Miscellaneous - 8th Change Order
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18 August 2005
Mr. Alan French, Project Manager
Monroe County Construction Management
Monroe County, Florida
RE: Freeman Justice Center I Request for Change Order No.8
Dear Mr. French;
I have just received a letter and documentation from Mr. Greg Galmin of Tower Group
the Contractor on the project for a change order request No.8. In this letter Mr. Galmin
presents a chronology of communication on the issue of adequate concrete coverage in
the slabs at intersections of conduit and reinforcement. ] have spoken to you on the phone
reference this matter and wish to reiterate my position.
Our specifications call for certain clearances and concrete coverage minimums to be
maintained by the contractor in the installation of the various trades in the slab. It is
incumbent on the contractor to coordinate with all his trades and to determine their
method by which they can accommodate the installation. When the matter was initially
brought up it was presented in a manner that suggested that the entire installation of the
slab could not achieve the prescribed clearances. After several days' discussion and
meeting in the field it was determined that only in the areas where significant conduit
crossed was there even an issue. The resulting minor adjustment (which is typically dealt
with in the industry without fanfare) was simply to pour an additional Yz" of concrete at
those locations by dropping the slab form bottom at the pre-cast joists. We gave the
directive that this was acceptable.
In discussion in the field with the lead member of the electrical subcontractor, he voiced
that this was not a significant issue and should have been dealt with by the Contractor,
without comment. In discussion with our structural engineer (Pistorino & Alam), again it
was reiterated as inconsequential and should have been dealt with by the Contractor
without comment.
By way of Mr. Galmin's letter he indicates that their work results in a Change Order
Request for 12 panels that need to be adjusted. You are specifically aware that on that
same visit discussed above I indicated that over 20 panels where unacceptable for finish
requirements on the slab pour and needed to be replaced.
During the course of the field meeting referenced above, the Contractor asked me how
did I propose to lower the slabs. I replied that the method was up to him. It could be
different hangars on the pre-cast joists or some form supports of his own choosing. These
comments where made in the spirit of cooperation. However, I remind you, per my
contract - "The Architect shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be
responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures ... in
connection with the work, since these are the Contractor's responsibility under the
Contracts for Construction."
This brings me to my conclusion. The Contractor has submitted a change order for the
above work to include time delays for performance of this work with a total of
$57,737.:50. This amount and the corresponding time delay are in my opinion
irresponsible and a careless disregard for the Owner (i.e. The taxpayers of Monroe
County). If you review the data provided, they indicate a time expense of over 400 man
hours or ten man weeks to reinstall 12 panels. This alone is preposterous at best.
Additionally it should be noted that it is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate his
trades prior to installation. If this problem as implied, was as significant as represented, it
should have been identified at the beginning of his project planning with his trades, as is
the norm and certainly during the preparation of shop drawings for slab installation.
This whole issue suggests a possibly unseemly motive. I am unwilling to be an
accornplil:e to this action. I therefore make the following recommendations. My
comment.~ below are simply suggested options the County may exercise. It should be
made clear that in no way will I recommend Monroe County, my client, authorize this
change order; and I and my consultants will not approve of such a request.
Option I. Instruct the contractor to proceed with the work and exercise his options under
the dispute section of his contract.
Option 2. Stop all work pending resolution of the issue.
Option 3. Advise the Bonding Company of the Contractor's issue and request
intervention by said Company.
It is with much regret that requests such as this are marring the progress of the County's
flagship project. Gonzalez Architects is committed to our decade long effort to see the
Freeman Justice Center completed as a proud building for the community. Should you
have any questions please feel free to call.
Gonzalez Architects
Gonzalez, AlA, NCARB