4. 09/01/1990 to 08/31/1991 Agreement CONSULTING AGREEMENT consulting agreement is made this...LA:t:J... day of 1990, by and between Langton Associates, Inc., referred to as "Langton", and Monroe County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "Client", on the following terms and conditions: RECITALS WHEREAS, Langton is a Florida corporation engaged in the business of offering consulting support for municipalities, counties and other governmental bodies, and WHEREAS, Client is in need of professional consulting services for the purpose of obtaining various governmental grants and assistance offered by various governmental agencies and bodies, and WHEREAS, the parties are desirous to enter into this contract to establish a contractual relationship and set up the fees to be charged by guidelines of consulting work to be performed, IT IS THEREFORE AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Langton agrees to provide professional consulting services to Client, as an independent contractor, for the term one (1) year commencing September I, 1990 and ending August 31, 1991. Langton agrees to exercise its best efforts to obtain governmental grants and benefits for Client. It is understood, however, that Langton cannot guarantee results that any certain amount of funds will be obtained for Client. 2. Pursuant to this provide specific services "A" attached hereto and made agreement Langton agrees to as outlined in Exhibit a part of this contract. 3. In exchange for Langton performing the services as established herein and devoting its time, Client agrees to pay Langton the sum of Twenty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($29,000.00) annually. Client agrees that payment herein shall be made monthly by the 10th day of the following month after the invoice rendered by Langton. 4. Client agrees to pay all reasonable travel and expenses of Langton in conjunction with his services directly relating to Client. The total amount for travel expenses during the contract period not to exceed Five Thousind Dollars ($5,000.00). Langton will submit invoices W thesie. expenses which shall be paid together with the 10 ~a~ b the next month. If desired, Client can require _o~ ap oval for travel expenses to be incurred by ~ ~gt:n~... If Client so desires, such request shall be r:r: nEI\e ~n .'!iting separate from this agreement. The notice 0:: shall><::~Q::Ilire Langton to notify Client fifteen (15) days ~ i!lP. ad->ia<fi~ of any necessary travel expenses, unless said Q t~. e p;:}.i~ved in a particular case. w IS zoO: ~ ;:!'i. ~ngton agrees to devote the necessary time and ~forman" of his duties for Client. Inasmuch as the p~ofessional services rendered are of a subjective nature, subject to differences of opinion, mutual confidence and respect is necessary. Accordingly, this contract can be terminated by either party without cause upon the giving of a thirty (30) day written notice as follows: A. As to Langton: 4244 St. Johns Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32210 B. As to Client: Monroe County Public Services Building Wing II, Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 6. Should litigation be necesary to enforce any provision of this agreement, then the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover a reasonable attorney I s fee from the other side. 7. Langton shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold the Client harmless from and against any and all losses arising out of any willful misconduct or negligent act, error or omission of Langton, its agents or employees, arising out of or incidental to the performance of this contract or work performed thereunder. 8. The representative for agreement is George Harper. The Consultant responsible for the agreement is Denise Froehlich. the County for this representative for the administration of this ATTEST:DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA ~4/3:'1,J1/ Clerk By: ok-~.~q- Mayor John C. Stormont Chairman ATTEST: LANGTON ASSOCIATES, INC. J)..t.4('~~" ../~~t_ Witness By. ~ Michael L n n President ~~:'rY~r Witness App~~~hf~m and legality: AND L sumCIDICY. EXHIBIT A SPECIFICATIONS Langton Associates, Inc. has extensive experience in providing intergovernmental relations and grantsmanship services for cli- ents similar to Monroe County. A strategic plan tailored to ad- dress you specific needs is developed by our consultants. Langton Associates, Inc. uses this analysis to accurately recommend appro- priate funding sources for accomplishing the County's goals. Preparation and submission of grant applications as well as fol- low-up contact with grantor agencies ensure the client of compre- hensive benefits. The specific activities and work elements we propose to perform for Monroe County are as follows: A. In-Depth Needs Assessment. Langton shall through on- site interviews with various County agency officials and investigation of available resources assess the County's needs that may be provided for through grant funding and assist in the development of a plan of action to obtain such funding. B. Determination of Relevant Funding Sources. We make extensive use of our internal and external resources to determine appropriate sources of funding to accomplish the goals of Monroe County. Recommendations for applica- tion are made to the County on an on-going basis. C. Preparation and Submission of Grant Applications. Langton Associates, Inc. develops and prepares the com- plete grant application and submits it to the funding agency. Langton agrees to prepare a minimum of eight (8) grants in the contract year. D. Intergovernmental Relations with Federal and State Governments. Langton Associates, Inc. acts as a liaison between the County and the government funding agency before, during, and after the application is made. Our extensive network of contacts in Washington, D.C. and Tallahassee, Florida, and our proximity to Tallahassee, Florida enable us to provide our client with the most accurate, up-to-date grantsmanship information available. E. On-Site Review. Langton Associates, Inc. will work with the County in the coordination of grant develop- ment. Consultants from our main office in Jacksonville will conduct on-site visits on a regular basis. (. ( -1 ,I (, ~ 'l 1 Ji , ~ i j , ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ] ,.., ~ ~l 1 i :;- I, ~ , 6. 7. 8. SWORN STATEl\lEl'\"T UNDER SECfION 2S7.133(3)(ul. FLOIUDA STATUTES.., ON PUlIUC EN1TIY CRIMES nUs FORM MUST BE SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUDUC OR OTHER OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. 1. Thls SWOrD SllIlCment is Submitted with BId, Proposal or Co,nuact No. for 2. Langton Associates, Inc. [name of eollty submlttlng sworn slatoment] 4244 St. Johns Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32210 md Thls SWOrD SllItement is submitted by whose busIncu addrea Is (If applicable) its, Federal ~ployer Identification Number (FEIN) is (If the entity has DO FEIN, include the Social Scauity Number of the individual signing this SWOrD 59-224-7694 3. sllItement: My name is Mi"hael Langton (plcue print name of individual signing] entity named above is President I underslllnd that a "public entity crime" as deth1ed in PllllIgraph 287.133(I)(g), Florid. SWIUI... means a violation of auy SllIte or. federal law by a person with respect 10 aud airccuy related to the transaction of bllSlncu with any public entity or with au agency or political subdivision of any other state or wilb the United Slates, including. but not limited to, any bill or conuact for goollS or services to be provided to auy public entilJl or an agency or political subdivision of any OUler State or of tbe United States and involving autitrllSt, fraud, Ibctt, bribery, collusion, racketccnng, conspiracy, or material. misreprC$entation. .) and my relationship to the 4. 5. I understand that 'convicted" or "conviction" as deth1ed in PllllIgraph 287.133(I)(b). Florid, S~rules. means a finding of guilt or a conviction of a public entity crime, with or without an alljulllC3110n of guilt, in any federal or State mal court of record relating to charges brought by inaicunent or information atter July I, 1989, as a result of a jury verllict, nonjury mal, or enrry of a plea of guilry or nolo contendere. I unclctstand that an "atft1late" as clc1ined in Paragrapb 287.133(1)(a), Florid. Storules. m=: , 1. A predecessor or su=sor of a person convicted ot a public entity crime: or 2. An entity under the conlCol of any Datural person who is active in the management of the untity and who iw been convicted of a public entity crime. The term 'atfillate' includes those " otficers. directors, executives. partners, sharCbolders, empJoy=. members, and agents who arc active in Ibe managemcut at an affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constiluting a comrolling inler"1 in another person. or a pooling of equipmenl or income among persons when nOI for fair marlcel value under Itn ann', length agreement, sllall be a prima facie c::tIe that one person controls another person. A person who knOwingly enters into a joinl verture with a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida lluring Ibe prcce4ing 36 monlllS Shall be considered an aflUiate. · understand that a "person" as deth1ed in Paragrapb 287.133(l)(e), Florid. ~wnlles rr.c:lns any natural person or entil)l orllanizcct unller the laws of any st:lte or of the United St:lles wUh lhe leg,l power to enter into a binding contract and wllicll bills or appliC$ to bid on comracts for Ihe prOVISion of goollS or services let by a pUblic entiry, or wlliCh olherwrse trans,clS or applies 10 :r,nS'CI business with a public enlity. The term 'person' incluac.5 those officers, directors, executiv.s:s, partners, shareholders. employees, members. and agentS who arc active in managemenl of an enm)'. Based on information and belief, the s~tement wbich I h,ve marked bclow is lrue in relalion \0 Ihe entil}' SUbmitting litiS sworn statement. [PI...... lndi""l. which SUltcruent npplics.J ~'--...~-... 1?f1 G(; :U. , . ~ ~ \' --X.. Neither tile entity submitting this s~m Sl<ltemClIl. nor :Iny officers. llirectors. cxeCUllVes. parmers. sbarellolders. employees. members. or agents wllo are active ill management of lhe cntHy. nor any attillate of the enlll}' have tM:.:n charged willi anll conVIcted oj a public cnUly cnme subsequent to July 1. 1989. The entil}' subatitting lhls swom sl<ltemenl. or ..one or more of lIIe officers. c1irc:ctors. CXeCiiiivcs. partners. sharebOlders. employees. members, or agents who are ac:uve in management of the entity. or an affiliate of lIIe entity has been charged willi and convicted of a public enUlY cnme sUbscquentto July 1~ 1989. 6l:!ll [P1..a Indicate which additional s!etement applies.] _ There has been a p~g conCCrning lIIe conviction before a hearing otlicer of the Sl<lte of Florida, Division of A4Dwustrallvc Hearings. The final orller enterell by the hearing otlll:er c1Id DOt place lIIe person or atllIialC on lIIe conYlclc:d venllor list. [plcese aWlch a cop)' oC the l1DaJ order.] _ The person or a1!llIate was placed on tile conviCted vendor list. There bas been a subsequenl prOc::celliDg bctore a hearing officer of lIIe Sl<lle of Florida, Division of Administrative Hearings. The tInaJ order entered by lIIe heanng offic:c:r lleternuned lllal il was in the public: inlerest to tcmove lIIe person or atllIiate from lIIe convicted venllor list. (Please altacb a cop)' oC tile DlUII Order.] ;\ .-; , ') ~ The person or attillate bas nOI been placed on lIIe convicted vendor list. [please describe an)' aalon llIIteu b)' or pend1ag with lIIe Depanment oC General SUVlCCS.) I .' l " ~~Jr{i- S' ~( /5?o .~ I . i ,1 ~ i 1 1 Dale: STATE OF COUNTY OF Florida Duval ( PERSONALI. Y APPEARED BEFORE ME, lIIe W1dersigned aUlIIOril)', Michael Langton (name oC IndIYlcluaJ sIllJIlnaJ WilD. after firsl being swom by me, affixed hislher signature In the space provided abOve on lhls 1/ day of lJor..::J: . 19 qo ~....L"~r......- NOTARY PUBUc; NOTARY PUBUC, STI\TE OF flOlllCA My commission expires Aug. 21.1"fgS Bonded thru Patterson - Be:chf .~.gency ,~ j My............ion CIXpircs: NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF FLORIDA My commission expires Aug. 21, 1995 Bonded thru Patterson. Becht Agencv ~ ;II ',;1 " . " ." . FOt::l PUR 7068 (Rev. 11189) c-