12/11/1991 . LAW OFF"lCE$ MORGAN a. HENDRICK HUGH oJ, MORGAN JAMES T, HENDRICK 317 WHITEHEAD STREET r~1 rnMA'I[ING~rD~S PO BOXIII?'" KEY WEST, F"L 33041 KEY WEST, FLORIDA KARLEEN A. GRANT W, CURRY HARRIS '1 'lELEPHpJltE- 'la.l2ISl 2ge;5&ifS~) 0907.1988) TEL.ECOPIER (305) 296-4331 HILARY U ALBURY (RETIRED) January 2, 1992 Board of County Commissioners Monroe County Key West, Florida Re: Special Litigation Counsel Dear Commissioners: As part of our practice in opening new matters and as a result of past experience, the law firm of Morgan & Hendrick, (Law Firm), provides an engagement letter to prospective clients. This letter sets forth, generally, a recital of legal services we will perform and the basis for our compensation. Accordingly, this letter confirms our agreement to serve as special litigation counsel to the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, (County). The law firm agrees not to undertake representation of any person directly relating to any business, permitting, litigation or other dealings in which the County or any of its agencies is an adverse party or the source from which a permit, development order or other benefit is sought. It is understood and agreed that the Law Firm's representation of existing clients having an interest adverse to the County or who are currently involved in opposing or seeking development approval, shall cease no later than December 25, 1991. As compensation for legal services, the County will pay to the Law Firm a fee which will be billed monthly on the following schedule: Partner Associate Paralegal $150.00/hour $125.00/hour $ 50.00/hour The Law Firm, in its own discretion, may employ counsel to assist them; however said counsel shall be compensated at rates agreed by the County Attorney. Under no circumstances shall the compensation under this Contract exceed $150,000.00 for the fiscal year 1991 - 1992. Board of County Commissioners January 2, 1992 Page 2 The county agrees to reimburse the Law Firm for all costs that we incur in the course of representation. Normal costs include copying charges, long distance telephone, travel and lodging charges, mailing charges and other out-of-pocket expenses. A statement showing the amount of fees and expenses will be forwarded monthly. Each statement is payable upon receipt. Either party may terminate this contract with or without cause by giving thirty (30) days written notice. We believe that the above provisions outline in reasonable detail our agreement as to this representation. If you find these arrangements satisfactory, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter and return it to us immediately. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to represent Monroe County and look forward to a pleasant and successful relationship. Very truly yours, ~1~~ MORGAN & HENDRICK ACKNOWLEDGED, UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED this 11th day of December, 1991. . ~ ~- \.U...~.6 ....... .~,..- ~'. \". Board of County Commissioners Monroe County (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ByLan~~~ epu er By AP~:'~"'= AN~~~~_ AttomBY'. ~ I . 2.2... . q-- DatB '!. r , , . ,.,,,,. SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECl'ION 2.87.133(3)(8), FLORIDA STATlJ'J'ES.. ON PUBUC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FOaM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBUC OR onum OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. ThluwolllStalemOlllluubmlttod to Monroe CQ\.l;r;tv .', ... .. (prlnl a... of lIIe pubUc eadl1] by . Huf J.. Mo.rgan,. partner. (p t ladh1dull', DIaIIl lad title} . ~r MORGAN & HENDRICK [print Dame of IDIlI1 'lIbmJttla& _ ltatellleat] whosebualnClllladclrelall '317 'Wh'itehead S(reet, .Key West, Fl 33040 anl! (It B[I[lI":lIhln) flA FM"'1lI1 Rm[lllly(lr Idmtltll:lltlon Number (FEIN) II 65-0020506 (If the entity b.u 110 PBIN, Include the SOcI41 SeIlurlty Numbcl' of the individual sllJl!llg thlI sworn , = stalelllOlIl: .) 2. I undersland tllal . opubUc willy crltnoo u detlned III Paruraph 287.133(1)(J), lIIarllla Abob.taI. means a YlolaUon of ,ny state or fllderIllaw by I perIOn wIth, IIlIpect to 8iId' ~ rolaled 10 Iho lrBlIS8cllon of hualneas with any pubUc eDUly or with III lIplle)' or poUttcal subdlvlaloD of an)' olher IlalO or of the ODited States, Includlng, but DIlt Umlted 10, at:I)' bid or CODtraCl for JOOdI or lervlces to be provldod to at:I)' p1lbUo ODllly or an 'sene)' 01' poUllcal ,ubdlvlslon of aDY other state or of Ihe UDilod Statal and Involvlng anlltruat, fraud, Iheft, bribery, coUuslon, raeleelacrine. conspiracy, or malorlalmllropnll<<lltadon. I understaDd that oconvlelodo or ocoDvletlono u delllled In Paragraph 287.133(I)(h). Florlda StatuI... means a lIDding of gum or . CODvlcUOIl of I pubUc ODllly crltne, with or wlthoul an adJlIdlc:aUoD of gullI, In .ny feclOI'II or state trial court of rec:ord relating to c:barpI brought by Indktment or informulon alIor July I, 1989, u . realllt of I Jury verdict, DIlDJuIy ufa1, or wiry ot . plea of plll)' or nolo conlolldere. . , I understand that all oamuateO u dolllled In P~graph 287.133(I)(a). lIIorIda SllltutM. moatll: 1. A predecellOr or ,uCQCllllOr of a polIO. n COD~. Of. I PUbUc.. Milly. C cdme. ; or. 2. All enlll)' undtr tha control ,ot any nalllrll ~ who II aotM.ln.tha ~I of the ODtll)' aDd WhO has ~ coDvlctetl of . ptibllc tIIttty a1iDii. '11Ie ioilii .itlWiioo'lilcIuCse. those ollklen, lIIreclOllI, OIIlOIItMIa, partners, iIWeJto1don,' emplo1-, mentboni, anillJlllllI who are IClIYe In the management of 811 al!lIlato; '1110 owueraItlp by ono POI'lOll of shares collltltulilll I CODUOWq interest In aDolber person, or I pooUq of equipment or Income .mong pollODS when DIlt tor fair market value under an arm', leaillt ...._ JhalI be . prlllla .... CUll U1a' ODe. penon coDuoIa another person. Aporson wIlD TmoWIagty tIlters mto a Jolllt wtItQl'l With I pmoD who baa beett' convicted of a publlo cnllty crltne In Florida during the preceding 36 IDOnlhl shall be considered aD amUate. I undentand that a 'peIlOD~ u cleftned In Paragraph 287.133(1)(e), Florida Statutel. means aD)' . ". natural person or eDllt)' organIzed undor thO laws of any Stalo or of tho United States with the lepl . power to enter into a binding contra,t and whleh bids or IPPUes to bid On contrlcta for tbe provisloll of gooda or lervloea let by a pubUc oDllty. or which otborwlle tra~1I or .pplles to transact buslllCllll with a public ontlty. Tho Iorm oplllOno Inoludes tho.. ollll1lll'l, dIrectOrs.,aeoullvos, pannon. shareholders, employees, memhell, and .gentl who arc active In manasemenl of 'D entlly. 3. 4. 5. / .....",."'., "',> , ~: " .. 6. Based on iIltormaUon and belief, the .tatelllOllI w1lfcll I bave marked below II \rue In relaUon 10 the enltly submitUng 11111 sworn stalement. [Indlealll .bleb .talllmenl IppUllI.) , i -L NeUher lhe enUty submitting this .worn .tatemenl,nor any ot Ita officers, dlreclOrs, ClXCCUtlves, partners, shareholders, employeea, ll1OIlIbers, or agenta who Ire Ictlve In lbe management ot Ihe entity, nor any amllate 01 tho e11llty hat bMn clw&od willi and collYlcled 01 a public enllty crime, subaequenlto July 1, 1989. ' ."~"'i)N;. ,:'; , . ," :"",':":i" ,',','p'" "'.,,' _ The enllty lubmlttlng thls .wom .tatemenl, or one or more 01 Ita omeen, dlroctors, ClXCCUUVllI, parlners,.hareholden, omplO)'O<<l. mombers, or agonts who are active In the management oC the enUty, or an amuale of the entity has boon charged ,wllh and convicted of a publiC entity crime subsequenl 10 July 1. 1989.' ,", ' ;" ,." ,': ;, ,,, _ The enllty lubmittlng thls lwom .tatemenl, or one or more ot Its officers, directors, exccutlvOJ, partners, .hareholders. emplQyeoa, membell, or agents who are aedve In lbe management of the entity, or an amllate of tile enUty.1w boon charged with and convlaecl ot a public: enUty crime subsequent lo July 1. 1989. HowOYCl', there haa been a .ubsequent procceclln. before a Hoarlng Officer of the State at Florida, DlvlJJon of A4mlnlJtraUve Hoarfngs and the PlnaI Order entered by the HCIlrlng Ol1'lcer determined that it W8I DOlin Ihe public InteresllO place the entity 8ubmittlng this sworn statement on Ihe convicted vendor lis!. [altach. copy of the nnel order] I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE punuc ENTITY IDElIuuuolJ IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBIJC ENn1Y ONLY AND, TIlAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF TIlE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I AUlO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THE PUDIJC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE TImlSHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 28'1.017, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR CATEGORY1WO OF ANY CHANGE IN TIlE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. , . J a.nlllar-y: 2" ""I.,',r. HUGH J. ." , (., ,;"il STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE . . '. ~ ., I ~ " I,i: . . . . 'I:'.: -.,,~...; ':"~ " . . .' PI!RSONALLYAPPEARBP'BBPORBMB, tha undmlJ1led authority, ; , '>~r:;./,'.\ ". ,: ' ", ':",1 'I",' I, ','i' : ','," , HUGH J. MORGAN', " W!io;'ilfte; ftrat1ielnlll\Wm by lD~. affixed hlJ/her slgnalure [neme 0' Individual s18n1na] , , !'.( '.,:.,""'J!. lothe space provided above on this 2nd ',.' dAy ~t J an. . 1992 .....'.. ..., . ,. My commission expire,,: NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: OCT. 5. 1992. BONDED THRW NOTAFtY PUBLIC UNOERWRITER.. &'" " < . '~ fJ .. p~~" Form PUR 7068 (Rev. 04/10191)