Item B7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Julv 18.2001 Division: Management Services Bulk Item: Yes No ..ll- Department: Veterans Affairs AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Presentation of Employee of the Month Award for the month of December 2000 to Ronald R. Johnson, Veterans Service Counselor, Veterans Affairs Department. ITEM BACKGROUND: PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: nla BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: nla REVENUE PRODUCING:. Yes No x AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: OMBlPurchasing "?..1 Management_ ~ -- JAMES L. ROBERTS" APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DOCUMENT A TION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # / - B 7 Revised 2/27/01 RoNALV R. JOHNsoN, SERVICE COUNSELOR VETERANS AffAIRS VEPARTMENT, KEY WEST Mr. Johnson has been selected as Em~lo~ee of the Month for the month of Vecember 2000 for the outstandins service he consistentlM ~rovides to the man~ veterans of Monroe Count~. Mr. Johnson started worldns for the Monroe Count~ Veterans Affairs Ve~artment in februar~ of 1998 as a ServiCe Counselor. Mr. Johnson is a retired Air force Major and former Health Services Administrator. His vast ex~erience in the mifitarM and mediCal fields allows him to be our "resident ex~ert" in reviewins mediCal Claims for our Monroe CountM veterans. With his ex~erience he has successfullM filed a mMriad of claims for our honorabl~ discharsed veterans, retirees and elisible beneficiaries and de~endents. He has rea~ed thousands of dollars in benefits for the veterans of the florida l<eMs and has SreatlM enriched the lives of manM needM veterans. Mr. Johnson dis~laMs outstandins leadershi~, ~Iannins and orsanizational skills. He is trulM an advoCate for our veterans. He successfullM assists our Monroe C oun t ~ veterans in receivins benefits which are due to them. He reCen tl~ assisted a terminal veteran in receivins his benefits within two weeks. ShortlM thereafter, the veteran ~assed awaM, however, his wife and children received all of the benefits to whiCh the deceased veteran was entitled to. .He is a trul~ out standins em~lo~ee. Ronald R. Johnson is trulM deservins of such an award~