Resolution 557-2007 RESOLUTION NO...5..S.l.- - 2007 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 425-2007 ANn DIRECTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO PLACE ON THE JANUARY 29, 2008 PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE ELECTION BALLOT TIlE REFERENDUM QUI~STION SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION CONCERNING WHETHER THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY SHOULD BE AUTHORIZED TO LEVY A.5 MILL AD VALOREM TAX. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 1011.73(2) and (3), Florida Statutes, the School Board of Monroe County, Florida, in Resolution No. 686 adopted October 23, 2007, requested the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners direct the Supervisor of Elections to place on the January 29, 2008 Presidential Preference Primary Election Ballot a rer.~rendum question concerning whether the School Board of Monroe County should be authorized to levy a.5 mill ad valorem tax; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 425-2007 as presented by the School Board of Monroe County, Florida at their regularly scheduled meeting held November 14, 2007; and WHEREAS, the School Board of Monroe County has subsequently advised the ballot language provided for approval in Resolution No. 425-2007 is incorrect and must be changed to reflect the ballot language set forth in this resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: Resolution No. 425-2007 is hereby rescinded. Section 2: Pursuantto Sec. 10 II. 73(2)(3) and (4)( a)(b), Florida Statutes, the Supervisor ofElections of Monroe County, Florida is hereby directed to place on the ballot of the Presidential Preference Primary Ballot Election to be held January 29,2008, the following proposition, in both English and Spanish, to be voted upon by the voters of Monroe County, Florida: RENEW FLEXmLE FUNDING FOR MONROE COUNTY SCHOOLS: The District's objective is to continue to make available a portion of the existing capital ad valorem tax levy for operations - such as teachers, school nurses and classroom materials. The District intends to continue its reduced millage for capital projects, and continue to make available the equivalent amount for operations. Shall the District continue to enact a yearly ad valorem tax of. 5 mill, for four years beginning July I, 2008 for operating purposes? YES NO 1 Section 2: The Supervisor is further directed to require the School Board to obtain pre-clearance from the U. S. Department of Justice before placing the referendum on the January 29, 2008 ballot. Section 3: The Clerk is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to Harry Sawyer, Supervisor of Electilons, 530 Whitehead Street, #101, Key West, FL 33040. Passed and adopted by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners at a meeting held this 19th day of December, 2007. Mayor McCoy Yes Mayor Pro Tern Di Gennaro Yes Commissioner Spehar Yes Commissioner Murphy Yes Commissioner Neugent Yes (Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS OF :ONROECOU~ORIDA Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy ATTEST:D~L.KOLHAGE,CLERK By: ~a-LJC. IJuXJam-tJ Deputy Clerk \0 r.n .t; c; .. - x: :-...: . CL. 0 . _. __..J , ~:_:::r::I.l.J ::?: . "'" ;~c::;c:) -- ; -, :;0:: a: = .':1., Z = D 0 = :r: '" MONROE COUNTY ATT AP VED AS T 2 RESOLUTION NO. AZS- -1807 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA DIRECTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECl10NS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO PLACE ON 11U: JANUARY 29, 2008 PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE ELECTION BALLOT A REFERl:NDUM QUESTION CONCERNING "".uTIId THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MONROE COUNTY SHOUlDBEAllTBORrQ;DTOUVY A .5 MILL AD VALOREM TAX. WHnU:AS, pursuaut to Section 1011.73(2) and (3), Florida Statutes, the School Bo8nl of Monroe C<nmty, Florida, in &sohtlion No. 686l11lopted October 23,2007, hlI& requested that the Board of County Commissioners direct the Supervisor ofElections to place on the JlIDU8I)' 29, 2008 Presidential Preference Primary Election Ballot a referendum question concerning whether the School Board of Monroe County sbouId be authorized to Ie'IIy a .5 mill ad valorem tax; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RI:SOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN1Y, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Sectioa 1: Pursuant to Sec. 101 L 73(2X3) and (4Xa)(b), Florida Stshas, theSupnisor of Elections of Monroe County, Florida is hereby cIirected to place on the ballot of the Presidential Preference Primary Ballot Election to be held January 29, 2008, the following proposition, in both English and Spanish, to be voted upon by the voters of Monroe County, Florida: PROVIDING FLEXIBILITY FOR GREATER FUNDING FOROPDtATIONS IN THE MONROE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICf The district's existing ad valorem tax can be used for capital purposes ONLY. The district's intent is to provide for a shift to continue to enable the district to obtain additional funding for operations such as teachers and classrooms - by n:ducing millage fur capital projects, and ......ti.'l!i the following for tax operations: Shall the district enact a yearly ad valorem tax of. SO mill, for tour years beginning July I, 2008, for operating purposes, thus keeping the millage at the current rste? YES NO Section 2: The Supervisor is further cIireaed to require the SchooI8OIIrd to obtain pre- c1eanmce from the u. S. Department of Justic:e befure pIac:ing the referendum on the JIIIIWIIy 29, 2008 ballot. smion 3: The Clerk is hereby cIireaed to send a certified c:opy oftbisresolution to Harry Sawya:, Supervisor of Elections, 530 Whitehead Street, #101, Key West, FL 33040. Passed and adopted by the Momoe County Board of Commissioners at a meeting held this 14th day of November, 2007. Mayor McCoy Yes Mayor Pro Tern DiGennaro Yes Commissioner Spehar Yes Commissioner Murphy Yes CommissionerNeugent Yes (Seal) BOARD OFOOUNIYCOMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~ Mayor Charl:s "Sonny" McCoy ATTEST: DANNY L. KOlHAGE, CLERK By: ~c.. (W~aAirJ Deputy Clerk / c - Cc - :.W "1; 0 c"; c:, , f'''' ..'''' k J~-: :c H;3:~ c:~ Q.. ,.... c In . j.~~'L~ t.~_ a :::.. ;':;:J!~ 1..0.1 fiE ~.~ <:-.> l;:) - ::r: t't:: - "-:i: :;;;;:- "- "'"' <::) (::> ~ ~: 2