Item L7
Meeting Date:
July 18.2001
County Administrator
Bulk Item: Yes
No ---X-
Department: County Administrator
Approval of the overall Fire/RescuelEMS plan as amended.
C' l' n c."';o I" Co I
At the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on June 21, 2001, the Board reviewed the
proposed FirelEMSlEmergency Management plan as presented by Commissioner Nelson. The BOCC
removed references to Emergency Management and Emergency Communications and conceptually
approved the plan with the instruction to the County Administrator to meet with the entities involved
and arrive at a plan that reflected some of the comments made at the Commission meeting. In addition,
the Administrator was instructed to prepare a job description, establish a salary level, and initiate a
recruitment process for the new Monroe County Fire Chief. On July 3, 2001, the Administrator met
with the appropriate individuals with the result as indicated on the attached documents.
As above.
Please see attached document.
Overall approval with the understanding that the new Monroe County Fire Chief will work to fill out
the details.
-0- at this time
-0- at this time
APPROVED BY: County Arty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_
James L. Roberts
Included x.-.
To Follow _
Not Required_
On July 3, 2001, the Administrator met with representatives of the International
Association of Fire Firefighters, the EMS supervisors, the Key Largo Volunteer
Ambulance squad, the Chiefs' Association, and Mr. Jim Ward. There were also many
people who had come to listen to the discussion and see how the meeting went. Overall,
some changes were made as will be identified. At the end of the meeting, all the
participants agreed that they were not happy with all of the changes but that it would be
appropriate to proceed with them so that the process can continue to move forward. On
that issue, there was consensus.
The changes made more clearly defined the relationships between the volunteer
organizations and the career firefighters/EMS people. There were also some adjustments
to recognize the authority of the County and the County Administrator in various aspects
of the process. Overall, it was understood that when the new Monroe County Fire Chief
was hired, he/she will be responsible for reviewing the organization, the protocols, the
policies, the procedures, and managing the overall system while being of assistance to the
volunteer organizations. The Board should review the changes made to the attached
In reference to Chart B, there was substantial discussion concerning some aspects
of the organization. There were proposals to divide the chart at different levels, allowing
the incoming Monroe County Fire Chief to decide or recommend organization and
responsibilities below his/her position or to have the dividing point above the District
One and District Six boxes. There was apparently not an ability to arrive near a
consensus on this issue and, therefore, the recommendation to the Board of County
Commissioners is to approve conceptually the organization chart as presented and then to
have the new Monroe County Fire Chief recommend changes in the organization.
One major area of contention is the location of the advisory board under the
auspices of the Monroe County Fire Chiefs' Association. In discussions in April and
May, it was the Administrator's understanding that the Board of County Commissioners
wanted to have an independent advisory board that consisted of individuals representing
various parts of the Fire/Rescue/EMS system as well as public members to provide
advice to the new Monroe County Fire Chief. The volunteers and Mr. Ward expressed
concern that the creation of that board and its existence, independent of the Fire Chiefs'
Association, would open the possibility of major political influence. Examples were
given from more highly developed areas of how such boards or committees became
political entities. There was substantial disagreement on this issue and, therefore, it is not
resolved. The Administrator continues to believe that a free-standing advisory board as
described above would be a great value to the new Monroe County Fire Chief.
Therefore, the Board of County Commissioners should review the amended
documents attached and consider adopting it conceptually with the understanding of the
status of Chart B. Also attached is information concerning the new position of Monroe
County Fire Chief. The Administrator has the authority to proceed with establishing that
position and will include any financial issues in the fmal budget proposal in September.
It is the Administrator's understanding that he is to proceed with the recruitment and
selection process.
This is a summary of the responsibilities and duties corresponding to the organizational
structure as they pertain to the delivery of fIre protection, fire prevention, and emergency
medical services for the unincorporated areas of Monroe County. Also included are
several goals and recommendations, which are key components, needed in order for the
organization to succeed.
Fire Protection Philosophv
Monroe County must recognize that one of the most valuable asset of the Monroe
County fIre protection system is the voluntary service that is provided by the
officers and members of the fire departments along with the services provided by
career staff.
Fire protection is a costly but essential function of local government. The level of
fIre protection service in Monroe County should be sufficient to provide an
appropriate level of fIre protection from loss of life and property due to fIre.
However, no fIre protection system can assure absolute protection from fIre.
Similarly no unit of government can afford to provide for every "worst case" fire
that might occur. Thus the service must be cost-effective and once the optimum
level of service is achieved, additional expenditures will not produce an
improvement in level of protection or reduction in losses.
Also no fIre department can deliver a complete fire protection system by itself. A
complete system consist of building codes, land use zoning laws, law enforcement
systems, streets and roads, a water supply and distribution system, emergency
communications system, fire prevention codes and public education in addition to
the fIre department. The Monroe County Fire Chiefs can't stress enough that the
key to a successful system requires the cooperation and "A TEAM Approach"
from all the parties involved.
These protocols take into account the unique conditions imposed on Monroe
County due to the geography, weather, seasonal fluctuation in population, and
economy of the Florida Keys.
These protocols identify the duties and responsibilities within the organizational
structure while giving the volunteer fIre chiefs and corporations more authority to
carry out their mission of delivering an efficient and high level of service to the
community .
Note: The safety of the fIre fIghters and the public shall always be of top priority
when developing this or any other policies, procedures, or protocols. The fIre
chiefs, volunteer fIre departments, and the career staff are committed to operate
within the guidelines of the adopted standard operating procedures.
I Structure. resDonsibilities. and chain of command
1. Monroe County's fire protection, fire prevention and emergency medical services
shall operate as a combined volunteer/career system. Emphasis shall be to encourage
and preserve the volunteer fire protection system and assure that all career staff are cross
certified as a firefighterlEMT or frrefighterlParamedic.
2. There shall be a chief administrative officer, whose responsibility shall be to
eoordiBate the delivery of fire proteetioFl, fire preveFltion and EMS fer the 1.H1ineorporated
areas of the CO\:HI.ty manage the career sector of the combined system and maior
administrative issues of the entire system and coordinate the volunteer delivery of frre
protection. fire prevention. and emergency medical services for the unincorporated areas
of the County. This position shall be titled "Monroe County Fire Chief'. The Monroe
County Fire Chief (MCFC) shall report directly to the County Administrator.
2a. The Monroe County Fire Chiefs' Association, through a representative of
the unincorporated chiefs. together with the County Administrator will actively be
involved in the development of the job description and qualifications for the
position of Monroe County Fire Chief.
2b. Monroe County shall assure that the Monroe County Fire Chiefs'
Association, through a representative of the unincorporated chiefs. has input in the
selection process of the Monroe County Fire Chief position prior to final approval
for the position being filled. This process will reinforce the working relationship
between the volunteers and the County.
3. The Monroe County Fire Chiefs primary responsibilities shall be to coordinate with
the independent volunteer fire departments and assist them in their mission of delivering
the most efficient and highest level of service to the community. The MCFC will also be
responsible for overseeing the delivery of EMS to the unincorporated areas of Monroe
3a. Emphasis shall be placed on utilizing the career firefighterlEMT's and fire
fighterlParamedic's (where applicable) in order to augment the volunteer system
but not replace it.
3b. It is essential that there be a close and clear coordination between the
county and volunteer frre departments. lhis eoordiaatioFl ffitist eOftsider that the
Ioeal volunteer fire elliefs Bfld offieers Bfa m.ore familiar with their jl:lrisdietioB and
haOle the best iBterest of their eoHlfBW1ity at haftd.
3c. The MCFC shall work in conjunction with the Monroe County Fire
Chiefs' Association, which also includes the incorporated chiefs, to constantly
review, recommend and update the adopted standard operating procedures
(SOP's) and the mutual aid agreements with municipalities and all applicable
3d. The MCFC should have the authority, in keeping with county personnel
policies and with recommendations from the volunteer fIre chiefs, to assign three
personnel to the positions of shift captain. The shift captains must have
knowledge of emergency medical, fIre prevention, and fire suppression and shall
be proficient in Incident Command. The shift captains must also be willing to
work with the volunteer fIre chief in the administration of county SOP's and be
qualifIed to direct paid staff. There shall be one district shift captain assigned to
each one of the three 24hr shifts in district 1.
3e. The MCFC shall have the authority to hire or assign, or recommend to the
County Administrator the hiring of. administrative support staff to adequately
complete the duties of his position. The MCFC can not however place supervisory
staff between himself and the volunteer fire chiefs without the recommendation
from the volunteer fIre chiefs and the consent from the county administrator or the
Board of County Commission. This will eliminate the dual chain of command that
has existed in the past.
3f. The MCFC, with recommendations from the Monroe County Fire Chiefs
Association, will have the authority to remove a fIre chief for just cause, as
outlined in the SOP's.
4. The County volunteer fIre departments shall have primary responsibility for fire
protection and rescue services to their jurisdiction. The loeal fire eaief ana offieers The
County. through the volunteer fIre deoartments and career service. shall have specifIc
authority to carryout its mission. The County shall coordinate resources as necessary to
assist the local fIre departments.
4a. During fire or rescue related emergency operations, the local fIre chief or a
qualifIed designee shall have command of all operations relating to that incident
including but not limited to all volunteer personnel, applicable County career
staff, and equipment. In the absence of the chief, the highest most qualifIed fIre
fIghter on the scene will assume command as outlined in the SOP's.
4b. During non-emergencies the local fIre chief or designee shall coordinate
with the shift Captain for day-to-day duties pertaining to the career staff, if such
staff is assigned to his department.
4c. The Monroe County Volunteer Fire Departments shall have authority over
specific budgetary items which have a direct impact on the success of their
departments such as: training, travel and per diem, volunteer reimbursement,
purchase of non-capital tools, supplies and equipment, and contractual personnel
services. This shall be in accordance with clearly defIned standards, and
individual departments shall be held accountable to these standards.
4d. The individual volunteer fire department budgets shall not be submitted to
the Board~ of County Commissioners until the volunteer fire department has
signed off on it indicating approval, or have had the opportunity to address the
Monroe County Fire Chiefs Association to justify any discrepancies.
4e. In lie1:l af 60001)' eareer persoDflel, The volunteer fIre departments may
elect to employ support/administrative department personnel (non-fIrefIghters). in
coni unction with department contracts and budgets.
5. There shall be a mlmmum of two support positions with the pnmary
responsibilities of coordinating county-wide training, vehicle maintenance, and the
purchasing and distribution of equipment and supplies. These two positions will report to
the MCFC.
6. The County. through the volunteer Emergencv Medical Services and career
services. Career staff shall have primary responsibility for the delivery of pre-hospital
emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured to the appropriate medical
facility. The Monroe County Fire Chief shall supervise the operations of EMS.
6a. * There shall be one shift captain assigned to oversee each of the three
24hr shifts. The shift captains shall report to the MCFC. The shift captains
shall be responsible for coordinating medical emergency operations and
day-to-day duties for that particular shift. The shift captains shall have
specifIc authority regarding all medical resources during their tour.
Emergency response procedures and day-to-day duties as they pertain to
the combined system shall be managed under approved SOP'S.
7. Fire prevention shall encompass fIre safety inspections, fIre safety plan review,
hydrant and wells, fIre investigations, fire code enforcement, hazardous material planning
response and mitigation. Fire prevention will report to the Monroe County Fire Chief but
will continue to deal directly with the individual fire departments where applicable.
8. Organizational structure: See attached organizational chart.
* This does not pertain to municipal tax district 6 fIre and EMS.
n Orsranizational Effectiveness. Goals and Recommendations
A. Trainin!! -
1. The County should provide a continuous program of basic and advanced training
in fire fighting and rescue operations to all fire fighters.
B. Volunteer recruitment and retention
1. Volunteer fire fighters are basically generous people who are motivated to give of
their time and effort to fill otherwise unmet community needs. They have a genuine
concern for their neighbors and community, and are willing to make personal sacrifices of
time away from home in order that the community can enjoy an otherwise unaffordable
level of safety and protection.
1 a. The County should assist the volunteer fire departments with recruitment
and retention by helping to develop and support programs to attract and
recognize volunteers. Incentives, such as the existing Length of Service
Award Program (LOSAP) and monthly reimbursement, should continue to
be funded and expanded to attract and retain the volunteers in accordance
with established standards.
1 b. The County should give special recognition to those businesses that
support the system by releasing employees to respond to fire department
1 c. The County should establish and fund an Employee Assistance Program
(EAP) and research the possibility of providing health insurance for its
volunteer fire departments: similar to the one provided by the County for
the career personnel.
c. Maintenance and reoair of aooaratus and eQuioment
1. The effective delivery of fire department and other emergency services is
dependent on the reliability of apparatus and equipment. The reliability of apparatus and
equipment is dependent on research, adequate purchase specifications, careful inspection
and testing of delivered items prior to acceptance, and a program of preventive
maintenance and timely repairs during the useful life of the item.
1 a. Monroe County should continue to assume primary responsibilities for
maintenance and repair of all fire apparatus and equipment. This includes
conducting annual pump tests and ladder tests where applicable.
1 b. The volunteer fire departments, with assistance of career personnel, (where
applicable), should continue their efforts of routinely inspecting and
maintaining the equipment within their capabilities and reporting any
needed repairs to the County.
2. Monroe County should establish and fund an apparatus replacement program.
This can be accomplished by establishing a reasonable service life for each apparatus. A
fund can then be established to replace the apparatus at the end of its normal service life.
3. Sufficient reserve apparatus of each basic type should be maintained in fully
loaded ready-to-respond status.
D. Fire protection water supplies
1. There are many instances throughout Monroe County where water service for fire
suppression is inadequate for the properties needing protection. In some areas no useable
water supply facilities exist. Poor hydrant distribution and widely separated fIre wells are
characteristics of the Keys.
2. Considerable development has taken place over the years without considering the
need for fIre protection water supplies. There is no practical means of quickly mitigating
water defIciencies in these areas. Therefore, fire suppression needs must be met by water
carried in fIre apparatus tanks for the foreseeable future.
3. Monroe County should adopt reasonable fIre flow standards for application to all
classes of properties in the Keys. This can be accomplished by having the Fire Marshal's
office (with support of the County), coordinate with The Florida Keys Aqueduct
Authority and the volunteer fIre departments to come up with a plan that meets Insurance
Services Organization (ISO), standards.
E. Emereencv communications
1. Fire-medical dispatching is quite different than that of the police agency. Most
Fire-medical calls represent a potential threat of life loss or serious property damage. It is
essential that emergency communications operators receive special training in the
communication procedures and terminology used by the fire rescue departments.
1 a. Training should include visits to and personal observations of fIre and
rescue operations in order to familiarize them with the terminology, and
operational features and needs of the fIre departments that are served by
the system.
F. BuUdin!! codes
I. Building officials must continue enforcing the current ordinances and explore the
possibility of establishing new codes that will aid in the prevention of loss of life and
property, such as encouraging the installation of automatic sprinkler systems in all new
residential homes and commercial buildings.
G. Special fire suppression & rescue resources
I. There are several other specialty resources that are of great need to this
community. The need for wildland and marine resources as well as other specialty needs
should be reviewed and implemented as necessary.
Chief Dan Cassel,
Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire Dept.
Chief John Rolli,
SugarloafVolunteer Fire Oept.
Chief Oavid Alan
Big Pine Volunteer Fire Dept.
Chief Wayne Fletcher
Layton Volunteer Fire Oept.
Chief Keith Cortner
Tavernier Volunteer Fire Dept.
Chief Sergio J. Garcia
Key Largo Volunteer Fire Dept.
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Position Title: FIRE CHIEF I Date: 07/07/0 I
Position Level: I FLSA Status: Exempt I Class Code: 1019
The Fire Chief is responsible for overseeing and enhancing the operations and activities of the Monroe County
unincorporated Fire/Rescue and Emergency Medical Services systems including the combined volunteer/career services.
Typical activities associated with this position include directing, planning, organizing, and budgeting Fire Rescue and
Emergency Medical Services functions within Monroe County, with broad policies guided by federal, state, and local laws,
codes, rules and regulations. This position reports to County Administrator.
The infonnation on this description has been designed to indicate the general nature and level of work perfonned by
employees within this classification. It is not designed to contain or be interpreted as a comprehensive inventory of all
duties, responsibilities and qualifications required of employees assigned to this job.
*Plans, controls, staffs, or anizes, re resents, and directs all De artment ro in the Coun .
Prepares, reviews, edits, and approves items to be forwarded to the County Administrator for placement on the county
Commission's meetin a enda and handles resentations at meetin s with staff artici ation as necess
Interviews applicants, reviews applications and recommends hiring of all Department personnel. Directs, implements,
monitors all coun ro re ardin ersonnel issues within the De artment.
*Prepares, reviews, edits, recommends and monitors the Department's budget. Oversees expenditures and purchases for the
Fire Rescue Services' rovider co orations. Assists in the re aration of the Fire Rescue Services bud et.
*Negotiates, prepares, and administers the contractual agreements between the County and the various Fire Rescue
Services/EMS provider corporations. Ensures compliance with contract tenns and conditions, and Federal, State, and local
laws and re ulations.
Pre ares, reviews, edits, and recommends lans, studies and re orts concernin emer enc services.
Maintains liaison and routinely consults with the Fire Rescue Services' providers on matters concerning operational policies,
procedures, protocols, planning, implementation, direction and control. Prepares, reviews, edits, implements, and monitors
standard 0 eratin rocedures and ide lines.
Evaluates existing emergency services programs and recommends improvement, expansion, or establishment of new
ro ams.
Supervises the gathering of empirical and statistical data and provides written status reports. Researches, develops and
recommends a ro riate strate ies to im rove 0 erations; im lements them accordin I .
Conducts staff meetings, maintains contact and coordination with national, state and local organizations concerned with
emer en services and re resents the coun and De artment to other 0 anizations and the eneral ublic.
*Speaks to civic clubs, homeowners, property owners, radio, TV and newspapers as required. Official spokesperson for all
De artment issues.
*Serves as the coordinator for the County Administrator for frre/rescue/EMS issues during disasters to best utilize resources
of department. Manages and coordinates Emergency Support Functions (ESF), Fire Fighting, and Search and Rescue
durin a declared State of Emer enc .
*Provides policy recommendations on Department issues and programs to County Administrator, BOCC, and other
Divisions and Oepartments. Consults with County Administrator periodically concerning issues, problems and progress
with the De artment.
Develops, implements, maintains and monitors a maintenance program for Fire Rescue facilities, motor vehicles, equipment
and devices, including periodic testing and certification as applicable. Supervises the accountability and control of assets,
ro e and/or resources assi ed to the De artment.
*Develops, implements, maintains, and monitors a comprehensive fire rescue training program. Researches and develops
ro ams for the recruinnent and retention of Fire Rescue Services' volunteers.
Class Code: 1019
Position Level:
Position Title: FIRE CHIEF
Education &
Impact of Actions:
Decision Making:
with Others:
Managerial Ski//s:
Working Conditions!
Physical Effort:
On Ca// Re uirements:
Bachelor's Degree required and 15 years experience (5 years at the Senior Management Level)
Associate's Degree required and a minimmn of 15 years progressively responsible experience in
related field with additional training and/or certification.
Preferred: Graduate Degree in related field
Desireable: Graduate of National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Development Program
and/or Paramedic field experience.
Major(s) in Business Administration, Management, Public Administration, Fire Science.
The work involves leadership which routinely affects multiple divisions of Monroe County
and/or the surroundin communi in a demonstrable wa .
Highly Complex: Work is broad in scope covering one or more complicated areas. Policy,
procedures, or precedent are typically created by this position. A high degree of analytic ability
and inductive thinking is required to devise new, non-standard approaches to h'ghly intricate,
technicall com lex roblems.
Multifaceted: Supervision is present on a limited time basis to review broad objectives.
Independent judgment is required to review and approve major recommendations, establish
procedure, and coordinate technical and administtaive recommendations with County-wide
Requires continuing internal and external contacts involving difficult formal negotiations calling
for well-developed sense of timing and strategy and details explanation and interpretation of
olicies, rules and re lations and man in relationshi s at the hi est level.
Responsible for supervisiong multiple functions, with full responsibility for effective operation
and results.
Typically normal office situation. Work environment may require exposure to disagreeable
elements and extensive safety training and/or protective devises when responding to and
functionin at the scene of an eme en .
Ex ected to be available as necess to fulfill. ob obli ations.
Required to be Certified Firefighter.
Desireable to be Certified Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic.
Must possess ability to funetion within a paidlvolunteer Fire Rescue and Emergency
Medical Services delivery system with the ability to maintain cooordination and
cooperation between all involved agencies.
Must have a proven track record of success in managing a combined volunteer/career
s stem.
Department Head:.
Division Director:
County Administrator:
On this date I have received a copy of my job description relating to my employment with Monroe County