06/21/2001 Agreement
This agreement, made and entered into this the Z/~ day of -J uNt.- .20-12.L
(Effective Date) by and between the SOUfH FLORIDA COMMUNITY .URBAN RESOURCES
PARTNERSmP. INC., hereinafter called the "SFCURP, Inc." and Monroe County Board of County
Commissioners Community Volunteers. hereinafter called the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient).
WHEREAS, the SFCURP, Inc. desires to increase the principles of urban and community foresuy
by granting funds to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) for the purpose as outlined in Grant Project Number
99-39 included herein as Exhibit "A" and by reference made a part hereof:
WHEREAS. the SFCURP, Inc. and the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) are of the opinion that the
citizens of the State of Florida would benefn from the implementation ofmban and community forestry
Projects that improve our communities natural resources and assist with ecosystem restoration~
WHEREAS, the SFCURP, Inc. bas awarded the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) a South Florida
Community-Urban Resources Partnership (SFCURP) grant for the specific Project set forth in the
SFCURP Grant Project Number 99-39 hereinafter the "Project"; ,
. / WHEREAS, the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) by Resolution No. 2- 03. . dated
... ~/2--/ / ~ / . has indicated its support of the grant Project and authorized its officers to
cxeCute this Agreement on its behalf;
WHEREAS, the parties hereto mutually recognize the benefits of such a Project as described in the
SFCURP Grant Project and the need for entering into an agreement designating and setting forth the
responsibilities of each party;
NOW TImREFORE. for and in consideration of the mutual benefits that flow each to the other
herein and in Exhibit "2", the Grant Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement, the parties covenant and
ajl'ee as follows:
1. Failure by the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) to sign and return this agreement by Julv 31. 2001
shall constitute forfeiture of the award.
2. The Effective Date of this agreement is !PM . 20 tP / .
3. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) shall complete the Project twelve (12) months of agreement
date contained herein as set forth in the South Florida Community.Urban Resources pannership Grant
Project Number 99-39 approved by the SFCURP, during which time the grant shall continue in effect
The criteria for the Project is set forth therein. The f"1nal date by which such criteria must be m~or
completion of this agreement is twelve (12) months from Effective Date. ~ ~~ ~ ~
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FAX NO, 19547923996
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The Project to be performed by the Sub-arantee (Sub-recipient) shall be subject to periodic inspections by
the SFCURP, Inc and/or the SFCURP Federal Suppon Team andlor their usignees. The Sub-grantee
(Sub-recipient) shall not change or deviate from the Project without written approval by the SFCURP, Inc.
4, The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) has estimated the Project cost to be $28,000.00 as shown on the
grant Project budget sheet attached as Exhibit "B". The SFCURP, Inc, agrees to reimburse to the Sub..
grantee (Sub-recipient) the total sum of $14,000.00 or fifty percent (50%) of the final approved Project
costs, whichever is less (the "Grant Amount"), The Grant Amount is limited to only those items which are
directly related to this Project as described in Exhibits "A" and "B". Project costs incurred prior to the
Effective Date of this agreement are ineligible for reimbursement. To assist the Sub-grantee (Sub-
recipient) with the initial three (3) months of implementation, the SFCURP, Inc, may make an advance of
no more than 25 percent of the grant award. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) must request the advance
payment in writing using forms provided by the SFCURP, Inc. Funds provided as an advance payment
must be placed in a non-interest bearing account. Only one advance payment will be made, thereafter,
disbursements will be made on a reimbursement basis. No more than 75 percent of the Grant Amount
will be paid to the Sub-jlIntce (Sub.recipient) prior to Certification of Acceptance by the SFCURP, Ine,
The final payment shall not be made until Certification of Acceptance is received from the SFCURP, Inc.
For installed plant materials, a sixty (60) day grow-in-pcriod will be required after Project completion,
Certification of Acceptance by the SFCURP, !nc, may be requested sixty (60) days after Project
completion. Upon receipt of the Cenification of Acceptance, the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) may submit
an invoice for fmal payment,
(a) Two or more verbal quotes are required for all purchases, expenditures exceeding
$1,000,00 and up to $5,500.00. A minimum of three written quotes or a formal bid
process is required for all purchases/expenditures exceeding $5,500.00 and not
greater than 515,000,00, Sealed bids are required for all purchases exceeding
S 15,000,00, Justification must be provided for a sole source award or for an award
to a vendor other than the vendor submitting the lowest bid or quote.
(b) Bi11s for fees or other compensation for services or expenses shall be submitted in
detail sufficient for a proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof, and bills for travel
expenses specifically authorized by this Agreement shall be submitted and paid in
accordance with the rates specified in Section 112.061, Florida Statutes.
( c) Records of costs incurred under terms of this Agreement shall be maintained and
made available upon request to the SFCURP, Inc. at aU times during the period of
this Agreement and for three years after final payment is made. Copies of these
documents and records shall be furnished to the SFCURP, Inc. upon request.
Records of costs incurred include all records of the costs of the Sub.grantee (Sub-
recipient) and subcontractors considered necessary by the SFCURP, Inc. for a
proper audit of the Project.
(d) A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a
conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on contract to provide
any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with Ii
C:\My Documems\FY 99 - SFCURP 0rIm MOA '" Gnml Mein1Ift_ MOA,c1cc
2M Edition
99.39 - Old Settlers Park Lll1dec.pe and lniption Plan
r,llU-jU-UJ 'r"ItV ;,: Ij~ t'M U~JjA, IW,,~, ~ru!"At'
fAX NO. 1~~4~~23996
p, 6
public entity for the constn1etion or repair of a public building or public work. may
not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or
perl'orm work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a
contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public
entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287,017, for
Demonstrated or Site Specific Projects, for a period of36 months from the date of
being placed on the convicted vendor list.
5. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) agrees to maintain plant materials established as a part of
the Project for a period of three years and enter into an agreement which designates and sets forth the
duties and responsibilities of the panies in maintaining the Project.
6. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) agrees to submit to the SFCURP, Inc. an interim reponon
Project accomplishments within six months of Effective Date and a final report summarizing Project
accomplishments as a prerequisite to final acceptance by the SFCURP, Inc. Failure to submit a required
repon or submission of an unsatisfactory report is sufficient grounds for tennination of this agreement
according to the provisions of Section 7(b). The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) upon Project completion
shall submit a news release to local newspaper media highJightinj the successes of the Project.
7. This Agreement may be terminated under anyone of the following conditions:
(a) By the SFCURP, !ne" unilaterally, for refusal by the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) to allow
public access to all documents, papers, letters, or other material subject to Chapter 119,
F.S. and made or received by the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) in conjunction with this
(b) By the SFCURP, Inc., if the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) fails to perfonn its duties under
this Agreement, following thirty (30) calendar days written notice by the SFCURP, Inc.
(c) By either party foHowing sixty (60) calendar days written notice.
(d) By both parties following the complete execution by both panics of an agreement to
temtinate this Agreement.
(e) Notice to Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient): The SFCURP, Inc. shall considcrthe employment
by any Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) ofunauthoIUed aliens a violation of section 274A(e)
of the Immigration and Nationalization Act. Such violation shall be cause for unilateral
cancellation of this agreement.
8. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary but subject to Subparagraph
7(b), in the event this Agreement is renninated before the SFCURP, Inc. has paid the Sub-grantee (Sub-
recipient) the entire Grant Amount, then the SFCURP, Inc. agrees to pay the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient)
the entire Grant amount, if the Project has been completed. If the Project has not been completed, the
SFCURP, Ine, shall pay to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) a percentage of the Grant amount equal to the
percentage of the Project's completion.
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2ad Edition
99-39 . Old ScttlCrI Parle Landsol~O and Irrisa.tion Plan
Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) the entire Grant Amount, then the SFCURP/BSWCD agrees to pay the Sub-
grantee (Sub-recipient) the entire Grant amount, if the Project has been completed. If the Project has not
been completed, the SFCURP/BSWCD shall pay to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) a percentage of the
Grant amount equal to the percentage of the Project's completion.
9, Extension of a contract for contractual services shall be in writing for a single period only
not to exceed six (6) months and shall be subject to the same tenus and conditions set forth in the initial
contract. There shall be only one extension of a contract unless the failure to meet the criteria set forth in
the contract for completion of the contract is due to events beyond the control of the Contractor. If
initially competitively procured, contracts for contractual services may be renewed on a yearly basis for no
more than two (2) years, or for a period no longer than the original contract. whichever period is longer.
Renewal of a contract for contractual services shall be in writing and shall be subject to the same terms
and conditions set forth in the initial contract. Renewals shall be contingent upon satisfactory performance
evaluations by the SFCURPIBSWCD.
10. As applicable under Florida Statute 768.28, the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) covenants and
agrees that it will indemnify and hold hannless the SFCURP/BSWCD and all oCthe SFCURP/BSWCD
officers, agents and employees from any claim, action, neglect or omission by the Sub-grantee (Sub-
recipient) during the performance of the Agreement, whether direct or indirect, and whether any person or
property to which the SFCURPIBSWCD or said parties may be subject, except that neither the Sub~
grantee (Sub-recipient) nor any of its sub-contractors will be liable under this paragraph for damages
arising out of injury or dalnage to persons:or property directly caused 'or resulting from the sole negligence .
of the SFCURP/BSWCD or any of its officers, agents or employees,
II!. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) certifies that neither it or its principals is presently
debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded for panicipation
in this grant program by any Federal department or agency.
12. This Agreement, together with any Maintenance Agreement, if executed, e~bodies the
entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto and there are no other agreements or
understandings, oral or written, with reference to the subject matter hereof that are not superseded hereby.
13, This Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient), in
whole or in part without the prior expressed written consent of the SFCURPIBSWCD.
14. This Agreement, regardless of where executed, shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
IS, All notices, demands, requests or other instruments shall be given by depositing the same in
the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified with return receipt requested, or by telex (F I\X) or
C:\My Oocum'llU\FY 99 . SfCURl' Gram MOA &: anal Maintelwlco MOA-cloc
zwt Edition
99.39 - Old S~crl Park LandICaP' and IrriJltion PllUl
r.1Al-jU-Ul '1'11\1' /, UL I'm U~VA, HKC~, ~l'U!JAr
U.X Nv, 1 ~J4'i~n~~b
p, 4
(a) If to the SFCURP, Inc., address to Russell M, Setti, SFCURP Regional Director, South
Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc., lJSDA Service Center, 6191
Orange Drive, Suite 6183Q, Davie, Florida 33314 or at such other address the SFCURP,
Inc. may from time to time designate by written notice to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient)
voice: (954) 792-1984 or fax: (954) 792-3996;
(b) If to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) addressed to:
or at such other address as the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) from time to time designateS by
written notice to the SFCURP. Inc. All time limits provided hereunder shall run from the
date of receipt of all mailed notices, demands, requests and other instrUments, or from the
date telexed or faxed.
16. Time is of the essence of this agreement.
17. This contract, which disburses grants and aids appropriations, is subject to the requirements of
Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, and the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) is therefore not allowed to expend
any funds received through this contract for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature, the SFCURP,
Inc., the Judicial Branch, or any other state agency. This contract, which disburses grants and aids
appropriations, is subject to the requirements of Section 216.349t Florida Statutes, which are:
(a) The SFCURP. !nc, and the Comptroller before disbursing any funds must independently
ensure that the proposed expenditure is in accordance with all legal and regula.tory
requirements and that this contract specifically prohibits the use offunds for the purpose of
lobbying the Legislature, the SFCURP, Inc., the Judicial Branch. or any state agency,
(b) If the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) is a 10ca1govemment agency, nonprofit organization, or
not-for-profit organization it shall: (I) for amounts $25.000 or less, have its head atteSt that
it has complied with grant provisions, (ii) for amounts great.erthan $25,000 but not more
than 5100,000 have a grant-specific audit performed in accordance with the rules of the
Auditor General or have a statement prepared by an independent certified public
accountant which attests that the grant provisions have been complied with,(iii) for
amounts greater than 5 I 00,000, have a grant-specific audit performed in accordance with
the rules of the Auditor General, and (iv) have such audits, statementS, or attestations filed
with the SFCURP, Inc. and the Auditor General,
(c) The intent of this paragraph is to include lobbying. of applicable federal agencies,
C;lMy DocumC'lltl\FY Sl9 . SFCVRP GrUlt MOA Ir Onnt MalmtnInoe MOA-doc
2114 Edition
99.39 . Old Settlc:ra Park Lanchcape and Irrisatioft Plan
l\1,~.r-jU-Uj \'IJ',U /:Uj I'M U~VA, NE~, ~rUCAf
FAX NO, 19547923996
p, 3
18. If this agreement contains federal funding in excess of $100,000, the Sub~ifantee (Sub-
recipient) must, prior to agreement execution, complete the Certification Regarding Lobbying form. If a
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, Standard Form LLL, is required, it may be obtained from the
SFCURP, Inc. All disclosure forms as required by the Certification Lobbying form must be completed
and returned to the SFCURP, Inc.
19. The undersigned Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) receiving federal financial assistance under this
agreement hereby acknowledges and agrees that it will comply with the applicable provisions of me latest
version of Office and Management Budget CircuJarNo. A-I33 - Revised June 24,1997 (AuditS of States,
Local Governments, and Non-profit Organizations). Copies of the latest version of the above which would
relate to the undersigned Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) may be obtained by contacting SFCURP, Inc.;
South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership
USDA Service Center
6191 Orange Drive, Suite 6183Q
Davie, FL 33314
(Contact SFCURP,lnc. office for assistance in obtaining copies at (954) 792-1984)
If the undersigned Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) expends $300,000 or more in federal financial
assistance in a fiscal year, either directly from federal agencies or indirectly through other units of state or
local governments or a combination thereof, the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) shall have an audit made in
accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Circular No. A-B3 (Audits of State, Local
Governments, and Non-profit Organizations). The 5300,000 threshold specified above shall be from all
federal sources, not just the amount provided by this agreement. The undersigned Sub-grantee (Sub-
recipient) receiving funds under this agreement hereby agrees that it will allow the SFCURP, !nc, and any
federal agency to audit the Sub-grantee's (Sub-recipient's) books for compliance with the above applicable
20. The Sub-arantee (Sub-recipient) acknowledges and agrees that public use of all reports or other
printed material, videos, audio recordings, filxm and photographs produced as pan of this Project shall not
be restricted under the copyright laws of the United States of America. All produetS (brochures, signs,
videos, etc.) funded by the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Parttlership grant must display a
statement that the material has been prepared using South Florida Community-Urban Resources
Partnership grant funds received through the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services-
Division of Forestry and USDA-Forest Service,
21. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) is infonned that a person or affiliate who has been placed on
the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on an
agreement to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on an agreement with
a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on
C:\My Dol11lllltntS1fY 99 - SFCUllP OrmlIMOA. 0ruIt ~ MOA-doc:
21ld Edition
~39 - Old Settlor. Park Landlca,. lU1cI Irrisa1ion Plan
M.l\l-jU-Ul \':'1',1' I: Ul l'M U~jjA, Nr:C~, ~rU'~A~
FAX NO, 19547923996
p, 2
leues of real propeny to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier,
subcontractor, or consultant under an agreement with any public entity, and may not ttanSa.Ct business with
any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for
CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list
22. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) is informed that the SFCURP. Inc. shall consider the
employment by a Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 274A(e) of the
Immigration and Nationalization Act. Such violation shall be caused for unilateral cancellation of this
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day
and year fast above written.
Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
Comm . Volunteers
N of Sub-grantee (Sub-recipi~ ,.-/
()-,e r--t~:~;S---\J
Title: rv1 AL{ P t2.......
C:\My DoC\IIImll5\FY " . SfCURP Oraat MOA. a: Onnt MaizMn_ MOA.doo
2nd Edition
99-39 . Old Sc:ttICln Park Landaca1)c lad IrrigltioD Plan
fAX NU, 1~~4~~2j~96
p, 1
EXHffiIT 2
This agreement, madc and entered into this the -Z-I ~ day of J J!\fC-- 20 ~ by
hereinafter called the "SFCURP, Inc." and Monroe County Board ofCountv Commissioners Community
Volunteers, hereinafter called the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient).
WHEREAS, the SFCURP, Inc. desires to increase the general level of knOWledge of the principles
of urban and community forestry enhancement of natural resources and ecosystem restoration by granting
funds to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) for the establishment of a demonstration tree planting Project as
outlined in the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership Grant Project Number 99-39 and
Grant Memorandum of Agreement (the "Grant Agreement") attached hereto as Exhibit "I" and by
reference made a part hereof;
WHEREAS, thc SFCURP, Inc. has awarded the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) a South Florida
Community-Urban Resources Partnership (SFCURP) grant, more particularly set forth in the Grant
WHEREAS, the Su!).arantee (Sub-recipient) agreed in the Grant Agreement to maintain the
Project (as described in the Grant Project);
WHEREAS, the parties hereto recognize tho need for entering into an agreement designating and
setting forth the responsibilities of each party in maintaining the Project; and
WHEREAS, the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) by Resolution desires to enter into this Agreement
and authorizes its officers to do 10.
NOW TIIEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual benefits that flow each to the other
herein and in Exhibit "I", the Grant Memorandum of Agreement, the parties covenant and agree as
follows :
I. The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) shall maintain the Project in a responsible manner and with due
care in accordance with the below listed "Project Standards" for the propeny at the following location:
Attach Site Plan and/or Map oflocattOD (if applicable)
Specifically, the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) acceptS the below listed responsibilities and duties:
(a) Proper watering and proper fertilization of all trees/plants.
(b) Keepina trees/plants as ftee as practicable from disease and harmful insects;
( c) Proper mulching of trees and/or planting beds; Keeping the premises free of weeds;
Mowing and/or cutting grasses to the proper length;
C:lMy Docummla\FY 99 . SFCURl' Orlan MOA .. Orult MalDtcMnae MOA.doo
2M Edition
99-39 . Old Settlers Pule. Landscape and Irrigation Plan
(d) proper pruning of all trees which includes; (i) remo~ina dead or diseued parts of
treeS or (ii) pnming such parts thereof which present a hazard;
(e) Removing and replacing dead or diseased trees/plants in their entirety, Of removing
and replacing those that fall below ori&inal Project Standards.
The Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) agrees to repair, or remove and replace at its own expense all or
part of the Project that faUs below Project Standards. In the event any part or parts of the Project,
including all planu. must be removed and replaced for whatever rcason. then they shall be replaced with
the $ame grade, size and specification as provided in the original plans for the Project. Furthermore. the
Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) shall keep titter removed from the Project area. The above named functions
to be perl'onned by the Sub-crantec (Sub-recipient) shall be subject to periodic inspections by the
SFCURP, Inc. It is the intent of the parties hereto that except as otherwise provided in paragraphs 2 8Ild 4
hereof. the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) shall be the owner of the planting and other installations included
and stipulated in the grant application comprising the Project.
2. This Agreement may by terminated under anyone of the following conditions:
(a). By the S~CURP, Inc., if the Sub-JI'Ultee (Sub-recipient) fails to perfonn its duties
und~ thIS Agreement or for refusal by the Sub-srantee (Sub-recipient) to allow
publ~c. access to all documents, papers, leners, or other ma~a1 subject to the
proVISIOns of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes and made or secured by the Sub-
~tee (S~b-recipient) in conjunction with this Agreement following reasonable
written notIce.
(b). By either p~ following sixty (60) calendar days written notice.
(c). By bo~ partl~ fOllowing the complete execution by both parties of an agreement
to termmate thIS Agreement.
fi 3: The tenns of this Agreement commence on the date of Certification of A""~."ce and conti
or a penod of three (3) years, ...-..-- nue
4. In the event this Agreement is terminated in accordance with sub h
ifmtee (Sub-recipient) shall refund to the SFCURP In ?&ragrap 2(a) then the Sub-
upon the following schedule: / c, a pro-rated pomon of the grant award based
(a). If this agreement is terminated within one year of the date in ParaDnl h 3 75
percent of the grant award. co -p ,
(b). If this aareement is terminated during the second year of this a~ t SO
of the ifant award. eo __~.en., percent
(c). If this agreement is terminated during the third year of this agreement, 2S
oCthe grant award. percent
S. As applicable under Florida Statute 768 28 the S b . .
agrees that it shall hold harmless the SFCURP, In~. ~d all ~f ~~~b-recl,plent) Covenants and
employees from any claim ti gl . . e / Inc. 5 officers, agents and
performance of the Agre~;~ :h:ere~r~ om~s~~n by the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) during the
C'\My DoculDeDU\l'Y 99. Sl'CUlU' GnIll MC:A II: GnIll M8intnancoo~~:d:ect, and whether any person or property to which
99-39. Old Sottlcl'I Park LamillCapc and Itrilation Plan 2- Edition
mKj-JU-Ul "tv O,JL rm U~UA, N!L~, ~rULAr
rAA NU, 1~~4J~~j~~b
t 1U
the SFCURP, Inc. or said parties may be subject, except that neither the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) nor
any of its sub-contractors shall be liable under this paragraph for damages arising out of injury or damage
to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the sole negligence of the SFCURP, Inc. or any of
its officers, agents or employees.
Notwithstanding any verbiage within this paragraph (5), the City of West Palm Beach does now
wave its right to sovereign immunity as provided by Florida Statute 768.28.
6. This Agreement, together with the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc.
Grant Memorandum of Agreement, embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the parties
heretO and there are no other agreements or understandings, oral or written, with reference to the subject
matter hereof that are not superseded hereby, .
7, This' Agreement may not be assigned or transferred by the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) or
SFCURP, Inc., in whole or in part without the expressed written consent ofthc other party.
8. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of
Florida. Venue shall like in Palm Beach Count)', Florida.
9. All notices, demands, requests or other instrUments shall be given by depositing the same in the
U. S, Mail, postage prepaid, registered or cenified with return receipt requested, or by telex (FAX) or
(a) If to the SFCURP, Inc., addressed toRussellM. Seni, SFCURPRegionalDircctor,
USDA Service Center, 6191 Orange Drive, Rm. 6183Q, Davie, Florida 33314,
Phone: (954) 792.1984 or Fax: (954) 792-3996 or at such other address the
SFCURP, Inc. may from time to time designate by Written notice to the Sub-
srantee (Sub-recipient); and
(b) If to the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient)addressed to:
or at such other address as the Sub.grantee (Sub.recipient) from time to time
designates by written notice to the SFCURP, Ine,
All time limits provided hereunder shall run from the date of receipt of all mailed notices,
demands, requests and other instroments, or from the date telexed or faxed.
10, Time is of the essence of this agreement.
11. This contract, which disburses grants and aids appropriations, is subject to the requirements of
Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, and the Sub.grantee (Sub.recipient) is therefore not allowed to expend
any funds received through this contract for the purpose of lobbying the Florida Legislature, the SFCURP,
Inc., the Judicial Branch, or any other state agency or federal ageney as it may apply.
C:\My DocIlmIflll\FY 99 . SFCVlU' Grat MOA" Ormt MainttnI4Ce JdOAdoe 1 0
2ad Edition
99-39 . Old SQtt)Orl Park Landscape and Irriaation Plan
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F'V 11"'
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This contract, which disburses grants and aids appropriations, is subject to the requirements of
Section 216.349, Florida Statutes, which are:
(a) The SFCURP, Inc. and the Comptroller before disbursing any funds must independently
ensure that the proposed expenditure is in accordance with all legal and regulatory
requirements and that thi~ contract specifically prohibits the use of funds for the purpose of
lobbying the Legislature, the SFCURP, Inc., the Judicial Branch or any state agency,
(b) If the Sub-grantee (Sub-recipient) is a local government agency, non-profit organization,
or not-for-profit organization it shall: (1) for amounts 525,000 or less, have its head attest
that it has complied with grant provisions, (ii) for amounts greater than $25,000 but not
more than 5100,000 have a grant-specific audit performed in accordance with the rules of
the Auditor General or have a statement prepared by an independent certified public
accountant which attests that the grant provisions have been complied with, (Hi) for
amounts, greater than 5100,000 have'a arant-specifio audit perfonned in accordance with
the rules of the Auditor General, and (iv) have such audits, statements, or attestations filed
with the SFCURP. Inc. and the Auditor General.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed the day
and year first above written,
C:\My Documentl\FY 99 . SFCUlU' 0tIIu MOA" 0rIIl\ MaiatenAnl:. MOA.doc
99-39 . Old Sottlerll Park LandllCllpe and Irrillation Plan
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South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership
SUB-GRANTEE INFORMATION (please Print or Type)
Project Applicant Name: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Community Voluntcen
Project No.: 99-39
Project Title: Old Settlers Park Landscape and Irrigation Plan
Sub-grantee lnfonnatiOD~l Gov~"9onprofit Organization, Indian Tribe
or Educational Institution):
Name and Title of Contact Person: ::rp,<, VI · ~.t, ~U' I ~; "j; ~e1>> Col{!} '41 j j()Cj' t
MHJtlnSLH,(y\'1'4 1>J..AIVNlNb..~4rLDI. pl. l'')
Address: ~~I( DO DI/~{LS&A<; H/~IW ALl I TAj)B~AJJ/~f-
City~ VeA/\5u t1/ Zip: -=3~()7 D
Phon.(~ ') ~5' d---i ( '*0 Fax:(~) <(~.J. -It () ~
Web Address: --
Name of Landowner:
As the duly authorized officer/representative of the Sub-grantee named
parts of the proposal and required grant information have been read an
information submitted herein is true and correct,
Authorized OfficerlRepresentative:
Please attach project description, work p n, flow thart, and related documents
that will become part of this agreement.
C:\My Docum.ftTS\FY " - SfCURP Onnt MOA '* ar.m M4liaterlauw MOA.4oQ
211t Edition
99-39 - Old Settlers Park Landlll"po and Irrigalivn Plan
5eE: $ ~r<
ATlAL >>-.81)
J\lF.l-jU-Ul 'till) b, JU I'M U~jjA, NK!.J~, ~jtUCAr
]tAX NU. 1~~41~2j~~b
Project Applicant Name: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Community Volunteers
Project Title: Old Settlers Park Landsc&De and Irriu.tion Plan
Project No.: 99-39
SUMMARY OF COSTS (A SO/50 match on behalf of the Sub-grantee is required)
Requested Grant S Local Match $
ConU'a.ctual COlts
PerloMcl costs
Travel costs
Equipment costs
Supplies costs
Operating costs
Tree costs
Overhead costs
Total Requested Grant (1) $
Total Matching CotU (ll) S 0
Total Program Costs (Ill) $
Add columns I and n Cor total ill (100010)
% Grant Request
% Local Match
A bud2et. detailin2 all eosts identified above must be attached.
(Complete where applicable)
County M D h rtJ -Q Local Government Jurisdiction (~unty Govemm~
Municipality, School Board District or Independent Special District):""
Describe the Speati. Loc:ation lI!!he Proj",:,:'.i~ _ P.. fwc: 'l f 6LL-
~\-U.e~ ?t;-r{( \ LAVOJ'y\,g::;~d~
Who has Maintenance Respopsibility for the Propeny?:
f S C ( ~,
Is the Land Ownershj~ Private?:
c:\~)' OoClllllClltl\FY 9j . SfcuRP 0nIU MOA a Orm\ MaiDunaDoc MOA.d09
2ad Edition
99.39 . Old ScttlCl1l Park Landecape and Irrilalion PlIO
P. 7
f,1Al-jU-Ul \'liU b::JU n,t U~UA, Hr:C~, SruCA~
FAX NO. 19547923996
p, 6
Project Title: Old Settlers Park Landscape and Irrigation Plan
Project No. 99-39
Attath your budget or use the enclosed form. This is the type of detail required.
~ 5~e. ~' rpq)~ ~
BUDGET P,l-\~~~ Ah~~R,
Please note: All Projects must include a detailed itemized budget summary which lists all anticipated
expenditures and explains all project costs. Proposals for site specific demonstration tree planting
projects must list the quantity, species, and approximate size (container size. or caliper and height) of
trees. to be planted.
Cost Items Quantity (#) Rate or Price (S) SFCURP 50010 50% Match Cost
Share Cost ($) (S)
(list titles or
C:\My DoovmeaulFY 99 - SFCURP Gnn\ MOA Ie Oram twIalntm_. MOA-doc
14- '7
2ad Edition
99-39 - 014 SmftS Park LandlOlPI and Irription Plan
c'i-- t-f- ( PJ II 'B
~fL t rI S'
Please note: All Projects must include a detailed itemized budget summary which lists all anticipated
expenditures and explains all project costs. Proposals for site specific demonstration tree planting
projects must list the quantity, species, and approximate size (container size, or caliper and height) of
trees to be planted.
Cost Items
Quantity (#)
Rate or Price
50% Cost
Share ($)
50% Match Leverage
Cost ($)
Contract Labor
None (water lines were
by Public Works)
Project Manager, County
Biologist Jean "Niko" Reisinge
Oversee Holes
Oversee Planting
Weekly Inspections
Quarterly Reports
Retirement Benefits
Health Benefits
1 week 37.5 hr
2 weeks 75 hr
48 hours
2 weeks 75 hr
Monroe County Public Works
General Laborers
Planting Trees and Shrubs
Worker's Comp Insurance
Health Benefits
Retirement Benefits
320 hours
320 hours
320 hours
320 hours
$:1:.,~~\1.1:9 $660.60
Subtotal, Coun&;y Labor AtJd
Volunteer Labor (over match) 500 hours @
$10.00/ hour
$5, 'aJ9' ... 'a
~,"i '# : "; ," . - ;' 'f
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Old Settlers Park. Tavernier, Monroe County
S~tll~ IT E
~~. J-of s-
Cost Items Quantity (#) Rate or SFCURP 50% 50% Match Cost Leverag
Price ($) Cost Share ($) ($)
Backhoe 1 20 hr 1 9.00/hr $1 , 140.00 $1 , 140.00
Front-end Loader 1 20 hr 1 9.00/hr $1 ,140.00 $1 , 140.00
Motor Grader 80 hr 25.00/hr $1 ,000.00 $1 ,000.00
Dump Truck 80 hr 32.00/hr $1 ,280.00 $1 ,280.00
E~:~m..jl..tll ..ill 11_- $4)i~l(;;t{Jl(!)
" ' J:,':,,::Ti, _ '.00_.'_ .;.=if\~;.):,..~' ::,:':,:;:::>:~~,:',:.,;>.;.- :"'",'. .,'
(list items)
Mulch, Cypress
6-6-6 Fertilizer
Micortree Saver
Pathway Herbicide
Spray Bottles
Arbor Tie, White
Flagging Tape, Surveyors
Metal Stakes for Guys
Spray Paint, Fluorescent
Hose, 5/8" X 80 feet
Hose, Drip, 5/8" X 50 feet
Fan Sprayer
Supply St\lMQ-'
80 Cubic yards
40 Cubic Yards
3 @ 40 Pounds
41 Pound Pail
2.5 Gallon
5 rolls (@ 250')
12 rolls
255 @ 1.5'
6 cans
Old Settlers Park, Tavernier, Monroe County
Rate or Price
SFCURP 50% Match Leverage
50% Cost Cost $
Share $
'e~l:ll~lT B
~~f?- ~ of S'
Cost Items Quantity (#) Rate or SFCURP 50% Match Levera
Price ($) 50% Cost Cost ($) ge
Share ($)
Operating Costs
Not in this request,
Operating costs part of normal park
maintenance, once plants and
irrigation are installed. Community
volunteers will maintain plants for
the first year.
Old Settlers Park, Tavernier, Monroe County
e~t+ I ~lT ~
~L\of ~
- (list species and size)
**Please Note:
Canopy trees are 8-12 feettall, 2.5
to 3,5" caliper, container grown.
Understory trees are 5-6 feet tall,
1.5 to 2.5" caliper, container grown.
Shrubs are 2-3 feet tall, container
grown in 3 to 7 gallon pots.
See also Plant List with landscape
plans for trade names of plants and Quantity 50% Match Leverage
special status. Cost $
Bursera simaruba, Canopy 12 @ $45 $540.00 $540.00
Chrysophyllum oliviforme, Canopy 2 @ $40 $80.00 $80.00
Citharexylum fruiticosum, Undo 8 @ $25 $400.00 $400.00
Coccoloba diversifolia, Canopy 4 @ $60 $240.00 $240.00
Coccoloba uvifera, Canopy 5 @ $125 $625.00 $625.00
Coccoloba uvifera, Understory 1 @ $45 $45.00 $45.00
Colubrina arborescens, Canopy 2 @ $45 $90.00 $90.00
Colubrina elliptica, Canopy 2 @ $100 $200.00 $200.00
Colubrina elliptica, Understory 1 @ $25 $25.00 $25.00
Conocarpus erecta, Understory 2 @ $30 $60.00 $60.00
Conocarpus erecta, Canopy 4 @ $60 $240.00 $240.00
Cordia sebestena ,Canopy 5 @ $65 $325.00 $325.00
Eugenia axillaris, Understory 3 @ $25 $75.00 $75.00
Eugenia foetida, Understory 3 @ $25 $75.00 $75.00
Ficus aurea, Understory 1 @ $25 $25.00 $25.00
Ficus citrifolia, Understory 5 @ $45 $225.00 $225.00
Guapira discolor, Understory 5 @ $10 $50.00 $50.00
Mastichodendron foetidissimum, C. 6 @ $125 $750.00 $750.00
Piscidia piscipula ,Understory 4 @ $10 $40.00 $40.00
Sapindus saponaria, Canopy 2 @ $50 $100.00 $100.00
Simaruba glauca, Canopy 4 @ $45 $180.00 $180.00
Swietenia mahogani, Canopy 4 @ $125 $500.00 $500.00
Sophora tomentosa, Shrub 19 @ $8 $152.00 $152.00
Hamelia patens, Shrub 40 @ $8 $320.00 $320.00
Acacia farnesiana, Shrub 9@$8 $72.00 $72.00
Acacia choriophylla ,Shrub 18 @ $8 $144.00 $144.00
Byrsonima lucida, Shrub 27 @ $8 $216.00 $216.00
Mvrcianthes fraarans, Shrub 10 @ $8 $80.00 $80.00
Old Settlers Park, Tavernier, Monroe County
e-+-W-lP.> II B
p~~ ~',F S""'
Calyptranthes pallens, Shrub 1 8 @ $8 $ 1 44.00 $ 1 44.00
Gossypium hirsuitum, Shrub 1 6 @ $8 $1 28.00 $1 28.00
Cordia globosa, Shrub 5 @ $8 $40.00 $30.00 $ 1 0.00
Cassia chapmanii, Shrub 34 @ $8 $272.00 $272.00
Pithecellobium keyense, Shrub 1 0 @ $8 $80.00 $80.00
Callicarpa americana, Shrub 1 6 @ $8 $1 28.00 $1 28.00
St!lbt~tatl~I.1$ 11.!li~l. .j~.I. $1 ,530.00
Project Total
...'.. li..IIMII $13,.991 .99 $7,21 0.60
.,,<'(' _: {? :.~",
Old Settlers Park, Tavernier, Monroe County
WHEREAS, on Aprlll9, 2000, the Board authorized the grant application to the
South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership (SFCURP) Program to assist in
the restoration planting of Old Settler's Park; and
WHEREAS, based on that application, the South Florida Community-Urban
Resources Partnership, Inc. awarded a grant for the sum of $14,000 to be matched with
monies from the Monroe County Environmental Restoration Fund; and
WHEREAS, the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc.
(SFCURP, Inc.) submitted a Grant Memorandum of Agreement for execution by the
BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: to approve the Grant Memorandum of Agreement
between the South Florida Community-Urban Resources Partnership, Inc. and Monroe
County Board of County Commissioners Community Volunteers to implement a
matching grant project to assist in the restoration planting of native vegetation at Old
Settler's Park, Tavernier.
COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of the Board held~ tie
21 st day of June, 200 1. ~~~
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