Resolution 035-2008 OMB Schedule Item Number 4 Resolution No. 035 - 2008 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida. to make budgeted transfers in the ~onroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2008, no"v therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. (ha( (here shall he transfers of amounts previously set up in the Monroe Count)' Budget lor the Fiscal Year 2008 as. hereinafter set forth to and fro111 the following accoulHS: Fund #135 Impa{,:t Fees Fire & EMS Function#5200 Activity# 5220 Official Div#1019 Project # FI081 J Lower Keys Turbo Draft Eductors FI0821 Middle Keys Turbo Draft Eductors FI0831lJpper Keys Turbo Draft Eductor From: 135-5220-31501-560630 Capital Outlay- Infrastructure Cost Cent'~r # 31501 Dist 1 Fire & EMS Proj For the Amount: $10,152.00 To: 135-5220-3150 1-560640-FI08 I I -560640 Capital OutIay- Equipmeot Cost Center # 3150 I Dist 1 Fire & EMS Proj From: 135-5220-31502-560630 Capital Outlay- Infrastructure Cost Centt~r # 31502 Dist 2 Fire & EMS Proj For the Amount: $5,076.00 To: 135-5220-!i1502-560640-FI0821_560640 Capital Outlay- Equipment Cost Center # 31502 Dist 2 ~"ire & EMS Proj From: 135-5220-31503-560630 Capital Outlay- Infrastructure Cost Center # 31503 Dist 3 Fire & EMS Proj For the Amount: $2,537.00 To: 135-5220-31503-560640-FI0831_560640 CapitalOutlay-Eqnipment Cost Cerlter # 31503 Dist 3 Fire & EMS Proj BE IT FURTHEI1~ RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Roard. upon receipt of the above. is hereby authorized and directed to make necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED bv the Board of Count\-' Commissioners of Monroe Countv. rlorida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of February. AD 2CJ08 - . Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Oi Gennaro Commissioner Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy lCes_ ~ lCes_ y~-- Yes- :T ~. ...., c:;:') = C1:) ..." rT( = "" \.0 C) i.~:; ~::: BOARD OF COL] COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE C U ry. FLORIIJA ~ .'.", 13y: (Seal) ~DANNY L..~~LHAGE.. C CIIe;?"r' ~~<~~c,c. irman ,- <2 <..) 0:> .-' MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY /JA~PROV~~ TO FORM: ,l, 1m-.n . it- rfMu A.d giRISTlN~ . L1MBifRT-B~OWS ASSIS;I;ANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date .;.J. - /lP, -rJf3 Item 4 fund 135 transkrs Impact Fcc Fire & EMS Turbo Draft lductors