the Franchisor, not later than thirty (30) days following the tennination, the appropriate Franchise fee due. The Franchisor may audit, examine, and verify all such financial statements and financial records of the Franchisee, and to that end shall be entitled to a full inspection of the Franchisee's l:xx>ks, records and docLnnents necessary to the enforcement of this Agreement and Franchise. . 35.6 Cooperation with Regulatory Proceedings. The Franchisor shall consult with the Franchisee in the preParation of any appropriate filings with Federal or other regulatory agencies relating to the Franchise fee provided for in this Agreement. The Franchisee shall fully cooperate and support the Franchisor in Federal or other regulatory proceedings relating to said Franchise fee, and shall fully cooperate with the Franchisor to ensure that all resource comnitrnents to be provided by Franchisee under this Agreement shall comply with all appropriate regulatory requirements. 51 Konroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t SECl'ICN 36. SERVICE 'ID aJS'R:M:RS 36.1 ~ting Hours. The cable system shall operate for twenty-four (24) hours per day and shall endure service interruptions only for good cause and for a reasonable time. Interruptions of service shall be for the shortest possible time and, except in the event of emergencies, only as provided elsewhere in this Agreement. A. It shall be the right of all subscribers to receive all available services insofar as their financial and other obligations to the Franchisee are honored. B. In the event that the Franchisee elects to overbuild, rebuild, m:xlify, or sell, transfer, assign or discontinue the system, or the Franchisor revokes or fails to further renew this Agreement within a reasonable time, or the Franchisor elects to purchase the system, the Franchisee at the request of the Franchisor, shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to ensure that all subscribers receive continuous, uninterrupted service. In the event of purchase by the Franchisor, or a change of Franchisee, the current Franchisee shall cooperate with the Franchisor in maintaining continuity of service to all subscribers. c. In the event that interruption of service is required by the Franchisee for m:xlification, repairs, or the like, the interruption shall be as brief as possible and at times when the viewing audience is at a rninirnum. In the event of such interruption, Franchisee, except in case of emergency, shall notify Franchisor one ( 1) day in advance of such interruption, with an estiIrE.te of time when services shall be returned in full. Failure to return service within a reasonable time may result in any combination of penalties provided in this Agreement that the Franchisor deems necessary. Records of such interruptions shall be kept. 36.2 Adequate E\mding/Staffing. The Franchisee shall provide all funds, staff and measures necessary to meet its oonmitrnents as set forth in this Agreement. 36.3 Franchisee Office. The Franchisee shall maintain an office within Monroe County which shall be open to the general public during nomal business hours. 36.4 Local Telephone. The Franchisee shall have a publicly listed local telephone number and errploy sufficient telephone lines and operators to handle incoming customer service calls promptly. 36.5 Written Log. A. A written log in a form to be agreed upon by Franchisor and Franchisee and which shall be in accordance with Section 631 of the Cable Act, shall be kept by the Franchisee at the Franchisee's loCal office, 52 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t listing the date and description of each and every subscriber complaint or request for repair received and the date of satisfactory disposition thereof, and all service interruptions. B. Said log shall be available for inspection at any time during Franchisee's nonnal business hours. Such records shall be retained for at least three (3). years by the Franchisee. 36.6 Non-Discrimination. The Franchisee shall not deny, delay or otherwise burden service or use of access facilities, equipnent or services, or otherwise discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, sex, handicap, national origin, or marital status, except for rate m:xiification discounts during prorrotional canpaigns, volume discounts or other similar m:xiifications and discounts for the elderly and handicapped. Any such discrimination, as detennined by the Franchisor, shall be subject to any or all the penalties provided for in this Agreement that the Franchisor deems appropriate. 36.7 Tine For Providing Service. The Franchisee shall furnish cable service of the nature requested, and at the rates established, no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of a request for service from the owner or occupant of any structure in the area in which cable has been energized. Service to multiple dwelling units shall be provided in accordance with this section to the maximum extent feasible. 36.8 Subscriber Infonnation. The Franchisee shall furnish each subscriber at the time service is installed written instructions that clearly set forth procedures for placing a service call, filing a complaint, or requesting an adjustment. Said instructions shall also include the name, address and telephone number of the Franchisee and the County Office designated for review of corrplaints, and a reminder that the subscriber can call or write the County Office of Consumer Affairs regarding teDnS and conditions of the Franchise if the Franchisee fails to respond to the subscriber's request for installation, service or adjustment within a reasonable period of time. The subscriber shall also be provided with a copy of the schedule of applicable charges, copy of the contract for service, if any, delinquent subscriber disconnect and reconnect procedures, and any other terms and conditions adopted as the Franchisee's policy in connection with its subscribers. All forms which describe customer service policies and procedures distributed to subscribers shall be provided to Franchisor for review to ensure compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. Franchisor shall prorrptly notify Franchisee of any non-cornpliance with the provisions of this paragraph and Franchisee shaD promptly make a good fFlit1: effort to correct such non-corrpliance. 36.9 standards For CUs1:aIer Service. Franchisee shall establish standards of customer service, formulate and inplement practices and procedures and prt"'lvide P.d~.:lt€' tr~5 ned staff for prorrpt and efficient handling and servicing of subscriber "complaints and iuqll i ,ie~ as r~-qu oj red by 53 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t this Agreeuent and Franchise. Such standards, conplaint handling practices and procedures, and staffing policies pursuant to ~ D are subject to review by Franchisor. However, such policies and procedures as set forth in ~ D shall not be construed as, and shall not constitute approval thereof by Franchisor; and the Franchisor reserves all rights which it has at law and under this Agreement. 54 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agreeeent SECTICN 37. EMPlDYMENI', mAINJN;, AND PRCX:DREMENT REQ.JIREMENrS 37.1 FnpluyuR:::uL. The Franchisee shall, in accordance with Federal, State and County laws and regulations, afford equal opportunity and non- discrimination in arployment to all individuals regardless of their race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or physical handicap. 55 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 38. RIGHTS OF IND1VIIllALS PROll!X:lli1J 38.1 Cable TaWing Prohibited. Consistent with federal law, neither the Franchisee nor any person, agency, or entity shall, without the subscriber's consent, tap, or arrange for the tapping of, any cable, line, signal, input device, or subscriber outlet or receiver for any purpose except routine maintenance of the system, polling with audience participation, or audience viewing where individual viewer behavior cannot be identified. For the purposes of this section, "tapping" or "tap" shall mean the interception or nonitoring of signals. Franchisee shall not disclose or reveal the identity of individual subscribers or viewers, either by name or address or any other identifying characteristics or symbol. 38.2 Invasions of Privacy and. of Personal Rights Prohibited. Consistent with federal law, in the conduct of providing its services or pursuit of any collateral corrmercial enterprise resulting therefrom, Franchisee shall take any and all necessary action to prevent an invasion of a subscriber's or general citizens' right to privacy or other personal rights as such rights are delimited_ and defined by applicable law. Franchisee shall not without I'awful court order or other applicable valid legal authority, utilize the system's equipnent or capability for unauthorized personal surveillance of any subscriber or general citizen. 38.3 Sale of Personalized Data Restricted. Consistent with federal law, the Franchisee shall not sell or otherwise make available the lists of the names and addresses or subscribers, or any list which identifies by name subscriber viewing habits, or personalized data pertaining to a subscriber's use of any of Franchisee's services without the express written consent of the subscriber to which the personalized data pertains. For purposes of this Section "personalized data" shall mean the name and address of an individual subscriber directly associated with data obtained on his or her use of specific services provided by or through the Franchisee. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent, as a nonnal incident of comnercial enterprises, the sale or availability of "non-personalized" or "aggregated data" which is not per.sonalized data as defined herein. 38.4 Penni.ssion of Property OWners Required. No cable line, wire, amplifier, converter, or other piece of equip:nent owned by Franchisee shall be installed by Franchisee without first securing the written pennission of the owner of any property involved; provided, however, that where the property has granted an easement or a servitude to another and the servitude by its terms contarplated uses such as Franchisee's intended use, Franchisee shall not be required to secure the written pennission of the owner for the installation of cable television equip:nent or facilities unless Franchisee elects to do so. If pennission is later revoked, whether by the original or a subsequent owner, the Franchisee shall renove forthwith any of its equip:nent which is visible and IIDvable and promptly restore the property to its original condition. 56 Monroe tounty!TCI Franchise Agr~t 38.5 Service Discrimination P:rohibited. To the extent consistent with federal law, unless approved. by the County, no Franchisee hereunder shall, in its rates or charges, or in the availability of the services or facilities of its system, or in any other respect, make or grant preferences or advantages to any subscriber or potential subscriber to the system, or to any user or potential user of the system, and shall not subject any such persons to any prejudice or any disadvantage. 38.6 RfmJVal Upon Subscriber Request. Upon tennination of service to any subscriber and after receipt of a written request, any Franchisee hereunder shall pronptly renove all of its facilities and equipnent from the premises of such subscriber. Where renoval is inpractical, such as with buried cable, facilities may be disconnected and abandoned rather than renoved. 38.7 Handicap Accessibility. All facilities of the Franchisee, particularly Franchisee's offices in M::>nroe County, shall be accessible to the handicapped and be in compliance with all relevant and applicable federal and state laws, regulations and requirements. 57 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t SECl'ICN 39. PUBLIC lUI'ICE Public Notice of any public hearing relating to this Agreement shall be in accordance with state law and laws and ordinances of Monroe County. 58 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t ~CN 40. SERVICE OF mrICE 40.1 Notice 'lb Franchisor. All notices required to be given to the Franchisor under any provisions of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed served: A. Upon the date delivered by hand to the Franchisor's designee during normal business hours, and a written receipt therefor is properly executed; or B. Upon the date of execution of receipt when mailed to any other person designated herein to receive such notice, registered return receipt requested. 40.2 Notice 'lb Franchisee. All notices required to be given to the Franchisee under any provision of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed served: A. Upon the date when delivered by hand to the Franchisee's designee during normal business hours, and a written receipt therefor is properly executed; or B. Upon the date of execution of receipt when mailed to the Franchisee's local office, registered return receipt requested. 40.3 Franchisee Resident Agent. Franchisee shall at all times provide the Franchisor with the name and address of Franchisee's designee in the Franchise area for service of any notice as provided for or required by this Agreement. Franchisee shall also maintain within M::mroe County at least one local office and telephone mrrnber for the conduct of matters related to this Agreement during normal business hours. 59 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t Sl'rl'ICN 41. I.lX:ATICN OF FRANCHISEE' S ~ AND S'lUDIOS The Franchisee shall maintain its offices at their present location and/or locations within lvbnroe County, and shall not relocate such offices without prior notice to Franchisor, provided, however, if such office or offices are relocated outside lvbnroe County, such relocation shall not be effected without prior notice to the Franchisor. 60 ~CN 42. Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t FRAlDTISE ArMINI5"lRATICN The MJnroe County Administrator or his designee shall have the responsibility for administration and enforcement of this Franchise Agreement. 61 Monroe CtJdIty!TCI Franchise Agree.ent ~CN 43. DrJ.m<l:'l(l!,'mTICN OF ~ 43.1 Rights Retained. Except as expressly provided in Section 7 herein, the Franchisor and Franchisee retain any rights each may have under federal, state or county law or regulation. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Florida. 43.2 AIIerlrents. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Agreement may only be amended by a written instnnnent executed by both parties hereto. 62 Monroe County!TCI Frillllchise Agree.ent SECrICE 44. SI~.AND EXEOlTICE OF AGREIM!NI' IN WI'lNESS ~., the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day first written above. In Witness of the Foregoing, the Parties Hereto have this ~ day of January, 1993, Affixed their Seals and Signatures to this Agreement. DANNY L. :rrOLHAGE, Clerk A'lTEST: ~C. ~~ DEPUTY CLERK, MNIDE COUNTY, FIDRIDA , FIDRIDA ~ A'lTEST: 7l1t J~ !o-n..~ 'leI CABLEVISICN OF FIDRIDA, me. BY: '~~~ D.F. Brya Vice Pres ent Chief Operating Officer 63 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t APPImDIX A ~CN SCHEOOIE ~ AND REPORl'S 64 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t MER(E CIDNTY, FI..aUDA 'R:I CABIEVISICN OF FI..aUDA, lOC. CABIE FRAlCIISE AGREEMENr APPENDIX A A. Construction. A.1 Construction Schedules and. Reports Requi.:rE:!rents. a. Construction Schedules. Not later than thirty (30) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Franchisee shall sul::mit to Franchisor a construction schedule for the Expanded Service Area and for any upgrading, improvements or extension of service within the Existing and Expanded Service Areas. Such schedules shall show anong other matters the dates upon which construction will corrmence, the miles of plant to be constructed, improved and/or upgraded, the date upon which testing of the new construction inprovernents or upgraded facilities will camnence, and such other infomation as Franchisee shall deem relevant and necessary. The provisions and requirements of such construction schedules shall be incorporated and become part of the Franchise Agreement and shall be subject to all penalty and remedial provisions of the Agreement. b. Extension requi.raIents. Franchisee shall be required, subject to the provisions of this Agreement, to extend its plant and distribution facilities so to make its service available to each and every household within the Existing and Expanded Service areas. c. Penni.ts and. Authorizations. Not later than forty- five (45) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Franchisee shall proceed expeditiously to obtain all necessary pennits, authorizations and Agreements, including but not limited to utility pole attachments, microwave and other licenses, etc. necessary to pennit and initiate construction and operation of its system as provided in Paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Appendix. !my unusual or unforeseen delays in obtaining such pennits, authorizations and licenses shall be included and explained in the progress reports required by Paragraph (d) of this Appendix. d. Progress Reports Requirarents. Not later than thirty (30) days after sul:rnission of its construction schedules Franchisee, upon request of Franchisor, shall furnish Franchisor periodic construction progress reports advising, arrong other matters, the date on which construction began or will begin in any given construction area, miles of construction corrplete, the date on which testing began or is expected to begin, and the date or projected dates for corrmencement of service. !my delays or changes in construction plan and schedules must be reported together with the reasons 65 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t therefor. These reports shall be updated together with the reasons service is not being fmnished throughout the entire Service Area territory as provided in this Agreement and paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Appendix. e. Extensions of Tine. Upon written application by Franchisee, Franchisor may grant a reasonable extension of time within which to corrplete construction within any construction area; provided, however t that such written application sufficiently states and documents. that the need for delay is for g:xxi cause and was unforeseeable or due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Franchisee. f. Maps Required. As each construction area is corrpleted Franchisee shall have on file within its' office a full and corrplete set of plans, records and "as-built" naps exclusive of subscriber service drops, showing the exact location of all cable corrrnunication system headends, hubs and shall clearly distinguish aerial and underground installations. Similar "as-built" maps shall be on file for any relocations as they take place. Franchisee shall maintain at all times at its local office the files described above and make them available for inspection as may be requested by the Franchisor. . g. Ratedi.es for Construction Delays. The Franchisor may in its sole direction apply any or all of the following remedies or penalties in connection with delays in system construction, provided for in the Franchise Agreement, including but not limited to: 1) M:>netaI:y Forfeiture. Forfeiture of construction bonds, and/or assessment of nonetary damages not to exceed the anount specified in this Agreement against the security fund for unexcused delays exceeding three ( 3 ) nonths; provided, however, that such delay is attributable to cause beyond Franchisee's control or which Franchisee could not reasonably foresee. 2) Reduction of Tenn or Tennination. Reduction of the tenn or tennination of, the Franchise within one year after the Effective Date of the Franchise if the Franchisee has failed to initiate system construction or for other construction delays exceeding three (3) nonths. h. Const.ru.ction Pennits Required. The Franchisee shall make application to the Country or its designee for construction permits for all work to be performed in County rights of way or easements in the fonn and manner prescribed by said officer. No construction shall be canmenced prior to the grant of the construction permit therefor. Each application shall be processed prornptl y and approval shall not be unreasonably delayed or denied. i. Other Pennits arrl Franchises. Neither the County ordinance, this Agreement nor any pennit or authorization granted pursuant thereto shall take the place of any other Franchise, license or pennit which might be required by law. The Franchisor assumes no responsibility for the securing of 66 Monroe C04JfIty!TCI Franchise Agr~t any rights of way, easements or the rights which may be required by the Franchisee for the installation of its cable romnunications system, nor shall the Franchisor be responsible for securing any pennits or Agreements with other persons or utilities. j. Joint Use of Poles. In order to minimize the setting of poles, Franchisee shall, so far as reasonably.--possible, ---conclude joint use Agreements with utilities and other owners of pole lines on the public ways so as to fully utilize existing poles, conduits and other facilities whenever possible. No location of any pole, conduit, or wire holding structure of the Franchisee shall become a vested interest. k. Safety and. Vbrkmanship. All work involved in construction, operations, maintenance repair, relocations and renovals of the system shall be perfonned in a safe, thorough and workmanlike manner using materials of gxxi and durable quality. A.2 Underground Policy a. Installation and. Relocation. Placement of cable underground is encouraged on both County rights of way and private property. Cables shall be installed underground at Franchisee's cost where existing utilities are underground. Previously installed aerial cable shall be relocated and placed underground concurrently with utilities when such utilities convert from aerial to underground construction, provided Franchisee is given reasonable notice and access. b. New Housing Develcprent and. SUbdivisions. In cases of new construction or property developnent where utilities are to be placed underground, Franchisee's facilities shall be placed underground at Franchisee's expense. A.3 Construction standards and. Codes a. Gcxxi ,Engineering Practices. All plant and equiprent, including but not limited to the antenna sites, towers, headend and distribution, subscriber tenninals, structures, poles, wire, cable, coaxial cable, fixtures and appurtenances shall be installed, located, maintained and operated in accordance with gxxi engineering practices I perfonned by experienced maintenance and construction personnel, so as not to interfere with or unnecessarily hinder or obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic, endanger the public safety or interfere with the rights of property owners. b. Public Safety Requi.raIents. The Franchisee shall at all times employ due care and shall install and maintain in use comronl y accepted methods and devices for preventing failures and accidents which might cause damage, injury or nuisance to the public. A.4 Carpliance with Construction and. other Codes. 67 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t a. County Codes and. Permits. Franchisee shall corrply with all applicable County construction codes and pennit procedures. It shall be Franchisee's responsibility to be cognizant of any such applicable codes. Franchisee shall be responsible for payment only of pennitting and inspection fees resulting from the construction of the cable system. b. Safety Codes. All construction practices shall be in accordance with all applicable sections of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, and any amendments thereto, as well as all state and local codes where applicable. c. Antennas and. 'lbwers. !mtenna supporting structures (towers) shall be designed for the proper loading as specified in Electronics Industry Association's R.S. 222-A specifications. d. Catpliance with Aviation Requirarents. !mtenna supporting structures (towers) shall be painted, lighted, erected and main~ed in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the Federal Aviation Administration and all other applicable, federal, state or local codes and regulations. . A.5 Inspection And Rectification. Franchisor reserves the right at any time during the term of this Franchise Agreement to inspect any construction or installation work perfonned by the Franchisee which is subject to the provisions of this Franchise Agreement and may require Franchisee to make such corrections, m:x:lifications, renovals relocations or repairs as Franchisor, in its sole discretion shall find necessary to assure corrpliance with the terms of this Agreement, or any applicable County or state codes or provisions. Corrections, m:x:lifications, renovals, relocations, repairs or any other construction and installations work required by Franchisor to rectify violation(s) under this section shall be perfonned by Franchisee at its own expense promptly but not later than thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice. In the event thirty (30) days is clearly inadequate in which to cure or remedy, Franchisor shall accord Franchisee adequate time consistent with the act or omission complained of. B. System Requirarents. B.1 System Design and Architecture. a. Basic Configuration. The cable commmications system design and architecture shall be such as to ensure that as constructed and operated, the system shall be able to provide the capacity and services, and meet the applicable perfonnance needs of the County, its residents and institutions. The cable system shall, unless and until otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, be a single-cable subscriber system serving the entire Service Area constructed in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. [Note: The foregoing configuration is that of the system as it exists as of the date of this Agreement and does not include provision for upstream channels necessary 68 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t for certain types of interactive services. The Franchisor does not waive any rights at a future date during the term of this Franchise Agreement to initiate negotiations with respect to the provision of such services.] b. Int.erc:Dnnection. System design shall be such that the system may be interconnected with other area cable systems or microwave relay systems providing subscriber video and other-services .---. c. EnIergeIlcy Alert Capability. Within eight (8) to eighteen (18) nonths of the acceptance of this Agreement, depending upon Franchisor's next capital budget, Franchisee shall provide the system capability and facility to transmit an audio override emergency alert signal to all subscribers and shall also provide an emergency audio override capability to pennit Franchisor, or Franchisor' s duly authorized delegate, to interrupt and cablecast an audio message on all channels simultaneously in the event of disaster or public emergency-such facility to be used solely for this purpose by Franchisor. d. Standby PoINer. Franchisee shall provide standby power generating capacity at the cable conmunications system headend and at all hubs, if any, to maintain operation at those locations in the event of comnercial power outages affecting those locations. Franchisee shall also provide, install and maintain standby power system supplies at all problem locations throughout the distribution netv.urk capable of maintaining operation for a minimum of three (3) hours. A problem location is defined for purposes of this requirement as a location on the distribution network at which repeated service outages due to conmercial power failures are experienced. e. Parental Control Lock. Franchisee shall provide subscribers, upon request, with a parental control lockout device or digital code that pennits lockout of the video and audio portions of premium channels. Franchisee may charge subscribers Franchisee's cost for the device. B.2 Technical Perfonnance standards, Testing and. Maintenance. a. Perfonnance standards. Franchisee shall at a minimum at all times be in full compliance with Part 76, Subpart K of the Rules and Regulations of the Federal Corrrmmications corrmission (FCC) and any and all amendments thereto; provided however, that subject to applicable law, Franchisor asserts and reserves the right to enforce compliance with such technical standards, notwithstanding any failure or refusal by the FCC to enforce compliance therewith. b. Testing. Testing requirements and procedures shall be those set forth in this Appendix and Appendix 3, as amended from time to time by Franchisee with approval of Franchisor. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to preclude Franchisor from requesting Franchisee to conduct such other tests, checks and inspections as Franchisor, in its sole judgment, 69 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t deems necessary or desirable to achieve continuing conpliance with all applicable perfonnance standards. c. Maintenance. Maintenance practices and procedures shall be those set forth in Appendix A-4 hereto, which practices and procedures may be changed from time to time as deemed necessary by Franchisee; provided, however, that such changes shall be reduced:to writing and made part of this Agreement as amendments or mxlifications to Appendix A-4 hereto. Franchisee shall maintain an adequate and properly trained technical staff, (which nay be supplemented by third party services) test equipnent, spare parts and tools readily available to ensure capability to achieve full corrpliance with the requirements of this Appendix. 70 APPENDIX A-1 ~Y::i'll2of MAP 71 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t APPENDIX A-2 DIS'lRIBUTICN l:)Y::;~ PERFORMANCE S'l2\NDARDS 72 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agreelleflt APPENDIX A-2 DIS'lRIBUTICN SYS'JEoI PERREMANCE STANDARDS Specification FCC Requirement c/N 336-dB Min-~- . --" Gain vs. Freq. 1 Ch. +/- 2 dB Gain vs. Freq . System 12 dB Cross n,.nnll1ation -46 dB 2nd. Order Distribution -46 dB Chroma Delay NA Hum. M::x:i. 5% 26 dB carrier 'Ib Triple Beat 45 dB System leakage 1-54 MHz 15uV/M 54-216 MHz 20uV/M 216-Up MHz 15uV 1M Subscriber Isolation 18 dB System Level Stability 12 dB Minirm.nn Siqnal Level +OdBmV Aural Carrier Level -13 -17 dB-vid. Visual Carrier Frequency +/- 25 KHz Aural Carrier Frequency +/- 5 KHz 73 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t APPmDIX A-3 ':IESI'}N; ~ AND PROCEmRES 74 Monroe County!TCI Franchise Agr~t APPE2IDIX A- 3 'lES'l'lN:; RlQJIREMENTS AND PROCEWRES A-3.1 System Proof Of Perfonnance. ----.- -_._---~~--- . --- - a. Not later than sixty (60) days after corrpletion of construction in the Expanded Service Area as required in this Agreement or within the Existing Service Area, Franchisee shall have conducted a proof of performance to establish whether or not the new constructed segments of the system are operating in full corrpliance with the perfonnance standards set forth in FCC guidelines, including Franchisee's standards. The tests shall be performed and test locations selected so as to be representative of system perfonrance as a whole. A representative number of the test locations shall be at or near the distant end of trunk cables and shall include all trunk lines within the newly constructed segments of the system. The tests may, at Franchisor's option, be witnessed by representatives of the Franchisor, and written test reports shall be prepared and sutrnitted to the Franchisor. b. Ifnore than ten percent (10%) of the locations tested fail to meet all applicable technical perfonrance standards set forth in FCC guidelines, Franchisee shall take corrective action and shall advise Franchisor what corrective measures have been taken. Thereafter, the entire test shall be repeated at a different set, but the same number, of locations. In the event of failure at nore than ten percent (10%) of the test locations on the second test, at the Franchisor's option, remedies and penal ties for violation of this Agreement may be llrposed until full corrpliance with the provisions of Appendix A-2 is achieved. A-3.2 Daily Checks (Nonna! l'brkdays). a. picture ~ty. Each channel of the system shall be nonitored daily for picture quality, audio quality, and data transmission quality, if applicable, at random, points on the cable system. The pictures shall be examined for ghosting, noise and spurious product. Any changes in quality, and observations of degraded picture and audio quality, shall be noted and corre<;ti ve action taken. b. Autanated Services. All automated services, such as news, weather and bulletin board channels shall be inspected each day to insure proper operation and quality. These checks are to be performed in the same manner as those described in the preceding sub-section. c. Signal level. Signal levels will be checked by the service and maintenance staff as they perform assigned duties throughout the system, and appropriate and prompt corrective action will be taken to correct any deficiencies or abnormalities. 75 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t A-3.3 Weekly Checks. The picture, audio and data transmission qualities and signal test point levels of all headend equipnent shall be m::mitored for compliance with nonna.l designed standards and pararreters. This rronitoring may be performed in conjunction with nonna.l maintenance on an infonna.l, non- recorded basis. A-3.4 M:mthly Checks. a. All service/maintenance technical signal level meters shall be checked for proper operation by comparison to the internal calibrator. External calibration equipnent may be used and a log maintained of all measurements, such log to be kept on file at Franchisee's office and made available for inspection upon request of Franchisor. b. Amplitude versus frequency response shall be checked at one-sixth of the trunk extremities each rronth. In addition, these trunk extremity test check points shall be measured for carrier signal to noise and hum. Test points will be selected and scheduled so that all trunk extremities have been checked every sixth rronth. c. The output frequencies of all video and associated audio signals shall be checked. The baseband video and audio levels, video baseband signal to noise, the RF signal level measurerrents of all antenna systems, hum measurement on signals delivered by antenna-rcounted preanplifiers, and the RF output levels shall be checked and recorded in a logbook maintained at the headend, and made available for inspection upon request of the Franchisor. A-3.5 Semi-Annual Tests, Checks And Inspections. In addition to the weekly and rronthly checks, the following checks and measurements shall be made on a semi-annual basis. a. Antennas. Visual inspection of all antenna systems for damage. b. Proof Of Perfonnance. Franchisee shall perfonn a full proof of perfonnance to ensure ~mpliance with FCC perfonna.nce standards or substitute perfonnance standards to which Franchisee may be required to perfonn by applicable law or the terms of this Agreement, at intervals not greater than twelve (12) rronths. c. E.quipIent Tests. Equipnent such as microwave transmitters and receivers, two-way radio and earth receiving station equipnent shall be tested, measured and adjusted as reconrnended by the manufacturer and as may be required by the FCC. 76 .APPE1IDIX A-4 ~ PR(X;RAM 77 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t Itonroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t APPENDIX A-4: MAIN'IENANCE PR(X;RAM A-4.1 Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance will consist of a testing program to procure measurements to be compared with design standards. The testing program shall be accorrplished by means of a broadband sweep receiver, which will show the frequency versus amplitude response of the trunk cascade. In the event that these measurements are inferior to the design standards, troubleshooting of that portion of the system shall be conrnenced imnediately and the necessary corrections made to corrply with the design standards. A-4.2 Test Point Checks. The carrier to noise ratio, hum and signal levels will be checked at several trunk extremity test points on a rronthly basis; however, all system trunk extremities will be checked at intervals no greater than six rronths. A-4.3 Headend Testing. The headend testing program shall be conducted and the results recorded on a rronthly basis. These tests shall include checks of baseband video and audio levels, RF levels, and signal to noise measurements on all baseband video circuits. Checking in the headend is also performed on a daily basis and corrections made where indicated; however, the daily observations are not recorded. A-4.4 OlannelsjIevels Checking. All channels and levels across the entire cable system will be checked daily for quality and corrpliance with system standards. This is accomplished by visual quality checks by all installers imnediately following each installation. In addition, all service technicians are required to check levels and picture quality after each service call. !my abnonnalities are reported to the service dispatcher for correction by the headend technician of a trunk technician, as appropriate. A-4.5 Signal Leakage. Signal leakage repairs will be made on a daily basis by a leakage re~ as they are reported by service technicians. Keeping system leakages to a minimum enhances system integrity and assures higher quality video. A-4.6 Mechanical Maintenance. All mechanical maintenance such as pole attachment transfers when poles are replaced and pole lines relocated will be performed on a timely basis by outside contractors where the job is too large for the in-house mechanical maintenance staff. 78 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t APPENDIX B ,LI~ IWW;ES FUR FRANCHISE VIOIATICNS 79 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t CXXJNl'Y OF M:NR(E, FIDRIDA 'ICI CABIEVISICN OF FIDRIDA INC. CABLE 'lELEVISICN FRANCHISE .AGREEM!:NT APPENDIX B: LI~ DAMAGES Fm FRANCHISE VIOIATICNS Schedule Of DamageS. Franchisor and Franchisee agree that failure to comply with certain provisions of this Franchise will result in injury to the County and its residents, and because it \>JOuld be difficult and inpracticable to detennine or estimate the extent of such in jury, Franchisor and Franchisee agree that the following schedule represents a just and fair estimate of damages resulting from the specified breaches. Where nore than one category of violation is identified in a single mrrnbered listing, e.g., (iv) maintenance requirements, each category shall be considered individually and separately. A. Repeated and/or willful failure to meet the (i) construction schedules, (ii) technical perfonnance standards, (iii) system testing and/or (iv) maintenance requirements as provided in this Agreement: Not less than t\>JO hundred and fifty dollars per day per citation and not IIDre than t\>JO thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per day per citation. B. Repeated and/or willful failure to inplement any system design requirements, rrodifications or upgrading as set forth in this Franchise: Not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and not nore than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per day per citation. c. Failure to corrply with the line extension requirements as set forth in this Franchise: Not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and not nore than two thousand dollars ( $2,000.00) per day or, where applicable, per citation. D. Repeated and/or willful failure to (i) obtain construction pennits, (ii) file as-built maps, or (iii) comply with construction standards and codes as required in this Franchise: Not less that fifty dollars ($50.00) and not nore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. E. Repeated and/or willful failure to take corrective or other mandated actions as provided herein: Not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) per day per citation and not nore than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per day. F. Repeated and/or willful failure to maintain the mix, level and 80 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t quality of services within the broad category of video progranrning and other services initially offered on the system as provided for in this Franchise: Not less than two hundred fifty dollars ( $250.00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day. G. Repeated and/or willful failure to meet comnitrnents to provide services and facilities for cablecasting and government channels, and such other channels and/or services as may be provided for in this Agreement: Not less than two hundred dollars ( $200 . 00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. H. Repeated and/or willful failure to keep and maintain logs, records and accounts; provide reports, infonnation, filings, documents, amended appendices as appropriate and as-built maps; or to not pennit inspection of facilities, access to books and records or any other materials which Franchisee is required to furnish or make available to Franchisor pursuant to the provisions of this Franchise: Not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. 1. Repeated and/or willful failure to comply with the requirements of this Franchise pertaining to service quality and complaint procedures, and those provisions of this Franchise pertaining to subscriber's rights: Not less than two hundred fifty dollars ( $250 . 00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. J. Repeated and/or willful taking of any action which requires prior approval of Franchisor without first having obtained such approval in the manner provided -in this Franchise: Not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each citation; provided, however, that Franchisee's failure to obtain the prior approval and consent of the Franchisor to a sale, transfer or assignment of the Franchise shall be .i.nrnecli.ate cause for revocation of the Franchise. K. If the FraI}chisee's construction schedule for the Expanded and/or Existing Service Area is delayed at any time for rrore than ninety (90) days later than is provided for herein and such delay is found by Franchisor not to be excusable; and failure to provide construction schedules and progress reports as provided in this Franchise: Not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day and not rrore than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) per day for each day of delay in excess of ninety (90) days. L. Repeated and/or willful failure to provide or maintain in full force and effect the liability and indermti.fication insurance coverage, or the security fund or perforrrance bonds, as provided in this Franchise: One thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. M. Refusal by Franchisee to negotiate and/or cornply with demands for upgrading the quality of its services and facilities as provided in this 81 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t Franchise; and failure of Franchisee to eliminate or remedy equipnent malfunctions or to provide itself with the necessary equipnent and personnel to meet the service standards and requirements set forth herein: Not less than t\'JO hundred fifty dollars ( $250 .00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. N. Repeated and/or willful i.np>sition of any rates, charges, fees or deposits or associated terms and conditions, for any service or facility which is not set forth in, or is materiallY inconsistent with, the provisions of this Franchise: One hundred dollars ($100.00) per day per citation. o. Repeated and/or willful failure to corrply with any rules, regulations, orders or other directives issued by Franchisor pursuant to this Franchise with respect to any material aspect thereof: Not less than t\\U hundred fifty dollars ( $250 .00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citaEio . ~ 1:/ I~ v1~ w..4 ' P. 11 ailure of the anchisee to promptly remit Franchise fees as required in this Franchise: Not less than t\\U hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and not rrore than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. 82 Mon~ County/TCI Franchise Agr~t APPENDIX C SUBSCRIBER PR(X;RAM SERVICE 83 Monroe tounty/TCI Franchise Agr~t M:ImCE CXXJNTY, FliRIDA '.OCI CABIEVISICN OF FliRIDA, INC. CABlE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT APPENDIX C: SUBSCRIBER PR{X;RAM SERVICE C-1. Basic SUbscriber Television Services. Basic Subscriber Television Service shall include all channels consistent with federal law, the rules and regulations of the. FCC, and channels reserved by Franchisee for public, educational and governmental use unless otherwise specified herein. The channels of service listed below shall initially constitute the basic subscriber television service offering as of the effective date of the Franchise Agreement. The Franchisee reserves the right to alter, add to or delete any of the channels to the extent consistent with applicable federal and state law and as authorized by the Cable Corrmunications Policy Act of 1984, as amended. SYSTEM CHANNEL BASIC SERVICE SOURCE 2 WPBT (CPB) CARS 3 WCIX (CBS) CARS 4 WNJ (NBC) CARS 5 lOCAL PROORAMMING 'n:I 7 WSW (IND.) CARS 10 WPLG (ABC) CARS 12 C-SPAN SAT 13 om SAT 16 HEADLINE NEWS SAT 17 WI'BS SAT 19 CHANNEL GENERAL SAT 20 FAMILY CHANNEL SAT 22 UNIVI S ION SAT 28 VISICN SAT 84 Monroe county!TCI Franchise Agr~t 29 VH l-<n1EDY SAT 30 THE NASINILLE NE."lW)RK SAT 31 MIV SAT 32 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT SAT 33 THE IEARNING CHANNEL SAT 34 BlACK ENTERTAINMENT SAT 35 QUALITY VALUE NE."lW)RK SAT 36 NICKEIDDEON 37 WEATHER CHANNEL ~ -"" SAT 38 rnsc SAT 39 WCN~ SAT 40 KEY~ (INDEPENDENT) LOCAL *CARS is an acronym for Cable Relay Service, a microwave radio relay service established by the FCC for cable systems. 85 Monroe County/Tel Franchise Agr~t C-2. Ecx>nany Basic Subscriber Services. To be provided by Franchisee as required by and pursuant to applicable federal law and/or the rules and regulations of the FCC. C-2.1 Basic And Econany Basic Rates And Charges. SYSTEM CHANNEL BASIC SERVICE SOURCE 2 WPBT (CPB) CARS 4 WIVJ (NBC) CARS 5 LOCAL PRCGRAMMING ,. 'leI 6 WCIX (CBS) CARS 9 PPV PREVIEW CARS 10 WPU; (ABC) CARS 16 LOCAL ORG. 19 LOCAL ORG. *CARS is an acronym for Cable Relay Service, a microwave radio relay service established by the FCC for cable systems. C-3. Enhanced SUbscriber Services C- 3.1 Pranimn Services. Premimn Services is an optional pay-TV service which initially consists of four premium pay-television channels for which the subscriber must pay an additional charge per channel as set forth in subsection C-3.3 of this Section C-3. As of the effective date of this Franchise Agreement the premium service choices are those set forth below. SYSTEM PREMIUM SERVICES SOURCE CHANNEL 9 HCl1E BOX OFFICE SAT 10 CINEMAX SAT 11 SH<MrIME SAT 12 DISNEY CHANNEL SAT 86 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t C-3.2 Premium FM Services. The audio signals of the MIV and Nashville Net\\Urk television channels (channels 14 and 21 respectively) are also simulcast on EM channels 95.8 MHz and 99.2 MHz, respectively, which pennits subscribers with hi fidelity audio equipnent to utilize that equipnent to enjoy a higher quality sound with the video on channels 14 and 21 than possible with nost television receivers or nonitors. FM radio station WFMl' Chicago is also provided on 98.5 MHz. C-3.3 Pranium Services Rates And Charges. ['Ib Be Provided By TCI] 87 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t APPENDIX D ctJS':lG!Im SERVICE POLICY AND SUPPOOT SERVICES 88 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agreeeent ~ <XXlNTY, FI.ORIDl\ 'OCr CABLEVISICN OF FImIDA, INC. APPENDIX D: C1J'S'lU1ER SERVICE POLICY AND SUPPCRr FACILITIES Franchisee shall provide to its subscribers the following services and support facilities which are and shall be in addition to and not in substitution of any other subscriber services and support facilities required by this Agreement. D-1. B!LL]N; PRCXEmRES. D-1.A rtanized Bill. Each bill must itemize each category of service or piece of equipnent for which the subscriber is charged any late charges may be applicable. D-1.B DIe Date Fbr Bill. Franchisee shall not require payment of a bill until at least twenty (20) days after the bill has been mailed to the Subscriber by Franchisee. . D-1.C Disconnect And Late ~. No disconnection or late charges shall be irrposed by Franchisee until forty-five (45) days from the date upon which a bill has been mailed to the Subscriber by Franchisee. Franchisee shall not disconnect service due to a Subscriber solely for failure to pay a portion of a disputed bill. D-1.D Notice Of Disronnection. In the event of disconnection, Franchisee shall provide to the Subscriber a notice of disconnection not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date upon which the disconnection is to occur. The notice shall clearly state the arrount in arrears and the total arrount due to avoid disconnection. There shall be no disconnection of service on Sundays, holidays or when Franchisee's local business office ( s ) is/are closed. D-1.E Reconnect~. In the event of disconnection, upon Subscriber's payment in full of arrears, Franchisee may impose a reconnect charge based upon Franchisee's reasonable cost of reconnect ion . D-1.F Olanges In~, Rates, And/Or Programning. Franchisee shall provide Subscribers with notice of any changes in charges and rates in a separate and distinctly identified notice which shall accompany the Franchisee's bill for the period directly preceding the scheduled change in such charges, rates and/or prograrrming; provided, however, that in no event shall the Franchisee provide less than ten (10) days notice of such changes in charges, rates and/or prograrrming to Subscribers and Franchisor. D-1.G lX7..mgrade~. Franchisee shall charge no rrore than its cost to downgrade a subscriber's cable service. In no event, however, may a 89 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agr~t downgrade charge be inposed upon a Subscriber who has maintained cable service for nore than six ( 6 ) nonths or who is tenninating service corrpletely. D-1.H Refunds For Changes In Or Failure 'lb Provide Progranming. If the Franchisee advertises, prorrotes repeatedly and in a significant manner the availability of a particular program service or services on its basic tier and then within six (6) nonths of such repeated and significant pronotion makes a change by noving such service or services from the basis tier to a nore expensive tier, or fails to provide such service or services at all, Franchisee shall upon thirty (30) days notice and request for termination of services by affected subscribers, refund all installation, upgrade and other one-time charges imposed on such Subscribers within six (6) nonths prior to the noving or failure to provide such program service or services or Franchisee shall provide an up-grade, at no charge to- the Subscriber, to the nore expensive tier which carries such program service or services. Franchisee shall within sixty (60) days of the tennination of its advertising and prorrotion give notice to Subscribers that the advertised and prorroted program service or services will not be offered at all or not at the previously advertised and prorroted price. 1) If the Franchisee, as a substantial inducement to a significant number of new subscribers, repeatedly and significantly advertises and prarrotes a new basic tier program service or services and then fails to provide such program service or services as advertised and prarroted within six (6) nonths of the tennination of such advertising and prorrotion, despite the reasonable availability of such program service or services, then upon thirty (30) days written request from subscribers who have had service for ninety (90) days or less, Franchisee shall disconnect service at no charge and refund all associated charges for the initial installation of service or provide credit for a portion of the basic tier service charge (such portion to be detennined by Franchisor) for a period up to six (6) nonths . 2) 'Ib facilitate the implementation of these provisions, Franchisee shall retain records of all advertising and pronotional waterials for a period of not less than one (1) year. D-1. I M:>ney Back Guarantee. If for any reason a subscriber is not satisfied with the Franchisee's cable television service during the first thirty ( 30 ) days following installation or an up-grade of service, Franchisee, upon notice from the subscriber, will refund all charges and fees, including installation, disconnection and renoval costs. D-1.J Refund Payments. !my refund payment to a Subscriber by Franchisee pursuant to any provisions of this Agreement shall be wade prorrptly but in no event later than thirty (30) days or the customer's next billing cycle following the request for the refund and, where applicable, return to the Franchisee of the equipnent Franchisee has supplied if the 90 Monroe County/TCI Franchise Agreelll!f'lt refund arises from a termination or disconnection of service. D-2. aJS'l{M!R SERVICE PROCEIXlRES, F1\CILITIES, AND STAFFIK;. D-2.A E}tm'gency Ser:vice Calls And Responses. Franchisee shall have personnel available to answer and respond to emergency service calls on a twenty-four (24) hour-a-day basis. At all times, Franchisee shall have at least one (1) Tech I Technician on duty to respond to emergency calls, repair system problems and handle other emergencies. D-2.B Office And Telephone Availability. Knowledgeable, qualified corrp3I1y representatives will be arployed by Franchisee and will be available to respond to customer telephone inquiries M::>nday through Friday during nonnal business hours. Additionally, Franchisee will staff telephones for supplemental hours on weekdays and weekends. Franchisee will provide notice- to Subscribers of the supplemental hours on weekdays and weekends when its telephones will be staffed and ready to receive calls. D-2.C Telephone Call Response Tine. Under nonnal operating conditions telephone answer time by Franchisee's service representatives, including wait time, and the time required, if necessary, to transfer the call, shall not exceed thirty (30) . seconds. Should Franchisee utilize automated answering and distributing equipnent, such equipnent will limit the n\.lITber of routine rings to four or fewer. Should Franchisee not utilize automated equipnent, it shall make every effort to answer incoming calls as promptly as an automated system, but in no event shall the number of rings necessary to effect an answer exceed six ( 6) . M:>reover, under nonnal operating conditions, customers will receive a busy signal less than three percent (3%) of the total time that Franchisee's business offices are open for business. Franchisee shall meet the foregoing response time standards no less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the time measured on an annual basis. D-2.D CUst.c::mer Ser:vice Center Availability. Franchisee's customer service centers and bill payment locations will be open for transactions M:>nday through Friday during nonnal business hours. Additionally, Franchisee will schedule supplemental hours on weekdays and weekends during which these centers will be open and will provide notice of these supplemental hours to Subscribers. D-2.E Installation And Ser:vice Calls. Franchisee, under normal operating conditions, shall comply with each of the following standards which will be met not less than ninety-five percent (95%) of the time measured on an annual basis: 1) Standard installations will be performed within seven (7) business days after an order has been placed. For purposes of this Agreement, "standard installations" are those up to one hundred twenty-five (125) feet from the existing distribution system. 91 Itonroe County/TCI Franchise Agreetlef'lt 2) Excluding those situations beyond the control of the Franchisee of which it could not reasonably foresee, the Franchisee shall respond to service interruptions system-wide or those of individual subscribers pronptly and in no event later than twenty-four (24) hours. Other service problems which do not involve an interruption or loss of service to Subscribers shall be responded to within thirty-six (36) hours during the nonnal work week. 3) Franchisee shall schedule appointment window alternatives at the option of Subscribers for installations, service calls, and other installation activities, which alternatives shall be (a) norning, (b) afternoon, or (c) all day during nonnal business hours. Additionally, to accommodate special needs of Subscribers, Franchisee shall schedule supplemental hours during which appointments can be set. 4) If, at any time, an installer or technician is running late, Franchisee shall contact the Subscriber and have the appointment rescheduled as necessary at a time which is convenient for the Subscriber. 92 The below listed provisions of the Franchise Renewal Agreement have been amended as follows: 10.2 System Franchise Renewals Elsewhere. The Franchisee shall within thirty (30) days, upon written request of the Franchisor, provide a copy of the issuance or renewal of any Franchise Agreement, which issuance or renewal, is subsequent to the date of execution of this Agreement, and is granted to the Franchisee for the operation of a cable television system within any county or municipality in the State of Florida. 12.4 Construction in Rights-ai-Way; Blanket Permit. It shall be a violation of this Agreement for the Franchisee or any other person acting on its behalf to obstruct, open or otherwise disturb the surface of any street, sidewalk, driveway, public way or other public place, except in the event of emergencies, for any purpose whatsoever without obtaining approval to do so from the appropriate governmental authority, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any violation of this Section shall be deemed a breach of this Agreement and shall subject the Franchisee to all measures and remedies which are available to the Franchisor. 19.2 Insurance. A. The Franchisee shall obtain and maintain liability insurance, protecting and holding harmless the Franchisor, as an additional insured, and insuring the Franchisee against all claims for penalties or damages charged against the Franchisor or Franchisee arising out of, or through, or alleged to arise out of or through (1) the act of the Franchisor in granting the Franchise excepting only ultra vires and/or unlawful acts of Franchisor; (2) the acts or omissions of Franchisee, its servants, employees, agents or independent contractors arising out of, or related to, the franchising, installation, construction, operating, expansion, or removal of its cable communications system herein authorized; or any other action or event with respect to the system, any service related activity, or the distribution of any service over the system; and (3) any action in the conduct by Franchisee of any aspect of its business as a cable television communications service. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Franchisee shall maintain such insurance throughout the term of the Franchise Agreement and in the amounts specified in subsection 19.2.D. below; provided, however, that the amounts set forth for each insurance policy shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Franchisee t~ any insured under this Franchise to the amounts of such insurance. 19.2 Insurance. B. Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of the Franchise Agreement, Franchisee shall furnish the Franchisor with certificates of insurance evidencing that the insurance policies required by this Agreement are in full force and effect. In no event shall Franchisee commence construction or undertake any business activity authorized by the Franchise until all insurance policies are in full force and effect. SECTION 23. TERMINATION; REVOCATION; FORFEITURE; NONRENEWAL OF FRANCHISE 23.1 Material Breach. The Franchise may be revoked by Franchisor for Franchisee's substantial failure or neglect to construct within the Service Area, or otherwise operate and maintain the cable communications system, as required by applicable cable law or the material provisions of this Agreement. If, within ninety (90) days following written notice, corrective action is not being actively and expeditiously pursued, written notice shall be given to the Franchisee of intent to revoke the Franchise, stating the reasons therefor, and a public hearing will be held. 35.3 Resolution of Disputes. After the effective date of this Agreement, should any dispute arise as to the provisions hereof which cannot be resolved by negoti.ation between the Franchisor and the Franchisee, then at the request of either party a technical, legal, or economic consultant shall be retained to assist the parties in the resolution of such dispute and the costs of retaining such consultant shall be borne equally by the Franchisor and the Franchisee. This provision does not require the Franchisee to pay any consultant fees associated with any extension or renewal of the Agreement or Franchise. APPENDIX B: LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FRANCHISE VIOLATIONS P. Repeated and/or willful failure of the Franchisee to promptly remit Franchise fees as required in this Franchise: Not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per day per citation. -2- APPENDIX C: SUBSCRIBER PROGRAM SERVICE C-2. Economy Basic Subscriber Services. To be provided by Franchisee as required by and pursuant to applicable federal law and/or the rules and regulations of the FCC. It is understood that the Franchisee in it discretion may utilize another name, title or designation to identify this service. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day first written above. In Witness of the Foregoing, the Parties Hereto have this IO~ day of February, 1993 Affixed their Seals and Signatures to this Agreement. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ DANNY L. K:OLHAGE, Clerk ATTEST, ~C. ~ DEPUTY CLERK MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: TCl CABLEVISION OF FLORIDA, INC. ATTEST:71fAdtJ ~~ BY: ~/PM- By Da:.:J