B. County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 10. 2007 Bulk Item: Yes No -X- Division: County Attornev Department Contact: Suzanne Hutton AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of an appointment of an elected official representing Key West, the most populous municipality in the County, to the Tourist Development Council. ITEM BACKGROUND: Key West Mayor McPherson has been infonned that under the Tourist Development Council ordinance there is a provision for automatic forfeiture of TDC membership if a member has unexcused absences for three consecutive TDC meetings or 4 IDC meetings in one fiscal year. He has requested that he be re-appointed since he would like to continue to serve on the TDC, and he was not infonned prior to the absence requiring automatic forfeiture of either the ordinance requirement or the TDC Operations Manual policy that only a death in the immediate family constitutes an excuse for absence from a TDC meeting. He has indicated that three of his four absences were for City business - one absence due to a City budget meeting, and two absences due to meetings with federal officials in Atlanta and Washington, DC, respectively. The BOCC appointment is required to be of an elected official of the City of Key West. While the TDC ordinance states that upon the forfeiture of a TDC position due to excessive absences, the BOCC shall "appoint a new member to serve the remainder of the unexpired tenn," there is no specific language in the ordinance prohibiting re-appointment. If there was such language, he could not be re-appointed. Absent such specificity in its ordinance, the BOCC may interpret the language to allow or disallow are-appointment. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Resolution passed at the August 15,2007 BOCC meeting clarifYing that appointments of the elected officials to TDC are deemed BOCC nominations. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: NA TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes _No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMBlPurchasing_ Risk Management_ DOCUMENTATION: Included x To Follow_ Not Required_ AGENDA ITEM # ~. i DISPOSITION: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 10. 2007 Division: Countv Attornev Bulk Item: Yes -----X- No Department: Staff Contact Person Cvnthia Hall. ext 3174 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to execute quitclaim deed transferring title to Key Largo Fire Station #25 to the Key Largo Fire Rescue and Emergency Medical Services District. ITEM BACKGROUND: Key Largo Fire Rescue and Emergency Medical Services District ("District") was formcd by Chapter 2005-329, Laws of Florida. On September 20, 2006, the Monroe County BOCC entered into an interlocal agreement with the District to transition authority for fire and rescue services to citizens within the District from the County to the District. Fire Station #25 was built on land leased to the County. The 9/20/06 ILA transferred responsibility tor the underlying ground leascs from the County as lessee to the District. The ILA further provided that title to Firc Station #25 (then under construction) would be transferred in an "as is" condition from the County to the District within thirty days of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Facilities Development has completed construction of the building, which contains three vehicle bays, a full-service commercial-grade kitchen and laundry facilities, common area, and sleeping quarters for seven firefighters. The CO was issued on August 31, 2007 (copy attached). Title to the building is now ready to be transferred. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Interlocal Agreement dated September 5, 2006 (copy attached for reference). CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Not applicable. STAFF RECOMM.ENDATIONS: Approval to execute the attached quitclaim deed is recommended. TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes NO~OUNT PER MONTH Year ~- -- APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ 0 urehasing _ Risk Management da..... DOCUMENT A nON: Included X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # B.~ Revised 2/05 This instrument prepared by, or under the direction of, Cynthia L. Hall ESQ. FBN 34218 Office of County Attorney P.O. Box 1026 Key West, FI. 33041-1026 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this _day of ___,2007, by and between MONROE COUNTY, by and through the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida ("Count"), whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Florida 33040, to KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL DISTRICT, an independent special district, whose address is P.O. Box 371023, Key Largo, FL 33037 -I 023 ("District"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, County and District entered into a certain inter local agreement dated September 20, 2006 ("Interlocal Agreement"), which agreement set forth the mutual obligations of each patty in the transition of fire and rescue services to citizens with the boundaries of the District; and WHEREAS, in pertinent palt, the Interlocal Agreement provided that County would transfer title to Fire Station 25, being constructed at 220 Reef Drive, Key Largo FL 33037 within 30 days of ubtaining the Celtificate of Occupancy for the building, and further provided that the District would accept title to Fire Station 25 in an "as is" condition; and WHEREAS, County has finalized the construction of said building and paid the costs of construction and furbishing of the building located on said parcel of property; and WHEREAS, County obtained its interest in the property from the State of Florida Department of Transportation subject to a Reverter Clause stating that j[the property ceases to be used for public safety facilities, all property rights revert back to the State of Florida Depa1tment of Transportation; and WHEREAS, County deems a transfer to District to be in the best interest of the residents of Monroe County. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That County, in consideration of accepla11Ce oftille to ~,id property by District for a public purpose, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto District, and assigns, forever, all the right, title and interest of County to the building in an "as is" condition described as Fire Station 25, 220 Reef Drive, Key Largo, as shown on Exhibits A. B, and C attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, described further as the improvement 011 that land situated on Key Largo, in Monroe County, Florida, to wit Block 5, I"ot 10, Key Largo City Ind Plat #5, Key Largo PB1-176 OR566-942 OR566-947/50 OR799- 1340/45 OR823-151l114 0R823-1515/18 OR857-636/39 OR857-640/43 0R897-Il49/52 OR912-1351154 ORI038 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the said premises and the appurtenances thereof unto District; SUBJECT TO REVERTER, recorded at Monroe COlmty OR Book 1603, page 671, as follows: The property herein described is to be used for Public Safety Facilities. If the property ceases to be used for public safety facilities, all propelty rights shall revert back to Monroe County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has caused these presents to be signed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Mayor of said Board, the day and year first above written. (OFFICIAL SEAL) ATTEST: DAN 'NY L. KOLHAGE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: By: Mayor MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~r1~LrRM: CYNTHIA L. HALL ASSISTA~T.. CbO~~TY ~'TORNEY Date ' ,Co Deputy Clerk Exhibits to Quitclaim Deed, North Station Key Largo 1. Site Map 2. Property Record Card 3. Map of Boundary 6< Topographic Survey - ~ ....8.- =~ . 5 ~g Vi ~ i , N I "i I 6 ~ 'II! i:l " % I~ ie , Iii! b I "g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i '~I I~ i~~. il. i~1 =b~ <I; ~~ i~l~ :::;; ~~I ~~ ~ I ;~"i d~ ~~i~ r::l ~i~ 9~i~ h~~ ;I:~ E-< ..... i it g ~L~M IZl ';~, ------ ~ --.---.- --------:-.:I-'{ . ~ - r\ :--- ~~ /D. ~ ---- Exh:l.bit A Property Information for 1685739 Page lof2 MONROE COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR: Alternate Key: 1685739 RE Number: 00560090-000000 Property De.iUs O~or I!.K.OIU> SD OF TR OF THE IIF ST OF FL %DNR-DOUGLASBLDG TALLAHASSEE FL 32399 fIn:SIl;-".[..llj;A1101l USHWY#l KEY LARGO L.G.l,LJ!UCIllPTlllN BK 5L T 10 KEY LARGO CITY IND PLA T#5 KEY LARGO PB1-176 OR566-9A2 OR566-947J50 01'799- ]J40/45 01'823-1511/14 01'823-1515/1801'851-636/39 01'857.64014301'891-1149/5201'912.135115401'1038 SUBDIVISION: KEY LARGO CITY #5 INDUSTRIAL SEC S~J;:I1Wh.J:O.w~SlIlP. RANCE 31~6(lw40 AFrQ.tmAD.LEJI01.tiU'ro. No M1L~(lf: GRoUf 500K J'.C..C.ODE 8700 . ST ATE OTHER THAN (PC/LIST) Land Details LAND USE CODE 010D. RESIDENTIAL DRY fsommary or BUildID.R' NuM.D:Lll.OLB_UlLD1J~iQ.S I 1 i NIIMRF.R 01' COMMERC.IA) Bllll DING5; ! 1 Buildioe Characteristics Bulldln! No I BUlLDING TYPE CONDITION PERIMETER 192 DEPR[('IATION 0/0 GRND FLOOR AREA 2268 FuNCTIONAL 088 I'ImmlL"-.MAI' FRONT Act. 25 ~ 2500 SF .lm:!lI 100 I2IA.L..LIV!!'lGAllEA 2268 )'EAR BmLT 1979 I~Cl.US10NS: RooF TVPE FoUNDATION EXTRA FEA TUns: 2 FIX BATII 0 4 FIX BATII 0 6 Flx BATH 0 EXTRA FIX J FIX BATH I ~ FIx BArn 0 7 FIX BATH 0 DISHWASHER ROOF COVER BEDROOMS r Sections 7 o A QUAl.lT'V GRADE 8 YEAR BUILT o ECONOftllC OBS 300 EFFECTIVE AGE 1979 SPECIAL ARCH o HEAT I o HEAT SIlC 1 HEAT 2 HEAT SRC Z o VACUUM 0 SECURITY 0 GARBAGE DJSPOSAL o INTERCOM 0 FlREPLACES 0 COMPACTf)1( o o http://www.mcpafl.org/datacenter/searchJrecord.asp Exbibit: B 8/28/2007 Property Information for 1685739 Page 2 of2 r~~ Lu~.""",T,= #~"I"'" ~""-""''''''' Parcel Value Risto" .....".."'..."1 " ....,'nOU"A'O"""",--" ';';;11 T A3.RQ/~YEAIl RmLDING MISCEI"LANEO(JS LAm! = F.XEMPTIO'IlS {NOT ~...I!U lMPROV'FMINl'S ~I.l<<l SENIOIL~) 2007 122,&12 0 '5.000 [27,S!:! r!7,812 0 2006 122,812 0 5.000 /27,812 127,812 0 2005 126,817 0 5,000 [31,817 /31,817 0 2004 126,813 0 5,000 131,813 m,813 0 2003 126,81:' 0 5,000 /31,813 m.81) 0 2002 126,813 0 5,000 J31,8D 131,8\3 0 2001 116,81) 0 5,000 131,8/3 131.813 0 2000 116.8/3 0 5,000 Dl,813 /31,813 0 1999 126,81> 0 5,000 131,813 131,813 0 HJ9S 84.542 0 5.000 89.542 89,542 (I 1997 84.542 0 5.000 89,542 89.542 0 1996 76.856 0 5,000 81,856 81.856 (I 1995 76.856 0 5,(100 81,85. 81,856 0 1994 76.856 0 5,000 81,851i 81,856 0 1993 64,048 0 2,500 66,548 66.548 0 1992 64.048 0 2,500 66,548 66,548 0 1991 64,048 0 2,500 66.548 0 66.548 1990 64.04S 0 2,500 66.548 0 66,548 1989 64.048 0 2,500 66.548 0 66,548 1988 59.443 0 2,500 61.943 0 61,943 1987 58,116 0 2.500 60.616 0 60,626 1986 58,365 0 2,500 60,865 0 60,865 1985 65.524 0 2.500 68,024 0 1i8.024 1984 6;5,524 0 2500 68.024 0 1i8.024 1983 65,514 0 1,079 66.60, 0 66,603 1982 64,275 0 1.079 65,354 0 65.354 Parcel Sales History ~_l"rr_~ l)Lr1 J/Jt'~!.M,U~,,J)~_r'tJ<-'i,tt" [1\ (.,I II_lnFU ,.: ,~l(!_"lH.',nt.r)I..~'I)j.1{!L~J.:t:)H IL\Jt"9'.,,~:~I..J'., .If .) '.U.U ~J..'!.,\! rl)I1f:' :'111 ~i!O'\ I',' 1'1 L"~;I: i,lvr ll~-}l l'i-llce ll'U j(II'I!.Ul tS\, n. SALE: DATE QFFICIAI RF...C.mur.,i l'RlG lm:r.Al2.M.EliT ~(l.E 01/1992 I ] 98/2344 l\Ill 0'11984 912/1351 l\Ill http://www.mcpafl,orgldatuccntcr/search/record.asp 8/28/2007 " SCAlf: I' _ 20' WRING eASE' O~IItD rROM I"tAT /oS CfNTl:RUNIt. 0- i:r.~DRlve: 552'S''OO'e AU. ANGLES OtplCTeD AU. 90 DfG.W.tf5 ,.IMI.L!5S 0Tr1t'RW'5t: INDICATED ADD~: ~ iA'-GO Flilf D,rAA!MfN'l' )O()()(X~r,,r,JVf mlAA.GO,f'L 33037 El.!VATlOfe 5t10\1M AS X -...' RfrERTO NGVD 1'2' V/:<<.TICAL DATUt-.A AOO~ sfAltVa CQMt.1UNITYNQ" lZ!112~ MAl" t.O.; 12067C-ObG5G MAl" DIlTI!, 0'"' I ~s I'l.DOOZC>>4f, N: IY6E :t!VATION: '0' ltGIIL Dt5CRl.l"TION . " / ~NIl-W'1~ ~" "'1,"."," " 5 52"5"00' t i 00.00' -~.'" ,lIO," ~,:".~ \7 \ -- .--/-"'b < 8 ~ . l , . \ /J ),p" r'{),~ " " ,-/-'7 / _--../ 5TfEL 8UILDI"G ./ ./ GROUND LElia "",~f\D(lI.~.'!l,' " / ..t.:...~.:-:.~:.:.. ."\. ,'. s ~ ~ ~ . +' ~f " ~ " ~ < , " ~ . " !" , \ :1\" vi -.-..-...- I I II :I:~~J. / 'f 100.00 C!.Rt.'Flm!\I((P'~ 50' oww ., lllloO =-. .... --tl-. ' tl'ln___.... ~o~ --- ,~ ..s ~ MAP Of ElOUNDARY * TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOTS 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. IG* 17, BLOCK 5 KEY LARGO CITY PLAT NO, 5 INDUS/RIAL 5ECTION Exhibit C l<It. IQ, II, 1%. '''.1<11, I:', 1'.4 17.0!<:tc:&1i,u:f'l.'l'lf.o CITYI'1.AT.....,.5, ,..tl'IJ:>JI(lIot,~. -.:1"'9 W~~~ tIIIlt1l(I' .r~'nl'Ut!).,..tI.f'~,,~17'.<1ftlle""lf,!: ~d~of~tQ!!c~.r~ <ZR.:nMWTO- MONROe COVNTY -.It""-=____..""_____ -.e,....__.....__.._.....-,.,__"............. <7.....-......_....._........,...__,1>"""'_ ~.- ___,.'"'.....IICl'...<t',__~__I'\.&..... ""---~............, ..._'..~""""-"""............,.,.......... -'<AI' ,'.to' .. - -- # . ,___,,..,.__.....e..-...___......... ---.,....~...""'--.,- ___.._c....c.-._,...,........,-... "'.__...""'..............-...._._IPOP.U........ __...._",.f\aIICo__"'_,'" -...,--...,,_.. oo>mAlI.._....__ iL R..J::. ReECE. P.A. ~....J.. PRDffS~~SiJl~_~wmR ~ Y ,~~*'*.!llGl'lH(I;."'r,I't!3Ol! ~1E" V ~i~W~;U:5 ~:""- ..:<:.c: ~~- !l',is:- ~~~ ::=:::. --- ;Efi..=- ~:~-; -""".- r.:~",-==- - -. . _"'*'~1 - --..- LOCATIO~ MAP' N.1'.5. -'-'-- -.--- - ~._~,- r,~;: _.- -........- ........- ....-- ." .~ ~ i IN'I'ERLOCAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY AND KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT TBIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is COIItend into pIII'I1IIlIlt to See. 163.01, F.S., by 8lId between MOIII'Oll County, a poIilica1wbdivisi<>n of the Stale of Florida. (IImufter "COUNTV"), 8lId Key Largo Fire Racue and Emergency MedIcal Servicos , lIIl iodepondcol special dislrict, (hereofter "DISTRlCT''). WIIJ:REAS, the I ~oJattJre of die S_ of Florida has ewu;1ed Chat>=' 2005-329 establishing the Key Largo Fore Rescue lIIld Bmerpncy McdiW Servil:e. spocial independont dialrict which is a public corpontiOll cbarged with the l1l.pona1bility of providing flfC t\l8CUC 8lId emergo:a.cy modical services within its seographk:al boundaries; IIld WHJ:llEAS, the Key Larso Fire Roseue and EnleIpcy Medical Services lI*ial independent district encompllI8C8 the FuIlltpltic area of all of Cross Kcy IlIld that part of Key Larso &om South Bay Harbor Drive ancI Lob... LIllIe to the 1OU1hcrb bouttduy of the rigbt4 -way of County lOIdl 90S aod 90SA within Monroe County; IIld WIIEIlBAS, the Monroe CO\IllIy Bocd of CO\IllIy CommiJsloocn will ccmtillllO to provide a Cowty Fire ManbaI who ill the official responsible for the CIrlilrcement an(\ admiuistratiall of local and state fire codes ill ~I"".a..d Momoe County; 8Dd WIRUAS, the CO\IllIy OWIIS caWo properties which bave been usod for fire _ 8Dd ambol8llOe JeI'Vices; and WHEREAS, the CoUDty bas COIItend into alll_ncnIJl with the vol_ orpnizationa in the Key LaIJo 8lllII for the provirioo of lIlIlW:cos whi<:b will MW be perIOtmed by the DlSTRlCT; lIIld WHERJ.AS, the Key L1u:go Vol_ Fire Oopllrtmeut. Inc. 8lId the County eotared in to a Memonmdum of UndenIaacli.nl 011 4/17/1996 . copy of whid1 is lllId1ed Junto (1ItKhment 3), providing for operalion IIld wain_ of on altomale Ilmerpncy Operadom Canll!r (llOC) lIIld a stu....uo.n for RadioIOjJical f!mergency Rospoolle oqulpmeDt al Fire SIation 24, located at I East Driv., Key LaQ!o. FI. 3303 7; and WBl:REA8, II ia in the boat ilI_ of the public to eotllblish an lIIlders1&ndinl as to the mutual obliptiOllll and responsibilities of the COUNlY and the DISTRICT with respect to -. ownership, 8lId dlle to property IIld the provilllon of services; and 'WJIEREA8, the COUNTY aad the DISTRlCT Iw established September 30, 2006 as Ih. dIIIe Ihc Cowtty willlnullfer responoibllity for fire, rescue IIlld on:JCl'llOl1CY medical serviea to the DISTRICT; and WBEUAS, it is the intention of the COUNlY and the DISTRICT to enter into & separate asreemenl reprdlog mutllal aid; NOW, TIIEllFORE IN CONSIDERATION' of the mutual COIIIideration and pmniscs set forlh below, the parties b<<<<o earee as follows: 1. PURPOSE OF AGREEMINT: Tho puI'pOlIe of this qrecmenl is 10 set forth \he mutual obliptioDa IlI'ld l'CIpODSibiliti.. of both parties in the vansitiOll of fire aDd .-ue servI_ to the citizcu willtiD ltJe DISTRICT boundaries. ILA doted Sopt,....... S, 2006 P"II"loU 2. RESPONSlBUXOES OF THE DISTRICT: 2.1. The DISTRICT shall provide __ to any and all records maintained by the DISTRICT lIS may be lllqUinld by die CoUllly Fire Marshal in the performance ofhis duties. 2.2. In COlIllidenItion of die paymeol of the MSlU fund balllllCe and the promises and duties of tile COUN1Y under Scctioo 3. below. the DISTRICT sballllCcepl re5JllX1Sibility for and provide witflin the District all of tile duties and responsibilities IS defined in 2005 Florida Laws Chapter 329. 2.3. The DISTRICT sban enter into. mainlllnanoe asreen-t for tile DISTRICTS radio equipment wil11 Ibe Monroe County Sheriffs Office. 2.4. The DISTRICT shall accept title to Fire Statioo 24.loeated at I Bast Drive, Key Largo, Fl. 33037 in ~ is" condition. 2.5. The DISTRICT shall accept title to title to Fire Station 25, locaIed at 220 Reef Drive. Key Largo. Fl. 33037, in.... is" c:ondition. , 2.6. The DISTRICT shall accept title to !be equipment. vehiclos and lor rolling stoclr. listed in attIclunent I in "as is" c:ondition. 2.7. The DISTRICT shall accept !be aseitlnment oflbe responsibilities and duties oflbe County under t Ibe 1_ aud cootrIcls listed in 8llIlCbment 2. , 2.8. The DISTRICT shall accept the IIsipment of the responsibilities IIId duties of tile COUNTY for any equipment idcntifiod subsequent to the -IlIriDS of this asr-nent as being Ieaoed by the COUN1Y prior to October I, 2006 for use wilhin !be Distriet aud not listed in IbcIunent 2. 2.9. In addition to accepting all itIoms listed in attacbments I and 2 in "as is" condition, as of 12:01 a.m. October I, 2006, !be DISTRICT shall assume all r1JbCl1, retIPODSlbllltin, obliptioas aud duties for said items illclndillS but not limited to 1eue payments, security, care, 1DIin--. repair, code compliance. inspection, permitting, license, resistnDoo and ins............ 2.10. As of 12:01 a.m. October 1,2006, Ibe DISTRICT shall be IOlely responsible for the DlSTRlCTS utility payrnenlll. 2.11. As ofOetober I, 2006, tile DISTRICT shall be IOlely responsible !arany and all pun:baaos oflbe distriet includins but not IiInMd to; equipment, vehicles, fire apparatus, office IUJ'lPlles, maia_ supplies, and cleaninS SIIpplies. 2.12. The DISTRICT shall reimburse Ibe COUNTY an amount equal to !be W1I8OI and baneflts for Ibe position of Staff Aasiswrt I wIIich shall be I1affad by a County employee. 2.13. The District sbaIllllow the COUllty EmerjplllCy Manqement Deputment die use of Fire Station 24, and a storeroom within, located at 1 East Drive. Key Largo, PI. 33037 for !be astIbliJbmant of an ahemate Emerpncy OperatiDDll CCI1ter (EOC) during hurric:ane an.e.aew:ies. radiological tIIIIllI'JIGIICies, and otber c1i_ and durins butricano emarplICy ~~eas aud l'IIllio1ogical cmersaocy pteparedwss lrIinJng and _lsa seuiOllS. The District sball provldo keys to Ibe Couaty for __ to the filcilities. The County sba1l be allowed 10 pIKe a ~ lock OD the Radioloaical Equipment Storeroom. !LA doI.oiI September S. 2006 1'11&" 2 ofs 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF COUNTY: 3.t. The COUNTY shall trBmIfilrto the DISTRlCT title to Fire Station 24, located 11I1 East Drive, Key Largo, FL. 33031, no 1atlor1han Sopccmber 30, 2006. 3.2 Following completion of consUu<:tion, the COUNTY shall \nIIISfer to the DISTRICT title to Fire SllIlion 25, located III 220 Reef Drive, Key Largo, FI. 33031, within 30 days of oblainina the CertificGe Of OcoupIncy for the building. 3.3. The COUNTY shall \nIIISfer to tho DISTRICT title 10 aU the vehicJe&lroUing stoIlk and equipment listed in. -.:bmen.t I by September 30. 2006. 3.4. The COUNTY sball _igo. to the DISTRICT the eontrICtI and leases listed in. attachment 2 by September 30, 2006. 3.5. The COUNTY sban prepaRl an. eP'lm.... of the MSlU fund balaDCo u of 913012006. On Oelober 6, 2006, the COUNTY sbaIl furwanI JllIYIIIllRt in the amount ofS200,OOO to the DISTRICT. 3.6. Upon completiQI' of the FY 2005-2006 COUNTY 8I1dit, the COUNTY sbBll reconcile the estimated MSnJ fund balance payment made on October 6, 2006 with the audited balance mi forwanl the payment of any excels funds ldMriiti..d during the COUNTY 8I1dit by April 16, 2007. 3.7 COUNTY IbAllltllffthe position ofStsff Assismt I COlItingentupon llNlIU.Il budget llpproval. 3.8 The County EIIIClf8etlCY M.n.ll""""'"'1 Department shall be fully responsible for the _b1ilbmellt, 5IIffing. SIIJlPI)'iD&, and oplfttion. of the Emerpncy Operationa Ceotel' (EOC) IIIId for llII cost iJlcurred in 1lIllh. In the _ of a dilullor or an exercise, the dinlctor of the CouIlty's Emergen<:y Management Department, or a d8sign.ee, sban notify tho Chairmen of the Distric:t and the Cbief of the DisIrict of the need 10 establish III Bmerpncy OporaIions Ceoter. 4. INSlJRANCE AND BOLD HARMLESS: 4.1 The parties to this lIBJ'CleDlent Itipu1llle lhIIl each is a _ govenuDIlIItal ....cy II defined by Floride S_ end lepreIClIlls to the other tIlat it bas purchased suitable Public Liability, Vehicle Liability, and Worbn' CompensetIon. ~ or is IIelf-iusunlll, in IIIIIOUDII adequate to respond to any and all claims WIder federal or _ ac:tionII for civil riglds violations, which are not Iimltod by Florida St8lutes Section 761.28 and CbapIer 440, .. well II my and llII claims within the limitations of Floride Statutes Sectioo168.28 end CIuIptllr 440, ariq out of the activities sovemed by this ....-...nt. 4.2 To the extent llIIowed by law, eacb party shall be nlSJKlIUIible for any acts, or omissions, of 11CllI1iaew=e 011 the pIltt of its employees, agent!, C01ItnctorI, end subcoatrIctors and shall defend, indemnify and hold the other party, its offj""", and emplay-.. """15 and COIIlracton, Iwml_ from all claims, demands, ca_ of action, ~, COIIlI. and ~_ of wbatover type . including inveatiption and wltnou 008tI lIIIlI expenses md allOnleyl' feea and coslI - dUll arise out of or are IlIributable to arising out of such actkms or omissions. The purchase of insunnce does n.ot release or vitillle either party's obliptions tntdcr this parqraph. 4.3 Notwlthlll1null"ll tho provisions of Soc. 286.28, Florids StJl1\Ms, the perticipltion of the COUNTY and DISTRICT lr1 this Aare-ont and the acquisition of my collllllOlclal liability insuruc:e coverage, self-illllU8llCC co.......... or local govertUllOllt liability insutanc:o pool """..... .haII not be deomed . waiver of immWlity to tho extent of liabUity co......... nor shllII any contnlCt entered iD/O by the COUNTY or DISTRlCT boo required txl contein any provision. for waiver. u.A dal<d Seplloml>er S. 2006 Pogo 3 ofR s. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE, INnRPRETATJON. COSTS, AND FEES: 5.1 This Ageemcnt sball be governed by and construed in accorcIamce with tho laws of the Slate of Florida applicable to eoolnIcts made and to be performed entirely in the State. 52.1n the event that any cauae of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enfon;l!ll1lCllt or inteqlnltation of this AIfllI'II1CIlt, the COUNTY and DISTRICT agree thai vonue will I ie in the IIp\WOJIIiate court or before the appropriate administrative body in MODroe Counl)', Florida. 5.3 The COUNTY and DISTRICT agree that, in the event of conflictill& inee./b.WiODS of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or botween any of them, the issue sball bIl submitted to mediation prior to the institution of my other adminislnltive or legal proceeding. S.4. The COUNTY and DISTRICT agree thai in the event my ca_ of action or administrative proceeding is iniliatlll or defondec1 by any party ",lllive to the enfurcement or inIlIrpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party sball be entitled to rouonable attorney's tees. court lXIIlla, investiptlve, and out-of-poclrot expeoaeB, as an awan1lpinsl the non-prevaillng party, and slullllnclude atIomcly's f_ COUl1B costa, investiptive, and out-of1lOCkct exponaea in eppel1Ble proceedillga. M<ldialion proceedings inilillted and conduclecl pursuant to this Apeement shall be in IllCOIdaDco with the Florida Rul.. of Civil Proceclme and usual and c:ustonwy procedures required by the circuit court of MllII1'Oe Counl)'. 6. SEVERABILITY: If any tenD, covenant, condition or provision of this Asr-n0llt (or the app1icldion thereof to any cin>um_ or pIlI'fOD) sball be decland invalid or UlIenfDrllOllble to any extent by a court of CIIlIIpOltaIt Jurisdiction, the remaioln& terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of Ibis Agnement, shall not be affected thcnby; and eoch remaining temI, covenant, condition and provisicll of this Apement shall be valid and sbal.l be enr-ble to the fullest extent permitted by law unleas !boD enfCll'CClllleI1l of the remaining terms, coveunts, conditions and provisiom of this Ajrllement would prevent the accompliBbmont of the ori&iDaIlDtllat of this A81_o<<rt. The COUNTY and DISTRICT agree to ....fonn the ~ to IIlplace any stricketl provision with a vslid provision tbaI comes as .1000 as possible to the inlllnt of the stricken provision. ,. BlNDING EFFECT: Th. terms, covenants, condiliOllll, and provisions of this A~t ahan bind and inure to the benefit of the COUNTY and DISTRICT and their respective legal repreIOIIlatives, s_son, and assigns. 8, AlJTBORITY: Each party represents and warnnta to the other thai the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreemeat have been duly IIII!horiud by all necesSIty COUNTY and CO! potate action, as required by law. 9. CLAIMll FOR FEDERAL OR STATE AID: The DISTRICT and COUNTY agree IIw eocb sball be, and is, empowel'lld to lIpply for, -'<, and obtain tedenJ and stale !\Jnd8 to further the purpose ofthla AgreaneDt. ILA dBlOd Sepcllmber $. 2006 p... 4 of8 10. NON-DISCRIMINATION: The DISTRICT and COUNlY agree that there will be no discriminalion apiaat any penlIlIl. The DISTRICT and COUNlY agree to comply wUh all Federal and Florida staIules, and alllocaJ ordinances, as Ippticablc. relatin& to llODdi8crlmiIWI. Theoe include but &Ie not IUnited to: 1) Tide VI of the Civil Rightt Act of 1964 (pL 88.352) which prohlhilli diacriminalion 011 the basis of race. color or national oriain; 2) Tido IX of the Education Amondment of 1972, as amendod (20 use os. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), wllich prohibill disc:rimlDalion on the buis of &ell; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitatioo Act of 1973. U lII1lended (20 use s. 794), which prohibita discrimlnatlon 00 lbI> baail of bandiceps; 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 use BB. 6101- 6107) which proIribIts discriminatioo 011 the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office and T_ Act of 1972 (pL 92-255). as _ended, reIaliDs to noodisorimiDation on lbI> buis of dn18 abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Pnovelltioo, T_ and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-(16), as amended. mating to nondUcrimination 011 the baais ofa1cohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health Savice Act of 1912, lB. 523 and 527 (42 use lB. 69Qdd.3 and 29000-3), as amended, mating to coofidelrtlaIll of alcoholllld drug 1Ib_ polll1d reconIs; 8) Title vm of the CivilllJ&bls Act of 1968 (42 use s. It seq.)... amended, relating to ..,ndiscrimiaatlon in the uln. renIaI or financlns of housing; 9) The Arneri<lan. wiIh DiI8bilIties Act of 1990 (42 use s. 1201 Note), .. maybe amended Ii'om time to time, relllllns to nondiscrimination 011 the basis of disability; 10) Monroe County Code Ch. 13. Art. VI, prohibiting discrimination on the bueo of race, oolor, sex, religion, disllbilily, aatIoaIII orisIn. aI1COlIIry, sexual orionlltion, sender identity or OlCJlR'llsion, filmilial slabJa or age; and 11) any otba- DODdiecrimlnatiOll provisions in any Federal or state _ which may IIJIPIy to the putles II>, or lbI> sul!iect -.. of, this Apement. 11. ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS: 11.1 The COUNTY IIId DISTRICT agree that all disputes and disasrlOl_ts shall be IUIlmpled to be resolved by meet md oonfer seuions between . "",_taIIves of each of lbI> partles. If DO resolution can be agreed upon wiIbIn 30 ~s after the flr!ll meet and oonfer session. the iBsne or issues shall be discussed sJ; a public IIlOOtin& of lbI>Boerd of County CommiasiooerB. If tbe issne or issues are stilI not resolved to lbI> IIIIlIsfiledoo of tile parties, then any party shall have the riaht to _klllCh relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agroemeot or by Florida law. 11.2 In the event any adminislndivc or Iopl proceeding is instilullld "8"ilISt eidler party relating to the formation, execution, perfomlan<1e, or b!eadl of this Aareement. the COUNlY and DISTRICT agree to putlciJllllC. to the extent required by the other party, in all p,....-.llngll, beIIrlnp, proce-. mcctiIlp. and other activities rclllled to the subs1mcc of this Atp'OOD\OlIl or pnwIsioo of the ..mccs under this Agreaneat. The COUNlY and DISTRICT .p0cif\c8Uy agree that no party to this AlIfOllIIlent shall be required to _Into any arbitration proceedings rel81cd to this A,grcement. 12. COVENANT OF NO INTEREST: The COUNlY IIId DISTRICT cov_ that neither pocsenIIy has any inlercBl, md shall Dot ecquin: any interest, wIrlch wou1d conflict ill any IlI&IIlIOI' or degree with its performance under this Asr-nt. and that the only ill_ of _h is to pcrfunn and receive benefits.. recited in this Agreement. 13. CODE OF ETHICS: 13.1 The COUNTY ..-. Ihat offiCCl'll and employ_ of the COUNTY "'""Il'i... and will be required to c:omply wiIh the standards of ooodUl:t for public officers and employees as delinealed ill Section 112.313, Flarida S-. reprdina. but Dot IImlled to, soliclllllioo 01' ~ ofglfta; doingbusm- with OM'S apcy; lIlIlIIIIh<<bJe oompenaation; mlauac of public position, oonf1lcting cmploylllOlll or conlrlc\Ua1 relalinnsh1p; and discloswe or use of certain informatioo. ILA doled Soplembor " 2006 Paae'of8 13.2 The DISTRICT WlII11U\ls that it has nOl employed, teIained or othawise had a<:t on its behalf any former COUNTY officer or employee subject to the prohibition ofScction 2 of ordinance No. 010-1990 or uy COUNTY oft'i<:cl' or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010.1990. 14. NO SOLJCrrATIONIPAYMENT: The COUNTY IllId DISTRICT wamnt that. in respect to iUelf. it has neitbcr employed nor mained any CODIpIIDY or p<<8OD, other \ban a bona fide employee worldng solely for it, to sollcit or _UN 1Iti. AgRCIlIOlltlllld that it has DOt paid or qnoed to pay uy person, company, corponl!ion, individual, or firm, other dlan a bona fide employee worldng solely for it, any fee, commiuion, percentap, gift. or other lXlnsideratioa continpat upon or resulting from the sward or makioll of this AsJ-t. 15. PUBLIC ACCESS: The COUNTY ad DISTRICT shall allow and parmlt reasonable access to, and inspectiOl1 of, .11 docwnenls, JlIIP'lI'I, letlIon or other materials in lis po&&eSSion or under its coatrol sut;ect to the provisinns of CII8pl<< 119, Florida S~ IllId made or received by lbe COUNTY or DISTRICT in conjllDction with this Agreement. 16. PRIVILEGES AND lMMUNlTlES: All of the privileges and immunities tiom liability, excmptioIIs tiom law", ordiJuuu:es, and rules and pcDllions and ",lief, c1iabi1ity, worken' compensation. and other bcmdiI5 which apply to lb. IlCIivlty of offieen, aaenta. or emp10yees of any public saents or employ-. of the COUNTY, when performing lheir respective functions under lbia A.....at within the torrltoriaIlimilII of the COUNTY sbaII apply 10 tho SlIM dearee and _ to the pertbrmanco of suoh funlllions and duties of such officer&, apnts, yolUDtoen, or employees out3ide the I1lrritoriallimits of the COUNTY. 17. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSlBIUI'lES: Non-Deleption of Constitutional or Statutory Dutiea. This Aa-eol is not inCIIIDded to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any palticlpetin. entity from uy oblipdon or ftlO\lODBibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the exCIIIDt of actua1 and timely perfurmance dtereofby IIIIY putlcipori'lj oDtlty, in which caso the perfurmance may be offi:nod in flIIlis&ction of the obligation or ruponsibility. Furtblll', Ibis AQreemeat is DOt inClllDded to, nor sba11 it be COIISll1Ied IS, authorizing the delegatiOll of the constitutional or stld:utory duties of the COUNTY, except to the _nt permitled by the Florida CODStitution, .- ststuCIII, and cue law. 18. NON-DUANCE BY NON.PARTIES: No person 01' entity IIbaII be ClIltitled to rely upon the terms, or uy of them, of this Aareemeot to enforce or IIlI:mpt to enfon:e IIIIY third-party claim or ClIllitlemcDt to or benefit of l1li)' oervice or ph'5'o", CODtcmp1lIIed hereunder, and the COUNTY and DISTRICT acree thai lIeidler lb. COUNTY nor DISTRICT 01' l1li)' &pDt, officer, or employee of elthlll' sball have the IIIltbority to infunn, 00WISll1. or otherwise Indic8le thai any particular incIividual or llJ'OlIp of individuals, enlity or ClIltities, have entitlements or benetits under Ibis A&ftieIDOIIt seperate and IIpII't, interior to, or superior to the community in pIloral Dr for !be purposes coDtemplllled in this Al"'OIIIont. 19. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY: No cov._ or "8fCCIIlCDt contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or qn:ement of uy member, officer, apnt or employee of Monroe COWlty in his or bet ladividual cepecity, and no member, ILA daIod SepleIDber S. 2006 Poge 6 oU officer, egent or employee of Monroe County shall be liable peI'8ODBIly on 1I1Is Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or ICOOIIIItability by reason oflbe execution of this Asr-nent. 10, EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS: This Agreemellt may be llXOClIlild in lI1y number of colllllerplltt, ead1 of whldt sha11 be regarded as an oriJPnsl, all of which taken toaedJer shall constitute one and tho same instrumeut and any of tho parties hereto lIIay execute this Aar-IOIII by singinlany such counterpart. :U, SECTION BEADINGS: Section hoadiDp hIM> beocI inae.rted in this AgJeCIIleIII as a _ of conveniOlll:ll of rofemtoe only, and it is agreed tbet sw:b aoction h--."Ii"ll" .... not a part of this Awdldk.ut and will not be used in tho interpntatiOll of uy provision oflbi! Agreement. n. ASSIGNMENT: Tho DISTRICT may not assign this Asreemont without the 8ppJO\Ial of the County's Board of County ClIIMlisaionors. AU tho obliptions of Ibis ~ will exteold 110 and bind the legal representatives, S_1lll<II alId assips of Tho DISTRICT and the COUNTY. 23. SUBORDINATION: This AII'_t is subordinate 110 the lows and regulations of tho United SIBtes. tho S_ of Florida, and tho COUNTY. whether in etJ'lKlt DO COIIlIllClncemont of this Aareomcnl or edoptod aftertbet date. U. INCONSISn:NCY: If any item, condition or obliption of Ibis ~ is in conflict with olher ilems in tbis Aaroemcnt, the inoonsisteneies shall be conotruod 10 aa to give meaning to those terms which llmlt tho COUNTY's responsibility and JlabiJity. Zs. ETBJCS CLAUSE: Tho DISTRICT WllmlnIII that it has not employed, mainod or 0Iheswi1iO hid llCt DO illl bebalf any fonner COUNTY offil:er or employee oubject to tho prohibition of Section 2 of orditwlce No. 01(1.1990 or lUly COUNTY officer or llI1Iployoe in violation of Section 3 ofOrdinlnce No. 010-1990. 26. CONSTRUcnON: This A.ccme1lI has been carefllJly reviewed by Tho DISTRICT IIIlll COUNTY. Therefore, Ibis Agreement is not to be construed 8tplinst any p8IIy on the besis of authorohlp. %7. Nona8. Notioes in this Apeomonr, unless Olherwlse specified, mU81 be lIOIIt by certified mail to tho following: County: County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Kcy Largo Fire '-:ue &; F.Inergen<ly Medical Services WiUiam Andenen, ClWnnan P.O. Box 371023 Key Largo. Fl. 33037.1023 !LA daIl:d Sepilmlber' 5. 2006 Pqe 7 oU 18. FULL UNDERSTANDING: This Agrcoment is 1he perties' final mutual undersllmcling. It I'llJIIaces any earlier agrcements or understandings. whotber written or oral. This ~ent cannot be modified or replallod except in a writteIl am.endment duly execIIlOd by both parties. 29. EJ'II'ECTIVE DA TEl This Agreement will take em.a on tile ~YofMk 2006. IN WiTNESS WHEREOf, tile parties hereto have set 1heir hands and .-Is 111. day and year first above written. to KOLHAQE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF::NROB~~RIDA Mayor Charles ~Md;oY AND EMERGENCY By Wi_s Tbi. doc_ WIll preparecl8Dd approved as to form by: District CouaaeI Kerry L. Willi. Vemis lit. Bowling !LA daIed Septembor 5, 20015 Page . oU INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY AND KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUJ.: AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICf A'lTACHMENT 1 INDEX A Key Largo rlfe and Rescue EqlJipment (2 Pages) B. Key Largo Ambulance Equipment (I Page) ATTACHMENT IlNDEX "AftAC'fIMBIlI" 1 .A. (P... 1 of 3 Pasaa) KEY LARGO FIRE AND RESCUE EQUIPMENT M_klNo SonII_ AIIotDoocnplillll Acq,*JlIcO D<IIe L..-. _"ode I_COIl ~ U' ",-""TRIC BlOWER 1WI_ UK-KIllI ACTIVE 2.1!50QO 3262 4P1CTVll1AD,I71& 21101 PIERCE PUMPER TRUCK E-24 ll&'W2001 ACTIVE ;!;8,&45.00 3253 EX033132 SCIlAISELF CONTAINED IlREATHING O1fll/2004 ACTIVE 2,345.00 ~254 EX0360H 8CSMlElF CONTAINED BREATHING 01121/2004 ACTIVE 2,345.00 ~5! ElC033123 SCBMlElF CONTAINED BREATHING 0112112004 ACTIVE 2,345.00 ~ ~15 SCSMiE\.F CONTAINED BREATHING 0112112004 ACTIVE 2.345.00 3257 EX031012 SCBMIE\.F CONTAINED BREATHING 01fl112OO4 ACTIVE 2.345.00 me DELUGE NOZZLE W/TIPB 07iOll11951 ACTIVE 2.542.00 32lII 9&1_ SAW. VENT 0313112000 ACTIVE 1.271i.00 3200 3" V1CT AULlC PIPE FOR DECK GUN 12112flOOI ACTlI/E 1,341.50 lI2lIl PORTABlE MANII'OI.D 12m flOOl ACTIVE 1....,131 3252 RESCUE SAW 14" 0_02 ACTIVE 1.1H.00 3253 ELECTRIC SP!!O BlOWERlFAN ll8/1412003 ACTIVE 2.11400 3255 WICT02AS1AOOOI702 21101 PIERCE PUMPER TRUCK E-26 08I2VI!001 ACTIVE 302.702 00 328& ElC03014l1 SCBAlSeLF CONTAINED BREATHING 01fllflOO4 ACTIVE 2.345.00 3257 EX03S00S SCBMIEU' CONTAINED BREATHING 01fllflOO4 ACTIVE 2.34500 328& ElC033131 SCIlMII!I.F CONTAINED BREATHING 01flll2004 ACTIVE 2.146.00 3251 EX029078 SCIWSELf CONTMIED IREATHlNG 0'121/2004 ACTM 2.345.00 327. exo_ SCBMlElF CONTAINED BREATHING 01121_ ACTIVE 2.346,0( 3271 81.138 RAM SARlO' .oN RESCUE E-25 08l.lOl19&1 ACTIVE 1,720.00 3272 ZWI8S1811 RIT KIT/RESCUEAIIIE II SYSTEM 0112112004 ACTIVE 1.H5AlI 3273 2X0231OD "tiT KlTlRESCUEAlRE II SYSTl:1iI 0112112004 ACTIVE 1.HUI 3274 PORTABlEiIANIFOlD 1:1127/2001 ACTIVE 1.4&1.31 3275 1_ ~NOA GENERATOR /WAS 1438-SS7 ll8I08I2OO3 ACTM!! 1,200.00 3271 1S1'G71DOR1020013 1"" RESCUElPUIiIPER S.24 08103I1 "" ACTIVE 217 .lI/iO.oo 3271 EX031008 SCIlAISELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01J21flOO4 ACTIVE 1,345.00 3271 EX031015 SCBAIS!!lF CONTAINED BREATHING 01121/2004 ACTIVE 2,345.00 12811 EXOS1003 SCBAISElF CONTAINED BREAT\11NG 01121flOO4 ACTIVE 1,34600 325' E.J(0301411 SC8AISELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01121/2004 ACTIVE 2,345.00 3212 (2)RAM BARS.POWER UNIT.CUTTER, _1993 ACTIVE 11.S04.55 3283 "JAWS OF liFE" RESCUE SYSTEIiI 07/31flOOO ACTIVE 21,000.00 3214 "OSOt AIRGUN KIT 01~2f1812 ACTIVE 1,92500 3285 III RESCUE KIT 0"'311_ ACTIVE 1,300.00 32" RESO BAGS-8ET 'A' 01fl4l2llll5 ACTIVE 8,99500 3257 EX031oo1 SC8AISELF CONTAINED BREATHING O.flll201l< ACTIVE 2,34500 32ea 5MOO CUTTER 03l2lll2OO5 ACTIVE 4,28824 3259 _75 SDC RAM .- ACTIVE 2.131 \1 3290 _2 IOC RAIiI 0312912OO5 ACTIVE 2,332.21 328' N1471 3OC_ ll3fl8IlOO5 ACTIVE 2,2~711 32112 11599 POWER UNIT 0312912005 ACTIVE S,!ll)IlSO 3293 A0254Hl05 THERMAl. IlllAG1NG CAMERA - ACTIVE 8.IlU.OO 321M lFDAF5SFI52EBS7S4~ 2002 ENCORE CASCADE E.24 0512912002 ACTIVE I~T,219.00 3285 T7&ASC0101 RADIO, _TRAC MOBILE Kl FIRE 04129111192 ACTIVE 1,105.00 32116 02ll35l'1l5 TEMPEST SMOKE EJECTOR (TANKER, 031\7/18113 ACTIVE 1.,.100 3281 lFONF7OK3DVA2T941 1883 RESClJEn>UlIPER l~. 05.vsI1813 ~CTIVE 81.81120 - 71llAllCOlll11 lWllO, _TlUIC 1I0BILE Kl fiRE 04I29I11m ~CTIVE 1,11)5.00 32M 1F10SAAaX:1<1037130 1888 LADDER TRUCK L-TQ 01,o111B19 ACTIVE 475,523.00 Page 1 ._---,~" . -.....--- ATl:ACRIlIIlIIT 1.A. (Page 2 of 3 Page.) KEY LARGO FIRE AND RESCUE EQUIPMENT 3300 77llASC0102 _IlE RADIO ll4I2911982 ACTM! 1,105,00 3301 EX03l1018 SCBAlSELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01/21/2004 ACTIVE l~.DO 3302 EX035D27 SCIlAlSELF CONTI\INED BREATHlIIG 01/21/2004 ACTIVE 2.3<45.00 3303 EX03S005 SCIlAISELF CONTAINED IIIlEATHING 01/2112004 ACTIVE 2.~.00 3304 EX03l1054 SC8MlELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01/21_ ACTIVE 2.3<45.00 3305 EX038CIO<l SCIlAISELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01121_ ACTIVE 2.3<45.00 3306 EX033124 SCBAlSELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01/2112004 ACTIVE 2.345 00 3307 EX031018 SC8AISELF CONTAINED 8REATHING 01/21121104 ACTIVE 2.3.\5.00 330a 81083- to IIW GENERATOR WIAWS CHALME ll8I3OI1ll92 ACTIVE 5.478.23 - 1l11ASY0148 MOll1l..I! RADIO IN 1436-511 $-24 01/27/1883 ACTIVE 2.118.30 3310 EX03I195 SCIlMlELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01/21_ ACTM! 2.~00 3311 exa.l5035 SCBAlSELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01121_ ACTIVE 2.345 00 3312 EX031011 SCBAISELF CONTAINED BREATHlNG 01121_ ACTIVE 2.345 00 3313 EX031llllZ SCIlAlSELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01/21/2004 ACTIVE 2.345.00 3314 EX03lI011 SCBAlSELF CONTAINED BREATHING 01/21/2004 ACTIVE 2.345.00 3315 128\179ll1 DEF18IJlATOR - ACTIVE 3.091ll4 3315 128\17120 DEflBULATOR _000 ACTIVE 3.081 53 3317 _5 RADIO 01JQa/2QQ4 ACTIVE 1.050.00 3318 _M EXTRACATIOH DEVICE 08l18/11l85 ACTIVE 1.~.00 3318 40570 RESCUE TOOL QlWl/I887 ACTIVE 1 ~IO.oo 3320 77llASC0108 RADIO .IIIARATRAC lAClBILE KL FIRE lWoUI/11l1l2 ACTIVE 1.10500 3321 776ASC0107 RADIO, _TRAC MOBIlE 1(1. FIRE 04/2911882 ACTIVE 1.105.00 3322 _32 RANGER UHF MOO BASE STATION _211883 ACTIVE 1~.00 332' eT1ASC03I7 MOTOROLA SPECTRA RADIO (CHIEF' OllI3OIl1l1l3 ACTIVE 2,01202 3324 _7841 SPEED QUEEN WASHER,STAINLESS 03l1ll11H4 ACTIVE 2,8015.00 3315 1~H851evl lM8 FORD AMBlDNE RESCUE 25 D812""_ ACTIVE 58,555.44 3327 8B32005seL10 SAW, VENT 0313112000 ACTIVE 1~75.oo 332ll 21"PRESSl./RE FAN 08I28l2OO1 ACTIVE 1,515.00 332ll 35S/1CA_ PORTAfJlLE RADIO 01/2312002 ACTIVE 1,0<1075 3330 CONMAHD CENTER UNIT 1212112001 ACTIVE 4,81800 3331 72ICOO2D53 PORTAIlLE RADIO 08/2112OCl3 ACTIVE .,1181.85 3332 B().j8I1l1.<\D2 THeRMAL IMAGING CAMERA 03/20/2002 ACTIVE 16.4ll1loo 3333 SKED-EVAC TRIPOD W"::ASE 0&'28/2002 ACTIVE 1,052.52 333. 21211 PORTABLE f~E. PUMP 04~ ACTIVE 4.i5ll.00 3338 COMPLETE HURST COMllINATN TOOL 0311112004 ACTIVE 1~82310 3331 ZX0210717 RIT KIT (l)I)112!104 ACTIVE 1.16&.84 3336 au RESCUE KIT/AIR CHISEL TOOL tOlO8/2OO4 ACTIVE 1.18858 33311 611 RESCUE KI1'IAlR CHISEL TOOL 10lO8/2004 ACTIVE 1,11ll1.58 - OOUlll.C SIDED MOBILE RACK 0211612005 ACTIVE 1.<eo.OO <4231 GE RADIO TOWER 121.31118SO ACTIVE ..71225 - lFVXFSESOPP418883 11113 PUMPER TANKER T .24 02l28/1M4 ACTIVE 20ll,e411 00 <887 2elD4 AGE PORTABLE PUMP 1ItI021t8B2 ACTIVE 3.0'U' - FOlDA T ANl<1ORANGE Ollllllll883 ACTIVE 1.<11.00 - 75370 HURST SPREADER DMl6/10G4 ACTIVE 4.3017.00 ~70 El.l<HAAT STINGER NOULE (lNV.&1 01ml10G4 ACTIVE 1.321.00 4C71 35....C"0841 PORT ABLE RADIO 0112312002 ACTIVE 1.lMO 75 ~72 3" VICTAULIC PIPE FOR DECK GUN 121'\2/2001 ACTIVE 1,3C-1. <901 EX03I180 SCIWSEl.F CONTAINED BREATHING 0112112004 ACTIVE 2.345.00 Page 2 &rrACIlKIIII't 1 .A. (Paae 3 of 3 Pages) KEY LARGO FRE AND RESCUE EQUIPMENT - EX036II39 SCIlAiSELF CONTAINlED BREATHl1'lG 011211Z1lOO ACTIVE 2,345.00 _910 EX031022 SCIlAlSELF CONTAINED BREATHING 0112'12004 ACTIVE Z.345.oo "11 EXll33128 SC8AI$1!I.J' CONTAINED BREATHING 01/2112004 ACTM: 2,345.00 6013 T095-17 MERCURY GROUIjO MONITOR 02103/2005 ACTIVE 1,91' 00 601< TOlI5-4' MERCURY GROUND MONITOR 02J03I2005 ACTM: 1,97'.00 S42Z IOXIOTENT 0210712009 ACTIVE 3,93HlI 1U7D CUTTI!R lI3I:!lQOOB ACTIVE _,_94 10 M71 MINI MATE 511ot0 POWER UNIT 0:1121/2000 ACTM: e,1I1856 50111 LZOB11120KS SCBA 0313112006 ACTIVE _,16U7 1141' LZ081913KS seIA 0313'12006 ACTM: 4,16U7 M7t LZ0811122KS scu. 113/3112006 ACTIIIE ".18487 - LZ0811101KS 5CIA lI3I31/2006 ACTIVE _,'eU7 - 1_3 HONDA GENERATOR 0_ ACTIVe 2,788.98 109 2,OlIO,801.$1 Page 3 A'I"rACIDIEIIT 1. B. KEY LARGO AMBULANCE EQUIPMENT _IIN. _N_ _Coo_ ......-...'01"'0. ~ SlaOlI ~ _I Cool 181la "21134202 COMPUTER 1011_ lIK.J(08 ACTIVE I.T46.oo 18&1 lFOXE45F~HBZ8'/84 ZOO3 FORD WHEELED COACH Rzz3 111181ZOll3 ACTIVE Q1,an30 1011. 671ASYOI34 SPECTRA 1ol0BlLE RADIO IN #76 01127111183 ACTIVE 2.11830 1888 13451'" LIFE PAX,2 1I!if1012001 ACTIVE 18.672 36 10117 2543 IollCHlG.... CPR THUMPER/14'201-2Cl 071111/1887 ACTIVE 5.3ll570 I. lF0J(E4Ol'UHAll4120 1888 FORO AMBU1.ANCE R123 02I1D11881l ACTIVE 80.10$00 1970 8nARUOZSl SPECTRA MOlllLE RAOIO INSTALLED 1l$I3llI1"' ACTIVE 2,10.1.25 lfTl T1ASVOI38 SPECTRA MOBIlE RADIO IN RI23 0112711893 ACTIVE 2.118.30 1872 13451848 LIFE PAIl 12 O!1101ZDOl ACTiVE 18,Q33 3t 187J lFOKE4l5FZ:ZHBI186' 2002 FORD 1IMBUl.ANCE am W181:ilOO2 ACTi'IE 90,174.00 1178 971ASV0150 RADIO. SP!CTRA MOBILE -TReK 81 01127111193 ACTi'IE 2.11830 Itn 871A510,35 SPECTRA MOBILE RADIO IN .76 01127111193 ACTIVE 2,11830 1876 1B18 L P THUMPER CPR IN #7l 12/21/1883 ACTIVE '.296.00 1878 LIfEPAII W/AUKJ POWER IN OR123 1112211"3 ACTIVE 8.74821 1880 - RESUlel RECORDING ANNE 0V111189' ACTlVE 1,"1&.00 1881 5188<3 COLOR TV OlW3I1194 ACTIVE 1,89997 ,~ TEACHING TORSO 03l1TI11193 ACTIVE 1,01' DO 1883 SOUND SYSTEM. TRANSM. KL AMBUL 1l4I21111193 ACTIVE 1.050.00 1885 01$13' HEAl\TSIII1IlOO v.ERDAl ll1/01lnllll2 ACTiVE 1 ,moo ,_ HEARTSI", 2000 ..KL. TRAINING RM 0710111882 ACTIVE 1.82600 1867 MANNEQIJIN AI.S l.AERDAL oeIOIlItllll2 ACTIVE 3.79UJO 1988 012203 INTERFACE MONITOR 08lO8I1992 ACTIVE , ,705.00 I. IIIITTERY ANYlIZER 08I12111lll1 ACTIVE 1.870.00 1890 00007541 UFEPAK IN R223 0312811991 ACTiVE 8.853.28 1991 2258 LIFE PAX 10 WI MCER 10RI23 OW1l1"" ACTIVE 8.267 32 1892 lFDXEo4SF7'IH_ 2000 FORD AMBULANCE R23 _000 ACTIVE 61.1i5ll.00 1883 671ASYOI33 SPECTRA MOBILE RADIO IN R23 011Z7/1"3 ACTIVE 2.11830 11114 om IlIXlE THUMPER WICASE 01108/1887 ACTIVE 5,346.115 lflll5 156'0$ NISSIoH EMERGENCY GENERATOR 10 Wl1/111l11 ACTIVE 8.0111.0< 6078 00007348 UFEPAK IN R223 03126/1881 ACTIVE B,6!i3.27 5103 S23CFC0386 RADIO 02/ll2l2OO5 ACTIVE 2.~1'.67 6104 823CFC0385 RADlO _5 ACTIVE 2."5.87 5105 823CFC0361 RADIO 02lll2J2OO5 ACTIVE 2.~15 87 53l!8 G8VGK61 _ PRO REPORT1NG 011Z11ZOO6 ACT1VE 4'.975.22 5370 31748&l7 COPIER 07108/1l188 ACTiVE 6,297.00 5<<l8 041858 I.APTOP COMPUTER 04I1312OOll ACTi'IE 5.380.3l 5608 041858 LAPTOP COMPUTER 04I131ZOO5 ACTiVE '.310 34 5610 041657 LAPTOP CDIlPllTER 0411312005 ACTIVE '.380 34 38 &43.1155.34 Page 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY AND KEY LARGO FIRE RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICT AlTAC'HMlr.NT:1 INDEX A. NORTH STATION: I. Lease Agreement betWeen the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust fund of the State of Florida lIlId the Board of County Commissioners ofMoaroe County, Florida dated July 7, 1993. 2. Site map B. SOUTH STATION: I. Lease Agreement between the Key Largo Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, Inc. lIlId Monroe County dated Jamwy 8, 1992. 2. Site map. AlTACHMENT 1 INDEX ArrAr.RMR8t 2.A.l. IIOIlTIl S'lATlOJI (Total 13 l'asea) :eoARD OJ' '-'1WS!I'BBS OJ' 'l'HI IJITBRIIAL IJIPROVEMBN'l' TROST FUND OF HI STA'l'I 01' FLORIDA LJl:ASl! AGltUMl!JlT Lease No. 3671 THIS LlASE ACRllBNIIIT, lilieS. and entered into thia 7th day of July 1993, batw.n th. BOARD OF TROSTEeS OF THE IN'l'ERlfAL I'KPROVEII1\aT TROST FUND OF HE STATE OF FLORIDA hareinafter r.ferr.d to a. -LIIlSSOR," and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OP MOKROS COUNTY, hereinafter referred to Be "LESSBE.- LESSOR, for and in con.ideration of mutual covenants and agr....nt. hereinafter contained, doe. hereby lea.. to said LESSBE the lend. d..cribed in paraqraph 2 below, toqether with the improv..ante thereon, end .ubject to the following terms and condition.: 1. D...........T101I8 01' AUTHORITY: LESSOR'S r..pon.ibilitie. and obliqation. h.r.in ahall be exercised by the Division of Stat. Land., Department of Natural ae.ourc... 2. DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES: The property subject to this lease, i. situated in the County of Monroe, State of Florida and is more particularly deecribed in Exhibit DAD attached hereto and hereinafter r.ferred to .a the -le..ed pre~i..... 3. ~l The term of this le..e shall be for a period of F1tty (50) yean c~encinq on July 7, 1993 and ending on July 6, 2043 J unle.. sooner terminated pursuant to the provision. of this lea.e. 4. 9UR90SE: The LESSEE ah.ll m.nage the le..ed pre.ises only for the ..t.bliahaent and operation of a fire .t.tion, along ~...c..... ..........._ __"........ ~.._-- -------......-~ ...--- ....~. . , .. pra=i... for all purpo..s n.c....ry to the full qui.t .njoyment by .aid LESSEE of' the rights conveyed h.r.in. 6. CV~UTHORIZED USR: LlSSZB ah.ll, through it. ag.nts and ..ploye.., prevent the unauthoriz.d U.. ot the le..ed prami... or any use ther.ot net in contorance with thi. l.a... 7. ASSIaMJIll!W'l' I This 1.... .h.ll not be ...i9"ed in whole or in pert without the prior written con..nt of LZSSOR. My ...iqnllent _d. .ith.r in whole or in part: without the prior written cons.nt of LlCSSOR shall be void .nd without legal effect. S . HANAGRII1!:N'.l' PLAN: LESSEE .h.ll prepare .nd suloalti t . M.naq_nt Pl.n for tb. l....d pr..i.... in .=rdanc:. with Chapter. 18-2 .nd 18-4, Plorida Admini.trative Cod., within 12 month. of the .ffectiv. data of this 1..... Th. ttanaq...nt Plan shall be submitted to LZSSOR for approval througb the Divi.ion of Stat. Land.. The lea.ed prai.e. .Ilall not b.. dev.loped or physically alt.red in any w.y other than wbat is nece..ary for .ecurity .nd maintenance of the l.a..d pr.ais.. without the prior written approval of LESSOR until the Manaq....nt plan i. approved. LESSEE sball provide LlCSSOR with an opportunity to participate in all pb.... of preparing and d.velopinq the Kanag_nt Plan for the In.ed praai.ea. Th. Kanaqaaent Plan sh.ll be auI:laitt.c1 to LESSOR in draft fona for r.vi.w and COllllents within ten months of the effective date of thls 1..... LESSEE shall give LESSOR r..sonable notice of the .pplic.tion for .nd rec.ipt Of .ny atat.. ted.rl1 or local p.rmits a. well as .ny public heoo.rinqs or ..eting. rel.ting to the dev.lopm.nt or us. of the le.sed pr.mi.... LlCSSEE .ball not proc..d with devaloplll.nt of said leased premis.s inclUding. bUt not limited to, fundinq, parmit application, d'..i9n or bUilding contracta. until the Managa.ent Plan required bare!n jl~~ been aul:naitted and approved. Any ....:___...,,_.. ____.t....__u..... provide the bade guielanc. tor all ..nag..ant activiti.. and .hall ba r.vi.~d' jointlY by LisSE! .nd LlSSOR at l.a.t ev.ry tiv. (5) y..r.. LESSEE .hall not u.. or .lter the l....d pr_ia.s exc.pt a. provided tor in the approv.d Manag_ent plan without 101'1. prior Wl'itten approval ot LESSOR. Th. Manag_nt Plan prepared und.r this 1.... shall identity ..n.g_ant .trat89ie. tor exotic specie., it pr..ent. The introduction of exotic specie. is prohibitad, except when .peciticelly .uthorized by the approved lIanag..snt Pl.n. LESSEE and LESSOJI. are .w.re that a building, used a. a tir. s1:&tion, i. .xtant upon the lea..d prai.... LlSSlltl .hall have the right to, ~diat.1Y, make such repaire edtor iaprov_nt. Ilpon .aid building nec...itatad becau.a ot hurrican. r.l.ted damage and/or tor the ganeX'al maint.nance/..curity ot the l.a..d pr..i.... such qeneX'al repair. or ..int.nanc., .pecitically the r.stor.tion ot the hurric.n. duag.d main doora, do not require the submis.ion ot plane by LESSEE. ,. "."2IfENTS: All .ae_nu including, but not limit.d to, utility ea....nt. are .xpr...ly prohibit.d without the prior Wl'itten approval of LESSOR. Any "._1'110 not approved in writing by LESSOR ahall be void and without l89al .tteat. All .as_ente that .xi.t a. of the elate ot ex.oution ot this L.... Agr._ent are plll:1llitted without turther written approval ot LESSOR. 10. STTIIlT."."'ES: This agr_ent i. tor the purpoa<as specified harein and .ubl..... ot any nature ara prohibited, without tha prior written .pproval ot LESSOR. MY aubleas. not approvad in writing by LESSOR ahall be void and without legal ett.ct. 11. RIGHT OF IHSPECTION: LESSOR or it. duly authorized agents, repra.antativ!".. or uploya.. .hall have the riqht at any , approval of LJlSSOR a. to purpo.e, location and dui9ll, except as provid.ed in pareqrapb 8, abow. l'II.rth.r, no tree., other than non-native .peci.., sball be' ruoved. or ..jor land alterations done without the prior written approval ot LJlSSOR. Ruovabl. equip.ant and rUlOvable 1laprov_t. plac~ on the l.a.ed premise. by :Ll!:ssn which do not baco_ a psrmanent part of the leased premi.e. will re.ain the property at LJlSSEE and may be reaoved by LBSSEE upon teraination of thi. lea.e. 13. I:NstlRANCE REOUI:RF.IfRN'I'S: Durin'1 the tera of thi. lea.e LESSEE .ball procure and maintain pelicie. of tire, extended rial<, and liability in.urance covera'1e. 'l'he extended ri.k and fire insurance covera'1e .hall be in an amount equal to the full insurable repla_nt value of any illlProv..ant. or fixture. located on the leased pr..i.... 'l'he liability in.urance covaraqe .hall be in amount. not la.. than $100,000.00 per occurrence and $200,000.00 per accident for personal injury, death, and property dallaq. on the leased pre..i.... such polici.s of insuranc. shall nalle LESSOR, the State of Florida and LltSSEE a. c:o-in.urecl.. LESSEE shall eubllit written evidence of having- procured all insuranc. polici.. required herein prior to the eftective date of this lea.e and ahall .ubllit annuelly thereafter, written evidence of maintainin'1 such insuranc. policiee to the Bureeu of Land Manaqament S.rvice., Divi.ion of State Land., Departm.nt of Natural Resources, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399. LESSEE .hall purchase all policies at insurance froll a financially-re.ponsible insurer duly authorized to do busine.. in the stat. of Flori4a. IJtSS.n: aI1all iJulediately notify LESSOR and the insurar of any erection or relloval of any building or otber illlProv...ent on the lea.~ prelli... and any . changes aft.ctinq the, ~lue of any iJlprov....nt. and shall request .-..... 4______ _h ......_ 14 . Ttm......ITlC: LESSEE berel:ly oovenant. and agree. to inv..tigate all, clab.. ot every nature at it. own expense, and to indeanity, protect, detend, .ave .nd bold baral... the Stat. of Florida and LaSSOR troe any and all claim., action., lawsuit. and d..ands ot any kind or nature ari.ing out of this 1.... to the extent provided by law. 15. PAYMENT OF TAXES AND ASSBSSMEN':rS: LUSU shall as.WIle full respon.ibility for and .ball pay .11 liabiliti.. that accrue to the l....d pr..i.e. or to the iaprov...nt. tharaon, including any and .11 ad valor.. tax.s and draineq. and .peci.l ..s...m.nts or t.x.. ot .very kind and all .echanio'. or mat.rialman'. liens which aay be hereatter lawfully .......d and levied ag.in.t the l....d pr..i.... 16. NO waYVER OF BREACK: The f.ilure of LBSSOR to indst in anyone or lIore in.tance. upon .trict perforaance of anyone or IlOr. of the c:ovenanta, tllX'lOa ll1ld condition. of thi. l.a.e shall not be c:on.tru.d as a waiVer of .uch c:ovenant., tarm. or condition., but the .... .hall continua in tull torc:e and e"ect, and no waiver of LESSOR of any of the provi.ions h.r.of shall in any ev.nt be d.emad to h.v. been ..d. unl... the waiver i. ..t forth in writing, signed l:ly LESSOR. 17 . ~: Time i. IIxpr...ly d.clared to be ot the ....ncll of this lease. 18. NON DISCRIKINATYON: LESSEE .hall not discrimin.t. again.t any individual becau.. of that individual'. rac., color, r.ligion, .ex, national ori9in, ag., handicap, or ..rital status with re.peot to any activity oocurring within the l....d premis.s or upon land. adjaoent to and u..d a. an adjunct ot thll l.a..d pr..i.... , J.9. .tl'I'ILITY !I'2r:!I!. LESSEE sball be r..ponsible for th.. "'.,""'..... ,..." ..." -'-....--- ...-~ ........ - -- . . .. . L1!SSEB to drill tor or d.v.lop th. _., and LBSSOll .p.cifically reserv.. the ri;bt to l.a.e.,th. laa.ed pr_ise. tor purpo.. of axplorinq and recov.rin" oil and ainera18 by what.ver ..ans appropriats; provided. however. that LESSEE named herein shall be fully c~.nsated tor any and all da..".s that .i;bt r.sult to the leasehold interest. of said L1!SSEl!: by reason ot suc:h explor.tion and recovery oper.tions. 21. IUGIIT OF lttmIT: LEsSEE .h.ll aalc. available to LESSOR all tinanc:i.l .nd other r.cord. rel.ting to this lea... .nd LESSOR ahall have the right to either .udit such recorde at any reasonable ti_ or require the .ubllittal of an annual ind.pendent audit by a Certified Public Accountant durin; the tara of this lea"e. 'l'h1a ri9ht sball be continuOUlI until this lease expires or is terminated. 'l'hb lea.e may be termin.ted by LBSSOll should L1!SSEI t.il to allow public acce.. to .11 docuaent., p.per.. letter. or other materi.l. ..de or rec.ived in conjunction with thie 1..... pur.u.nt to the provisions of Chapter l1g, Florida st.tute.. U. CONDITION OF PRI!M!SES: LESSOR ...WIIe. no li.bility or obligation to LESSEE with r.ferenc. to the condition ot the leased pr_iae.. Th. l...ed pr_i... h.rein .r. l....d by LESSOR to LESSEE in an "a. i." condition, with LESSOR a..uming no respon.ibility for the care. repair, maint.nance or iwprovement ot the l...ed premi... for the benefit of LESSEE. 23. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: LESSEB .gre.. that this lease is contingent upon and .ubject to LESSEB obt.ining all .pplicable permit. and 00.ply1n" with all .pp11oable p.rmita, regulations, crdinance., rule., and l.ws ot the st.t. of Florida or the United States or of any political .u~ivision or .gency of either. 24. HOTICE: Al~ potiee. ;iv.n under this 1.... sh.11 b. in .._........._ __A _"'."1' '-_ -------... . '. ..... - LISSIE I Bureeu of Land xanaq...nt Service. 3900 Coaonvealt:ll BII)ulevar4 Tallaha...e," Florida 32399 County II)f Monroe County AdIIiniatrator 5100 Coll.;e RQad Stoclt Uland, "ey "..t, n. 33040 25. IUtUCH OPO COvtm1HT9. TDMI!L OR cmm:rTIORS: Sbould LESSEE breach any ot the covenant., terlU, or condition. ot this 1...., LBSSOR .hall qive writt.n notice to LESSEE tll) r...dy such ))reach within dxty (60) days ot such notice. In the event LESSEE tails to remedy the breach to ths .atistaction of LESSOR within sixty (60) day. of receipt of written notic., LESSOR .ay either ter:ainate thi. 1.... and recover from LESSEE all delDaqas LESSOR may incur by r.a.on ot the breach inc1udinq, wt not li.ited to, the coat of recovering ths le..ed pr..i.e. and attorney.' t... or maintain this l.a.. in tull tore. and .ftect and exerci.. all riqhts and reae4i.. her.in cont.rr.d upon LESSOR. 26. DAMAGE TO !'HI PREMTSES: (Al LESSEB .hall not do, or suffer to be don., in, on or upon the l.a.ed pr..i..s or .. attecting said 1.as.d praai... or adj.oent prop.rti.., any act Which lDay re.ult in da_qa or d.preci.tion ot value to the leased premise. or adjacent properti.s, or any part ther.of. (S) Lessee shall not q.nerate, .tor., produc., plac., tr.at, r.l.... or discharg. any conta'lOinant., pollutants or pollution, includinq, but not limit.d to, hazardous or toxic substanc.., chemic.l. or oth.r .q.nt. on, into, or froa the l..sed pr.mis.. or any adjacent lands or wat.rs in any _nnar not peraitted by law. For the purposes ot this leas., "hazardou. .ubatanc.." shall mean and include tho.. '.lem.nt. or compOunds defin.d in 42 use S.ction , 9601 or w&ich are con~~~ned in the list of bazardou. .ubstances ,.,A""ro+-..A ......t .."'_ "_".._... Il!""'.___ .._..:4~_____._~. .. '- waete, eu~tance, ..terial, pollutant or cont..inant. "pollutants" and "pollution. ahall mean ~o.e product. or substance. de:tined in Florida Statut.., Chapt.r 371 and Chapter 403 and ~e rul.. praaulqated thereunder, all ae ..ended or updated from time to time. In the .v.nt of LESSEE'. failure to caaply with this paraqraph, LESSEE .hall, at it. .ole cost and expenae, praaptly comaanc. and diliqently pur.ue any leqally requir.d clo.ur., inve.tiqation, a.......nt, cl.anup, decontamination, remadiation, reetoration and monitorinq at (1) the leased prami..s, and (2) all off-.it. qround and surfac. water. and land. affected by L&sSBI'. such failure to comply, as may be neeeeeary to brinq the lea.ed premi.e. and aftect.d off- site water. and land. into full compliance wi~ all applicable federal, atate or local .tatut.., law., ordinance., code., rulee, regulation., order. and deer.es, and to re.tore the da.aqed property to the COndition axi.tinq i...diatsly prior to the occurrence which cau.ed the d....q.. L&sSllll'. obliqation. s.t forth in this ~raqraph sh.ll .urviv. the terainaticn or expiution of this 1..... Thi. paraqraph ahall not be construed as a limitation upon LESSEE'S obliqations reqardinq indemnification and paym.nt of coste and fe.e a. ..t forth in Paraqraph 14 of this l.a.a, nor upon any other obliqation. or responsibiliti.s of LESSEE as ..t forth har.in. Nothinq herein shall relieve LESSEE of any responsibility or liability prescribed by law for fin.e, penalti.. and dasaqe. lavied by governmental a'lanei.., and the co.t of cleaninq up any contamination cau.ed directly or indirectly by LISSEE'. activiti.. or facilitie.. Upon di.covery of a release of a hazardous substance or pollutant, or any other violation of local, sta-te or fedsr!l~. law, ordinance, code, rule, regulation, ~_A..._ __ ...____.... ...._,_.....t_u ~ 27. mmvP.NDER OP PRRMTS!S: upon t.rmination or .xpiration of this 1...., Ll!:SSBB .hall.. surrender the 1...ad pr..i... to LESSOR. In the lIVent no further u.. of th. l....d pr..i.e. or any part th.r.of is n..dad, LESSEE shall qiv. written notifioation to LESSOR and the Bur.au of Land Man.qea.nt Service., Divi.ion ot Stat. Land., Dep.rtm.nt of N.tural Resouroes, 3900 coaaonw.alth Bou1.v.rd, r.11aha...., Florida 32399 at 1.a.t .ix (6) .onths prior to th. r.1ea.. of any or all of the 1ea.ed pr..i.... Notification .h.l1 inc1ud. a legal d.scription. this 1.a.e numb.r, and .n explanation of the releas.. The r.1.a.. ahall only be valid if approv.d. by LESSOR through the execution of a r.l.... of l.a.. instrwa.nt with the sa.. formality a. this l.a... upon r.l.a.e ot ell or any part of the l.a..d pr..is.. or upon termination or expir.tion ot this lea.., all improvement., inoludinq both phy.ical .tructure. and modifications to the lea.ed pr..i..s shall become the property of LESSOR, unle.. LESSOR qiv.. written notice to LESSEE to remove any or all such illlprov...nt. at the .xpan.. of LESSEE. The deciSion to r.t.in any illlproveaent. upon t.rmination or expiration of this 1.... sh.ll be .t LESSOR'S sol. discretion. Prior to surr.nd.r of .11 or any part of the le..ed premises a repre.entativ. of the Div!aion of State Lands .hall perform an on-.it. insp.ction and the k.y. to any bui1dinq on the l.a..d pr81llises shall be turned ov.r to the Division. If the improV81llants, do not _t all conditions as s.t forth in paraqraphs 19 and 35 her.in, LESSEE shall pay all costa n.cessary to me.t the pr.scrib.d conditiona. 28. BEST MAJlAGJ:MENT PRACTICES I LESSEE ahall illlplelll.nt applicabl. Be.t Xanaq..ant Practice. tor .11 activiti.s conducted under this. 1.... in cOIIJlliance with paraqraph 18-2.004(1) (d), . . ..,__~..... ...a_.c_.t_.._.......I.___ __...~ _." I .. . or .ncUlll:lranc. ot .ny nature againat the re.l proper1:y contain.d in the l...ed pr..b.. ineludinq, but not liait.ed to, sortg.ge. or con.truotion li.n. .",.in.t the l....d premi... or .gainat any intere.t ot LESSOR th.r.in. 30. P1IR'1'IAL INVU.TD:ITYl It any terJl, eov.nant, eondition or proviaion ot thi. 1.... sh.ll be ruled by a court ot cOllpet.nt jurisdiction, to be invalid, void, or unentore.abl., the r..ainder shall r...in in full tore. and .tt.ct .nd sh.ll in no way b. attected, i~ired or invalidated. 31. .l.RCR1mLOQI'~AT. um HYSTORIC 5IYTll!S: Execution of this leas. in no w.y attects any ot the parti.s' Obligations pursuant to Chspter 267, Florida Statut.s. Th. eoll.ction of .rtitacts or the disturbance ot archa.ological and hist.oric sit.s on stat.- ownsd lands i. prohibit.d unl... prior authori.ation hag be.n obtained trOll the D.partaant ot State, Division of Historieal R..ourc.s. The Managament Plan pr.pared purau.nt to Chapt.rs 18-% and 18-4, Florida Administrativ. Code, .hell b. r.viawed by the Division of Historical R.source. to ineura that .dequat. .easur.. have b.an planned to loc.te, identify, prot.et and preserve the arch..ological and historic ait.. and properties on the l....d prai.... 32. SOVEREIGNTY SlJBMERGI!;D LANDSl This Le... do.s not authorize the use of .ny land. located wat.rward ot the mean or ordinary high water line of .ny lake, river, stre.., creek, bay, estuary, or oth.r wat.r body or the wat.r. or the .ir sp.ce ther.above. 33. DUPLIClI.TE ORIGINALS: This 1.... is .xecuted in duplicat. originals ..ch ot which sh.ll be consid.r.d .n oriqinal tor all purpo..s. 34. 'BlITrRE tlNDEI!,jlTANlHNGl This leas. sets forth the entire the baaed prellbee fr.. of traah or litt.r, aaill'taining all planned iJlPl'ov...ntll a. ..t., forth in t.l1. approved lIanag_.nt Plan, _.til'l9 all building and aafety ood.. in the location situated and IMintainil'ltJ any and all exiatin'll roa4ll, canala, ditch.a, culverta, riaer. and the like in aa qood oondition as the .... ..y be on the ettectiv. 4at. ot thia 1..... 36. GOVERNIJilG LAW: 'l'hia 1.... ahall b. governed by an4 interpreted aocordil'ltJ to the law. ot the Stat. of Flori4a. :37. S:!CTION ~a._IOVS: Artiole., au1a.otiona an4 oth.r caption. contained in thi. l.a.. are tor refer.no. purpo... only and are in no way inten4ed to de.c:riba, int.rpr.t, detine or limit the .cope, extent or intant of thi. leae. or any proviaionll thereat. IH WITNESS WHEREOF, the parti.. hav. cauaad this 1.... to be executed on the day and year fir.t above written. By: D . LANDS, DUAR'l'MEJiI'I' OF JilA RESOURCES TRUSTEES OF THE IN'l'1i:RNAL TRUST PU!lD OF THE FLORIDA - Pr n e or . au 'IE.J:;J t2 ~-~ ea. ~.J.tJ. N. ~.Yl r nt or Typ. Hame "LESSOR." STATE OF FLORIDA COUJiITV OF LEON &bThe forego """ day ot D rector, Div . on 0 Re.ouJl'c.., who i./ar. not) take an oath. truaant w~ acknowladqed bator. me this 19 "Is, lIy Peroy W. MaUiaon, Jr., as 11:ate Landi; Departm.nt ot Natural pareonally to.. and who d I(did I...,.......~ )}:~.~ ~c.n,,~ t\.?....1t.u- -fl.int. or ~ Na.. $:.~ J. ,~.) ~gV'\c."Q. I.. ~,.,o"'\~ Pr nt.ed or '1'yped N..e STATE OF FI.OI.UDl\ By: O_J...LG. 1\..~ COUNTY OF M'NAnIli Deputy Cler~ The fore'{oing 1nstrullllnt was aCICl\~Wl~ before me t.his ..A2-- 4ay of ~'L\:\,& 1~, by _ _~..l..-. ~~ , o~ COIIIli.sioneh of ............ county, Florida, who is/are personally known to .. and who did/ (did not) take an oath. BOARD OF COtlll'rY COMMISSIONERS OF !OlIO': COUNTY, FLORIDA sy: - "LESSEB" ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAG!. CLERK , as (SEAL) y. ~~ot.":C'D"" Notary staR of Florida Pr1nt.e4, type4 or: etamped nll1lle: U..-n.. :A......, ~ .......,2.-..., co.ai..ion Nuaber: ~t \.., ~^ :l=:" My commies ion Expire.: @faii~ ...... BONDED By, ~"i(ki::' ~{<.,.e'd'_";" . EXIlIBI'I' nAn L!lG).L DESCJ\IP'l'ION OF 'l'HE LEASED PRIlHtSES Blocle 1 of Plat 110. 5, IIEY t.AllOO Cl'l'Y, Plat 80011: 1, ,a9- 111, .. ncor4e1l 111 tn_ PIlbUo lecor4. of Monro_ County, Plorlda. AND 810011: :I of 'lat No.5, Itft LARGO CI'l'Y, 1'1at Book 1, 1'1'- 176, a. recordell In the Public .'Cor4. of Monroe County, plor14a. AND Block 5 of 'latRO. S, ICZY t.AROO eX'Y, Plat Book 1, '4" 176, a. r.corde4 1n the Publio ..oord. of Monroe County, Plorld&,.e~lud1111 LOt. 24, 25, sa, 59, 60 and SI, aAd LOt. 8, 9, .4 an4 45. [,818 ARD ISCIPf the oR.p1atted Lan~N whioh con.l.tl ot [,Qt. 1 throu;b " 1~lu.1va, and Lot. 30-43, iDola.1v., of BIClCk 5 of .1&t 110. !I, DY LARGO CI'Y, Plat 10011 1, Pa,e 116, a. l'aoor41.s in the Public 'Recorda of Monroe CoUDty, '10t14a, and an, and aU otller land lyIng wltllill the Ra"t.ed Plat 'o'l:\:1on of .100k 5, nat No.5, ItEf LARGO CI'l'Y and. Other Lln4. II recordad 1n 'lat ~k 3, 'a,. 155, a. rellOt4a4 1n tll. Publlc bcord. ot Monro. county, 'lot Ida. 1~ .&~~ _. ATTACIOOlIIT 2.B.l. S01I1'Il STATIIJII (Total 8. pages_, lI1LANCH aPPles 11l70VEI\8I!ASHlGHWAT "A!lATHON. PLOalDA 3_ TEL. (80.0110._ Ihrnnp I.. Ito(baae CLERK OF THE clllCUrt COURT IWHllOJl COVNTT 600 WHlTEHllAD 8TREBT dY W\lST. pwalDA 83lUll ,",L. '__1 BR.\NCH OFFICE P.O. BOX 8'/9 PLA.IITATION KIlY. ,walDA NO\'O TEL. Illalll6l-9263 !U!!~~!&.!!!U!!!. To. Reggie Paros, Division Director/Public Safety From: Rosalie L. Connolly, Deputy Clerk April 13, 1992 Date. On January 8, 1992. the Bosrd of County Commissioners approved and authorized execution of a Lease Agreement with Key Largo Volunteer Pire and Rescue Department, Inc. regarding land in Sunset Cove SubdivisIon to be used for a fire training facility, etc., WRICH LEASE HAS JUST BEEN RBCEIVED BY THIS OPPICE FOR PINAL PROCESSING AND TRANSMITTAL. Attached for your handling and follow-through is one dupli- cate original and one copy of the subject Lease. now exe- cuted and sealed by all parties. The duplicate original (raIsed seall should be returned to your Lessee and the copy kept in your proper depart~ntal files. Attachments co. County Attorney County Administrator w/o document Finance Director File LEASE AGREEMENT : 1lIIEIlEAS, Key Lar90 Vol\lllte..r Fire lllld Rescus Depsrtlll9nt, Inc. Ilnd Monroe County (Lenlle) entered lnto a lease datood Juns 20, Sunset (;<We 6u1>IUvlslon, Block 13, Lot 9 and 10 and (Lessor) 1990 for 1lIIEIlEAS, the partles wish to rescind that Lease and enter into a new Lease to include Lots 1-10, Block 13 of sunset Cove Subdivision. This contract of lease is made and entered into on the 8. dey of ,\o..v......, ,19'lL by and between the REY LARGO VOL1JIl'f!!R !'laB. ANtl !\ESCUE DEPARTIlENT, INC., who i. referred to as the lessor and IIOIIIIClll COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and who is refernd to as l..u..... The parties agree for mutual promis.... and consid.ration to th. foll""'1ng: 1. DllSCRIP'l'ION ANtl PllllPOSE The lessQr leases unto lessee the land locat6d in Monroe Count.y, Florida and more puticularly described as: Sunset Cove Subdivision, alock 13, Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, a, 9, and Lot 10, accor,Ung to th.. plat recorded in Plat Book 1 at page 165 of the public records of Monroe County, Florida The purpo.... of this leas. ls as follON.: i) for 1..... to construct a firs training facility; il) to provide a fire training facility to be used by the Key Largo Volunteer Fire /lnd Rescue Department, and providing that the fire training facility shall be open and av..ilable for u... by any Monroe County Fire llescue Depart1l\ent or other _<'gency ..rvice. agency of Monroe county ..s det.ndn..d and scheduled by the Fire Mar.hsl's Office; Hi) to pl:Ovlde a fire .taUon for th.. exclusive use &tId occupaney of the Key Lar90 Voluntser Fir.. and Res""e Department for fire and reacu. .ervices to the public. 2. n!l!! Lessor l....s.. the above premises for a tenn of thirty (30 l years, beginning ~r~~"" A ,19-', and terminating on d/lNllAe'l eo 20~, at the annual rent of tWD dollar. {$2.00). 3 . CAHCI!LLA'l.'ION The Lease can only be terminated if both parties agree in writing. lUly 3Cill,i n to te~nate Itey Largo Volunteer Fire llI1d Rescu.. 4. !M!!! Les....e shall pay and discharge when due, all state and local taxes, I!lssessment_ levies, and other charges, if a..ny, that may be imposed or charged on the land or building and improvement. now or hereafter built or made thereon during the term hereof or any renewalo. 5 . REPAlIlS AND MAIR!'EIIAllCE Le9l_ shall keep the demised pr8lll1se. and improvements in good repair allowing for ordinary veer and tear provided such expenditure. for repair. ere IIIBde aocording to lav and within Le....'. fiscal and budgetary capabilities. 6. UTILITIES Lo.see shall in.tsll and obtain all utility .ervice. required for the dem1.ed prami.e.. ? . D4l'IIOVrJIENT9 Less.. .h.ll, within ,~ month. from the dste hareof, b.gin construction of a firs atation and fire training fscility in accordance with the plsns snd .pecifications agreed upon by the partie., contingent upon fWlding by the Board of COUnty Conn.issioners. If the partie. cannot agree a. to the plan. and specifications, ths deci.ion with regard thereto shall bs _de by the Board of County Commissioners which decision shall be final. S. lNSUlU\.llCE Le.." shall keep the building in.ured again.t 10.. or d_e by reason of fire or 1088 to the extent of full insurable value thereof. 9. HOUl IlARI!LESS Leseee agrees fully to indenonify and hold hUll\lees, the la..or from and against all cleim. and action. arising during the course of thi. agreement. Thi. hold harmles. provision shall be 11Joited to $100,000 for anyone per IOn or $200,000 arising out of tha sema incident or occurrence. 10. QUIET ENJOnmNT Ls.sor agre.. that, on peyment of the rent and performance of the covsnant. and agreements on the part of le...., 1...... shall peaceably have and enjoy the leas.d premises and all rights and privilages of the leased pr8lllises subject to Key Largo Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department's USe end occupancy a8 s.t forth above. 11 . SllBREllDER OF POSSESSION Upon the expiration of this 1e.se, leesee sh.ll retain title to and have right to remove eny buUdings or 1q;>rov.....nt. located on the lea.ed premi.es within 180 days of date of expiration. Page No. 2 12. NOTICES Notices to l.,ssor provided shall be sufficient if sent by certified mail, postags prspaid, eddressed to: Key Largo Volunteer Fire/lI"scue Inc. Attention: president P.O. Box 782 Key Largo, FL 33037 and notice to leseee, if eent by certified mail, postage prepaid. addre.sed to: Chairman of the Boord of County COIIIlI1sBion"rs P.O. Box 1680 Key We.t. FL 33040 or to such other resp<>ctive addres.es as the parties may Qesignate to each other in writing from time to time. 13 . SUCCESSORS IUID ASSIGNS llOUllI> 11'/ COVBllJINTS All the agreements in this lease shall extend to and bind the legal representative.. successors and &ssi9na of the respective parti..~ 14. EFnC'rIVl!. PATE This lea... cannot be in full force and effect until approved by the Board of County CoI\Ir.lesioners of ltonroe County, Floride. 15 . l!NTIRl!: AGREEIlIlN'l' This agreement constitutes the entire aqreement of the parties with respect to It" subject I1Iatter and supersedes any and all prior agreelllBnts with respect to such subject mstter between lessor end the lessee. lEi. RENE'Ill\I. At the expiration of this lea.., le8se8 shall have the option to reneW this l....s.. for tlllO additional (30 ysar periods) und..r the ....... t..rms and conditions. Lessee sh..n notify the L..ssor In writing that it wish..s to exercIse the option at le8st 30 days before the expiration of the 1....... 17 . Rl!ClSSION OF PRIOR I..EASI! Th.. lease of June 20, 1990, between th.. Parties is h.reby rescinded. IS. CEIl.'U1!'ICATION 01' TITLE 1JIhe lessor WArrant,. that it has title to the premises and &qrees to furnish to Monroe County within tan ( 10) OllY. of "..ecutlen of this document a certificate of title. IN WITNESS WHBRBOF, th. parties hereto have executed this &qreement the day and year first above written. Peg.. Mo. 3 .._..___...___m__....___. SOARD OF COI1ll'l'Y COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, (SEAL) \.o~ '.~~..., - . - '\\ ..... ~. -\--, Mayor/Cl\alrtNl.l\ " Attest: Denny L. lIOlbage, Clerk .LJ L ~4?' ~ l<E'l LARGO VOLUNTl!.EIl FIRE llIIO lUI:SCUE OEPAR'l'KENT. INC. (CORl'ORlITE SllIlL) ~K.f6 ~ u ed Representative Atteet: ~ c;:u/ u,l~J lIpproTtEf:orm and leg81 f c en y by - Attorney's office 1'898 No. 4 c......I..((.I. ,v. ~;!) .t1<!J '.<fI!> '711_ ~ ""11....",.........1 '........f ~/>' bl!.._ ClWll.U p, TIT'rLI ~r~,.A. ' ....&T__ (i. ~arranty Jttd iN '-rllt. Jnb.tlhlrt. ""'* fIl'l "- If) c:" uunHOlf flUI-S((I~N UtU 1$.) I..!f - d"r"j May Jn4JvJdQ~11y <<nd uti . It'...,,,n THEkla!' bEl.LI GJwas. .. "rl'uate. ij.ll". C"R,..I LOS o\NCBLE8 Jt.tf.1 CAJ,IlO1VfIA kEY UoRGO VOLtnlTltlt "IU " RZlCUl: oa'1'. ItIC.. .........~. ."Cl ""~"MIJ .'llf_-.td...... P.O.IO. 1148. ~e~ ~~9o. rlotid. 3)037 Cl'l M ~ .... c ....~." "I MONROE ... \0 .ur"urdl. ,.... ~ 'i'.~'" ~ ...If.n '_....""... .,l .... ........ 'J'J,M 00101-\1\1 ANO t\.Q/16Ot.h. ~ --_.~--_._-----_.~---~-------($lG.OO)-____.~__.__.~______..___.__ If) )'-".' rto"l%1)1' C..Il..~. ,,"'lI ....... .... "lOll ...1olo11'" ~........~ '" ...., ~..""oo "l 10,,)111 ,... II, I.~ ,..ouw, "- ""'''' .......... " ...."f :~,~;.~ ~:':.~~I ::7~:: :d J1{,n~...... II'."'" .". ..p..,.,', "c:..:;-,::.:::' .... Iollot..,,,. LDt. 1.~.,.,,1..,t. &nO 10~ ,1oCk 1'. of 'URltT COVB, .ccQL41~9 ~o ~h. Pl.t tb.r.of. .a t,oord.4 1n~~~~.l A;2 at: "". AU. of the Publ1.c R4cot'd, of MoftI'CM -'1;1 rl.'t'l.."" ..,bj.ct. t.o rent'lo;tion. of neord, if allY' ......J;. 1= -; lot' patlUc l;lIt;1lit),u _"4 l;.&,JCU tor ,h.8 current .. ~ ~ ew,..qt,len1: yeat'S. !" J ::' ~ ~ 1J1 Vec..t\t; P~rty':'and "",e- i h.nln who r..1de. in "' '1",">..t . ~$JI{.OCI . ... ,.. M . . .'1' "4 e M'D' oIot, lIf-,,,, MI, "'~"."" Il'<t .,.'. 14...4 I...... 0<'4 .....Il tMhM llw:':'" ~ lito ;;"104 ,....... COl" c>.",~.., ..............., . 0,'0",,'" ,,,01' II'."'" .... -" Ill' f ".~Io. ." 1IIko'.1,. n ,_... ....""" Jill mUll,... _"'rtI1(, ...._, 1,0, )o.~,..~,. ." II' ""'0" ~ ."'" ...1'" _1 .1ICl1'f.' I,.., .bo,", _.....U 51.,J ...,r"",)"I,.,\'I."'''''''"",,_. ?he above ~.~rlb.d ~r~~r~y tb. Kom..t;..4 of th. Cr.~tor t61:Uonh. ,tl,.. ::; .. " .-rc---- ..;~~M__._.._ '~'"" .8. ~... "'" "'- I~tQ' '%'tt alUl" II. lfL4tvL4nTly .fll~_~..f_'rnt..u.u... 1:..0, ---'-- )'. , CM,UOIUn,. ~1''l'J (., t.Ds "'''''c;.~,Pt '". _'f, ,.,..." "'D' ". 'h.. III." '.,~..". ) .'.., ',j~ ""okl.ctl I. ...1<,. gcknowl-crt_, _uftOllW."lI''''.. ~HCPCSA !tLLt GAOSS, lnd~v~~u'lly en~ .. Tru.~.. '. ,-. ."~ ", 'hi ....tl>~ .... I._.a., 1>.J........ ...,...tN' lk# 1lI'I9C-/'i mv.w....'" 1I.\Illl1t\__.....!lI ,,,'~'..... ,..~' i ...t,.",...._ ~ .~ "";~\ -,........ ~I<~' .., '" '~",'M ~M'~: "7t~~'1If ~~",Y ""f --....~~ u_ "J"U~f 1.4 11" ~ ~ ;t;;;; ~ , @ ~H"..u.~, "'to ~.~~~ ~~!i. .'................ " ~..,......<t.'C'_ . ..,.,~..~...{ ........ "... ...1 ~ .... ;" fl .'....... 'M' '0, . ,. Li:'C.;; ir. ~.eeS*,Of < mACllMBllt 2~A~2~ _m llU-rWII .. 'u fire Station iite ft Lease No. 3671 \ . \ . ...- ------- ,I "... ~ . ---- --- // / > Q c > > '" c- o S ." ~ B 'Z - 0 g '" '" ::> :i. ~ ~ '" ., ;0 c- - ....1 - "'",' '" , ....'.it",. I ....' CUl -1 :>0'" :ll 0>' ". .np i..... ,...'. -I Gl'- % ::lm Z ), '~ ~':l . ' ; --~--..- ,/-' ~.S -- S 0. " , "', " , 1466729 am 0 I 2 PlIlEO 5 8 8 ~ERSONAL REPR~SENTATIVE'S DEEO THIS INDeNTURE. ellecuted this (sf day Of". 1987 by and bot...."" EIl11A t;. "'HITE, a.. ""r"ond Repre.entatl".. of the E..tate of CLIFFOfHl I\. l4fII Ie., o.."'ea....O. ".rty of tl1e Flret Part, and ~:E'" LARGO \IOLUNTEER FIRE/RE.S!:Ur. mW'1., we., '" Fla.-Ida nlOn-proH t corpor.tion. P41rty of the Second "'.,-t, ..hc"Jp . -) /") -::D Ie' ""'inllr c./.I"'F/C'(; oD~X 7'1-, ,dry .L.....6'~ h. ..$.s().~1').... addt~ess WIT N E 5 SET HI Tht.! f'lIIrty of the Fir-at P.a,"'t. +0,., and in consid.,...titm of the pl~Qml.tlS alj 1..1~6t ..\\m o.f TI!N tSltIt.llIil1l DOLLARS AND O'rHER GOOO AND VALUABLE CON~ID..RAl'lON 1/1 hAnd paid, grAnt., b.t"'g.tn., ...11_, al ten., r.m1~es, reI.BaoDI convey'" ." c:onTh"'MJ to the Party of the S.c:ond Part, thieifl h.i..... a.nd iiI.stans (QI..,....Y.r.~ th f..~l ..wu.....,.ty In the County gf "gnr~, St..te 04 Flct"1da, as deset~ib"u iIl.:.1 Lot ;S, Block 1~, SUNSET COVE, .. p.r plat th.,'sof duly recorded in tl1. p~bllC Reeord. of Monro. County, Flo,'ida, ln Plat 8Qok I, at "'as. 11>:5, TOGE1Hli:R Wl TH ..II lmp,'ovement. located tl1..reon. TUGETHER WITH all and .1nsular the t.nem.nt., hflf'.d i t amPf1 t'., ~, .ePPI,.Wt.41(H..." bel one ins o,~ in anyw... app.,..t.ln1ne to that re..l p,"opet..ty. SUBJECT to tau.. -for the y.ar 1997 and sub.equent )'eat~S, t"elU'l~~)t'l;:'on re..,"vl't10n-.. e6..m."t.., and ,"eep'tion. of I..tf~ot"d. 10 !-lAVE AND TO HULl> the .ame to the Party of the Second P.rt, t.I''''',r' I"" .auld cVPiolgne, hI f.. wicnple fot""ev.r, AJ'O the Part)' of the FJr.t f'.rt doe. covenant to lind, with tt,.. .'at'ty ",r \; SW~On\.t P.t..t, th.lr h.l,". and ...i9Ma th.t in all thing8 pr.' imint1!lI'Y 1-0 ~1It1 ~Ild aLJout the ..1. ""d tt11. cDnveyanc. the Ordtfrs o{ COUt~t aud t.hlt J..".<4t1 Flort"a nays been fallowed .nd compiled wlth ln all ....pects, IN WITN~SS WHEREOF. th_ P.......H _JI ,~_._- .-"- - . IN IHI:.. ~~Jl, ~'i _""1I .... .... ~'t:.9 t':. r.,t""onlPl h~t-'t4i;"=)'::l 0' th.. 10..' ... ot \..t..H'FUfW Po. WHII,,-, .je 1l,(11~..,.<'"J '1~."'-~* , S1 Al E OF I1A5SACHUSlil1S COUNTY OF :Etllfo.'. flll. the und.,...l.gn.d lluthl:lr1ty, persl:lnlllly .ppell.'sd EI1M1~ B. l-'H whQ 1a to mlf .".,,,11 hMO'Wn .nd ....nown to m. to be the lndlVldl"la.l who e;:e~l.lt fQ,'.~otnf$ PeT'lional Rept.....nt.t t ve'. D..dt and h_ ,ac:. nOl<tledgod beier"a ffllP eHttcuted th. ...tn. 'fo,.. the pUt"pOSiliJS therein eKpl'"e..lld. In th.. Clty of I<~ I'!';' d.y of ~, 1987. ~ lurNESS my "..nd ..nd oUiet..l ."...1 of the ..fO.....dd (;Ol.lr>ty and Stilt.., thIs NurAI,v I' LIe, St"t" f M...s"ehu..tts My CommUHl1oro ",,,pIPes. ffJ7 1'190 I, ~ , ...A~A'i:I. '.: l~.~i I . ; ::.t;,"" ~. ;'~}" lftlli ZI<STRUt1t.IH Pf(EPAR~.1l ElV, , I' I;') . ","~:., ,I/)~. " ,,~ !<....,~ t,&."en A. f(Qo}.t1" Branch "'"n"9ltr ,,'u:.';..'-;'# >.,,: .. ".:,.."" GF<E:AT AMli:flICAN T lTLE 3< MCJk1 GAGE COl11"ANY 1"'31~ Ov........ Hie"".)' t,.y L.rs"" FI....I"'. :$30"$7 (;Sl/lOI4::l1-4411:$ Dto<..""" In c,-.. t' 1.>.. 'c'o , /1'1 !.J,-,". .. "'. ,..:w.. ,..""? ,,". . D^11.IY l. f,... '. Ch,k Ci":<1t Cc.1a"1 . A'J"I'~ 2.8.2. . SOOTll S'lA'fi0ll !M)~ I :iil" ~ I .., ~J.") F . .' .J:" I I" I- , .., ~,~ . ~ )) J .. 8 j .- ~ ~I ,- " ", / :<I. } '. / ,/:. '/:;" , / ": "-;(" ,. . "'< ,. / "0../ ; ,/ . ~ / , '<.:. / ,. ~-" / / / " /,;' / .~ ,;' . / / j) 'r - - -- ',', - - -- ! ~ ~ I I .. ~ I ~ a INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY AND KEY LARGO J.lIllI: RESCUE AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES DISTRICI' ATrAI"IIl\,fENT 3 INDEX Memorandum of Und6rstandlng BelMleen The Key Largo Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. and Monroe CormtyBoardofCountyCommWionersdatedApril ]7, 1996. A'ITACHMENT 3 INDEX ATUCIIItEIIT 3. (Total 3 rag8.) _lOCH QIII'JCIl :u,,~_"V w.u_ .........- 111l..~)_ FA>< (llQ5l_ms $) .11In, 'I.. .olbap aJlIIIC CF 1'HJI aJlCtln' COUIC1' IQilIlOE CXMm' --- IIalYWIlSf,_4_ TELl'IIIl_ ,""-- I14NtH~ ___AY lUNTA"I1llN dY, JILCIU;l.\_ m.._lIMle PAX_ 112-lIM ; MEMOllANDUM Dj" 'I'El ..... ,.,. DInctor of 1'IIb1lc SIIrl!t7 ltudaAlllll__ "A~. Depgt}' C\IrIr. 7" "prl30. .996 1'O'l nOM: At the AprI 17. 1'" c..., c-.... ,......... the "I'd ...... applVftl alld aUllllorbed thu..dloa of.............. or .,..t'1 .. ......., bel_ ~ CDW1I, ad the Ke7Luwo V........... ~ ...............1he Mallroe c...., EllIe,..., ....r~1 7 DeputIIIIIIl to vtIIIIe 1M Key Lar1D llln ___ StMIoD 11 . all Uppo;r Ke)'I F.me.. "'l' 0pent\aaI Ceater (IIOC) duItIIa tlaleul ..... .. -. ud _d8es. EM.... .... t'lad . IIaIlJ ellKUttd t8pJ III tile ... MeIMnuIdum or UDderstadlna ror n1u1'll to Key.....o V~ FIre Depu1meut. U }'OIl b.... u}' qUlltIo.. ..rdbIa tlIt lIbove. p1_ do not besilllte to COIIIlHt thls aftlce. cc C..., AItonaIy 111MDG C8uatJ "......IItnIor. ""0 ............ mB)' W......ll'..DIncIer III Lueral ,Mr- I '''"'''t Jl1Ie lCIlIOlWIDUII or URDBRS'l'AJI])IRG UTlfBBIl THE DT LlUlGO VOLUII'l'EIR FlU DBP~, IJIC. AlQ) IIOIllIO& COU1I'1'Y BOAJU) or CCIU'I'.r! ~ISSIOIIERlS 'l'HIS 1dJI01l."'1IDl1II or VlIDEIllnAIIDIIIO i. _cia and entered into bet_n tM BEY LlUlGO 1IOLUIf1'IlIIR rIU DBPAll'1'IIJ1I'1', IIIe., and IImlllO!: COUJI'1'I' BOAJU) or CCllJII'n COI8USSIODRS, on behlllf of it. EMERGacY lUoIIAODIE1I'1' DB'D.'fIIJ:Il'J'. UCI'lALI WHBRBA8, KBY LI.RGO VQLl.lII'rllIR rIU DBPD.'l'IIBII'1', IIlC. and MOIIROB CllUJI'J'l' DlIIIDC1' x..'UWJlIWtil' DlU'JUl'l'lCD'J' an 8A11dAted to provide ..-rgency ....ie.. durl."1I tiM. of dUuter, and WDIlBM, UY I.IUlQO VQLl.lII'rllIR rIU DBPJUl'1'UllT, IIlC. i. wHl1ng to peJ:ait 1IDIU'0ll eOUJI'1'I' BIIIlIlGlDl:Y IIM'~ DBPAIl'l'IIPT to util1.e t1w IIq Larvo Fir. ...c:u. St.tion fl, located at 101 911.5 ...t Drive, KIl)' Largo, PL, a. an ....rgency Operation. Centar (IDC) in aid and .apport at t.IHt _xogency rHpoJI" effort. of t1w IMqenay .._g_t JlepertMntJ and WllBRBA8, the parti.. wi.h to deUne the t.rlIlI ~ ..., condition. und.r which thay .hIlU operate in the -!~\;: ot II r= diSU:: 'l'HBRBrou, for and in c:ondderation of t'i.!tul ~ pro1l..l.... c:ontained herein, the parti.. do agree a. . ~1~ ~ 1. Th. abo... r.eitatioDII are UU. and correei:.::!: ~ ;:; 2. GElO!:RAL. KBY LAIlGO VOWII'nEIt rIRB DI!P~, tI:. i: agr... to all_ JIOlIROB COUII'fY IlGlRGEIIC'I ~JII'1' DEPAItTIIEJIT the 11.. of the KIl)' Larva Fir. ...c:u. Station '1 fac:i1ity fqr the eatabl1.a-nt of an Jllarvenay aperaUona Cent.r (lOCI during hurricane _rv.nei.., radl.oloqic:al _rvenei.., aM other cU.a.tara aM during hUrric:an. _rgenc:y preparedne.. and radio1oql.c:a1 _rg.ncy preparecsn... training aM e..rehe ....10M.. 3. MO!mQ!L~!:I8B.or. .~'1'IQ!!I CEI'nJ!. JIOBIlOI cOUI'1'Y IliBIlOI!IIICY ~ 'r DI'D.~ .hall b. fully re.pon.ible for tha ..tabli.n.ent, .taffing, .upp1yinq, and operation of the -rvency OperatiODll Center (IOC) aM for aU co.t. incurred in .ueh. In tha event of a di.a.ter or an exerei.., the Director at KOIlROE COUII'1"f's Emergency Kanag_t DepertMnt., or a de.iCJl'le., .hall notify the .r..l.dent and Chief of the KIY LARGO VOt.Ull'1'l!lR rIU DIPAJl'J'IIElI'l', lire. of the n.ed to est.ablish an Blllergency Operation. Canter (Boe). ... JlBPRI:~A~1OII8. KEY LAIUilO VOLlllft'BBR rlRE DEPAR'NBJI'I', 1110. _ e. no repre.entatiODll .. t.o the .dequacy of the facility for the int.anded u.... 5. JIO'I'1Cl!:. Where noUee i. required by this _randUlll of understanding, it .lla11 be aent, when...er f_.ale IInder the cir~tanc:e., by fir.t cla.. ..i1, or by per.onal delivery to the partie. at the following .ddr....., 'or UY LAIlGO VOLUllTEBR FIRE DEPAR'rIIEJI'r, IE.. p.,..ident and C/lier 1\ey Largo vol\lnt_r 7ire l>epan:..nt, Inc. 1GI 9!1.5 ...t Ddve Key Largo,'L 33037 For ~ COUIl'1'Y. Di:c'ect.ol', ~gency IlaIlA9_nt Deput:aent. MoM'o. County &110 53d Street, OCean Sllite f 150 MlI:rathon, rL 33050 or suah ot.har ~. or MJUl.r a. tba perU.. MY de.igute in writing fro. ti.. to lOt... In tile _to of an _ge1lCy, notic. .., be given orally and c:onfiraed in writing no 1... than twenty-four (24) Il~. lat.u. ,. ~. '1'111. _ranclull of undlfntandiag so11 :be aU.cttv.-VIlen al.9fteCl by tha la.t of all ~i.. alld .hall automatically renew fxo. ywar to JW&r. 7. ~ ~lIEIUlnOll. It. b t.ha intent. ot t.he pani.. to ai4 eae er n their C_n pal of provillil19 _r9&ncy _~t. preparation. :ro t.111. elId, the parti.. ....11 pariodically confar t.o 41.C:Il" c:1Ianqe. that __ J:&qUU'elS 1n this _r.nd... of under.tanding Ot" ita i..,l-..tation. 8. JmUl!I -1fal!AIIII!IlK 01' ~1IIIDI". '1'b.l. _ranci_ of under.tiiiaing conati tate. the tull and 11141 aaprea.lon of -.ell pIlrty'. intent and no provision _y be c~ Or added, Iln1... by a writing executed with aqual dignity and foraallt.y. 111 lII'ftlt8S lIKIUOP, t.ha peru.. 40 CAll.. their ofUc:1a1. t.o execllta th.\.. "'oraadwl of lIftd..ntanll.1DIJ on the daua 1ll11ieated:bel_. By: ergan . co a, pr.. dant Datal ~~/~t IIOIIJlOI COUII'I'Y llOAllD or COUJI'1'!' COIDIISSIORRS, . pol1fffaJ, 'J::::vgc.on of the State Of I'lorida By. 0,) I\M...- j!-JA~I "....... Dat.'-!J/.uJ9~ 'ODWr'& ~.- INC. AftZ8'1's I~ DAti -- COUNTY OF MONROE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OWNER: BD OF TR OF THE IIF 8T OF FL PERMIT NUMBER, 04303609 THIS IS TO CERTIFY TIlAT THE BUILDING LOCATED AT, 220 REEF DR-NO KL FIRESTATION RE NUMBER: 00560090000000 ALTERNATE KEY: 1685739 FOR WHICH PERMIT HAS HERETOFORE BEEN ISSUED, HAS BEEN COMPLETED ACCORDING TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE MONROE COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT, AND THAT THE PROPOSED USE OF THE BUILDING, TO WIT, AS A: COMMERCIAL SLOG-REPLACE COMPLIES WITH ALL THE BUILDING AND HEALTH LAWS AND ORDINANCES OF MONROE COUNTY AND IS APPROVED FOR THIS USE. THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE AND APPROVED: Ale DUCTWORK AUGERS COLUMN ELECTRICAL 30DAY TEMP/PERM PWR ELEVATOR PIT FINAL BUILDING FINAL ELECTRIC FINAL PLUMBING FIREMARSHAL APPROVAL GRADE BEAM/SLAB GROUNDING ELECT PIPE RETURN AIR ROOF TRUSSES ONLY INSPECTION ROUGH A/C ROUGH PLUMBING - TOTAL SlAB - STEEL STEEL-AUGER STRAPPINGG TIE BEAM UNDERGROUND ELECT WAIVER WATERLINE AUGER CAPS CERTIFICATE OF ELEVATION ELECTRICAL - SLAB ROUGH ELEVATED SLAB FINAL A/C FINAL DUCTWORK FINAL H.R.S. APPROVAL - SEPTIC FINAL ROOF FREON LINES GROUND SLAB INSULATION - ONLY PLANNER FINAL ROOF SLAB ROOFING (IN PROCESS) ROUGH ELECTRIC - TOTAL SEWER CONNECTION STAIRS STEEL-COLUMN TERMITE INSPECTION TRUSS PLANS APPROVED ON FILE VAPOR BARRIER WAIVER BLOCK 5, LOT 10, KEY LARGO CITY INDUSTRIAL SECTION, 220 REEF DRIVE, KEY LARGO, FLA. FLOOD ZONE X, FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION AT 12.06 PER ELEVATION CERTIFICATE. 8/31/2007, $51,255.50 MITIGATION PAID. DATED: OB/06/2007 CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 111B203 DAN GARGAS / BUILDING OFFICIAL/ASSISTANT BUILDING OFFICIAL S"""R .,noH"AN ~ BU DING NSPECTOR BOB BJK , LUM NO INSPECTOR ADAK KASPRZAK &. ELECTRI INSPECTOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/10/2007 - Special Meeting Division: Countv Attornev Bulk Item: Yes No -"1L- Staff Contact Person: Bob Shillinger AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of request to schedule a closed executive session of the Board of County Commissioners in the matter of Florida Kevs Citizens Coalition & Last Stand v. DCA and Monroe Countv. DOAH 06- 2449 at the September 19, 2007 BOCC meeting in Marathon. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Florida Keys Citizens Coalition and Last Stand challenged DCA's approval of five (5) Monroe County ordinances which implement the Tier system. The matter is in the hands of the DCA Secretary who is authorized by law to render a final administrative decision on the challenge. In the interim, staff has been negotiating a potential resolution of the outstanding issues. A closed session is being requested to discuss the status of settlement discussions and receive direction from the Board on any proposed settlement agreement that is reached in the interim. Per F.S. 286.0] 1(8), the subject matter of the meeting shall be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expenditures. Present at the meeting will be the Commissioners, County Administrator Tom Willi, County Attorney Suzanne Hutton, and Chief Assistant County Attorney Bob Shillinger, and a certified court reporter. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACVAGREEMENTCHANGES: wa STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: @$JOO.OO BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY: @$JOO.OO SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No xx AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ---2L OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DOCUMENTATION: Incl uded Not Required K DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # B.3 Revised 2/05 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/10/2007 - Special Meeting Division: Countv Attornev Bulk Item: Yes No -19L- Staff Contact Person: Bob Shillinger AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of request to schedule a closed executive session of the Board of County Commissioners in the matter of Monroe County v. Lodee Construction v. Bert Bender, CA K 00-617 at the September 19, 2007 BOCC meeting in Marathon, ITEM BACKGROUND: The County sued Lodge after Lodge abandoned its contract to renovate the Gato Building, During mediation held on August 17, 2007, an agreement in principal was reached on a settlement. A closed session is being requested to discuss the proposed settlement agreement. Per F.S. 286.011(8), the subject matter of the meeting shall be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expenditures. Present at the meeting will be the Commissioners, County Administrator Tom Willi, County Attorney Suzanne Hutton, and Chief Assistant County Attorney Bob Shillinger, and a certified court reporter. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACTIAGREEMENTCHANGES: ~a STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: (a)$100.00 BUDGETED: Yes.M- No COST TO COUNTY: (a)$100.00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No xx AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty -L OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required X AGENDA ITEM # _R . Lf- DISPOSITION: Revised 2/05 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/1 0/2007 - Soecial Meeting Division: Countv Attornev Bulk Item: Yes No~ Staff Contact Person: Bob Shillinger AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of request to schedule a closed executive session of the Board of County Commissioners in the matter of Galleon Bav Com. v. Monroe Countv v. State of Florida, CA K 02-595 at the September 19,2007 BOCC meeting in Marathon. ITEM BACKGROUND: Galleon Bay Corp, has sued the County alleging that the County's land development regulations have deprived it of all beneficial use of its property. The case is postured to go to trial but legal staff desires direction on some upcoming litigation expenditures, Per F.S. 286,011(8), the subject matter of the meeting shall be confined to settlement negotiations or strategy sessions related to litigation expenditures, Present at the meeting will be the Commissioners, County Administrator Tom Willi, County Attorney Suzanne Hutton, and Chief Assistant County Attorney Bob Shillinger, and a certified court reporter, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: (a)$100.00 BUDGETED: Yes ~ No COST TO COUNTY: (ql$lOO.OO SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No xx AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DOCUMENTATION: lncl uded Not Required X DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # /3,5 Revised 2/05