Resolution 291-2007 RESOLUTION NO. ~ - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF KEY V ACA PARCEL iRE #103560-000200 (PROPOSED SEA GRAPE APARTMENTS SITE) FROM THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE IPLAN LAND AUTHORITY FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING. WHEREAS, Sections 125.01(1)j and 125.01055, Florida Statutes (FS), authorize the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (hereinafter "BOCC") to take measures necessary to increase the supply of affordable housing; and WHEREAS, Section 125.35, FS, authorizes the BOCC to sell or lease real property to the highest and best bidder for the particular use the BOCC deems to be the highest and best or to adopt by ordinance altemative standards and procedures to sell or lease real property; and WHEREAS, under Section 125.379. FS, properties identified as appropriate for use as affordable housing on the County's inventory list may be offered for sale and the proceeds used for affordable housing, or may be sold with a restriction that requires the development of the property as permanent affordable housing, or may be donated to a nonprofit housing organization for the construction of permanent affordable housing, or, the County may otherwise make the property available for us,~ for the production and preservation of permanent affordable housing; and, WHEREAS, the BOCC desires to control and oversee the development of certain affordable housing sites acquired by the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: 1. The BOiCC hereby agrees to accept title from the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority for the affordable housing site identified as the Phase I parcel in Exhibit A. 2. The BOCC hereby acknowledges that use of the property will be restricted to affordable housing as defined in the Florida Statutes and the deed(s) to the BOCC will contain the specific deed restrictions shown in Exhibit B. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a mee,ting of said Board held on the ~ day of Augus t , 2007. 3: _ ~ C) co.) ~ ""'1 -... .'> -... ~~~ff ~ :;; ~ :~..- ~ Mayor DiGennaro Mayor Pro Tern Spehar Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes "'-.;C') " =t: (SEAL) ,2'" .~~. ~ Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiss~ERS' By: ShaLJ. c. ~aMtM:J ~:M~~~~~~RIDA > Deputy Clerk MONROE COUNTY ATT RNEY ayor Mano iGennaro VED 0 ..:'ile. SUZANNE i\. HUTTON -t{!tJtJti?y :Z"'O 0....0 z-n ::a. II 01>. m~a; n"'lII 0" ... c:0 ... ZO 1II ....' .. -<g. I>. tSl a.... <a :D~ ..... ZoN Z..,OIl -<..,..... ~. N '-0 tSl . ....CS1 ~ .... >t- O'" .-. :1:0 '" 2)0 .. CP .. ml>.tSl o " o :z .., mo ><"0 "n ",II "'.. "'1II "'1II ... ... "1II .... .. .... tSl Ul Exhibit A ~ ~o" 0000 , ./" "';:'--- I 'S\O~' . .' \ ~, . ~~ O ---- . .<' ~;./' P.O.C. IIIP'< ' d\\G'fl,/" ";....-- ""~ .\ S. .0 ~!>\..... V' /" &, ~/ i g ,,-.-.- "-'-.- At 7 .---.-. '-i- N g: 8 34' '\ ""--., """:.-If E:AST P.O.B. Phase I 231.55 ~ I I '~ 1M I I ~ . , ---------- ! ~ ![ ~ N '''' Ai-i- '-'-'~~-7-'-'-'- -'~!i-'-' i P.O.B. Phase II ~ ~ lil .. -. -..-. "-. -. -'- ---'-1-:- SeaGrape I_td., 0 Florida Umited Partnership U.S. Highway No. I, Marathon, Florida Sketch to accompany Legal Description Own No.: Phaee I '" II 06-409 Scale; 1"=12.0' Oat., 7/28/06 REVISIONS R.f. Flood pane Flood Zone: AE AND OR ADDITIONS S' 10 .. . !l. Phase i; A parcel of land in Section 11, Township 66 South, Range 32 East, Key Voca, Monroe County. Florida. more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the East line of said Section 11 and the Southeasterly right of way line of U.S. Highway 1; thence South olong the said East line of Section 11 for 285.00 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence contine South for 574.00 feet; thence West for g 1.55 feet; thence North for 24.61 feet; thence West for 140.00 feet; thence North for S49.39 feet; thence East for 231.55 feet to the Point of Beginning; Containing 129463 s.f. or 2.97 acres, more or less. !l. Phase II; A parcel of land in Section 11, Township 66 South. Range 32 East, Key Vece, Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the East line of said Section 11 and the Southeasterly ri9ht of woy line of U.S. Highway 1; thence South olong the said East fine of Section 11 for 859.00 feet to the Paint of Beginning: thence contine South for 280.00 feet; thence West far 231.55 feet; thence North for 304.61 feet; thence East for 140.00 feet; thence South for 24.61 feet; thence east for 91.55 feet to the Point of Beginning; Containing 68279 s.f. or 1.57 acres, more or less. I o z '" 5 ill '" ~ 10 c: , . '" . o ~ a , !" ~ . , !l- i;. .. m '" a :;. .- il' , ~ . Id S' " .... ., ...... I . l.OC#.'II(IN/oMP .---- FREDERICK ENClNDt H. HILDEBRANDT Pl.NINER ~ J 150 Northlld. Drive Suite 101 Key We.t, Fl. 33040 (30~) 293-0466 FOll. (30~) 293-02J7 "'0 ,,"0 ..n N" ...... N... ...... .. .. ...... ..... .. .... ... lSl Doell 1664461 Bkll 2323 PslI 711 EXHIBIT B AFFORDABILlTY COVENANTS 1. Term. These affordability covenants are perpetual, run with the land, and are binding on all present and subsequent owners and mortgagees. 2. Property Use. Use of the property shall be restricted to the provision of affordable housing as defined in section 380.0666(3), Florida Statutes, as said statute may be amended from time to time. 3. Monitorffi. Grantee is responsible for ensuring compliance with the affordability covenants containlsd herein and expressly agrees to furnish, upon Grantor's request, written certificaltion thereof. MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS