Resolution 085-2008 OMB Schedule Item Numher 4 Resolution No. 085 - 2008 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, to make budgeted transfers in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2008, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that there shall be transfers of amounts previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2008 as, hereinafter set forth to and from the following accounts: Fund #001 General Fund Facilities maintenance From: 001-5190-20501-510140 001-5190-20501-510120 001-5190-20501-530430 001-5190-20501-530461 001-5190-20501-530490 Overtime Regular Salaries Utilities Repairs & Maint. Bldg. Misc. $40,000 $451,368 $275,000 $96,890 $12.000 $875,258 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Reserves Cash Balance $875,258 Office of Management & Budget From: 001-5130-06001-510120 001-5130-06000-530400 001-5130-06000-530540 001-5130-06030-530440 OMB Grants Management Grants Management Purchasing $24,670 $1,000 $5,600 $1.800 $33,070 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Reservt~S Cash Balance $33,070 Affordable Housing From: 001-5540-65004-510120 001-5540-65004-530498 001-5540-65004-530540 001-5540-65004-530400 Salaries $24,224 Advertising $1,500 Books, Memb $2,500 Travel $1.500 $29,724 Cash Balance $29,724 Fire Academy $50,000 Cash Balance $50,000 Veterans Affairs $5,000 Veterans Affairs $ 500 Veterans Affairs $2.000 $7,500 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Fire Academy From: 001-5220-12001-510120 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Veterans Affairs From: 001-5530-67001-530400 001-5530-67001-530410 001-5530-67001-530540 Item 4 General Fund 00 I budget reductions pg I 001-5530-67003-510140 Veterans Transport $2,500 001-5530-67003-530400 Veterans Transport $2,000 $4,500 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cash Balance $12,000 Engineering From: 001-5410-22001-510230 County Engineer $9,204 To: 001-5130-85500-990991 Cash Balance $9,204 Employee Services From: 001-5130-06500-510140 Personnel $22,666 001-5130-06501-530340 Performance Improvement $7,500 $30,166 To: 001-5130-85500-990991 Cash Balance $30,166 Growth Management From: 001-5370-50005-510120 Land Steward $62,464 001-5130-62500-510120 Marine Projects $32,319 $94,783 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cash Balance $94,783 B.O.C.C From: 001-5130-00101-530318 B.O.C.C. Legal $40,000 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cash Balance $40,000 Community Services From: 001-5370-61000-510120 Extension Services $50,275 001-5620-21000-530340 Animal Shelter $12,500 001-5620-21000-530490 Animal Shelter $14,000 001-5690-61525-510120 Social Svc. Transport $86,949 001-5690-61525-530409 Social Svc. Transport $5,591 001-5640-61501-510120 Welfare Administration $116,102 001-5710-62023-510120 Libraries Admin. Support $13,497 001-5710-62024-510120 Libraries Key West $75,530 001-5710-62026-510120 Libraries Marathon $45,472 001-5710-62030-510120 Libraries Key Largo $77,977 001-5710-61502-510120 Welfare Services $44,000 $541,893 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cash Balance $469,098 001-5130-85500-590990 Reserves $72,795 $541,893 Technical Services From: 001-5130-05003-530520 Technology $50,000 001-5130-05002-510120 Technical Svc. Admin $139,900 $189,900 To: 001-5130-85500-590991 Cash Balance $189,900 Item 4 General Fund 001 budget reductions pg2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of April, AD 2008. Mayor McCoy ~ Mayor Pro Tern Di Gennaro ~ Commissioner Spehar ~ Commissioner Neugent ~ Commissioner Murphy --'LeE- BOARD OF CO OF MONROE By: Y COMMISSIONERS TY, FLORIDA (Seal) ~O':~~:~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~PROV~AS TO ~RM: lJ1rd .. 1.t Vfl ./I . RISTINE . IM~T-BARRO~ ASSIS~T COUNTY ~TORNEY Date /.;;}:J/.J0t I Item 4 General Fund 001 budget reductions :J: 0 ~ "'> - Z ::::0_.....,_ 0.......- ~;~> r- -q , :;:;.. "" = = co ".. --0 ;;;0 N .. ~\"j ''Tj ::::J """ :x ,} 'P. .. CO (~.J ",:,'eJ CJ pg 3