Miscellaneous Information
Senior Community Service
Emp loyment Program
5100 College Road, ~ing III, Room 321
Key W~t, Florida 33040
305-292-4484 Fax
MAYOR. Shirley Freeman. District 3
Mayor Pro Tem, George Neugent District 2
Wilhelmina HClI'Vey, Mayor Emeritus, District 1
Nora Williams, District 4
. ~ Mary Kay Reich, District 5
O.'!~rY ~9!.!~SE
(:!OS) 29-4-<4&4,
.. ;
SCSEP Worksite Department and Agency Directors
Dianne Russe~-z-e~~
Senior Administrator, SCSEP
May 15, 2000
SCSEP Worksite Agreement
Enclosed please find the SCSEP Worksite Agreement for the upcoming program year
2000-2001. This Agreement clarifies the responsibilities and relationship between your
agency and the Monroe County SCSEP Program Office. Please read it carefully and review
it with your staff who works directly with the SCSEP enrollees. On page one please
indicate the name of the Training Site Supervisor, on page two, please sign and date the
Worksite Agreement, indicating your title, once completed make a copy for your records.
The SCSEP Program office must keep the original on file. Please return the original to the
SCSEP office at the above address.
Also enclosed is the job description utilized for your worksite. Please review the job
description; feel free to make necessary changes to update the enrollees role in your
agency. Please return the upq,ated job description with the worksite agreement. Our
office will make the indicated changes. Thank you for cooperation.
Should you have any questions regarding the Worksite Agreement, please do not hesitate
to contact me at 292-4593.
The SCSEP staff looks forward to another year of working with your agency. We
appreciate the training and enlightenment you offer our enrollees.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Training 'Site Letter of Agreetnent
JUNE 30, 2002
JULY 1, 2001
, and ends
This agreement begins
fA.fuy 'H,t .:rCf!f!U l:ltcJ rif Jf'"W" /)f!ritlCl)
This is a Letter of Agreement between
herein~fter referred to as 'SeSE?, and
Training Site Name:
Clerk of the Court
88820 Overseas Hwy. Tavernier, FL.
Phone #:
to have Training Site Supervisor: Mary Ann Snell.
to prepare SeSE? participants for employme'nt. (PLEASE PRINT NAME)
, provide On-the-Job Training
SeSE? shall employ participants for the purpose of receiving On-the-Job Training, and shall assign participants to the
Training Site to receive training to help them obtain employment. It is further agreed that: .
1. The Training Site shall assist and encourage participants in seeking and obtaining unsubsidized
employment including, but not limited to, recognition that participants will use authorized time for appropriate
job search activities. The Training Site acknowledges that participants may engage in job search activities
concurrently while they are assigned to the Training Site for training.
2. The Training Site shall work with SCSEP to assist each participant in his/her personal development.
Personal development includes meeting with SCSEP staff at the site, or in a meeting, to be assessed and/or to
de'velop an Individual Development Plan. The Training Site understands that participants will use authorized tim~
to attend regular meetings of program participants, SCSEP workshops that provide training in goal setting, job
search, and related topics, and/or to attend skills classes identified as appropriate for each participant's training.
3. The Training Site shall consider participants for all job openings for which they are qualified. The Training Site
shall hire a participant, subject to the Training Site's personnel procedures, into a position for which the
participant is qualified if and when possible. Failure to consider a participant for an appropriate opening
will result in terrnination of this agreement.
4. The Training Site shall recognize that participants are assigned to a temporary training position designed
to prepare participants for unsubsidized employment, that SCSEP may transfer participants at any time to
another training site to enable participants to receive different training, and that such a transfer is likely when
a participant has completed training with the Training Site.
5. The Training Site shall provide adequate supervision of participants, and shall provide orientation and
necessary training concerning the training site, its activities and each participant's day-to-day responsibilities.
6. The Training Site shall provide a copy of each participant's Training Assignment Description to each participant
and to SCSEP. The Training Site shall not change a participant's duties or working conditions without first
updating the Training Assignment Description.
7. The Training Site shall provide a safe and sanitary training environment and training conditions, and shall give
all participants any necessary safety instruction, and shall report any accidents immediatelv to SCSEP staff.
8. The Training Site shall provide SCSEP with an accurate time sheet on each participant for each pay period.
Training Site Letter of Agreement
Senior Community Service Employment Program
This agreement begins
JULY 1, 2001
, and ends JUNE 30, 2002
(It,,luy lltl/ UC~rJ r"c/ (If $:1'UIU '~";fJJ)
9. The Training Site shall complete and return in a timely manner any reports, evaluations, etc. requested by
SCSEP. which will include, but not be limited to, semi-annual evaluations of each participant.
10. The Training Site shall report to SCSEP the value of the supervisor's time, and what percentage of the
supervisor's compensation is paid for with federal funds. The Training Site shall report, on each pay
period's time sheet, the amount of time spent in direct supenrision or training of each participant.
II. The Training Site shall assure that each participant only works the total number of hours authorized by SCSEP,
and will refrain from requiring any participant to work over-time or volunteer hours, and will be solely
responsible for paying a participant for any hours worked in excess of those hours authorized.
12. The Training Site shall not displace any employee or volunteer with a participant, nor assign a participant to
perform the tasks of an employee on layoff, nor replace a non-SCSEP funded position with a participant.
13. The Trairting Site shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, age,
political affiliation or qpinion, or ancestry.
14. The Training Site shall have participants' immediate supervisor attend an annual meeting of training site
supervisors as scheduled by SCSEP. Failure of the training site to be represented at such a meeting wiII
result in termination of this agreement.
15. The Training Site shall ensure that participants do not engage in any partisan or non-partisan political activity,
or work to promote a specific religious belief, during work time paid for by SCSEP.
16. The Training Site shall enforce the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
17. Any additional provisions, or any exceptions to any of the above provisions (if none, \-\-Tite none):
This agreement may be terminated or amended by either party with 30 days written notice to the other party, or
immediately by SCSEP upon termination or reduction of funds.
~ ~~~~ ---::!:'~-L~AAA<U 22
Signature f Auth~ized Official 19nature ofSCSEP Official '-
Danl!Y. L~ Kolhage, Clerk of the Circuit
Namerritle (PLEASE PRINT)
May 18, 2001 ~_ /~ 0 I
Date Date
~ Th, 5,"'" e,mm,"'" S'N;o, Empl,ym," Pm,mm', f,"d'd by, U.S. O'p'. ,fL,b" '"'' 'dm'"'''md by 7", ,,<,,,,",, C,"",,, '" ,h, Agmg. '"'
Tll" '.._01"'0'''''
,"('(1\1 U\r\l.~I:.s n\11I n.'T.-._. T......... '...IJ........ '-_____"
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Training Assignment Description
~articipant's Name:
o Initial Description xtiadJpgraded Description
fraining Position Title:
General Clerk
Supervisor's Name:
Mary Ann Snell
tddress: 88820 OVerseas Hwy., Tavernier, FL 33070-2090 Phone #: (305) 852-7024
Specific orientation and training to be provided:
(Provide dates. anticipated length of orientation and training to be provided, subjects to be covered and person(s)/organization providing the training.
Training will be provided by Supervisor, beginning with participant's first day
of work and continuing on a day- to-day basis as necessary. Such training will
specifically address the duties to be perfonned by participant, as outlined below.
[asks to be performed by participant:
(List tasks in order of importance, List any unusual requirements. Continue on additional sheet if necessary.)
1. Filing paper work and documents received in the Clerk's Office.
2. Making copies of records and documents.
3. Assisting in checking instruments.
4. Other duties as may be required by Supervisor (Such duties may include
doing research fran microfilm records, etc.).
Participant's signature:
verify that this training position constitutes a new or expanded service and is not a violation of maintenance of effort regulations of the U.S. Department
f Labor. (Posi,ions of SCSEP panicip.nlS sh.1I b. in .ddi,ion to positions which oth.rwise would b. fund.d by th. loc.ltraininy sit. without assistance from SCSEP, Posilions fund.d under SCSEP: shall
luh in .n in".... i~ .mplo~m.nl opportunities over those which would o,h.""i.. ~ .vail.ble; m.y not resuh in the displacem.n, of curr.ntly emplo)",d work.~. incJudiny p.rtial displ.cem.nt such as reduction
hours of non-ovcrtlm. work. w.yes or emplo)m.n, benetilS: m.y noC imp.ir e~istins conlrac!S for service or rcsuh in the substitution of f.der.1 funds for ocher funds in conn'Clion ",ith wori< th.t would oth.""ise
p.rform.d; mar noc subslltulC prosc>m jobs for e:USliny f.der.lly assi".d jobs: may not .mploy or con,inu. to emplo)' a !rain.. to p.rform wori< the s.m. or substantially th. sam. as th.t p.rformed b~' any
er p.rson who IS on I'yoff,)
Supervisor's signature:
~ ,..._01.0&0'99
Also complete schedule and physical activity checklist on other side. H\TUT"I.....'r~....._...,."""'__
OK~~rY ~o~~~~E
(305) 294-4641
Seni"Or Community Service
Employment Program
~JOO College Road, ~Wing III, Room 321
Key weSt, Florida 33040
305-292-4484 Fax
MAYOR, Shirley Freeman: District 3
Mayor Pro Tem, George Neugent District 2
Wilhelmina Harvey, Mayor Emeritus, District 1
Nora Williams, District 4
Mary Kay Reich, District 5
SCSEP Worksite Department and Agency Directors
Dianne Russell-;;b~--r,.e~
Senior Administrator, SCSEP
May 8, 2001
sqSEP Worksite Agreement
Enclosed please find the SCSEP Worksite Agreement for the upcoming program year
2001-2002. This Agreement clarifies the responsibilities and relationship between your
agency and the Monroe County SCSEP Program Office. Please read it carefully and review
it with your staff who works directly with the SCSEP enrollees. On page two, please sign
and date the Worksite Agreement, indicating your title, once completed make a copy for
your records. The SCSEP Program office must keep the original on file. Please return the
original to the SCSEP office at the above address.
Also enclosed is the job description utilized for your worksite. Please review the job
description; feel free to make necessary changes to update the enrollees role in your
agency. Please return the updated job description with the worksite agreement. Our
office will make the indicated changes. Thank you for cooperation.
Should you have any questions regarding the Worksite Agreement, please do not hesitate
to contact me at 292-4593.
The SCSEP staff looks forward to another year of working with your agency. We
appreciate the training and enlightenment you offer our enrollees.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Training Site Letter of Agreement
This agreement begins
JULY 1, 2001
, and ends
JUNE 30, 2002
(ll,4uy IHII l!XCftf!J I:"J of ~"IIft!';oJ)
This is a Letter of Agreement between
hereif\;lfter referred to as"SeSEP, and
Training Site Name:
Address: ~O Whi rp..hp;:Jd Street. Key West. FL 33040 Phone #: (305) 292-3540
to have Training Site Supervisor: ".Jacq\.ie Donahue , provide On-the-Job Training
to prepare SeSEP participants for employrnent. (PLEASE PRINT NAME)
seSEP shall employ participants for the purpose of receiving On-the-Job Training, and shall assign participants to the
Training Site to receive training to help them obtain employment. It is further agreed that:
1. The Training Site shall assist and encourage participants in seeking and obtaining unsubsidized '
employment including, but not limited to, recognition that participants will use authorized time for appropriate
job search activities. The Training Site acknowledges that participants may engage in job search activities
concurrently while they are assigned to the Training Site for training.
2. The Training Site shall work with SCSEP to assist each participant in hislher personal development.
Personal development includes meeting with SeSEP staff at the site, or in a meeting, to be assessed and/or t<?
develop an Individual Development Plan. The Training Site understands that participants vvill use authorized time
to attend regular meetings of program participants, SeSEP workshops that provide training in goal setting, job
search, and related topics, and/or to attend skills classes identified as appropriate for each participant's training.
3. The Training Site shall consider participants for all job openings for which they are qualified. The Training Site
shall hire a participant, subject to the Training Site's personnel procedures, into a position for which the
participant is qualified if and when possible. Failure to consider a participant for an appropriate opening
will result in termination of this agreement. '
4. The Training Site shall recognize that participants are assigned to a temporary training position designed
to prepare participants for unsubsidized employment, that SeSEP may transfer participants at any time to
another training site to enable participants to receive different training, and that such a transfer is likely when
a participant has completed training with the Training Site.
5. The Training Site shall provide adequate supervision of participants, and shall provide orientation and
necessary training concerning the training site, its activities and each participant's day-to-day responsibilities.
6. The Training Site shall provide a copy of each participant's Training Assignment Description to each participant
and to SeSEP. The Training Site shall not change a participant's duties or working conditions without first
updating the Training Assignment Description.
7. The Training Site shall provide a safe and sanitary training environment and training conditions, and shall give
all participants any necessary safety instruction, and shall report any accidents immediatelv to SeSEP staff.
8. The Training Site shall provide SeSEP with an accurate time sheet on each participant for each pay period.
Training Site Letter of Agreement
Senior Community Service Employment Program
This agreement begins
JULY 1, 2001
, and ends JUNE 30, 2002
fA,luy ,It,' rtrcrtrJ rllJ 01 s:rUIII p~"jf.-J)
9. The Training Site shall complete and return in a timely manner any reports, evaluations, etc. requested by
SCSEP. which will include, but not be limited to, semi-annual evaluations of each participant.
10. The Training ~ite shall report to SCSEP the value of the supervisor's time, and what percentage of the
supervisor's compensation is paid for with federal funds. The Training Site shall report, on each pay
period's time sheet, the amount of time spent in direct supervision or training of each participant.
11. The Training Site shall assure that each participant only works the total number of hours authorized by SCSEP,
and will refrain from requiring any participant to work over-time or volunteer hours, and will be solely
responsible for paying a participant for any hours worked in excess of those hours authorized.
12. The Training Site shall not displace any employee or volunteer with a participant, nor assign a participant to
perform the tasks of an employee on layoff, nor replace a non-SCSEP funded position with a participant.
13. The Trairting Site shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, age,
political affiliation or 9pinion, or ancestry.
14. The Training Site shall have participants' immediate supervisor attend an annual meeting of training site
supervisors as scheduled by SCSEP. Failure of the training site to be represented at such a meeting will
result in termination of this agreement.
15. The Training Site shall ensure that participants do not engage in any partisan or non-partisan political activity,
or work to promote a specific religious belief, during work time paid for by SCSEP.
16. The Training Site shall enforce the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
17. Any additional provisions, or any exceptions to any of the above provisions (if none, \Vrite none):
This agreement may be terminated or amended by either party with 30 days written notice to the other party, or
immediately by SCSEP upon terminatio or reduction of funds.
~ 444 .....e...:-1?--(.{..... -l ~ /
19nature of SCSEP Official
Danny L. Kolhage. Clerk of the Circuit Court
May 16. 2001 ~,,~. ~/ dacJl
Date Date
~ The Senior Community Service Employment Program is funded by a U.S, Depl. of Labor grant administered by The lv'alional COlmcil on the Aging, Inc.
nt"", ,u._olU'Q...,.,
"'('(1\1 u\r\t.Sf:R~ TI\11l TI_"Tf........ T......... S...l..."",.ftf 'c....._...J....
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Training Assignment Description
Participant'~ Name:
Training"Position Title:
o Initial Description xegcupgraded Description
General Clerk
Monroe, County COurt Hou~
Address: 530 Whitehead st., Key West, FL 33040
Specific orientation and training to be provided:
(Provide dates. anticipated length of orientation and training to be provided, subjects to be covered and person(s)/organization providing the training.
Training will be provided by Supervisor, beginning with participant's first day
of work and continuing on a day- to-day basis as necessary. Such training will
specifically address the duties to be performed by participant, as outlined below.
Supervisors Name:
Jacque IDonahue
Phone #: (305) 292-_3540
Tasks to be performed by participant:
(List tasks in order of importance. List any unusual requirements. Continue on additional sheet if necessary.)
1. Filing paper work and d.ocLunents received in the Clerk's Office.
2. Making copies of records and documents.
3. Assisting in checking instruments.
4. Other duties as may be required by Supervisor. (Such duties may include doing
research frcrn microfilm records, etc.)
Participant's signature:
I :erify that this training position constitutes a new or expanded service and is not a violation of maintenance of effort regulations of the U.S. Department
o t Labor. (Positions of SCSEP panicipants shall be in addition to positions whieh otherwise would be funded by the local training site without assistance from SCSEP, Positions funded under SCSEP: shall
~::sult in an incre3sc i~ cmplo~ent opportUnities over those which woul.d oth.crwi.sc.bc aVililabtc~ may n~t n:sult in th~ displace~cn~ of currently employed workers. in~ludins partial displacement such as reducti?"
~n hours of non..ovenamc wor~. wages or emplo)ment benefits: may not Imp.lIr eXisting contracts for service or result In the subsntutlon of federal runds for other funds an connection with work that would ochecwlse
. performed; mar nOl subsllNte program job. for e:<isein!: federally assisted jobs; may nol employ or conlinue [0 employ a trainee to perform work the same or substantially the same as that performed by any
or person who IS on layoff,)
Supervisor's signature:
rl-lpc '.........01/0&199
Also complete schedule and physical activity checklist on other side.
",.\TE.XN",.,...\TI"IWW"Q ......,......-.1 o.~_.-c:
Training Schedule
Indicate the usual schedule for this position.
Training Site
Day of Week Start Time End Time Hours per Day
Wednesday .
Participant's Name
Physical Activities Checklist
Please check the physical activities listed below which are required to do this training assignment.
- Standing in one place for an extended period of time (30 minutes or more).
- Considefable walking in the work area while performing tasks.
- Maintaining any static body position for periods of30 minutes or more.
- Repetitive motion continued for periods of 30 minutes or more at a time.
Please specify the repetitive motion:
Climbing of: stairs, ladders, steep inclines.
- . - - -
- Crouching (bending of the knees):_ occasionalIy,_ frequently.
- Stooping (bending at the waist): _ occasionally,_ frequently
- Turning or twisting of the upper body as a frequent activity.
- Reaching with arms extended above the head.
- Gripping or grasping with the hands for periods of 30 minutes or more.
- Lifting of items:_ from below knees, _ above the shoulders. Approximate weight:
- Lifting of items only between the knees and shoulders. Approximate weight:
- Carrying items: _ weighing 25 lbs. or more, _ bulky items;
- Pushing or pulling objects as a frequent activity
- Visual requirements exceeding those of the normal daily activities of living.
occasionally, _ frequently
- Hearing requirements exceeding those of the normal daily activities of living.
Please add any explanatory comments or list other required physical activities which should be considered:
Note: SCSEP staff may make this checklist available for the annual medical exam.
~ Th, s",,, Comm"'~ s,~;" Em,foym,", Progrnm ;, '"d,d by . u.s. 0,,<. 0' L.b" g'M' .dm'n'''md by Th, Nanonal Ca'ndl on ,h, Aging. I",.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Training Site Letter of Agreelllent
JUNE 30, 2002
This agreement begins
JULY 1, 2001
, and ends
,^,fuy ,,,,,t .:rcnu .:"cl of xrw" p~r;(1t.l)
Th is is a Letter of Agreement between
herein!).fter,~eferred to as'SeSEP, and
Training Site Name:
Clerk of the Court
3117 Overseas Hwy. Marathon, Fl.
Phone #:
to have Training Site Supervisor: Gail Mercer
to prepare SeSEP participants for employment. (PLEASE PRINT NAME)
, provide On-the-Job Training
seSEP shall employ participants for the purpose of receiving On-the-Job Training, and shall assign participants to the
Training Site to receive training to help them obtain employment. It is further agreed that:
1. The Training Site shall assist and encourage participants in seeking and obtaining unsubsidized '
employment including, but not limited to, recognition that participants will use authorized time for appropriate
job search activities. The Training Site acknowledges that participants may engage in job search activities
concurrently while they are assigned to the Training Site for training.
2. The Training Site shall work with SCSEP to assist each participant in hislher personal development.
Personal development includes meeting with SCSEP staff at the site, or in a meeting, to be assessed and/or t~
develop an Individual Development Plan. The Training Site understands that participants will use authorized time
to attend regular meetings of program participants, SCSEP workshops that provide training in goal setting, job
search, and related topics, and/or to attend skills classes identified as appropriate for each participant's training.
3. The Training Site shall consider participants for all job openings for which they are qualified. The Training Site
shall hire a participant, subject to the Training Site's personnel procedures, into a position for which the
participant is qualified if and when possible. Failure to consider a participant for an appropriate opening
will result in termination of this agreement.
4. The Training Site shall recognize that participants are assigned to a temporary training position designed
to prepare participants for unsubsidized employment, that SCSEP may transfer participants at any time to
another training site to enable participants to receive different training, and that such a transfer is likely when
a participant has completed training with the Training Site.
). The Training Site shall provide adequate supervision of participants, and shall provide orientation and
necessary training concerning the training site, its activities and each, participant's day-to-day responsibilities.
6. The Training Site shall provide a copy of each participant's Training Assignment Description to each participant
and to SCSEP. The Training Site shall not change a participant's duties or working conditions without first
updating the Training Assignment Description.
7. The Training Site shall provide a safe and sanitary training environment and training conditions, and shall give
all participants any necessary safety instruction, and shall report any accidents immediatelv to SCSEP staff.
8. The Training Site shall provide SCSEP with an accurate time sheet on each participant for each pay period.
Senior Community Service Employment Program
Training Site Letter of Agreement
This agreement begins
JULY 1, 2001
, and ends JUNE 30, 2002
(}'fuy I"" ucettJ "Hi "I J:ratlll~";tMJ)
9. The Training Site shall complete and return in a timely manner any reports, evaluations, etc. requested by
SCSEP. which will include, but not be limited to, semi-annual evaluations of each participant.
10. The Training Site shall report to SCSEP the value of the supervisor's time, and what percentage of the
supervisor's compensation is paid for with federal funds. The Training Site shall report, on each pay
period's time sheet, the amount of time spent in direct supervision or training of each participant.
II. The Training Site shall assure that each participant only works the total number of hours authorized by SCSEP,
and will refrain from requiring any participant to work over-time or volunteer hours, and will be solely
responsible for paying a participant for any hours worked in excess of those hours authorized.
12. The Training Site shall not displace any employee or volunteer with a participant, nor assign a participant to
perform the tasks of an employee on layoff, nor replace a non-SCSEP funded position with a participant.
13. The TraiIling Site shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, age,
political affiliation or qpinion, or ancestry.
14. The Training Site shall have participants' immediate supervisor attend an annual meeting of training site
supervisors as scheduled by SCSEP. Failure of the training site to be represented at such a meeting will
result in termination of this agreement.
15. The Training Site shall ensure that Participants do not engage in any Partisan or non-partisan political activity,
or work to promote a specific religious belief, during work time paid for by SCSEP.
16. The Training Site shall enforce the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.
17. Any additional provisions, or any exceptions to any of the above provisions (if none, ,"yTite none):
This agreement may be terminated or amended by either party with 30 days written notice to the other party. Ot
immediately by SCSEP upon termination or reduction of funds.
gnature of SCSEP Official '
OO:.nny L. Kolhage, Clerk -of the Cireui t Court'
Namerritle (PLEASE PRINT)
May 18, 2001
Date Date
~ Th, S",,, Comm"o'" S'N'" Employm,o, 'co,,,m', f"od'd by, V.S, 0,,,, ofL,b" '''"' ,dm'o'''",d by Th, Na"aoaf Co.m,iI ao ,h, Agmg, In<,
v'-''- / .:;-- (;) I
TIt..... ...........,O.Y-.
'(:n'l u\r\ (.)air"!I: TI\UI n_'T.........T.........~...I......."j h_..__.,-_
Senior Community Service Employm(!nl Program
Training Assignment Description
Participant's Name:
o Initial Description ~Upgraded Description
Training Position Title:
General Clerk
Training Site:
Supervisor's Name:
Gail Mercer
A.ddress: 3117 OVerseas Hwy., Marathon, FL 33050
Specific orientation and training to be provided:
(Provide dates. anticipated length of orientation and training to be provided, subjects to be covered and person(s}/organization providing the training.
Phone #: (305) 289-6027
Training will be provided by Supervisor, beginning with participant's first day
of work and continuing on a day-to-day basis as necessary. Such training will
specifically address the duties to be perfonned by participant, as outlined below.
Tasks to be performed by participant:
{List tasks in order of importance. List any unusual requirements. Continue on additional sheet if necessary.}
1. Filing paper work and documents received in the Clerk's Office.
2. Making copies of records and documents.
3. Assisting in checking instn.nnents.
4. other duties as may be required by Supervisor (Such duties may include
doing research from microfilm records, etc.)
Participant's signature:
verify that this training position constitutes a new or expanded service and is not a violation of maintenance of effort regulations of the U.S. Department
)f Labor. (Posili.ons ofSCSEP panicipants shall be in addition 10 positions which otherwise would be funded by the local !raining sile withoula..istance from SCSEP. Posilions funded under SCSEP: shall
esuh In an Increase In emplo>menl opportunities over those which woul.d oth.<rw~se, be available; may n~1 result in th: displace~en~ of currently en,p!: i<u "'orken. including panial displacement such as reductio,;
, hours of non-ovenlme work. wages or e~plo>ment benefits; may norlmpa" eXlSong eontracts for se"'lce or resuh In the subsOtuoon of federal funds for other funds in connection ",ith work lhat would otherwise
. perfonn<d; mar not subSUtute program Jobs for e.'tisting federally assisted jobs; may nOI employ or continue to emplo>' a !rainee to perfonn work the same or substanlially the same as that perfonned b>' any
er person who IS on layolT,)
Supervisor's signature:
.. pc ,...-.tOl.a1o'91
Also complete schedule and physical activity checklist on other side.
N.\TVtTV~\r...-.. A.~ o.KnP_ aac
(305) 29-4~1
MAYOR George Neugent, District 2
Mayor Pro tern Nora Williams, District 4
Charles McCoy, District 3
Murray E. Nelson, District 5
Dixie M, Spehar, District I
Office of the County Attorney
PO Box 1026
Key West, FL 33041-1026
305/292-3470 - Phone
305/292-3516 - Fax
Dianne Russell, Director
Senior EmploymentlSCSEP
Suzanne A. Hutton ( f\1Y'
Assistant County Attorney lb{.. '\
June 29, 2001
South Florida Employment & Training Consortium Contract
I am writing this memo to advise you of provisions in the South Florida Employment &
Training Consortium Contract which is supposed to commence July 1, 2001 which may cause
you problems or extra work.
First, I have no idea what all documentation and elements are necessary for the full
contract package if they are not included with the paperwork submitted to me. There is a
statement that the contract will not be executed if there is not an inclusion of a recent audit report
and all insurance and bonding policies. Therefore, at the very least, you are going to have to
produce a recent audit report, presumably with respect to the Senior Community Service Program
as it has previously been administered, and a statement from Risk Management as to insurance
and bonding coverage.
Under Attachment A, Section V, third paragraph, it appears to me that we will be
required at some point in time to affirm that 59% of those participants in the community service
work experience under this agreement are subsequently employed at least 15 hours a week at a
pay of at least $5.50 per hour. This may mean that the County assumes some responsibility in
assisting such placement as well as in tracking work history after completion of the community
service experience in order to provide such a report.
I see nothing else in this preliminary agreement which might Increase the County's
responsibilities over prior agreements.
Please feel free to call if you have any questions.