Item J2 Ma~ 02 00 09:36a James L Roberts Co Admin 305-292-4544 p. 1 RevIsed 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA [TEM SUMMARY Meeting Date May 17, 2000 Division: MCSO Bulk hem Yes x No Department. MCSO AGENDA [TEM WORDING: Sheriff's Office to request from the BOCC - assistance in funding a junk car removal program @ $150.00 per car cost. ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County is being overrun with junk cars. A program is necessary to clean up the county. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: None STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: $20,000.00 COST TO COUNTY: $20,000.00 BUDGETED: Yes No REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DOCUMENTA TION: Included_ O:?}~ 4 PJ4Pent- TYPE NAME HERE SHERIFF RICHARD D. ROTH To Follow Not Required_____ AGENDA ITEM #~ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DISPOSITION: Date: May 2, 2000 To: The Board of County Commissioners From: Sheriff Richard D. Roth RE: PROPOSAL: Abandoned Vehicle Removal Subsequent to the untimely visit of Hurricane Georges the problem of unwanted motor vehicles left on the county right-of-way has grown to epic proportions. This is particularly true in the areas north of Key West through Big Coppitt. For the purpose of this proposal a vehicle is defined as a MOTOR VEHICLE not a boat or other conveyance. Abandoned cars not only create a terrible eyesore for our residents and visitors, they pose a hazard to motorists and pedestrians. They are also dangerous to inquisitive children who can seriously injure themselves while climbing in and upon them. The hurricane salvage yards that have been used to store junk vehicles are filled to capacity, thus driving the price paid for them down to a point where it is no longer profitable for the towing companies to pick them up. As a solution I would be willing to commit $10,000 to the removal of these vehicles if the commission could see their way to committing an additional $20,000. I anticipate that this project will be completed in approximately two months. The cost breakdown is as follows: Commission oblie:ation: $20,000 for the removal of cars at $/50 per car or /33.33 vehicles. This will offset the costs of towing, storage, legal requirements, and etc. Sheriffs oblie:ation: $10,000 is broken down as follows: $9,000 overtime for a four-officer enforcement team. $1,000 in investigative costs, i.e. certified copies of documents, certified mail, legal notices, photo supplies, and etc. TOT AL PROJECT COST: $30,000 It must be clearly understood that this program is aimed at removing vehicles from public property only. Individual property owners are responsible for the safe removal of abandoned vehicles on their own property. Your consideration to this proposal is greatly appreciated. 2