Resolution 215-2008 RESOLUTION NO. 215 -2008 A RESOLUI'ION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HONORING THE VISIT OF MAYOR MORI OF KAGOSHIMA. JAPAN, SISTER CITY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO MONROE COUNTY/KEY WEST. WHEREAS, the Florida Keys of Monroe County, Florida, is a tropical string of islands and is known worldwide for ils beautiful weather and marine environment, and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys and the beautiful historic City of Key West are a major and vital tourist destination in South Florida and an important aspect of the State of Florida, and WHEREAS, Monroe County supports the Sister City program of the City of Miami and it's Sister City, Kagoshlma, Japan, and WHEREAS. the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners are deeply honored by Mayor Mori's interest in visiting Monroe COlUlty and the City of Key West as a part of his itinerary, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners officially wekomes Mayor Morl and the members of his delegation to Monroe County, Florida on July 26, 2008. 3: ~ C> CJ ~ -.. > Passed and adopted by the Monroe COlUlty Board of Commissioners at a m~~eId:: this 16th day of]uIy, 2008. ;;:',;.: r- e..- ,_.... N .." .-'1 ::J '-r"l :J Mayor Di Gennaro Yes Yes -0 Mayor Pro Tern McCoy ::It .-,~ ---I -~. I:-? Commissioner Murphy Yes .' Commissioner Neugent YeR ....I Commissioner Spehar Yes "J :.::-'''") CJ MONROE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: ~iJ;~. MAYOR/Chairman D.c.. MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY A~~~ ~NNE A. HU N , COU"fiT~ "ale I ~::r MAVOR'S INTERNA.TlONAL COUNCIL COMMISSIONER JOE SA.NCHE? CHAIRMAN mitt.! of cPlfliami~ JfflnrHm / .-':1"t'"(j}.." " (, .r~ ~ ~ ~ _. 3500 PAN AMERICAN ORIVF MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 (305) 2~O-5300 f=A)( ta05} 854-4001 June 27, 2008 RECEIVED JUl 01 2fQl Mario Di Gennaro Monroe County Mayor Florida Keys Marathon Airport 9400 Oversea Hwy, Suite 210 Marathon. Florida 33050 Roman Gastesi A..t. County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 RE: Sister City Kagosbima's Mayor Mori's Visit Dear Mayor Di Gennaro: City of Miami, as part of the Sister City program, has invited Mayor Moo from !Cagoshillll!z. Japan to corne visit our wonderful city. As part of 1>>s visit, Mayor Morl will be traveling through Miami, Florida in order to see our city and to participate in different events throughout his stay. At this time, I would like to extend an invitation to you and the Monroe County officials to participate in these events. As a major and vital tourist destination in South Florlda, the Florlda Keys are an important aspect of our State, and as such it is of the utmost importance that Mayor Morl from Kagoshima, Japan be able to experience what it has to offer. Mayor Mori and the delegation are interested in visiting Monroe County and Key West as part of their itinerary, a separate mailing bas been sent to Key West's Mayor McPherson as we would like for Mayor Morl to meet with him and Monroe County officials simultaneously. Your help, cooperation and prompt response to this request would be greatly appreciated as Mayor Morl arrives in Miami on July 23, 2008. They have scheduled Saturday, July 26, 2008 as the visit to Monroe CountylKey West. Please do not hesitate to contact my office at 305-860- 2060 for any information and, of course, any assistance you might need. J.jdj S~relY, ~~IJ0 Jose Keicbi Fuentes International Council, City of Miami