Resolution 426-2007 RESOLUTION NO. 426 - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BIG COPPITT REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND SOUTH LOWER KEYS REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FACILITIES PLAN. WHEREAS, Florida's water pollution control revolving loan program is authorized under Sec. 403.1835, Florida Statutes which establishes the Wastewater Treatment and Stormwater Management Revolving Loan Trust Fund for projects and activities eligible for funding under Section 603 of the federal Water Pollution Control Act (also known as the amended Clean Water Act); and WHEREAS, Section 62-503.700, Florida Administrative Code, describes the planning,. design, construction and procurement requirements to obtain borrowed funding from tht: Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving Loan Program for Water Pollution Control; and WHEREAS, Section 62-503.700 (2)(g), Florida Administrative Code, requires that the planning documentation include a description of the public participation process used to explain the project and the financial impacts to affected parties prior to the project sponsor's acceptance of the planning recommendations; and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) hosted a public meeting on June 20th, 2007 and presented the construction schedule for the gravity collection system and wastewater treatment plant, system development fees, and connection process for the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems to include a central gravity collection system and a wastewater treatment plant at Rockland Key; and WHEREAS, notice of the public meeting held by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority on June 20, 2007 and the notice of intention to consider approval of this Resolution on the date hereof was published, said proof of publication(s) being attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as Appendix A; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 62-503.700(2)(a)-(g), Florida Administrative Code and Sec. 403.1 835(6)b)(d)(h), (7)(a)-(h) and (II), Florida Statutes, a Facilities Plan was deve:loped and attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as Appendix B, for consideration by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, Section 62-503.700(2) G), Florida Administrative Code, requires that the planning documentation include an adopting resolution or other action establishing a commitment to implement the planning recommendations in order to obtain borrowed funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving Fund Loan Program for Water Pollution Control; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: 1. The Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems and the South Lower Keys Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facilities Plan, attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as Appendix B, is hereby adopted. 2. The Clerk of the Court is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving Fund Loan Program for Water Pollution Control. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County, I'lorida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 14th day of November, 2007. Mayor McCoy Yes Mayor Pro Tem DiGennaro Yes Commissioner George Neugent Yes Commissioner Spehar Yes Commissioner Sylvia J. Murphy Yes ATTEST DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK " BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mayor Charle "Sonny" McCoy u..... , ... / .:' "'Co..... t.L..t:. De uty Clerk By: If') <::: C:i Ln no: N c:.~ tI_ c...' !.....: . L',,: :::c , " , ,.,> c.: Q... ,-.-- 0'\ (.) c..::; ....~ (~ c. :> ~~d~ C) l:... :z: - r- "':1: ~ .. = c, = :E ..... MONROE COUNTY ATTORN Y OVED AS T Date 2 APPENDIX "A" "I..'. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF COUNTY RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY"GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on November 14, 2007 at 1 :30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Plaza, 101485 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 101 Oceanside. Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida intends to consider approval of the following County resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BIG COP PITT REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND SOUTH LOWER KEYS REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FACILITIES PLAN. The purpose of this meeting is to satisfy the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolvinfl loan Program requirement for public participation prior to the acceptance of the planning recommendations by .the project sponsor. Figure 1. depicts the limits of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems area. All affect€'d property owners have a right to appear and provide input at the hearing and may file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public meeting. The Facilities Plan can be viewect on the County website at htto:llmonro,,"cofl.virtualtownhall.neVPages/MonroeCoFL. BOCCI aaenda~ once published and no later than November 8, 2007. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the Office of the County Administrator by phoning (305) 292-4441, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., no later than 2 working days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you hearing or voice impaired, call "711", BIG COPPITT Section 15.5.113 of Article VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the boundaries of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel Bind on the east by Shark Channel, including Shark Key. The Big Coppitt MSTU is depicted by the "1 OOB" and "11 OB" taxing unit boundary below. Dated at KHY WHst, Florida this, 26th day of October, 2007. DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida 10/29/07 KWC 275301l ~ ilirLlnzEN 17N ,...,.,. K.,. Only o.Iy . II" T . &to 1.,. Cooke Communications, LLC Florida Keys Marsha F. Kirkwood Advertising Coordinator PO Box 1800 Key West FI 33041 Office......... .,105-292-7777 Extension................ .x219 Fax............ .3,05-294-8025 leaals@kevsrlews.com INTERNET PUBLISHING keywest.com keysnews,com floridakeys.com key-west.com Web Design Services NEWSPAPERS The Citizen Southernmost Flyer Solares Hill Big Pine Free Press Marathon Free Press Islamorada Free Press Key Largo Free Press Ocean Reef Press Seaport Log MAGAZINE The Menu Home Guide Citizen Local's Guide Paradise Keys TV Channel Guide MARKETING SERVICES Commercial Printing Citizen Locals Card DireclMail FLORIDA KEYS OF':ICES Printing I Main Facility 3420 Northside Drive Key West, FL 33040-1800 Tel 305-292-7777 Fax 305-294-0768 citizen@keywest.com Internet Division 1201 'Nhite Street (Suite 103) Key West, FL 33040-3328 Tel 305-292-1880 Fax 305-294-1699 sales@keywestcom Middle Keys Office 6363 Overseas Hwy Marathon, FL (MM 52,5) 33050-3342 Tel 305-743-8766 Fax 305-743-9977 navigalor@floridakeys.ccm Upper Keys Office 81549 Old Hwy PO Box 469 Islamorada, FL (MM81.5) 33036-0469 Tel 305-664-2266 Fax 305-664-8411 freepress@florldakeys,com Ocean Reef Office 3A Barracuda Lane Key Largo, FL 33037 Tel 305-367-4911 Fax 305-367-2191 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Randy G. Erickson, who on oath says that he is Vice-President of Advertising Operations of the Key West Citizen, a daily newspaper published in Key West, in Monroe County, Florida; that the atta ed copy of advertisement, being a legal notice in the matter of was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of ~~ -AJ?, ;2-tJt7 7 , , Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County, Florida every day, and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of I year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for '""'''"",', ". ~id -'P'I"'. M~k--- Signature of Affiant #-> Sworn and subscribed before me this~ day of &8/ ~ ,2007 Notary Public: Marsha F. Kirkwood ~~Ak;2; ~~ Expires: September 15,2009 Notary Seal ,.......... "",OJ" tM,R~di, F r,lf;:f;WOOO ";>,V" I" I FI d .,"~\~;'-i]~(j<\\ NotClry Public. State 0 or; a Lf!~.~~,.:~-.... .~My Comm;:J~)ion r.ijJiCes Sep 15, 2009 \"'~ : ~:::g CO{f;'n:ssion # DD 472620 "':::','i~,?,\;;~/ Bonded By t>Jationa\ Notary Assn. Personally Known x Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced ~ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF COUNTY RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on November 14, 2007 at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Plaza, 101485 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 101 Oceanside, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida intends to con- s;,,1er approval of the following County resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BIG COPPITT REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND SOUTH LOWER KEYS REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FACILITIES PLAN. The purpose of this meeting is to satisfy the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving loan Program requirement for public participation prior to the acceptance of the planning recommendations by the project sponsor. Figure I. depicts the limits of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems area. All affected property owners have a right to appear and provide input at the hearing and may file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public meeting. The Facilities Plan can be viewed on the County website at http://monroecofl.virtualtownhall.netJ Paoes/MonroeCoFL_BOCC/aoendas once published and no later than November 8, 2007. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disahility who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proct:eding. please contact the Office of the County Administrator by phoning (305) 292-4441, hetween the hours of8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.. no later than 2 working days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you hearing or voice impaired, call "7/1". BIG COPPITT Section 15.5-113 of Article VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the boundaries of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel and on the east by Shark Charmel. including Shark Key. The Big Coppitt MSTU is depicted by the "'lOllB" and "1I0B" taxing unit boundary below. ,", , I &~ I ::~, ""i . 100 .r~~ ;~"" <, : ~ Figure I: Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System including the Big Coppitt, Geiger Key, Rockland Gulf and Shark Key areas Dated at Key West, Florida this 26th day of October. 2007. DANNY L. KOLHAGE. Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida Published Keynoter 10/31107 r Your Upper Keys Connection THE REPORTER P.O. Box 1197. Tavernier, Florida 33070-1197 (305) 852-3216 Fax: (305) 852-0199 PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared DAVID GOODHUE who on oath, says that he is EDITOR of THE REPORTER, a weekly newspaper entitled to publish legal advertising published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being LEGAL NOTICE in said newspaper in the issue of: November 2nd 2007 Affiant further says that THE REPORTER is a newspaper published at Tavernier, in -said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in the said Monroe County, Florida, each week (on Friday), and has been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Tavernier, in said County of Monroe, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper and that The Reporter is in full compliance with Chapter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Legal and Official Advertisements. dL Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2na day of November 2007. 1'<\~~ J. ~~l~) Noty " t \ - cl - 0 1 1-0 I<',,;,j~,'lr:i; r J. V\'H!Sr)~HUN r k:Y C(:Mr,~:'~~;jON lIOD4437~:1 t^P:H:~S_ ,JUN 22. 2009 ~:JI:~uJ C1i:'j;ji1~ 1st Staie ir.'>lifar;'>3 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSfDE:R APPROVAL OF COONTY RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on November 14, 2007 ilt 1 :30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Key LaItIll:J\>raly, Tradewlnds Shopping Plaza, 101485 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 101 Oceanside,' Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, the Board of County Commissionerso1.Monroe County, Florida intends to consider approval of the following County resOlUtibn: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BIG COPPITT REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND S4Jtmf LOWER KEYS REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FACILITIES PLAN. The purpose of this meeting is to satisfy the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving loan Program requirement for public participalion prior to the acceptance of the planning recommendations by the project sponsor. Figllrel, depicts the limits of the Big Cop pitt Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems area. All affected property owners have a right to appear and provide input at the hearing and may file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public . meeting. The Facilities Plan can be viewed on the County website at' - . http://monroecofl.virtuallownhall.netlPages/MonroeCoFL BOCC/agendas once pub- lished and no later than November 8, 2007. - ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who heeds special acc0mmo- dations in order to participate in this proceeding, please contact the Office of the COU\lfy Administrator by phoning (305) 292-4441, between the hours 6f8:30 a.Il'I.,.-.5;oop.m.,' no later than 2 working days prior to the scheduled meeting; if You hearing <lr\/olee impaired, call "711 ". BIG COPPITT Section 15.5-113 of Article VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the bound- aries of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the .area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel and on the east by Shark Channel, inell/dlng Shark Key. The Big Coppill MSTU is depicted by the "100B" and "110B" taxing unit' boundary below. . . . ., Figure 1: Big Coppitt Regional Wastewaklr Treatment System includ~the Big . Coppitt, Geiger Key, Rockl8l1d Gulf and Shark Key areas Dated at Key West, Florida this 26th day of October, 2007. PUBLISHED: 11-02-07 The Reporter Tavernier, FL 33070 DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of Cou'nty Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida NOTICE OF INTENTION TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF COUNTY RESOLUTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that on November 14, 2007 at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Plaza, 101485 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker 101 Oceanside, Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida intends to consider approval of the following County resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE BIG COPPITT REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS AND SOUTH LOWER KEYS REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FACILITIES PLAN. The purpose of this meeting is to satisfy the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's State Revolving loan Program requirement for public participation prior to the acceptance of the planning recommendations by the project sponsor. Figure I. depicts the limits of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems area. All affected property owners have a right to appear and provide input at the hearing and may file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public meeting. The Facilities Plan can be viewed on the County website at htto:llmonroecofl.virtualtownhall.netlPages/MonroeCoFL BOCC/agendas once published and no later than November 8, 2007. ADA ASSISTANCE: If you are a person with a disability who needs special accommodations in order to participate in this proceeding. please contact the Office of the County Administrator by phoning (305) 292-4441. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.. no later than 2 working days prior to the scheduled meeting; if you hearing or voice impaired, call "711 ". BIG COPPITT Section 15.5-113 of Article VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the boundaries of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel and on the east by Shark Channel, including Shark Key. The Big Coppitt MSTU is depicted by the "I OOB" and "1 lOB" taxing unit boundary below. o , ~ \] , .' . ~ ~ Figure 1: Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System including the Big Coppitt, Geiger Key, Rockland Gulf and Shark Key areas Dated at Key West, Florida this 26th day of October, 2007. DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (SEAL) Publication as display ad with border on the followine dates: Reporter (Fr) 11/2/2007 Keynoter (Wed) 10/31/2007 KW Citizen (Mo) 10/29/2007 THE MI' WESr ClTlZE:\ . TUESDAY, JU~E 12, 2007 NOTICE OF COMMUNITY MEETINGS DUCK KEY AND BIG COPPITT WASTEWATER OPEN TO THE PUBLIC , Hawk's Cay Resort 61 Hawk's Cay Boulevard Duck Key, Florida 33050 TUESDAY. JUNE 19, 2007 - 6:00 p.m. Gerald Adams Elementary 5855 W. Junior College Road Key West, Florida 33040 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 2007 - 6:30 p-m. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority will conduct Community Meetings for proposed Reclaimed Water Usage. Wastewater Assessments, and Construction specific for the Big COpPltt and Ducl<; Key Wastewater Dis- tricts. Information is available upon request from FKAA. Colleen Tagle, Public Information Director. PO. Box 1239. Key WeSt. FL 33040. 305 206-2454 Ext. 2176, a-mail ctagle@fl<aa.com KWC:.,J.......122oo7 25i0402 THF Kry WEST CrTIZEN. MONIHY, Sn'"ITI\Hlf"1l ll, 2006 .I'~" ~--~.~ l~i:"") ~.~ Big Coppitt Wastewater System Community Meeting Monday, September 18, 2006 6:00 PM Gerald Adams Elementary School Cafeteria Jr. College Road Stock Island The Florida Keys AqueduetAlIthority, in cooperation with Monroe County. the Department of Environmental Protection. and the Department of Health, will be holding a Community Meeting to discuss the Big Coppitt Wastewater System" The project area includes Big Coppitt Key, Rockland Key, Geiger Key and Shark Key. This infollnative session will detail the progress to date and the proposed schedule, as well as address any questions you may have. If you have any questions concerning this meeting, please contact Kathryn Ovide at (3051 2%-2454, Ext. 202 or via e-mail at kovideuMkaa.com. September II, 2006 KWC 235299 Keys' N.ws ' Saturday, September '1,2006' Keynoter ')..';;'" i' 21 .,. D - BIG COPPITT WASTEWATER SYSTEM COMMUNITY MEETING Monday, September 18, 2006 6:00 PM Gerald Adams Elementary School Cafeteria Jr. College Road Stock Island The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, in cooperation with Monroe County, the Department of Environmental Protection, and the Department of Health, will be holding a Community Meeting to discuss the Big Coppin Wastewater System. The project area includes Big Coppitt Key, Rockland Key, Geiger Key and Shark Key. This informative ses- sion will detail the progress to date and the proposed schedule, as well as address any ques- tions you may have. If you have any questions concerning this meeting, please contact Kathryn Ovide at (305)296-2454, Ext. 202 elr via e.mail at kovide@fkaa.com. Published Kaynoter 9/9106 APPENDIX "B" Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System and South Lower Keys Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Facllltlea Plan Compiled By: Monroe County Engineering Division 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-216 Key West, FL 33040 October 2007 t/# DaVId S. Koppel, PE # 40164 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1 PROJECT SPONSOR AND PARTNERSHIP .......................................................2 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ....................................................................................2 PROJECT LOCATION .........................................................................................2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .......................................................................3 Geology. Physiography. and Soils .............................................................................................. 3 Geology...... ...... .......... ....... ......... ... .... ....... ....... .............. ..... ..... ... ............... ..... ... ..... ........... ..... .... 3 Key Largo Limestone ... ....... ......... ....... ........... ..... ..... ... .............. ..... ... ............... ..... ..... ..... ........ 3 Miami Limestone..................................................................................................................... 3 Underlying Formations...... ................ ... ........ ... ..... ..... ..... ............ ..... ....................... ....... .. ... .... 3 Physiography ....................................................... .......................................... .................. .4 S~s...........................4 Hydrology ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Groundwater........................................................................................................................... ..... 5 Surface Water ....... ... .... ..... ....... ........... ..... ..... ........... ..... ........ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ....... ..... .... 5 Climatology .................................................................................................................................... 5 Plant and Animal Communities.................................................................................................... 6 Historical and Archaeological Resources ..................................................................................7 SERVICE AREAS AND TREATMENT VOLUME................................................. 7 Big Coppitt Service Area .............................................................................................................. 7 Big Coppilt Sub-Service Area ...................................................................................................7 Rockland Sub-Service Area.... ......... ....... ......... ......................... ..... .......... .................................. 8 Shark Key Sub-Service Area ......................................................................................................8 Geiger Key Sub-Service Area ........... ....... ..... ....... ..... .......... ....................... ..... ............. ..... .......... 8 Key Haven Service Area ...............................................................................................................8 Naval Air Station Key West...........................................................................................................8 ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT .......................................................8 Treatment Alternatives.................................................. ............................ .................................... 8 Option 1.... ... ..... ......... ... .... ..... ....... .... ... ......... ... .... ..... ............ ..... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ............ ... ..... ....... 9 Option 2..................................................................................................................................... 10 Selected Treatment Alternative... ..................... ............. ..... ......... .............................. .............. 10 Environmental Setting.. ......... ....... .... ... ......... ... ........ ..... ... ......... ..... ". ..... .......... ..... ... ..... ..... ........ 10 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM .................................................................................10 Collection System Alternatives.................................................................................................. 10 Gravity.. ............................................................................................ ... ......... 11 Vacuum. ....... ....... ................. .............. ....... ....... .... ..... ..... ............ ................. ..... ..... ..... ....... ..... . 11 Selected Alternative ... ............ ..... ....... ..... ........... ..... ..... ....... .................. ..... .................. ....... ...... 11 Environmental Effects ................................................ ................................................. ............ 11 PROJ ECT COSTS..... ...... ......................................... .................. ...... ..................11 FUNDING SOURCES .........................................................................................12 SUMMARY Monroe County and FKAA entered into an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) on September 6, 2005 setting forth responsibilities and commitments to sewer unincorporated Monroe County as required by Section 8 of Chapter 99-395 Laws of Florida. Under the ILA, Monroe County agreed to provide funding up to the limits of its debt capacity and ability to levy special assessments; the FKAA was made responsible for administration of procurement processes for the design and construction of wastewater systems. The comparable cost analysis of alternatives, selected alternatives, construction bids, and final project plans and specifications used to prepare this Facilities Plan for the Big Copprtt Service Area were provided by the FKAA. The South Lower Keys Regional Wastewater System (SLKRWS) consists of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) , transmission main and collection system to serve the Big Coppitt Sewer Area. The selected treatment process consists of a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) for secondary treatment and deep bed denitrification filters with chemical addition, as needed, to polish the secondary effluent to permitted standards. The wastewater treatment system has been designed to provide high level disinfection such that reclaimed water can be made available for non-potable water use. Three, 90- ft injection wells will also be constructed at the WWTP site. Gravity sewers have been selected as the method of wastewater collection. Approximately 70,000 feet of collection system piping, 14,000 feet of transmission main, and 25 pump stations will be installed in 4 sub-service areas under 5 contracts. The funding sources for the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System (BCRWS) and South Lower Keys Wastewater Treatment Plant (SLKWWTP) to serve the Big Coppitt Service Area include the State of Florida Grant Assistance pursuant to line item 1818 of the 2006-2007 General Appropriations Act, sales tax revenue, system development fees and any other available source of revenue identified by Monroe County. The estimated cost to construct the wastewater system to serve the Big Coppitt Service Area is $31.5M. This includes $7.2M for treatment capacrty at the SLKWWTP and $24.2M in transmission/collection system costs for the BCRWS. The cost for additional capacity at the SLKWWTP to serve adjacent areas is $3.6M. The State of Florida Grant Assistance Agreement required that construction commence on the BCRWS by May 2007. Construction has commenced on 3 of the 5 transmission/collection system contracts with a total estimated cost to construct of $14.5M. Construction has not yet begun on two of the collection system contracts with a total estimated cost to construct of $8.6M or the SLKWWTP with a total estimated cost to construct of $11.3M. The purpose of this Facilities Plan is to provide the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) necessary documentation to receive authorization to incur construction costs for the two remaining collection systems and the WWTP. INTRODUCTION The Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan mandated that a Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan be prepared to determine acceptable levels of sanitary service and treatment for all developed and undeveloped land in Monroe County. Refer to 1 Appendix A - Figure 1 for a map of Monroe County. The intent of the Comprehensive Plan was 1) To establish more stringent loads that can be tolerated by the County's nutrient-sensitive waters and ecosystems without experiencing short- or long- term adverse effects; 2) To prevent further degradation of groundwater, as well as confined, nearshore, and offshore waters; and 3) To ensure improvement of these water to levels that have been demonstrated to support healthy, diverse, and productive populations of fish and other marine resources. The Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (CH2M, March 2000) analysis of wastewater management alternatives concluded that it is more cost effective and environmentally sound to provide centralized wastewater collection and central Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) in most areas of the Keys than to upgrade or replace all existing ons~e systems and existing treatment plants. PROJECT SPONSOR AND PARTNERSHIP Monroe County is the public sponsor for the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System. The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority entered into an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) on September 6, 2005 with Monroe County setting forth the commitments of the parties to work together to achieve the 2010 mandate to sewer the Florida Keys. The ILA was amended on September 19, 2007 to include the State Revolving Fund Loan Program for Pollution Control as a funding source and to increase the County's financial commitment. A September 21, 2005 Lease Agreement was executed and amended the same day to include debt obligations in addition to bonds. In addition, an ILA for the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System was executed on June 21, 2006. Copies of the ILAs, Lease and Amendments are provided in Appendix B. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FKAA hosted three public meetings to inform affected property owners of the BCRWS and associated costs to the property owner for the proposed construction. The meetings were held in September 2006, January 2007, and June 2007. During the January 2007 meeting, the alternatives were presented. Attendees were advised that construction of the selected alternatives described in this Plan were recommended at the June 2007 meeting. Each meeting was advertised in a public newspaper. Refer to Appendix C for a copy of the presentations. PROJECT LOCATION The Florida Keys form an arcuate chain of small islands, composed primarily of limestone, extending from Miami to Key West, a distance of 150 miles. The Keys are bounded on the southeast by the Atlantic Ocean and the Straits of Florida, and on the northwest by the Gulf of Mexico and Florida Bay. A map of the Florida Keys is provided in A - Figure 1. Geologically, the Keys are divided into the Upper and Middle Keys _ narrow, elongate islands parallel to the trend of the arc; and the Lower Keys - land masses with an axis perpendicular to the arc. The Upper and Middle Keys include the islands from Soldier Key in Biscayne Bay, located just north of Key Largo, to Long Key, with the Lower Keys beginning at Big Pine Key, extending to Key West. Implementation of this Facilities Plan will provide AWT service to the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Service Area and treatment capacity to either the Key Haven or Naval Air Station 2 Service Areas in the South Lower Keys. A map of the Lower Keys Wastewater Project Area is provided as Appendix A - Figure 2. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS Geoloav. Phvsioaraphv. and Soils Geology The Upper Keys surficial outcrop consists primarily of Key Largo Limestone, an elevated coral reef rock, while the Lower Keys, beginning with Big Pine Key, are composed of the oolitic facies of the Miami Limestone. Key Largo Limestone The Key Largo Formation consists of limestone, originally deposited by reef building organisms and Key Largo Limestone chemically cemented calcarnite. Large amounts of detritus (unconsolidated rock fragments) are trapped in the structural framework of the corals. Calcarenite is formed when rock fragments are cemented together with calcium carbonate. At the surface, the Key Largo Formation is exposed from Soldier Key on the north to the western edge of Newfound Harbor Channel. The small islands across the channel are composed of Miami Limestone, thus the channel marks the geologic divide between the two rock types. Miami Limestone The Lower Keys outcrop, beginning with Big Pine Key and extending through Key West, is Miami Limestone which appears to be a transitional contact resting upon the Key Largo Limestone. Miami Limestone a porous, solution riddled formation occupied by voids which produce a very high vertical permeability; however, since many of the solution pipes are not connected, a lower horizontal permeability is observed. The Formation is thinnest over the southern borders and thickens northward. The Miami oolite appears to have originated as an underwater east-west trending mound of unstable oolite lying north of and parallel to the Key Largo coral reef. As the mound grew larger, it eventually covered a portion of the active coral reef. Channels or passages were cut through the unstable ooze, perpendicular to the trend, by tidal currents. Thus the present shape of the Lower Keys originated as underwater topography modified by tidal action. Underlying the Plio-Pleistocene Miami and Key Largo limestones are a considerable thickness of unconsolidated to consolidated sediments ranging from Miocene to Eocene in Age which include the Tamiami, Hawthorn, and Tampa formations of Miocene Age, the Oligocene Suwannee Limestone, and Eocene Avon Park Formation. Underlying Formations The Tamiami Formation has variable permeability which depends on the amount of clay and sand occurring in a section. The gravel lenses represent areas of high permeability and it is within these zones that groundwater yields are highest. The Hawthorn Formation consists of very low permeability clays and sands and it together with the 3 Tampa Formation with low permeability in the Florida Keys, acts as an aquiclude for the underlying Suwannee and Avon Park formations, confining the underlying limestones under artesian pressure. The Suwannee Limestone, a fossiliferous limestone, represents the top of the water-producing zone in the Keys. Physiography The Florida Keys which consist primarily of low lying areas either covered by mangrove swamps or areas projecting only 2 to 3 feet above high tide occur in the southern, or distal, physiographic zone. Intertidal flats barely covered at low tide border both sides of the islands and gradually slope into deeper water. The highest elevation within the chain is on Windley Key, where Key Largo Limestone rises to an elevation of about 18 feet above sea level. Mangrove swamps have been estimated to occupy almost one-half the total area of the Keys, with the Red Mangrove, (Rhizophora mangle) being the most abundant. The region is differentiated into the following three physiographic segments based on shape and elevation: the high coral keys extend from Soldier Key to Windley Key; the low coral keys extend from Lower Matecumbe Key to Bahia Honda Key; and the oolitic keys extend from Big Pine Key to Key West. The elevations of both the oolitic and low coral keys are about half those of the high coral keys. Soils Florida Keys soils are classified as tidal swamp-tidal marsh, urban land and rock land. These classifications, made by the U.S. Department of Agricullure, Soil Conservation Service, group soils together by a particular landscape that has a distinctive proportional pattern of soils. Tidal marsh-tidal swamp soils are nearly level, very poorly drained soils subject to frequent flooding. II is estimated that over 50 percent of the surface area of the Keys consists of this soil. Tidal marsh soils occur in areas slightly above sea level that are covered with sail water during high tides. Soils in areas of tidal marsh are mostly organic material with only sail-tolerant plant species growing. Tidal swamp occurs in low, broad coastal areas that are covered with several inches to as much as 1 to 2 feet of sea water at high tide. Tidal swamp soils consist mainly of peaty sands and a few organic soils that contain shell and rock fragments. II has a dense growth of mangrove trees, primarily red mangrove, and few small intermittent patches of other sail-tolerant plants. Urban land association consists of soil areas allered by heavy machinery. Buildings, streets, parking lots, etc., cover 75 percent or more of the area. Rock land soils consist of areas where limestone is exposed with little or no soil cover. In some areas, primarily above the 1 a-foot elevation on a few of the Upper Keys, a brown residual soil has developed over the Key Largo Limestone. In some cases the soil is found filling solution pits dissolved out by fresh ground- water before sea level rose to the 1 a-foot level, during an interglacial period. This brown residual soil is not found on the Lower Keys or on those Upper Keys which do not reach an elevation of 10 feet or higher. The residual soil accumulated as the Key Largo and Miami Limestone of the Keys underwent chemical weathering. The chemical weathering process broke down the 4 limestone, producing residual soil. This weathering took place when sea level stood lower than it presently does, during a period of glaciation. As the ice melted and sea level rose, the residual soil of the Keys was washed away. During the interglacial period, sea level rose 8 to 10 feet higher than present, thus the residual soil above the elevation of the sea remained in place. Hvdroloav Groundwater Groundwater in the Florida Keys exists in the Biscayne Aquifer under water table and in the Floridan Aquifer under confined or artesian conditions. The Biscayne Aquifer is developed within the Key Largo Limestone in the Upper Keys and the Miami and Key Largo Limestone in the Lower Keys. Aquifers under water table conditions are free to rise and fall due to precip~ation, diurnal and seasonal tide fluctuations, discharge to canals and saltwater bodies or other local mechanisms. The elevation of the Biscayne Aquifer closely mimics the surface elevation contours of the Florida Keys and averages approximately 3 feet below land surface (BLS). The Biscayne Aquifer is the primary potable water source for most of southeastern Florida, but in the Florida Keys it is designated as a non-potable source due to the high chloride content. A freshwater lens has developed in some areas, but the use of septic tanks and shallow borehole effluent disposal also restricts the use of this limited supply of water to non-potable use. The Floridan Aquifer runs 800 to 2,200 BLS in Key Largo. It is also considered a non- potable water source. Surface Water On land, there is little surface water run off in natural areas due to the high permeability of limestone and the Key's flat topography. Rainwater percolates down into the groundwater table. Areas that have been filled and paved no longer drain naturally and create surface water runoff. Man-made canals also play an important role in the hydrological setting of the Keys. On the surrounding flats, water from the Gulfstream, Gulf of Mexico and Florida Bay mix between the islands through the many tidal channels that occur along the length of the Florida Keys. Climatoloav The Florida Keys are situated within the subtropical region of the Western hemisphere. Because of its proximity to the Gulf Stream and the Gulf of Mexico, the Keys have a mild tropical-maritime climate where the average summer and winter temperatures rarely differ more than 10 degrees. Southeast to easterly winds bring moist air over the region from the Atlantic Ocean. The mean annual temperature in the Keys is about 77 degrees F. Periodically during winter months for a few days at a time, cold fronts cause rapid drops in temperature and strong northwest winds. The Upper Keys receive an average of 25 to 50 inches of rainfall each year and the Lower Keys average 25 to 35 inches. Most rain falls during the 5 May through October months. The exposed location and low elevations of the Keys present unusually hazardous conditions with respect to hurricane driven strong tides. The chances of a hurricane in the Keys in any given year are one in seven. The storm flood prone condition increases both the cost and risk in public investment development and other economic activities. Plant and Animal Communities A natural division exists between the plant species growing in the Upper Keys and the Lower Keys due to the change in the limestone substrata from Key Largo Limestone to Miami Oolite. In the Upper Keys, there is a predominance of tropical hardwood hammocks and mangrove swamps. The plant species in these hammocks are predominantly of Caribbean origin having been transferred to the Keys by birds, ocean currents, and tropical storms. Gumbo-limbo, poisonwood, ironwood, mahogany, and lignum vitae are some of the tropical hammock better-known plant species in these hammocks, in which one also finds rare and unique tree cactus species. Mangrove swamps occupy lower and wetter sites. Predominant plant associations of the Lower Keys, from No Name Key to Key West, are mangrove swamps, pinelands and tropical hardwood hammocks. Pinelands of the Lower Keys are found on well drained oolitic limestone areas and contain Caribbean slash pine, thatch and silver palm, and scrub palmetto. Marine grass beds found in the shallow waters throughout the island chain and Florida Bay are vital to the maintenance of a high quality marine environment. These submerged grasses and the numerous forms of marine algae, which are attached to the blades and sediments, are the major producers of organic detritus in the Florida Keys. Detritus, in the form of decaying leaves and other plant parts, is vitally important to marine food chains. Marine grass beds also provide habitat for fish and other marine organisms and function as settling and stabilizing agents for suspended sediments and other pollutants. The primary species throughout the Florida Keys are turtle grass, manatee grass, and Cuban shoalweed. The living coral reef system of the Florida Reef Tract, which occupies the south-eastern continental shelf from Biscayne Bay to Key West, is heavily utilized for recreation purposes and, as such, is an important component of the Keys' tourist-oriented economy. Coral reefs are among the most diverse, biologically productive, and aesthetically celebrated of all biologic communities. The growth of the hardened, calcium skeleton of the various coral species provides habitat for a tremendous array of crustaceans, fishes, and other marine life. The coral reef communities also provide habitat and food chain materials which positively benefit the commercial and sport fishing elements of the economy. In addition to tourism, recreational, marine food chain, and habitat values, the coral reefs are optimally-designed natural breakwaters, which exert a major influence on the natural development and control of shorelines. Tropical storms generate substantial wave surges that pass over the outer reefs and impact upon the shoreline. The living reef system reduces the speed of wave surges and helps to control erosional deterioration of the shoreline. 6 Historical and Archaeoloaical Resources The Florida Keys have been inhabited by at least four different Indian tribes including the Arawaks, the Seminoles, the Calusas and the Caribs. Very little is known of the aboriginal tribes before the advent of the white man because very little archeological evidence remains today. What is known today is a result of information handed down from Spanish, French, and early American accounts rather than of archeological digs. The WWTP site is located within a recently platted industrial area. The collection system installation is limited to construction within developed public rights of way. SERVICE AREAS AND TREATMENT VOLUME A map of the South Lower Keys Wastewater Project Area is provided in Appendix A - Figure 3. The Big Coppitt and Key Haven Service Areas, as well as the Naval Air Station Key West are depicted on the map. The Average Daily Flow (ADF) calculated and recommended for the SLKRWS is 322,000 gallons per day (gpd). The Big Coppitt Service Area is anticipated to contribute 216,000 gpd and the Key Haven Area is anticipated to contribute 106,000 gpd. Development of the flows is described below by service area. Bia Cop pitt Service Area The Big Coppitt Service Area extends from approximately MM 11.5 to MM 8.5 and includes the ocean and gulf side communities of Shark, Big Coppitt, Geiger and Rockland Keys. Technical Memorandum # 2, included in Appendix D, projected an overall influent flow for the Big Coppitt Service Area of 251,586 gpd in 2026. This equates to approximately 148 gpd/EDU. Table 1 - Projection of Big Coppitt Service Area Water Consumption in 2026 Water Equivalent Consumption Dwelling (gpd) Units (EDUs) Big Coppitt Sub-Service Area 183,500 1,240 Rockland Sub-Service Area 23,427 158 Shark Key Sub-Service Area 5,494 37 Geiger Key Sub-Service Area 39,166 265 Projected Big Coppitt Service Area 251,586 1,700 Applying a 70% de-rating factor to the projected Big Coppitt Service Area flow yields a wastewater generation rate of 176,100 gpd. An allowance for 40,000 gpd of inflow and infiltration has been included for a total anticipated ADF of 216,000 for the Big Coppitt Service Area. Big Coppitt Sub-Service Area Big Coppitt is located between MM 10.5 and 9.5 on the bayside of US1 and is the largest sub-service area. 7 Rockland Sub-Service Area Rockland consists of a bayside community at MM 9.5 and an oceanside community at MM 9. Shark Key Sub-Service Area Shark Key is a residential community located just north of MM 11 on the bayside of US1. Geiger Key Sub-Service Area Geiger Key is located at MM 9.5 on the oceanside of US1. Kev Haven Service Area The Key Haven Service Area is located at approximately Mile Marker 5.5. Due to the cost associated with upgrade of the existing WWTP serving Key Haven to AWT Standards and the anticipated operation and maintenance costs to provide AWT service, the utility owner is considering abandoning the existing plant and contracting for wastewater treatment at the SLKWWTP. The existing Key Haven WWTP processes 96,000 gpd on an ADF basis. Nominal growth of 10% is anticipated for Key Haven resulting in a projected ADF of 106,000. Naval Air Station Kev West Naval Air Station Key West (NASKW) is located at approximately Mile Marker 8. Due to the cost associated with upgrade of the existing WWTP serving the NASKW to AWT standards and the operation and maintenance costs to provide AWT service, the NASKW is considering abandoning the existing plant and has expressed interest in contracting for up to 200,000 gpd in capacity. ADVANCED WASTEWATER TREATMENT Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT) Standards for plants permitted to process greater than 100,000 gallons per day (gpd) require that the treated effluent have no more than 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of 5 day biological oxygen demand (BOD5), 5 mg/L of total suspended solids (TSS), 3 mg/L Total Nitrogen of (TN) and 1 mg/L of Total Phosphorus (TP). Treatment Alternatives The MCWMP listed construction of a WWTP on Rockland Key or negotiation for expansion of the existing WWTPs at KW Resort Utilities or NASKW as treatment alternatives for the Big Coppitt Service Area. Construction of a WWTP on Rockland Key was selected and is described as Option 1. The Monroe County Master Plan (MCWMP - 2000) recommended that a 0.2 million gallon per day (MGD) WWTP be constructed on Rockland Key. Negotiations between FKAA and KW Resort Utilities 8 Corp. are described as Option 2. Option 3 is not considered feasible due to interest by the NASKW in contracting for wastewater capacity at the SLKWWTP. Option 1 The three treatment processes considered were the following: (1) 5-Stage Bardenpho Flow Through Process (Bardenpho), (2) Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) Process, and (3) Activated Sludge Membrane Filtration Process (MBR). The MBR has the advantage of requiring a smaller footprint but higher capital and operation & maintenance costs. Approximately 1 acre within the Rockland Industrial Park in the vicinity of the location recommended in the WCWP was purchased by Monroe County for construction of a WWTP. The available footprint was adequate for construction of a Bardenpho or SBR system; therefore, a detailed evaluation of the MBR process was not performed based on known cost considerations. The SBR and Bardenpho processes were evaluated using qualitative and cost (capital and life cycle) criteria. The SBR process obtained a higher qualrtative score based on criteria such as process performance, process reliability, mechanical equipment requirements, process testing requirements, chemical requirements, constructability, and operator familiarity. In addition, the SBR process was estimated to cost less than the Bardenpho Process. Under option 1, effluent disposal will be via shallow injection well. Three Class V underground injection wells that discharge to Class G-111 ground water will be constructed. Each well is sized to deliver 50% of the peak flow capabilities of the filters and will be designed for a maximum flow of 200 gpm. Technical Memorandum #3, included in Appendix D, recommended construction of a sludge storage tank capable of holding 10 to 12 days of sludge and a centrifuge at the SLKWWTP. Belt filter presses, static plate and frame presses, and centrifuges were evaluated. Static plate and frame presses are typically used for flows in the 25,000 gpd range. The centrifuge was selected over the belt filter press based on the capability of the centrifuge to dewater sludge to 20% solids and the compact, odor contained, and relatively easy to operate design. The centrifuge is sized to accept 100 gpm of sludge and is capable of dewatering one week of sludge in 5.5 hours. The hauling costs for sludge dewater to 1.5% solids by gravity thickening was estimated at $3.6M/year. Whereas, the hauling costs for sludge dewatered to 20% solids by the centrifuge is $0.27M. This anticipated savings in operation costs justified the capital expenditure for the centrifuge. The bid summary total for the SLKWWTP (described as the Big Coppitt Wastewater Treatment Plant) was $10.8M. Refer to Table 2 in Appendix E. The public reuse system, vac truck, cost to construct and manage construction of additional capacity were deducted from the bid summary for a South Lower Keys WWTP cost of $10.3M. Approximately 67% of the capacity is required for the Big Coppitt Service Area. The construction costs for treatment capacity for the Big Coppitt Service Area is $6.8M. The costs for additional capacity is $3.4M. 9 Option 2 Currently 0.298 MGD is treated at the KW Resort Utilities Corp.'s (KWRU) extended aeration treatment plant permitted to treat 0.499 MGD. Following completion of the upgrade to AWT, an additional 0.199 MGD in capacity will be available for a total of 0.413 MGD of additional capacity. Option 2 also requires construction of a transmission main from the west end of the Big Coppitt Service Area to the KWRU plant. KW Resort Utilities Corp. has proposed to provide wastewater treatment to the Big Coppitt Service Area for $2.4M. FKAA estimates that the transmission main will cost $5.75M to construct for a total capital cost of $8.2M for Option 2. Selected Treatment Alternative FKAA has recommended construction of the WWTP at Monroe County's Rockland Key site. Notice to proceed for the construction of the WWTP will be issued upon approval to incur costs by FDEP. Environmental Setting A site visit was performed on July 1, 2006 to assess the natural environmental character of the site proposed for the SLKWWTP construction. At the time of the site visit, the parcel was vacant and classified as disturbed uplands. Marginal salt tolerant plants were observed in low areas. Site hydrology suggested that the pooling water in low areas was from rainfall. Single propagules of red mangroves with three leaves or less, possibly deposited during high water events in the 2005 hurricane season, were rooted in decaying debris in an area of ponding water near the north end of the site. The only hydric indicator on site is the presence of sparse, heavily silted algal maps in two ponding areas of water. No animal life was observed in the water. Physical evidence was insufficient for classification of wetland habitats. Refer to Appendix F for the memorandum prepared following the site visit. The Flood Insurance Rate Map for the area is also included. Refer to Appendix G for key photos of the recommended WWTP site TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Construction of 14,000 linear feet of sanitary sewer forcemain along US1 between MM 12 on Shark Key and MM 9 on Rockland Key is 90% complete. Wastewater from the sub-service area collection systems will be pumped via the forcemain to the WWTP on Rockland Key. Collection Svstem Alternatives A cost analysis was prepared to compare gravity and vacuum collection systems. Vacuum sewers are installed at a relatively shallow elevation reducing the required excavation for pipe installation and the complications associated with installing pipes within the groundwater table. Vacuum systems are considered a feasible alternative for communities of at least 100 homes due to the cost to construct the vacuum pump station. 10 Gravity The analysis reported that the gravity components for Big Coppitt and Geiger Key were estimated to cost $16.8M. The present worth estimated cost for operation and maintenance was $1.1 M for a total estimated cost of $17.9M. The analysis reported that vacuum collection was not considered a feasible alternative for the Rockland or Shark Key Basins because these communities have less than the minimum of 100 homes recommended for vacuum systems and were too remote to be combined with the Big Coppitt Sub-Service Area. Vacuum The analysis reported that the vacuum components for the Big Coppitt and Geiger Key Sub-Service Areas were estimated to cost $16.2M. The present worth estimated cost for operation and maintenance was $1.7M for a total estimated cost of $17.9M. Selected Alternative Based primarily on gravity collection system reliability and experience operating vacuum collection systems, FKAA recommended construction of gravity collection systems for the Big Coppitt Service Area. The gravity collection system piping required per sub- service area is as follows: Big Coppitt - 35,000 ft, 13 lift stations; Rockland Key _ 10,000 ft, 2 lift stations; Shark Key - 6,000 ft, 3 lift stations; Geiger Key - 21,000 ft, 6 lift stations. Approximately 3,000 ft of gravity main is being installed with the forcemain. Environmental Effects Construction of the BCRWS is required to serve existing development. Sewer construction will occur in existing rights of way. PROJECT COSTS The bids for the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Collection System and the South Lower Keys Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant totaled $31.3M. A breakdown of project bids by contract is provided in Table 3 below. Table 3 - BCRWS and SLWWWTP Bid Summa Big COj)pitt Forcem~~ _ . __ '_'___ _ _ ....!1256,000 Rockland Collection Syst"-,,,----- --=i '.. . $1,841,954 " .BigCoppittCollection System_ _________________ $9,737,807 r Shark Key Collect;n System__. __ ~__ __ ----..s>1,698,733 I. Geiger Key Collection System _______ __ . $5,633,889 ..Iotal Transmission Cost-_BfSA __ .__~21,268,383 . WWTP - SLK $9,829,151 BCRWS and SLKWWTP $31,097,534 11 The Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Transmission/Collection System and South Lower Keys Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant are anticipated to cost up to $35.6M to construct. This includes approximately $2.5M for construction management and a 5% allowance of bid estimates as contingency. FUNDING SOURCES The funding sources for the BCRWS include the 2006-2007 State Funding Assistance Grant. the system development fees (SDFs), sales tax revenue, and any other revenue sources identified by Monroe County. Monroe County has proposed applying $8M of the $10.982 State Funding Assistance Grant to the BCRWS. The remaining appropriation will be applied to the Duck Key project so that both projects have similar grant funding. Monroe County adopted the Final Assessment Resolution setting the System Development Fee at $4500 and imposing non-ad valorem assessment on properties receiving central wastewater service within the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater System boundaries. A copy of the Initial and Final Assessment Resolutions are included in Appendix H. 12 APPENDIX A - FIGURES A I!i z+oo ~ W~ \ ~ \ ~ l~ '" ~ 0 ::;;; ~ <: ~ ~ -5 .. ~ >. ~ o o ij) ~ Iii I ~ a N .... f!! ::I en u:: La a Q. tll :E ~ ~ tll "C 'C o - LL c .. .e 8.= 21:1.: ~.. 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" a..... ~!!! .!l:l: ~<II B:t:: ~~ '" =~I ~ ,..; ;:1ii~ >-c- COO , '" i!l1::ii: IU~ \ u~tf I _ ,c. r ~ill~ ';r;}",n C'...." [!] i8 >- '" ....... '" .....:.:: tq 0 Big Coppitt Key - Shark Key 4. , .. .,t‘,., .. - Rockland Key j r"` `� -,,.. tfp.t..„ , Det .. It., . .4 • Key Haven . :1 - ' , ..,,, , i ;, -i x �, I. r ., t %' in I .41 loirtip. : ` . . 4.., 4, ! .,.. . ... -4- - ,„ , ."i r, :,„ .. _ . , ,. ., ._ . -- A • p 4-, Geiger Key Hirt ' r . . ._ Naval Air Station '' ' Monroe County Wastewater Department ;'' ' ' 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-216 South Lower Keys Wastewater Project Area Figure 3 L Key West, Florida 33040 , (/ o~ ill 1:', o '" o ~.. ~I z+~ ~ '" d '" '" d <> 'Ot f!! ::l CI u:: :i :;:) .... LL. III I!! os: - ~ ..... e ll.. ... .! III ~ .! III ~ III >- ~ ... GI ~ o .... .c - :::l o C/) C GO ~ 8.~ ~::: "'GO .!:t:: li~ ~...fi ~~~ :sS..2 OCIL U ~ - 8 11 ",iII~ i8 >- ..... ...ll:: APPENDIX 8 - INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS AND LEASE B INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY AND FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT is entered into pursuant to Sec. 163", 'S,,_and between Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, (County), and the I'mrida Keys Aqueduct Authority, Inc., an independent special district, (FKAA). Jrtttl.1tt'::r'ml/t';, 'r,'"", " . '.,' WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has identified the Florida Keys as an area of critical state concern, and has authorized actions by the County and FKAA to provide adequate wastewater treatment to protect the environment and the health, safety and welfare of landowners and persons inhabiting the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County is authorized by Sec. 125.01(1), FS, to provide, assist in providing and fund centralized wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, Chap, 99-395, Sec. 6, Laws of Florida, and the County's Comprehensive Plan require that certain wastewater treatment levels be achieved by 2010, levels which can best be achieved by central wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, the FKAA is authorized by Chap. 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended, to design, construct, and operate, wastewater treatment systems; WHEREAS, the FKAA and the County have entered into previous interlocal agreements establishing and cOnfirming their ongoing relationship in providing wastewater facilities in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the COurity, by adopted resolutions, has provided funding, to the FKAA for wastewater projects and shall provide additional funds to the FKAA for the administration, planning and construction offuture wastewater projects in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the County has deeded to the FKAA parcels of land on Conch Key, the Saddlebunch Keys and Grassy Key; and WHEREAS, the County has demonstrated its commitment to sewering the Keys by transferring, at no cost, to FKAA the Grassy Key parcel, for which ad valorem taxes were expended at fair market value and the parcel is to be used by FKAA to serve the City of Marathon, and has committed a maximum of $20,000,000 to the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District; and WHEREAS, the Baypoint (Saddlebunch Keys) and Conch Key projects, constructed by FKAA, are soon to be operational; and WHEREAS, the County and the FKAA intend to continue their COoperation with Governor Bush, the State Cabinet, the Department of Environmental Protection and the I)IlPartment of Community Affairs to implement wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County by 2010; and Monroe County/FKAA Draft ILA Sop. 6, 2005 I WHEREAS, the parties desire to further define their commitment to work together and to answer concerns raised by the State Cabinet, at a meeting of August 23, 2005, concerning an agreement dated August 17, 2005, between the parties; and WHEREAS, the parties have been in reliance upon expressions of commitment by the Florida Department of Community Affairs of $1 0,000,000 for wastewater projects for fiscal year 2005, and $20,000,000 for fiscal year 2006, as identified in the Growth Management Plan attached to County Resolution No.039-2004, and the ability to obtain additional critical financial assistance from the State of Florida, the federal government and their agencies to achieve the purpose of this agreement; now therefore, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual consideration and premises set forth below, the parties agree as follows: 1. STATEMENT OF INTENT: This agreement shall set forth cornmitments of the parties to work together to achicve thc 2010 mandatc to sewer the Florida Keys. The parties shall work togethcr to obtain funding for wastewater treatment facilities from state and federal sources. The parties shall cooperate with each other and act in a timely manner to acquire, design, construct, and operate wastewater treatment systems throughout the unincorporated areas of Monroe County, except for the area covered by the Key Largo Wastewater District, which has its separate authority and responsibility for sewering that arca The parties further intend that the sewering of the Florida Keys shall be done at a reasonable cost to users. 2. RESPONSffiILITIES OF COUNTY: 2.01 The County shall own the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems acquired or constructed under this agreeme~d any amendments hereto, and shall lease said assets to the FKAA as described in Section 3.08 below. 2.02 The County, in addition to funds obtained from statc and fcderal sources, shall provide up to the limits of its bonding capacity of the infrastructure sales surtax and County's ability to levy special assessments, the funds necessary to complete all wastewater projects so that citizens do not have to pay in excess of $4,500 per EDU in non-ad valorem special assessments. The County shall provide $20,000,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, design, and construction of wastewater projects in the_Lower Keys. County commits to full faith and diligence in working with the FKAA to provide funding to make costs of system development and connections for the Big Coppitt and all future projects reasonable to users. County shall have the responsibility of levying the special assessments for wastewater projects. Lower Keys projects included under this Agreement are Big Coppitt area, Cudjoe-Sugarloaf area, and Big Pine area. Other unincorporated County projects are Duck Key and Long Key. 2.03 The County Administrator shall review all procurement documents drafted by, or on behalf of, FKAA for -wastewater treatment systems in the unincorporated county. The County Administrator shall make suggestions for changes as he deems in the best interest of the general public. Monroe CountylFKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 200S 2 2.04 The County Administrator shall appoint two members of the evaluation committee should any committee be established. 2.05 The County shall convey to FKAA such easements as are necessary for the installation of sewer lines. 3. RESPONSmILlTlES OF FKAA: 3.01 The FKAA shall administer the procurement processes for the design and construction of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County. 3.02 The FKAA shall develop requests for proposals (RFP) and requests for qualifications (RFQ) for the procurement of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County, consistent with the procurement policies of the FKAA and applicable State statute(s). FKAA shall submit the drafts of RFPIRFQ to the County Administrator for review and input, give due consideration to any suggestions for changes, and shall advertise RFPIRFQs. 3.03 The FKAA shall accept the RFPIRFQ submissions. It is intended that contracts be awarded to the most responsive submitter, which shall not be required to be the lowest responsive bid, the most qualified responder, or other. The parties recognize that the lowest bid may not be the most effective bid. Accordingly, an evaluation committee which will comply with Sec. 286.011, F.S., may be established on an ad hoc basis for each procurement process. Should an evaluation committee be established, the Executive Director of the FKAA and the County Administrator shall each appoint two members. 3.04 The FKAA shall give due consideration to recommendations of the committee, if any, and the County Administrator. The FKAA shall award the contract. 3.05 The FKAA shall provide construction management of each project to insure its expeditious and economic completion. The FKAA authorizes the County Engineer andlor his designee to make site visits to any project under construction, and shall give due consideration to any suggestions of the County Engineer regarding an ongoing project. 3.06 The FKAA shall retain the financing authority provided in its enabling legislation. 3.07 The FKAA shall aid the County in its efforts to obtain funding by providing copies of such documents as the County needs to support its issuance of bonds or to seek Federal and State grants to assist in the funding of all said_wastewater projects. 3.08 The FKAA shall lease from the County the land and infrastructure of the wastewater treatment systems acquired or constructed under this agreement and any amendments hereto. The Lease shall be irrevocable and provide absolute and unconditional authority to the FKAA to establish system development fees, rates, budgets, and rules governing operations. in such manner as to be consistent with Section 4.06 of this agreement. The lease term shall be ninety- nine (99) years, Mil ''''0';' ";able fer an additionaLninety-niRa (99) J "ia. The FKAA shall be responsible for the maintenance and operations of the systems leased from the County. The Monroe CountylFKAA Draft (LA Scp. 6, 2005 3 parties understand and agree that the lease to be entered by the parties shall contain covenants, warranties, auditing and monitoring provisions consistent with the provisions found in the lnterlocal Agreement between the County and the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District. 3.09 The FKAA, pursuant to requirements of their enabling act, shall ensure that at least two public hearings be held in the area affected before any system development fee, rate or any other user fee is established or increased. All revenues derived from the wastewater systems by the FKAA over and above maintenance, operations, customer service, billing, and any direct costs specifically incurred to provide these services shall be used solely for the purposes of the wastewater systems, such as the payment of debt service and retirement of bonds. 3.10 This Agreement shall not apply to wastewater assets currently owned by FKAA or hereafter acquired from any other utility. 4. COOPERATION IN CARRYING OUT AGREEMENT: 4.01 The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director shall meet as necessary to complete the tasks set forth in this agreement. The County Administrator and the FKAA Executive Director and their staffs shall only serve in their customary capacity of fact-finding, professional advice to, and other efforts to carry out the policies of, their respective boards. 4.02 All communications and dissemination of information regarding wastewater projects shall be through the Offices of the County Admiqistrator and the FKAA Executive Director. 4.03 The parties recognize an obligation of $80,000,000 of bond-financing to be secured by special assessmentsJn the unincorporated county. 4.04 The parties agree to enter into a lease consistent with this agreement in the most expeditious manner as possible. -jf' 4.05 The parties shall work together to secure sites for wastewater treatment plants in remaining lower keys no later than July 12, 2007. Attached hereto is Exhibit A setting forth a preliminary timetable for the projects. 4.06 Neither party shall take any action or omit to take necessary action, including action pertaining to rate setting, that will adversely affect the tax-exempt status of County and FKAA bonds, or the respective party's ability to issue bonds under this agreement. Each party will take such action as is reasonably requested by the other party in connection with the issuance of bonds so as to allow the other party to issue such bonds on a tax-exempt basis, including, but not limited to, executing tax certificates. S. ESTABLISHMENT OF CERTAIN PREREQUISITES FOR EACH PROJECT 5.01 The County and the FKAA shall work together to achieve the following goal: to establish fair and equitable connection fees and user -Iees to fund the operation and maintenance of wastewater systems. Monro. CountylFKAA Draft (LA Scpo 6. 2005 4 5.02 Projects constructed under this agreement shall conform to the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan. 5.03 It is recognized that some outlying areas of the Keys which are not heavily populated may not be feasibly served by a centralized wastewater and sewage system, and that Alternative Wastewater Facilities may be required to be installed to meet the mandate for adequate wastewater treatment in the Florida Keys. All Alternative Wastewater Facilities that may hereafter be constructed and operated within the Service Area of the FKAA shall conform to good utility practices, adequate service to the public, ensure adequate Wastewater Service for the Florida Keys and its citizens. FKAA shall comply with all applicable laws and rules in issuing prior approval for the use, construction, installation, or operation of new or expanded Alternative Wastewater Facilities. The FKAA shall require and enforce the use of its own Wastewater Facilities and facilities leased from County whenever and wherever they are accessible. Any Alternative Wastewater Facility must provide adequate and sufficient service to the projected territory or development. 6. INSURANCE AND HOLD HARMLESS: 6.0 I The parties to this agreement stipulate that each is a state governmental agency as defined by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suitable Public Liability, Vehicle Liability, and Workers' Compensation insurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and all claims under federal or state actions for civil rights violations, which are not limited by Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, arising out of the activities governed by this agreement. 6.02 To the extent allowed by law, each party shall be responsible for any acts, or omissions, of negligence on the part of its employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors and s~1I defend, indemnify and hold the other party, its officers and employees, agents and contractors, harmless from all claims demands, causes of action, losses, costs and expenses of whatever type _ including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs - that arise out of or are attributable to arising out of such actions or omissions. The purchase of the insurance does not release or vitiate either party's obligations under this paragraph. 6.03 Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 768.28, Florida Statutes, the participation of the County and the FKAA in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by the County be required to contain any provision for waiver. 7. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE, INTERPRETATION, COSTS, AND FEES: 7.01 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely in the State. 7.02 In the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the County and FKAA agree that venue will lie Monroe CountylFKAA Draft [LA Sep. 6. 2005 5 in the appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body In Monroe County, Florida. 7.03 The County and FKAA agree that, in the event of conflicting interpretations of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or between any of them the issue shall be submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding. 7.04 The County and FKAA agree that in the event any cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party, and shall include attorney's fees, courts costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses in appellate proceedings. Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circuit court of Monroe County. 8. SEVERABILITY: If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the application thereofto any circumstance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby; and each remaining term, covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent of this Agreement. The County and FKAA agree to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. 9. BINDING EFFECT: f The terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the County and FKAA and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 10. AUTHORITY: Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County and Authority action, as required by law. 11. CLAIMS FOR FEDERAL OR STATE AID: FKAA and County agree that each shall be, and is, empowered to apply for~seek, and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement. Monroe COllllty/FKAA Draft [LA Scp. 6, 2005 6 12. NON-DISCRIMINATION: FKAA and COUNTY agree that there will be no discrimination against any person, and it is expressly understood that upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any further action on the part of any party, effective the date of the court order. FKAA and County agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and all local ordinances, as applicable, relating to nondiscrimination. These inClude but are not limited to: I) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 USC ss. 1681-1683, and 1685- 1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (20 USC s. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC ss. 6101- 6107) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimina(ion on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, ss. 523 and 527 (42 USC ss. 690dd-3 and 290ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 USC s. et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC s. 1201 Note), as maybe amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability; 10) Monroe County Code Ch. \3, Art. VI, prohibiting discrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status or age; and II) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement. 13. ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS: 13.01 County and FKAA agree that all disputes and disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the parties. If the issue or issues are stilI not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. 13.02 In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation, execution, performance, or breach of this Agreement, County and FKAA agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceedings, hearings, processes, meetings, and other activities related to the substance of this Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreement. County and FKAA specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shall be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement. 14. COVENANT OF NO INTEREST: ~ounty and FKAA covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any !Dterest, which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this Monroe County/FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 7 Agreement, and that only interest of each is to perfonn and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement. 15. CODE OF ETHICS: 15.01 County and the FKAA agree that officers and employees of the County recognize and will be required to comply with the standards of conduct for public officers and employees as delineated in Section 112.313, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employment or contractual relationship; and disclosure or use of certain infonnation. 15.02 FKAA warrants that it bas not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any fonner County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of ordinance No. 010- 1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. 16. NO SOLICITATIONIPAYMENT: The County and FKAA each warrant that, in respect to itself, it bas neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it bas not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. 17. PUBLIC ACCESS: -1f. The County and FKAA shall each allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, papers, letters or other materials in its possession or under its control subject to the provisions of Chapter I 19, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the County and FKAA in conjunction with this Agreement. 18. PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES: All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief, disability, workers' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the County and the FKAA, when performing their respective functions under this Agreement within the territorial limits of the County and the FK.AA, respectively, shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers, agents, volunteers, or employees outside the territorial limits of the parties. Monroe County/FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 8 19. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Non-Delegation of Constitutional or Statutory Duties. This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any participating entity from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by any participating entity, in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Further, this Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, authorizing the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County or the FKAA, except to the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute, and case law. 20. NON-RELIANCE BY NON-PARTIES: No person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third-party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program contemplated hereunder, and the County and the FKAA agree that neither the County nor the FKAA or any agent, officer, or employee of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entities, have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or superior to the community in general. Notwithstanding the preceding language, the parties hereby designate the State of Florida as a third party with the ability to enforce against the two parties the provisions hereof, based upon the State Auditor conducting management and financial audits of all sewer programs, past, present, and future, in the Florida Keys. 21. ATTESTATIONS: FKAA and County agrees to execute such documents as the County or the FKAA may reasonably require, to include a Public Entity Crime Statement, an Ethics Statement, and a Drug- . Free Workplace Statement. 22. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY: No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of either party in his or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or employee of either party shall be liable personally on this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the execution of this Agreement. 23. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an orig~a1, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the-same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. Monroe County/FKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 9 . .~ . 24. SECTION HEADINGS: Section headings have been inserted in this Agreement as a matter of convenience of reference only, and it is agreed that such section headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation of any provision of this Agreement. 25. TERM OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION: This Agreement shall commence on September 6, 2005, and continue for ninety-nine (99) years, or until such time as all leases entered pursuant hereto are terminated, whichever shall first occur. The parties may elect to renew this agreement at the end of its term, as set forth in the preceding sentence, for a period of ninety-nine (99) years. 26. ASSIGNMENT: Neither party may assign this Agreement or assign any of its obligations under this Agreement without the approval of the other party, which approval shall be in writing and fully executed by both parties. All the obligations of this Agreement will extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns of FKAA and the County. 27. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: This Agreement shall comply with the laws and regulations of the United States and the State of Florida, whether in effect on commencement of this Agreement or adopted after that date. 28. CONSTRUCTION: 4\" This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by FKAA and the COUNTY. Therefore, this Agreement is not to be construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 29. NOTICES. Notices in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, must be sent by certified mail to the following: County: County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 FKAA: Executive Director 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, FL 33040 30. FULL UNDERSTANDING: Monroe CountylFKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 10 This Agreement is the parties' final mutual understanding with respect to any projects constructed in the future. It replaces any earlier agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, with respect to any projects constructed in the future. This Agreement carmot be modified or replaced except in a written amendment duly executed by both parties. 31. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Agreement will take effect on the b12... day ofs;.,?r , 2005. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. (SEAL)ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE BY~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~i'b' 77/.. rhdij Mayor (SEAL) ATTEST: By: ee{,~ [), .-/J 4;y Clerk . THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY . By: '~'d<~ Chairman :J: ~ ::! 0 c g % :r>- en r :x>(")% IT1 0....% ~ <=> ...~-< I ..., o. r '" <:> 00' ;.0 c:::-:>: %?'a ~ ::0 ....nr-' rn -<:....:r: n . . l>' 'P. <:> -" C) ::0 r-' '" N <=> ::- ~ Monroe CountylFKAA Draft ILA Sep. 6, 2005 II ~ ,..., co ,..., ..; 110 n c ~ ll' c ! c . = ,. . ;;: u ~ "'. ",. . , , .. ~ ! c % ~ : 0 .. ~ 0 ". olf . ~ , Q c: ;;: .. ! 1l . 0 ;;: '" ." " 0 0 3 ~ " " " a ~ 0 ! U> -l .. g> ~ C % ~ .. n if if ~ ~ a ~ iO Ii l . iO 9 .. .. . " 3 :I: ~ ~ n n ~ i " " ~ : 5. 3 . " 0 , 0 , <: <: ! ~ . . ~ ~ n " " " 0 . ! ~ 5- ~ ~ , , f , , ~ .. fi fi c 3 0 :e i & <> i i c :e '" -l a " 0 " ~ ! c: . ;g 0 Ii . I i . I Ii: I g I N ~ I I N g N I I . I I Ii: 0 I N I I N I I g . , I i . . : . . . . . . : . . . . N . . 3 : . . . . . . : . : . . . . . g . . . . , ~ . ; . . . . . . . g . . . : . Ii: .. . . ~ .. ~ z t/i if n c : l,' ~ n g " g . 9 . 0 a .. ,," . Q I ~ n ~ ~. . ,. 0 ~ ~ . Ii if ~! " ~ ~ = !i ~ ~ ( u , l' " 3. ,. r ~ " .. g . .r ~. If I!. ..[ 0 ! . , i c ... " g ~ 2 ~ ... ~ !l' [ 51 J f ~ 9 n 3 ~ .i c " :I: @ J .- ~ ! ;;: I Q " 1 0 0 I Of !l n " '" . ;;t . 0 i~ .2. . .. . 0 3 ~ :e ~ n ~ . . 3 . if t " :e " ~ l . -l i .. , .. ~ " .. I 3. t . 0 . Q g <1 ~ ii' ii' ,. " 0 ~ . ~ 0 n a a u n " ;0 W '" [ s: , if .. ~ I!. ... . .. !r. c t 0 &' .- 0 ... 0- :1 ,t II ~ i l! i. ~ 'l FIRST AMENDMENT TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION IN WASTEWATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT This First Amendment ("Amendment") to an Interlocal Agreement dated as of September 6, 200S (the "Interlocal Agreement"), is entered this 19th day of September, 2007, between Monroe County, Florida ("County"), a political subdivision of the Stale of Florida, and Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ("FKAA"), an independent special district. WHEREAS, on September 6, 2005, the County and FKAA executed an Interloca1 Agreement agreeing to partner in tbe development of wastewater systems; and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority desire to amend Section 2.02 of the Interlocal Agreement to clarify and broaden the sources of funds wbicb the County may apply to satisfy its monetary commitment in the Interlocal Agreement toward the completion of wastewater projects in the Lower Keys; now tberefore IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and the covenants and conditions bereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of whicb are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto amend the Interlocal Agreement as follows: Section 1. Section 2.02 of the Interloca1 Agreement is amended by adding the following sentence at the end of such section: "The County and FKAA understand and agree that the County may secure state revolving loan funds from the Department of Environmental Protection or funds from any other source to meet the County's obligation to provide funding toward the cost of acquisition, procurement, design and coDStruction of wastewater projects in the Lower Keys pursuanllo this Interlocal Agreement." As amended, Section 2.02 shall read in its entirety as follows: "The County, in addition to funds obtained from state and federal sources, sball use its best efforts to obtain the funds necessary to complete all wastewater projects so that citizens do not bave to pay in excess of $4,500 per EDU in non-ad valorem special assessments. The County shall provide up to $31,800,000 for the costs of acquisition, procurement, design, and construction of wastewater projects in the Lower Keys. County commits to full faith and diligence in working with tbe FKAA to provide funding to make costs of system development and connectioDS for the Big Coppitl and all future projects reasonable 10 users. County shall have tbe responsibility of levying special assessments for wastewater projects. Lower Keys projects included under tbis Agreement are Big Coppilt area, Cudjoe-Sugarloaf area, and Big Pine area. Otber unincorporated County projects are Duck Key and Long Key. The 9/19107 Amend ItA WW System Dcvpt 1 County and FKAA understand and agree that the County may secure stale revolving loan funds from the Department of Environmental Prolection or funds from any other source lawfully available to meet the County's obligation to provide funding toward the cost of acquisition, procuremem, design and construction of wastewater projects in the Lower Keys pursuant to this !nterlocal Agreement" Section 2, All of the terms of the September 6, 2005 lnterlocal Agreement not inconsistent herewith shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3, This Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and tbe same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Counry and FKAA have caused this First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement to be duly executed as of the 19'b day of September, 2007. FLORIDA KEYS AQUED KEY WEST, AUTHORITY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FWRIDA BY; ~~~ > Mayor Mario DIGennaro SfP 1 9 2007 DATE DATE ~. !.?:-'-oj,~~~ ATTEST: /<,. . If,/\ RK BY; ~-a> // n. ~' (", ,~J.',~, ~~?:!:. ,~ /~~ h 7 , ,,;JEP 192007 DATE DATE 'l'" APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL ~~nCIEN~Y ()..e- BY; k-'r Kirk C. Zue FKAA Generd Counsel APPROVED AS TO FORM ~d~~ County ftto'!:y Dale; ~ ~ 7 :~Jj, ~r :J: o <::J ~ :r> ,~n~ '"'-Jr-"'~' rt"i::~_. C), r- ';:::"C')' ----- (:) -0 :x ~ c.n FKAA Board Approval 9~27-07 """'.'" .C) h -", 9/19107 Amend ILA WW System Devpt '. r'- ~ :t"- ('1 2 ~ ... ... .... (:) n ..... -.1 ~71 ;::J '''T1 .:_, ;-'1 '-J ~, ::-5 c:;J " LEASE AGREEMENT MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as Lessor and FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY as Lessee Dated as of September 6, 2005 Page 1 SMO Draft #3 # 4155.00 September 21, 2005 ;:, J1 .... 0 :':-"~o. n "' Or" -f fl'1::A---';' I . .! n' r U1 0("")- n' c:::;-..;-,.- -" z:~. ;po " c .-, ~c-J~ :x 1'''1 . -o- S' ("] ...., J. -. r 0' r '! :i>' ."Tj U1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ARTICLE I. ....... .......... ................... ................ ........... ... .. .................. ........................ ............... .......5 DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS ........... ......... .................... .5 1.1. Definitions.... .....5 ARTICLE 11....... .................. ....... . .......... .. . ..8 LEASE OF PROJECT ...................... . ......8 2.1. Lease of Project . ........ ....... .................................... ....8 2.2. Lease Term.... ..... ..... ._._....._....... ._._........................................ ...8 2.3. Acquisition of Project ............. ............_....... .... ........_............... ...h............. .......... ..."....,,8 2.4. Lessee's Liability ........ ............. ......... ..._....... ....... ..... . .............. . ... ......"...8 2.5. Possession and Enjoytnent. ........ ............................................... ...........................n ".. ..... .....9 2.6. Disclaimer of Warranties ......................................................9 2.7. Warranties of the Facility ................................,.,........................... ..........................................9 2.8. Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Lessee ......... . .........._........9 2.9. Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Lessor.. ......................................10 2.10. Care and Use of Project ........ ...................... ... ............ .........11 2.11. Mutual Waiver of Subrogation Rights ................ .,.................... ................ ................... ..11 2.12. Waiver. .................... ..........11 2.13. Quiet Enjoyment... ................... ................... .............11 ARTICLE III .................................. ......................................... ....... .............................. ............ ................. ...12 LEASE PAyMENTS......... ................. ....................................................... ............................12 3.1. Payment of Lease Payments ................. .."............................. ........12 3.2. Lease Payments to be Unconditional.................... .......,.................. ...............12 3.3. Net Lease. ...................".............................. ....................12 ARTICLE IV................................... .. . . ......... ................. ................. .................. ......... ........................ .............13 TERMINATION.................. ................. ...... .........................13 4.1. Termination of Lease Term .................... .................. ...........13 4.2. Effect of Termination.... .. .................. .........13 ARTICLE COVENANTS OF LESSEE .......... ........ ..... ... ........ ....13 5.1. Maintenance of the Facility. ................ .." . . ..." . ....... ..... ....13 5.2. Taxes~ Other Governmental Charges and Utility Charges..... .........". . ... ... 13 5.3. Provisions Regarding Insurance and No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. .........,]4 5.4. Damage, Destruction or Condemnation ........ .................. ........"". ....."... ...... . ..]4 5.5. Insufficiency of Net Proceeds .".".... ....... ................ . ...........]4 5.6. Federal Tax Covenants ........... ....... ................... ....14 5.7. Liens ............. ...................... ......................... .................... ......15 5.8. Use of System. .................... .... ..... .... ........ ......... ......... .15 ARTICLE VII.. .... .............. .............................. ................. ..............15 TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT ....................... ....................... .......... ..... ...............................15 6.1. Assignment and Subletting ..................... ........... ................... ...... ...................15 ARTICLE VIII. ................. ........................... ............... ........ .................. .............15 ADDITIONAL LESSEE COVENANTS ....................... ........................................ .................................15 7.1. No Free Service .................. .................... .......... ......................]5 7.2. Mandatory Connection ................................... ............................]6 7.3. Additions and Modifications... , . ... ... ..... .16 7.5. Access to Project Site and Places of District Record Retention ......... ... ...........16 ARTICLE VIII... ................ ............................... ....... ... ........... .......... .... .......... ..... ................. ...... ... ................ . ...16 REIMBURSEMENTS........... . .............. ...... ....... ....... ............. ... ............ ....................... ................ ... . .......16 8.1. Reimbursements ....... ....,... ._.... ....... .16 8.2. Advance.... .. . ..... ..... .17 8.3. Audit and Monitoring Requirments. ............................ .........17 ARTICLE IX.. ....................................... ......................... ................... ................... ......... ... ...................18 MISCELLANEOUS .................................. ........................ ..................... .........18 9.1. Amendments.. ... ... ... ............. ................ .................. ..18 9.2. Notices ...................... .....,...,............. .................................. ..... .....,...,.,...18 9.3. Binding EffecL.. .............................. ......................... .......................... ..............18 9.4. Severability......... .. ............. ........ ......................................... .......18 9.5. Execution in Counterparts............... ....... ....... ......... ...............m .............19 9.6. Captions. ..................... ................... ....... ............... ....................... ...19 9.7. Memorandum of Lease.. .................. ................... ................................ ..19 9.8. Applicable Law...................... .......................................... ..19 9.9. Non-recourse Obligation of Lessee ................. ............. .......... 'm _._..... .19 9.10. Conflicts........................... ................................. ...19 EXHIBIT A SYSTEM SITE EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM EXHIBIT C PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS EXHIBIT D FORM OF REQUISITION EXHIBIT E FORM OF SUPPLEMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT 1 2 u 1 LEASE AGREEMENT 2 3 4 This Lease Agreement (the "Lease") dated as of September 6, 2005 between Monroe County, 5 Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "Lessor"), and Florida Keys Aqueduct 6 Authority, an independent special district (the "Lessee"). 7 8 WITNESSETH 9 10 WHEREAS, the Lessor and Lessee are authorized to execute a lease agreement relating to the 11 lease of certain lands for the construction, equipping and operation thereon of a wastewater and 12 sewer system (the "System"); and 13 14 WHEREAS, the Lessor is (or will be) the owner of legal title to the System Site (more 15 particularly described in Exhibit A hereto and incorporated herein by reference, as same may be 16 supplemented and expanded from time to time as herein provided), and hereby leases the System Site 17 to the Lessee; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee desire to enter into this Lease Agreement to implement 20 that certain Interlocal Agreement between the Lessor and the Lessee dated as of September 6, 2005, as 21 filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court on September ~ 2005 (the "Interlocal Agreement"); and 22 23 WHEREAS, in and by this Lease, the Lessor and Lessee agree to comply with all applicable 24 requirements of Section 103 of the Code necessary to maintain the exclusion from gross income for 25 federal income tax purposes of the interest on either the Lessor Bonds or the Lessee Bonds; and 26 27 WHEREAS, it is the express intent of the Lessor and Lessee that no obligation of the Lessor 28 wilh respect to the finandng of any portion of the System orthe acquisilion of any System Site shall 29 constitute a debt, liability or obligation of the Lessee or shall be a pledge of the revenues derived by 30 the Lessee from the operation of the System; and 31 32 WHEREAS, it is the express intent of the Lessor and Lessee that no obligation of the Lessee 33 with respect to the financing of any portion of the System shall consUtute a debt, liability or 34 obligation of the Lessor or shall be a pledge of the faith and credit of the Lessor. 35 36 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants and conditions 37 hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideraUon, the receipt and sufficiency of 38 which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 39 Page 4 I ARTICLE I 2 3 DEFINITIONS AND EXHIBITS 4 5 1.1 Definitions. The terms set forth in this section shall have the meanings ascribed to 6 them for all purposes of the Lease unless the context dead y indicates some other meaning. 7 "Advance" shall mean the funds provided b y the Lessor from the proceeds of Lessor Bonds in 8 such amounts as are determined by Lessor and Lessee to be necessary for Lessee to properly design, 9 construct and equip each Project provided that, in all events, the amount of the Advance shall not be 10 less than FIVE MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000). II "Authorized Lessee Representative" shall mean the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Lessee, 12 and any other person or persons designated by the Lessee by an Authorized Lessee Representative. 13 "Budget" shall mean the budget for the cost of the construction and equipping of the System, ]4 as such relates to the System Costs prepared in accordance with the plans and specification developed 15 by the Lessee and its consulting engineers and as amended, from time to time. 16 "Business Day" shall mean a day other than (i) Saturday or Sunday or (ill a day on which 17 banking institutions located in the State of Florida or agencies of the State, are authorized or 18 obligated by law or executive order to be closed for business, 19 "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any successor statute, 20 together with corresponding and applicable final, temporary or proposed regulations and revenue 21 rulings issued or amended with respect thereto by the Treasury Department or Internal Revenue 22 Service of the United States. 23 "Effective Date" shall mean September 6, 2005. 24 "Equivalent Dwelling Units" or "EDUs" shall mean the standard unit of applying System 25 Development Charges, as described in this Lease. For residential improved parcels, a minimum of one 26 EDU shall be applied to each family residential dwelling, condominium unit and mobile home. EDUs 27 for multifamily structures are determined by the number of dwelling units (i.e.: six units in a 28 multifamily structure will constitute six EDUs). For non-residential improved parcels of property, the 29 number of EDUs will be calculated based on a formula to be determined by the Lessee. A minimum of 30 one (1) EDU shall apply to each parcel unit J] "Final Auclit Report" shall mean the report for each Project identifying all Project Costs 32 required in Section 8.3 hereof. The Final Auclit Report shall identify all Reimbursement Amounts 33 received by the Lessee from the Lessor, all funds provided the Lessee and any funds provided by the 34 State or the federal government applied to the Project Costs and otherwise describe the parties' 35 compliance with the terms of the tnteriocal Agreement and this Lease. 36 "Fiscal Year" shall mean each twe]v~month period beginning October 1 and ending on the 37 next succeecling September 30. Page 5 1 "Independent Insurance Consultant" shall mean a nationally recognized, independent actuary, 2 insurance company or broker that has actuarial personnel experienced in the area of insurance for 3 which the Lessee is to be self-insured. 4 "Lease" shall mean this Lease Agreement, as the same may be amended or supplemented from 5 time to time in accordance with its terms, including the Exhibits hereto, as executed and delivered by 6 the Lessor and the Lessee. 7 "Lease Term" shall mean the period during which the lease is effective as provided in Section 8 2.2 hereof. 9 "Lessee" shall mean the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, an independent spedal district duly 10 created and organized under the laws of the State. 11 "Lessee Bonds" shall mean revenue bonds or any other obligations issued from time to time 12 by the Lessee for the purpose of paying a portion of the costs of designing, constructing and 13 equipping the System, which bonds or 0 bligations are payable from the revenues ofthe System net of 14 the Operations and Maintenance Expenses, any available System Development Charges and other i5 legally available revenues of the Lessee. 16 HLessee System Manager" shall mean an employee of the Lessee or an individual or firm hired 17 and compensated by the Lessee to provide independent System construction and/or operations 18 oversight for the Lessee. 19 "Lessor" shall mean Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. 20 "Lessor Bonds" shall mean the bonds to be issued by Monroe County, Florida to the limits of 2\ (aJ the bonding capacity ofthe infrastructure sales surtax received by the Lessor and (b) the County's 22 ability to levy special assessments in an amount not to exceed $4,500 per EDU. 23 "Operations and Maintenance Expenses" shall mean the costs of operating and maintaining 24 the System determined pursuant to generally accepted accounting principles (as applied to state and 25 local governments), exclusive of interest on any debt payable from system revenues, depreciation, and 26 any other items not requiring the expenditure of cash. 27 "Permitted Exceptions" shall mean those encumbrances described in Exhibit C hereto. 28 "Project(s)" shall mean the design, permitting, construction and equipping of components of 29 the System to be constructed and equipped by Lessee on the System Site leased to the Authority under 30 this Lease. A sununary of each Project, together with Project Costs and schedules for completion of 31 construction and placing Projects into service and net contribution allocated from Lessor Bonds for 32 each Project shall be described in greater detail in a Supplement to Lease. 33 "Project Costs" shall mean the cost of designing, permitting, constructing and equipping each 34 Project including the labor, materials and equipment to construct each Project in accordance with the 3S contracts to be entered by the Lessee and any other costs related thereto in accordance with generally 36 accepted accounting principles with respect to each Project. Project Costs shall not include Page 6 1 Operations and Maintenance Expenses other than expenditures related to initial Project testing and 2 start up not expected to be covered from users or ratepayers. 3 "Reimbursement Amount" shall mean the amounts paid to the Lessee by the Lessor for any 4 Project Costs expended by the Lessee. 5 "System" shall mean the wastewater and sewer facilities and all appurtenances thereto and 6 interest therein as constructed from time to time on or connected to the System Site, as more 7 particularl y described in Exhibit B hereto, together with additions thereto as may be made from time 8 to time by the Lessor and the Lessee pursuant to a Supplement to Lease, which supplement shall 9 identify specific Projects to be undertaken to complete the System. 10 "System Development Charges" shall mean connection fees, capital expansion fees, utility ] 1 improvement fees or other similar fees and charges collected by the Lessee as a contribution toward 12 costs. 13 "System Site" shall mean the real property upon which the System is located in the ]4 unincorporated portions of Monroe County, Florida, as more particularly described in Exhibit A 15 hereto, together with additions thereto as may be made from time to time by the Lessor and the 16 Lessee, pursuant to a Supplement to Lease. 17 "State" shall mean the State of Florida. 18 "Supplement to Lease" shall mean a supplement to this Lease substantially in the form of 19 Exhibit E attached hereto, executed by the Lessor and Lessee for the purpose of adding parcels of real 20 property to the System Site as set forth on Exhibit A hereto and to add additions to the descriptions 2] of the System as set forth on Exhibit B hereto, including descriptions of each Project. 22 23 24 [Remainder of page left intentionally blank) 25 Page 7 I ARTICLE II 2 3 LEASE OF SYSTEM AND SYSTEM SITE 4 5 2.1 Lease. The Lessor hereby demises and leases to the Lessee, and the Lessee hereby leases 6 from the Lessor, the right, title and interest of the Lessor in and to the System Site and the System, 7 together with any required easements appurtenant or easements in gross necessary for the extension 8 and operation of the System, and the Lessee agrees to contract to construct the System on the System 9 Site and to continuously operate and maintain the System during the term hereof, allan the terms ID and conditions set forth in this Lease. Lessor and Lessee hereby confirm Lessor's ownership interest ] 1 and Lessee's leasehold interest in the System Site and System during the term of this lease. The Lease ]2 of the System Site shall only be subject to the Permitted Exceptions. From time to time, the Lessor 13 and the Lessee shall add additional parcels of real property to this Lease during the Lease Term ]4 pursuant to a Supplement to Lease as needed to complete the System. Such additional fee simple 15 parcels (or other interests) may be added to this Lease Agreement by the joint execution of a ]6 supplement to Exhibit A hereto and recorded as a Supplemental Memorandum of Lease in the Official 17 Records of Monroe County, Florida, and each such additional parcel shall become immediately subject 18 to the terms and conditions of this Lease Agreement upon the execution, delivery and recordation 19 thereof. 20 2] 2.2. Lease Tenn. The Lease shall be for an original term commencing on the Effective Date 22 and shall continue until September 30, 2104. Upon expiration of the Lease Term the Lessee shall 23 execute and deliver such documents, if any, as shall be necessary to evidence such expiration and 24 confirm ownership of the System SUe and System by Lessor. 25 26 2.3. Acquisition of System. The Lessor recognizes that the Lessee will be responsible for the 27 design, construction and equipping of the System. The Lessee understands that the Lessor will 28 provide, from time to time, proceeds of the sale of Lessor Bonds (together with earnings thereon) to 29 be deposited with the Lessee in accordance with Article VIII hereof or any other procedure agreed to 30 by Lessor and Lessee to pay a portion of the costs of the design, construction and equipping of the 3] System as provided in the lnterlocal Agreement. 32 33 The parties hereto each acknowledges that the amount of moneys to be provided by the Lessor 34 will not be sufficient to pay all of the costs of the System. Lessor and Lessee will cooperate in the 35 application for available State or federal grants and loans to pay a portion of the costs of the System. 36 To the extent the funds provided by the Lessor, together with any State or federal grants or loans, are 37 not sufficient to pay all of the costs of the System, the Lessee will issue Lessee Bonds to pay the 38 remaining costs of the System. 39 40 2.4. Lessee's Liability. From and after the Effective Date, as between the Lessor (and any 41 assignee of the Lessor) and the Lessee, the Lessee assumes liability for all risks with respect to the 42 System, provided, however, the Lessee shall not be considered or deemed to be an indemnitor of the 43 Lessor for Lessor's actions, and provided further, that this Section 2.4 shall not be construed to limit 44 any claim by the Lessee for damages to the System by any party other than the Lessee or a party 45 under the control and direction of the Lessee. Page 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2.5. Possession and Enjoyment. From and after the Effective Date, the Lessor agrees that it will not interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment of the System by the Lessee during the Lease Term and that the Lessee shall during such Lease Term peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy such System, without hindr ance or molestation from the Lessor, except as expressly set forth herein. At the request of the Lessee, the Lessor shall join in any legal action in which the Lessee asserts its right to such possession and enjoyment to the extent the Lessor lawfully may do so. 2.6. Disclaimer of Warranties. THE LESSEE EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LESSOR, NOT BEING THE VENDORS OR CONTRACTORS OF ANY PROJECT WHICH COMPRISES OR WILL COMPRISE THE SYSTEM, THE VENDOR'S AGENTS OR THE CONTRAC- TOR'S AGENTS, MAKE NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE TITLE TO, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, DESIGN OR CONDITION OF, OR AS TO THE QUALITY, CAPACITY OF THE MATERIAL OR WORKMANSHIP IN ANY SUCH PROJECT OR ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PROJECT WILL SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY LAW, RULE, SPECIFICATION OR CONTRACT WHICH PROVIDES FOR SPECIFIC MACHINERY, OPERA TORS OR SPECIAL METHODS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. It is agreed that all such risks, as among Lessor and the Lessee are to be borne by the Lessee at its sole risk and expense and the Lessee hereby agrees to look solely to any contractor, vendor or supplier of the System for all such matters. THE LESSEE FURTHER EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LESSOR MAKES NO PATENT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WHATSOEVER, AND THAT LESSOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. 2,7. Warranties of the Facility. The Lessee acknowledges and represents that it will obtain from the appropriate vendors and contractors certain warranties regarding the System. The Lessee reserves all rights to enforce each of these warranties so long as this Lease has not terminated 2.8. Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Lessee. The Lessee represents, covenants, and warrants as follows: (i) The Lessee is an independent special district created pursuant to Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended, has powers to enter into this Lease and has duly authorized and taken the necessary acts required prior to (including all required approvals) the execution and delivery of this Lease. The Lessee warrants that this lease, upon the execution and delivery thereof. is a valid, legal and binding limited obligation of the Lessee. (ii) Neither the execution and delivery of this Lease nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with the terms and conditions hereof conflicts with or results in a breach of the terms, conditions, or provision of any restriction or any agreement or instrument to which the Lessee is now a party or by which the Lessee is bound or constitutes a default under any of the foregoing, nor conflicts with or results in a violation of any provision of law governing the Lessee and no representation, covenant and warranty herein is false, misleading or erroneous in any material respect. Page 9 1 (iii) There is no action, suit, proceeding, inquiry or investigation, at law or in equity, 2 before or by any court, publlc board or body, known to be pending or threatened against or 3 affecting the Lessee nor to the best of the knowledge of the Lessee is there any basis therefor, 4 wherein, an unfavorable decision, ruling, or finding would materially and adversely affect the 5 transactions contemplated by the Lessee or which would adversely affect, in any way, the 6 validity or instrument to which the Lessee is a party, used or contemplated for use in tht' 7 consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby. 8 9 (iv) In its use of the System, the Lessee shall comply with all applicable State, and 10 federal laws, regulations, rules, orders, standards and codes and with all hazard insurance 11 underwriters standards applicable to the System. 12 13 (v) The Lessee shall establish rates, fees and System Development Charges for the 14 System which will be sufficient to provide funds adequate to fully cover the Operations and 15 Maintenance Expenses of the System and to pay, when due to the Lessee Bonds (providing for a 16 debt service coverage ratio as may be required by a bond insurer providing a municipal bond 17 insurance policy for any series of Lessee Bonds) or pursuant to the authorizing resolutions 18 governing any series of Lessee Bonds. 19 20 (vi) All revenues derived from the System by the Lessee over and above maintenance, 21 operations, customer service, billing, and any direct costs specifically incurred to provide these 22 services shall be used solely for the purpose of the System, such as repayment of debt service 23 and retirement of Lessee Bonds. 24 25 2.9. Representations, Covenants and Warranties of the Lessor. The Lessor represents 26 covenants and warrants as follows: 27 28 (i) The Lessor is a political subdivision of the State of florida, and as such, has all 29 necessary power to enter into this Lease and is possessed of full power to own, lease and hold 30 real and personal property and to lease and sell the same as Lessor, and has duly authorized the 31 execution and delivery of this Lease. 32 33 (ii) Neither the execution and delivery hereof, nor the fulfillment of or compliance with 34 the terms and conditions hereof, nor the consummation of the transactions cnntemplated 35 hereby, conflicts with or results in a breach of the terms, conditions and provisions of any 36 restriction or any agreement or instrument to which the Lessor is now a party or by which the 37 Lessor is bound, or constitutes a default under any of the foregoing. 38 39 (Hi) To the knowledge of the Lessor, there is no litigation or proceeding pending or 40 threatened against the Lessor or any other person affecting the right of the Lessor to execute, 4l deliver or assign this Lease or to comply with its obligations under this Lease. Neither the 42 execution nor delivery of this Lease by the Lessor, nor compliance by the Lessor with it 43 obligations under this Lease, require the approval of any regulatory body, any parent 44 company, or any other entity, which approval has not been obtained. 45 Page 10 1 2.10. Care and Use of System. The Lessee at its expense, shall maintain the System in 2 first-class operating condition, repair and appearance and in the condition when construction is 3 completed hereunder (ordinary wear and tear excepted) and shall protect same from deterioration, 4 other than normal wear and tear; shall cause the System to be used within its normal capacity, 5 without abuse and in compliance with the requirements of applicable laws, ordinances and 6 regulations and the requirements of any policy of insurance required under Section 5.3 hereof; and 7 shall cause the System to be operated by competent persons only and shall obtain, at the Lessee's 8 expense, all permits and licenses, if any, required by law for the operation of the System. The Lessee 9 agrees that Lessor shall not be responsible for latent or patent or other defects, wear and tear or 10 gradual deterioration or loss of service or use of the System or any part thereof or for damage from 11 fire or other casualty. Lessor shall not be liable to the Lessee or anyone else for any liability, injury, 12 claim, loss, damage or expense of any kind or nature caused directly or indirectly by the inadequacy of 13 the System or any item supplied by any materialmen or supplier or any other party, any interruption 14 of use or loss of service or usage or performance of any System component, any loss of business or 15 other consequence or damage, whether or not resulting directly or indirectly from any of the 16 foregoing. 17 \8 2.11. Mutual Waiver of Subrogation Rights. Lessor and Lessee and all parties claiming under \9 them mutually release and discharge each other from all claims and liabilities arising from or caused 20 by any casualty or hazard covered or required hereunder to be covered in whole or in part by 21 insurance on the System or in connection with property on or activities conducted on the System, 22 and waive any right of subrogation which might otherwise exist in or accrue to any person on 23 account thereof and evidence such waiver by endorsement to the required insurance polities, provided 24 that such release and waiver shall not operate in any case where the effect is to invalidate such 25 insurance coverage. 26 27 2.12. Waiver. Lessor, its agents and employees, shall not be liable for, and Lessee waives all 28 claims against Lessor for, damage, including but not limited to consequential damages, to person, 29 property or otherwise, sustained by Lessee, or any person claiming through Lessee resulting from 30 any accident or occurrence in or upon any part of the System including, but not limited to, claims for 3\ damage resulting from: (a) any equipment or appurtenances becoming out of repair; (b) Lessee's 32 failure to keep any part of the System in repair; (c) injury done or caused by wind, water, or other 33 natural element; (d) damage to or loss by theft or otherwise of property of Lessee or others; (e) any act 34 or omission of owners of adjacent or contiguous property, or of Lessor, its agents or employees. All 35 property of Lessee, kept in the System shall be so kept at Lessee's risk only and Lessee shall save 36 Lessor harmless from claims arising out of damage to the same, including subrogation claims by 37 Lessee's insurance carrier. 38 39 2.13. Quiet Enjoyment. The Lessor covenants and agrees with the Lessee that so long as the 40 Lessee keeps and performs all of the covenants and conditions by the Lessee to be kept and performed 41 hereunder, the Lessee shall have quiet and undisturbed and continued possession of the System, free 42 from any claims against the Lessor and all persons claiming under, by or through the Lessor. Page II 1 ARTICLE III 2 3 LEASE PAYMENTS 4 S 6 3.1. Payment of Lease Payments. The Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor, on the Effective Date 7 hereof, the sum of $10 and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which 8 is hereby acknowledged by Lessor, and further agrees to undertake the responsibllity and obligations 9 for the design~ development, construction, operations and financing of the System as provided herein 10 during the Lease Term. 11 12 3.2. Lease Payments to be Unconditional. All payments, obligations and undertakings by 13 the Lessee hereunder from and after the Effective Date, shall be absolute and unconditional, and such 14 payments and other obligations and undertakings shall be paid or performed when due without 15 notice or demand and without abatement or any rights of set~off, recoupment or counterclaim the 16 Lessee might have against any supplier, contractor, or any other person and whether or not the 17 System is accepted for use or used by the Lessee or available for use by the Lessee, whether as a result 18 of damage, destruction, condemnation, defect in title or failure of consideration or otherwise. It is the 19 express intent of the Lessor and Lessee that this Lease shall be deemed and construed to be a "triple 20 net lease". 21 22 3.3. Net Lease. The Lessee and Lessor intend the payments hereunder to be net to the Lessor. 23 The Lessee shall comply with all of its obligations hereunder and pay from Lessee's legally available 24 funds all payments by the Lessee required hereunder, and any interest imposed on any of the 2S foregoing. during the Lease Term; and, as between Lessor and Lessee, the Lessee will pay all reason- 26 able expenses incurred by Lessor in connection with all filings or recordings of any documents 27 relating to initial delivery of this Lease. The Lessee will payor make provisions for payment ot as the 28 same shall become due, all lawful taxes and assessments, or any interest and penalties relating thereto, 29 if any, or real estate taxes or other municipal or governmental charges lawfully levied or assessed by 30 the federal, state or munidpal government upon the Lessor or Lessee with respect to the System or 31 any part thereof or upon any payments in respect thereof under this Lease or any other agreement, 32 instrument or document made or to be made in connection herewith. The Lessee may in good faith 33 and by appropriate proceedings, contest any such taxes or charges, including real estate taxes, with 34 due diligence so long as such proceedings do not impair the Lessee's ability or obligations to pay the 3S payments hereunder. Page 12 1 ARTICLE IV 2 3 TERMINATION 4 5 4.1. Tennination of Lease Tenn. The Lease Term will terminate on September 30, 2104. 6 7 4.2. Effect of Tennination. Upon the termination of the Lease Tenn, the Lessee shall execute 8 and deliver a release of this Lease to the Lessor, at Lessee's cost. 9 10 ARTICLE V 11 12 COVENANTS OF LESSEE 13 14 5.1. Maintenance of the System. Lessee shall, following substantial completion of the 15 System, be responsible for all repair and maintenance of the System (notwithstanding the right to 16 enforce and collect on any warranties), both interior and exterior and both structural and 17 nonstructural, whether foreseeable or not foreseeable. Lessee shall keep or cause to be kept the 18 foundations structural and operation portions of the System in first-class order, repair and condition. 19 Lessee shall commence required repairs as soon as practicable. Lessee shall at all times keep the 20 System and all equipment and appurtenances thereof and other mechanical equipment and 21 appurtenances within the System and all parts of the System, in good order, condition and repair and 22 dean, orderly, sanitary, safe and watertight, including but not limited to doing such things as are 23 necessary to cause the System to comply with applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders of State 24 and federal governmental regulators. IT replacement of equipment, fixtures and appurtenances thereto 25 is necessary, Lessee shall replace same with new or completely reconditioned equipment, fixtures and 26 appurtenances, and repair all damages done in or by such replacement. 27 28 All obligations of the Lessee, under this Section 5.1 shall be at the Lessee's sole cost and expense. 29 30 5.2. Taxes, Other Governmental Charges and Utility Charges. The parties acknowledge 31 and agree that the System is immune from ad valorem taxes, and therefore not subject to assessments 32 levied by governmental authorities. However, in the event that the ownership, leasing, use, 33 possession or acquisition of the System is found to be subject to taxation, assessments or 34 governmental charges in any form, the Lessee will pay, during the Lease Term, as the same come due, 35 all taxes and other governmental charges of any kind whatsoever that may at any time be lawfully 36 assessed or levied against or with respect to the System and any facilities or other property acquired 37 by the Lessee as pennitted under this Lease in substitution for, as a renewal or replacement of, or a 38 modification, improvement or addition to the System or System Site; as well as all utility and other 39 charges incurred in the operation, maintenance, use, occupancy and upkeep of the System and System 40 Site; provided that, with respect to any governmental charges that may lawfully be paid in 41 installments over ft period of years, the Lessee shall be obligated to pay only such installments as have 42 accrued during the time the Lease Term is in effect. In no event shall Lessor impose or levy any tax, 43 assessments or governmental charges in any form, on the System or System Site during the Lease 44 Tenn. 45 Page 13 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 5.3. Provisions Regarding Insurance and No Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. (1) The parties stipulate that each is a 'tate governmental agency as defined by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suitable public liability, vehicle liability, and workers' compensation insurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and all claims, including claims under State or federal actions for civil rights violations, which are not limited by Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, as well as any and all claim. within the limitations of Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, Florida Statutes, arising out of the activities governed by this Lease. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, the participation of the Lessor and Lessee in this Lese and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by Lessor or Lessee be required to contain any provision for waiver. The Lessee shall name the Lessor as a covered person under the Lessee's liability insurance policies addressing the System Site and System a., its interest may appear. 5.4. Damage, Destruction or Condemnation. H prior to the termination of the Lease Term, the System or any portion thereof is destroyed or is damaged by fire or other casualty, or title to, or the temporary use of such System or any portion thereof shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain, the Lessee shall cause the net proceeds of any insurance or net proceeds of any claim or condemnation award to be applied to the prompt repair, restoration, or replacement, in which case any such replacement shall become subject to the provisions of this Lease as fully as if it were originally a part of the System. Any such net proceeds received by the Lessee shall be applied by the Lessee toward the payment of the cost of such repair, restoration or replacement, in the manner and upon the conditions set forth in Section 2.3 hereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing. following such event of damage, destruction or condemnation, this Lease shall remain in full force and affect while the Lessee restores or rebuilds the System. 5.5. Insufficiency of Net Proceeds. If the net proceeds described in Section 5.4 hereof are insufficient to pay in full the cost of repair, restoration or replacement of the System, the Lessee shall finance the additional cost of such repair. restoration or replacement through the issuance of Lessee Bonds or Refunding Bonds. 5.6. Federal Tax Covenants. Neither the Lessor nor the Lessee shall take any action or refrain from taking any action, nor shall it cause or, to the best of its ability, allow any other party under its direction or control to do SOl which act or failure to act could adversely affect the exclusion from gross income for federal income ta.x purposes of the interest on the Lessor Bonds or the Lessee Bonds. Neither the Lessor nor the Lessee will make or will direct the making of any investment of the proceeds of the sa.le of the Lessor Bonds or the Lessee Bonds which would result in the Lessor Bonds or the Lessee Bonds being characterized as "arbitrage bonds" under Section 148 of the Code. The Lessor and Lessee shall each take all action required under the Code, including the calculation and payment of any rebate necessary to preserve the exclusion from gross income for federal income tax purposes of the interest portion of the Lessor Bonds or the Lessee Bonds; provided, however, that the Lessor and the Lessee may delegate such responsibility to a third party. Page 14 1 2 In the operation of the System, the Lessee shall require that any contract comply with all 3 applicable Treasury rules and regulations regarding the private business use of a facility financed with 4 the proceeds of tax exempt obligations. 5 6 The Lessee shall not enter into any management contract with a non-governmental party for 7 the management of any portion of the System unless such management contract constitutes a 8 "qualified management contract" as described in Internal Revenue Service Revenue Procedure 97-13, as 9 amended or supplemented from lime to time, or as described in Sections 141 through 145 of the Code, 10 ilfld applicable Treasury Regulations contemporaneousl y in effect. II 12 5.7. Liens. During the Lease Term both the Lessor and Lessee shall not, directly or indirectly, 13 create, incur, assume or suffer to exist any security interest, pledge, lien, charge, encumbrance or claim 14 on the System or System Site, other than as herein provided. 15 16 5.8 Use of System. The Lessee will not use, or maintain the System improperly, carelessly, in 17 violation of any applicable law or in a manner contrary to its intended use as facilities for provision of 18 essential government services as contemplated by the Lease. The Lessor shall promptly provide and 19 issue without charge therefore all permits and licenses necessary for construction and operation of the 20 System, or any related facilities. The Lessee shall obtain all permits and licenses, if any, necessary for 2\ the construction and operation of the System. In addition, the Lessee agrees to comply in all respects 22 (including, without limitation, with respect to the use and maintenance of the System) with all 23 applicable laws, regulations, orders and decrees of any State or federal regulatory body exercising any 24 power or jurisdiction over the System; provided, however, that the Lessee may contest in good faith 25 the validity or application of any such law or rule in any reasonable manner which does not 26 adversely affect the interest or rights of the Lessor under the Lease. 27 28 ARTICLE VI 29 30 TRANSFER OR ASSIGNMENT 31 32 6.1. Assignment and Subletting. The System Site shall not be transferred or conveyed 33 during the Lease Term, without the prior written consent of the Lessee. This Lease shall not be 3-1 assigned by the Lessee nor shall the Lessee lease the System or any portion thereof, without the prior 35 written consent of the Lessor. '6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ARTICLE VII ADDITIONAL LESSEE COVENANTS 7.1. No Free Service. Except as may be required by applicable law, the Lessee shall not permit connection to, or furnish any services afforded by the System without making a charge therefor based on the Lessee's connection policies. Page 15 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7.2 Mandatory Connettions. The Lessee shall adopt, as necessary, and enforce requirements consistent with applicable laws for the owner, tenant or occupant of each building located on a lot or parcel of land for which the System is available to connect such building to the System. 7.3. Additions and Modifications. After completion of the System, the Lessee may make any additions, modifications or improvements to the System which the Lessee deems desirable and which do not materially reduce the operational integrity of any part of the System. All such renewals, replacements, additions, modifications and improvements shall become part of the System. 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 7.4. Acc988 to Project Site and Places of District Record Retention. The Lessee shall provide Loosor representatives with access to System Site and administrative offices (as well as other offices where Lessee records may be retained) during normal business hours. The Lessee shall cause its engineers and contractors to cooperate in the fulfillment of the Lessee's obligations hereunder and shall require cooperation with Lessor's representatives during System inspections including, but not limited to, making contracts, invoices, purchase documents, plans, maps and specifications available for inspection and copying 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 J3 14 35 36 37 38 ARTICLE VIII REIMBURSEMENTS 8.1. Reimbursements. Reimbursements to the Lessee shall be made by the Lessor and only when the requests for such reimbursements are accompanied by a certification from the Monroe County's Engineering Department that such reimbursements are for expenditures that are properly characterized as Project Costs. Reimbursements shall be made directly to the Lessee for Project Costs. Reimbursement for Project Costs shall be made only after receipt by the Lessor of the following from the Lessee: (1) A completed reimbursement request form in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 0 signed by the Lessee's Authorized Representalive. Such requests must be accompanied by an itemized disclosure of the materials, labor, or services provided in sufficient detail to identify the nature of the work performed; the cost or charges for such work; and the person providing the service or performing the work. (2) A certification signed by the Lessee's Authorized Representalive as to the current estimated costs of the Project; that the materials, labor, or services represented by the invoice have been satisfactorily purchased, performed, or received and applied to the Project and that the Lessee was required to incur such Project Costs for materials, labor or services under the terms and provisions of the contract(s) between the Lessee and third parties providing services necessary to cornplQtp PI Project; and in the case of Project Costs which are not direct materials, labor or third party service expenditures, such expenditures are properly characterized as Project Costs. '9 40 41 42 43 44 45 (3) A certification by the engineer responsible for overseeing construction indicating the percentage of the Project completed as of the date of such certification; stating that the equipment, materials, labor and services represented by the construction invoices have been satisfactorily purchased or received, and applied to the Project in accordance with construction contract Page 16 1 documents; stating that payment is in accordance with construction contract provisions; stating that 2 construction, up to the point of the reimbursement request, is in compliance with the contract 3 documents; and identifying all additions or deletions to the Project which have materially altered the 4 Project's performance standards, scope, or purpose. S 6 (4) Such other certificates aT documents by engineers, attorneys, accountants, contractors, 7 or suppliers as may reasonably be required by the Lessor. 8 9 8.2. Advance. "lhe Lessor and the Lessee recognize that the Lessee is in need of capital funds ID to initiate Projects, Recognizing this need, the Lessor agrees to provide the Lessee with the Advance 11 to be used by the Lessee solely to pay Project Costs. The Advance shall be paid by the Lessor to the 12 Lessee within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the initial series of Lessor Bonds issued to meet the 13 Lessor's obligations pursuant to this Lease. As the Advance is expended by the Lessee, the Lessee 14 shall complete a reimbursement requisition in the form provided in Exhibit D and supply the Lessor 15 such other documents and information as required in this Lease as may be necessary to permit the 16 Lessor to confirm that the Advance (including all investment earnings thereon) has been used solely 17 for Project Costs. The Lessor shall then reimburse the Lessee for the amount identified in each 18 respective reimbursement requisition in order to replenish the Advance. This process shall continue 19 until the proceeds of the Lessor Bonds are fully expended. The Lessee shall provide the Lessor with 20 biannual reports of the investments and earnings relating to the Advance until such time as the 21 proceeds from the Lessor Bonds, including the Advance and all investment earnings thereon have 22 been expended as required by the Interlocal Agreement. 23 24 8.3. Audit and Monitoring Requirements. The parties agree to the following au dit and 25 monitoring requirements: 26 27 (1) Final Audit Report. Within six (6) months after completion of each Project, as 28 demonstrated by the Lessee placing a Project into service, the Lessee shall submit to the Lessor a Final 29 Audit Report. Accordingly, the parties shall direct their respective auditors to simultaneously notify 30 the Lessor and Lessee immediately if anything comes to the auditor's attention during the 31 examination of records that would lead the auditor to question whether any expenditures are not 32 allowable Project Costs under this Lease. The final determination of whether such costs are 33 appropriate Project Costs shall be made by the Lessor. 34 35 (2) Record Retention. The Lessor and Lessee shall each retain suffident records 36 demonstrating its compliance with the terms ofthe Interlocal Agreement and this Lease for a period of 37 five years from the date that the Final Audit Report is issued for each Project, and shall allow each 38 other, or their designee, access to such records upon request. The Lessor and Lessee shall ensure that 39 audit working papers also are made available to each other. or their designee, upon request, for a 40 period of five years from the date that the Final Audit Repori is issued. 41 42 (3) Monitoring The Lessee agrees that the Lessor's Project monitoring procedures may 43 include, but not be limited to, review of contracts related to the Project as well as engineering designs 44 and plans, on~site visits by Lessor designees at Project sites and the Lessee's administrative offices, 45 limited scope audits, and/or other procedures. Lessee agrees to comply and cooperate with any 46 monitoring procedures and processes deemed appropriate by the Lessor. In the event the Lessor 47 determines at any time that a limited scope audit of the System or a Project is appropriate, the Lessee Page 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 agrees to comply with any additional instructions provided by the Lessor to the Lessee regarding such audit. The Lessee further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspectionsr reviewsr investigationsr or audits undertaken by the Lessor or other auditor of Lessor's business. Any costs incurred by the Lessor to perform any review, audit and other monitoring activities permitted under this Lease shall be included in Lessor's budget to be identified in each Supplement to Lease. (4) Reoortini. Each party shall provide to the other party a copy of any reports, management lettersr or other information required to be submitted to lenders or other persons as may be required pursuant to the terms of the Lessor Bonds or Lessee Bonds, State revolving loan fund documents and any documents related to any Project. Such copies shall be forwarded to the respective parties hereto at the same time as such documents are provided to third parties pursuant to the terms of the Lessor Bonds or Lessee Bonds. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ARTICLE IX MISCELLANEOUS 9.1. Amendments. The terms of the Lease shall not be waived, altered, modified, supplemented or amended in any manner whatsoever except by written instrument signed by the Lessor and Lessee. 9.2. Notices. All notices, certificates, requests or other communications (other than payments of Lease Payments by the Lessee) hereunder shall be in writing and shall be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when delivered or three (3) Business Days after being mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the parties at their respective places of business as follows (or other address as shall be designated by any party in writing to all other parties): Lessor: Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 Attention: County Administrator With copy to: County Attorney Lessee: Florida Key Aqueduct Authority 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, Florida 33040 Attention: Executive Director With copy to: General Counsel " 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 9.3. Binding Effect. The Lease shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the Lessor and the Lessee and their respective successors and assigns. 9.4. Severability. In the event any provision of the Lease shall be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof. Page 18 9.5. Execution in Counterparts. The Lease may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument, I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor and Lessee have caused this Lease to be duly executed on 27 th~~: .~~!th below their respective signatures and all as of the day and year first written above, 28 .pf;-0..-'... -. 29 1 '~\~~-IJ"", 3 Ii ';Attest:i b~ L,l(olhage, Clerk !~ \ "'.. \('\ 3:&', ; \ ,. .~ \ t ,,' : \'~;~aMC.tJvVt~ 3S . [Deputy] Clerk ' 9/.;L o/DS 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 9.6. Captions. The captions or headings in the Lease are for convenience only and in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provisions or sections of this Lease, 9.7. Memorandum of Lease, Simultaneously with the execution of the Lease, the Lessee and the Lessor shall each execute, acknowledge and deliver a Memorandum of Lease with respect to the Lease. Said Memorandum of Lease shall not in any circumstances be deemed to change or otherwise to affect any of the obligations or provisions of such instrument. 9.8. Applicable Law. The Lease shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and the venue for any cause of action hereunder shall be in Monroe County, Florida. 9.9. Non-recourse Obligation of Lessee. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in any of the instructions, documents or certificates relating hereto, the obligations, liabilities and responsibilities of the Lessee, of any kind, with respect to the obligations hereunder to be performed by the Lessee shall be payable solely out of the proceeds derived by the Lessee from the System and the Lessee shall have no other or further liability hereunder or arising therefrom, 9.10. Conflicts. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event of a conflict between the terms of this Lease and the Inter local Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Interlocal Agreement shall control. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as Lessor ~ja >n ~ By: Dixie M, Spehar, Mayor/Chairman Monroe County Attorney Approved as to Form BY~:~I~C~rney lo\,,~lof Monroe Counly Bond Counsel Approved or By: Date: /ilabors, Gibl" ~;; 7~/6J - Date: (SEAL) Page 19 1 Attest: 2 3 4 5 By: 6 7 8 The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority 9 General Counsel 10 Approved as to Form 11 12 13 14 15 Date: Page 20 THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, as Lessee By: ~hai~AL The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Bond Counsel Approved as to form Bryant Miller & Olive P.A. Date: I 2 3 4 5 6 EXHIBIT A SYSTEM SITE Page 21 1 2 3 EXHIBIT B DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM B-1 EXHIBIT C PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS (A) Standard exceptions of title insurance coverage concerning easements or claims of easement not shown by the public records, encroachments, overlays, boundary line disputes, or any other adverse matter which would be disclosed by an accurate survey; provided same does not or will not materially impair the ability of any fee simple parcel to be used by the Lessee for the purpose of providing wastewater services or facilities in the normal course of business. (8) Any adverse ownership claim by the State of Florida by right of sovereignty to any portion of the property, including submerged, filled and artificially exposed lands and lands accreted to such lands. C-l EXHIBIT D FORM OF REIMBURSEMENT REQUISITION 2 REIMBURSEMENT REQUISITION NO. 3 4 5 6 The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (the "Authority") Request to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida (the "County"): Project: 7 Amount Requested: $ 8 Total Reimbursements to Date (Exclusive of this Request): $ 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1. Each obligation for which a reimbursement is hereby requested is described in reasonable detail in Exhibit A hereto together with the name and address of the person, firm or corporation to whom payment was made by the Authority. The initial requisitions submitted by the Authority also include information confirming that the Advance provided by the County has been used solely for Project Costs. 2. The bills, invoices or statements of account for each obligation referenced in Exhibit A are on file with the Authority. 3. The Authority hereby certifies that: (a) each obligation mentioned in Exhibit A has been properly incurred, is a proper Project Cost, was required to be incurred and has been incurred as an administrative cost in connection with the design and construction of a Project or paid it compliance with the contracts between the Authority and third parties providing services necessary to complete each Project, and has not been the basis for any previous reimbursement; (b) no part ofthe reimbursement requested hereby will be used to pay for materials not yet delivered to the respective Project for prompt incorporation or for services not yet performed in connection therewith; {C) no item in Exhibit A represents any portion of an obligation which the Authority is, as of the date hereo~ entitled to retain under any retained percentage agreement; (d) to the best knowledge and belief of the Authority, insofar as any obligation described in Exhibit A was incurred for labor, services, materials, supplies or equipment (i) such labor and services were actually performed in a satisfactory manner in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of this Project and (Ii) such materials, supplies and equipment were 0-1 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 actually used in connection with the acquisition, construction and equipping of this Project or were delivered to the site of the Project (and remain at the site of the Project) for that purpose; (e) all sums previously advanced by the County have been used solely for purposes permitted by the Lease and the specific items which are the subject of this reimbursement request will be so used; (f) there has not been served upon the Authority any lien, notice of any lien, right to lien or attachment upon or claim affecting the right to receive payment of, any moneys payable to any of the persons or firms named in this reimbursement request, which has not been released or will not be released simultaneously with the payment of such obligation; (g) the use of the reimbursements requested hereunder will not result in the coven ants made by the Authority in the Lease being violated; (h) the current estimated cost of completing the Project is $ (ii) the percentage reimbursement request is of completion of the Project at the time of submission of this %; (j) date hereof, all warranties, representations and covenants in the Lease are true and correct on the (k) all outstanding claims for labor and materials through the date of the last reimbursement request have been paid, and all liens therefore have been waived; (I) to the best knowledge and belief of the Authority, all work on the Project prior to the submission of this reimbursement request has been performed in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with the construction agreements entered. by the Authority with third parties for construction of the Project; (m) any required payment and performance bond remains in full force and effect and free from default on the date hereof; (n) the additions or deletions that have been made to the Project, pursuant to County consent, which have altered the Project's performance standards, scope or purpose since the submission of the last reimbursement requisition are itemized on the attachments hereto; and (0) the Authority has or anticipates that it shall have available sufficient moneys to cotnplptp the Project. D-2 4. All capitalized terms herein, unless otherwise defined herein, shall have the meanings assigned to them in the Lease Agreement between the County, as Lessor and the Authority, as Lessee, dated as of September 6, 2005. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 16 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 17 18 19 By: This day of J20__. APPROVED: FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY By: Authority Engineer Authorized Representative APPROVED: D.3 I 2 3 Name 4 5 6 7 8 9 Purpose EXHIBIT A D-4 Amount Account EXHffiIT E 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, ETC.] SUPPLEMENT TO LEASE lhis [First, Second, Third, etc.) Supplement to Lease ("Subject Supplement") is made and entered into as of by MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, as lessor (the "Lessor") and THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, an lndependent special district, as lessee (the "Lessee"). All capitalized tenns used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meaning set forth therefor in the uLease Agreement" as hereinafter set forth. 11 W IT N E SSE T H: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee entered into a certain Lease Agreement (the "Lease Agreement") dated as of September 6, 2005, as recorded in Official Records Book _ at Page _ of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Lessor owns that certain real property moreparticuJarly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof ("System Site Parcel"); and WHEREAS, the Lessor and Lessee intend to add the System Site Parcel as an additional System Site to Exhibit A of the Lease Agreement and thereby supplement Exhibit A to the Lease Agreement by subjecting the System Site Parcel to the Lease Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Lessee intends to design, construct and equip on the System Site Parcel the Project described on Exhibit B hereto as a portion of the System; and WHEREAS, the Lessor and Lessee intend to add the Project to the description of the System as set forth on Exhibit B to the Lease Agreement and thereby supplement Exhibit B to the Lease Agreement by adding the Project as a "Project" under the Lease Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiencywhereofis hereby acknowledged by each party hereto by the other party hereto, the parties hereto do hereby acknowledge and agree as follows: (1) The foregoing recitations are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 35 36 37 38 39 40 (2) The System Site Parcel is hereby declared to be a part of the System Site (as defined in the Lease Agreement) which constitutes a portion of the System Site and, therefore, is a part of the System Site as set forth in the Lease Agreement with the leasehold estate, operation and effect of the Lease Agreement with the leasehold estate, operation and effect of the Lease Agreement applying to the System Site Parcel as fully and to the same extent as if the System Site Parcel were described in the Lease Agreement and therein set forth to be a part of the System Site. E-I I (3) The Project is hereby declared to be a part of the System (as defined in the Lease 2 Agreement) which constitutes a portion of the System and, therefore, is a part of the System as set 3 forth in the Lease Agreement with the operation and effect of the Lease Agreement applying to the 4 Project as fully and to the same extent as if the Project were described in the Lease Agreement and 5 therein set forth to be a part of the System. 6 (4) The Lease Agreement, [as modified by previous Supplements to Lease and] as modified 7 hereby remains in full force and effect in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof. 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties hereto has caused this Subject Supplement to be 9 executed by their duly authorized officers or agents, all as of the day and year first above written. 10 11 12 I MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 13 ATIEST: 14 IS Its: [Deputy] Clerk 16 (SEAL) 17 18 19 A TIEST: 20 21 22 Title: Secretary 23 [SEAL] 24 25 By: Its: Chairman I THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY By: Title: Go airman E-2 1 2 3 4 EXHIBIT A Description of System Site Parcel E-3 1 2 3 4 5 EXHIBIT B Description of Proj ect E-4 ~TAMENDMENTTOLEASEAGREEMENT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA as Lessor and FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY As Lessee which Lease Agreement was dated as of September 6,2005 FIRST AMENDMENT TO LEASE AGREEMENT This First Amendment ("Amendment") to the Lease Agreement dated as of September 6, 2005 (the "Lease") between Monroe County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "Lessor"), and Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, an independent special district (the "Lessee"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Lessor and Lessee executed the Lease relating to the lease of certain wastewater system sites and systems; and WHEREAS, the Lessor and the Lessee desire to amend the definition of "Lessor Bonds" included in section 1.1 of the Lease. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the covenants and conditions hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto amend the Lease as follows: Section 1. The definition of "Lessor Bonds" in Section 1.1 of the Lease shall be amended to add the words "or other debt obligations" after the words "Lessor Bonds shall mean the bonds" on Line 20 of page 6 of the Lease. As amended, the definition of "Lessor Bonds" shall read as follows: "Lessor Bonds" shaH mean the bonds or other debt obligations to be issued by Monroe County, Florida to the limits of (a) the bonding capacity of the infrastructure sales surtax received by the Lessor and (b) the County's ability to levy special assessments in an amount not to exceed $4,500 per EDU. Section 2. All other terms of the Lease shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. Execution in Connterparts. This Amendment to the Lease may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and aU of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lessor and Lessee have caused this First Amendment to thv~ _ . 1 ~ ~~~ duly executed on the date set forth below their respective signatures. b-"< ';:~ --. ,I~, ,,- r'" v.,~. r- _J, ~"'" k. 'lil:-il, 1" . <.) ;' If........ . t~" "', -, ~ ~\~{~). . ~~Y)L. Kolhage, Clerk Bylho t .tJ(} I~ [Deputy] Cle q.J [f. oS Monroe County Attorney Approved as to Form By: 1 Date: I - J.i - 1960 (SEAL) Attest: By: .~ The lorida Keys Aqueduct Authority General Counsel Approved as to Form d~/j deneral 0 el Date: / /- :;( ;) . 0 S' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLO A, as Lessor By: Charles "Sonny" McCoy Mayor/Chairman Date: 0'1-01 g--a.J' ~ 0 :z )> ;o(")z o,....z "';>;-< C"). ,.... 00' c:-;:<: :=?Jo -tn' ;<:-i~ .." ~ ,.... G> 1> ...., THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY, as Lessee By: '--f)(a~(l;",.. Mary Rice, alrman Date: /1-9:;1-05 3 ~ .... .... g'O ~ :z N o -0 :% ~ .." .-- m o ." <=> :::0 :::0 fTI M o ;;0 o Ll COpy FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION # 06-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AutHORITY DELEGATING CERTAIN AUTHORIZATION TO IT'S CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT #1 TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 1005 BETWEEN mE FKAA AND MONROE COUNTY, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF OCTOBER 17, 1005. WHEREAS, the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) was created by Special Legislation, Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended; and WHEREAS, based on FKAA Enabling Legislation as amended, the FKAA has exclusive was1ewater jurisdiction in unincolpOl'llted Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the FKAA and Monroe County entered ioto a Memorancimn of Understanding (MOU), in May, 1998, which established criteria for the development of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, Monroe County is authorized by Sec. 125.01(1), Florida Statute, to provide, assist in providing, and fund centralized wastewater treatment systems; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has provided funding sources for wastewaler projects by obtaining Fedeml and State Grants, and conunilling tax revenues; and WHEREAS. the FKAA and the County signed an Inter-Local Agreement on September 6, 2005 defining their respective roles and responsibilities in the establishment of wastewater systems in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the Inter-Local Agreement further provided in Paragraph 4.04 that the County and the FKAA agreed to enter into a lease consistent with the provisions of that agreement; and WHEREAS, the FKAA Board of Directors did approve a Lease Agreement with Monroe County on September 22, 2005; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Monroe County to amend the abovementioned Lease Agreement to allow Monroe County to seek alternative funding options for wastewater projects within the County. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Board of Directors does herehy: AUTHORIZE THE FKAA BOARD CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT #1 TO THE LEASE AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 2005 BETWEEN THE FKAA AND MONROE COUNTY, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE Of OCTOBER 21, 2005. ADOPTED THIS 21th DAY OF OCTOBER,~. FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUcr1UTHORlTY By: \-/ flp,j/;h1' ?;L-c <' Mary L. Rice' rmaa (Corporate Seal) /'\ Elea INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BElWEEN MONROE COUNTY AND FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY FOR THE BIG COPPfIT REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER SYSTEM /' TIllS IN1ERLOCAL AGREEMENT (Agreement) is entered into this ar day of t1,/~ , 2006, pursuant to Florida Statute Sec. 163.oJ, by and between Monroe County ~;ty): a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA), an independent special district. WHEREAS, the County is authorized by Florida Statute Sec. 125.01(1) to provide, assist in providing, and fund centralized wastewater treatment systems; and WHEREAS, Section 6, Chapter 99-395, Laws of Florida, and the County's Comprehensive Plan require that certain wastewater treatment levels be achieved by the year 2010, which levels can best be achieved by central wastewater treatment systems; and WHEREAS, the FKAA is authorized by Chap. 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended, and Chapter 98-519, Laws of Florida, to design, construct, and operate, wastewater treatment systems; and WHEREAS, the FKAA and the County have entered into previous interlocal agreements establishing and confirming their ongoing partnership in providing wastewater facilities in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the County adopted Ordinance No. 38-2002, authorizing the levy of ad valorem taxes in the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit, in order to provide an initial source of funding for the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Project (Project); and WHEREAS, FKAA has initiated planning, design and other services for the Project for which it may be paid with taxing unit funds; and WHEREAS, the County by Interlocal Agreement dated September 6, 2005, and by Master Lease dated as of September 6, 2005, has committed to seek funding through federal and state grants and loans and the issuance of revenue bonds backed by the pledge of infrastructure sales tax; and will be providing additional funds to the FKAA for the administration, planning and <A>nstruction of future wastewater projects in unincorporated Monroe County; and WHEREAS, the County may have other funding mechanisms, including but not limited to infrastructure sales tax, grant and loan funding and ad valorem taxes, available to it for the provision of sewers and wastewater treatment; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2006, the County passed Resolution No. 199-2006 to appropriate the first Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) for the Project; and WHEREAS, County and FKAA desire to put in place procedures for the allocation, expenditure, and reimbursement of funds for the Project; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual consideration and promises set forth below, the parties agree as follows: I. COUNTY FUNDING. The County by resolution of its Board of County Commissioners, shall appropriate from any lawfully available source, those funds which have been duly approved for the estimated costs of administration, planning and construction of the Project, which shall not exceed Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000). These funds are in addition to the Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) previously authorized under Resolution No. 199-2006. Municipal Service Taxing Unit ad valorem tax proceeds colleeted by County shall be provided to FKAA as part of the funding under this Agreement and shall be disbursed as described in paragraph 3 below. Before such disbursement, County may deduct its costs of administration and professional costs from the MSTU funds collected. As the Project progresses, and estimates are altered to reflect a combination of actual costs incurred and changes in pricing due to contracts resulting from bid processes, or other changed conditions, the FKAA shall provide such information to the County. This Agreement shall be modified as necessary to reflect such changes in the estimates in order to provide for adequate funding to be available for the timely and efficient construction of the project. The amount of the funding may be changed by written amendment to this Agreement approved by tbe parties. 2. PROJECT. The Project shall consist of a collection system, transmission main and method of treatment to Advanced Wastewater Treatment standards sufficient to serve the needs of the residents and businesses in the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit. Both FKAA and County shall perform their respective obligations and responsibilities under the Interlocal Agreement dated September 6, 2006. Attached are a project area map and project description (Exhibit A). 3. EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. The FKAA shall begin to utilize the Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) originally awarded and described in Paragraph I for the administration, planning, design and complete construction of the Project. Thereafter, during the course of the Project, the FKAA may request reimbursement for payments made by FKAA upon submission of documentation of previous expenditures from the Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000.00) until the total amount allocated by the County is exhausted. The FKAA shall submit this documentation to the County Senior Administrator (CSA) for Sewer Projects describing the services performed and stating for which wastewater districtlProject the funds were expended. The submission must be in a form satisfactory to the CSA and Clerk of the Circuit Court (Clerk). If the CSA approves the submission, she shall forward the same to the Clerk. If the CSA or the Clerk determine that the submission is unacceptable, either of them shall return it to the FKAA in writing with a written description of the deficiency(ies). 4. FISCAL CONTROLS AND OUARTERLY REPORTS. The FKAA shall establish fiscal controls and fund accounting procedures that comply with generally accepted government accounting principles, satisfactory to the Clerk, in order to assure that the funds provided to the FKAA are spent for the purposes set forth in this Agreement. All FKAA financial records pertaining to this Agreement must be made available, upon request, to the Clerk, an auditor employed by the County or the State of Florida. The records must be retained by the FKAA for five years following the receipt by the FKAA of its last payment pursuant to this Agreement. Any funds transferred by the County to the FKAA under this Agreement that are determined by the Clerk, or an auditor employed by the County or employed by the State to have been spent on a purpose not contemplated by this Agreement must be paid back to the County with interest calculated pursuant to Florida Statute Sec. 55.03(1), from the date the auditor determines the funds were expended for a purpose not authorized by this Agreement. The FKAA agrees to provide the Clerk with quarterly status reports concerning the expenditure of these funds in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. 5. RECORDS - ACCESS AND AUDITS. FKAA shall maintain adequate and complete records for a period of five years after termination of this Agreement. The State, the County, their officers, employees, agents and contractors shall have access to FRAA's books, records, and document. related to this Agreement upon request. The access to and inspection of such books, records, and documents by the aforementioned government representatives shall occur at any reasonable time. 6. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES FKAA is, and shall be an independent contractor and not an agent or servant of the County. FKAA shall exercise control, direction, and supervision over the means and manner that its personne~ contractors and volunteers perform the work for the purpose of this Agreement. FKAA sball have no authority whatsoever to act on behalf of or as agent of tbe County in any promise, Agreement or representation other than specifically provided for in this Agreement. The County shall at no time be legally responsible for any negligence on the part ofFKAA, its employees, agents or volunteers resulting in either bodily or personal injury or property damage to any individual, property or corporation. 7. TAXES. FKAA must pay all taxes and assessments, if any, including any sales or use tax, levied by any government agency with respect to FKAA's operations related to this Agreement. 8. INSURANCE. The parties to this Agreement stipulate that each is a state governmental agency as defined by Florida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suitable Public Liability, Vehicle Liability, and Workers' Compensation insurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and all claims under federal or state actions for civil rights violations not limited by Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, as well as any and all claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, arising out of the activities governed by this Agreement. To the extent allowed by law, each party shall be responsible for any acts of negligence on the part of its employees, agents, contractors, and subcontractors and shall defend, indemnity and hold the other party harmless from all claims arising out of such actions. FKAA agrees to keep in full force and effect the required insurance coverage during the term of this Agreement. If the insurance policies originally purchased which meet the requirements of this lease are canceled, terminated or reduced in coverage, then FKAA must immediately substitute complying policies so that no gap in coverage occurs. Copies of current policy certificates shall be filed with the County whenever acquired or amended. 9. HOW HARMLESS, To the extent allowed by law, FKAA is liable for and must fully defend: r~lease, discharge, indemnity and hold hannless the County, the members ofthe County CommiSSIOn, County officers and employees, County agents and contractors, and the Sheriff's ~ce, its officers and employees, from and against any and all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, costs and expenses of whatever type - including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs - that arise out of or are attributable to FKAA's ope~~~ons in. connection with this Agreement except for those claims, demands, damages, habllltles, actions, causes of action, losses, costs and expenses that are the result of the sole negligence of the County. FKAA's purchase of the insurance required under this Agreement does not release or vitiate its obligations under this paragraph. FKAA does not waive any of its sovereign immunity rights including but not limited to those expressed in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes. 10. NON-DISCRIMINATION. FKAA and County agree that there will be no discrimination against any person, and it is expressly understood that upon a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that discrimination has occurred, this Agreement automatically terminates without any further action on the part of any party, effective the date of the court order. FKAA and County agree to comply with all Federal and Florida statutes, and all local ordinances, as applicable, relating to nondiscrimination. These include but are not limited to: 1) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (pL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin; 2) Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended (20 USC ss. 1681-1683, and 1685-1686), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex; 3) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (20 USC s. 794), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicaps; 4) The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended (42 USC ss. 6101- 6107) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; 5) The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (PL 92-255), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Act of 1970 (PL 91-616), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; 7) The Public Health Service Act of 1912, 55. 523 and 527 (42 USC 55. 69Odd-3 and 290ee-3), as amended, relating to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patent records; 8) Title vm of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 USC s. et seq.), as amended, relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental or financing of housing; 9) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC s. 1201 Note), as maybe amended from time to time, relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability; 10) Monroe County Code Ch. 13, Art. VI, prohibiting discrimination on the bases of race, color, sex, religion, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial status or age; and II) any other nondiscrimination provisions in any Federal or state statutes which may apply to the parties to, or the subject matter of, this Agreement. 11. GOVERNING LAW VENUE. INTERPRETATION. COSTS. AND FEES. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made and to be performed entirely in the State. In the event that any cause of action or administrative proceeding is instituted for the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the County and FKAA agree that venue shall lie in the appropriate court or before the appropriate administrative body in Monroe County, Florida. Neither this Agreement nor any of its terms is subject to arbitration. The County and FKAA agree that, in the event of conflicting interpretations of the terms or a term of this Agreement by or between any of them the issue shall be submitted to mediation prior to the institution of any other administrative or legal proceeding. Mediation proceedings initiated and conducted pursuant to thi. Agreement shall be in accordance with the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure and usual and customary procedures required by the circuit court of Monroe County. 12. ~E~RABILITY. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement (or the applIcation thereof to any circumstance or person) shall be declared invalid or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, covenants conditions and provisions of this Agreement, shall not be affected thereby; and each rem~ining term, covenant, condition and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law unless the enforcement of the remaining terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this Agreement would prevent the accomplishment of the original intent ofthis Agreement. The County and FKAA agl'ee to reform the Agreement to replace any stricken provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intent of the stricken provision. 13. ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS. The County and FKAA agree that in the event any cause of action or administrative proceeding is initiated or defended by any party relative to the enforcement or interpretation of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, investigative, and out-{)f-pocket expenses, as an award against the non-prevailing party, and shalt include attorney's fees, courts costs, investigative, and out-of-pocket expenses in appeltate proceedings. 14. BINDING EFFECT. The terms, covenants, conditions, and provisions of this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the County and FKAA and their respective legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 1 ,. AUTHORITY. Each party represents and warrants to the other that the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary County and corporate action, as required by law. 16. CLAIMS FOR FEDERAL OR STATE AID. FKAA and County agree that each shall be, and is, empowered to apply for, seek, and obtain federal and state funds to further the purpose of this Agreement; provided that all applications, requests, grant proposals, and funding solicitations shalt be approved by each party prior to submission. 17. ADJUDICATION OF DISPUTES OR DISAGREEMENTS. County and FKAA agree that all disputes and disagreements shall be attempted to be resolved by meet and confer sessions between representatives of each of the parties. If no resolution can be agreed upon within 30 days after the first meet and confer session, the issue or issues shall be discussed at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. If the issue or issues are still not resolved to the satisfaction of the parties, then any party shall have the right to seek such relief or remedy as may be provided by this Agreement or by Florida law. 18. COOPERATION. In the event any administrative or legal proceeding is instituted against either party relating to the formation, execution, performance, or breach of this Agreement, County and FKAA agree to participate, to the extent required by the other party, in all proceedings, hearings, processes, meetings, and other activities related to the substance of thi s Agreement or provision of the services under this Agreement. County and FKAA specifically agree that no party to this Agreement shalt be required to enter into any arbitration proceedings related to this Agreement. 19. COVENANT OF NO INTEREST. County and FKAA covenant that neither presently has any interest, and shall not acquire any interest, which would conflict in any manner or degree with its performance under this Agreement, and that only interest of each is to perform and receive benefits as recited in this Agreement. 20. CODE OF ETHI~ County agrees that officers and employees of the County recognize and w!1l be r~uired !o comply with tbe standards of conduct for public officers and employees as dehneated m SectIon 112.313, Florida Statutes, regarding, but not limited to, solicitation or acceptance of gifts; doing business with one's agency; unauthorized compensation; misuse of public position, conflicting employment or contractual relationship; and disclosure or use of certain information. 21. NO SOLICITATION/PAYMENT. The County and FKAA warrant that, in respect to itself it has neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a bona fide empl~yee working solely for it, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for it, any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement: For the ~reach ~r violation of the provision, the FKAA agrees that the County shall have the nght to termmate thiS Agreement without liability and, at its discretion, to offset from monies owed, or otherwise recover, the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration. 22. PUBLIC ACCESS. The County and FKAA shall allow and permit reasonable access to, and inspection of, all documents, papers, letters or other materials in its possession or under its control subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and made or received by the County and FKAA in conjunction with this Agreement; and the County shall have the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement upon violation of this provision by FKAA. 23. NON-WAIVER OF IMMUNlTY. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 786.28, Florida Statutes, the participation of the County and the FKAA in this Agreement and the acquisition of any commercial liability insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any contract entered into by the County or the FKAA be required to contain any provision for waiver. 24. PRIVTJ FGES AND IMMUNITIES. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemptions from laws, ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief, disability, workers' compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the County or the FKAA, when performing their respective functions under this Agreement within the territorial limits of the County shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers, agents, volunteers, or employees outside the territorial limits of the County. 25. LEGAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSffiILITIES Non-Delegation of Constitutional or Statutory Duties. This Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, relieving any participating entity from any obligation or responsibility imposed upon the entity by law except to the extent of actual and timely performance thereof by any participating entity, in which case the performance may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility. Further, this Agreement is not intended to, nor shall it be construed as, authorizing the delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the County, except to the extent permitted by the Florida constitution, state statute, and case law. 26. NON-Rr:LIANCE BY NON-PARTIES. No person or entity shall be entitled to rely upon the terms, or any of them, of this Agreement to enforce or attempt to enforce any third- party claim or entitlement to or benefit of any service or program contemplated hereunder, and the County and the FKAA agree that neither the County nor the FKAA or any agent, officer, or employee of either shall have the authority to inform, counsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individual or group of individuals, entity or entities, have entitlements or benefits under this Agreement separate and apart, inferior to, or superior to the community in general or for the purposes contemplated in this Agreement. 27. ATTESTATIONS. FKAA agrees to execute such documents as the County may reasonably require, to include a Public Entity Crime Statement, an Ethics Statement, and a Drug- Free Workplace Statement. 28. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY. No covenant or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant or agreement of any member, officer, agent or employee of Monroe County or the FKAA in his or her individual capacity, and no member, officer, agent or employee of Monroe County or the FKAA shall be liable personally on this Agreement or be subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason ofthe execution of this Agreement. 29. EXECUTION IN COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original, all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same instrument and any of the parties hereto may execute this Agreement by singing any such counterpart. 30. SECTION HEADINGS. Section headings have been inserted in this Agreement as a matter of convenience of reference only, and it is agreed that such section headings are not a part of this Agreement and will not be used in the interpretation ofany provision of this Agreement. 31. TERMINATION. The County may treat FKAA in default and terminate this Agreement immediately, without prior notice, upon failure of FKAA to comply with any provision related to compliance with all laws, rules and regulations. This Agreement may be terminated by County due to breaches of other provisions of this Agreement if, after written notice of the breach is delivered to FKAA, FKAA does not cure the breach within 7 days following delivery of notice of breach. The County may terminate this Agreement upon giving sixty (60) days prior written notice to FKAA. Any waiver of any breach of covenants herein contained shall not be deemed to be a continuing waiver and shall not operate to bar either party from declaring a forfeiture for any succeeding breach either of the same conditions or covenants or otherwise. Should the Agreement be terminated, County shall pay for reimbursable costs to the effective date of termination. Termination of this Agreement for this project shall have no effect on any other agreement between the County and the FKAA. 32. ASSIGNMENT. FKAA may not assign this Agreement or assign or subcontract any of its obligations under this Agreement without the approval of the County's Board of County Commissioners. All the obligations of this Agreement will extend to and bind the legal representatives, successors and assigns ofFKAA and the County. 33. SUBORDINATION. This Agreement is subordinate to the laws and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, and the County, whether in effect on commencement of this Agreement or adopted after that date. 34. INCONSISTENCY. If any item, condition or obligation of this Agreement is in conflict with other items in this Agreement, the inconsistencies shall be construed so as to give meaning to those terms which limit the County's responsibility and liability. 35. GOVERNING LAWSIVENUE. This Agreement is governed by the laws oftbe State of Florida and the United States. Venue for any dispute arising under this Agreement must be in Monroe County, Florida. In the event of any litigation, the prevailing party is entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee and costs. 36. Enncs CLAUSE. FKAA warrants that it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition of Section 2 of ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this provision, the County may, in its discretion, terminate this Agreement without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the Agreement or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. 37. CONSTRUCTION. This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by FKAA and County. Therefore, this Agreement is not to be construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 38. NOTICES. Notices in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, must be sent by certified mail to the fullowing: COUNTY: County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 FKAA Executive Director 1100 Kennedy Drive Key West, FL 33040 39. FULL UNDERSTANDING. This Agreement is the parties' final mutual understanding. It replaces any earlier agreements or understandings, whether written or oral. This Agreement cannot be modified or replaced except by another written and signed agreement 40. ANNUAL APPROPRIATION: Funding by County is subject to an annual appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners. . ..IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and )1lQ~Ve written. ;' '}~i~ ~~;'> . '. i";f;i::."~1r~, \' ",: , .~ . . ~\ .; ~~~/J ~-:: .~' '. -,' . - -- -; ~. +':epU;L erk .,,~ BOARD OF CO OF MONROE C .... ~ ~ r- ..... r= fTl o ..... o ;0 ;0 ." 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Ask. .;;,-kcs Lv---,.,.• ,e.! iii .• 7,...,7 ':.1,:.''::::• '-----r------ Al--''''''' ‘to ' , «a,-----_..11,- -- ..: Florida Keys _..... • Aqueduct Authority Meeting Agenda a Introductions ■ Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ■ Monroe County ■ Department of Health ■ Department of Environmental Protection o Reclaimed Water Overview Improvements & Schedule Et Funding Status & Assessments a Connection Processes Florida Agency o FKAA and County Agreement - 2005 • System Ownership • Lease arrangement `` Florida Keys fto Aqueduct Authority f-, �� J rf� 51rJ 0 Reclaimed water is wastewater that has been. highly treated and disinfected so that it can be safely used for irrigation and other non-potable (non-drinking) uses. r� J • Reduce your monthly water bill • Dispose effluent in an environmentally friendly manner • Extend the life of drinking water supply resources, postponing the funding of costly additional potable water infrastructure • Provide an irrigation supply during drought restrictions iiiiiic] jVitr ifsi Interest not interested 9% interested need more 36% Utilization info 24% Maw V1ttland Restoration Industrial 4% 1% interested if Other cheaper Aesthetic 2% Irrigation 31% 13% `, 38% Washdown 42% 6 0 El 0 TUA V • ,J- 77; r1 .1 ,f, r, [ J ,,, ill 1 e 7 I • Big Coppitt Wastewater System o Central wastewater system o Service Area • Big Coppitt Key • Geiger Key • Rockland Key • Shark Key II Ill 1\0111, Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Big Coppitt Wastewater System o Approximately 1,600 EDUs o Wastewater Collection System • Gravity Systems Wastewater Treatment Plant Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority Wastewater Contract Areas ;• it,-ip .1,-4,77 yip Shark, . Key ..,. , ... . Big ., Coppit . - .r. ,• Rockland -Gulf 1,' ,,' : - ,, c. ... t. , a, . . ., ••••or ,...,..,:. i .- 4, • • A - I , . . iii ,I •..t „pi-,Y.,I, _ _. - .. .... _ ,.. pi - •.. , -Tf-e ' ....«.— i lo' -tirr. '4 . ,- Geigt" • "imp - .,--% key p• i. .• o' ,P,, ,•,' „.-- ,. , „ - -..., ' '' balk -- ,: ; 4-..c.A , !v.is: 4- 'PP -4-1Z'ii,P6 . , , • • - • a .... . _ - -'`i .or. • . . ... • - .. - It c• ,-liartio. 1 . •• • . Treatment Plant Location 1,:• .,„.........: , ........„ f- • 401 .1' . . . , • •-t r 16 i ._.. _ „.. . ia, a, . •-• .,, i 1 : • V. r ^,,-.`' , . • ' "In.^. -,. -- ' -,•-pg- .... ,„,..- ..., usrer- 4 1 F • . • • ,. ••• ,—.. • • ., _er ' .). ' , - -L."' _ *: '1 i,I r., 1 ' o 44 fk ,.. , . — . ,,,f, ' • • 3( . slit 1 4'id' ' .. *4 4417,--<- '-: 11! '• . -.- ,,,--- - ., .. .or . . .. ... Plant : . .„ .1„ ,. t.,...r, ..1 - , .. • Location I i . , „ \ .„ . is irr. .. ... 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" „..._,:, '• ' ' " .••,. -• • . - :‘ • • •. -.s • •• • •.....7•IMr...--"..." .4.- Project Schedule ASONDJ F MAMJ J A SONDJ F MAMJ J ASOND u e c o e a e a p a u u u e c o e a e a p a u u u e c o e Yg p t v c n b r r y n I g p t v c n b r r y n I g p t v c Activity 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 77 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Collection Syste Construction •.�_ acts 2, 3, 4 and _ s 5 Wastewater Treatment Plant Bidding Contract Award VVWTP Construction Start Up Customer Hook Ups Hook Up Period : What Do You Pay System Development Charge for your share of the project's capital costs ■ Based on Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs)-S4,500/EDU ■ Payable either in full or over 20 years through a non ad valorem assessment on your annual tax bill o Cost of installing your lateral to connect to the system at the street o Wastewater Monthly User Charge for operation of the system n Reclaimed Water Monthly User Charge for operation Assessment Procedures System Development Charge for your share of the project's capital costs ■ Based on Equivalent Dwelling Units (EDUs) ■ Payable either in full or over 20 years through a non ad valorem assessment on your annual tax bill o Schedule o Appeals Customer Hook ,,, is ti� � .. _. .a a ,-J19J - _. ,,, n L r .,. _ i w R. } '_ , -44 ro h N','IL ! : : -. y:: : T• t Y � }.x, , _g. any: L: -..T: •* 4 :"— �. -'I • M Y} R '_ �`r4r •'T.. y _ Nrttm .' '3• `mil i, ' 'a r . xA 4; y a w. xl� x. a:. S ^. Y e V• l4 !t1a ss.a •.y.' .s - � n 'Y • .. } _ x �; Connection Process Fl.()K:►t.)as l*f'AR`PsMEN1 OF `•" ' 3+ 1, i t •41 :.-J Wastewater IL Iti� \ -)1 -ili:0'-'4',1 Liaison Customer/ Property Owner Connection Process Customer Connection Summary a Plan Ahead a 30 Day Notice a Tasks ■ Hire Plumber or ■ Obtain Permits ■ Begin Construction ■ Acquire Inspections ■ Complete Construction & Abandonment Questions and A ( . .,) .. N. . - .„60,10 _, ,____' ww • AIARGO . F. IER 9 •y;w. lapr,• �..rrr wrr/rt-'dv'ss.. s "°`�.. w�wr� �<<.. .,,,, BIG 1.111E uw%cos w MWIATMON �f iii KEY WEST Florida Keys ' Aqueduct Authority APPENDIX D - TECHNICAL MEMOS o B ROIl \! H]) ( \ I [) 1\ f I [ TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM Bill Eleazer, P.E., Brown and Caldwell Victor Boero, Ph.D., Brown and Caldwell Stu Oppenheim, P.E., Brown and Caldwell DATE: September 2X, 2006 SUBJECT: Technical Memorandum # 2 - Influent Design Parameters BACKGROUND This Technical Memorandum (fM) serves to define tbe influent design parameters for the new Big Coppitt W\1I/rp. This 'I'M does not address individual process unit design parameters, but rather only serves to determine the overall influent flow and concentrations which will be used as the basis for deterrnining individual process unit design parameters. FKA.A.. provided Brown and Caldwell (Be) with a set of data for contributory sources and local similar treatment facilities and these data were analyzed and recommendations regarding the influent design parameters for the new Big Coppitt WWTP are provided at the end of this 'I'M. For referencing to the data, the following diagram portrays schematically the major elements of the new Big Coppitt \Xl\vTP collection system. R<>~'k:an~;-~JC-;~;'J ,<-'O"'''llltutY Rockland GUll CO'nt1:U1'-'p; --... s.,.uk h'-I- <0",.",,,:0 C",ig..., J..::~, C:onJJ1UUUrV ~___~ ~..Y H~'--"l1 ,S..n~c.. '""_~ Figure 1- Schematic of Big Coppin WWTP Contributory Sources Technical I'vfemorandum 2 Page 2 September 28, 2006 After review of the available data it was determined that the data set provided was sufficient to determine the flow, BOD, TSS, TI,,",", and TP influent design parameters for the plant and that additional sampling and flow rnonitoring \vould not he required to determine these influent design characteristics for the Big Coppitt \'V'WTP. A.dditional sampling may be recommended to further refine the sub-constituents of each of these pararneters and to aid in the design of this plant as it progresses into final design. For example; for BOD, a more complete understanding of the fraction of soluble versus insoluble BOD wuuld be helpful for the process design as would the fractions of .Ammonia, Nitrate, and Nitrite in the available TN. 'I'he recomnwndaticltls regarding this additional special sampling are included in Technical Memorandum #3 - Sampling and Modeling Strategy. FLOW Table 1 summarizes the wastewater flow recomrnendations developed in concert with FKAA and Hoyle Engineering (coIlection system engineering frim) for the conglomerized Big Coppitt service area and the Key Haven service area. Notes regarding their general derivation are provided in the table with more specifics provided later in this text. Table 1- 2026 ADF Wastewater Flows for Big Coppitt WWTP Service Area Flow (gpd) Comments Big Coppitt Service Area 2026 A.verage Daily Flow (ADF) 216,000 Derived from water use records in the Big Coppitt Service Area with growth provided hy FKA.A. based on available building lots and adjusted for systemwater loss & I/L Key Haven Service Area 2026 Average Daily Flow (ADF) 106,000 Average daily flow incoming to the Key Haven package plant provided by fKAA (96,000 gpd) plus a nominal 10% grm;vth provided by FI0\A based on available building lots. Technical Memorandum 2 Page 3 September 28, 2006 Peak Hour Flow (PHI') and Peak Day Flow (PDF) arc critical to the design of the process units as different process units utilize different design flow parameters for sizing. For example, headworks stluctures such as screening units are generally sized using the PHF and secondary treatment SBR units are sized using peak day loading conditions. This is not a cOlnprehensive detailing of how each process unit is sized, but rather serves to delineate the need for credible PlIF and PDF values. Average Daily Flow (ADF) The only available data for the Big Coppitt contributory sources is water use data as this collection systen1 does not yet exist. It is generally recognized that between 60%1 and 90%1 of the water dispensed in a given collection system is returned as wastewater (inclusive of inflow and infiltration on an ADF basis) and as such Be recommends de~rating the water use values to account for this water loss. The wastewater discharged versus the water produced difference is attributable to varying factors including but not limited to losses within the distribution system itself due to leaking underground distribution piping, use in final product by industrial and commercial users (for example the rock quarry within the Big Coppitt service area), and in lawn and garden irrigation. The lower return value of 60~/o is typically found in wanner, drier climates where more irrigation and watering occurs \vhile the higher return value is typically found in rnore rainy areas (stimulating less lawn and garden irrigation) and with older collection systems (stimulating significantly more 1/1). FKAA provided Be with water supply rates versus wastewater generation rates for several areas near and within the proposed collection system. The differences are noted as follows: . Key Haven Service Area: ADF Water Supplied: ADF W'astewater Produced: 126,000 gpd 96,000 gpd W'aste\vater Produced/Waster Supplied: 76%~ ~Note that K..y Hanon currently has a significant 1/1 isSll(' and is currently under a consent order tu rectify their system. The 76"/0 rdurn rate is indusiv.. of this I/I issue. . Layton Service A rea: ADF Water Supplied: ADF Wastewater Produced: 18,000 gpd 8,300 gpd' \Xlastewater Produced/W"aster Supplied: 46% t A~ of the writing- of thi, TM, approximately 6(10"0 of th", Layton service areas was C"lUH:,cted. Actual \'i./'J,/ l'f'c('iv..rl. at the Layton plant was approximately 5,000 gpd. 8.30U g:pd is an eXlrapolated value. Technical Memorandum 2 Page 4 September 28, 2006 . Baypoint Service Area: AI)}! Water Supplied: ADF W'llstcwater Produced: \\/astewater Produccd/\Vllster Supplied: 44,Ono gpd 27,Ono gpd 610/0 *" A, of the writing of thi, TM, approximatdy 85%, of tiw Raypoint ,ervice areas was cOlmecteo. Actual '\i\,''l./ received at the Haypoint plant wa~ approximately 23,OUO gpcl. 27,000 gpd i~ >Ul <:xtrapnl>rkd v~llle. . Seaside Service Area: ADJ' Water Supplied: ADF W'astewater Produced: \X>'astewater Produced/W'aster Supplied: 20,000 gpd 11,000 gpd. 55% · Little Venice Service Area: FKAA provided Be with an estimated return rate of between 50-60% for this service area. Bad.LlP data was not provided. Based on the historical water produced versus wastewater discharged for these service areas it is recommended that a de~rating of 70% (not inclusive of III) be employed to the Big Coppitt Key service area water use values to generate wastewater produced. An III factor should be applied to this based on an appropriate III allowance for a new system. It should be noted that firm wastewater values fOf the Key Haven service area were available (provided by FKAA) and wefe thus used. Brown and Caldwell worked closely with FK...AA and Boyle Engineering, the Big Coppitt collection system design engineering firm, on the development of this return rate. A table provided to BC by FKAA regarding the water usage estimates for the future build~out condition in the Big Coppitt service area is presented here. Table 2 - Average Water Flow Projections at Build-out for Big Coppitt Service Type Equivilant Discharge Total Water Usage!" Water Usage per Unit (gpd) EDU (gpd) Residential 1,342 209,352 156 Comrnericial 135 2C1,996 156 Potpoise Point 24 3,569 149 Seaside 199 17,669 89 T echniclll Memorandum 2 Page 5 September 28, 2006 Table 2 -Average Water Flow Projections at Bnild-out for Big Coppitt Service Type Equivilant Discharge Total \Vater Usage!" Water Usage per Unit (gpd) EDU (gpd) Total 1,700 251,586 :\rotes: 1) Residential water usage derived by averaging existing water usage [or residential customers in the Big Coppitt service area. 2) One EDC per vacant commercial lot were estimated. Applying a 70% de~rating to the Big Coppitt average water flow yields a wastewater generation rate of 176,110 gpd and applying an III allowance of 375 gpd/in/milc yields 40,000 gpd of III (provided by rKi\A) which yields a total average daily wastewater generated flow for the Big Coppitt service area estimate of 216,000 gpd. When this is added to the Key Haven ADF (106,000 gpd), a total Big Coppitt W\\7fP ADF of 322,000 gpd is calculated and recommended. Peak Daily Flow (PDF) BC reviewed water production data from the water treatment facility which serves the Big Coppitt Key communities. The 30-day moving average and the 30-day moving peak were calculated and Pigure 2 provides a summary of the average to peak factor for these 30-day moving values, R....... W..l." P"....,,,,,, P....k factors f :;!; '.' " ~ ~ i '0 , " ~ ~ M " I.J......"" "-Doe.oo ::,.~o ~,.~_~O 0",.. 31-o.c.O l"-c.,.Oo+ OOJ-O.o.::>". Figure 2 - Water Plant Peak Production Versus Average Day Production Based on the review of this data, it is recommended that a peak day factor of 1.25 for the Big Coppitt service area be utilized to obtain the peak day flow. It should be noted that currently, the Technical ;vlemorandum 2 Page 6 September 28, 2006 Key Haven service area has III problems which is causing the current peak day factor in Key Haven to be on the order on 2.0; however, aggressive repair efforts are currently underway and FKAA is currently working with the Key Haven service area such that the new Big Coppitt W\1VTP will not accept peak day flows in excess of 1.45 the ADF from Key Haven and this will either be attained by localized equalization or continued collection system repairs. Based on a 1.25 peak day factor for Big Coppitt and a 1.45 peak day factor for Key Haven it is calculated and recommended that a Peak Day Plow of 425,000 gpd be utilized for the design of the Big Coppitt w\'(TP. FKAA reviewed and concurred with this value and confirmed that this value matched their experience in their system. Peak Hour Flow (PHF) The peak hour flow is a very important design consideration as it is used to size the system headworks and many piping and transport facilities within the treatment system. It is widely recognized t1,at for a collection system of this size that a peak hour factor of 4.0 be employed which would yield a PHP for the combined collection system (Big Coppitt and Key Haven) entering the Big Coppitt WWTI' of 1.29 mgd. However, the collection system for the Big Coppitt service area is new and the engineering finn responsible for the collection system was contacted and the systcrn's design reviewed. \Xlith all of the pumps running simultaneously \vithin the collection system at their maximum output an instantaneous maximum flow of 558 gpm (804,000 gpd) was repotted. Adding this to a 4x value for the Key Haven ADF yields a combined peak hour flow estimate for the Big Coppitt WWTP of 1.23 mgd. It is recommended that a Peak Hour Flow of 1.23 mgd be utilized for the design of the Big Coppitt WW1'I'. Flow Summary Table 3 provides a sUIllrnary of the recommended flow parameters. Technic:11 i\fcmorandum 2 Page 7 September 28, 2006 Table 3 - Recommended Design Flow Parameters Parameter Flow (gpd) 322,000 425,000 1,230,000 2026 Average Daily Flow (ADr) 2026 Peak Day Flow (PDF) 2026 Peak Hour Plow (PHF) INFLUENT CONCENTRATIONS AND LOADS PI,"""'}, provided Be with available influent concentration data from significant non-Big Cop pitt- contributory local W\VfPs (Little Venice WWfP and Baypoint 'WWfP) and data from existing package plants within the future Big Coppitt wwrp service area which include the package plants at Caribbean Village, Porpoise Point, Seaside Resort, and Key Haven. These raw data are presented in Attachment 1 of this 'I'M. Little Venice data are composed of biweekly values determined from June 16,2004 through February 22, 2006. Daily influent \vastewater volurnes and 24-hr, flow-proportioned, c01nposite concentrations for BOD, TSS, TN, and '1'1' are reported. The data represent, therefore, daily average flows and concenteations enteting the plant at those days. Figure 3 provides chronological plots of influent daily average flows, concentrations, and loads for the J ,ittle Venice plant. The data indicate that: . Daily average flows and BOD and TSS loads consistently increased from June 2004 through ~larch 2005 after when they remained at approximately constant values. . TN and '1'1' daily average concentrations and loads show steady increases from October 2005 to the end of the data. Technical Memorandum 2 Page 8 September 28, 2006 6(Xl1 :J' 500 I ~~:k\' - to 100 \......~\r..... o --. ---,-----,----- 15-Jun-04 14-Sep-04 14-~c-04 15-Mar-05 14-Jun-05 13-Sep-05 13-Dec-05 l:~ >: . 200 ~ 150~ J'008 50 "' o 14-Mar-06 ,~, Da1e [_ cb~~~ntralion - LO_~d j '" f'! ~ ~:~~ ~ Cl BOOj S 600' 400 t' 200 '. 0-,,- 15-Jun-04 350 300 ~ ~ ~~~ 150~ . 100 ~ J:" t- 14-$ep-04 14-Dec-04 15-Mar-05 14-Jun-05 13-Sep-05 13-Dec-05 14-Mar-06 Date ~-Con~enlrat~n ~ L~d I 100- 80 :J' l 60 Z 40 t- 20 J rlL rd '~:JH "z '"t- , o~ 0 15-Jun.04 14-Sep-04 14-Dec-04 15-Mar-05 14.Jun-05 13-Sep-05 13-Dec-05 14-lvtu.06 "", I ::--C"""_.ttoo:_.. . .:.~ 201 ~ 15 ~ S 10 go 5 0 15-Jun-04 10 8 ~6J _~ --l: t- 14-Sep-04 14-~-04 15-Mar-05 14-Jun-05 13-Sep.05 13-Dec-05 14-Mar-06 Date I~-- --I C-Conceniration -Load ----. 0.'01 ~ 000 ~ i :.:t' ] 002 "- 000 15-Jun_04 14-Sep_04 . I "" . ..~ -- j ...... - . ~\ /\ ! ..... '_ /'...1 .... ." -.. . . ,/ II .. . 14.Dec-04 15-Mar-05 14-Jun-05 13-Sep-05 13-Dec-05 14-Mar-06 Date Figure 3 - Little Venice Influent Daily Average Flows, Concentrations, and Loads Technical Memorandum 2 Page <) September 28, 2006 Daily average flow, BOD, TSS, TN, and TP concentrations and loads for the Little Venice Wastewater System from March 9, 2005 through Febmary 22, 2006 arc summarized in Table 4. Table 4 - Little Venice Wastewater System Data Summary Plow (mgd) BOD BOD 1'1' From March 9, 2005 through February 22, 2006 Count 27 27 26 9 9 27 26 9 9 Min 0.0430 100 142 34.0 4.50 44.2 61.2 16.9 2.51 Avg 0.0591 186 271 55.4 8.99 90.3 131 27.1 4.41 Max 0.0950 570 660 88.0 15.0 247 292 45.5 7.76 50"' Per 0.0560 170 253 47.0 9.0 80 49 25 3.6 95"' Per 0.0806 291 420 86.0 14.0 167 212 42 6.9 Baypoint Wastewater Treatment System data consist of two data sets: Set 1 from September 8, 2005 through Febmary 21, 2006 and Set 2 from March 6 through March 14, 2006. Set 1 data are composed of weekly influent wastewater grab (single) sample concentrations for BOD, TSS, TN, and TP. Single samples were collected the day of sampling at around 9:00 Al'! to noon and thus represent the concentrations which occur beh,veen 9:00 AIyl and noon at this facility. Baypoint Set 2 data are composed of 24-hr composite concentrations for BOD, TSS, TN, and TP. Set 2 data represent, therefore, daily average concentrations entering the plant. Daily average flow rates for Set 2 ranged from 0.022 to 0.027 mgd with an average of 0.0234 mgd. Figure 3 presents chronological plots of influent daily average flows, concentrations, and loads for the Baypoint plant Set 2 of data. Data from existing package plants \vithin the future Big Coppitt \X/\X>TP service area are composed of monthly average and monthly peak day flow rates and an average of 3 grab samples taken biweekly for influent wastewater concentrations of BOD and TSS, exccpt for the Key Haven concentration data Key Haven data included each of the three individual grab-sample values which werc taken. All of these samples were collected hetween 9:00 AM to noon and thus represent the average of the concentrations for these facilities bet\veen 9:00 _A_M and noon. Technical.~vlemoralldllm 2 Page 10 350 I ........300 ~250 E 200 0'150 0100 '" 50 o .-- 6-Mar 300 ........250 --' OJ 200 5150 ~ 1001 f- 50, 01 6-Mar September 28, 2006 --. 80 70 >: 60.g ~~ l 30" "200 -lOCO ------r-------'- 0 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar /-. --- -- - . ----- ,-------- -- _. -.----- ." 7-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar l1-Mar 12-Mar Date 1-. concentrali~-~_~LO~d I _./. 60 50 >: . 40" 30E = 20<1) 10 ~ o 14-Mar 15-Mar 7-Mar a-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar Date [~~_ Concentralion -Load 100l OJ' 1--= . '" 60 5 40 Z f- 20 0 12.0l 10.0 OJ' 80 E 60 I!: 4.0 20 0.0 6-Mar 0030 '& 0.025 50020 '* 0015 ~ 0.010 ~ 0,005 0.000 6-Mar 20 [15 >: . " 10 ~ = .~~--- ~ - - . Z f- 6-Mar o 9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar D... 7-Mar 8-Mar _Con~-ntratio~ -Load I 2.5 ~- -~------- .... -------- .- 2.0s:: . 1.5::g .0 1.0:::::- 0- 0.51- 00 7-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar Date l~_Concenlration-Load . "., '"" .-- ---- ---- - - ------ ------- --.-- ---- 7-Mar 8-Mar 9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar Date Figure 4 - Baypoint Influent Daily Average Flows, Concentrations, and Loads Technical Memorandum 2 Page 11 September 28, 2006 Fib'Ure 5 presents the probability plots for influent BOD and TSS concentrations determined for the single samples collected at Baypoint and at the package plants. The data indicate that both paran1eters are log-normally distributed and that maximum instantaneous BOD and TSS concentrations of 740 and 548 tng/L, respectively, are likely to occur but at less than 0.5 percent probability. 1,000 -j '" ~ 100':'" ~ " .J.M.",,"'" .,Ii ,. ,#"'" r I - T 99 99.9 99.99 ,,1+ 01 ----t--- I 1 5102030 50 70809095 Percent '" .. .s 100- o ~ 10 I 01 I I I I I I I 10 2030 50 70809095 99 99.999.99 Percent Figure 5 - Probability Plots of Baypoint and Package Plants Influent BOD and TSS Single Sample Concentrations Technical Memorandum 2 Page 12 September 28, 2006 Design Conditions It \-vas determined that the best way to calculate the anticipated influent pollutant concentrations for the Big Coppitt 'WWTP would be to utilize the data from the Little Venice treatment facility which had the rnost comprehensive available data and then compare that against the available grab sample data and available literature and Be experience base. The comparability of the service areas for the fuhlre Big Coppitt \V\,,"TP and the existing Little Venice WWTP were analyzed by field inspection of the service areas, review of aerial photography of the t\.vo service areas, review of the water cust01ner data bases and by direct discussions with FK.AA managernent and their operations team. It was determined that the t\:v'o service areas were similar enough to employ this approach and that this would then be back-checked against the grab sample data for the local package plants and professional engineering judgment of Be Design Concentration Determination Peak design loads for an influent wastewater should not be estirnated by sirnply rnultiplying the peak flow by the peak concentrations as the peak flow and peak concentrations are not likely to occur at the same time. A peak adjustment procedure which can be utilized is presented here. This procedure accounts for the simultaneous occurrence of peak flow and concentrations based on historical data analysis. Attachment 2 of this Ti\;f presents the summary calculation data for the approach detailed here. The calculation process to determine the concentrations at design flow and load for the parameters of interest (BOD, 1'55, TN, TP) consists of the following steps: 1. Calculation of tl,e daily average loads for the parameters based on dailyavemge flow and concentrations data. 2. Calculation of peak and 95th percentile daily flow, concentrations, and loads. 3. Calculation of the Concentration at -'laximum Flow and Load (CMFL) and Concentration at 95"' Percentile Flow and [,Dad (C95FL) for each parameter by dividing the peak or 95'" percentile daily parameter load by the peak or 95'" percentile daily flow. Technical Memorandum 2 Page 13 SeplemheT 28, 2006 The CMFI, and C9SFL for a parameter are measures of the probability that flow and parameter concentrations will enter the plant at their nuximutn or 95th percentile values at the same time. ] f historical data indicate a high degree of simultaneity of peak flows and pararlleter concentrations, the crv1FL for the parameter should be close to the paralneter peak day concentration. However, if historical data indicate that the peak flows and parameter concentrations occur randolnly, the C:~vfFL should be less than the peak day concentration for that parameter. Similarly, if historical data indicate a high degree of sirllultaneity of 95th percentile flows and parameter concentrations, the C95b'1, for the parameter should be close to the parameter 95th percentile day concentration. However, if historical data indicate that the 95th percentile flows and parameter concentrations occur randomly, the C9SFL should be less than the 9S'" percentile day concentration for that parameter. A table indicating the calculations of the CMFL and C9SFL for BOD, TSS, TN and TP for the Little Venice \X;'astewater System is presented in Attachlnent 2. The calculated peak CMFL values are: 312 mg/L for BOD, 368 mg/L for TSS. The calculated C9SFL values for each parameter are: 249 mg/L for BOD, 316 mg/L for TSS, 62 mg/L for TN, and 10.3 mg/L for TP. Daily average and peak day design flows and average, peak and 9S'" percentile concentrations and loads are summarized in Table S. Flow rates are those determined in the previous section, Flow. Concentrations under the Daily Average column are the J .little Venice average concentrations from March 200S through February 2006. The daily average loads are calculated multiplying the average concentrations by the daily average flow. Concentrations under the Peak Day column are the Little Venice CMFLs from March 200S through February 2006. The loads under this column are calculated multiplying the peak day concentration by the peak day flow. Concentrations under the 9S"' Percentile Day column are the Little Venice C9SFLs from March 200S through February 2006. The loads under this column are calculated multiplying the 9S'" percentile day concentration by the peak day flow. It is recomrllended that the 95th percentile values be utilized as the base values for consideration as the rnaximum reported concentrations (fable 5) indicate that the n1aximum values are approximately h\'o times and 1.6 times the 95th percentile values, respectively and are not Technical ,Vlemofandum 2 Page 14 September 28, 2006 representative of tnle Inass loading maximums \vhich would occur at peak flows. Using the concentrations based on the 95'h percentile data would reduce the effect of these extremely high peak values and would prevent an unreasonably conservative design. Table 5 - Estimated Design Condition for Big Coppitt WWTP Based on Little Venice Data Parameter Unit Day Flow BOD mgd mg/L Ibs/ day mg/L Ibs/ day mg/L Ibs/ day mg/L Ibs/ day TSS TN TP RECOMMENDATIONS Daily i\ verage 95'" Peak Percentile 0.322 186 495 271 721 55.4 147 9.0 23.9 0.425 312 1,106 368 1,304 0.425 249 883 316 1,120 62.0 220 10.3 36.5 Based on the results presented in this TM and in concert with Be's best professional judgement and in cooridination with FKAA's management and their confirmation that these results are in concurrence \vith their system experience, the recomn1ended influent design flow and pollutant concentrations for the Big Coppitt W\V1.P are provided in Table 6. These recommended values generally follow the 95'" percentile values determined during the CMFL analysis and are rounded up in recognition of the inherent inaclllracies in data analysis of this nahlrc. Table 6 - Recommended Influent Design Flow and Pollutant Concentrations Flow BOD TSS T:'\ TP (gpd) (mg/I.) (mg/I.) (mg/1.) (mg/I.) Average Day 322,000 200 275 56.0 9.0 Peak Day 425,000 250 320 62.0 11.0 ATTACHMENT 1 DATA PROVIDED BY FKAA ATTACHMENT 2 CALCULATION OF CONCENTRATIONS AT MAXIMUM FLOW AND LOAD BROII\ HD l \ I [) II F I l TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Bill Eleazer, P.E., Brown and Caldwell Stu Oppenheim, P.E., Brown and Caldwell DATE: January 30, 2007 SUBJECT: Technical Memorandum # 4 - FKAA Solids Management Strategy BACKGROUND This Technical Memorandum discusses the recommendations concerning the solids handling strategy for the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (Authority). With the increased participation of the Authority in wastewater treatment in .i\1onroe County, Florida, the Authority asked Brown and Caldwell to investigate solids handling strategies for its current and future plants and make recommendations. The Authority currently operates four waste\vater treatment plants in ~1onroc County and several more are in the design or scoping phases. Key information concerning these plants is presented in Table 1. The four plants which the Authority currently operates are the Baypoint \'V\'iiTP, the Hawks Cay W\\/TP, the Little Venice WWTP, and the Layton W\'V'TP. The Hawks Cay \'VWI'P is nearing the start of preliminary design of major renovations as most of the equipment at this plant has reached the end of its useful life. The Authority has two plants in the design stage; the Big Coppitt \\\x;TP which is nearing completion of its detail design, and will start-up approximately June, 2008, and the Cudjoe Key W\'VTP, which is beginning preliminary design, and will start-up approxitnately September, 200ft The Big Pine \,l\Xrrr which has not started preliminary design yet is quite a bit further off in its scheduling. It should be noted that for tlle purposes of this study, the Authmity asked that the Little Venice plant not be included as the operation of tbis plant will soon be transferred to the local governmental authority, the City of !v1arathon. Table 1- FKAA Wastewater Treatment Plant Summary Big Coppitt Baypoint Cudjoe Key Big Pine Hawks Cay Layton Status Final Design In Operation Preliminary Scoping In Operation with In Operation Design Major Renovations in Preliminary DcsibTJ1 Mile 9.5 15 21 31 61 69 Lvlarkcr ADF 323,000 gpd 60,000 gpd 400,000 gpd 500,000 gpd 200,000 gpd 60,000 gpd (Design) ADF 25,000 gpd 100,000 gpd 20,000 gpd (Current) Sludge 7,900 gpd 1,500 gpd 9,700 gpd 12,200 gpd 2,400 gpd 1,500 gpd Produced arl% Sludge 5,300 gpd 975 gpd 6,500 gpd 8,100 gpd 1,600 gpd 975 gpd Produced at 1.50/0 Dry 660 lb,/ day 120 lbs/ day 815lbs/day lOOO lb,/ day 200 lb5/ day 1201bs/day Sludge Produced Notes: 1. The values presented are approximate values for study purposes. At the current plants in operation; FKAA stores the sludge which has been wasted, gravity thickens this sludge using decant mechanisms and then contract hauls gravity thickened sludge (ranging from 1.5% to 2..1%) for off.site disposal. This evaluation generally looked at the following concepts. It should he noted that on.site digestion was not evaluated at the request of the Authority. o Gravity Thickening o Mechanical Thickening o Mechanical Thickening Followed by Dewatering o One Step Dewatering o One Step Dewatering Using a Portable Dewatering Machine 2 A brief description of these concepts with a discussion of the relative benefits and drawbacks follows. All of these concepts include off-site hauling to a landfill of the final sludge whether it is gravity thickened, mechanically thickened, or dewatered. GRAVITY THICKENING Currently, gravity thickening is the method employed by tbe Authority and is primarily employed at the Little Vellice \X!\X/TP. 'I'he benefit with this system is that it is relatively easy for the operations group to perform. The drawbacks are that increased storage and increased hauling are required. Gravity thickening can be used to increase the solids concentration from approximately l~/o to 1.5%} though the operations staff at Little Venice has been able to achieve up to 2.5% solids in some instances. It is believed that the amount of alum being added to the plant for phospborous precipitation helps to thicken the sludge to this concentration It is also believed that a degree of digestion is occurring in the Little Venice storage tank, which may be volatilizing a fraction of the sludge. In this case, the remaining sludge is that portion which would naturally tend to have a greater ability to be thickened. This degree of gravity thickcning~ however, is not considered standard and for this study, post gravity thickening to 1.5% was used. Additionally, the nominal amount of digestion occurring at the Little Venice plant \vas not considered. Table 2 presents the key data regarding this approach for the current and future \V\Vrp's in the system. Note again, this docs not include the Little Venice \V\,(/TP which is scheduled for transfer to the City of Marathon. The cost of hauling is very high in the Keys and as can be seen in Table 2. As the Authority's system grows, the yearly cost of hauling will quickly become extremely high. Taking the annual hauling cost total shown, the total cost of hauling 1.5U/o sludge over a 10 year petiod would exceed $35 million (in 2007 dollars). As indicated above, the plant operations staff occasionally can gravity thickent to 2.5 % and taking into consideration the possibility of thickening to 25%, the 2007 dollars hauling cost for the plants highlighted in Table 2 would be $2.1 million per year or $21 million over 10 years. Nevertheless, as can by these very high hauling costs, hauling marginally thickened sludge is not a practical long-term solution for the Authority. 3 Table 2 - Gravity Thickening Data Plant 30 Days Sludge Cost of Storage' Hauled Cost of Hauling Storage V 0lume1 V olume Per Per \T ear.' Y car (gallons) Big Coppitt \V\VfP 159,000 $ 395,000 1,934,000 $ 812,000 Baypoint \V\VTp3 356,000 $ 150,000 Cueljoe Key W\\CTP 195,000 $ 485,000 2,373,000 $ 997,000 Big Pine \V\VTI' 243,000 $ 600,000 2,957,000 $ 1,242,000 Hawks Cay W\,(Tp 48,000 $ 110,000 584,000 $ 245,000 Layton \Vwrp" 356,000 $ 150,000 Total $ 1,590,000 8,560,000 $ 3,596,000 1. At 1.5% solids. .., Includes tankage (for 30 days storage), aeration and ancillary equipment Though plants will be constructed at different times, 2007 dollars were used for this calculation. 3. Haypoint and I,ayton have existing storage tankage constructed and so new tankage costs were not included. 4. At $0.42 gallon for contract hauling for off-site disposal. 2007 dollars used for these costs though the different plants will come on-line at different times. MECHANICAL THICKENING J\fechanical thickening involves dle use of one of a number of thickening machines available to thicken the sludge to approximately 4%, The most common of these machines for this type of applications are the gravity belt thickener and the rotary drum thickener, The Little Venice plant has a rotary dnlffi thickener but it is not used as the operations staff has had trouble with its operation. Mechanical thickening is most common when the next step is digestion since the thickening of sludge allows the digestion tankage and equipment to be much smaller than if the digestion system was receiving un thickened sludge. :\Jonetheless, this option was included in this evaluation. The tnajor drawbacks with this option are that the hauling costs are not reduced significantly and continue to be an ongoing burden for the Authority; it adds a ne\\' treatment systetn at each plant requiring additional operations and maintenance, and \vould require t:\vo separate sludge storage tanks, one for unthickened sludge and one for thickened sludge. Note that it was assUfned that neither Layton nor Ba)point would receive this cquiplnent or tankage and instead \vould either be contract hauled as liquid sludge or contract hauled to the nearest FKAA plant with a thickening 4 facility for further processing. Table 3 presents the results of the mechanical thickening option and it should be noted that for the results presented, it was assumed tbat the sludge from Baypoint would be hauled to Cudjoe Key and the sludge from Layton would be hauled to Hawks Cay. Typically, a thickening machine can attain between 30/0 and 50/0 sludge; however, pumping of sludge at 50/0 becomes problernatic and so most plants try to attain just over 40/u thickened sludge. ror this analysis, thlCkening to 4(~/0 was utilized. Table 3 - Mechanical Thickening Data Plaot Mechanical Thickening Equipment and Sludge StOl<lge Costs1,2 Hauled Volume Per Y car3,4 (gallons) Cost of Hauling Per Year5 $ 680,000 Big Coppitt \VWTP Baypoint WWTP' Cudjoe Key W\xrrp Big Pine \XIWTP llawks Cay \VWTP Layton WIWTP' Total $ 775,000 $ 945,000 $ 545,000 $ 2,945,000 725,000 134,000 890,000 1,109,000 219,000 134,000 3,211,000 $ 305,000 $ 56,000 $ 374,000 $ 457,000 $ 92,000 $ 56,000 $1,348,000 1. I ncludes at each plant a 1.0 meter gravity belt thickener with ancillary equipment, sludge pumping equipment, 10 days of unthickened sludge storage and 5 days of thickened sludge storage tankage, tankage aeration and mixing equipment and ancillary/support equipment. Though plants would be constructed at different times, 2007 dollars were used. 2. Infrastructure costs include costs for additional equipment and tankage at Cudjoe and Hawks Cay required to receive the sludge from Baypoint and Layton, respectively. 3. Hauled volume of Baypoint and Layton sludge shown; however, it was assumed that unthickened sludge from 13a}point 'would be hauled to Cudioe Key and unthickened sludge from Layton would be hauled to Hawks Cay. 4. At 4% sludge. 5. At $0.42 a gallon in 2007 dollars. \X/hile the annual hauling costs are cut by more than half from the gravity thickening option, from $3.6 rnillion per year to $1.3 Inillion per year, the total cost of hauling is still very high. There is also considerable capital expenditures involved with a total of nearly $3 million required to support the thickened sludge tankage (unthickened sludge tank and thickened sludge tank), the thickening equipment (gravity belt thickener) and the ancillary support equipment (polymer system, tank 5 aeration, tank mixing, sludge pumping and electrical and controls). Not included directly in these calculations are the increased labor and chemical supply required to operate the thickening activities at each of the plants which would increase the overall costs of this option. MECHANICAL THICKENING FOLLOWED BY DEWATERING The process of mechanical thickening followed by dewatering was briefly reviewed. SiInilar to the mechanical thickening step alone, this process is most COffilTIon when there is a digestion step involved. After mechanical thickening, the sludge undergoes digestion which is then followed by dewatering. Since digestion was not a reviewed alternative and dewatering can be performed in one step, this alternative was not evaluated beyond preliminary discussions. ONE STEP DEWATERING An option available to the Authority which would dramatically reduce the amount of solids hauled is dewatering. Dewatering can be accomplished by several different methods including I) belt filter presses, 2) static plate and frame presses and 3) centrifuges. The three technologies were reviewed to determine the most applicable and cost effective approach for the Authority. The static plate and frame press was discounted as not viable since this is more of an industrial use dewatering machine for plants wbich have very low flows (in the 25,000 gpd range). The advantages and disadvantages of belt filter presses and centrifuges were discussed with PK.A.i\ and it was determined to focus on the centrihlge option primarily for the increased dewateriog capability and the compact, odor contained, and relatively easy-to-operate design. i\ centrihlge would be able to dewater the sludge to approximately 20% and this was verified with te~cing by a centrifuge manufacturer with the Little \T enicc sludge. Table 4 presents the dewatering data. As can be seen, the hauling costs are dramatically reduced when the sludge is dewatcred to a 20~/(J concentration. \X''hereas the hauling costs for the gravity thickened sludge was estimated to be approximately $3.6 million per year (at 1.5% solids), the cost of bauling dewatered sludge (at 20%) is approximately $0.27 million per year. The largest drawback 6 \.vith this concept is the increased amount of capital investment required. Another dr:nvback, \vhich is not quantified in Table 4, is the increased operation, tnaintenance and recurring chetnical costs of having dewatering machines at each plant. It should be noted that there would be a recurring replacement cost for all of the associated equipment approximately every 15 years. It is estitnated that there would be approximately $3.8 million in capital expenditures, which is presented in 2007 dollars, though it is recognized that the different plants would come on-line at different times. Table 4 ~ Dewatering Data Dewatering Equipment and Sludge Storage Costs I Big Coppitt W'WTP $ 900,000 630 $ 47,000 145,000 $ 61,000 Baypoint \X/\11/Tp3 117 $ 9,000 27,000 $ 11,000 Cudjoe Key W\vTP $ 1,050,000 781 $ 59,000 178,000 $ 75,000 Big Pine \VWTP $ 1,150,000 978 $ 74,000 222,000 $ 93,000 Hawks Cay WWTP $ 700,000 197 $ 15,000 44,000 $ 18,000 Layton W\'(Tp3 117 $ 9,000 27,000 $ 11,000 Total $ 3,800,000 2,820 $ 213,000 643,000 $ 269,000 1. Infrastructure costs include costs for a 30 gpm centrifuge, with ancillary equipment, sludge pumping equipment, 10 days of unthickened sludge storage with aeration and mixing equipment, dewatered cake dtUTIpster system, conveyor and ancillary/support equipment and additional tankage required to receive Baypoint sludge at Cudjoe and Layton sludge at Hawks Cay. 2. Oewatered cake is generally hauled by the wct ton and ranges between $25 and $75 per ton. For the purposes of this study, a rate of$75/ton was used. For comparison purposes, the cost if hauled on a per gallon basis is provided in the last column of Table 2; however, it is not possible to ptUTIp dewatered sludge and thus it is not hauled by liquid sludge type trucks. C). Hauled dewatered sludge from Baypoint and Layton are shown, however, it was asstUTIed that unthickened sludge from Baypoint would be hauled to Cudjoe Key and unthickened sludge from Layton would be hauled to Hawks Cay. 4. At 20% 5. At $OA2/gallon. Provided for reference puposes only. Dewatcred cake cannot be hauled by tanker truck hy the gallon. Plant Hauled Wet Tons Per Year2,3,4 Cost of Hauling Per Year'" Hauled Volume Per Year' (gallons) Cost of Hauling Per Years ONE STEP DEWATERING WITH A PORTABLE DEWATERING MACHINE Another option available to the Authority is to purchase a portahle dewatering device for the system. This opt.ion would allow dewatering of the sludge and would minimize the capital expenditures. 7 There are two available dewatering devices which are typically trailer mounted, a belt filter press, and a centrifuge. A trailer mounted belt filter press was investig<lted and discussed witb the Autbority, however, the size and types available would require the placement of the press on a larger trailer (tractor [railer type). This setup would require a large amount of land space at the plants for access and is currently not feasIble for the Hawks Cay plant or the Big Coppitt plant which have very tight sites and lirnited access. For this reason, the trailer mounted belt filter press was discounted. A trailer mounted centrifuge was investigated and there are a number of options available to the AuthOlity. As the centrifuges are more compact than belt tilter presses, several models are available on small trailers similar to a larger camper and can be hauled by a large !tuck rather than an 18-wheel type tractor. These smaller trailers would be suitable for movement around the Hawks Cay \'\'\Vl'P and the Big Coppitt WWTP. The following presents the throughput capacity and the approximate cost of a trailer rnounted unit for the available centrifuges from one of the more common and industry accepted manufacturer, Andritz. o Model D1, 5 gpm, $225,000, available as a small trailer unit o Model D2, 8 gpm, $250,000, availahle as a small trailer unit o Model D2LL, 15 gpm, $300,000, available as a small trailer unit o Model D3L, 30 gpm, $400,000 available in a small trailer unit o 'Vlodel D3LL, 40 gpm, $600,000, available only in a tractor trailer unit o Model D4L, 60 gpm, $850,000, available only in a tractor trailer unit o Model D4J J " 100 gpm, not available in a portable unit o Model D5L, 140 gpm, not available in a portable unit Table 5 presents the dewatering tirne for the various centrifuge models assuming sludge dewatering of 10 days of stored sludge at 1.5%. Note that units larger than the D3L are not sbown as they are not available in the snlaller trailers. The dewatering times for the trailer mounted units are significant for each of the major plants. The trailer rnounted units come cornpletely outfitted with a polyrner makedown and fnetering systern, a sludge pump, a swing arm conveyor and all associated electrical and controls equiprnent. 8 Table 5 - Dewatering Times fur Available Small Trailered Centrifuges I Plant De\vatering Dewatering Dewatering Dewatering Time (01) Time (D2) Time Time (03L) (D2LL) 178 hours 111 hours 59 hours 29 hours 33 hours 21 hours 11 hours 5 hours 217 hours 135 hours 72 hours 16 hours 270 hours 169 hours 90 hours 45 hours 53 hours 33 hours 18 hours 9 hours 33 hours 21 hours 11 hours 5 hours Big Coppitt W\VfP Baypoint \XIWTp2 Cudjoe Key \V\XTP Rig Pine W\VTP Hawks Cay W\XrrP Layton WWl'P' 1. All dewatering times are for 10 days of storage, stored at 1.5% sludge at average daily flow. 2. Gravity thickened sludge would be hauled from Baypoint to either Big Coppitt or Cudjoe and Layton would be hauled to Hawks Cay. Table 6 presents the dewatering time for the various plants at varying stored sludge quantities and sludge thicknesses using the largest Andritz centrihlge available on a small trailer, the D3L This table highlights continued lengthy dewatering times for the larger plants. Table 6 - Dewatering Time fur the Model D3L Trailer Mounted Centrihlge' Plant Dewatering Dewatering Dewatering Dewatering Time (D3!.) Time (D3L) Time (D3L) Time (D3L) wi 10 days wi 10 days wi 7 days wi 7 days stored sludge stored sludge stored sludge stored sludge at 1.5~/o at 25~/o at 1.5~/o at 2.5~/o 29 hours 18 hours 20 hours 12 hours 5 hours 3 hours 4 hours 2 hours 36 hours 22 hours 25 hours 15 hours 45 hours 27 hours 31 hours 19 hours 9 hours 6 hours 6 hours 4 hours 5 hours 3 hours 4 hours 2 hours Big C:oppitt W\XTP Baypoint \X'\VfP' C:udjoe Key \\'\VTP Big Pine \\1WTP I Iawks Cay \xWTP Layton W\vTP' 1. All dewatering times are for 10 days of storage, stored at 1.5% sludge at average daily flow. 2. Gluvity thickened sludge would be hauled from Baypoint to either Big Coppitt or Cudjoe and Layton would be hauled to Hawks Cay. I t should be noted that for these centrifuges, it is common to allow for a 1/'2 hour startup and a ]/2 hour shutdown time on either side of the operation. 9 Table 7 presents the hauling costs associated with the portable dewatering unit as well as the initial capital costs, all in 2007 dollars. Table 7 - Portable Dewatering Data Plant Big Coppitt W\v'TP Baypoint \VWTP' Cudjoe Key \VWTP Big Pine \VWTP Hawks Cay WW'TP Layton \VW'TP' Portable Dewatering Machine' Total Dewatering Equipment and Sludge Storage Costs' $ 185,000 $ 215,000 $ 245,000 $ 95,000 $400,000 $ 1,140,000 Hauled \Vet Cost of Hauled Cost of Tons Per Hauling Per V olume Per Hauling Per Year2,3 Year2),4 'Year3 Years (gallons) 630 $ 47,000 145,000 $ 61,000 117 $ 9,000 27,000 $ 11,000 781 $ 59,000 178,000 $ 75,000 978 $ 74,000 222,000 $ 93,000 197 $ 15,000 44,000 $ 18,000 117 $ 9,000 27,000 $ 11,000 2,820 $ 213,000 $ 269,000 643,000 1. Infrastructure costs include 10 days of unthickened sludge storage with aeration and mixing equipment, dcwatered cake dumpster system and additional tankage required to receive Baypoint sludge at Cudjoe and Layton sludge at Hawks Cay. 2. At 20% sludge. 3. Hauled dnvatercd sludge from Baypoint and Layton, however, it was assumed that unthickencd sludge from Baypomt would be hauled to Cudjoe Key and unthickened sludge from Layton would be hauled to Hawks Cay. 4. At $75/ton 5. At $0.42/ gallon 6. Trailer Mounted !\ndritz D3L Model (30 i,'Pm throughput) Comparing the initial capital cost of the permanent system with the portable system, the permanent system has an initial capital cost of $3.8 million versus the portable system of $1.1 million; however, it is clear that the portable system would not be viable for all of the major plants based simply on the tin1e required to dcwater the sludge. 10 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS There lire a number of additional considerations which should be accounted for in the decision making process. A bulleted list follows which bighlights tbe most significant of tbese consideratios. o \X/hile the long terrn costs require evaluation, the Authority is currently spending a tremendous amount of money hauling gravity thickened sludge and any plan sbould account near term solutions to tbe higb costs of hauling gravity thickened sludge from Layton, Little Venice and Baypoint. o \X'11ile capital costs are of concern, the recurring hauling costs impact the local user the t110St as those costs are passed on directly to the lIser. For example, using a total customer base of 1700 EDes within the Big Coppitt service area, one BOU equals one customer equivilant, the recurring bauling cost of hauling gravity thickened sludge is approximately $40/month per EDLT. Comparitively, the recurring hauling cost of dc\vatcred sludge is$2.50/n1onrh per EOU. o Irregardless of the dewatering plan selected, FKAA will e required to haul gravity thickened sludge from it's smallest plants, Layton and Baypoint to one of the larger plants for eventual processing as these plants arc too small to support the infrastructure for a dc\vatering system. An analysis was performed to determine the costs of FKAA hauling sludge using it's own truck from Baypoint and Layton and it was determined that purchasing a 4000- gallon sludge truck, witb an initial investment of approximatetly $90,000, including operator drive time and fuel and maintenance would be far less expensive than contract hauling at $0.42/gallon and would have a payback of less than one year. Additionally, this truck would be beneficial to the Authority for a number of other uses. o It is generally best to dewater and haul dewatered cake off the property the saIne day as it is is dewatered. Dewatered cake should not be allo\ved to sit at any facility as it serves as a vector attraction point. Any dewatering plan will be required to be coordinated with hauling such that as soon as the sludge is dewatered, it is hauled away for land filling. 11 RECOMMENDATIONS The following presents the recommendations based on the above infolmation and in conversations with FKAA. These recommendations were developed in concert with FKAA rnanagement, operations and rnaintenance. o A permanent dewatering facility at the Big Coppitt \V\'./rp should be constmcted and should be sized to accept approximately 100 gpm of sludge. This will allow the dewatering of a weeks worth of Big Coppitt sludge (at 1.5% at average daily flow) in approximately 4.5 hours. Provided that the unit will typically require 0.5 hours of startup and shutdown time, this allows for dewatering one weeks worth of sludge in 5.5 hours, or a short operations day with some buffer. o j\ sludge storage tank for 1.5% sludge of 10 days to 12 days should be constmcted at Big Coppitt. This will allow for redundancy in case of problen1s and will also allow for the transport in the near term of sludge from Little Venice, Baypoint, Layton and Hawks Cay to Big Coppitt for dewatering. This will lessen the overall expense to the Authority of the contract hauling of liquid sludge for disposal for these other facilities. It should be noted that during this near-term, that the Big Coppitt flow would not fully materialize and this would allow the transport of sludge from the other plants to Big Coppitt for processing. o A 4000-gallon sludge tmck (vacuum tmck) should be purchased by the Authority. This tmck could serve many needs within the Authority but would draw most benefit by allowing the Authority the flexibility to {nove sludge around on its own without the excessive costs of contract hauling. This will allow for the near term hauling described above and the long tem1 hauling of liquid sludge from Baypoint and Layton which will always be a consideration as these plants are too small to support their own dewatering infrastructure. o A permanent dewatering facility at the Cudjoe Key \11/\11/1'1' should be constmcted with similar characteristics as the Big Coppitt plant. Similar to the Big Copppitt facility, between 10 and 12 days of storage at 1.5% sludge at ADF should be constmcted. o A permanent dewatering facility at the Hawks Cay \V'\VTp should be constmcted with sirnilar characteristics as the Big Coppitt plant. Similar to the Big Copppitt facility, between 10 and 12 days of storage at 1.5% sludge at ADF should be constmcted. 12 o In ther near term, the Big Coppitt plant would be the primary dewatering center with the rKAA owned truck hauling liquid sludge from it's other plants to the Big Coppitt plant for processing. Once the the Cudjoe Key plant was constructed, duties would be shared betweent the two. Once the Hawks Cay plant was rehabilitated (part of a separate effort) and dewatering added, the long tenn plan of dewatellng Big Coppitt sludge at Big Coppitt, Baypoint and Cudjoe Key sludge at Cudjoe Key and Layton and Hawks Cay sludge at Hawks Cay would be in place. This is assuming that the Little Venice plant is divested. If this plant is not divested, it is recommended that Hawks Cay dewater the sludge from] .ittle Venice. o Always available to the Authority in case of cn1ergency and as backup is the use of contract hauling which is the method utilized now. 13 APPENDIX E - TABLES E Table 2 - Florda Keys Aqueduct Authority South Lower Keys Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid Summary Bid Amount Item # Description I D.N Higgins Wharton Smith Wastewater Treatment Plant 1 Contractor's General Conditions $700.000.00 $800.000.00 2 Site/Civil Construction $700,000.00 $210,000.00 3 Headworks $600,000.00 $500,000.00 4 SBR Equipment $802,353.00 $802,353.00 5 Denitrification Filters $520,000.00 $900,000.00 6 Disinfection/Disposal/Reuse $250.000.00 $400,000.00 7 Sludge Holding Tank $180,000.00 $300.000.00 8 Chemical Handling $430,000.00 $250,000.00 9 Centrate/Sewage Lift Station $80,000.00 $200,000.00 10 Control room/Lab/MCC $180,000.00 $600.000.00 11 Structures $2,700,000.00 $1.877,000.00 12 Piles $70,000.00 $100,000.00 13 Emergency Generator $170,000.00 $140.000.00 14 Electrical/Instrumentation $1.650,000.00 $1.700,000.00 15 Third Injection Well $35,000.00 $43,319.00 16 SBR Allowance - Site Visit $14.328.00 $14,328.00 17 Influent EQ Allowance $10,000.00 $10,000.00 18 Lab Allowance $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Subtotal $9,121,681.00 $8,877 ,000.00 Solids Handling 19 Contractor's General Conditions $80,000.00 $100,000.00 20 Site/Civil Construction $60,000.00 $20,000.00 21 Chemical Handling $50.000.00 $80,000.00 22 Sludge Dewatering/Centrifuge $600,000.00 $550.000.00 23 Structures $140,000.00 $200,000.00 24 Electrical/Instrumentation $50,000.00 $150,000.00 Su btotal $980,000.00 $1,100,000.00 Public Reuse System 25 Contractor's General Conditions $70,000.00 $50.000.00 26 Site/Civil Construction $30,000.00 $15,000.00 27 Yard Piping $30.000.00 $45,000.00 28 Prestressed Concrete Tank $350,000.00 $395,000.00 29 Piles $35,00000 $40.000.00 30 Electricalllnstrumentation $14,000.00 $15,000.00 Su btotal $529,000.00 $560,000.00 Other 31 Vac Truck $160,000.00 $240.000.00 Total Cost (Sum of Items 1 through 31) $10,790,681.00 $10,777,000.00 APPENDIX F - SITE VISIT MEMO AND FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP F PA TRICIA L. MCNEESE ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING PEUFALX:352-795.0229 TO: Ray Shimokubo FROM: Pat McNeese DATE: July I, 2006 RE: P.O. BOX 450 CRYSTAL RIVER, FL 34423 pmcneese@tampabay.rr.com MEMORAc"IDUM Rockland Key Wastewater Treatment Plant Site Real Estate Parcel No. 00122070-000700 A site visit was made to the referenced parcel on June 27, 2006 to assess the natural environmental character of the referenced site. The site is currently vacant and serving as a storage area for a mobile home and a few other items. There are at least two cement slabs existing on the site indicating some previous use of the site. The site appears to have had new fill deposited within the last year or two, especially at the center to north end. Most of the site is unvegetated and the limerock fill substrate does not exhibit any signs of regular hydrologic influence. There are a few isolated low spots on the site. There were at least three areas of ponding water with algal mats observed during the site visit, the largest pond being located near the north end of the site. The vegetation on the site is mainly restricted to these pond edges and low spots and is very sparse over the site. The vegetation consists entirely of salt tolerant and hydrophytic groundcover plants including: sea purslane seaside heliotrope dropseed beach atriplex fringe rush finger grass sea blite bristly foxtail railroad vine glasswort red mangrove wild petunia beach chaff-flower Sesumv;um portulacastrum Heliotrop;um curassav;cum Sporobolus v;rg;n;cus Atr;plex sp. Fimbr;styUs sp. Eustachys sp. Sueada linearis Setaria sp. Ipomoea pes-caprae Salicorn;a sp. Rh;zophora mangle RuelUa sp. Alternanthera maritima The red mangroves observed were all single propagules rooted in decaying vegetative debris at one comer of the largest area of ponding water near the north end of the site. All were recently rooted with three leaves or less. This Corner may be supporting newly rooted propagules that are not able to mature due to lack of adequate hydrology. There are no mangroves very close to the site, but there are some on north Rockland Key. It is quite possible that these propagules were deposited during high water events of the fall 2005 hurricane season. The only hydric indicator on site is the presence of sparse, heavily silted algal mats in two of the ponding areas. No animal life was observed in the ponded water. Also, the pond soils and edges did not exhibit staining, mud/marl development and other hydric indicators usually observed on frequently flooded limerock fill. Lastly, site hydrology seems to indicate that the source of ponding is mainly rainfall drainage. There appears to be no regular surface water hydrologic connection. The presence of compacted Iimerock fill at this elevation usually severely limits subterranean hydrologic connection or blocks it completely. There was a borehole observed on site, obviously left from a recent percolation or other geologic test. Although the wall of the bore could not be observed all the way down, the Iimerock fill appeared to be at least one foot deep. The water table as judged from the water surface in the horehole was at least three feet below grade. This parcel is classified as disturbed uplands since the predominant character of the parcel is upland. The few small low areas on the site are extremely marginal supporters of salt tolerant plants probably due to a combination of factors including the elevation, predominant drainage and the salt content of the recently deposited fill. However, hydrologically these areas don't exhibit sufficient characteristics in my opinion to classify them as separate jurisdictional wetland habitats. I recommend that pre-application coordination be conducted with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection at the time of preparation of application materials for the sewage treatment plant. 2 ` � \\ '—I tInsuranceal Flood Insurance Program of 1 8(N}636-6670. rn \ c = XAAOppg ', 1000 ` AA0109Os II \ND y MAP SCALE 1 SO 0 ��= 500 �•\ NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE BOUNDARY 0 , - ,.vuo, , -. 1 FEET ti COINCdDEN7 WITH COASTAL BARRIER N I \\\ /// RESOURCES SYSTEM BOUNDARY ZONE AE ° N. Noi \ ONE RS.AS roGMNAY _ "4 r a4. r.... a�t `� NIFIl ti ILL I PANEL 1533N OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREA - }1++;�' �� i IDENTIFIED 11 16-91 (SEE COASTAL BARRIER LEGEND) 1 I ra :cc FIRM A IIDGI FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP t.r..,.. ~ t, . r" �stit.•x: IO I I MONROE COUNTY, r � qI' hd!I I FLORIDA �"; - ' Cal AND INCORPORATED AREAS /•� r .'. x / EAST ROCKLAND KEY I'Z I' PAMEt 1533 OF 1515 / •. .':.-.t-r t •' •.-O ��i .rc PMK D+1NE , I Q nu wv wncx rw row ..rru urout7� a PQ` f�� �. � :anur4 r,�NO �,c,,, •....5.. 'M r^RR' 4 I �..."my. Y4�lS _'� Se?'.d �\ON �` war v cR ►� PnLr+ ORNE # t. , � f► ' �. % / 'y ' S* ,�1 �IwFW�11101M'Rna M<•4fD.iA M \ F, -‘y‘C�' II� cun�wweryrwa�wen.�+n"em o... 2 '�I r•s r.r ME•ew+er•..Irr ZONE AE CI MAP NUMBEI LEE tol Z 11081g5331 _ MAP REUSED /• r�f 0 1 ) FEBRUARY 18.2005 f I I rederrl E.mer n v Nrn to ftcment AtedT t. I -..I • 4" I ,y •' COASTAL. BASE FLOOD E APPLY ONLY LANDWA 00 FEET Novo {T� 'Y•.w.afM.1 O••,d•=Nol M tM N •r..tMleff Rood T t moo31iI TIC .+ _ M mrtmclaoLmmg AU* ... ..-...... ..-- ,..-- .. s& .na - Flood Irourono• wn..drn• Mtn Q lmboon m W.N Ns •ry uo.l tuna not't+O.141 V1�F x r e!.n,•y F_ d.If M Ira gtN d001I. For Om INN) �fbm.pan Noul.••• - - .•.• T— "'• _ ,�. "�Pwn Nod coif ENNA the FEMA F uad M••Sion�w.w moo Iwo.9. APPENDIX G - KEY PHOTOS G J .. ......... ___e. , , J. n : TRACT ~ - - .... PHOTO KEY -'-_."~.._--'~._----~~--,--,..------- .. .... to N g i! ~ Z' 8 .. .. ,.., $. ~8 3 8 .~ --"~--_.....__...._--~---, . , '- ...•. ,. .., , -. , , , ,. , „„ ,„• ,.,.„ ' _ ... • ... r , : .--- _ • •::,, . r , .• — . : ,i.. . , voL....t.11, , - , ......g •T;44„..„4,-r,..- •,,,,-. i '-• _ ., . ) .; tt.". -* *' ,..3., r.i t 4 , - -- ' '-‘ -1:..---, . :. Pi.; . _ -ix.. ' - •- IP .'".;?k. ...!': 7.-"O''''''.4",-, -.L'' . ‘.' ...101111t. • ' . 'Xi*t., -- •:-.'•5 -•,;;;;...<1;.,`. e,„:3, ., - .; ....cri -'. -1. a.A'44 • *s.•- . • -,---"iiij.-. u.'t - • , • . ...•;k0,10•.:^7,* . * * • -1:44 , ' - 4?.. •,....4.0- -• ..‘,..r -, . .7'.'”,... ,k ... AL Photo 1-View of South end of the Site . .. -- ... ...„. . - , . . 41' - i --...•„...* --....„..,...,. . ..,......--- Icor. NI, .. :.-y-flia,. ,..i :-- "- '' . • . ' . . , . .A '•• ' r . ‘ Photo 2-Close-up View of North end of the Site. • • • .11� .`.. 34 ,L,.. w-.s -+ _x -xsc ,i•...- _ ilY. • [; y ►� ,• yam^ � • TA u Photo 3-Close-up view of South aid of the Site M mow.' F.. ,.. Photo 4-View of West end of the Site. • • Photo 5—. View of North end of the Site Photo 6 APPENDIX H _ ASSESSMENT RESOLUTIONS H RESOLUTION }.IO. -.l9~_-2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF WASTEWATER CAPACITY; IMPOSING ANNUAL WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS; APPROVING THE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF THE WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on July 15,2003 the Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") of Monroe County, Florida, enacted Ordinance No. 027-2003 (the "Ordinance"), to authorize the imposition of special assessments to fund thc cost of wastewater treatment capacity; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 2007, the Board adopted Resolution No. 264-2007 (the "Initial Assessment Resolution") relating to the provision of wastewater service to properties in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Units, describing system development fees, collection costs and other terms and conditions of wastewater assessment for properties located within these areas; and directing preparation of the preliminary Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll and publication of the notice required by the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Ordinance, the County is required to confirm, modify, or repeal the Initial Assessment Resolution, with such amendments as the Board deems appropriate, after hearing comments and receiving objections of all interested parties; and WHEREAS, the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll has heretofore been filed with the office of the County Administrator, as required by the Ordinance; and WHEREAS, as required by the terms of the Ordinance, notice of the public hearing held on the date hereof was published, a proof of publication being attached as Appendix A to this Resolution; and WHEREAS, as required by the terms of the Ordinance, notice of the public hearing held on the date hereof was mailed to each property owner that could connect to the wastewater system, an affidavit of mailing being attached as Appendix B hereto; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on the date hereof and comments and objections of all interested persons have been heard and considered as required by the terms of the Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. AUTHORITY. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the Ordinance, Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, and other applicable provisions of law. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. This Resolution is the Final Assessment Resolution as defined in the Ordinance. All capitalized terms in this Resolution shall have the meanings defined in the Ordinance and the Initial Assessment Resolution. SECTION 3. MODIFICATION ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION. AND CONFIRMATION OF INITIAL (A) For purposes of clarification, the term "System Development Fee" contained in Section 1.0 I in the Initial Assessment Resolution is modified to read as follows: "System Development Fee" means that portion of the capital cost of the wastewater system being assessed to each owner of a Tax Parcel up to a maximum of $4,500 per Equivalent Dwelling Unit ("EDU"). The number of EDUs for residential properties will be the number of residential units for that Tax Parcel as determined by the Property Appraiser at the time of adoption of the resolution. The number of EDUs for non-residential properties are based on water consumption. (8) As so modified, the Initial Assessment Resolution IS hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION 4. APPROVAL OF NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL. The Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix C, is hereby approved. SECTION 5. WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS. (A) The Tax Parcels described in the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll are hereby found to be specially benefited by the provision of wastewater capacity in the amount of the annual Wastewater Assessment set forth in the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll. The methodology for computing annual Wastewater Assessments described in the Initial Assessment Resolution represents a fair and reasonable apportionment of cost among the Tax Parcels receiving the special benefit and is hereby approved. Annual Wastewater Assessments computed in the manner described in the Initial Assessment Resolution are hereby levied and imposed on all Tax Parcels described in the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll at the rate and for the term designated for each Tax Parcel in the Non-Ad 2 Valorem Assessment Roll attached hereto as Appendix C. The initial Annual Wastewater Assessment will be included on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2007. (B) Pursuant to the Uniform Assessment Collection Act and the Ordinance, the Wastewater Assessments shall constitute a lien against assessed property equal in rank and dignity with the liens of all state, county, district or municipal taxes and other non-ad valorem assessments. Except as otherwise provided by law, such lien shall be superior in dignity to all other prior liens, titles and claims, until paid. The lien shall be deemed perfected upon adoption by the Board of the this Final Assessment Resolution or an Annual Assessment Resolution and shall attach to the property included on the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll as of the prior January I, the lien date for ad valorem taxes. SECTION 6. COLLECTION OF WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS. The Wastewater Assessments shall be collected pursuant to the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. Upon adoption of the Annual Assessment Resolution for each Fiscal Year, the County Administrator shall cause the certification and delivery ofthe Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll to the Tax Collector by September 15, in the manner prescribed by the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. SECTION 7. EFFECT OF FINAL ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION. The adoption of this Final Assessment Resolution shall be the final adjudication of the issues presented herein and in the Initial Assessment Resolution (including, but not limited to, the reasonableness of the legislative determination of special benefit and fair apportionment to the assessed property; the reasonableness of the method of apportionment; the enforceability and accuracy of the calculation of the initial rate of assessment and the preparation of the initial Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll; and the validity and enforceability of the lien of the annual Wastewater Assessment), unless proper steps are initiated in a court of competent jurisdiction to secure relief within 20 days from the date of Board action on this Final Assessment Resolution. SECTION 8. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. The County Administrator is hereby directed to record this Resolution as notice of the Wastewater Assessments in the Official Records Book in the office of the Monroe County Clerk of Courts. The preliminary Non- Ad Valorem Assessment Roll and each annual Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll shall be retained by the County Administrator and shall be available for public inspection. [THE BALANCE OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 3 SECTION 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. at a special meeting of the Board held on the 10th day of September, 2007. Yes Yes Yes Yes Xll.. 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~q4 By: Mayor/Chairperson ) ::J:: ..., <=> 2! 0 c .... x )> ..... :;Ooz 0 ..,.... ("') ,"j or-2: .:::1 rr'I --.' -I n;""' ''1 or): CO c.: ~~:j:~ : ";iJ ::<~:: .. ." ~; ::E: :-.-: " ,~ ~ -,-, .-- I'"j :.J ;...-. .r (::1 CO Appendix A RECEIVED AUG 2 8 2007 ."..,...,.-~.....~... .,.,. Cooke Communications, LLC Florida Keys Marsha F. Kirkwood Advertlslng Coordinator PO Box 1800 Key West fl 33041 Office.. 3<J5.292.7777 Extenmn... . .... .x219 fax.. .......305-294-6025 '.a.......u.news.Gom INTERNET PUBLISHING keyweal.COI'1 kO)llllWN~.ccm floodakays.com I<.eo,o_teom 'Neb Deaign Sorvir:.as NEWSPAPERS The Citizen SoulhemmO$I Flyer $oIantsHIH Big Pine Free Pre" Maf8tnon Free Pre6s IlSlamorBdaFreePres:s Key Largo Fre. p~" aoe., Reef Press Seaport Log MAGAZlME The....nu Hom. Guicle Citizen Local's Guidll Pan!lldi811 KeyslV eMlInnel Guidi! MARKETINQI SERVICES COmmercial Printing C'II~ Loc~s ClIII'd OirectMlIil FLORIDA KEYS OFFICES Pl1nung , ....In Faciltty 3420 NorIhslde Drive KeyWMt,FL 33040-1800 Tel 305--29:2-nn Fall 305+294-0768 cltiz.lII1~tSlCOm Internet DMaton 1201 White Streel (8uil0103) Ke)' WMl, Fl ~28 Tel 305-292-1880 Fax 305-294-1599 ule&Ckeywe$l.co11 MIddle Key. otnc:. 6363 o.erseas Hwy Marathon. FL lMM525) 33050.33042 Tel 305-743-8756 Fax 305-743-9977 n8viglltcfOf!OIldakeytl.COITI upper Key. Office 81549 Old Hwy PO BOJ(469 Is..molllda. FL(MM815) 33(l36-(l469 Tel 30&664-2266 F-ax3C)6.664-8041, freepresSOflondakeyscom OeM" RHf Offlc:8' 3A BalTllCUdallme Key Lllrgo, FL 33037 Tel 305-367...011911 FSlC305-367-2191 MONPCE COUNTY ATTORNEY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNlY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Randy G. Erickson, who on oath says that he is Vice-President of Advertising Operations of the Key West Citizen, a daily newspaper published in Key West, in Monroe County, Florida; ~~~~~ 65 '~<Y-a ~/ was published in said newspaper in the issue(s) of ~//A/. ;Ltf/ ~c:J7 cf -4:tfjt~~,?-a;? Affiant further says that the Key West Citizen is a newspaper published in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Monroe County. Florida every day, and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Key West, in said Monroe County, Florida, for a period of I year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, finn or corporation any discount, rebate. commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for """;~.~ ;"ho ""d -",,,,,. IlJ ~ Signature of Affiant Sworn and subscribed before me this2J!t; of ~~, 2007 . f6--- ~ t Publ - - ...-.... . 0 ary Ie: ,'~\~.;~:::.~>., '. :,. .,fI" I' KI 'r WOOD if ";':'.::i \ r,:}Cl'Y F'ut,il~;. S!dk c.f Flurida Marsha F. Kirkwood ~\;.;:..!r.-~.~;'/~Y "\~:.Jr.W';SIO',) Erpjre~ S"'p ~5, 2009 ~ 1_ -? r L ....i ..:....,. "oc'~""'Q"~DD472620 .'~~ ~,;?;~~ ,.........!l;"HBI1l'lionaINe'aryAssn, Expires: September IS, 2009 Notary Seal Personally Known x Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING INTENT TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF SPECiAL ASSESSMENTS IN THE BIG COPPITT-,KEY AND DUCK KEY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TRFATML T SERVICE AREAS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida v will conduct a public hearing to consider imposing special assessments to fund the cost t of construction of the wastewater system to serve improved privately owned properties located in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Units. Figure 1 depicts the limits of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System to be installed to serve improved privately owned properties within the Big Coppitt MSTU. Figure 2 depicts the limits of the Duck Key Regional Wastewater Treatment System to be installed to serve t improved privately owned properties within the Duck Key MSTU. The hearing will be held at 5:01 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,on September 10,2007 in the County Commission Chambers located at the Marathon Government Center,2798 Overseas Highway,Mile Marker 50,Marathon, Florida,for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments and collection of the assessment on the ad valorem tax roll.All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public hearing. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, includ- ing the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to b e made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,persons needing a special accommodation or an in- terpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator at(305) 292-4441 at least 48 hours prior to the date of the hearing. A more specific description of the assessment program is set forth in the Initial Assess- ment Resolution No.264-2007 adopted by the Board on July 18, 2007. Copies of the Initial Assessment Resolution No.264-2007 and the preliminary Non-Ad Valorem Assess- ment Roll are available for inspection at the County Administrator's office, located at The Historic Gato Cigar Factory, 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-205, Key West, Florida. The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill,as authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assessment swill cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. The Board intends to collect the assessments in installments,the first of which will be included on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2007. BIG COPPITT Section 15.5-113 of Article VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the boundar- ies of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel and on the east by Shark Channel, including Shark Key.The Big Coppitt MSTU is depicted by the"100B"and"110B"taxing unit boundary below. 1 c N r ,rift Figure 1: Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System including the Big Coppitt,Geiger Key,Rockland Gulf and Shark Key areas DUCK KEY Section 15.5-119A of Article VIII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the Duck • Key Municipal Service Taxing Unit as that portion of the unincorporated County bounded on the north by U.S.Highway 1,on the west by Tom's Harbor Channel, on the South by Hawk's Channel, and on the East by Tom's Harbor Cut;an area commonly known as "Duck Key, including islands known as Center Island,Harbor Island, Plantation Island, and Yacht Club Island, but excluding Indies Island and Parcel 1 of RE#00378380. The Duck Key MSTU is depicted by the"500D"taxing unit boundary below. 4 `T4 ■K.y 500j Figure 2: Portion of Duck Key Regional Wastewater Treatment System including islands known as Center Island,Harbor Island,Plantation Island and Yacht Club Island. Dated at Key West, Florida this 17th day of August, 2007. DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida • August 20&26,KWC =tia`-"' FLORIDA lEIS KEYNOTER Published Twice Weekly Marathon, Monroe County, Florida STATE Of FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Before the undersigned authority person- ally appe~..ed 'NAYN_EJ\~~RJ(Jf~M ~h~on oath, says that he Is PUBLISHER of the FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER, a twice weekly newspaper published In Marathon, in Monroe County, Rorlda: that the attached copy of advertisement was published In said newspaper In the Issues of: (date(s) of publication) fUtjUAt .:/;;" ~5; :<nJ7 Affiant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER Is a newspaper published at Marathon, In said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In said Monroe County, Florida, twice each week (on Wednesday and Saturday) and has been entered as a second class mall matter at the post office In Marathon, In Monroe County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement. The affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm, or corporation any discount, rebate, commIssion or refund for the purpose of secu ring this advertisement for publication In the said newspaper{s) and that The Florida Kevs Keynoter is in full comollance with Chaoter 50 of the Florida State Statutes on Lellal and Official Advertisements. .-.' . n~~~T Notary /J-J).J RECEIVED AUG 2 8 2007 ~.lC~!1CE COl'NTY ,\TTCRNEV ".''::!.. BEVERLY TR^EGER "1WJ' MY COMMISSION _ I)D~.&2134 ~l"~i EXPIIlES, ApI. ltt WIO ~O,fI,.~ NaWtVSeMC".;'" \-407I398.Q1~3 Florida ,# .. NOTICE OF I!lJBLIC HEARING llE. GAR DING INTENT TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION.OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN THE BIG COPPITI KEY AND DuCK KEY REGIONAL WASTEWATER . .. .... TREATMENT SERVICE AREAS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Aorida will conduct a public.bearing to consider imposing special assessments to fund the cost of construction of the waste- water SYSleID"to serve improved privately otmed properties located in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key Municipal. Service Taxing Units. Figure 1 depicts the limits of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System to be instaUed to serve improved privately owned properties within the Big Coppin MSTU. Figure 2 depicts the limils of the Duck Key Regional Wastewater Treatment System to be installed ,to serve improved privately owned properties within the Duck Key MSTlI. '.:n.e beariDg wiD be beld at 5:01 pm., or sa _lbereafler sa Ibe matter can be beard, on September 10, 2007 in Ibe County CODmllosioo Cbamben Ioeated at lhe Maralhon Government Cenler, 2798 Overseas Highway, Mile Marker SO, Marathon, FIoI'iU, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments and collection of the U5e5mumt on the ad valorem tax roll. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearlnj and to file -written ob~ons with the County Administrator aJlyriroc prior 10 the public hearing. .If. person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the hearina, l!uctl penon will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that Ii verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to b e made. In accordance with the Americans. with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in.,this proceeding.should'contact the County Administrator at (305) 292-4441 at least 48 hours prior to the dale of the hearing. A more specific description of the assessment program is s.et forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution No. 264. 2007 adopted by the Board on July 18, 2ocr1. Copies of the Initial Assessment ResolUlin" No 264.2007 and the preliminllJ)' Non-Ad Valorem Assessment RoD are available for inspe<:tioo at the County Administrator's offiCe, Iooatecht The Historic Galo Cigar FactO<)'. 1100 SimOlIlOn Slreet, Suite 2e205. Key West. Florida. "''The asse&sments will be collected on the ad vakrrem tax bill, as authorized by Section 197.3632, FLorida Statutes.. Failure to pay the assessmenl swiU cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may resull in a loss. oft~tle. The Board intends to cOllect the assessments in installments, the first of which will be included 011 the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2007 IIlG COPPITT Section 15.5-113 of Artiele VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code de,criCes the boundaries of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel and on theeasl by Shark Channel, including Shark Key. The Big Coppin MSTU is depicted by the "IOOB" and "] lOB" taxing unit boundary below. Flgnre 1: Big Coppitt Reglonal Wo8tewa!e .Treatment Syslem including Ibe Big Coppilt, Geiger Key, Roeklaod Gulf and Shark Key ....as. DUCK KEY Section 155-119A of Article vrn Chapter 155 Monroe County Code descrihes the Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Unit as that portion of the unincorporated, County bounded on the north by U.S. Highway 1, on the west by Tom's Harbor Channel. on the South by Hawk'. Channel, and on the East by Tom's Harbor Cut; an area commonly known as "Duck Key, including islands kDown as - Center [Sland,Harbor Jsland, Plantation Island, and Yacht Oub Island. but ..eluding Indies island and Parcel I of REII 00378380. The Duck Key MSTU is depicted by the "500D" laJ<!ng unit boundllJ)' below. ... Fipre 2: Porlion of Duck Key Regional Waalewoler Tre_1 System iDclodlng islands known sa Center 1sIaod, Harbor 1sIaBd, P1aolalloo I5Iaod and YIIdII ClublOnd. Dated al Key West, Florida this 17th day of August. 2007. DANNY L. KOUIAGE, Oert< of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe C9UDty, Florida Published Keynoter 8/22107 '" 8I25fJ7 :~'~". 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CJ -. ffi c Gl" 8 f*-g(ll ~9';; ""ro_ ~8 ""ii: ~ Z ~ n om ,,0 en" "" mC OU:l 5>1:: ....0 )lo::Z: g:~ i~~ en3l:Q ~m::lll zm ~U:~ '-!-::Ill mZSi! ::Ill;!z .....mQ i:5!lIIZ !;Q..... m 3I:oz mO..... z,,~ ....."a en:::i- m-l31: ~",,, -m~ ~-<m )lo~)lo ::IllOZ ~OO enC" o::lll "'~ "'0 !:l;!m :::a" mO Q::Ill -0 00 Z.... )lo.... ....m n ::I o Z , III, I\l -n , f )> <: "" <: ~ ri ..., ~ ..., o o " -i ::r 11) ;<> 11) "8 -, r+ 11) -, Your Vpper Key.~ Connecflon TUE REPORTER P.O. Box 1197' Tavernier, Florida 33070-1197 (305) 852-3216 Fax: (305) 852-0199 RECEiVED PROOF OF PUBLICATION AUG 2 7 2007 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE MONROE COUNTY ATTORNE,' Before the undersigned authority personally appeared DAVID GOODHUE who on oath, says that he is EDITOR of THE REPORTER, a weekly news peper entitled to publish legal advertising published at Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being LEGAL NOTICE in said newspaper In the Issue of: August 24th 2007 Affiant further says that THE REPORTER is a newspaper published at Tavernier, in -saId Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In the said Monroe County, Florida, each week (on Friday), and has been entered as second class mail matter at the Post Office in Tavernier, In said County of Monroe, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person, or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper and that The Reporter Is In futl compliance Ith Chapter 50 of the Florida State Stat s on Legal and Official Advertisements. Sworn to a bscrlbed before me this 24 day of August 2007. ",.;:,.., ,;:i.', :.:L'.i1J/.j3 .:IJ~; ;;-.:! 2G~19 Appendix B , , AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared ELIZABETH A. WOOD, SANDI MELGAREJO, and DAVID KRAUSE who, after being duly sworn, depose and say: 1. Elizabeth A, Wood, Senior Administrator, Sewer Projects for the Monroe County, Florida, ("County"). pursuant to the authority and direction received from the County Commission, timely directed the preparation of the Assessment Roll and the preparation, mailing, and publication of notices in accordance with Ordinance No. 027-2003 (the "Ordinance"), and in conformance with the Initial Assessment Resolution adopted by the County Commission on July 18, 2007 (the "Initial Assessment Resolution"), 2, Sandi Melgarejo, Project Coordinator for GSG. GSG has caused the notices required by the Ordinance to be prepared in conformance with the Initial Assessment Resolution. An exemplary form of such notice is attached hereto. GSG has caused such individual notices for each affected property owner to be prepared and each notice included the following information: the purpose of the assessment; the total amount proposed to be levied against each parcel; the unit of measurement to be applied against each parcel to determine the assessment; the number of such units contained within each parcel; the total revenue the County expects to collect by the assessment; a statement that failure to pay the assessment will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title; a statement that all affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to flie written objections with the local governing board within 20 days of the notice; and the date, time, and place of the hearing, 3. On or before August 2, 2007, GSG delivered and directed the mailing of the above- referenced notices by Modern Mailers, Inc. ("Modern Mailers"), in accordance with the Ordinance and the Initial Assessment Resolution by First Class Mali to each affected owner, at the addresses then shown on the real property assessment tax roll database maintained by the Monroe County Property Appraiser for the purpose of the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes. Notices to property owners receiving multiple individual notices were mailed, or caused to be mailed by GSG On or before August 2, 2007. 1 4. David Krause is General Manager of Modern Mailers. As directed above, Modern Mailers, mailed or caused to be mailed on or before August 2, 2007, the above-referenced notices delivered to Modern Mailers by GSG. FURTHER AFFIANTS SAYETH NAUGHT. ~A~( Ell bet A. Wood A. '~7.. c ." /" Sandi elgarejo Affiant """"l.... 12. :!//- David Krause Affiant STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing Affidavit of Mailing was sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of September, 2007 by Elizabeth A. Wood, Senior Administrator, Sewer Projects for Monroe County, Florida. She is pe~~nown to me or who has produced as identification and did take an oath. Cu~~ printec(Name: r r Notary Public, State of Florida At Large .....N......................................1 : CONSTANCE A. cy~ : My Commission E~' l'';~~.. Com". DOOtolnz i : . . (:: t..,...... 1',~.",6 . Commission No.:: : . / Barld..",..,u (800l"32-4254~ ,......~ .......M._..UI.....~.:.~.i 2 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON The foregoing Affidavit of Mailing was sworn to and subscribed before me this l day of September, 2007 by Sandi Melgarejo, Project Coordinator, Government Services GrouP. Inc., a Florida corporation, She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF LEON '-~,"^oJ) t.\ yY\~ Printed Name: I-\C<...,cu\ ~ .~~ll Notary Public, State of Florida At Large MYC.. ','9~PHfS,MoON Com \l1i,commission # DDS28549 Cl<pirll$ March 14, 2010 , .. .......-r.rl'tlA.'-,lIc.. ~9 The foregoing Affidavit of Mailing was sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of September, 2007 by David Krause, General Manager, Modern Mailers, Inc., a Florida corporation. He is personally known to me or has produced as identification and did take an oath. ~^Oj) -D~ Printed Name: \'\c.-v'ul S .'C'r'-.oDf1- Notary Pu blic, State of Florida At bv.~e My co-.~"'" ~..KiI,rpJ.s. Moore ~IW :*::~bW.fii~IUII" D~t)IW Commi ,:Expires March 14. 2010 II l..p,.,.....IfI___.lIlc.~ 3 Monroe County Wastewater Dent. ] 100 Simonton St. Suite 2.2]6 Key West fL 33040 ....,,,....,. " ','" .", (t~ ....;~~-~.., Board of Count\' Commissiooers Mayor Mario Di GCWlaro, Dist. 4 Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar, Dis1. George Neugent, Dis1. 2 Chatles McCoy, Dist 3 Sylvia Murphy, DiSl. 5 BRANIANTE JAMES L 1 GREYS TONE RD DOVER MA 02030-2321 Parce]!D: 00]55&11-000300 Sequence Number: MW A-24 Notice Date: August 2, 2007 Re: Notice of Wastewater Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Dear Property Owner: As you may know, Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) are in the process of installing central wastewater treatment systems in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key areas. Property owners have the option to pay the System Development Fee for these services as one lump sum (Prepayment) or in instalhnents (Wastewater Assessment) financed over twenty years and collected on the ad valorem tax bill as a non-ad valorem assessment. Each single family dwelling unit has been assigned one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). The EDU Allocation for non-residential properties tS based on water consumption. The EDD Allocation fOT commercial property is calculated by using the highest three month average water consumption and dividing it by the average monthly water consumption for a residential unit. If you feel there is a mistake on this notice, you need to request an EDD Allocation review. For this review, please submit a Wastewater EDU Appeals Form for EDU Allocations> l.l to the FKAA Marathon office by August 15, 2007. Contact FKAA's Customer Service at 305-295-2178 to obtain a Wastewater Appeal form, or download it from www.tkaa.com/fOIDls.cfm or http://tkaa.com/forms.cfm. Please provide the Parcel ID and Sequence Number localed on the top of this notice when calling or corresponding in regard to this assessment program. The EDU Allocation for the above parcel is: 1.0 The lump sum System Development Fee for the above paTcel is: $4,500.00. It is anticipated that the Prepayment will be due in mid-September 2007, if you decide to prepay. Alternatively, a Wastewater Assessment program has been set up to provide property owners the option to pay the System Development Fee over 20 years on the property tax bill. No action is required on your part to elect this option. The total assessment revenue to be generated including the financing costs (if there are no prepayments) over the entire 20 year period is approximately $18,522,000. The County intends to include annual assessments on your ad valorem tax bill. Failure to pay your assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of tirle. The estimated Aunual Wastewater Assessment for the above parcel is: S441.00 You are invited to attend a public hearing to adopt the Final Assessment Resolution scheduled for September 10, 2007 at 5:01 pm al the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Oversea. Highway (MM 50), Maratbon, FL 33050. The Final Assessmcnt Resolution will be available in the agenda packet for the hearing, to be published at hllp:llmonToecofl.vlrtualtownhall.netlPageslMonroeCoFL_BOCC/agendaS. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior 10 the public hearing. If you decide to appeal any decision made b>. the County Commission with respect to any matter lof2 .. See Reverse -- considered at the hearing, you will need a recurd of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record IS made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding, contact the County Administrator at (305) 292-4441 at least 48 hours prior to the date of the hearing. Once construction is complete and wastewater service becomes available, owners of properties with water service will be required to connect properties to the regional wastewater treatment system within 30 days of receipt of a mandatory connection notice. This notice satislies the statutory requirement for notice of the requirement to connect to the regional wastewater treatment system once service becomes available. It is anticipated that 30 day connection notices will be sent for Big Coppitt beginning in December 2008 and for Duck Key beginning in August 2009. Property owner responsibilities including construction of on-site pipes, abandonment of on-site systems, permitting and related tasks to complete lhe connection will be detailed in the connection notice. The on-site costs described above are in addition to the System Development Fee. Additional information about wastewater projects will be included in future notices. Contact FKAA at 305-295-2178 withrquestions regarding the connection process. 20f2 Appendix C 1 of 23 I $eqNlm t RECHAR 1 00121950-001500 200159252-002300 300121761-005300 400121762-004000 500121762.001200 6 003&4630-000000 700121762-010000 800121762-012900 900121762-011200 10 00378770-000000 11 00121761-005900 12 00384650-000000 1300376951.003200 1400121782-000700 1500146750-000000 1600147015-001500 17 00385350-00000o 18 00382570-000000 1900121762.001000 20 00121762-001100 21 oo121162-000e00 22001217~-O(lOQOO 2300121762-013300 24 00155611-000300 2500145460-000000 2600145710-00000o 27 00146520-00000o 26 00146870-000000 290014S'?O-OOOOOO 30 00153490-000000 31 00382560-000000 32 00121762-006800 3300376951-003100 34 00145640-000000 3500121762-001500 3600121762-002200 3700121161-005100 38 oo146Q50-000000 3900121762-003800 4000155801.000500 41 00121762-003300 42 00145300-000000 43 00152520-000000 4400121761-005700 4500158210-000000 4600159220-000000 4700158230-000000 4800158530-000000 4Q 00157460-00000o 50 00152530-00000o 51 00121380-000100 52 00378960-000000 5300159252-001400 54 00379760-000000 55 00379410-000000 5600384170-000000 57 00383500-000000 5800384410-000000 5900146410-000000 60 00378480-000000 61 00384480-000000 6200121950--001900 63 001410~6-002900 64 00385100-000000 6500155511-000100 66 00146690-000000 6700145190-000000 sa 00121761-003000 ~ 00121761.003600 70 00144990-000000 71 00379320.000000 7200154570.000000 7J 00154660.000000 7400379190-000000 7500121782_001700 7600121762.010400 77 00121782-005600 7800121761-006100 79 00121762-002000 6000121762-010100 I OWnetNrme1 DRUM GFNE P & JOAN Z FORBES ROBERT M ~ ANGELA M TURNER DEREK PAUL Vv'ELFARE RICHARD THOMAS & LESLIE CAROL PRICE LAWRENCE ALFRED 8< KATHLEEN ELEANOR KOPPE RUDOLF.& RENATE RaINE THOMAS ALFRED 8: MONCUR \I'IJILLlAJIA H AND SHIRLEY SHAW C DENNIE AND LORNA .,I MILNE CLAUDIA MARY ARlvtSTRONC3 DOROTHY ELPHICK MARY ELLEN CUNNINGHAM ROSS LAND HELE:N E .,IT REI/ TR AGH. 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SECTION 1.02. SECTION 1.03. SECTION 2.01. SECTION 2.02. SECTION 2.03. SECTION 2.04. SECTION 2.05. SECTION 2.06. SECTION 2.07. SECTION 3.01. SECTION 3.02. SECTION 3.03. SECTION 4.01. SECTION 4.02. SECTION 4.03. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DEFINITIONS .................................... ..... .......... .... .... ........................ 2 INTERPRETATION ....................................... ................................... 4 GENERAL FINDINGS ...................................................................... 5 ARTICLE II W ASTEW A TER ASSESSMENTS DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED...................... 6 IMPOSITION OF ASSESSMENTS .................................................. 6 PREPAYMENT AMOUNTS .................................................. ........... 6 COMPUTATION OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS .......................... 6 PREPAYMENT OPTION ................................. ................................. 7 MANDATORY PREPAyMENT....................................................... 7 REALLOCATION UPON FUTURE SUBDIVISION ...................... 8 ARTICLE III NOTICE AND PUBLIC HEARING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL................................ 8 PUBLIC HEARING ...........................................................................8 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION ........................................................... 9 ARTICLE IV GENERAL PROVISIONS METHOD OF COLLECTION ......................................................... 10 SEVERABILITY ............................................................. ................. 10 EFFECTIVE DATE.......................................................................... 10 APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C APPENDIX D TABLE OF APPENDICES DESCRIPTION OF THE BIG COPPITI MSTU DESCRIPTION OF THE DUCK KEY MSTU PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TO BE PUBLISHED FORM OF MAILED NOTICE ii RESOLUTION NO. 264 - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF WASTEWATER SERVICE TO PROPERTIES; DESCRIBING lliE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT FEE, COLLECTION COSTS AND THE OlliER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE NON-AD VALOREM ANNUAL WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS; ESTABliSHING THE AMOUNT AND TERM OF THE ANNUAL WASTEWATER ASSESSMENT FOR EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED; DIRECTING PREPARATION OF THE INITIAL NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL; ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER IMPOSITION OF THE PROPOSED WASTEWATER ASSESSMENTS AND lliE MElliOD OF THEIR COLLECTION; DIRECTING lliE PROVISION OF NOTICE IN CONNECTION lliEREWITH; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA IE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAIm OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLWWS: ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1.01. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Resolution, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context hereof otherwise requires. "Adjusted Prepayment Amount" means the remaining Prepayment Amount for each Tax Parcel computed by deducting (1) the portion of the system development fee paid by the property owner as Annual Wastewater Assessments from (2) the Prepayment Amount utilized to compute the annual Wastewater Assessment included on the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll for such Tax Parcel. "Annual Wastewater Assessmenf' means the sum of (1) the Annual System Development Fee Payment, and (2) the Collection Cost for each Tax Parcel. "Collection Cost" means the amount computed each Fiscal Year for each Tax Parcel that shall be equal to (1) the Prepayment Amount for such Tax Parcel divided by the sum of the aggregate Prepayment Amount, multiplied by (2) the estimated cost to be incurred by the County during any Fiscal Year in connection with collection of the Wastewater Assessments, including staff administration time. "Board" means the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County, Florida. "County" means Momoe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. "County Administrator" means the chief administrative officer of the County, designated by the Board to be responsible for coordinating the Wastewater Assessments, or such person's designee. 2 "Final Assessment Resolution" means the resolution described in Section 2.06 of the Ordinance, which shall confirm, modify or repeal this Resolution. "Fiscal Year" means the period commencing on October I of each year and continuing through the next succeeding September 30, or such other period as may be prescribed by law as the fiscal year for the County, which shall be the final proceeding for the initial imposition of the annual wastewater assessment. "Initial Assessment Resolution" means the resolution described in Section 2.02 of this document, which shall be the initial proceeding for identification of Collection Costs and for imposition of an Annual Wastewater Assessment. "Initial Prepayment" means payment of the system development fee without interest or other Connection Costs. "Improved Tax Parcel" means those privately owned properties which generate wastewater and therefore will be required to connect to the Big Coppitt or Duck Key Regional Wastewater Treatment Systems. "Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll" means a non-ad valorem assessment roll, as defmed in Section 197.3632(1)(e), Florida Statutes, approved by a Fiual Assessment Resolution pursuant to Section 2.06 of this document or an annual rate resolution pursuant to Section 2.08 of this document. "Ordinance" means Ordinance No. 027-2003. "Prepayment Amount" means the amount required to prepay remaining balance of Wastewater Assessment for each Tax Parcel following certification of the Non-Ad J Valorem Assessment Roll for the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November of each year. "Property Appraiser" means the Monroe County Property Appraiser. "System Development Fee" means that portion of the capital cost of the wa~tewater system being assessed to each owner of a Tax Parcel, up to a maximum of $4,500 per EDU. "Tax Collector" means the Monroe County Tax Collector. "Tax Parcel" means a parcel of property to which the Property Appraiser has assigned a distinct ad valorem property tax identification number. "Tax Roll" means the real property ad valorem tax assessment roll described in Section 193.114(2), Florida Statutes. "Uniform Assessment Collection Act" means Sections 197.3632 and 197.3635, Florida Statutes, or any successor statutes authorizing the collection of non-ad valorem assessments on the same bill as ad valorem taxes, and any applicable regulations promulgated thereunder. "Utility" means Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. SECTION 1.02. INTERPRETATION. Unless the context indicates otherwise, words importing the singular number include the plural number, and vice versa; the terms "hereof," "hereby," "herein," "hereto," "hereunder" and similar terms refer to this Resolution; and the term "hereafter" means after, and the term "heretofore" means before, the effective date of this Resolution. Words of any gender include the correlative words of the other gender, unless the sense indicates otherwise. 4 SECTION 1.03. GENERAL FINDINGS. It IS hereby ascertained, determined and declared that: (A) Article VIII. Section I of the Florida Constitution, and Sections 125.01 and ]25.66, Florida Statutes, grant to a board of county commissioners all powers of local self-government to perform county functions and to render services for county purposes in a manner not inconsistent with general law, or with special law approved by vote of the electors, and such power may be exercised by the enactment of county ordinances. (B) The Board has enacted the Ordinance to authorize the imposition of wastewater assessments to allow payment of the cost to provide wastewater service to be paid over a period of years using the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. (C) The availability of payment options that allow a property owner either to pay an Initial Prepayment of the System Development Fee or to pay the System Development Fee over a period of years as Annual Wastewater Assessments provides a special benefit to property and encourages the property owner to pay the assessable amounts on a timely basis. (D) Since the System Development Fee and related costs are directly related to each specific parcel of property to be assessed, the wastewater assessment program provides an equitahle method of funding the System Development Fee and related costs. 5 ARTICLE II W ASTEW A TER ASSESSMENTS SECTION 2.01. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ASSESSED. Wastewater Assessment~ shall be imposed on improved privately owned Tax Parcels in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Units (MSTUs). The boundaries of the Big Coppitt MSTU are described in Appendix A. The boundaries of the Duck Key MSTU are described in Appendix B. SECTION 2.02. IMPOSITION OF ASSESSMENTS. Wastewater Assessments shall be imposed for a period of 20 years. The first Annual Wastewater Assessment will be included on the ad valorem tax bilI to be mailed in November 2007. When imposed, the wastewater assessment for each Fiscal Year shall constitute a lien upon such Tax Parcels pursuant to the Ordinance. SECTION 2.03. PREPAYMENT AMOUNTS. In the initial year. the amount necessary to prepay the System Development Fee in full for each Tax Parcel shall be $4,500 per EDU. In each successive year, a Prepayment Amount for each Tax Parcel shall be computed annually. SECTION 2.04. COMPUTATION OF ANNUAL ASSESSMENTS. The Annual Wastewater Assessment shall be computed for each Tax Parcel as the sum of (I) the Annual System Development Fee Payment, and (2) the Collection Cost. The Annual System Development Fee Payment is computed as the unpaid balance of the System 6 Development Fee amortized together with interest up to 5% per annum, over the remaining term for such tax parcel. The interest rate applied will be determined based on the interest rate obtained by Monroe County to borrow funds to complete the projects. SECTION 2.05. PREPAYMENT OPTION. The owner of each Tax Parcel subject to the Wastewater Assessments shall be entitled to prepay all future unpaid Annual Wastewater Assessments upon payment of an amount equal to the sum of (1) the Annual Wastewater Assessment and (2) the Adjusted Prepayment Amount. The amount of all prepayments made pursuant to this Section 2.05 shall be final. SECTION 2.06. MANDATORY PREPAYMENT. The owner of a Tax Parcel subject to the Wastewater Assessment shall immediately prepay all future unpaid Annual Wastewater Assessments for such Tax Parcel if (1) the Tax Parcel is acquired by a public entity through condemnation, negotiated sale or otherwise, or (2) a tax certificate has been issued and remains outstanding in respect of the Tax Parcel and the County, at its sole option, elects to accelerate the Wastewater Assessment. Failure by the property owner to comply with this Section 2.06, will result in the remaining Prepayment Amount (plus interest computed at the rate utilized to compute the Annual System Development Fee Payment) being placed on the Tax Parcel's ad valorem tax bill for the next Fiscal Year, in addition to its share of the Collection Cost and Statutory Discount. 7 SECTION 2.07. REALLOCATION UPON FUTURE SUBDIVISION. Upon subdivision of any Tax Parcel subject to the Wastewater Assessment, and compliance with the conditions set forth below, the Prepayment Amount for such Tax Parcel shall be reallocated among the subdivided parcels as described in the Final Assessment Resolution ARTICLE III NOTICE AND PUBLIC HEARING SECTION 3.01. NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT ROLL. The County Administrator is hereby directed to prepare the preliminary Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll in the manner provided in the Ordinance. The preliminary Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll shall be maintained by the County Administrator and open to public inspection beginning August 20. 2007. The foregoing shall not be construed to require that the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll be in printed form if the amount of the Wastewater Assessment for each Tax Parcel can be determined by use of a computer terminal available to the public. SECTION 3.02. PUBLIC HEARING. A public hearing will be conducted by the Board at 5:01 p.m.. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, on September 10, 2007, at the County Commission Chambers in the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, MM 50 (Gulf), Marathon, Florida, to consider (A) imposition of the 8 Wastewater Assessments, and (B) collection of the Wastewater Assessments pursuant to the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. SECTION 3.03. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. Upon completion of the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll, the County Administrator shall publish a notice of the public hearing authorized by Section 3.02 hereof in the manner and the time provided in Section 2.05 of the Ordinance. Such notice shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as Appendix C. SECTION 3.04. NOTICE BY MAILING. In addition to the notice provided in accordance with Section 3.03, above, at least 20 days prior to the public hearing, the County Administrator shall mail a notice of the public hearing to each person owning property subject to the assessment. Said notice shall be mailed by first-class mail, and shall include all of the information required by Section I 97.3632(4}(b), Florida Statutes. 9 ARTICLE IV GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 4.01. MEmOD OF COLLECTION. The Wastewater Assessments shall be collected pursuant to the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. Upon adoption of a Final Assessment Resolution confirming this Resolution and imposing the Wastewater Assessments, the Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll shall be certified to the Tax Collector pursuant to the Uniform Assessment Collection Act. SECTION 4.02. SEVERABILITY. If any clause. section or provision of this Resolution shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason or cause, the remaining portion of said Resolution shall be in full force and effect and be valid as if such invalid portion thereof had not been incorporated herein. SECTION 4.03. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 10 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the IS1h day of July, 2007. Mayor Mario Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Commissioner Charles McCoy Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Sylvia Murphy .-::~-- ,#~:.<,,(.,..,[,c;;:s.':o', .,.;:".'... ')--::':',?'\ /.' . --, "-. "", . , C 'I ..--1 '\. ., ,. '., . ',.' \ '. " . it '." l' Attes.t: DANNY L. KOLHAGE CO') c:,,\: C\ In , 1 , L'::' ., , :.1 c..: - .' c' :i , L:L: , . -::; (.'.: C> :...; ~:-.... c> .... .,~ , N ._::.'!....w,J ~- U) '_.-.Je- e' ~ ~u~ '"-, :=:! S -<( 0 Q ::E ..... .... ... Yes Yes No Yes Yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~i}~ Mayor/Chairperson II APPENDIX A DESCRIPTION OF THE BIG COPPITT MSTU BIG COPPITT Section 15.5-ll3 of Article VII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the boundaries of the Big Coppitt Municipal Service Taxing Unit as the area generally bounded on the west by Boca Chica Channel and on the east by Shark Channel, including Shark Key. The Big Coppitt MSTU is depicted by the "looB" and "llOB" taxing unit boundary below. 6 , ~ \j , ." .. ~ ~ 1 B APPENDIX B DESCRIPTION OF THE DUCK KEY MSTU DUCK KEY Section 15.5-119A of Article VIII Chapter 15.5 Monroe County Code describes the Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Unit as that portion of the unincorporated County bounded on the north by U.S. Highway 1, on the west by Tom's Harbor Channel, on the South by Hawk's Channel, and on the East by Tom's Harbor Cut; an area commonly known as "Duck Key, including islands known as Center Island,Harbor Island, Plantation Island, and Yacht Club Island, but excluding Indies Island and Parcel 1 of RE# 00378380. The Duck Key MSTU is depicted by the "5ooD" taxing unit boundary below. ~ .....\ --~-- C::.-/-- .. \ v ,. APPENDIX C NOTICE OF HEARING TO IMPOSE AND PROVIDE FOR COLLECTION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN THE BIG COPPITI AND DUCK KEY REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SERVICE AREAS To Be Published on or before August 20, 2007: Si necesita esUl infornwcion en espaifol por favor de Uame Monroe County a 292-4570 Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida will conduct a public hearing to consider imposing special assessments to fund the cost of construction of the wastewater system to serve improved privately owned properties located in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key Municipal Service Taxing Units. Figure I depicts the limits of the Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System to be installed to serve improved privately owned properties within the Big Coppitt MSTU. Figure 2 depicts the limits of the Duck Key Regional Wastewater Treatment System to be installed to serve improved privately owned properties within the Duck Key MSTU. The hearing will be held at 5:01 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, on September 10, 2007, at the County Commission Chambers in the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, MM 47.5 (Gulf), Marathon, Florida, for the purpose of receiving public comment on the proposed assessments and collection of the assessments on the ad valorem tax roll. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the hearing and to file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public hearing. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this proceeding should contact the County Administrator at 305/292-4441 at least 48 hours prior to the date of the hearing. The assessments will be collected on the ad valorem tax bill, as authorized by Section 197.3632, Florida Statutes. Failure to pay the assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. The Board intends to collect the assessments in installments, the first of which will be included on the ad valorem tax bill to be mailed in November 2007. A more specific description of the assessment program is set forth in the Initial Assessment Resolution No. 264-2007 adopted by the Board on July 18,2007. Copies of the Initial Assessment Resolution No. 264-2007 and the preliminary Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Roll are available for inspection at the County Administrator's office, located at The Historic Gato Cigar Factory, 1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-205, Key West, Florida. Figurel: Big Coppitt Regional Wastewater Treatment System including the Big Coppitt, Geiger Key, Rockland, Big Coppitt, and Shark Key areas. Figure 2: Portion of Duck Key Regional Wastewater Treatment System including islands known as Center Island, Harbor Island, Plantation Island, and Yacht Club Island. APPENDIX D FORM OF MAILED NOTICE - Monroe Count. _ W utewater Deot. "" Iill" II 00 Simonton SI. I . Suile 2-216 Key Wcst FL 33040 Board of Count. COJDJDiuioners Mayor Mario Di Gennaro, Dist. 4 Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar, Dist. 1 George Neugent, Dis!. 2 Charles McCoy, Dist. 3 Sylvia Murphy, Dist. 5 ({OwnerNam.e 1~) ((OwnerName2)) <<OwnerAddI>> <<OwnerAdd2>> "City>> <<Slate>> ,<Zip>> "COUNI'RY>> Sequence Number: MW-<,SeqNUIID> Notice Date: July 27,20()7 Re: Notice of Wastewater Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Dear Property Owner: As you may know, Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) are in the process of installing rentraJ wastewater treatment systems in the Big Coppitt and Duck Key areas. Property owners have the option to pay the System Developmeot Fee for these services as one lump sum (Prepayment) or in installments (Wastewater Assessment) 6nanN'1l over twenty Yeaf!l and collected on the ad valorem tax bill as a non-ad valorem assessment. Each single family dwelling unit has been assigned one equivalent dwelling unit (EDU). The EOU Allocation for non-residential properties is based on water consumption. The EOU Allocation for commercial property is calculated by using the highest three month average water conswnption and dividing it by the average monthly water conswnption for a residential unit. If you feel there is a mistake on this notice, you need to request an EDU Allocation review. For this review, please submit a Wastewater EDU Appeals Form for EOU Allocations> 1.1 to the FKAA Marathon office by August 15,2007. Contact FKAA's Customer Service at 305-295-2178 to obtain a Wastewater Appeal fonn, or download it fiurn www.fkaacom/forms.cfinor http://tkaa.com/forrns.cfin. Tbe EDU Allocation for the above parcel is: Parcel EOU: <<EOU>> The lump sum System Development Fee ror the above parcel is <MBinsert calc: 4SOOd:DU>. It is anticipated that the Prepayment will be due in mid-September 2007, if you decide to prepay. Alternatively, a Wastewater Assessment program bas been set up to provide property owners the option to pay the System Development Fee over 20 years on the property tax bill. No action is required on your part to elect this option. The total assessment revenue to be generated including the financing costs (if there are no prepayments) over the entire 20 year period is approximately $_. The County intends to include annual assessments on your ad valorem tax bill. Failure to pay your assessments will cause a tax certificate to be issued against the property which may result in a loss of title. The estimated Annual Wastewater Assessment for tbe above parcel is: <M8insert..ax _a1> You are invited to attend a public hearing to adopt the Final Assessment Resolution schedu1ed for September 10, 2007 at 5:01 pm at the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway (MM 50), Mamthon, FL 33050. The Final Assessment Resolution will be available in the agenda packet for the bearing, to be published at http://monroecotl.virtualtownhall.netlPagesIMonroeCoFL_BOCC/agendas. All affected property owners have a right to appear at the bearing and to file written objections with the County Administrator anytime prior to the public hearing. If you decide to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at the hearing, you will need a record of the proceedings and may need to ensure that a verbatim record is made, including the testimony and evidence upon whicb the appeal is to be made. In accordance with the lof2 Americans with Disabilities Act, if you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation or an interpreter to participate in this p~;ng, contact the County Administrator at (305) 292-444 I at least 48 hours prior 10 the date of the bearing. Once CODStru(:tion is complete and waslewaler service becomes available, owners of properties with water service will be requi"oo to connect properties to the regional wastewater treatment system within 30 days of receipt of a mandatory COIll1lection notice. This notice satisfies the statutory requirement for notice of the requirement to connect to the regionall wastewater treatment system once service becomes available. h is anticipated that 30 day connection notices will be: sent fur Big Coppitt beginning in December 08 and fur Duck Key Beginning in August 09. Properly owner responsibilities including construction of on-site pipes, .""nrlnnrnent of on-site systems, permitting and related tasks ~o complete the connection will be detailed in the connection notice. The on-site co&s described above are in addition to the System Development Fee. Additional information about wastewater projects will be included in future notices. Contact FKAA at 305-295-2 I 18 with questions regarding the connection process. 2of2