01/25/2008 Agenda
Any person who wishes to be heard shall provide the Clerk with his or her name and residence
and the agenda item on which he or she wishes to be heard. Such information shall be on a card
provided by the County. Once public input begins, there will be no further speaker cards allowed
to be submitted to the Clerk for that subject. An individual has three minutes and a person
representing an organization has five minutes to address the Board (except that individuals
wishing to speak during public hearings pertaining to land use issues will have five minutes).
The first person representing the organization will be allowed the five minutes. Subsequently, all
other speakers on behalf of that organization have three minutes to address the Board. Once an
individual has addressed the Board, he or she will not be permitted to return to the podium for
follow-up comments, unless the issue involved is quasi judicial in nature. In that case, the
applicant may return to the podium to conclude his or her position at the end of the public
Please note that all time approximate items are listed in bold.
Friday, January 25,2008
Marathon Government Center
2798 Overseas Highway, MM 47.5 (Gulf)
Marathon, Florida
Approval of Fiscal Year 2008 General Fund Operating Budget Reduction
Plan. VIEW
Discussion and direction to staff regarding the County's ability or
willingness to absorb Marathon back into the unincorporated area of the
County, including assumption of debt and service responsibilities. VIEW
ADA Assistance: Anyone needing special assistance at the Board of County Commissioners'
meeting due to a disability should contact the County Administrator's office at 292-4441.
County of Monroe
County Attornev's Office
1111 12" Street
Suite #408
Key West, FL 33040
Voice: (305) 292-3470
FAX: (305) 292-3516
Board of County Commissioners
Mayor Charles "Sonny" McCoy, Dis!. 3
Mayor Pro Tern Mario DiGennaro, Dist. 4
George Neugent, Dist. 2
Dixie Spehar, Dist. 1
Sylvia J. Murphy, Dis!. 5
January 25, 2008
CONTACT: Suzanne Hutton, Esq.
County Attorney
Monroe County Mayor Sonny McCoy, Mayor Pro Tern Mario DiGennaro, Growth
Management Director Andrew Trivette, and County Attorney Suzanne Hutton met with
State officials on January 24, 2008, in Tallahassee to discuss the Interim Coordination
Plan for wastewater projects in the Florida Keys, Representative Stan Mayfield,
Chairman of the Florida House of Representatives Environment and Natural Resources
Council, Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Michael Sole and members
of their staffs, held two consecutive meetings, the first with Mayor McCoy, and the
second with Mayor Pro tern DiGennaro at DiGennaro's request to avoid even the
appearance of a Sunshine law violation, Chairman Mayfield, Secretary Sole and the
Council's Chief Counsel Tom Hamby discussed the Coordination Plan which was, and is
still, expected to be provided includes a comprehensive plan for the entire Keys,
incorporating a timeline for all wastewater projects by public entities as one cohesive
plan, the funding sources and projected amounts of funding which are or may be
available to the individual entities to complete their projects. The State officials intend to
deal with one entity, the County, for purposes of the contribution they make to the local
wastewater projects and expect a comprehensive interlocal agreement between the
various entiti<~s for the County to administer the funds. County staff will be meeting with
representative:s of the various wastewater jurisdictions to reach the cohesive plan and
interlocal agreement.