Item P5 Ma~ 08 00 11:01a Commissioner Williams (305) 289-8308 p. 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date:_5/17/00 Division: DOCe Bulk (tem: Yes No_x_ Department:_ Commissioner Williams AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Public hearing on an ordinance prohibiting dogs from county beaches and parks with two exceptions: Key Largo Park and Sombrero Beach Park.. ITEM BACKGROUND: At the March meeting of the BOCC, a group of citizens approached us. asking for us notto ban dogs from the parks, but rather to allow that group to come forward with a plan for allowing pets to be welcome at a location within each area of the Keys. The following material includes: I) a revised ordinance, 2) a proposed flyer for public distribution, 3) a proposed sign for the two parks, 4) a description of the associated costs of providing waste disposal bags at the two parks and S) a list for each of the parks of the citizens who are willing to put their names on the line as willing to help ensure that this ordinance works, and that the parks remain clean and welcoming to all. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The hearing for the ordinance to ban pets from all county parks and beaches was tabled at the March 2000 BOCC meeting to be heard when the committee completed its work on this subject in May 2000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes:_ No: COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes: No:_ AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Attorney _ OMBlPurchasing_ Risk Management ~~ ' ~'- ora A. Williams - DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included:_x_ To Follow:_ Not Required: DISPOSITION: Agenda Item #: I,. P5 COMMISSIONER NORA WILLIAMS District 4 To my fellow Commissioners: Thanks for allowing me to work with the "Dog Park" committee. Wernet (and corresponded regularly by email over the course of the two months that have transpired since this item last appeared before us and you will find details of what the Committee proposes in the following materials. Here's the short version: Both Key Largo Park and Marathon's Sombrero Beach Park will remain open to pets. The Committee will work to distribute 1000 donated flyers of information (flyer sample follows, awaiting your input) in both communities and will produce press releases for local radio and television to educate the public about responsible pet ownership in those parks. In addition, note that each park has committed a group of volunteers who will assume some responsibility for educating those who use the park, and to keep the park clean of animal debris. It is recommended that the County put in place dispensers for clean-up materials for dog- walkers at each location - and that the County apply for TDC funds to replenish those supplies as necessary. Several "Dog Park" committee members brought information from the Internet which described the Keys as great places to visit precisely because of our "dog- friendly reputation." The work of the "Dog Park" committee would not have been possible without the hard work of Carlos Zarate, Monroe County's Facilities Maintenance Department Head. He was great to work with and helped us work out details of the proposal. He was kind enough to provide information about the cost of providing clean-up materials for each park (also included in the following materials). Note: the rules suggested by the "Dog Park" committee are outlined in the flyer, on the proposed sign, and in the ordinance itself. Thanks again for the opportunity to work on this! ~~. MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA Marathon Government Annex, 490 63td St. Ocean # 110, Marathon, FL 33050 Phone (305)-289-6000; Fax (305)289-6306; E-mail: nora~mail.state.fl.us I~ CD m 'r. AlI/i a nff 1''''' ~u:1-ct nnt' Public Works ORDINANCE NO -2000 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSlONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING SEC. 3-7(5) AND SEC. 13.5- 5, MONROE COUNTY CODE, IN ORDER TO PROHIBIT ALL DOMI:STIC ANIMALS, EXCEPT ANIMALS THAT ASSIST DISABLED PERSONS, FROM ALL MONROE COUNTY FACILITIES, PARKS AND BEACHES, EXCEPT THAT PART OF:;STOCK ISLAND LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF KEY WEST AND ALL COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTERS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABIUTYi PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF RDINA V N A AT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Se'tion 1. Sec. 3-7(5), Monroe County COde, is hereby follOwS: ended to read as (5) WIt is unlawful for a dog owner or keeper to allow an urUeashed dog upon any count., be~ct:\, park, Or school grounds. ' (3) Any pu~ic park or bead" er SChOOl ground other tt:\aA in an area acsigR;lted for tllat J)l:I,.~exl er ilU Any pri\'ate ~f'e~ert'f witnout tAe ~crl'Als3ioA of the propcrt'1 eWAcr. It is unlawful for a dog owner or keeper. either willfully or n~gliQentlv. to permit the dog, either willfull', or AC~IiIjCRtl)', to defecate upon+ anv private Qroperty without the oermlssion of the owner. A doc owner or keeoer is reauired to remove the doa's feces from any school orounds Pf any private prooertv uoon which the dog is not oermitted to defecate. ~ Cd) Pets are permitted to be taken to lSey Largo Park in K~v Laran and Sombrero Beach Park in Marathon. subie~ to pet-fril!ndlv oark restrictions specified in Chaoter 13.5 of the Monroe County Code. If this subsection (5) is violated, the department is authorized to remove the animal or, In its discretion, to order the owner or keeper tQ do so. The owner or keeper shall immediately remove any excrement deposited by the animal. Failure to do so immediately shall constitute a~ additional violation of this section. ~ Section 2. Sec. 13.5-5, Monroe County Code is hereby amended by the addition of the following: (m) Excect for animalS that assist disabled persons. alU'omestic animals are orohibited from ~II county parks other th~n Key l-argo Park in Key Laroo and Sombrero Beach Park in Marathon. No oerson JTl~Y CClUse or allow. any domestic animal other than an animal that assists ~ dislIbled oerson -(of whatever size>.- to be brouo~,t to. or remain on. any county Dark other than Key Lar'go Park and Sombrero Beach Park. Cn) All oets at Kev Larqo Park and Sombrero Beach Park are subiett to the followinQ reaulations: 0) Pets must be leashed on a leash no greater than S feet lon9~ unless and while In the water and wet sand area of Sombrero Beach Park. (ii) Owners must clean up after pets and prooerlv disDose of waste. (iii) Pets exhibiting aQQressive behavior or creation a nuisance must be immediatelY removed from the Dark. Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or prOVision or this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder Of this ordinance shall not be affecte~ by such invalidity. Section 4. All or(jinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. Section S. The pro',ilSions of tn\s ord\nance shall be included and incorporated In the Code of Ordinances of the County of Monroe, Florida, as an addition or amendment. thereto, and shall he appropriately renumbered to conform to the Uniform numbering system of the Code. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon receipt of official notIce from the Office of tne Secretary of State of the State of Florida that this ordinance has been filed with said Office. PASSED A.ND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of 2000. Mayor Shirley Freeman Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Jdordpo.-kdog~ Mayor/Chairperson We welcome you to our two pet-friendly beaches and parks in the Florida Keys! Here is all you need to know for you and your pet to be welcome guests at two of our County beaches and parks. · Check to make sure the beach or park you wish to visit is one of our pet-friendly areas. The Monroe County pet-friendly parks are: Key Largo Park in Key Largo Sombrero Beach in Marathon Dogs are not permitted in any other Monroe County parks or beaches. Th~following rules apply to these two County parks only. Beaches or parks maintained by the State of Florida or incorporated cities may have their own guidelines. · You MUST clean up after your pet. For your convenience, we have installed bag dispensers at the park and beach entrances. If you've forgotten a plastic bag or pooper-scooper, please help yourself to a "Mutt Mitt:''-:- · Your pet must be leashed at all times with one exception. When visiting Sombrero Beach, your pet may swim or play in the wet sand area leash free as long as you maintain verbal control and have a leash with you. Pets must be returned to the leash when they leave the water. Acceptable leash length is eight feet or shorter. · Your pet is your responsibility. Pets must have current vaccinations. Pets who are aggressive toward people or other pets will not be tolerated. By using these parks and beaches you agree to assume all responsibility for your pet's actions. "* If you obey these simple rules, you will help us keep these two beaches and parks safe, clean, and available for pets, as well as people, to enjoy. Note: Pet-owners shall be liable for all acts of their pets, including damage to persons or property. Failure to leave the park after being requested to do so by a County officer, employee, or agent shall be considered trespass. ~~. Monroe County Welcomes You and Your Pet to [park Name] Please Help Us Keep [park/Beach] Pet-Friendly by Following These Rules: o All pets must be leashed (8' or shorter leash) and under control at all times o [Sombrero Only] Pets may go in the water and can be off leash only when they are in the water o Owners must clean up after their pet and properly dispose of waste o Please use the Mutt Mitts in the dispenser to clean up after your pet o Pets displaying aggressive behavior or creating a nuisance are not allowed o Pets must be properly licensed and vaccinated. Help Us Keep Our Beach (park) Clean for Everyone Please call 888-227-8136 (305-451-3122 for Key Largo sign) if you encounter difficulties or need to report a problem Pet-owners shall be liable for all acts of their pets, including damage to persons or property. Failure to leave the park after being requested to do so by a County officer, employee, or agent shall be considered trespass. Violations of these rules will result in a $500 fine. ~; Responsibly allowing dogs means making it easy for owners to clean up after themselves. We hope the Commission will support making MUTT MITTS (the poop-picking-up-bag-of-choice is several Florida parks, including Key Colony Beach) available at both parks, and that the Commission will pursue DAC funding to keep these facilities attractive to our visitors with pets. Key Largo Park: Four (4) dispensers $230.00 Year supply of mitts $1,350.00 TOTAL: $1,580.00 Sombrero Beach Three (3) dispensers $172.50 Year supply of mitts $1,350.00 TOTAL: $1,522.50 Total for both locations is $3,102.50 yearly cost plus minimal freight charges. The number of dispensers reflects convenience to general public and hopefully will encourage participation to make this work. ~~, ./ p,IJ April 14,2000 We the undersigned support responsible use of the Monroe County Pet Friendly Parks by our citizens and visitors. Name Contact #/e-mail Address / 1a~r/)I'-e?-- April 14,2000 We the undersigned support responsible use of the Monroe County Pet Friendly Parks by our citizens and visitors. Name Contact #/e-mail Address it 0,-", PL $3dJD h We the undersIgned support responsIble use ot tl1e " " ,. -~ J f-" j r" 11 r.... 1 1 '. " 1 . '. LVI0JJl Ill.: LOllIll \ l'ta rI It,:;JlUl \ nHK') U\ OUI \';ILlL,\;IlCi anu \lSHOl S. . . Address Voter') .. ~~~)m ifit n~_ -3fL__m_______~-2- ~- m---m_-.1~~o._JJ1_s_b____..........m ___~~-- __ . ...-~~~.'!;il"'.ffLM~~--~===tf:!ft-.s. -- n---ui22/f/!:~~Il~(~~~___"ItQ__._ /19/~L4bjJ1t-& . J~D-:~~iUt~~~ifA>o.-~_.. ~ o~~~jf1t~IU~ _~~j~HIM- ~~~~ !ES ~;SH(\ ...' -/1i?;c~~- _~)._ ~)_-_'fm~i(2srmarQ..ihb-';--7 *-5 ~-'h~ ~.~~~m__ u~e' ~~. '/J2...~/C______ ___.__~____ tJ([~I12I.E _ / / _ \:=b B~><.. S () C l-./l 7. _ _y ..~ 2J'iC Ov. ~,,~. ~7yefJj{ ~j ~~ CJ.S.d4JYm#~ _yl5'S' -~. ~~~.1it~~~1fk~=tr~ ~;;!~/:-P~~--_f1~2 m__.LL3-C!lRe~k-.___m_________~_mm__~____ _ 38'3 /Jme 4. 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Name Contact #/e-mail Address We the undersigned support responsible use of the MOUlue Cuuuly Pel FlitmJly Palls by DUI "iluclls auu visillllS. Voter'? _.--,.,._-,._---~.._-_._.- _.--------~- -----_._..~--~-_._--,.__._----_.- -_._._-_......-._----~----~---_._------_. --~.~-".--_._--._._._,----~._---'--_.._--_._---~.__.- ------_.~_._.._--_..__..__.._._...._-_._'---_. --._~_.~--~-- ..__..__.._._--_._._---_._,._---_._---~----------- ----~~-- ---,---------,-~~-_._--_._--_.._..__._-----~_._~-'--- --~_._---_._--_._--~-----_..~--'_._--- ~___~____._.u_..___~_."....__._._._...~. ..---,--.,-----~--..---..._~--.---'''----. ------ --.--_._--_.-~...-_._-,._" ._---.._--,---~-.---- .__._--~~-- .._----,--'''----.__._.._----.~--------- -,..-.-~-_.~.~-,---_._,~'_._.._---~--- ._--- ._---~_._--~.. --_._-_.__._._~_.,~-_.__._,.,_..-.~--_._--_._----~-~-------- _.,,-~-------~.__.. ,_..._-_._-,._._-_...~---,--------_._._--_._---_.-_.._------.-.---- ._,------_.--.._----_._,.._--~,-_._-'-'_._--_._~~----,.---------~_._~'--~. _~_.v.__"'__.___~..__~.. -.---.--~._---_.'~-....-- -,-'--- ---------..~_.,..--. ---~-..--_.----------.-------------.--. _._---._--_.,,-------_.__.,'--.---~- _...._.~-------~_.._,-~....------~--------.------' ----------------_.__._-----'-_._~_._-- _._-_.----------,~----_..._-_._-_.__.-._--_..~_._-~._------. _.__.---_._-~~----,.._------- -----_._-.._---_...__._-~._-- -----------_.._---_.._-------~-_._..._----- --"----_._-~_. ~_.~-_._---_.__._---_.~- ._--------_.__._-,~-----------_.~~~----'--.._-- -~----- -"---_.._-,._._._,----_._---,._-~~-_._.._--~.,-_.~--------_._.._._.__._.__._-_._--"_._..~--- ~_~______________._,__..__,,",___~~_ ._...._ .. ___ .___ ___._ .__.. _._._._~~__..__..._._...__..~____.n' _~~___._"_______...__u,~.~__~.__uu __________...-_~___._'~___ .___~.__~___..___~..~_~.._.."____________4________'____ -------_._----~-~------_._--_.~~_._._.....__._-~-- ------._----~._--,-----,-~.,_.__._._------.,-_.~._-~-- --_._~-~_.__._--~-------_..,_.._--_...-----_._--_..-.-_.-- - -_._--------,--~~_.._---~--,----_.__._~~-- ---~---~-_.~_._._~-------- _.__.----_.~------_.._-_._--_._.~~----'_._--_..._-----------.- --_.._-----_...--------_._-_._-------~-_._~--~._---~.-_._~-------_.. ______.._. _ ____ n~_' ___ __.___~.____ _~. _..___.',., ._.._____..________. .--.-.---.-----...-.----,-,---~-~--.-.--'--~--~ -----.--- _____~_,~_..._.._______.. _____. ..__.__ ._______._.. ,,_'___"'_ _____ _____.._ __________.__ ______...________.______ .c_.____._,____ -.--.-.- May 17,2000 Beaches and Parks in Monroe Coun )#~ ~ ( . / \\ ... 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