Resolution 036-1963RESOLUTION NO. 36 -1963
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida desires to adopt rules and regulations for filing of plats covering
lands in Monroe County, Florida outside of municipalities, in accordance
with the provisions of Chapter 59-1577 and Chapter 59-1578, Laws of Flori-
da, Special Acts of the Legislature Year 1959, and
WHEREAS, said Board deems it necessary for the public welfare,
health, safety and protection of the residents of Monroe County, Florida .to
adopt said rules and regulations, now, therefore,
OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Rules and Regulations for the
filing of plats covering lands in Monroe County, Florida outside of muni-
cipalities, designated and known as "Plat Filing Rules and Regulations for
Monroe County, Florida", copy of which is attached hereto and made a
part hereof, be, and the same are hereby approved, adopted and promulgated
for the purposes therein stated, and in accordance with the provisions of
Chapter 59-1577 and Chapter 59-1578, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of
the Legislature Year 1959, and the general laws of the State of Florida.
Dated June llth , 1963.
Origiaal Copy of Plat Rules and Regulations on file in Clerk's Office \
JUNE 11, 1963
In order to foster and preserve public heal th, safet,v, comfort and
welfare and aid in financing the cost, of desired and reasonable public
improvements, a harmonious, orderly and progressive development ,of the
unincorporated land and water areas of the County is necessary.
1. It is the intent, herein to establish minimum standards
for subdivision planning arid level opmerit in order to encourage the de-
velopment of sound and economically stable communiuies and to create
healthy living environments.
2. It is the intentherein to provide for the efficient,
adequate and economical provision of needed utilities during the plan-
ning arid design of iiew subdivisions.
:i. It is the intent herein to prevent and mitigate traffic
hazards and to provide safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian
circulation in and adjacentto new subdivisions.
4. It is not the intent herein to require dedication of
areas for public use as a condition precedent to acceptance of a plat
other than those required for roads, streets, utilities and related
5. It is intended these rules and regulations shall aid in
the coordination of land development, in Monroe County in accordance with
natural, orderly. physical patterns, to aid in the execution of any mas-
ter plan which may be adopted and to aid the administration of health and
zoning regulations.
1. Overall Requirements and Conditions. in order to file a
plat for any purpose except merely to record the boundaries of an owner-
ship, the roads, streets, alleys and publicly owned parking areas shall
be paved and drained according to the County's requirements, and all the
requirements of these regulations shall be met. The Uounty shall then
maintain the completed work as herein defined.
2. County's Jurisdiction.
(a) General. - All facilities and construction of every
kind built or performed within the public rights -of -way and public drainage
easements, including but notlimited to clearing, grubbing, earthwork,
stabilization, bases, prime coats, seal coats, asphalt surface treatment,,
asphalt pavement, concrete bases and pavements, curbs, gutters, turnouts,
sidewalks, sprigging, landscaping, culverts, storm sewers, side drains,
inlets, catch basins, manholes, junction boxes, headwalls, endwalls, re-
taining galls, bridges and bridge work of all kinds, seepage wells, french
drains, ditch paving, rip -rap and other erosion controll facilities, swales,
ditches, canals, and the like shall be subject to the County's requirement
in full.
(b) Utility Locations. - In addition, the County shall have
jurisdiction over the locations of poles, braces, guy wires. meter boxes,
valve boxes, light standards, fire hydrants, and the like, to the extent
of requiring them to conform to the County's typical standard construction
details; jurisdiction over the locations and elevations of water piping,
sanitary sewers, fire mains, underground cables and conduits, gas mains,
and the like, to the extent of requiring them to conform to the Count.v's
typical standard construction details; jurisdiction of the top elevations
of meter boxes, inlets, catch basins, manholes, valve boxes, and the like,
to the extent of requiring that they be flush with the surrounding finished
construe ti on.
(c) Utility- Installation. - Jurisdiction over the scope of
utility installation to the extent, of requiring that any water, sewer; gas,
electric and communication stubs. and the like, which cross. under the pave-
ment, be provided as part of the subdivision's development.: and jurisdiction
over the sequence of construction to the extent of requiring that all under-
ground installations of every kind that. come under the pavement, or within
eight (8) feet of its edges, to he currently constructed, shall be in-
stalled prior to the stabilization of sub -grade and cunstruct.ion of pave-
ment, to the end that the sub -grade or pavement shall not be cut after it,
is built.
3. Limitations as to County Maintenance. Nothing in these re-
gulations shall be construed as meaning that the Board shall take over for
County maintenance any road, street., alley, public parking or other public:
area, or drainage facility related thereto. except those designed and built
in accordance with the County's requirements and taken over for County
maintenance by specific Board action. The assumption of maintenance by
the County under these regulations shall not, be construed to mean that the
County shall assume operating or other costs of street lighting, unless
provided by a separate specific agreement. N othin, in these regulations
shall be construed as obligating the Count• to drain any land, except that
which lies in the public rights -of -way and drainage easements.
1. Adminstration of these Regulations. The D rector of the
Building and Zoning Department shall administer these rewrrlations under
We direction of the Board.
1. Preparing flat. When land is Co be subdivided, a plat shall
be prepared. The plat shall be prepared by a surveyor registered in the
Mate of Florida, and in accordance with these regulations, the plat Al-
ing law of the Mate of Florida. and Chapters 59-1 57 7 and 59-1578. Laws
of Florida. Special Acts. t959. To aid ,n avoiding unnecessary expense
and delay, it is urged that the surveyor furnish a tent.a rive plat to the
.tirec•tor of the Building and Acining hepartment, for review prior to the
preparation of the final plat. As a further aid in the case of large
tracts which are to he developed in two or more increments, the Director
will review and give tentative approval of proposed platy of the whole
of such tracts, whereupon the developer may proceed with final plats,
one at a time. Terttative plats will be reviewed for option holders,
prospective buyers, etc. , as well as for owners. ` v attempt will be
made to check or verity the mathematical accuracy of the plat: this
shall remain entirely a responsibility of the surveyor,
2. Review of Plat. The plat and four prints shall be sub -
mitten to the Director who shall review them only for conformity with
these regulations. Ne shall furnish the developer's surveyor with a
written tentative approval of the plat if it, is found to comply, other-
wise he shall furnish a written statement of its deficiencies; the
County Hngineer, the county Yeal th Officer and the county Tax Assessor
shall. each receive a print of the plat. arid shall promptly examine the
plat and I'urnish their comments thereon to the Director. The Director
shall promptly make his findings known to the person submitting the
3. Construction of the Work. After the plat, has been ap-
proved but before recording. the developer shall proceed as follows:
(a) The developer shall post with the Director a cash
bond or surety company performance bond from a surety company approved
by the Board of County- Commissioners. equal to 100 percent of the esti-
mated cosy of the street. and alley paving arid the drainage structures.
The. estimated cost will be based upon the n►unber of square yards of
street arid alley paving required by the f oulrty's typical standard con-
struc+.ion details times a unit price of �2.50 per square yard, plus
15 percent of the pavement cost as an allowance for drainage structures.
(b) The required street and a1Iey paving and the drairacre
structures shall be constructed within orre year from the date the plat
is recorded: on completion, the developer's engineer shall certify that
the construction has been completed in accordance with the County's re-
quirements; upon review arid recommendation of the County Rngineer to
the County Commission that. the construction has been satisfactorily
completed, and after the (ounty !commission has accepted th(- st.rects,
alleys and drainage struct-tires for maintenance, the bond shall be re-
(c) Should the
work not be
completed in one year,
Isoard of County Commissioners
may extend
the timf- limit., provided
bond is extended.
SECTION 1). R,EQU111F,1,UNTS P'DTAlNING TO '1;1E 1111;iT.
L. Applicable Lajas_ k plat shall be furnished. Prepared by
a regist.r-red surveyor. ;t shall comply with Chapter 1-7, Florida Sta-
tutes, 195'1, and amendments thcr•et.o, and Chapters 54-157- a,ld 59-1578
Laws of Lliv State of Florida, Special \ct.s, 1959 and the requirements
that follow,
2. Dedicator shall own the Land. The dedicator of the plat
shall be the owner of recur•d of the land at the time the plat is accepted
for filing.
0. Taxes shall be Paid. All due taxes shall have been paid
at the time the Oat is accepted for filing.
4. 1„and shall be suitable for Duvelo went- The land shall be
of such size, Shape and nature that it is capable of bein-iT platted and
developed in full accord with these regulations. any elev,ltions shown
on the plat shall. refer to 1'rlited Mates Coast and i;eodet,i.r ;urvev paean
Sea Level Datum. Lands subjectto periodic or' freT.ient flooding will
not be accepted as a platted subdivision except in those cases where
such proLec-t,ive rest,r•ic•tions as mad- be required by said Board of County
Commissioner- are provided and are referred to on the plat.
-5. Total Ac•rea . The total acreage defined by the legal
description of the land to be plattod. shall he accurately competed and
shown on the plat.
6. Minimum Elevations. 1n order to provide for economic in-
stallation of utilities, to minimize maintenance of roads and streets.
ro provide for Storm drainage and to maintain some movement of Lraffic
during storm dan^per• periods. a minimum elevation of +3.5 feet. with
reference to United Stales roast, and Geodetic Mean Sea Level Datum is
required for all pavement. within all dedicated public right•,•-of-wav
for lands south of Seven -mile Pridge. Por lauds riorth of Seven -mile
llridge, minimum pavement elevations shall be +4.0.
7. Required Road, Street and Drainage Construction. As a
condition of accepting the plat, for filing, the dEveloper steal] con-
struct and drain the roads, streets. alleys and publicly owned parking
areas in the subdivision, and incliidin�_r his side of ar«- unpaved public
roads, st-reets and alleys which bound the subdivision, and including
his side of any roads, strPels and alleys which he plats centering
along or near the boundaries of the Ai,hdivi�ion, for which he dedi-
catee part of the right. -of -way, all of this to be doi,c in accordance
with these regulations and the Courity's t.vpical standard cousrlrct,ion
details; except the developer shall not he required to pave Mate main -
twined highways. He shall also be required to regra►de and otherwise
modify the side ditches or roadside swales of paved County Roads and
State maintained highways within or abutting the subdivision if nece-
ssary to properly accommodate subdivision drainage. `Phis construction
shall be completed within one year from date of recording of the plat,
and a performance bond shall be posted as set forth in Section r..I,
8. Positive Drainage 1{earuired. The developer shall provide
such facilities as may be needs-d to drain the subdivision to positive
outlets that can be I.egrallY maini.ained in permanent +ase, or into a
public drainage system of adequa i e c•apaci +.Y which di scharo•es i.uto such
positive cnli,lets . incl udiug all ri gh is -of -ova,- . Pasements and necessary
constrnct.i on, at no t•xpense to the (ount.y. . amide ditches al.onrr public
roads shall not, necessarily he considered as such public dralrlage systems
or positive outlets. Dry wells may be considered as posi.ti\e outlets,
with the special approval of the Director.
9. P,edication to Public Required. Rights -of -way for roads,
streets and alleys. easements for utilities, and rights -of -way and ease-
ments for drainage shall. be dedicated to the public. The following
widths shall be requirod:
(a) State Roads. - Right-of-way width shall be determined
separately in each case by the Board after coordination with the State
Road Department.
(b) Secondary Roads and streets. - '•'iniunun right-of-way
width shall be fifty (50) feet., tuenty- (25) feet each side of center line.
Street markers and traffic control sighs shall be installed at the expense
of the developer in accordance with the Courtty's typical standard construc-
tion details.
(c) Allevs. - }Minimum right-nf-way width shall be twenty
(20) feet. ten (10) feet each side of center line.
(d) Utility Easements. - 1 tilit easements other than
drainage easements shall be six (6) feet Hide on each parcel . and shall
be identified on the plat. as utility easemenrs. they shnl1 be provided
as called for• by the typical coast rued on details.
( e) Drainage Easements and lti gh is -of -Way. - Hasements and
rights -of -way for drainage shall he of such widths as to adequately accom-
modate the dra.inatro farili ties to br put on them, plus fifteen ( 15) feet
• M . w
on one side to permit equipmentto enter for maintenance h-, :normal main-
tenance methods. Drainacre easements shall be identified on the plat as
10. Existing Roads and Street shall be continued. Main roads
and streets on the plat shall be located so as to provide continuations
and extensions of existing main roads and streets in adjoining subdivi-
11. Access Required. Roads slid streets shall provide access
to adjoining land at intervals of not over 114 mile unless blocked by
natural obstacles other t.lian drainage canals, lakes and natural water-
courses. E�ver•y parcel of land in a subdivision shall have access to a
public road or street.
12. Minimum Lot Size Required. Logs shall have a width of
not less than sixty + Htl) feet at the set -back line arid an area of not,
less than 6.000 square feet.
13. !Maximum Block Size Permitted. Maximum block size, as mea-
sured between centerlines of hounding roads and 'streets, shall be nomi-
nally 1.14 mile, in keeping with variations in size of sections and normal
subdivision thereof. Minimum radii at corners and street: intersections
on the right-of-way or property line shall he twenty-five (25) feet.
14. \ames of Subdivisions, Roads and Streets. Names pre-,i*ously
used for subdivision in the Coutrty shall not befiven to new subdivisions.
Roads and streets which form extensions, or are located alon_v the general
projections of exis roads and strer_t s, shall. be gamed after the c• roads and streets; of.herwise new roads and streets shall not be named
after existing roads arid streets unless their post office addresses are in
different towns or cities.
15. Dead -find Road and Streets. There shall be no dead-end alleys.
Secondary roads and streets. if dead -ended, shall terminate in a circle
having a radius of riot less than fifty (50) feet. to the property- line. The
right: -of -way- around the ci rele shall be joined to the right-of-way along
the street by curves having at least. fifteen (15) foot radii. At least.
one hundred (100) feet shall intervene between the rio-lit.-of-wav of the
circle and right-of-wa. of the nearest road or st.reetor the nearest plat
16. Subdivisions Containing hots of more than 1 Acre in Area.
Subdivisions of acre -plus lots may be accepted, if the Board of Commissioners
are agreeable provided such subdivisions do not contain more than five (5)
lots. Streets are not required to he paved but are to be stabilized with
a minimum thickness of six (h) inches of limerock for a minimum width of
twenty-two (22) feet.. These plats shal l show in block lettering a minimum
of 3,'8th of an inch high the following caption: IN AC(T1'TAI\TCE OF THIS
SECTION E . DES I GN 11.E cat 'l Rl;`MENTS .
1. Use of Engineering 1'rinc•i2les. The design of the grading,
paving and drainage work shall he in accordance with acc•epfed engineering
pr•inc,i pies. Certain limiting criteria affect.i un design shall apply as
2. Road and Street. Pavemerit.
(loads and streets
shall be
at least twenty (20) feet wide
on a minimum base width of
feet and a m.i.nimwn sub-Liade width of twetll.v-four . 24) feet all as requited
iri Monroe ('ou.nty's typical si%aridar•d construction deiai I.S.
3, Stabilized Shcuiders. �t.abiIized shoulders six (6) feet,
wide shall be provided for public parking and safety along all roads and
4. Drainage. A complete system shall be provided for draining
Ole roads. streets. al 1 eYs and outer publ i e IY owned areas in the subdivi-
sion and for handlintr drainage run-off that comes into or across the sub-
division front the outside. The system shall be deli tined by accepted
ertgineerinu' principles for rainstorms of the maximum intensity predicted
for the Monroe County area at three year intervals according to current.
State Road Department charts and data from the District 17tinineer, Florida
Stale Road DepartmPnt. The run --off coefficients used shall be those that.
will be applicable to the areas irnolved i.n the c•.alculatioris after com-
plete development has occurred. The dra.inaw•e system shall provide com-•
pl e to arid final disposal of all run-off. , whether into outfal 1 d-i t,ches,
rivers. canals, streams, lake, or into previously constructed County or
State road ditches. The drainage system shall be designed for long life.
low maintenance cost and ease of ma.interrance by normal maintenance methods.
i. Mi.scellaneort- Roadway 'structures. t'url,s, gutters, sidewalks,
valleys and all. other co ustr•uc ti on in the right -of-waY and easements per-
taining to roads, streets. alleys and publicly owned areas including the
drainage thereof shall. be designed in ;i • orrianc•e with accepted engineer•-
i tag priric: ipl es and Monroe County i f i catJ ons•. Sidewalks shall be pro--
�' ided as «tad bo d i rec tied by the lloa rd of Count t'ormnl s--Ii one,rs and shall
he a minimum thickness of four (1) inches and a minimum width of five (5)
feet., except ilia'. at driveways. the niiuirnrtnr t.hi.ckrtes�: shall be six (6)
inches. sidewalks shall be constructed only aftec all other improve-
ment. are c•ompl e eed.
. A
6. LI] and Bulkrea.d Efauirement Except for health require-
ments, fill on privately- owned land is not F"bjpr[ to r'ortr,ry jurisdiction.
Fill on land owned by the l'rustees of the internal improvement And shall
conform to the regulations pre.sMhed by that, agency.
7. Bulkheads. Where bulkheads are constructed on waterfront
property, they shall conform to l orat iun apprn%ed by the Trustees of the
Internal Improvement Piurd. This approvnl is to be obtained through stan-
dard procedures as required by the Trustees.
tt. 1m ro ement_s in Excess of \ficcimrrm dequirement.s. ",Mould the
developer elect to provide improvements 1H excpss of the minimum require-
ments, such improvements shall fit in property with and provide a further-
ance toward the a] tornatP completPd r uust.ruction as planned for the future
in the area and adjoining areas.
-1 2--