Amendment 11/20/2001 CONTRACT AMENDMENT (Beach Cleaning, Maintenance, and Beautification at Higgs Beach, Little Duck Key Beach, and Hany Harris Beach) THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this 20th day of November, 2001, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and ROBBIES SAFE HARBOR MARINE ENTERPRISES, INC., in order to amend the agreement between the parties dated September 19, 2001 (a copy which is incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: 1. In accordance with the Tourist Development Council's District 1 Advisory Committee at their November 7,2001 meeting, beach cleaning services at Higgs Beach will be changed from 3 days per week to 7 days per week utilizing the Beachtech 3000 everyday if needed. 2. Article 3.04 "The Contract Sum" shall be amended from Higgs Beach $3,300.00 per month to $6,810.00 per month ($39,600.00 per year to $81,720.00 per year), and the sum of Higgs Beach, little Duck Key Beach, and Harry Harris Beach from $6,140.11 per month to $9,650.11 per month ($73,681.32 per year to $115,801.32 per year). 3. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated September 19, 2001 remains in full force and effect. ~-C::J By: .. )> w w f I Deputy Clerk (Seal) Attest: CONTRACTOR ROBBIES SAFE HARBOR MARINE ENT., INC. By: By ~ z:- Zf6~,eJt Ptle5' Title: By: 77~~~ Title: ~kt.4~c.. ~. ROBBIE' 8 MARiNA POB 2208 Key West Florida 83045 PH: 805-294-1124 FX: 805-294..0963 rQ~ November 7th, 2001 Di rector of Purchasing 5100 College Road Public Service Building Stock Island, KW, Florida. 88040 (Fax) 305.29z..461~ ~q5 ~ 3{p,:L ATI'EN: Monroe County Commissioners ..,- CC: Ann Mytnik ~. U,ef: Beach Cleaning (Higgs, L.Duck Key, & Harry Harris) As per the TDOe meeting on November 71\ 2001 at 3pm, Robbie's Safe Harbor Marine was approved to clean Higgs beach 7 times a week with the BcachTech 3000 as is cWTently being done to both Smathers and Rest Beaches for the City. The total new price is as follows: . Cleaning Higgs Beach with BeachTech 3000 (7 days a week) - $6,810.00 monthly As the contract states, we will remain cleaning Little Duck Key and Harry Harris heaches three times aiweek. This j's the only new adjustment to the existing contract. Robbie's takes pride in being able to maintain and beautify the beaches of Key West and Monroe County. \Ve would like for everyone to relish and enjoy in the beauty of the Beaches as well. If there are any other questions please feel free to contact us at anytime! { , Sincerely, :il- /------ -- ~ --- . %-oGJ Z - 2~v~-" . Robbie's Marine Robert E. ReckwerdtIPresident ROBBIE.S MARINA pon 2208 Key West Florida 83045 PH: 305..294..1124 FX: 305..294-0963 robbiekw@{!()1.com October 4th, 2001 Director of Purchasing 5100 College Road Public Senrice Building Stock Island, KW, Florida.. 83040 (Fu) 805..292-4515 ATTEN: Mon~~e County Conunissionere -'d~"CC..~n:n~';~f:J.. ~'t.'k'~~'{" , : ,~,.l'.lYl;m ,'. Ilef: Beach Cleaning (ffigga, L..Duck Key, & HarJ.1Y Harris) ~- :~ ., ~~ Per our conversation today, Robbie's would recommend cleaning Higgs ncach 7 days a week as the City Beaches (Smathers & Rest) are being done now. As written in the contrac~ we arc now receiving $3,300.00 for 3 days of Higgs beach clean IIp. For 7 Days of Higgs Beach clean up we would require $5,980.00 a month. As the figures will reveal, the county will receive One free day a week of beach maintenance for Higgs Beach. However, Robbie's would like to bring in our Beachtech 3000 for this one day a1 an udditional $830.00 a month to heIp in the beautification process of the Beach. As for Little Duck Key we will remain cleaning it as stated in the contract _ 3 days a week. As for lIarry Harris Beach, we recommend only maintaining 1 day a week. This is due to the location, having a rock perimeter, and the beach being inside the break water line. So, the bottom line is as follows: (-';Current price to clean Higgs (3 days a week)- $3,300.00 monthly .) I I \1 /' / 11\: ~Prjcc to Clean Higgs (7 days a week) regular- $5,980.00 mOllthly l "Pncc to clean Higgs Cl days a \),.Ieek) 1 day a week with Be1lch Ckancr $6,810.00 monthly :foPl ice to clean Little Duck Key only (1 day a week) $830.00 rnonlhly '~.l'T'-('I"' '. 0[1 1 ~ '1111'; BY ~ ._-d ..... " '\ . , Robbie's takes pride In being able to maintain and beautify the beaches oflCcy \Vest and Monroe County. We would like for everyone to relish and ellioy in the beauty of the Beaches as well. If there are any other questions please feel free to contact Us at anytime! Sincerely, 2/Juf e. ~~<cr- Robbie's Marine Robert E. ReckwerdtIPresident .... .;.. ~.. I ,