Resolution 581-2002 RESOLUTION NO. 581 - 2002 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS THAT THE ALLOCATION OF NON- RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA FOR YEAR 11 BE LIMITED TO APPLICATIONS OF 2,500 SQUARE FEET OR LESS AND THAT SIXTEEN THOUSAND SQUARE FEET BE MADE AVAILABLE IN TWO ALLOCATIONS, THE FIRST ALLOCATION OF EIGHT THOUSAND SQUARE FEET ON FEBRUARY 1, 2003 AND THE REMAINDER TO BE HELD IN RESERVE FOR THE SECOND ALLOCATION PERIOD OF JULY 1,2003. WHEREAS, Policy 101.3 ofthe Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (2010 Plan) requires Monroe County to regulate non-residential development to maintain a balance of land uses; and WHEREAS, Section 9.5-124 Non-residential rate of growth ordinance (NROGO), provides for an allocation point system for non-residential floor area, which maintains the ratio of 239 square feet of non-residential floor area for each residential unit developed as required in the 2010 Plan. WHEREAS, the first annual allocation for Year 10 of 18,222 square feet of non- residential floor area was awarded on November 19,2002; and WHEREAS, the remaining amount of non-residential floor area available through July 2003 for allocation in NROGO Year 11 is 88,358 square feet; and WHEREAS, a settlement agreement awarded 42,858 square feet of non- residential floor area over the next two years; and WHEREAS, Sec.9,5-124.4 (g) provides for a recommendation by the Planning Commission and the Planning Director, to the Board of County Commissioners, of the total amount of non-residential floor area which shall be made available for the annual allocation and the distribution of this allocation between small (2,500 square feet or less) and large size allocations; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission, reviewed the Planning Directors recommendation for the allocation amount for Year 11 at a regular Planning Commission meeting on November 19, 2002 and recommends to the Board of County Commissioners that the annual allocation of non-residential floor area be limited to applications of 2,500 square feet or less and that a maximum of sixteen thousand square feet (16,000) of non-residential floor area be made available for allocation in year 11; and WHEREAS, the Planning Director and the Planning Commission recommend that amount of square footage recommended be made available in two allocations, the first allocation of eight thousand (8,000) square feet on February 1, 2003 and the remainder to be held in reserve for the second allocation period of July 1, 2003; NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the annual allocation of non-residential floor area be limited to applications of 2,500 square feet or less and that sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet be made available in two allocations, the first allocation of eight thousand 8,000 square feet on February 1,2003 and the remainder to be held in reserve for the second allocation period of July 1, 2003. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 18 day of December, A.D., 2002. Mayor Dixie Spehar Mayor Pro Tern Murray E. Nelson Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner David Rice YPS Yf'1'; yes yes yes 1 \\ ',\ ' \ \ ' \ \: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~)J~ >n ~~ BY Mayor Spehar {SEAL) A TTEST: DANNY KOHLAGE, CLERK G~ o c Z )">' ::0 -, on~; Pl~:, n' On' ~?O~ -i(")r :<-i:I: ...,' ~ ,.... rr1 )>0 l"-V = = ,~ <- ::z:,.. :z; I W ., r ", o ." o ;;:1j -0 ::r: N ~ OJ ;IJ rr1 () o :::0 CJ