Resolution 029-2008 RESOLUTION NO. 029 -,2008 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN STRATEGY FOR DISASTER MITIGATION FOR FISCAL YEARS 200612007 AND 200712008; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Monroe County applied for and received a special Hurricane Wilma Disaster Mitigation award in thc amount of$575,408; and WHEREAS, prior to receipt of this special allocation, the Monroe County SHIP Program provided assistance to eligible very low and low income residents through the existing Housing Rehabilitation Strategy; and WHEREAS, the City of Key West, Florida applied for and received an initial award of $7,531,497 in CDBG Disaster Recovery funding for a countywide program for the rehabilitation of existing affordable housing structures; and WHEREAS, the City of Key West, Florida has applied for and will shortly receive an additiortal award in the amount of $10,249,714 in CDBG Supplemental Disaster Recovery Funding for the Rehabilitation of existing affordable housing stmctures; and WHEREAS, the Disaster Recovery CDBG Housing Assistance Plan provides assistance in the form of a deferred payment loan forgiven after 10 years to the very low and low income residents countywide; and WHEREAS, the CDBG Disaster Recovery funding does not require local jurisdiction and/or other body politics authorized by Florida Statute to enter into a deferred payment loan; and WHEREAS, the infusion of the CDBG Disaster Recovery funds with favorable terms has eliminated the demand for SHIP Disaster Mitigation funding; and WHEREAS, the present unencumbered balance of SHIP Disaster Mitigation funds is approximately $155,000; and WHEREAS, the unencumbered Disaster Mitigation funding IS for Homeownership and must be expended by June 30, 2008; and WHEREAS, there continues to be a significant demand for Homebuyer Ass,istance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of County Commissions, ofMomoe County, Florida, that the County hereby approves: An amendment to the Monroe County State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program, Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP), Disaster Mitigation Strategy attached hereto as Exhibit "A ". PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 16th DAY OF Januarv ,2008. BOARD OF CONTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE TY, FLORIDA Yes Yes Yes Yes Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Di Gennaro Commissioner Spehar ~issioner Murphy /;!i'>~.~i$s1oner Nugent /~~/~~ ~; t"iLr.f..::-"..''''. *e.. >'.:, ;; .-'^ ,;.":,:,-,-~,~>\ '\f: ,',,/' -', ' ': " 5';, 'A~ST:'DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk \ U~~~..~ ~.~. MONROE COUNTY ATTORN Approved as to legal sufficie .r !:.O FO cCoy ~ Date: ::: C) CJ :2:: ~ ?)("):::: (:::Jr"'- rf'\:;..-:-( (""), U t,:: -'.: :", '!, 'I' Oote _._:~!!:m~,nf <::::\~i :2 c-.l~ ~ ""'l ,- :D' ..... = = => ....... l"'"l co W nr; ;''1 -::J ~ U1 W .., ::J EXHIBIT "A" C. Name of the Strategy: DISASTER MITIGATION a. Summary of the Strategy: Funds provided to homeowners and owners of rental properties to make hurricane related or other disaster rerain;. Funds to be provided to eligible applicants for Homebuyer Assistance in accordance with the Local Housing Assistance Plan, Homebuyer Assistance Strategy terms and conditions approved by Resolution 122- 2007 dated March 21, 2007. b. Fiscal Years Covered: 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 c. Income Categories to be served: Very low, low and moderate d. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: Homeowner and Rental Hurricane related repairs deferred payment, forgiven loans not to exceed $35,000 per housing or rental unit. Homebuyer Assistance Strategy Loans not to exceed $45,000 per home in accordance with the Homebuyer Assistance Strategy terms and conditions approved by Resolution 122-2007, March 21, 2007. e. Terms, Recapture and Default: Loans will be a deferred payment loan for a period often (10) years with a zero % interest rate. The loan balance will be forgiven during years six (6) through ten (10) at the rate of twenty (20) % per year. The loan will be due and payable in full upon the sale or transfer of the property, failure to comply with the terms of the SHIP mortgage or death of the last surviving homeowner. In the event of the death of the last surviving homeowner, any income eligible heir residing in the home may assume the SHIP Loan as long as they can obtain title to the entire property within one (1) year of the death of the last surviving homeowner and the first mortgagee consents to the assumption of their loan. Local jurisdictions andlor body politics authorized by Florida Statute are not required to enter into a deferred payment loan. Thc terms and conditions for the Homebuyer Assistance Strategy will be those approved by Resolution 122-2007 on March 21, 2007. f. Recipient Selection Criteria: Applications processed on a "first come, first ready" basis. g. Sponsor Selection Criteria: N/A h. Additional Information: For the emergency repairs under this strategy, emergency repairs are defined as those repairs to damages resulting from a disaster that pose an immediate hcalth and safety hazard to occupant(s). C. Name of the Strategy: DISASTER MITIGATION a. Summary of the Strategy: Funds provided to homeowners and owners of rental properties to make hurricane related or other disaster repairs. Funds to be provided to eligible applicants [or Homebuvcr Assistance in accordance with the Local Housing Assistance plan. Homebuver Assistance Strategy terms and.conditipns approved March 21. 2007. b. Fiscal Years Covered: 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 2QQ8!2QQ8 2099/2QQ9 2QHl c. Income Categories to be served: Very low, low and moderate d. Maximum award is noted on the Housing Delivery Goals Charts: Homeowner alld Rental Hurricane related repairs deferren payment. forgiven Iwans not to exceed $35,000 per housing or rental writ. Homebuyer Assistance Strategy Loans not to exceed $45.000 Der home in accordance with the Homcbuyer Assistance Strategy terms and conditions aPllroY~1JY Resolution 122-2007. March 21. 2007. e. Terms, Recapture and Default: Mortgage !Joans will be a deferred payment loan for a period of ten tllmy (l~0) years with !Lzerb % interest rate. Thc loan baJaqcc will pc loruiven during years six (6) through ten (10) at the rate of twenty (20) % per year. The loan will be due and payable in full upon the sale or transfer of the property,-, thirty Yellf"S (30), failure to comply with the terms of the SHIP mortgage or death of the last surviving homeowner. In the event of the death of the last surviving homeowner, any income eligible heir residing in the home may assume the SHIP Loan as long as they can obtain title to the entiIe property within one (1) year of the death of the last surviving homeowner and the first mortgagee consents to the assumption of their loan. Local iurisdictions and/or body politics authorized bv Florida Statute are not required to enter into a deferred payment loan. The terms and conditions for the Homebuyer Assistance Strategy will be those aoproved by Resolution 122-2007 on March 2.1 2007.. f. Recipient Selection Criteria: Applications processed on a "first come, first ready" basis. Homebuyer Assistance aoplicants will be processed in accordance with the Homebuyer Assistance Strategy approved bv Resolution 122/2007 on March 21. 2007 g. Sponsor Selection Criteria: N/A h. Additional Information: For the emergency repairs under this strategy, emergency repairs are defined as those repairs to damages resulting from a disaster that pose an immediate health and safety hazard to occupant(s).