4th Amendment-FAA Letter Nov 20 07 03:42p p.2 ~" ~~ Florida Department of Ti msportation CHARLIE CRIST GOVERNOR District Six -- Public Trclnsporto- j I Office 1000 NW 111- Ave., Roor 11114 Miami.. FL 33' 72.58('" Tel. {305) 4 :;'0-529: Fax (305) 4 ;'0.517> STEPHANlJi; C.l<OPELOllS0S SECRETARY November 14, 2007 Mr. Pedro J. Mercado, Esq. Office ofthe County Attorney 502 Whitehead Street, Rear P.O. Box 1026 Key West, F133041-1026 RE: Review of Fourth Amendment "after the fact ap!, I val" Dear Me Mercado: The Department has reviewed the Fourth Amendment I agreement between Monroe County and construction manager, the Morganti group 1)1' the Key West International Ailport-New Tenninal building funded [mder Joint Pac; :ipation Agreement (JP A) number 416377 1 9401. This is an "after the fact approval" and any costs that \I I lht have been incurred on this project prior the effective date of this letter are not clig ! le for reimbursement. Sincerely, --1 ..-, ~ A' ~<< Q L.Car! Filer, Jr., P.E. Public Tr;msportation Manager Cc: A. Bravo, P.E. A. Chao, FDOT L. Spencer, BMC S. Moore, P.E. FAA.ADO P Horton, Monroe County M. Reisert, P.E. URS RECEIVED NOV 2 t) 2007 AIRPORT ADMIN. /1.1'1- WWW.dot.Sl;ate.fl.u .. C!) Rfevo.FO Pi1PF'R Nov 20 07 02:08p p.2 <<) U,S, Deportment of Tronsportotior, FecIet'oI I'wlcrtlon Admlnlstralllon Orlando Airports Dis1Tict Ollie<! 5950 Hareltine National Dr., Suite 400 Orlando, FL 32822.5003 Ptone' (407) 812-6331 Fox: (407) 812.6978 Novembl3r 16, 2007 Mr. Pedro Mercado Assistant Monroe County Attorney P,O, 8m: 1026 Key West FL 33041-1026 Dear Mr. Mercado: As discussed at our ADO meeting on October 26,20')', we have completed our review of eligible percentage for federal funding for th" new terminal construction and ConstruGtion-Manager-at-Risk (CMR) fees, 1, Given the updated pUblic vs, non-public space fi!l ,. 'es provided to us on November 15, 200i', by your consultant: the AlP eligibl,! portio' (95%) of total costs is 99,7% ;:: 94.7% oHota/. PFC eligible costs (bonds, interest, fir; ncing, etc.) are 100% of 99.7% '" 99.7% oHota/. 2. The total amounts agreed to are $28,000,0(1 for building construction and $3,700,000 for CMR fees. 3. The FAA will not need to review slJb-contracts':t1 the Fourth Amendment be,tween Monroe County and Morganti Group. Inc. We appro Ie the Fourth Amendment to the limits noted above; sub-contracts may be reviewed t;, (our office. We consider this the final review of the propo:~ed co, I '. We wi 1/ consider any additional costs at closeout that relate to the scope of work i, entified at our meeting (such as specific Ichange orders, etc.) for AlP and/or PFC fund g. Sincerely, Bart Vernace Assistant Manager cc: Ms. Andrea Chao, FDOTf6 Mr. Pete., Horton, KWIA Mr. Mil Heisert, URS-Miami