Resolution 090-2000 RESOLUTION 090-2000 A RESOLUTION APPROVING EXPANSION OF THE GROUP OF:r 0 PROPERTY OWNERS WHO ARE ElIGIBILE FOR ~ )> PARTICIPATION IN THE COUNTY'S HOMEOWNERS ~f2~ WASTEWATER SYSTEM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM; TO ~~;:: INCLUDE OWNERS Of PROPERTIES WITH A PERMITTED ON- gf?' SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM ~:o~ WHICH ARE LOCATED WITHIN A "COLD SPOT" AND WHO :<~~ WANT TO UPGRADE THEIR SYSTEMS. BY SHARING A;.' ~ SYSTEM WITH ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS WHO HAVEr~ fT1 RECEIVED A LETTER OF NOTIFICATION FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO REPLACE THEIR UNKNOWN SYSTEMS WHEREAS. Monroe County and the Florida Department of Health (DOH) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to fund and administer a Homeowners Wastewater System Assistance Program to financially assist property owners in partially defraying the costs of the required replacement of, existing cesspools and unknown on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems, with permitted On-site Wastewater Nutrient Reduction Systems (OWNRS) within areas not identified for central sewer service systems by December 31,2009, known as "Cold Spots;" and, WHEREAS, only property owners with cesspools and unknown on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems, who have received official notification from the Florida Department of Health, are currently eligible to receive financial assistance under this State and locally funded program; and. WHEREAS, owners of properties in "Cold Spots" with permitted on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems living adjacent to owners of property receiving an official notification from the Florida Department of Health have expressed a willingness to replace their existing systems with a permitted OWNRS that they will share with their adjacent property owner(s), who are required to replace their cesspool or unknown system; and, WHEREAS. the most economical way long-term method of reducing unit operating costs of OWNRS is through shared or clustered systems. where feasible; and, WHEREAS. all existing on-site wastewater treatment systems within areas not expected to receive central sewer service by December 31. 2009. will be required by State wastewater treatment standards to upgrade to a permitted OWNRS; and, C. \OOCUM E NT\Wastewater\resolonsite .doc Page 1 of 4 (:) :?] (:) ~ r- f'T! 0 - "'T'J CA) <::> :::0 =- ;0 :E a ", (") - 0 -. ;0 w 0 WHEREAS, water quality benefits will result from the upgrading of existing permitted systems to the new wastewater treatment standards; and, WHEREAS, the existing grant policy in funding replacement systems within "Cold Spots" could be made more cost-effective by expanding grant eligibility to other property, owners within "Cold Spots" who want to share a system with an adjacent property owner who has received an official notification from the Florida Department of Health; and, WHEREAS, the funding restnctions of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Department of Community Affairs grant programs allows for only the replacement of cesspools and unknown systems, not permitted systems; WHEREAS, due to the above restrictions, only County funds will be available to assist property owners wishing to upgrade their permitted systems through a joint use arrangement with an adjacent property owner who has received an official notification from the Florida Department of Health; and, WHEREAS. it is anticipated that few property owners in "Cold Spots" will be in a position or want to step forward to upgrade their systems at this time, thereby limiting the potential drain on the County's financial resources: and, WHEREAS, the staffs of the Monroe County Growth Management Division and the Florida Department of Health have proposed specific guidelines for expanding grant eligibility and further agree that such expansion needs to be formalized in an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between Monroe County and the Department of Health; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: Section 1. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners requests that Florida Department of Health process grant applications submitted by property owners in "Cold Spots," who want to replace their permitted systems through the shared use of a new system with an adjacent property owner, who has received an official notification letter. Section 2. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners agrees that the County will provide the entire subsidy for those property owners, in accordance with subsidy guidelines attached as Exhibit One, and will provide an amount equal to ten percent of the County subsidy to the Florida Department of Health for their administrative costs. C: \OOCU M E NT\ Wastewater\resolonslle, doc Page 2 of 4 Section 3. The Growth Management Division staff is directed to prepare for consideration by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at its next regular commission meeting scheduled for March 16, 2000, an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding No. DOH 01-1999 between Monroe County and the Florida Depagment of Health that officially implements this revision to the Homeowners Wastewater System Assistance Program. PASSED AND ADOPTED. by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. at a meeting of the Board held on the 17lh day of February. A.D., 2000. Mayor Shirley Freeman Mayor Pro Tern George Neugent Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams .~- yes. yes yes yes- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA /:;%f5fJ!IJe!?> ' cS~~ ,i'''''/I /"':> r,-,';i~' ' A ,,, __~ _... _ J".~ "]' ;.~ ~ .~. ("-.-~:~,: ...' '\; ." ~ J,,'.... v/_~ "";",.'~' ~ BY' P-+;'l >.'iF' !.}- ~,:.",'t.. ,~,\ ({'){ /'\\.'< /,'V :'L~'.~ ....',i . F::; C;;~." ',>:->,," ".,', jl MA YORI AIRPERSON ~~:t ~~}~ \_~.~:;'~::'~'~,:'~'; ~.~ - tf"<'<"';;,", ,,' , " , ,',., ", '" l~.~:\;~ ~._~~~/;:..:.....::'~.~. -"~,:;:<..:,':i" /::l \~.;;;,.~~~::ti;S1f,jDANNY L. KOLHAGE. CLERK .,,~. '".... /. ~-'''' A ~~ -L.~ ~ .f5EPUTY CLERK BY C :\DOCUM ENT\Wastewater\resolonsite. doc Page 3 of 4 EXHIBIT ONE SUBSIDY GUIDELINES FOR SHARED SYSTEMS 1. The total eligible project construction costs are divided by number of on-site systems to be!eplaced to determine the per unit cost. 2. The owners of systems to be replaced that have received an official notification letter from the Department of Health will be provided grant assistance in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding No. DOH 01-1999 between Monroe County and the Florida Department of Health based upon the above per unit cost calculation. 3. The owners of property with permitted systems that are to be replaced, but which have not received an official notification letter from the Department of Health, will be provided grant assistance in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding cited above, based upon the above per unit cost calculation; however, the entire grant amount shall be paid entirely from County funds. C:\OOCUME NT\Wastewater\resofonsite.doc Page 4 of 4