Resolution 113-2008 Petitioner Gary R. Williams RESOLUTION NO. 113 - 2008 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, RENOUNCING AND DISCLAIMING ANY RIGHT OF THE COUNTY AND THE PUBLIC IN AND TO A PORTION OF CALLE BOGOTA OF THE PLAT OF SUMMERLAND BEACH, ADDITION NO.7, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 74, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA (SUMMERLAND KEY). WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Momoe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, due notice has been published and a public hearing has been held in accordance with Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing the Board considered the argument of all parties present wishing to speak on the matter, and all premises considered concerning the renouncing and disclaiming of any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that vacation of the said road is for the general public welfare, and conforms to the requirement of Fla. Stat. Sees. 336.09 and 336.10; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereby renounces and disclaims any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A parcel ofland on Summerland Key and known as part of the Right-of-way of Calle Bogota of the Plat of SUMMERLAND BEACH, Addition #7, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 74, of the Public Records ofMomoe County, Florida, said parcel being SW'ly of the NW'ly extension of the NE"ly boundary line of Lot 15 of said Plat, said parcel being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: "BEGIN at the NE '/y corner of Lot 15 and run thence SW'/y along the SE '/y Right-of-Way line of Calle Bogotafor a distance of 80.00 feet to the SW'ly Right-of-Way line of said Calle Bogota; thence NW'ly and at right angles along the SW'ly Right-of-Way line of said Calle Bogotafor a distance of 38.00 feet to the SE'ly Right-of-Way Line of said Calle Bogota; thence NE"/y and at right angles along the NW'/y Right-of-Way Line of said Calle Bogota for a distance of 25.00 feet to the NE'ly Right-of-Way Line of said Calle Bogota; thence SE'ly and at right angles along the NE'ly Right-of-Way Line of said Calle Bogotafor a distance of 8.00 feet to the NW'ly Right-of-Way Line of said Calle Bogota; thence NE'ly and at right angles along the NW'ly boundary of said Calle Bogotafor a distance of 55.00 feet to the SE'ly corner of Lot I5-A; thence SE '/y at right angles along the SE '/y extension of the NE'ly Boundary line of the said Lot I5-A for a distance of 30. 00 feet back to the Point of Beginning. " (Copy Attached as Exhibit "A 'J PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 16th day of April, 2008. Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Di Gennaro Commissioner Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy Yes Yes Yes Not Present Not Present Deputy lerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS :: MONROE ~Y, FLORIDA Mayor .ill--- (SEAL} _ _ Attest: D'ANNY L. Date ::>.: ...., = -" Cl 0 = -. ;t> "" :;::J("") "'" f- :;:c :1"'rl ell -0 Pl.....,... -, :::0 t,," C') N -"11 ~:~i ':-"> r:) .. ::--'"J _. '" -0 -,j :Jl: ;'.1 ~:"" ':-) ,., r::> ca C) r :':'.:J ):> rq 0 ~ .::J ..... r 5peClflc l~ulTose 5urvey IVlal:? to illustrate a legal descnptlon of I:?art of Calle Bogota, 5UMIVIERLAI\lD BEACrl, ADDITION #7, prepared by the undersigned LEGEND R'/VI Righi 0/ Woy Ii Conlof/in/! (t) Rt1cord C 8 n a 1 ~ _ _ _______ .~-;~(J0- ~~7 -" _ _ ___.. _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ __~_____ 2!J'(r) . 1 /5 ' : ',""-; S) ;' r:;'; is Lo -,4 , l.o/ I$-A ( ',\-:><,<<" ~_ 5500' R Vl..~ -.: __ <\( ,', """."'.'.'."'."'.'.""", b ,<, " ~,Do:s.,;;"~f,;/~OI~W"~'~'~~'~~~/~~' ,', o "/>",>>>> .'/Cat(e<B'oiulu/,'>, " C' ~ , " ,', , , r-r';-'~r-,-..-;:t!-::.;r-r~-"-->L..> ~.Y- "~i',",",",",/,",/-,",,'}Q,l~)"':/~,' /'/'/',,' Sl' , .. , . .. .. , , .. , .. , , .. ~ ~ , .. .. ' ~ ""/,,,',"/'/',"~/',",;',,',",/,/ "i,-',"'_""> ) ..:.~/,,,,,,,,,,,,,/.. -',',',' ,,:..,','~...-.: 25'M SS'(r) p{llillof Beginning i~ " :~ , , , , , , lol 14 ,~ ,~ :~ lol /5 ~: ~: I EXHIBIT ~ She.;1 On(f! of Two Sheets NQIe- n..;.. Sun'~r I,r)p ,~ (1-<,1 /,,11 OlUj,:Or.1t'J!<!' ,:.d/i;;oL'1 flJ: ()11(j~h,d ~w,.~.r R~p~/'I J. LYNN O'FLYNN, Inc, A "'Gr~~:lan..1 'S"rY.1~' l': Mepp,' /~ P3n~u~oo 3430 Du<:c. A." It<y Wt~\, 'L J~O~CI (J~l 20a.7~22 mY: PO!!.) 21)0-2244 .\, ------ ~.,--~--~...._._-- SpecifiC I"urpose Survey Report to illustrate a legal description of part of Calle Bogota, SUMMERLAND BEACH, ADDITION #7, prepared by the undersigned NOTES 1 The JeglfJ deSCl'tptlon sholVn hereon WllS Buthored by the undersigned 2. Underground [ound~tiDns and utilities were nol located 3. All angles are 90~ (Measured & Record) unless otherwise noted 4. Streel address: CaJJe Bogota, SummerJand Key, FL 5. This survey is not valid without the signature ilnd th9 originEl] raised seal 0/ 8 Florida licensed surveyor and mapper 6. Lands shown hereon h'ere not ab~trBctt!:d for rights~of-IVBY, easements, olvnershjp, or other instruments of record. 7. North ..4r1'OII' is assumed and based Oll Plat Boo/( 4, Pcqr'l '14. 8 This survey is nof lilSsJgnable. 9. Adjoinel's are not furnished 10. The description contained herein Bnd sketch do not represent D. lield boundary survey. 11 This Survey R~port is not lull and complete without th(t attached Survey Map. SPEC/FlC PURPOSE SURVEY TO A iLLUSTRATE LEGAL DESCRIPTiON AUTHORED BY THE UNDERSlGNED A parcel of land on Summe.iand Key and known as (J. pSTt of the Right-a/-Way 0/ Calle Bogota of the Plat of SUMMERLAND BEACH, Addition #7, recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 74, of the Public Records of Monr06 County, Florida, said parcel being SW'Iy of the NW'ly extensIan of the NE'Jy boundary line 0/ Lot 15 0/ saId Plat, said parcel being more particu/Brly described by metes and bounds as lollows: 13E:G1N at the NE'ly corner rJf Got 15 and rl1n thence SW'ly along the SE'1y Right-ot-We.y line 01 C~Jle Bogota lor a distance of 80.00 feet to the SIY'Jy Right-aI-Way line of ~JtJid Calle Bogoto; thence NlI"ly and at right lJngles tllong the SW'ly Right-at-Way Une of saId Celle Bogota for II distance of 38.00 leet to the SE'Jy RIght-aI-Way line of said Calle Bogota; thenc~ NE'iy /lnd .!It right angles aloog the NW'ly Ri8ht-of-lf"ay line of said CaJ/e Bogota for a distance of 25.00 feet to the NE'Jy Right-aI-Way line 01 said Ca/If! Bogota; thence SE'ly and ~t right angles along the NE'ly Right-ot-WlJY Line of said Colle Bogota for a distance of 8.00 feet to the NW'ly Right-of-Way lAne of said Calle Bogota; thence NE'!y and at right angles along the NW'ly boundary of said CaJJe Bogota 101" a distance 01 55.00 feet to the SE'ly corner of Lot IfJ-A: thence SE'Jy at right angles along the SE'Jy extension of the NE'}y boundary line 01 the said Lot 15-A for a distance of 80.00 feet back to the Point 01 Beginning SPEC/PIC PURPOSE SURVEY FOR: Gflry I1mi8ms; NN, INC. October 9, 8006 Sheet Two of rwo Sheets I l J. LYNN O'FLYNN, Inc. A Prof~l.i"nal S".....01'" " H~r-~r /"'-:~ ~~,.: n~2e~ L 3430 D,,~I'. ...~~, I'GY \'/""t. FL ;:;::;0.10 _ Ot'o$) 79G-H~~ ,.'t:' (.:o~) :i:~~"n<~