Item J1 MAR-14-01 08,57 FROM, Meso ADMINISTRATION 10, PAGE HOARD 01" COUN1'V COMM1SSIONEltS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY M(~linc Datc:..-li.21/01___ Bulk 'Iem: Yes JL. No Division: Monroe County Sheriff' 8 OEUce ~-----'--- -- Ap,'I-oval n:qu('flt for ekpcndl~ures (roil the Law Enforcellent Trust Fund. Department: Monroe County Shertt f' A Office -. Ae"Jo:NDA rrEM WORDING: ITEM BACKGROUND: The t!XperuHlureG arc lawful pursuant to the Flor.tda Contraband Act. There will he no recurring eJl:penses 10 tbe existing budget. rREVlOUS REVELANT DOCe ACOON: CONTRACI'/AGREEMFKf ClL\NGEs= Sl'Ali'F'ltECOMMENDATIONS: --''''-"'''-~',-" 1'()].1\1. COSl":_l4t" 245.00 COST 1'0 COUNTY: -0- BUDGETED: Yes NOJ_ REVENU',: rnODUClNG: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTlI_ Year AI'PUOVEI) U\'; County Airy _._ DOCllMENTA nON: Included _ OMll/Purc asing _ Risk Manar,cmCnt d~ (tYpE NAME IIERE) Ric hl1 rei J). Ro t II, Slll~ riff mVISION Ul(mc-rol( AJ'rnOVAL: To FoIrow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM fI-.L-J/ kr.vl\("d Uluor ~4Qriff RICHARD D. ROTH · SHERIFF OF MONROE COUNTY 5525 COLLEGE ROAD · KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 296-2424 · FAX (305) 292-7070 · 1-SOO-273-COPS March 6, 2001 Mr. James Roberts, County Administrator Public Service Annex Key West, Florida 33040 RE: Agenda Item - Request for Expenditures from Law Enforcement Trust Fund Dear Mr. Roberts: I would like to request that the Commission authorize the following expenditures from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund: $35,000.00 1bis will fund four T ake-Stock-In-Children scholarships, a program which identifies promising children in needy families who are provided college scholarships contingent upon academic performance and good citizenship. $6,000.00 The Sheriff's Office would like to purchase a computerized polygraph system to assist in criminal investigations. $3425.00 The Sheriff's Office would like to purchase four Sierra Wireless Aircard Cellular modems to allow wireless connectivity for laptop computers for road patrol deputies. TOTAL: $44.245.00 I hereby certify that these expenditures are lawful pursuant to the Florida Contraband Act. There will be no recurring expenses in the existing budget. Please feel free to contact me or my General Counsel, Mark L. Willis, should you have any questions or concerns regarding this request. :;!J:; d ~. Richard D. Roth, Sheriff of Monroe County Freeman Station Marathon Station 20950 ()\'C[SC8S Highway, 3103 Ove"e85 Highway, Cudjoc Kcy, Florida 33042 Marathon, Florida 33050 (05) 745- 31S4 . FAX (05) 745- 3761 (305) 289-2430 . FAX (305) 289-2497 Islamorada Substation 87000 Overseas Highway, Islamocacla. Florida 33036 Spottswood Station 88770 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, Florida 33070 (305) S52-3211. FAX (305) 85.3-3205