Resolution 559-2007
559 - 2007
SECTION 1. AUTHORITY FOR RESOLUTION. This Resolution is adopted pursuant
to the provisions of the Constitution of Florida, Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, and other applicable
provisions oflaw.
SECTION 2. FINDINGS. It is hereby found and determined that:
(A) Certain participating counties (the "Members") have created the Florida Rural Utility
Financing Commission (the "Commission") pursuant to a certain Interlocal Agreement and Chapter
163, Part I, Florida Statutes, for the purpose of issuing its notes to make loans to governmental units
for qualified projects.
(B) Monroe County, Florida (the "County") desires to receive such a loan.
(C) For the benefit of the County's inhabitants, the County finds, determines and declares
that it is necessary for the continued preservation of the health, welfare, convenience and safety of the
County and its inhabitants for certain wastewater improvements be constructed within the County
(the "Project").
(D) It is necessary for the County to raise a portion of the cost of the Project by obtaining
a commitment for permanent financing in the principal amount of at least Twenty One Million Dollars
($21,000,000). The County intends to obtain permanent financing through the Clean Water State
Revolving Fund loan program of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("DEP").
(E) On November 20,2007, DEP authorized the County to incur construction costs. The
authorization letter and procurement approval letter are attached as Exhibit "A". To ensure continued
allowability of the Project costs for financing, the County must satisfy certain loan program
(F) It is necessary and urgent that funds be made immediately available in order to
continue construction of the Project at this time. The County intends to obtain interim financing from
the Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission and has made application to the Commission for the
purpose of borrowing monies to provide for the interim financing of the construction of the Project.
In order to obtain such monies, the County is required to enter into a Loan Agreement with the
SECTION 3. APPROVAL OF PROJECT. The financing ofthe acquisition, construction
and equipping of the Project is hereby approved.
SECTION 4. LOAN AGREEMENT. The Mayor and Clerk or any other appropriate
officers of the County are hereby authorized to execute and deliver a Loan Agreement, to be entered
into by and between the County and the Commission in substantially the form attached hereto as
Exhibit "B" ",lith such additional changes, insertions and omissions thereto as may be approved by the
County Administrator (or interim County Administrator) and County Attorney, the execution thereof
being conclusive evidence of such approval. Such Loan Agreement shall be secured in the manner set
forth therein
SECTION 5. AUTHORIZED OFFICERS. The Mayor, the Clerk, the County
Administrator or any other appropriate officers of the County are hereby authorized to arrange the
interim financing to pay the costs of the Project in anticipation of the issuance of the long-term
financing. The Mayor, County Administrator, Clerk or any other appropriate officers of the County
are hereby authorized to execute and deliver on the County's behalf such instruments, documents or
certificates required by this Resolution, the Loan Agreement or any other document required by the
Commission as a prerequisite or precondition to making the Loan, and any such representation made
therein shalllbe deemed to be made on behalf of the County. All action taken to date by the officers
of the County in furtherance of the Loan is hereby approved, confirmed and ratified.
SECTION 6. DELEGATION. The Mayor and the Clerk are authorized to approve: (i) the
interest rate at not to exceed 5.50%, (ii) maturity of the financing not to exceed three (3) years from
the date of issuance, (iii) principal amount of the Loan not to exceed $21,000,000 and (iv) any other
terms ofthe financing, without further approval ofthe Board of County Commissioners. The interim
financing may be secured as provided in the Loan Agreement.
SECTION 7. DISCLOSURE. No such Loan Agreement shall be executed until the County
shall have re(;eived all disclosure information required by Chapter 218, Florida Statutes.
SECTION 8. SALE. In accordance with the provisions of Section 218.385, Florida
Statutes, the County hereby determines that a negotiated sale is in the best interest ofthe County and
hereby approves the negotiation of the Loan with the Commission. Negotiation of the Loan will
allow the County to access markets not otherwise accessible to the County at total costs and rates
favorable to the County.
SECTION 9. EXPENDITURE OF PROCEEDS. The County expects to expend the
proceeds of the Loan within three (3) years from the date of receipt of such proceeds.
SECTION 10. SEVERABILITY. Ifany one or more of the provisions of this Resolution
should be he:ld contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law,
though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall for any reasons whatsoever be held
invalid, then such provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separate from the remaining
provisions, and in no way affect the validity of all the other provisions of this Resolution.
SECTION 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of December, 2007.
Mayor McCoy
Mayor Pro Tern Di Gennaro
Commissioner Murphy
Commissioner Neugent
<"':Commissioner Spehar
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Not Present
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By ~~ c. 1!1v)()ruJ;:.a)
Deputy Clerk I
Date COUN}~"?~% 7
Florida Department of
Environmental Protection
Charlie Crist
Bob Martlnu Center
2600 81alr Slont Road
Tallahassee florida 32399-2400
!err Koltbmp
tt Govtrnor
:\lit:hJeI t.v. SoIL:
November 20, 2007
Mr Thollllls , Willi, County Administratol
MORIne County
1100 Simonton Street, Suite 2-205
Key West.FIOIida 33040
Re: WW602FPS - Monroe County
Fac:ilities Plan
WW602090 - Monroe County
Collection, Transmission & TI_ent Focilities
(Big Coppitt and South lowe! Keys)
Dear Mt. Willi:
The MoIllOCl County, "Bill Coppitt and South Lower Keys Regioaal WasIeWato. r _t Plant,
F aciJities PIalI" daIad September 2007, and related plllming doc"lDOlIts are in cooformanco with ~
requirements set fllrth in ChapRlt 62-503, Florida Adminittrative Code. The pl8lming documents are
accepted effective November 20, 2007.
The Florida State Clearinghouse coordinated a review ofthe ptoposed prQject and has determined that the
project is consistent with the F forida C_I Mari8llelDent Program.
The F lor Ida Finding of No Signifieant Impact environmental infOlmation document Was published in the
Floaida Adminilltrative Weekly on November- 16, 2007 The approval of this focilities plan is contingent
upon not receiving any negative comments from othel state agencies.
The foUowil1l8 confOlmed plans and speeifications, which incOrpolate all addenda, for Big Coppitt and
South Low", Keys Regional Wastewater T lea!ment Facilities:
I. Big Coppitt Wastewater Collection System fOI Rockland Key, dated April 25, 2007
2. Big Coppitt Wastewater Collection System fOI Geigel Key, dated April 25, 2007, and
3. Ilig Coppin Wastewater Treatment Plant, dated June 2007,
are in conformance with the requi'emeRls set forth in Chapter 62-503, F10lida Administrative Code.
These documents are accepled etrective November 20, 2007.
Our .eview of your plans and speeifocalions was pesfolmed only 10 verify confolmance with the
administrativo, requirements of the State Revolving Fund Program We did not review the technical
aspects of YOlO' documents in Older to avoid duplicating the review pesfOlmed by the pesmitting agency Or
agencies Aco:OIdingly, OUI review does not .ubstitote for any required permitting review(.)
Mort.. Pro/t.,iton [(.:Sf Pm(c..'\-..
111111 dip _~t<Jlt If us
Mr Ihomas Willi,County Administrator
November 20,2007
Page Two
This letter also provides authorization to incur construction costs for the"Big Coppitt Wastewater
Collection System for Rockland Key","Big Coppitt Wastewater Collection System for Geiger Key",and
"Big Coppitt Wastewater Treatment Plant"contracts prior to executing a SRF loan agreement for your
projects. TIIISIMIIPPIIMMIIIIPPOMUMilewpstammosinuiligiumerommilIPOPPINEIVIREPREIand
retain eligibility for funding However,there remain loan program requirements that the County must
satisfy to ensure c ntmued eligibility of the project costs. 1,,,.,iR 11,1.
ettorts to satisfy the remainder of these requirements before you proceed with procurement actions related
dwwe _' .4.•uAll�M!!!!g'
the Bureau is currently reviewing the submitted bidding information. Do not award any contracts until
the Bureau concurs with your award recommendations. Note that improper or unauthorized procurement
may result in the disqualification of contract costs for funding ` r? p r t
Project changes made after bid opening are to be accomplished by changi order. All change orders must
be submitted to this Bureau for review.
If you have any questions or need further information,please call Pankaj Shah,at 850/245-8372
l? bert E.Holmden,P.E,Chief
Bureau of Water Facilities Funding
cc: Elizabeth A. Wood—Monroe County
Ray Shimokubo—Florida Key Aqueduct Authority/Key West
stsoorPt . Florida Department of Charlie Crist
Environmental Protection IeflKot'kamp
>�r Lt.Governor
FLOR A Bob Martinez Center
2600 Blair Stone Road Michael W.Sole
Tallahassee Florida 32399-2400 Secretary
November 21,2007
Mr. Thomas J_Willi,County Administrator
Monroe County BOCC
1100 Simonton Street Suite 2-205
Key West,Florida 33040
Re: WW602090-Monroe County
Collection, Transmission&Treatment
(Big Coppitt&South Lower Keys)
Dear Mr.Willi:
We have reviewed the bidding information for the contracts listed below. the selection of the bidders identified
below is acceptable.
Contract Contractor Contract Amount
Big Coppitt Wastewater Treatment Plant Wharton-Smith,Inc. $10,777,000.00
Rockland Key Collection System ADD Utility Contractors,Inc. $1,841,954.16
Geiger Key Collection System ADB/WPC Utility Contractors,Inc- $5,633,888.85
Ihis letter is your authorization to award the contract.'Please submit the attached Certification of Contractor's
Insurance and Bonding form for each contract executed to: Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Bureau of Water Facilities Funding,2600 Blair Stone Road M.S.3505, Iallahassee,Florida 32.399-2400. Note
that disbursements will not be made against a contract until the Certification form for that contract is returned to
l'Imor mad all ohanpa elders to Pealed Shah of this Bureau for levity,and advise him oldie
, •
imP40111116U0baa oonfineam a dab so drat he may ahead- If we may be of further assistance,please call
David Courson at(850)245-8358.
Sincerely, •
114 /4/ /1/4.0CP1_,
Robert E.Holmden,P.E,Chief
Bureau of Water Facilities Funding
cc: Tom Walker—Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority
,blorc Protection Lcss Procc r
ni:n•dcp state 11 us
ExnmIT B
SMO Draft#2
by and between
Dated as of January _, 2008
Section 1.1. Definitions .............. ... ... ................ ............. ............................................ ... ... ......... ........... 3
Section 2.1. Representations and Warranties of Commission....................................................... 6
Section 2.2. Representations and Warranties of Governmental Unit .......................................... 6
Section 2.3. Representations and Warranties of the Governmental Unit Concerning
the Commitment Letter ............................................................... .................. ................ 8
Section 2.4. Representations Concerning the Permanent Financing............................................ 8
Section 2.5. Representations, Warranties and Covenants Concerning the Permanent
Lender ...................................... ........................................................................................ 8
Section 3.1. Determination of Eligibility ........................................................................................ 10
Section 3.2. Principal Amount Of Loan Established; Loan Payments; Disbursement of
Funds ........................................................................ ............... ....................................... 10
Section 3.3. Commencement of Loan Term...................................................................................10
Section 3.4. Termination of Loan Term .......................................................................................... 10
Section 3.5. Rebate to Governmental Unit ..................................................................................... 11
Section 3.6. Covenant Regarding Permanent Financing.............................................................. 11
Section 4.1. Loan Closing Submissions .......................................................................................... 12
Section 4.2. Covenants of Governmental Unit and Conditions of Loan ................................... 12
Section 4.3. Disbursements of Loan; Requisition for Funds........................................................ 15
Section 5.1. Pledge and Assignment...............................................................................................16
Section 5.2. Further Assurance........................................................................................................ 16
Section 5.3. Completion of Project ..................................................................................................16
Section 5.4. Tax Covenant .............................. ... ...................... ............... ... ....................................... 17
Section 5.5. Accounts and Reports.................................................................................................. 17
Section 5.6. General................. ... ...... ...... ... ............... ............................. ... ... ...................... ......... ....... 17
Section 5.7. Indemnity .... ........................................... ................ ... ........................................... ... ...... 17
Section 5.8. Further Assurance .... ... ............ ... ...... ...................... ...... ...................... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ..... 18
Section 5.9. Limited Obligations ................................. .................................................................... 18
Section 7.1. Events of Default Defined ........................................................................................... 20
Section 7.2. Remedies on Default ....................................................................................................20
Section 7.3. Appointment of Receiver ............................................................................................20
Section 7.4. No Remedy Exclusive.................................................................................................. 21
Section 7.5. Consent to Powers of Commission Under Act and this Loan Agreement........... 21
Section 7.6. Waivers ................................................................................................................ .......... 21
Section 7.7. Agreement to Pay Attorneys' Fees and Expenses ................................................... 21
Section 8.1.
Section 8.2.
Section 8.3.
Section 8.4.
Section 8.5.
Section 8.6.
Section 8.7.
Section 8.8.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Exhibit C
Exhibit D
Exhibit E
Notices............................................................................................................................ 22
Approval not to be Unreasonably Withheld ............................................................ 22
Effective Date................................................................................................................ 22
Binding Effect................................................................................................................ 22
Severability.................................................................................................................... 23
Execution in Counterparts.......................................................................................... 23
Applicable Law .............. ............................................................................................... 23
Captions ......... ............ .................................................................................................... 23
Requisition Form
Form of Loan Note
Form of Resolution
Form of Opinion of Counsel to Government Unit
Permanent Lender Commitment Letter
THIS LOAN AGREEMENT (this "Loan Agreement") is made and entered into as of
January _~ 2008, by and between the Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission, a legal
entity and a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes
(the "Commission"), and the Monroe County, Florida (the "Governmental Unit").
WHlEREAS, the Commission has established its Public Projects Construction Financing
Program (the "Program") designed to provide financing of construction to governmental
entities under which the Commission has determined to issue its Revenue Notes (Public
Projects Construction), Series 2008, dated January ~ 2008 (the "Notes") pursuant to a Trust
Indenture, dated as of January 1, 2008 (the Indenture"), by and between the Commission and
Regions Bank, as trustee (the "Trustee"), the net proceeds of which will be applied for the
benefit of such governmental entities by making Loans, pursuant to Loan Agreements, for
construction of their Projects, in order to provide a centralized source of interim construction
financing and to reduce interest costs financing expenses of such governmental entities;
WHlEREAS, the Governmental Unit has obtained a commitment for Permanent
Financing for its Project from a Permanent Lender;
WHlEREAS, the Governmental Unit has determined that it is necessary and desirable
that the Projlect be acquired, constructed, and financed and the Commission has determined that
the Project is a project within the meaning of the Act and the Indenture, thereby qualifying for
financial assistance from the Commission;
WH1EREAS, the Permanent Lender has or will appropriate funds in amounts sufficient
to enable it to honor said commitments for Permanent Financing of such Project;
WH1EREAS, the Commission has found and determined that the construction of the
Project will be in furtherance of the purposes of the Commission and the Governmental Unit
under the Act;
WH1EREAS, pursuant to this Loan Agreement and the County Interlocal Agreement, the
Governmental Unit has caused the commencement of the construction of the Project;
WHIEREAS, pursuant to this Loan Agreement, the Governmental Unit will irrevocably
assign to the Trustee, for the benefit of the Commission, all right, title and interest in and to
monies to be received pursuant to the Permanent Financing, which monies will be used by the
Trustee to pay principal of and interest on the Notes;
WH1SREAS, the Commission is willing to cooperate with the Governmental Unit in
making available the Loan pursuant to the Act and the Indenture to be applied to the Project
upon the conditions hereinafter enumerated and the covenants by the Governmental Unit
herein contained; and
WHEREAS, the Commission and the Governmental Unit have determined to enter into
this Loan Agreement pursuant to the terms of the Act and the Indenture and to set forth their
respective duties, rights, covenants, and obligations with respect to the construction and
financing of the Project, subject to the repayment of the Loan and the interest thereon and
subject to the terms of the commitment for Permanent Financing;
Section 1.1. Definitions. All of the terms utilized in this Loan Agreement will have
the same definitions and meaning as ascribed to them in the Act and the Indenture, which Act
and Indenture are hereby incorporated in this Loan Agreement by reference, the same as if set
forth hereby verbatim provided, however, that those definitions utilized in the Act and the
Indenture having general application are hereby modified in certain instances to apply
specifically to the Governmental Unit and its Project.
"Act" means collectively, Part I of Chapter 163, Part I of Chapter 125, Part II of Chapter
166 or Part I of Chapter 159, Florida Statutes, as amended and other applicable provisions of
"Administrative Cost" means (i) Operating Costs and (ii) any other costs and expenses
of the Program.
"Authorized Officer" means the Mayor of the Board of County Commissioners of the
Governmental Unit, the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Governmental Unit or County
Administrator of the Governmental Unit, and any other of its members, officers, agents, or
employees duly authorized by resolution or ordinance of the Commission to perform the act or
sign document in question.
"Business Day" means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or other legal holiday on
which the main corporate trust office of the Trustee is closed or the New York Stock Exchange is
"Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, including temporary, proposed and
final regulations relating thereto.
"Commitment Letter" means the Permanent Lender commitment letter evidencing the
approval by the Permanent Lender of Permanent Financing for the Project.
"Commission" means the Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission, a legal entity
and a public body corporate and politic created pursuant to the InterIocal Agreement.
Costs of Issuance" means the costs of issuing the Notes, as designated by the
Commission, including, but not limited to, the fees and charges of the underwriters, bond
counsel, trustee, rating agencies, bond and official statement printers, credit enhancement
charges, and such other fees and expenses normally attendant to an issue of the Commission's
"County" means one of the political subdivisions of the State of Florida.
"County Interlocal Agreement" means the Inter/ocal Agreement between Monroe
County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority effective September 6, 2005 relating to the
construction of the Project.
"Fiduciaries" means the Trustee, any Paying Agent, Registrar or any of them, as may be
"Engineers" means the firms of consulting engineers employed in connection with the
"Governmental Unit" means any Public Agency, Municipality or County, or any
combination thereof, participating in the Program. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Public
Agencies, Municipalities, Counties and public purpose non-profit corporations may participate
in the Program and borrow proceeds of the notes, regardless of whether such Governmental
Units become members of the Commission; and for the purposes of this Loan Agreement means
the Governmental Unit designated in the first paragraph herein.
"Governmental Unit's Account" means the separate accounts within the Program Fund
under the Indenture, established for each particular Project.
"Indenture" means the Trust Indenture dated as of January 1, 2008, between the
Commission and the Trustee, pursuant to which the Notes have been issued and are secured.
"Interlocal Agreement" means the First Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement,
dated as of February 1, 2001, by and among Jackson County, Florida, Gadsden County, Florida
and Wakulla County, Florida, as originally executed or as it may from time to time be amended
or supplemented in accordance with its terms.
"Investment Earnings" means interest earned on amounts on deposit in the
Governmental Unit's Account established for the Governmental Unit.
"Loan" means the loan effected under this Loan Agreement from the Commission to the
Governmental Unit in the principal amount set forth in Section 3.2 hereof, for the principal
purpose of paying certain costs of the construction of the Project.
"Loan Agreement" means this agreement made and entered into by and between a
Governmenltal Unit and the Commission, providing for a Loan to the Governmental Unit by the
Commission, and for the repayment thereof to the Commission by the Governmental Unit.
"Loan Note" means the note of the Governmental Unit to the Commission dated as of
its date assigned to the Trustee evidencing the loan obligations of the Governmental Unit set
forth in this Loan Agreement.
"Loan Payment Date" means the Business Day agreed to by the Trustee which day shall
be the earllier of the date which is no more than three Business Days after receipt by the
Governmental Unit of the proceeds of the Permanent Financing or the Maturity Date.
"Loan Payments" means all payments to the Commission by the Governmental Unit
under this Loan Agreement and the Loan Note.
"Maturity Date" means
"Municipality" means a duly constituted municipality in the State of Florida.
"Notes" means the Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission Revenue Notes (Public
Projects Construction), Series 2008, authenticated and delivered under the Indenture.
"Operating Costs" means, as of any particular date, the Commission's operating
expenses and all other expenses, if any, of carrying out and administering the Program under
the Indenture and shall include, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, salaries,
supplies, utilities, mailing, labor, materials, office rent, maintenance, furnishings, equipment,
machinery and apparatus, insurance premiums, legal, accounting, management, consulting and
banking services and expenses, the fees and expenses of the Fiduciaries, including Costs of
Issuance, if any, other than Costs of Issuance paid from proceeds of Notes.
"Permanent Financing" means bonds, notes or other obligations issued by the
Governmental Unit and delivered to the Permanent Lender as purchaser.
"Permanent Lender" means (i) the Rural Development, (Ii) SRF Lender, or (Iii) any
lender approved by Moody's Investors Service and which has given written intent to provide
Permanent Financing for the Governmental Unit's Project.
"Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation or
Governmental Unit.
"Project" means, when used generally, a governmental undertaking approved by the
governing body of a Governmental Unit for a public purpose and, when used in specific
reference to the Governmental Unit, wastewater capital improvement described in the loan
application submitted to the Permanent Lender.
"Public Agency" shall have the same meaning as set forth in Section 163.01(3)(b),
Florida Statutes, as amended from time to time.
"Rural Development" means the Rural Development of the United States Department
of Agriculture or its successors or assigns.
"Requisition for Funds" means the form attached hereto as Exhibit A to be utilized by
the Governmental Unit in obtaining disbursements of the Loan from the Commission as
construction of the Project progresses.
"SRI, Lender" means the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection
through its State Revolving Fund loan program.
"Stale" means the State of Florida.
"Trustee" means Regions Bank, Mobile, Alabama, and its successor or successors, and
any other corporation acting at any time as Trustee under the Indenture.
Section 2.1. Representations and Warranties of Commission. The Commission
represents and warrants for the benefit of the Governmental Unit as follows:
(i) The Commission is a legal entity and a public body corporate and
politic created pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has all necessary power and
authority to enter into, and perform its obligations under, this Loan Agreement, and has
duly authorized the execution and delivery of this Loan Agreement.
(ii) Neither the execution and delivery hereof, nor the fulfillment of or
compliance with the terms and conditions hereof, nor the consummation of the
transactions contemplated hereby, conflicts with or results in a breach of the terms,
conditions and provisions of any restriction or any agreement or instrument to which
the Commission is now a party or by which the Commission is bound, or constitutes a
default under any of the foregoing.
(iii) To the knowledge of the Commission, there is no litigation or
proceeding pending or threatened against the Commission or any other person affecting
the right of the Commission to execute or deliver this Loan Agreement or to comply
with its obligations under this Loan Agreement. Neither the execution and delivery of
this Loan Agreement by the Commission, nor compliance by the Commission with its
obligations under this Loan Agreement, require the approval of any regulatory body, or
any other entity, which approval has not been obtained.
(iv) The authorization, execution and delivery of this Loan Agreement and
all actions of the Commission with respect thereto, are in compliance with the Act and
any regulations issued thereunder.
Section 2.2.
Governmental Unit
hereby represents
and Warranties of Governmental Unit. The
and warrants for the benefit of the Commission as
(i) The Governmental Unit is a political subdivision of the State of
Florida, with full power to own its properties, conduct its affairs, enter into this Loan
Agreement and consummate the transactions contemplated hereby.
(ii) The negotiation, execution and delivery of this Loan Agreement and
the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby have been duly authorized
by all requisite action of the governing body of the Governmental Unit.
delivered by
This Loan Agreement and the Loan Note have been duly executed and
the Governmental Unit and are valid and binding obligations of the
Governmental Unit enforceable in accordance with their terms, except to the extent that
the enforceability thereof may be limited by equitable principles and by bankruptcy,
reorganization, moratorium, insolvency or similar laws heretofore or hereafter enacted
relating to or affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights or remedies generally.
(iv) There is no controversy, proceedings or litigation of any nature
pending or threatened, to the knowledge of the Governmental Unit, in any court or
before any board, tribunal or administrative body, to challenge in any manner the
authority of the Governmental Unit or its governing body to make payments under this
Loan Agreement, or to challenge in any manner the authority of the Governmental Unit
or its governing body to take any of the actions which have been taken in the
authorization or delivery of this Loan Agreement, or in any way contesting or affecting
the validity of this Loan Agreement, or in any way questioning any proceedings taken
with respect to the authorization or delivery by the Governmental Unit of this Loan
Agreement, or the application of the proceeds thereof or the pledge or application of any
monies or security provided therefor, or in any way questioning the due existence or
powers of the Governmental Unit, or otherwise wherein an unfavorable decision would
have an adverse impact on the transactions authorized in connection with this Loan
Agreement, except as specifically described in writing to the Commission.
(v) There is no fact the Governmental Unit knows of which has not been
specifically disclosed in writing to the Commission that materially and adversely affects
or, except for pending or proposed litigation or regulations that are a matter of general
public information affecting Governmental Units generally, that will materially affect
adversely the properties, activities, prospects or condition (financial or otherwise) of the
Governmental Unit or the ability of the Governmental Unit to perform its obligations
under this Loan Agreement.
(vi) The authorization and delivery of this Loan Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will not constitute an event of
default or violation or breach, nor an event which, with the giving of notice or the
passage of time or both, would constitute an event of default or violation or breach,
under any contract, agreement, instrument, indenture, lease, judicial or administrative
order, decree, rule or regulation or other document or law affecting the Governmental
Unit or its governing body.
(vii) Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a true, accurate and complete copy of
the resolution of the governing body of the Governmental Unit approving and
authorizing the execution and delivery of this Loan Agreement. Such resolution was
duly enacted or adopted at a meeting of the governing body of the Governmental Unit
at which a quorum was present and acting throughout; such resolution is in full force
and effect and has not been superseded, altered, amended or repealed as of the date
hereof; and such meeting was duly called and held in accordance with law.
(viii) All actions taken by the Governmental Unit in connection with this
Loan Agreement, the Loan Note and the Loan described herein and the Project have
been in full compliance with all laws, ordinances, governmental rules and regulations to
which it is subject and which are material to its properties, operations, finances or status
as a Governmental Unit.
(ix) The Governmental Unit has all licenses, permits and other
governmental approvals required to enter into this Loan Agreement, and has full right,
power and authority to perform the acts and things as provided for in this Loan
(x) Legal counsel to the Governmental Unit has duly executed and
delivered the opinion of legal counsel substantially in the form set forth in Exhibit D
(xi) No event has occurred and no condition exists that constitutes an
Event of Default, or which upon the execution and delivery of this Loan Agreement
and/or passage of time or giving of notice or both, would constitute an Event of Default.
Section 2.3. Representations and Warranties of the Governmental Unit Concerning
the Commillment Letter. The Governmental Unit additionally represents and warrants that the
Governmental Unit has (i) received all preliminary approvals of the Permanent Lender required
in connection with the Project, and (ii) received a commitment for Permanent Financing of the
Section 2.4. Representations Concerning the Permanent Financing. The
Governmental Unit acknowledges and agrees that the Commission has relied upon the
commitment for the establishment of the Permanent Financing by the Governmental Unit and
the Permanent Lender, and that the Commission and its officers, agents and employees have
not made an independent investigation thereof or otherwise attempted to verify the
circumstances regarding the Permanent Financing. The Governmental Unit further represents
to the Commission that such Permanent Financing has been established by the Governmental
Unit and the Permanent Lender with all due regard for the character and nature of the Project,
including the potential impact of foreseeable occurrences that reasonably might be expected to
delay the scheduled completion of the Project.
Section 2.5. Representations, Warranties and Covenants Concerning the Permanent
Lender. The Governmental Unit further represents, warrants or covenants, as follows:
(i) The Governmental Unit will not breach or default under any of the
provisions of the loan documents or any instruments, proceedings or other
documentation authorizing the issuance of or securing the payment of the Permanent
(ii) The execution and delivery of the Permanent Lender loan documents and
the compliance with the provisions thereof, will not in any material respect conflict with
or constitute on the part of the Governmental Unit a breach of or default under any
contract, agreement, instrument, indenture or proceedings or any law, regulation, court
order or consent decree to which the Governmental Unit is now subject.
(iii) The Permanent Lender loan documents will be duly authorized, executed
and delivered by the Governmental Unit and will be valid and binding obligations of
the Governmental Unit.
(iv) The Permanent Financing will be duly authorized pursuant to law and
shall constitute a valid and binding obligation of the Governmental Unit upon execution
and delivery.
(v) There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation at law or in equity
before or by any court, public board or body known to be pending or threatened against
the Governmental Unit in any way contesting or affecting any commitment for the
issuance of or the validity of the Permanent Financing or in any way adversely affecting
the transactions contemplated thereby.
(vi) The Governmental Unit will comply in all respects with the terms and
proviisions of the Permanent Lender loan documents.
(vii) The Governmental Unit will promptly remit, in accordance with the
provisions of the Permanent Lender loan documents, each disbursement from its
Governmental Unit's Account to the person or persons to whom payment is then due
and owing.
(viii) The Governmental Unit will not unilaterally terminate, or enter into any
agreement to terminate, any of the Permanent Lender loan documents and will give to
the Commission and the Trustee prompt written notice, appropriately documented, of
any amendment to or modification of any of the Permanent Lender loan documents.
Section 3.1. Determination of Eligibility. Pursuant to the terms of the Act and the
Indenture, the Commission has determined that the Project is a project under the Act and the
Governmental Unit is entitled to receive a loan from the Commission in connection with
financing the construction of the Project.
Section 3.2. Principal Amount Of Loan Established; Loan Payments; Disbursement
of Funds. The principal amount of the Loan shall be $ (the "Loan Amount").
Principal shall be paid in full on or before the Loan Payment Date. The Loan shall bear interest
at a per annum rate equal to %, and shall accrue from the loan closing date on the
outstanding principal amount of the Loan and shall be payable on the Loan Payment Date.
A portion of the proceeds of the Loan in the amount of $ shall be deposited in a
Governmental Unit's Account established under the Indenture for the Governmental Unit.
Subject to the provisions of the Indenture (which the Governmental Unit hereby acknowledges
and agrees to), the Commission shall disburse amounts from such Governmental Unit's
Account as construction of the Project progresses upon the submission by the Governmental
Unit of a Requisition for Funds in substantially the same form as Exhibit A hereto.
Payment of principal of the Loan shall be made at the principal corporate trust office of
the Trustee on the Loan Payment Date. In addition to the payment of principal of and interest
on the Loan, the Governmental Unit shall pay all Administrative Costs to the Commission,
including any share of investment earnings required to be rebated to the United States of
America pursuant to the Code, arising from the making of the Loan by the Commission to the
Governmental Unit. The Governmental Unit shall receive a credit against its payment of the
Loan hereunder in an amount equal to amounts remaining in its Governmental Unit's Account
on the Loan Payment Date.
The Governmental Unit's obligation hereunder to repay amounts advanced pursuant to
this Section 3.2, together with interest thereon, and any other payments required under this
Loan Agreement, shall be evidenced by the execution by the Governmental Unit of this Loan
Agreement and the Loan Note.
Section 3.3. Commencement of Loan Term. The Governmental Unit's obligations
under this Loan Agreement shall commence on the date hereof unless otherwise provided in
this Loan Agreement.
Section 3.4. Termination of Loan Term. The Governmental Unit's obligations under
this Loan Agreement shall terminate after payment in full of all amounts due under this Loan
Agreement and all amounts not theretofore paid shall be due and payable at the times and in
the amounts set forth herein; provided, however, that all covenants and all obligations provided
hereunder specified to so survive shall survive the termination of this Loan Agreement and the
payment in full of principal and interest hereunder. Upon termination of the Loan term and
payment in full of the Loan and all other amounts due hereunder as provided herein, the
Commission and the Trustee shall deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Governmental Unit
an acknowledgment thereof.
[Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Governmental Unit shall not prepay the Loan in
full prior to _ 1, 20_. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Governmental Unit may pay
such amounts as are required to pay the Loan in full (with accrued interest to _ 1, 20_) to
the Trustee to be held in irrevocable escrow on behalf of the Governmental Unit on or before
_ 1, 20__. Such amount required to pay the Loan in full shall be calculated on the date of
payment. Any interest or portion thereof earned on the escrow account may be rebated back to
the Governmental Unit.]
Section 3.5. Rebate to Governmental Unit. Within 90 days following the payment in
full of the Notes, the Commission shall rebate or cause to be rebated to the Governmental Unit
such Governmental Unit's portion of the monies remaining in the accounts held by the Trustee
under the Indenture after repayment of or provision for repayment of all necessary fees, costs
and expenses of the Trustee and the Administrative Costs of the Program, including the Rebate
Requiremenlt (as defined in the Tax Certificate) and the Provisional Rebate Amount (as defined
in the Compliance Agreement) (collectively, the "Rebate Amount"), on the following basis: all
interest paid on the Loans, provided, however, that if the remaining Rebate Amount is not
sufficient to rebate all interest paid on all Loans, the rebate will be equal to the remaining
Rebate Amount multiplied by a ratio whose numerator is the Governmental Unit's Loan
amount and whose denominator is the total Loan amounts on all Governmental Unit's
Accounts; provided further, however, that no such amount shall be rebated to the
Governmental Unit unless and until the Governmental Unit certifies that such amount shall
only be expended on "capital projects" within the meaning of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes.
Section 3.6. Covenant Regarding Permanent Financing. The Governmental Unit
does hereby separately covenant that if for any reason the Permanent Lender fails to provide
the Permanent Financing by accepting delivery thereof on or before the Maturity Date, the
Governmental Unit shall continue to pay interest on the Loan at the rate set forth in Section 3.2
from amounts in its Governmental Unit's Account, and if the Permanent Lender has not
provided for the Permanent Financing by _ 1, 2011, the Governmental Unit will use
reasonable efforts to take in a timely manner all necessary actions and adopt all necessary
proceedings in order to obtain other temporary or Permanent Financing or other borrowing of
whatever nature in order to repay the Loan or to repay the Loan from any other legaliy
available non-ad valorem funds of the Governmental Unit budgeted and appropriated in the
same manner and on the same basis as the Permanent Financing on the Loan Payment Date.
The Loan shall not be or constitute a general obligation or indebtedness of the
Governmental Unit as "bonds" within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision,
but shall be special obligations of the Governmental unit, payable from proceeds of the
Permanent Financing in accordance with the term of the Loan Agreement. The Commission
shall never have the right to compel the exercise of any ad valorem taxing power to pay this
Loan, or be entitled to payment of such Loan form any moneys of the Governmental Unit
except from such funds described herein, and if required, legally available non ad valorem
revenues, in the manner provided herein and in the Permanent Financing documentation.
The Governmental Unit will give to the Commission and the Trustee prompt written
notice, appropriately documented, of any modification, suspension, termination, annulment or
other change in status of the Permanent Lender commitment for Permanent Financing. In such
event the Commission shall provide express written instructions to the Trustee specifically
detailing to the Trustee the manner in which the duties of the Trustee under the Indenture will
change as a result of such modification, suspension, annulment or other change.
Section 4.1. Loan Closing Submissions. Concurrently with the execution and delivery
of this Loan Agreement, the Governmental Unit is providing to the Commission the following
documents each dated the date of such execution and delivery unless otherwise provided below
or unless waived by the Commission and the Trustee:
(i) Certified resolution of the Governmental Unit;
(ii) An opinion on the Governmental Unit's Counsel in the form of Exhibit 0
hereto to the effect that the Loan Agreement is duly authorized and executed, and is a
valid, binding and enforceable obligation of the Governmental Unit and opining to such
other matters as may be reasonably required by Bond Counsel;
(iii) A certificate of the Authorized Officer of the Governmental Unit to the
effect that the representations and warranties of the Governmental Unit are true and
(iv) The audited financial statements of the Governmental Unit for the past
three fiscal years;
(v) This executed Loan Agreement;
(vi) An opinion (addressed to, and in form and substance acceptable to, the
Commission and the Trustee) of Bond Counsel;
(vii) An incumbency certificate and a signature certificate in form and
substance acceptable to the Commission and Bond Counsel;
(viii) An executed Form 8038-G; and
(ix) Such other certificates, documents and information as the Commission,
the Trustee or Bond Counsel may require.
All opinions and certificates shall be dated the date of the closing of the Loan.
Section 4.2. Covenants of Governmental Unit and Conditions of Loan. By the
execution of this Loan Agreement, the Governmental Unit agrees that prior to any requests for
the disbursement of all or a portion of the Loan made hereunder, the Governmental Unit shall
supply the Commission, if requested, appropriate documentation, satisfactory to the
Commission. in its sole discretion, indicating the following:
(i) [Governmenta] Unit shall abide by the covenants in the County Interlocal
(ii) All real estate and interest in real estate and all personal property
constituting the Project and the Project sites heretofore or hereafter acquired shall at all
times be and remain the property of the Governmental Unit.
(iii) In the event the Governmenta] Unit is required to provide financing for
the Project from sources other than the Commission, the Commission shall have the
right to receive such reasonable proofs as it may require of the ability of the
Governmental Unit to finance the costs of construction of the Project over and above the
Loan, prior to the disbursement by the Commission of any portion of the Loan.
(iv) [Actua] construction and installation incident to the Project shall be
performed by either the lump-sum (fixed price) or unit price contract method, and
adequate legal methods of obtaining public, competitive bidding will be employed prior
to the awarding of the construction contract for the Project in accordance with Florida
(v) [Duly authorized representatives of the Commission and such other
agencies of the State as may be charged with responsibility will have reasonable access
to tne construction work whenever it is in preparation or progress, and the
Governmenta] Unit will assure that the contractor or contractors will provide facilities
for such access and inspection.]
(vi) A work progress schedule utilizing a method of standard acceptance in
the engineering community shall be prepared prior to the institution of construction in
connection with each construction contract, or, if construction has already been initiated
as of the date of this Loan Agreement, at the earliest practicable date, to indicate the
proposed schedule as to completion of the Project, and same shall be maintained
monthly thereafter to indicate the actual construction progress of the Project.
(vii) The construction, including the letting of contracts in connection
therewith, will conform in all respects to applicable requirements of federal, state and
local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
(viii) [The Governmenta] Unit will cause the Project to proceed expeditiously
and cause the completion of the Project in accordance with the approved surveys, plans
specifications and designs or amendments thereto, prepared by the Engineers and
approved by state and federal agencies, but only to the extent such approvals may be
required. ]
(ix) The Governmental Unit shall require that each of the contractors and all
subcontractors maintain during the life of the construction contract, worker's
compensation insurance, public liability insurance, property damage insurance and
vehlicle liability insurance in amounts and on terms satisfactory to the Commission.
Until the Project facilities are completed and accepted by the Governmental Unit, the
contractor shall maintain builders risk insurance (fire and extended coverage) on a 100%
basis (completed value form) on the insurable portion of the Project, such insurance to
be made payable to the order of the Commission, the Governmental Unit, the prime
contractor, and all subcontractors, as their interests may appear.
(x) The Governmental Unit shall provide or cause to be provided and
maintained competent and adequate engineering services covering the supervision and
inspection of the development and construction of the Project, and bearing the
responsibility of assuring that construction conforms to the approved plans,
specifications and designs prepared by the Engineers. Such engineer shall certify to the
Commission, any involved state or federal agencies, and the Governmental Unit at the
completion of construction that construction is in accordance with the approved plans,
specifications and designs, or, approved amendments thereto.
Section 4.3. Disbursements of Loan; Requisition for Funds. The Governmental Unit
shall submilt to the Trustee a Requisition for Funds during the first five days of each month (or
such other designated period as is acceptable to the Trustee). The Requisition of Funds shall be
in substantially the form as that attached to this Loan Agreement as Exhibit A and made a part
Subject to the proVISIOns of the Indenture, upon the Commission's receipt of a
Requisition for Funds, and such additional documentation as it may require, the Commission
will promptly direct the Trustee to remit the amount requested to the Governmental Unit.
Section 5.1. Pledge and Assignment. The Governmental Unit does hereby
irrevocably assign and pledge to the Commission, and its successors or assigns, for the benefit
of the owners of all Notes issued under the Indenture, all right, title and interest of the
Governmental Unit in and to the proceeds of the Permanent Financing and all monies to be
received from the Permanent Lender, as applicable, pursuant to the Permanent Lender's
expressed intention to provide Permanent Financing for the Project. The Governmental Unit
acknowledges and agrees that the Commission pursuant to the Indenture has assigned and
pledged to the Trustee for the benefit and security of the owners of the Notes all of its rights
under the provisions of this Loan Agreement and the Loan Note. Accordingly, this Loan
Agreement shall not be terminated, modified or changed by the Commission or the
Governmental Unit except with the consent of the Trustee in the manner and subject to the
conditions permitted by the terms and provisions of the Indenture.
DELIVERY. The Notes and the obligations and covenants of the Commission under the
Indenture shall not be deemed to constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of the State, or any
political subdivision or municipality thereof (excluding the governmental entities to the extent
of their respective obligations under their respective Loan Agreements), or a pledge of the faith
and credit of the State or any political subdivision or municipality thereof, but shall constitute
special obligations payable solely from the pledge of those funds, accounts and sources as set
forth in this Loan Agreement and the Indenture. The issuance of the Notes pursuant to the Act
shall not directly, indirectly, or contingently obligate the Commission, the State or any other
political subdivision or municipality thereof (excluding the governmental entities to the extent
otherwise provided in their respective Loan Agreements) to levy or to pledge any form of
taxation or assessments whatsoever therefor.
Section 5.2. Further Assurance. At any time and all times the Governmental Unit
shall, so far .as it maybe authorized by law, pass, make, do, execute, acknowledge and deliver,
all and every such further resolutions, acts, deeds, conveyances, assignments, transfers and
assurances as may be necessary or desirable for the better assuring, conveying, granting,
assigning and confirming all and singular the rights, assets and revenues herein pledged or
assigned, or :intended so to be, or which the Governmental Unit may hereafter become bound to
pledge or assign.
Section 5.3.
Governmental Unit
Completion of Project. Pursuant to the County Interlocal Agreement, the
hereby covenants and agrees to cause the completion the Project in
accordance with the plans, designs and specifications prepared by the Engineers so that the
Permanent Financing can be delivered on or prior to the Maturity Date.
Section 5.4. Tax Covenant. The Governmental Unit shall at all times do and perform
all acts and things permitted by law and necessary or desirable in order to assure that interest
paid by the Commission on the Notes shall, for the purposes of federal income taxation, be
excludable from gross income under any valid provision of law, and shall take such actions as
may be directed by the Commission in order to accomplish the foregoing. The Governmental
Unit shall not permit (i) the proceeds of the Loan to be used directly or indirectly in any trade or
business of any non-governmental entity, (ii) its payments hereunder to be secured directly or
indirectly by property to be used in a trade or business of any non-governmental entity, (Iii) any
management agreement for the operation of the Project, or (iv) any federal guarantee of its
obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the Commission. The Governmental
Unit will not acquire or pledge any obligations which would cause the Notes to be U arbitrage
bonds" within the meaning of the Code.
Section 5.5. Accounts and Reports. The Governmental Unit shall at all times keep, or
cause to be kept, proper books of record and account in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles in which complete and accurate entries shall be made of all its
transactions relating to the Project.
Sectiion 5.6. General. The Governmental Unit shall do and perform or cause to be
done and performed all acts and things required to be done or performed by or on behalf of the
Governmental Unit under the provisions of any agreements regarding the Permanent Financing
and under any provisions of the Act and this Loan Agreement in accordance with the terms of
such provisions.
Section 5.7. Indemnity. To the extent permitted by law, the Governmental Unit will
pay, and will protect, indemnify and save, the Commission, each member, officer,
commissioner, employee and agent of any of the Commission, harmless from and against, any
and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees),
suits, claims and judgments of whatsoever kind and nature (including those in any manner
directly or indirectly arising or resulting from, out of, or in connection with, any injury to, or
death of, any person or any damage to property resultiing from the use or operation of the
Project), whether arising directly or indirectly (in any case, whether or not by way of the
Governmental Unit), its successors and assigns, agents, contractors, employees, licensees or
otherwise of the Governmental Unit or resulting from, out of, or in connection with, the Project
or this Loan Agreement as a result of the breach or violation of any agreement, covenant,
representations or warranty by the Governmental Unit set forth in this Loan Agreement or any
document delivered in connection herewith, but not including an action arising from the
alleged invalidity of the Notes or the gross negligence of the Commission, except to the extent
that such invalidity or gross negligence is caused by an act or omission of the Governmental
Unit or is caused by the invalidity of this Loan Agreement. The Commission shall also use
counsel reasonably acceptable to the Governmental Unit in carrying out its obligations under
this paragraph, except as a result of the breach or violation of any agreement, covenant,
representations or warranty by the Governmental Unit set forth in this Loan Agreement or any
document delivered pursuant hereto. The Commission shall give to the Governmental Unit
prompt notice of any such suits or claims.
To the extent permitted by law, the Governmental Unit hereby agrees to indemnify and
hold harmless the Trustee from and against any and all costs, liabilities, losses or damages
whatsoever (including reasonable costs and fees of counsel, auditors or other experts), asserted
or arising out of or in connection with the acceptance or administration of the trusts established
pursuant to the Indenture, except costs, claims, liabilities, losses or damages resulting from the
negligence or willful misconduct of the Trustee.
The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing herein contained shall be construed, and
neither the Trustee, the Commission, the State or the owners of the Notes shall have the right to
compel the exercise of the taxing power of the Governmental Unit in any form for the payment
by the Governmental Unit of its obligations, if any, hereunder.
The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Loan Agreement
and the resignation or removal of the Trustee.
Section 5.8. Further Assurance. The Governmental Unit shall execute and deliver to
the Trustee all such documents and instruments and do all such other acts and things as may be
reasonably necessary to enable the Trustee to exercise and enforce its rights under this Loan
Agreement and to realize thereon, and record and file and re-record and re-file all such
documents and instruments, at such time or times, in such manner and at such place or places,
all as may be reasonably necessary or required by the Trustee to validate, preserve and protect
the position of the Trustee under this Loan Agreement.
Section 5.9. Limited Obligations. Anything in this Loan Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding, it is understood and agreed that all obligations of the Governmental Unit
hereunder shall be payable only from proceeds of Permanent Financing as provided for
hereunder and nothing herein shall be deemed to pledge ad valorem taxation revenues or to
permit or constitute a mortgage or lien upon any assets owned by the Governmental Unit and
no Owner of any Note or any other person, including the Commission or the Trustee, may
compel the levy of ad valorem taxes on real or personal property within the boundaries of the
Governmental Unit. The obligations hereunder do not constitute an indebtedness of the
Governmental Unit within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory or charter provision or
limitation, and neither the Trustee, the Commission, or the Owner of any Note or any other
person shall have the right to compel the exercise of the ad valorem taxing power of the
Governmental Unit or taxation of any real or personal property therein for the payment by the
Governmental Unit of its obligations hereunder. Except to the extent expressly set forth in this
Loan Agreement, this Loan Agreement and the obligations of the Governmental Unit hereunder
shall not be construed as a limitation on the ability of the Governmental Unit to pledge or
covenant to pledge said revenues or any revenues or taxes of the Governmental Unit for other
legally permissible purposes.
This Loan Agreement shall continue to be obligatory and binding upon the
Governmental Unit in the performance of the obligations imposed by this Loan Agreement and
the repayment of all sums due by the Governmental Unit under this Loan Agreement shall
continue to be secured by this Loan Agreement as provided herein until all of the indebtedness
and all of the payments required to be made by the Governmental Unit shall be fully paid to the
Commission or the Trustee; provided, however, if, at any time, the Governmental Unit shall
have paid, or shall have made provision for payment of, the principal amount of the Loan,
interest thereon and redemption premiums, if any, payable with respect to the Notes in
connection with such payment and all other amounts due hereunder, then, and in that event,
the pledge of and lien on the proceed of the Permanent Financing pledged to the Commission
for the benefit of the Owners of the Notes shall be no longer in effect and all future obligations
of the Governmental Unit under this Loan Agreement shall cease. For purposes of the
preceding sentence, deposit of sufficient cash and/or United States Treasury obligations in
irrevocable trust with a banking institution or trust company, for the sole benefit of the
Commission in respect to which such United States Treasury obligations, the principal and
interest received will be sufficient to make timely payment of the principal amount of the Loan
and interest thereon and redemption premiums, if any, on the outstanding Notes, shall be
considered "provision for payment."
Nothing herein shall be deemed to require the Commission to call any of the
outstanding Notes for redemption prior to maturity pursuant to any applicable optional
redemption provisions, or to impair the discretion of the Commission in determining whether
to exercise any such option for early redemption.
If the Governmental Unit shall make advance payments to the Commission in an
amount sufficient to retire the Loan of the Governmental Unit, including redemption premium
and accrued interest to the next succeeding redemption date of the Notes, all future obligations
of the Governmental Unit under this Loan Agreement shall cease, except as otherwise provided
The Governmental Unit shall give a 30 day notice to the Commission prior to the
making of any advance payment on a date other than on the Maturity Date.
Section 7.1. Events of Default Defined. The following will be "Events of Default"
under this Loan Agreement and the term "Event of Default" or "Default" will mean, whenever
it is used in this Loan Agreement, anyone or more of the following events:
(i) Failure by the Governmental Unit to pay any Loan Payments at the times
specified herein including the principal and interest due on the Loan Note.
(ii) Failure by the Governmental Unit to observe or perform any covenant,
condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed, other than as referred to
in subsection (i) of this Section, for a period of 30 days after written notice specifying
such failure and requesting that it be remedied will have been given to the
Governmental Unit by the Commission unless the Commission agrees in writing to an
extension of such time prior to its expiration; provided, however, if the failure stated in
the notice cannot be corrected within the applicable period, the Commission will not
unreasonably withhold its consent to an extension of such time if corrective action is
instituted by the Governmental Unit within the applicable period and diligently
pursued until such failure is corrected.
(iii) The dissolution or liquidation of the Governmental Unit, or the voluntary
initiation by the Governmental Unit of any proceeding under any federal or state law
relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, arrangement, reorganization, readjustment of debt or
any other form of debtor relief, or the initiation against the Governmental Unit of any
such proceeding which will remain undismissed for 60 days, or the entry by the
Governmental Unit into an agreement of composition with creditors or the failure
generally by the Governmental Unit to pay its debts as they become due.
(iv) Failure of the Commission to disburse proceeds of the Loan, if the
Gowrnmental Unit has complied with all its obligations under this Loan Agreement.
Sectiion 7.2. Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default referred to in
Section 7.1 has occurred and is continuing, the Commission may, without any further demand
or notice, take one or any combination of the following remedial steps:
(i) Declare all payments due hereunder, as set forth in the Schedule of
Payments, to be immediately due and payable.
(ii) Exercise all the rights and remedies of the Commission set forth in the
(iii) Take whatever action at law or in equity appear necessary or desirable to
enforce its rights under this Loan Agreement.
Section 7.3. Appointment of Receiver. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,
and upon the filing of a suit or other commencement of judicial proceedings to enforce the
rights of the Commission under this Loan Agreement, the Commission shall be entitled, as a
matter of right, to the appointment of a receiver or receivers of the Project and all receipts
therefrom, subject to outstanding existing debt with a first lien on such receipts, pending such
proceedings, with such power as the court making such appointment shall confer; provided,
however, that the Commission may, with or without action under this Section, pursue any
available remedy to enforce the payment obligations hereunder, or to remedy any Event of
Section 7.4. No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to
the Commission is intended to be exclusive, and every such remedy will be cumulative and will
be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder and every remedy now or hereafter
existing at law or in equity. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon
any default will impair any such right or power and any such right and power may be exercised
from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient.
Section 7.5. Consent to Powers of Commission Under Act and this Loan Agreement.
The Governmental Unit hereby acknowledges to the Commission its understanding of the
provisions of the Act and this Loan Agreement, vesting in the Commission certain powers,
rights and privileges upon the occurrence of an Event of Default, and the Governmental Unit
hereby covenants and agrees that if the Commission should in the future have recourse to said
rights and powers, the Governmental Unit shall take no action of any nature whatsoever
calculated to inhibit, nullify, void, delay or render nugatory such actions of the Commission in
the due and prompt implementation of the provisions of this Loan Agreement.
Section 7.6. Waivers. In the event that any agreement contained herein should be
breached by either party and thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver will be limited
to the particular breach so waived and will not be deemed to waive any other breach
Section 7.7. Agreement to Pay Attorneys' Fees and Expenses. In the event that either
party hereto is in default under any of the provisions hereof and the nondefaulting party
employs attorneys or incurs other expenses for the enforcement of performance or observance
of any obligation or agreement on the part of the defaulting party herein contained, the
defaulting party agrees that it will pay on demand therefor to the nondefaulting party the fees
of such attorneys and such other expenses so incurred by the nondefaulting party.
Section 8.1. Notices. All notices, certificates or other communication hereunder shall
be sufficiently given and shall be deemed given when hand delivered or mailed by registered or
certified mail. postage prepaid, to the parties at the following addresses:
Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission
2970 Wellington Circle W., Suite 101
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Attn: Gary Williams, Executive Director
Trustee, Paying Agent
and Registrar:
Regions Bank
Attn: Corporate Trust Department
Governmental Unit:
Any of the above parties may, by notice in writing given to the others, designate any
further or different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates or other communications
shall be sen t.
Section 8.2. Approval not to be Unreasonably Withheld. Any approval of the
Commission required by this Loan Agreement shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be
deemed to have been given on the 30th day following the submission of any matter requiring
approval to the Commission, unless disapproved in writing prior to such 30th day. Any
provision of this Loan Agreement requiring the approval of the Commission or the satisfaction
or the evidence of satisfaction of the Commission shall be interpreted as requiring action by an
authorized officer of the Commission granting, authorizing or expressing such approval or
satisfaction, as the case may be, unless such provision expressly provides otherwise.
Disbursements of proceeds of the Loan shall be governed by Section 4.3 of this Loan
Section 8.3. Effective Date. This Loan Agreement shall become effective as of the
date first set forth herein above and shall continue to full force and effect until the date the
obligations of the Governmental Unit pursuant to the provisions of this Loan Agreement have
been fully satisfied.
Sectiion 8.4. Binding Effect. This Loan Agreement shall be binding upon, and shall
inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and to any person, officer, board, department, agency,
municipal agency, or body politic and corporate succeeding by operation of law to the powers
and duties of either of the parties hereto. This Loan Agreement shall not be revocable by either
of the parties, nor assignable by either parties without the written consent of the other party.
The Governmental Unit hereby consents to the assignment of this Loan Agreement by the
Commission to the Trustee.
Secllion 8.5. Severability. In the event that any provision of this Loan Agreement will
be held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not
invalidate or render unenforceable any other provision hereof.
Section 8.6. Execution in Counterparts. This Loan Agreement may be
simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which will be an original and all of
which will constitute but one and the same instrument.
Section 8.7. Applicable Law. This Loan Agreement will be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State.
Section 8.8. Captions. The captions or headings herein are for convenience only and
in no way define, limit or describe the scope or intent of any provisions or sections of this Loan
[Remainder of page intentionally left blank.]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Loan Agreement to be
executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the day and year above written.
Approved as to form and legality:
County Attorney
Mayor, Board of County Commissioners
Request No.
To: Regions Bank
From: Monroe County, Florida ("Governmental Unit")
Contact Person:
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The above identified Governmental Unit has entered into a Loan Agreement with the
Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission (the "Commission") for the acquisition and
construction of facilities described in the Loan Agreement as the "Project."
Pursuant to the Loan Agreement, the undersigned hereby certifies that the following
expenses have been incurred in connection with the Project and that the Commission's funding
share of these expenses is in the amount so denoted in this request totaling $ and is
set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto.
Respectfully submitted,
Certificate of Consulting Engineers as to
Payment Request
The undersigned, a duly qualified and licensed Engineer hereby certifies that that all
expenses represented in this request were duly incurred for the Construction of the "Project,"
and that sUlch expenses have not been the subject of any request for disbursement previously
Firm Name:
For value received, Monroe County, Florida (the "Issuer"), acting by and through its
Board of County Commissioners (the "Governing Body"), hereby acknowledges itself indebted
to and promises to pay to the order of:
the principal sum of
($ ) on or before . 200~
with interest thereon payable on the date of maturity (or prior prepayment) from the dated date
hereof at the rate of _% per annum.
This Note represents the authorized aggregate principal amount of $
authorized to be issued by the Issuer for the purpose of obtaining funds to finance on an interim
basis the cost (not otherwise provided) of the construction of various wastewater extensions,
additions and improvements within the Issuer (the "Project") of the Issuer, pending the
issuance and delivery of $ of SRF Fund monies (the "Permanent Financing"),
authorized by resolution of the Governing Body of the Issuer, adopted on
2007 (the "Resolution").
Disbursements of the proceeds of this Note shall be made in accordance with the Loan
Agreement by and between the Issuer and the Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission
dated the date hereof. Interest shall accrue on the principal amount of this Note from the date
of this Note until the date of maturity of this Note.
This Note is a special obligation of the Issuer, payable solely from the proceeds of the
Permanent Financing, which Permanent Financing proceeds are hereby irrevocably pledged to
the payment of this Note, and, in the event of a deficiency, from legally available non-ad
valorem revenues of the Issuer budgeted and appropriated by the Governing Body in
accordance with the Loan Agreement.
This Note is issued pursuant to Chapter 166, Florida Statutes (the "Act") and in
anticipation of the issuance of the aforesaid Permanent Financing and neither this Note, nor the
interest hereon, constitutes or evidences an indebtedness of the Issuer.
It is hereby certified that the proceeds of this Note will be disbursed in accordance with
the Resolution, authorizing the issuance of the Loan, and that the proceeds of this Note will be
subject to all of the conditions of said Resolution.
It is further certified that the undersigned is the Mayor of said Issuer, that he is duly
authorized to execute this Note on behalf of said Issuer, and that this Note represents a liability
of said Issuer only, payable out of the first proceeds of said sources, herein above mentioned,
and that the undersigned, by executing this Note, does not become personally and/or
individually liable hereon as his personal or individual debt.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Monroe County, in the State of Florida, by its Governing
Body, has caused this Note to be executed by the Mayor of the Board of County Commissioners
and its Seal to be hereunto affixed, on the date of this Note, which is January ~ 2008.
(Seal of Issuer)
See Document No.
in the T ranscri pt
[Letterhead of Counsel to Governmental Unit]
Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission
Tallahassee, Florida
Regions Bank
New York, New York
Loan Agreement by and between Florida Rural Utility Financing Commission
and Monroe County Florida dated as of January ~ 2008
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The undersigned is an attorney at law duly admitted to the practice of law in the State of
Florida and is County Attorney to Monroe County, Florida (the "Governmental Unit"). I am
familiar with the organization and existence of the Governmental Unit and the laws of the State
of Florida applicable thereto. Additionally, I am familiar with the project (the "Project") with
respect to which the Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") by and between the Florida
Rural Utility Financing Commission ("Commission") and the Governmental Unit is being
authorized, executed and delivered and the Loan Note (the "Loan Note") from the
Governmental Unit to the Commission is being authorized, and which may be executed and
I have reviewed the form of Loan Agreement, the Loan Note, the resolution of the
Governmental Unit authorizing the execution and delivery of said Loan Agreement and Loan
Based upon my review I am of the opinion that:
(1) The Governmental Unit is a duly organized and existing political
subdivision of the State of Florida validly existing under the Constitution and statutes of
the Sta te of Florida.
(2) The Loan Agreement and the Loan Note have been duly executed and
delivered by the Governmental Unit and each is a valid and binding obligation of the
Governmental Unit enforceable in accordance with their terms, except to the extent that
the enforceability thereof may be limited by equitable principles and by bankruptcy,
reorganization, moratorium, insolvency or similar laws heretofore or hereafter enacted
relating to or affecting the enforcement of creditors rights or remedies generally.
(3) The Governmental Unit has all necessary power and authority to enter
into, perform and consummate all transactions contemplated by the Loan Agreement
and the Loan Note, and to execute and deliver the documents and instruments to be
executed and delivered by it in connection with the construction of the Project.
(4) The execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement and the Loan Note
and the performance by the Governmental Unit of its obligations thereunder does not
and will not conflict with, violate or constitute a default under any court or
administrative order, decree or ruling, or any law, statute, ordinance or regulation, or
any agreement, indenture, mortgage, lease, note or other obligation or instrument,
binding upon the Governmental Unit, or any of its properties or assets. The
Governmental Unit has obtained each and every authorization, consent, permit,
approval or license of, or filing or registration with, any court or governmental
department, commission, board, bureau, unit or instrumentality, or any specifically
granted exemption from any of the foregoing, that is necessary to the valid execution,
delivery or performance by the Governmental Unit of the Loan Agreement and the Loan
(5) To the best of my knowledge after due inquiry there is no action, suit,
proceedings or investigation at law or in equity before any court, public board or body
pending or threatened against, affecting or questioning (i) the valid existence of the
Governmental Unit, (ii) the right or title of the members and officers of the
Governmental Unit to their respective positions, (iii) the authorization, execution,
delivery or enforceability of the Loan Agreement, the Loan Note or the application of
any monies or security therefor, (iv) the construction of the Project, or (v) that would
have a material adverse impact on the ability of the Governmental Unit to perform its
obligations under the Loan Agreement or the Loan Note.
(6) None of the proceedings taken by the Governmental Unit for the
authorization, execution or delivery of the Loan Agreement or the Loan Note has or
have been repealed, rescinded, or revoked.
(7) All proceedings and actions of the Governmental Unit with respect to
which the Loan Agreement or the Loan Note is to be delivered were had or taken at
meetings properly convened and held in substantial compliance with the applicable
provisions of the laws of the State of Florida.
Very truly yours,