Notices to Owner WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW. YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE. YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US (Lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 71079857603023164342 JANUARY 14, 2008 71079857603023164342 NOTICE TO OWNER I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owner) 71079857603023164342 MONROE COUNTY 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST, FL 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: READY MIX, CONCRETE, BLOCK, PIPE, PAVERS, & RELATED MATERIALS for the improvements of real property identified as 302 FLEMING STREET A/K/A 500 WHITEHEAD STREET, KEY WEST, FLORIDA, FREEMAN JUSTICE CENTER. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS KW PT JACKSON SO G56-58/61 OR287-557/59IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. under an order given by EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05 or Section 713.23, Florida Statutes Title 40 USC Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid, have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. --LEARN more abom the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part L Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. COPIES TO: (Under an order given by) EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION 5635 MACDONALO AVE KEY WEST, FL 33040 By; WILLlAMD. MEEK ,JR~ I HAeM Services Corp. Any demand. made pursuant to. Sectian. 713: 16, Flarida Statutes, must be directed to the attention o.f the Liimor's representative at the address of the Lienor shown below. As Authorized Agent for Lienor: ( ) I. ' , In In a-. :::I:: ex: w_ CEMEX CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, L.P. ATTN: CREDIT SERVICES 941-748-1280 5325 ESTATE RD 64 BRADENTON FL 34208 (Ref#: 30073949-34457423) , - >- (')1-' ,:. r- "::::::: :"') .C.,)CI J .C:I '::.-::::::w :.-:: ;:-~ C> "","-'0::: .:;: Z c., Cl . :<: :z: oa: -, => = = .... 1.._0 ,) . ac.:~ CAy I WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS. AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US (Lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 71079857603023514567 FEBRUARY 25, 2008 71079857603023514567.3514581 NOTICE TO OWNER / NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owned 71079857603023514567 MONROE COUNTY BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS 500 WHITEHEAD ST KEY WEST. FL 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: READY MIX. CONCRETE, BLOCK, PIPE, PAVERS. & RELATED MATERIALS for the improvements of real property identified as KEYWEST FEDERAL COURT HOUSE. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS BRICK & STONE EXTERIOR CLADDING FREEMAN JUSTICE CENTER BOND NUMBER 07-4328 IN MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA. under an order given by EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION INC. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05 or Section 713.23, Florida Statutes Title 40 use Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid, have a right to enforce their claim tor payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontraC(QTS or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. --LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part T, Florida Statutes, and the meaning ofthis notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. COPIES TO: 71079857603023514581 (GEN CONTR) EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION INC 5635 MACDONALD AVE KEY WEST. FL 33040 By: WILLIAM D~ MEEK,JR~I NACMServices Corp. Any demandmadepurs1l8nttClSeCtior'1. 713,1tl, Florida Statutes, must be. directed to.the attention of the Lienor's representative at the address ofthEi Uenor showflbe]ow. As Authorized Agent for Lienor: (Under an order given by) EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION INC 5635 MACDONALD AVE KEY WEST, FL 33040 A Cernex group company, including Rinker Materials of Florida, Inc. d/b/a Cern ex and/or Cemex Construction Materials, LP ATTN: CREDIT SERVICES 941-748-1280 5325 ESTATE RD 64 BRADENTON FL 34208 (Ref#: 12727500) 71079857603023514574 (SURETY) FIRST SEALORD SURETY INC 4901 NW 17TH WAY STE 304 FT LAUDERDALE FL 33309 ~. . cc.'.~ CAt ::J: o ~ :z: ~ ::On:;;; gr:,; ~ r:.-J~"r-' on' ....., = = ... ..., ,..., CD N ..... '~'~1 ::.:; --q ":\ ~~'-'~ -~C)r -<~""i:;:':- , "1 c; -'1 :Do ::s: <? (,.) (,.) , >- TO~'" OWNER: Certified: 7101 04123440 1662 1605 , MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA 500 WHITEHEAD STREET KEY WEST, FL 33040 W0I1B09868D BATCH:028053ID:RINK02 DATE:06I17J08 Thjl undersigned hereby informs you that it has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: " CONCRETE,BLK,STEEL,DRYWALL,MSC BLDG MTLS For improvement of the real property described as: ., MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA 310 FLE~T KW PT 4CKSON SQ ADM BLDG G69-264 OR844-1733134 MONROE, FL ',; I,~" Under an ol'tlfr, given by: EG BRASWELL CONSTRucnON 12804242 Florida law prescribes the serving of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713,06 Florida Statutes. pursuant to Florida Statute 713.16(1) please furnish a copy of your direct contract with the contractor. Responsibility for copy costs is acknowiedged. Request for Sworn Statement of Account must be addressed to: A CEMEX GROUP CO INCL RINKER MTL'S OF FL INC DIBIA CEMEX AND/OR CEMEX CONST MTL'S LP 11100 NW 138lll ST MIAMI FL 331 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's iaw, those who work on your property or provide materiais and are not paid have a right to enforce their ciaim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the peopie who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN iF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may resuit in a lien against your property uniess all those suppiying a Notice to Owner have been paid. LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Flonda Department of Business and Professional Reguiation. If a payment bond eXists for this proj~~~~I~re5'1l!!'ffiW~_~gncl!'r/!tI,l'fll!lll to make claim against any such bond(s). Request for a copy of the bond(s) is hereby made, with acKnowledgment of responsibility for copy costs. Failure to furnish the requested copy may have adverse consequences as described in Florida Statutes 713,23, 713.245, 255.05. [OWNER) CertHled: 710104123440 16821805 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA 500 WHITEHEAD S7REET KEY WES7, FL 33040 FIRM: A CEMEX GROUP co INCL RINKER M11-'S OF FL INC D/B/A CEMEX AND/OR CEMEX CONS7 MTL'S LP 11100 NW 138TH S7 MIAMI FL 33178 [CUSTOMER) EG BRASWELL CONS7RUCTlON 12804242 BY:~ ~ ~~,.~ V--- James A. armel, gent ::J: o 0 :z: )> ::On?~ Or 0'':,: M::;n:-'-' ". . 6n~ ~;,':;>I ---11,.-) :<:-'i" -., ac: ~ <"Ai "" = = = '- c:: :z N (:) ~'n :=0- :J: 'R (.0) c..l :-) CJ ::~;;~, .--) MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 1100 SIMONTON ST RM 2-213 W0t18{' KEY WEST FL 33040-3110 "IIUSIf> T,PB R:TF S:KO The undersiglned hereby informs you that it has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: '110P'ne Count', MISC CONSTRUCTION LABQ1I "OR MATERIALS , "j, ,;., ' , For improvement of the real property descnlled as: FREEMAN JUSTICE CENTER KEY WEST ~" apmen 302 FLEMMING ST, KEY WEST ) I / C 2 PORTlON OF LAND IN MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA ,'",I Under an ordler given by: E G BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION INC I , ' . ,~- ~= Florida law prescribes the serving of this Notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713,06 Florida Statutes, Pursuant to Florida Statute 713.16(1) please furnish a copy of your direct contract with the contractor. Responsibility for copy costs is acknowledged. Request for Sworn Statement of Account must be addressed to: OWNER: c&Q?=",1 rVa(\~ ATCH:028328ID:HER44 DATE:07f11l108 HERNANDEZ ORNAMENTAL tNC 191D-A NW 98TH AVE DORAL Fl33172-2319 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's iaw, those who work on your property or provide rnateriais and are not paid have a right to enforce their ciaim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other iegally required payments, the people who are owed money may iook to your property for payment, EVEN iF YOU HAVE PAID YOUFl CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property uniess all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. LEARN more, about the Construction Uen Law, Chapter 713, Part i, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, it a payment bonel exists for this proj;mr.'Il\~~~~~e'~,~p\!g/lll,Ir.~l:"ergJ'lllI.l'rlI1~h to make ciaim against any such bond(s). Request for a copy at the bond(s) is hereby made, with acknowledgment of responsibility for copy costs. Failure to furnisrrtl1e requested copy may have adverse consequences as described in Fiorida Statutes. FIRM", HERNANDEZORNAMENTALINC 191D-A NW lI81H AVE DORAL I'L 33172-2319 [OWNER] MONROE COUNTY FlORIDA CONS'IRUC1lON ADMINISTRATION PURCHASING DEPARlIIENT 1100 SIMONTON ST RM 2-213 KEY WEST FL 33040-3110 E G BRASWELL CONSTRUC1lON INC 5835 MCDONALD AVE KEYWESTFl~ BY:~ ~C~Lfa ~ James A, armei, gent [GENERAL CONTRACTOR] [SURETY] Certlllod: 7101 04123440 1870 0788 FIRST SEALOAD SURETY co "'Us TREASURY RATED" 33 ROCK HILL AD BAlA CYNWYO PA 19O1J4.2019 [CUST -cUST GEN CONTR] E G BRASWELl CONSTRUcnON INC 3: o t:J % )> :0 ,.,- 00:',; r- .~.~ "";>;:-< ", r- an> ~?V~'.: "" .., = Q;) C-.. c= r- W ,.., '..:;:) "'11 ,::) :;:;0 ~ "".. '2 c.c..: ~~ CAy .r.:- 0"\ -'_.,~>.~....~,.,,~ -,._,,<.._..^-,~..~ WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS. SUBCONTRACTORS. AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL UNDER FlORIDA LAW. YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RElEASE FROM US (lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 71079857603024584453 JUNE 26, 2008 71079857603024584453 _ 4584460 NOTICE TO OWNER I NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owner) 71079857603024584453 MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA 1100 SIMONTON ST RM 2-213 KEY WEST FL 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: CONCRETE BLOCK STEEL DRYWALL & MISC BLDG MATERIALS for the improvements of real property identified as 302 FLEMING STREET AIKIA 500 WHITEHEAD STREET, KEY WEST, FLORIDA, FREEMAN JUSTICE CENTER, BOND NUMBER 104335331, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. under an order given by EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05 or Section 713.23, Florida Statutes Title 40 USC Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid, have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor tails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment. EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. --LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law, Chapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. COPIES TO: 71079857603024584460 (GEN CONTR) EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION 5635 MACDONALD AVE KEY WEST, FL 33040 By: WILLlAMD.MEEK ,JR. I ..1IIACM $ervices<Corp. Any Cleni.andrnadepursuanttoSection 713,16,FloridaStatutes, must be directed to tntlattehtionOftheLieno(s representative at the address of the Lienor shown below; As Authorized Agent for Lienor: (Under an order given by) EG BRASWELL CONSTRUCTION 5635 MACDONALD AVE KEY WEST, FL 33040 CEMEX INC ATTN: CHRIS SOUTHBY 11100 NW 138TH ST MIAMI FL 33178 (Ref#: 12808986) :t ~ = 1 0 C1 = ~ 2:: ... >- .j ..-on::~,;: <= C) _ ~,__ :J fii ~,. -< en I'.) " (~'~ . I'.) , , J:>o ;:J :x: ,'T1 .', ., -1"1 '!? ,~:) :;:> .r:- \0 I. . cc:~ o.,y