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Resolution 178-2008
Resolution No. JJ L--2008 A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE RECEIPT OF UNANTICIPATED FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary \1) conduct a public hearing as required by section 129.03, Florida Statutes, to amend the tollowing' Local Housing Assistance, Fund' 153, Card Sound Bridge, Fund 401, Key Westlntemalinal Airport, Fund 404, KW AlP Series 2006 Bonds, Fund 405, MSD Solid Wastl~, Fund 414, and Fleet Management, Fund 504. for the riseal year beginning October 1, 2007, and ending September 30, 2008, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that a Publk: Hearing was conducted on June HI, 2008, at 3:00 P.M. to amend Locai Housing Assistance, Fund' 153, Card Sound Bridge, Fund 401, Key West Intarnational Airport, Fund 404, KW AlP Serias 2006 Bonds, Fund 405, MSD Solid Waste, Fund 414, and Fleet Management, Fund 504 budgets and to adopt the amended budgets as 'ollows LocaJ. Housing Asslstanre-Fund 153 c.~, Inc./(Dec.l Revised Budget Budgel Revenues: 153-335500SE St-Shared-EconEnv-SHIP $350.000.00 $0.00 $350.000.00 153-36100501 Interest Eamings $129,000,00 $000 $129,000.00 153-3690ISOM Misc.SHIP Mortg Satisfy $295.ooo.!Xl $3IS,000.00 $610,OOO,OlJ IS3.381)001 Less5%FLSlat -$25,000.00 $000 -$25.000.00 153-389002 FWld Balance Forward $260347500 iill!Q $2603475.00 Total $3,3.52,475,00 $315,000.00 $3,667,475.00 Appropriations: 153 UlOO606 530492.530497 SHtP FY06 Homeowner $526.79I.(XJ SO.OO $526.791.00 153 0101206 530490.5304% SHIP FY06 Renl~1 $324,794.00 $000 $324,794.00 153 0101106 530490.530497 SHIP rY06 Admin $148,646.00 $0.00 $148.646.00 153 Ot00806 530491 SHIP f-Y06 /-air Hou~ing $0.00 $0.00 $0,00 t53 8552806 5'Xl99O.5'10991 SHIPFY06Re,erves $10,000.00 $0.00 $JO.OOO.oo 153 010ll607 530492,5304% SHIP FY07 Homeowner $466,885.00 $000 $466.885.00 153 0101207 '30490 SHIP FY07 Remal $135,653.Oll $0.00 .....$t35.653.00 153 0101107 530490 SHIP FYO? Admin $208,526.00 $0.00 $208.526.00 15.~ Ot00807 530492 SHIPI"Y07FajrHoti~ing $5.000.00 $0.00 $5.000.00 153 8552807 5'1099O.5'lO'l91 SHIP FY07 Reserve~ $JO,OOll,oo $O.Ol) $10.000.00 153 0100608 530491 SHIP FY08 Homeowner $1.121,133,00 $315,00ll,00 $1,436,133,00 15.~ 0100608 530497 SHIP FY08 Homeowner - Miligalion $140,000.00 $0.00 $140.OllO.oo 153 0101208 530490 SHIP FY08 Renl~1 $150.ooo.OlJ $0.00 $150,000.00 153 0101108 530490 SHIP FY08 Admin $9(),047,00 $0.00 $90.047.00 153 0100808 530491 SHIP FY08 Fair Hou~ing $5.000.00 $0.00 $5.000.00 15.l 8552808 '''''''' :\90991 SHIP rY08 Re~erves 1!Q.QQQJ)Q moo $10000.00 T.... $3.352,475.00 $315,000.00 $3,667,475.00 $0.00 $000 $000 Card Sound Bridge-Fund 401 Current Inc.l(Dec.) Revised Rel/t'Dues: Budget Budget 40[-3446oo5B Services-Trans-Tolls $1.100,000,00 $000 $J.Joo.OOO,Oll 401-36100501 Interest Eamings $315.000.00 $0.00 $3t5,000,00 401-389(XJI Less 5% FLSlatute -$70,750.00 $0.00 -$70.750.00 401-389002 FWld Balance Fot-ward $293577I.fKl $1 ooooon.oo $3935771.00 T.... $4,280,021.00 $1,000,000.00 $5.280,021.00 Appropriations: 401 22003 510"'510'" County EngineerCSB $164,453.0".1 $0.00 $164,453.(XJ 401 22502 510....5:10....560... CardSollndRo~d $1.030,843.00 $0.00 $1,030.843,00 401 22505 510"'510'" Card Sound Road R&R $36,100.00 $0.00 $36,100,00 401 22S05 560630 Card Sound Road R&R $2,150.Y25.oo $491,055.00 $2,641.980.00 40' 85534 '90'>90 Reserve, 401 $000 $508,945.00 $508,945.00 401 85534 590991 Re~ervt:> 401 $800,090,00 $0,00 $800,OQ0,00 401 86503 560630 BudgeledTransfers401 $97610.00 = ~ T.... $4.280,021,00 $1,000,000.00 $.5,280,021.00 $0.00 $000 $0.00 Key West Int Airport.Fund 404 Current lnc.f(Dec.) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 404-344101SK Fees & Leases $3,500,000.00 $73,510.00 $3.573.510,00 404-344102SK PFCCharges $0.00 $10.000.00 $10,000.00 404-344J03SK Airport Parking Lot $250,000,00 I ;,lUJ~~\.()lJ] $220.000.00 4U4-354003SK Fmes-ParkingViolations $(),oo $600.00 $600,00 404-36100501 lnterestEarnings $50.000.00 $15.000,0ll $65,000,00 404-36400IOF Disposition of Fixed Assets $0.00 $724.00 $724.00 4(}4-36IJOOIOM MiscelIaneousRevenue:s $000 $5,100.00 $5.000.00 404-36':1OO20M Mise Commissions $0.00 $2,800.0l1 $2,800.00 404-381"- InterfundTransfersln $2,083,634.89 $0.00 $2.083.634.89 404.381)(XII Less 5% FLSlatutc .$190,000.00 $0.00 -$190,000.00 404-389002 Fund Balance Forward $3,317,730.00 $0.00 $3,317,730.00 404-341*",344'-' Various Federal & Stale Grants $7,142,854.23 $0.00 $7.142,~54,23 4(}4-334"',3M." Various Slate Grants & Contributions ~ = $135039.93 T.... $lfi,289,259.05 $77,634.00 $16,3fifi,ll93.OS Appropriations: 404 63001 510....5.30....560... Key West Airpoll O&M $4,009.405.89 $0.00 $4,009,405,89 ,,- 63003 500620 KW P~~sen~er F~cilily Ch~ $1,162,642J~ (q("I~)I,(KII $1,086.551.38 404 630"- 5l0"'.530"',560'" Variou.~Feder~1 & Slale Granl Projects $7,593,353.20 $0.00 $7,593,353.20 ". 85536 '''''''' Re~erve,404 $316,272.12 (':i7')(~,~HJlll $241.272.12 404 855.16 '''''''' Re!.erve:.404 $1,001.095,00 $0.00 $1.001,0<)5.00 404 86505 590403 Budseled Transfers 404 $69,124.46 $0.00 $69,124,46 404 86505 590405 Budgeled Trnn~fer:o. 404 $2137366.00 $228725.fXI $2366 091.0lJ T.... $16.289,239.0.5 $77,634.00 $16,3fi6,893.05 $000 $0.00 $000 Bdgt Amendment Reso Fund 153, 401, 404, 405, 414, 504 i Pi • KW AIP Series 2006 Bonds•Fund 405 Current . Inc./(Dec.) Revised •Revenues: Budget Budget ' 405-3314I0CT Federal Grants-Transportation $4,861,407.00 ($4,861.407.00) $0.00 405-344102SK PFC Revenues $1,000,000.00 ($50,000.00) $950,000.00 ' 405-36100501 Interest Income $1,000,000.00 ($700,000.00) • $300,000.00 405-361007G1 Interest lncome-PFC $0.00 $175,000.00 $175,000.00 405-381404GT Transfer from Fund 404 $2,137,366.00 $228,725.00 $2,366,091.00 405-384000GM Debt Proceeds $28,455,000.00 ($28,455.000.00) - $0.00 405-389002 Fund Balance Forward $0.00 - $35,077,036.00 $35,077,036.09 405-630901-331410CT-GAKBOI Federal Grants-Transportation $0.00 $38,251.00 $38,251.00 405-630901-334410CT-GAKB01 State Grants-Transportation $950,000.00 $3,571,033.00 $4,521,033.00 • 405-630901-361005G1-GAKBOI Interest Income $0.00 $345,312.00 $345,312.00 • 405-630902-334410CT-GAKB02 • . StateGranis-Transportation . $0.00 $140,631.00 $140,631.00 405-630902-361005G1-GAKB02 Interest Income $0.00 $45,000.00 $45,000.00- . • 405.630903-334410CP-GAKB03 State Grants-Transportation $0.00 $364,599.00 $364,599.00 405-630903-361005G1-GAKB03 Interest Income $0.00 $0.00 • $0.00 405=630904-334410CT-GAKB04 State Grants-Transportation $0.00 $182,300.00 $182,300.00 . 405-630904-36I005GI-GAKB04 ' Interest Income $0.00: $0.00 . $0.00 405-88901-3314100T-GAKB05 Federal Grants-Transportation' $0.00 " $2,561,407.00 $2,561,407.00 - 405-88901-3344100T-GAK805 State Grants-Transportation • $200,000.00 ($209000.(6 $0.00 405.88902-3314100T-GAKB06 Federal Grants-Transportation $1,664,272.00 $0.00 $1,664,272.00 Total •$40,268,045.00 $8,462,887.00 $48,730,932.00 Appropriations:' • 405 630901-GAKBOI 5l0*** Passenger Terminal $129,000.00 ' $0.00 $129,000.00 405 630901-GAKBOI 560620 Passenger Terminal' - • $17,480,281.00 (SL932,348.00) $15,547,933.00 ' 405 630902-GAKB02 510*** Roadways $9,273.00 $0.00 $9,273.00 _ 405 630902-GAKB02 530*** Roadways $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 • 405 630902-GAKB02 560630• Roadways $2,172,243.90 . • $359,309.00 $2,531,552.00 405 630903-GAKB03- 510*** Lower Level Parking $9,310.00 $0.00 $9,310.00 , 405 630903-GAKB03 530*** ' Lower Level Parking $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 ' 405 630903-GAKB03 560630 lower Level Parking • $1,554,579.00 $925,655.00 $2,480,234.00 . ' 405 630904-GAKB04 510***' Elevated Parking $7,800.00 $0.00 ' $7,800.00 • 405 630904-GAKBO4 530*"* Elevated Parking $10,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 405 630904-GAKB04 560630 Elevated Parking $1,982,200.00 •�$408,823.00 ' $2,391,023.00' 405 85564 ' 590988 Reserves $2,567,101.90 $704,757.00 $3,271,858.00 ' 405 85564 590989 Reserves $337,366.00 $187,634.00 $525,000.00 • ' • 405 85564 590990 Reserves $2,667,485.00 ' $0.00 $2,667,485.00 405 85564 '590987 Reserves • $0.00 $894,669.00 $894,669.00 405 85564 590992 Reserves $2,000,000.00 '$759,567.00 $2,759,567.00 . 405 85564 590999 Reserves $1,000,000.00 $2,096,258.00 $3,096,258.00 ' 405 88900 570710 KW Aiport Debt Service - $1,155,000.00 $4,058,563.00 $5,213,563.00 405 88900 570720 KWAiportDebtService ' . $1,000,000.00 $0.00 $1,000,000.00 . 405 88900 570730 KW Aiport Debt Service $1,506,407.00 $0.00 $1,506,407.00 " 405 88901-GAKB05 530490 Grant Funded Debt Service $2,900,000.00 $0.00 $2,900,900.00 ' 405 88902-GAKB06 570710 Debt Service FAA 0370034• $1,760,000.00 $0.00 $1.760,000.00 • Total $40,268,045.00 '$8,462,887.00 $48,730,932.00 • .$0.00 S0.00 S0.00 , . 'MSD Solid Waste-Fund 414 Current IncJ(Dec.) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget ' • 414-313700SM Franchise Fees $150,000.00 ' $0.00 $150,000.00 , 414-3434*" Svcs-Phy Env-Waste $13,569,124.00 $0.00 '$13,569,124.00 . 414-361005G1 Interest Earnings $400,000.00 $0.00 $400,000.00 414-364001GF ' Disposition of Fixed Assets . $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 , ' ' 414-3690** Miscellaneous Revenues • $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 " • 414-389001 Less 5%FL Statute - -$715,515.00 ' $0.00 -$715,515.00 414-389002 Fund Balance Forward • $4,520,354.00 $125,000.00 $4,645,354.00 • 414.41003-3343400P State Grant $277,316.00 $0.00 .' $277,316.00 . • Total $18,201,279.00 $125,000.00 $18,326,279.00 ' ' Appropriations: 414 04580 5707** Debt Svc-2003 Rev Bond $548,592.00 $0.00 $548,592.00 ' 414 40000 510120 Solid Waste Admin $831,539.00 $100,000.00 $931,539.00 414 40000 510130-510240 Solid Waste Admin $363,533.00 $0.00 - $363,533.00 414 40000 530310-530451 Solid Waste Admin ' $15,633,530.00 '$0.00 $15,633,530.00 . 414 40000 530460 Solid Waste Admin $18,000.00 $25,000.00 $43,000.00 414 40000 530470-530543 Solid Waste Admin ' . ' $70,050.00 $0.00 $70,050.00 ' 414 41003 530490 SmallCountiesRecycling $277,316.00 - $0.00 $277,316.00 - 414 86506 590910 - Budgeted Transfers 414 $458,719.00 $0.00 $458.719.00 . Total $ 18,201,279.00 - $125,000.00 $18,326,279.00 . • 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fleet Management-Fund 504 Current Inc./(Dec.) Revised . Revenues: Budget Budget 504-341*** Charges for Services $2,226,890.00 $0.00 $2,226,890.00 504-345*** Svcs-Intern/Quasi Gas $878,550.00 $0.00 $878,550.00 504-36100501 Interest Earnings $50,000.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 • 504-364001GF Disposition of Fixed-Assets . $5,090.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 ' 504-3690010M Miscellaneous Revenues ' $0.00 , $0.00 $0.00 -504-389001 - Less 5w,FL Statute -$2,750.00 $0.00 -$2,750.00 504-389002 - Fund Balance Forward $815,248.00 $300,000.00 - $1,115,248.00 • Total $3,972,938.00 $306,000.00 ' '$4,272,938.00 Bdgt Amendment Reso Fund 153,401,404,405,414,504. 2 Fleet Managt'lllent - Fund 504 CWTent IncJ(Dec,) Revised Approprlatloos: Budget Budget 504 2350[ ~IO"'SJO'".~60''' Flee1MglSvcAdmin $1.153,057.00 $0.00 $1.[53.057.00 504 23502 ~1O" Fleet Mgl SVC FueJ $54.849.00 $0.00 $54.849,00 504 23502 $.;Q.II O.~i.l()520 FleelMj!ISvcFuel $58.913.00 $000 $58,9[3,00 504 23502 ,30521 F-leeIM@ISyct'ucl $].200,000,00 $100,000.00 $1.300,000.00 504 23502 BO,B FleeIMgtSy<'nlel $500,000.00 5200,000.00 $700.000.00 504 23503 510....531l... Fl~el Mgt Sv<' Operations $555,750.00 $0.00 $555.750,00 504 85542 ""''' R~.eT\'es 504 $4,869.()() $0.00 $4,86<;1,00 504 86507 ;<J091O Budgeted Tran,I~" ~()4 ~ :1M! $445500.00 Total $3,972,938.00 $300,000.00 $4,272,938.00 000 o.m 0.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, thatlhe Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authoril.ed and directed to make necessary changes of said items, as set fonh above PASSED AND ADOI'TED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, florida, at a regular meeting of lhe Board 011 the 18th day ofJunl:, AD 2008. Mayor Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Commissioner Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy ~ y",,- ~ .Y.e.B- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFMONRO~C~~A ~a..j!.~( (Seal) ~~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNE" APPROVED AS TO FORM. ~ . ~fLv,"'fI~I,A. i$i.11 BARROWS RISTINE M. LOIUM~~~l;'TORNEY ASSISTANT C P- Dale -14.:J.."{O C7\ ..;t I '- -' 0 M - u... (.) ...:~. .. t, ; ::IC :-)1- L.::. Q.. .. ...- -",-' M ., 0 I .-1 .t_~ v (-. -' ~~~d~ :.1.,' ::::> ., _... co .~( Z t.i". = C) 0 = :c ..... Bdgt Amendment Reso Fund 153, 401, 404, 405, 414, 504 3