01/16/2008 Agreement DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: January 22, 2008 TO: Suzanne A. Hutton County Attorney ATTN: Kathy M Peters Executive Assistant FROM: Pamela G. Hanc~ Deputy Clerk lY At the January 16, 2008, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following: /Settlement Agreement in Monroe County v. Captain Cross Bones Raw Bar & Grill, Inc., c/o Terry Croushore, Registered Agent in Code Enforcement Case CE06040/00. Settlement Agreement in Monroe County v. Lee C T Trust PBD Michael Lee in Code Enforcement Case CE05I/0423. Enclosed are the original Settlement Agreements for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. Thank you. cc: Financy File ,/ BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MASTER OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA THE HONORABLE LARRY SARTIN, PRESIDING MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Petitioner, VS. CASE NO.: CE06040100 CAPTAIN CROSS BONES RAW BAR & GRILL, INC., and TERRY CROUSHORE, Respondents. I SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County and Captain Cross Bones Raw Bar & Grill, Inc. and Terry Croushore, Respondents, hereby agree to settle the code enforcement lien imposed in the above-referenced case by the Special Master against property owned by the Respondent for a total of $118.50. The property in question has a legal description of BK 1, L T 6, SUMMERLAND KEY COVE AMD, SUMMERLAND KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, (RE#: 00188950- 000000). The lien was recorded at Book 2261, Page 1586, and a corrected lien was recorded at Book 2292, page 2334, of the Office Records of Monroe County. The Respondent shall remit cash, money order or check in the amount of $118.50 made payable to the Board of County Commissioners. The County will hold the check uncashed until approval of the settlement terms by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, at which point the County will cash the check. Within 30 days of clearance of the last check, the County shall provide to Respondent a release and satisfaction of said lien, which the Respondent shall record in the Official Records of Monroe County. By entering into this agreement, any and all claims arising out of the above- captioned code enforcement case shall be satisfied and concluded. Each party shall bear its own costs and attorney's fees other than as specified in this agreement. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RIDA By Mayor/Chairperso CAPTAIN CROSS BONES RAW BAR & GRILL, INC. /7 ~ /) / '. 0l//JM1 .;(J?/t~~ ~~ry Public '" ~ ~ "- T~rry hare, Register~gent 1-6'.(;1 Y (date) ,"''''If"", JO ANN SAUNOER8 I'm' -" PublIC. _oIF_ !. . '! Mr Commilllon E.p1m Nove. 2011 ~t~:"i 'i:fI:;.p~; Commission', 00 692685 "'"r,'~,:,\,,'" Bond('d T11fOUgh N'tlt(mal NolaryAssn Mori" A" ,rYiNEY .'(Jf'lM: ""--~ NO n. 0, ),9NEY r'/IONHUE COUN ry AnC, ,NE: PfWVETJ 1\:), TniWl' jr>"I' . . f ~ ~" ;Yf.: "j:.-"rrA i~----> ',;~.IS r>,J: '~,_j~p /,~rT()r>!1i -'--'-'--"'--~