December 28, 2007
Peter Horton, Director
Pamela G. Han~
Deputy Clerk U
At the December 19, 2007, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted
approval and authorized execution of the following:
Purchase/Service Order No. 07/08-01 between Monroe County and URS for the
Marathon Airport ALP Update/Noise Assessment Narrative Report.
Purchase/Service Order No. 07/08-06 between Monroe County and URS for the Key
West Airport Runway Safety Area Improvements Permit additional services.
Enclosed is a copy of each of the above-mentioned for your handling. Should you have
any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office.
cc: County Attorney
Purchase Service Order No. 07/08-06
Re: PSA Agreement, Dated: 1-1-02
Project Name:
EYW- RSA- Improvements Permit Additional Services
Description of Services:
Multiple of Direct Salaries
Lump Sum X
Reimbursable Expense
Days to Complete
Fee this Service Order
Payment for Services shall be in their entirety as per PSO.
f \l.. Milford A. Rei
Date: /0 - Z-c, - 0 =+-
Date: 11-L9.-0 1
Prepared by:
Date: December 19 2007
Approved by: Monroe County Board of
County COmmiSS~!rS
Mayor Charles "~oty" McCoy
Accepted by:
OCT 3 0 Z007
U :\AAA- Receptionist\PSO\07 -08\PSO-07 -08-0 l.doc
Key West International Airport
Runway Safety Area Improvements - Permit Additional Services
1.0 Introduction
On August 15, 2007, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CaE) requested
additional information from the Monroe County Aviation Authority (MCAA)
to address comments received in response to the public notice issued for
Section 404 Dredge and Fill Permit Application No. 2002-6663 (IP-PEK).
This application was submitted by MCAA for proposed improvements to
the Runway Safety Area (RSA) at the Key West International Airport
(KWIA). In order to address these comments, additional tasks will need to
undertaken. These tasks include literature reviews, field sampling of water
salinities, field sampling of fish, engineering analyses, and field surveying
of the Salt Ponds and proposed mitigation areas. As part of this scope of
work, URS will undertake the tasks listed under Section 2.0 below.
2.0 Services to be Performed
Task 2.1
Salinitv Samplina
Item Numbers 4 and 5 of the CaE request asks for the
identification of other freshwater habitats in and around KWIA and
the lower Keys. In order to provide a response to this request, URS
will conduct a literature and map review to identify documented
freshwater systems within and around KWIA. URS will also conduct
salinity sampling of select ponds in and around KWIA to more
precisely determine the freshwater component of the ponds relative
to the Salt Ponds. The salinity sampling will include surface, mid-
column, and pond bottom readings, as appropriate. Sampling will
take place over a 2 day period.
Task 2.2
Hiah and Low Tide Water Elevations
Item Number 6 of the CaE request asks for the determination of
water levels within the various Salt Ponds and how these elevations
correlate with the tidal range of the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. URS
did not identify existing information for the Salt Ponds to respond to
this request. In order to provide a response to this request, URS
will conduct a review of previously obtained water level information
for the adjacent Atlantic Ocean and conduct surveys of water
Task 2.3
Task 2.4
elevations within the Salt Ponds. The survey field work will include
surveying water levels at three locations at low and high tide over a
two day period. URS will review tidal data and correlate the data to
the proposed mitigation project. This task will require URS staff and
a professional surveyor access to KWIA. Modeling of water flows
and elevations is not included in this task.
Additional Survey
Item Numbers 7 and 9 of the COE request asks for the preparation
of circulation maps and establishment of Mean High Water Level on
the Salt Ponds and the proposed mitigation sites. The COE also
requested additional topographic cross-sections of the mitigation
areas. In order to provide a response to this request, URS will
prepare general circulation maps depicting pre-mitigation and post-
mitigation water circulation patterns for the Salt Ponds. Modeling of
water circulation patterns is not included in this task. URS will
survey the Mean High Water Level of the Salt Ponds and proposed
mitigation areas. URS will also obtain additional topographic cross-
section surveys in the proposed mitigation areas. Drawings and
figures will be prepared to provide the details necessary to
satisfactorily respond to this request. This task will require URS
staff and a professional surveyor access to KWIA.
Additional Mitiaation Analvsis
Item Number 13 of the COE request asks for the investigation of
additional connections of the Salt Ponds to the Atlantic Ocean via
culverts beneath Roosevelt Boulevard. The purpose of additional
connections is to improve overall circulation in the Salt Ponds. In
order to advise Monroe County and provide a response to this
request, URS will perform a preliminary engineering assessment of
this mitigation option to determine its feasibility and to assess its
compatibility with the mitigation plan presently proposed in the EA
and permit applications. The engineering assessment includes the
following tasks: Assessment of the affect on water circulation, water
quality, natural habitats and sea life, public interests, and project
mitigation plans. URS will coordinate with FOOT and other pertinent
land owners during the feasibility study. URS will consult with
Monroe County and the FAA and assist in discussions and
negotiations with the COE in regard to the need for the culverts.
Design of the culvert connection and hydrological/coastal modeling
is not included in this task. If this mitigation alternative is required to
be incorporated into the mitigation plan, the design and modeling
effort will be conducted under a subsequent scope authorization.
Task 2.5
Fish Survevs
Item Number 14 of the CaE request asks for the study of four (4)
fish species previously identified within the Salt Ponds. In order to
provide a response to this request, URS will conduct a literature
review of pertinent documents to determine the status of these
species within the lower keys. In addition, URS will conduct fish
sampling surveys within the Salt Ponds to determine their
presence/absence and provide necessary documentation to the
CaE. The surveys will include 2 days of sampling by URS staff and
requires access to KWIA.
Task 2.6
URS proposes to attend two project meetings with Monroe County,
the FAA, FOOT, and/or the CaE to review data collected, and to
discuss preliminary responses to the comments. In addition, URS
will attend one project meeting with the FOOT and other involved
parties concerning the feasibility of the suggested culverts beneath
Roosevelt Boulevard. It is assumed that URS staff members will
attend each meeting, as appropriate.
3.0 Services and/or Materials to be Provided by the Client
The Client shall provide the following information or perform the
following activities:
. Provide access to Airport property for all necessary field data
collection and survey.
4.0 Items Not Included in this Proposal
The following items are not included in the above proposal or cost
. Design of culvert beneath Roosevelt Boulevard, and
. Formal or informal Section 7 consultations with the US Fish
and Wildlife Service.
C~ll!1t: MonroeCounly
Projoct Name: KWIA RSA Improvem.nts. COE Additional S.rvius
URSCorporatKln October22 2007
Hourly Hwrly Task2.1. Task 2,3- Additional
Labor Rat. R.. Salinity Tuk2.2-Waltr Additional Miti9i1tion Task2.5.Fisll Tuk2.6- ToulLabor R.. Mulliplilld %of
EmploYlIII Cilte90Tf Mult. (Raw) (Mult) Samplln9 Elevations Survey Analysis SlIIVtys Meetings Hw" e... e... Total
1 PM 2.85 $64,22 $183.03 2.0 4.0 '.0 2.0 2.0 40.0 54.0 $3,468 $9,883 15,2%
2 SI.E Il'Ieer 2,85 $56,16 $160.06 '.0 20,0 24,0 $1,348 $3,641 59%
3 E Ineer 2,85 $39.24 $111,83 4.0 8.0 24,0 36.0 $1,413 $4,026 6,2%
. StalfEnineer 2,85 $30.36 $86.53 00 $0 $0 0.0%
5 Sr,Environmental 2,85 $51,SO $146,78 6.0 2.0 8.0 20 80 5.0 31,0 $1.597 $4,550 7.0%
6 Environmental 2,85 $30,62 $87.27 50,0 16,0 16.0 20,0 80.0 32,0 214.0 $6,553 $18,675 28.8%
7 StaftEnviro,nmental 2.85 $22.70 $64,70 .----S:O -. '-----S:O '-4:0 -- -'4:0 I-~ $0 $0 ,~
8 GIS 2.85 $27,34 $77.92 20,0 --S,O 43.0 $1,176 $3,351 5.2%
9 C""' 2,85 $26.66 $75,98 2.0 4.0 12.0 18.0 $480 $1,368 2.1%
10 Admin./V'IordProoossing 2,85 $14.93 $42.55 2.0 '.0 8.0 14.0 $209 $596 0.9%
Subtotal LaborHours 65.0 33.0 64.' 88.0 95.0 89.0 434.0
SubtotalLaborDoI!ars Rilw} $2,135 $1,197 $2,351 U,398 $3,127 $4,035 $16,242
SubtotillLaborOol!ars Mutt} $6,085 $3,411 $6,700 $9,684 $8,911 $11,500 $46,290 71.4%
AirF<ll'e 1.00 "00 00 $800 1,600 $3,200 3,200 4,9%
RenlalCars 1,00 $120 $120 $120 $240 $600 $600 0.9%
~~iem .-. .. 1,00 !~ f-- - $100 $200 .~ '800 $800 ._~
Hotel 1,00 $200 $200 5400 $800 '$~ 1--'$1,600 2,5%
Duplication/Report Printin 100 '75 '75 $75 0,1%
" FormatPnntin/PresentationGrahics 100 $100 $100 $100 0,2%
Com terCharers 1.00 $0 $0 0,0%
Postae/Delive SeNice 1.00 $0 '0 0,0%
VideoServioos 1,00 $0 '0 0.0%
E uipmentRenlallPurctlase 1,00 $200 $200 $400 5400 0.6%
~~~ables_ 1,00 - '0 $O~
Miscellaneous -. 1.00 $0 $0 0,0%
So", 1.00 $6,720 $3,360 $1,680 $11,760 $11,760 18,1%
Subtotal DirtctEifpense5 (Rilw) $1,020 $6,720 $3,360 $2,500 $1,720 $3,215 $18,535
SubtotalDirectElfpefUles{Mult) $1,020 $6,720 $3,360 $2,500 $1,720 $3,215 $18,535 28.6'10
TOTAL LABOR & DIRECT 7,105 $10,131 $10,060 12,184 10,631 14,715 ,777 $64,825 100.0'10
URS Corporation Southern
Page 1
11420 N. Kendall Drive. Suite 104
Miami, Florida 33176
Regulatory Division
August 15, 2007
South Permits Branch
2002-6663 (IP-PEK)
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
c/o URS Corporation
Attn: Mr. Peter Green
7650 West Courtney, Campbell Causeway
Tampa, Florida, 33607-1462
Dear Mr. Green:
Reference is made to Department of the Army permit application
number 2002-6663 which proposes an improvement of the Runway
Safety Area (RSA) at the Key West International Airport (KWIA).
The project is located within waters of the United States at the
Key West International Airport, 3491 S. Roosevelt Boulevard, Key
West, Florida 33040; Sections 3 and 4, Township 68 South, Range
25 East, Monroe County, Florida.
The District Engineer is seeking additional information
incident to the Final Environmental Assessment for the Proposed
Runway Safety Area Improvements, dated July 5, 2007 and comments
received in response to the Corps public notice. The Corps
requires additional information to complete the public interest
review and to complete the decision process. Please provide your
response in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of this
1. Request you provide the Corps a digital copy of your EA on a
CD in MS-WORD, if available.
2. Two respondents to the public notice from the Everglades Law
Center (attachment 1) and a report provided by the Non-
Governmental Organization - "Last Stand", (prepared by Curtis
Kruer (which has been forwarded via electronic mail), mention
concern regarding the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).
The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has approved the
proposed project. This approval appears to have been made solely
in consideration of the proximity to listed site 8M01877 the East
Martello Battery. Mr. Kruer's report, (on page 17 at figure 15),
alleges that in a 1994 infra-red aerial a berm like feature which
"could" have been part of the historic salt production is
evident. The Corps wishes to know if your research has included
this feature and what is known about it. Additionally, the Corps
has forwarded the Kruer information to the SHPO for a
determination. Your input is sought to aid the SHPO in gathering
information on this possible historic feature. It which would be
directly impacted by your proposed project. The Corps contacted
Dr. Renate Skinner, a retired Department of Environmental
Protection regional biologist, who stated that she recalled these
features mentioned in a CARL proposal. Please attempt to locate
this CARL acquisition proposal for the administrative record.
Currently, the Corps only has an excerpt of this document which
was published in July 1986 and was sponsored by the City of Key
West and the Florida Audubon Society (attachment 2).
3. On page 3 of Mr. Kruer's report he mentioned the Coastal Zone
Management Act (CZMA) and the 1981 inclusion of the City of Key
West's Comprehensive Plan, and Kruer states the Salt Ponds were
designated an Outstanding Florida Water (OFW) in the 1990's. Has
the state of Florida specifically considered this plan and does
the applicant have documentation showing the state granted CZMA
consistency subsequent to that consideration?
4. Mr. Kruer mentions that he mapped greater than 1000 non-tidal
fresh water habitats in the lower Keys. This document was
produced for a state funded Key Deer Habitat evaluation in the
late 1980's. In the Last Stand sponsored document, (listed on
page 30 of the Kruer report) is the citation,
Folk, M.L., W.D. Klimstra, and C.R. Kruer, 1991. habitat
evaluation; National Key Deer Range, Fla. Game and Freshwater
Fish. Comm., Nongame Wildl. Proj. NG88-015, 366pp. If you
considered this document please provide the Corps a copy. The
Corps requests you locate a copy of this study and provide it to
the Corps if not currently in your possession. Since you propose
to eliminate the fresh water lens habitat and, turn the saltponds
into tidal system it is important for the Corps to consider what
other areas would support the freshwater waterfowl in the lower
Keys. The USFWS on Big Pine Key may have a copy.
5. please identify the locations of other ponds with a fresh
water lens system in the immediate Key West area. Include the
size of these water bodies and extent of the water body's
salinity. The Key West Golf Course may have such ponds.
6. Please provide the Corps with the average water elevation and
the difference between the water level of Salt Ponds and sea-
level at low and high tides. Correlate this to the daily tidal
range at Key West and the tidal range to be achieved in the Salt
Ponds once your proposed mitigation is complete. At of
the EA a proposed 36" culvert is to allow for flow. The
applicant should consider box culverts and small bridges to allow
for less maintenance requirements over the long term and more
7. please provide a map/aerial showing the current tidally
influenced circulation patterns in the Salt Ponds and what
patterns will be present upon the completion of your proposed
mitigation. Also delineate where the Mean High Water Line (MHWL)
is currently and on a map/aerial where the MHWL will be when your
proposed restoration is completed.
8. The Corps recognizes that freshwater sources in the Keys,
even ephemeral are very important. Respondents have alleged that
the ecological values and functions in the salt ponds are higher
(presumably) based on the fresh water lens. You propose
essentially out of kind mitigation which, though it will restore
and enhance a lagoon system, is not proposed to have any fresh
water lens. Please explain why you believe you are not able to
achieve and expanded the freshwater lens feature as a mitigation
goal in other ponds.
9. Please provide additional drawings needed to evaluate your
mitigation plan. These drawings are to include cross-sectionals
for each area, final proposed elevations, contours and a detailed
planting plan.
10. The Corps does not view the establishment of hardwood
hammock as a valid mitigation component. The Corps is opposed to
recreational amenities proposed in the mitigation plan as
described at 4.7.2 of the Final EA. The authorization of human
disturbance to a mitigation area is not compatible with the goals
of the restoration. The Corps believes this will lead to
unwarranted disturbances, trash etc., in the mitigation area.
Public access should be prohibited. At of the Final EA
the applicant states 1.30 acres is being set aside for park
facilities and that impact will occur to wetland WL-l1. The
board walk size is excessive and no additional mitigation has
been proposed to off-set this impact. The maintenance of the
board walk will also require repetitive encroachments into the
restored area to maintain the structure. The applicant states
that to construct the park facility 0.17 acres of additional
aquatic impact will occur. Please be informed that the Corps did
not notice the construction of a city park. There is no nexus
between the construction of the city park and the stated project
purpose of a runway safety improvement. The Corps will not add
the construction of the city park to this review unless the City
becomes a co-applicant. The City of Key West will need to submit
a separate application to construct a park in the Salt Ponds or
the Corps will need to reissue a public notice and include the
City of Key West as a co-applicant. Please state why the
applicant has not broken the 30 year lease with the City of Key
West. The Corps does not understand, based on the expressed
importance of the stated importance of the runway safety issues
that this lease has not been broken.
11. The Corps requests the applicant provide a comprehensive
diagram of the entire salt pond area showing; 1) all the
mitigation which has been formerly done in the salt ponds by the
applicant and others, 2) identify who conducted the mitigation
and for what impacts, 3) determine the success of each mitigation
action and, 4) who currently owns the various parcels of former
mitigation land in the Salt Pond area.
12. The EA at and discuss hazardous materials.
The EA concludes that the potential for ground water
contamination is low. The Corps has concern regarding the
porosity and permeability of the substrate. Also, the
applicant's Drainage Plan at paragraph 2.1 states that the Salt
Ponds are partially used by the KWIA as a storm water drainage
basin. The Corps requests a history of hazardous waste/material
spills on the KWIA .property and any information on contaminated
soil/groundwater which may be available.
13. The applicant states that two 42" culverts exist under
Roosevelt Boulevard. What is the flow found in these structures?
Propose new locations to install box culverts and/or or bridges
to create tidal flow to the south (Atlantic) side of the Salt
Ponds as part of the mitigation plan.
14. In a July 1986 CARL acquisition proposal (mentioned above)
of which the Corps only has an excerpt (attachment 2), the Key
Silverside (Menidia conchorum) is mentioned as a rare fish
species. In the Key West Salt Ponds Project Assessment, by
Wilburn, Roger, A., for the DCA, dated July 25, 1985, three fish
of the Sheepshead Minnow were mentioned as only existing in the
Salt Ponds in addition to the Key Silverside mentioned above.
These fish are Lucani parva, poecilia latipinna and Cyprinondon
variegatus. The author stated..."the population have a taxonomic
status that is uncertain...the population of these species in the
Florida Keys is geographically isolated and morphologically
different. Please ascertain to what extent these species exist
on Big pine Key and Cudjoe Key as reported. Please inform the
Corps what effect the proposed mitigation will have with
reference to the elimination of a freshwater lens on these
species. The applicant is to conduct a fish survey of the ponds
to establish the extent the above species presently exist. The
Corps requires this information to assess the fish and wildlife
portion of the public interest review.
15. The mitigation proposal does not describe; 1) what salinity
standards will be achieved subsequent to restoration, 2) how
hyperthermic conditions will be reduced in the ponds, 3) how
increased dissolved oxygen will be achieved and, 4) how relative
uniformity of these important conditions will be achieved
throughout the Salt Pond system.
16. The applicant has informed the Corps that they agree to
protect the mitigation area in perpetuity but, the applicant does
not agree to preserve the avoidance area. The overwhelming
majority of permits issued by the Corps in the Florida Keys have
perpetual preservation of the avoided are as a permit condition.
Though the Corps understands the KWIA is a relatively important
commercial facility. KWIA is a key factor in the area's economic
success. However that criterion alone does not warrant a
deviation from an otherwise standard Corps practice. Perpetual
protection of avoided areas is routinely used to partially off-
set secondary and cumulative impacts in the Florida Keys. The
effect of cumulative and secondary impacts on the unique and
fragile habitats of the Florida Keys has bee~ profound. The
aspect of cumulative and secondary impacts which have had an
incrementally deleterious effect on the Salt Ponds needs to be
addressed by the applicant. The Corps requests the applicant to
provide a proposal to offset the secondary and cumulative effects
of the proposed work.
17. At 4.7.2 of the EA the applicant states the applicant owned
land identified as "Pines Public Park" has invasive exotics. On
page 4-53 of the EA the applicant states "dense stands of
Brazilian pepper are present in an area of upland fill south of
the current aircraft overflow parking area, south of the runway
and north of the southern salt pond area. Please be informed
that in the proposed project is approval the Corps will require
the applicant to remove all invasive exotics as partial
mitigation for secondary and cumulative impacts of the proposed
work. The applicant needs to understand and agree that the
facility should not continue to be a seed source for the spread
of deleterious species in the area. The applicant must
acknowledge its responsibility to remove all invasive exotic
species form all areas of the applicant owned property and
maintain the area free of invasive exotic species in perpetuity.
This should be included in the mitigation plan.
18. Table 4.11-1 of the EA at page 4-69 states 6 wetlands WL-6b
thru WL-8 are all Intertidal and Irregularly Flooded. The Corps
requests information on how often these areas are flooded by
tidal influence.
please respond as soon as possible. Please provide a
complete response to this request for additional information.
Point of contact for this correspondence is Paul Kruger. Same
can be contacted at the letterhead address, by telephone at 305-
526-7185, or email paul.e.kruger@saj02.usace.army.mil
Attachments (emailed to URS 8/15/07)
November 5, 2007
Ms. Anita R. Sain
Division Director, Natural Resource Management Division
South Florida Water Management District
3301 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
Re: Key West International Runway Safety Area
Monroe County S 3,4rr68S/R25E
Application No. 070402-30
Request for Time Extension
Dear Ms. Bain:
URS Corporation (URS) is in receipt of the Request for Additional Information dated May 1,
2007 for the above referenced permit application and. URS has put forth a good faith effort to
provide the requested information in the time frame allowed. Activities performed to date
. URS met with Ron Peekstok of SFWMD on June 6, 2007 to review wetland delineations
as required by RAI Item No.2, and to discuss other issues brought up in the RAI
. URS has been in contact with the City of Key West to request the information required
for RAI Item NO.3.
. URS has prepared a discussion on secondary impacts and mitigation to offset
secondary wetland impacts (RAI Item NO.1 0).
. URS developed maintenance, monitoring, and management plan for the proposed
mitigation areas (RAlltem No. 11).
. URS developed proposed temporary mixing zones and turbidity monitoring plans, as
required by RAlltems 8 and 9.
. URS has worked with the Monroe County Land Authority and received approval to
utilize the property for Mitigation Area #2 (RAI Item No.2). This address concerns
raised in RAI Item No.5.
However, during this time, a Request for Additional Information was also received from the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE). URS has been working with the USACOE and South
Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to collect additional data and reconcile the
comments between the two agencies. URS has been in constant contact with both agencies
trying to develop responses that are consistent with both agencies regulations and guidelines.
Therefore, in accordance with Rule 40E-1.603(d), FAC., URS is requesting an additional 60-
day time extension to provide the District with the requested additional information. We feel this
will provide sufficient time to provide responses to your comments that are consistent with
SFWMD and USACOE requirements.
URS COrpOI,ltlClfl
/650 West COIH1n,'y
Call'Pbell Cal.JSewdy
Tilmpi-l. FL 3'3607 1.+62
Tel: 8U286.1711
FdX: 813287.W;91
We appreciate your assistance with this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please
to not hesitate to contact me at (813) 675-6556.
URS Corporation Southern
Sr. Airport Environmental Planner
CC: Ron Peekstok - SFWMD
Kevin Dickson - SFWMD
Peter Horton - KWIA
Kevin Connor - URS
11l27l200701:47 PM
T oHorton- Peter@MonroeCounty-FL.gov,
Y aniz-Donella@MonroeCounty-FL.Gov,
ccAndrea. Chao@dot.state.fl.us,
larry. spencer@basultoconsulting.com,
Mil_ Reisert@URSCorp.com
SubjectAIP33 RSA Design & EMAS Block
Peter, et al
Per my meeting with Mil last week; Corps of Engineers mitigation
requirement expenses for RSA & EMAS items are eligible for 95% grant
participation. . . . .Just be sure to summarize for invoicing & closeout
purposes. . .
~s noted when Mil & I met, the only caution I remind the county of is
to exceed the previously~established total for the project... .$12M
participation for everything (design, construction, etc. INCLUDING
1 1I"'JQI"'J{){)7
amount already issued in the AlP 33) .
Let me know if you need anything else on this.
(please forward copy to Bevette & anyone else needs to see this.)