10/16/2002 Contract Number US-351 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONTRACT 2002-2003 THIS CONTRACT is entered into between the Alliance for Aging, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance", and Monroe County Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the "recipient". This contract is subject to all provisions contained in the MASTER AGREEMENT executed between the Alliance and the recipient. Agreement No. PA-329 and its successor, incorporated herein by reference. The parties agree: I. Recipient Agrees: A. Services to be Provided: To plan. develop. and accomplish the services delineated. or otherwise cause the planning, development, and accomplishment of such services and activities, under the conditions specified and in the manner prescribed in Attachment I of this contract. B. Requirements of Section 287.058, Florida Statutes: These requirements are herein incorporated by reference. C. Final Request for Payment The recipient must submit the final request for payment to the Alliance no more than 30 days after the contract ends or. is terminated; If the recipient fails to do so, all right to payment is forfeited, and the Alliance will not honor any requests submitted after the aforesaid time period. Any payment due under the terms of this contract may be withheld until all reports due from the recipient. and necessary adjustments thereto. have been approved by the Alliance. II. The Alliance Agrees: Contract Amount To pay for contracted services according to the conditions of Attachment I subject to the availability of funds. The Alliance's performance and obligation 10 pay under this contrcact is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the Legislature and passed through the Department of Elder Affairs. The costs of services paid under any other contract or from any other source are not eligible for reimbursement under this contract. The funds awarded to the recipient pursuant to this contract are in state grants and aids appropriations and consist of the following: ':t~. "-> <= ""7'J ~=:: ,= "'-.:) r- ~'? k:'~,' CJ 0('").... r>1 ,.,., 6 r~;:' 0 .l~_< n C') , ,-. I ...." '2 ('") : "" C) ~;o :J... ::=:J . r" 1 --f r'::" ;z:,. ::0 :-<C')::r:: :J!: ...,,:-f)> ,.,., r- C) '-0 n )> ,.., C) c...> ::0 w a Contract Number US-351 Program Title Year Funding Source CFDA# Fund Amounts Nutrition Program for 2002-2003 USDA 10.570 TBA the Elderly (NPE) TOTAL FUNDS CONTAINED IN THIS TBA CONTRACT: III. Recipient and Alliance Mutually Agree: A. Effective Date: 1. This contract shall begin on October 1, 2002. 2. Delivery of services shall end on September 30, 2003. This contract shall end on January 31,2004. See Attachment I, Section III.C. B. Termination, Suspension and/or Enforcement The causes and remedies for termination or suspension of this contract shall follow the same procedures as outlined in Section III. B, And Section III. C. of the Master Agreement. C. Notice, Contact, and Payee Information: 1. The name, address, and telephone number of the contract manager for the Alliance for this contract is: Steven Weisberg 9500 South Dadeland Boulevard, Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 670-6500 2. The name, address, and telephone number of the representative of the recipient responsible for administration of the program under this contract is: Louis LaTorre Gato Building - 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 292-4573 2 '.' Contract Number US-351 3. In the event different representatives are designated by either party after execution of this contract, notice of the name and address of the new representative will be rendered in writing to the other party and said notification attached to originals of this contract. 4. The name (recipient name as shown on page 1 of this contract) and mailing address of the official payee to whom the payment shall be made: Monroe County Board of Commissioners Gato Building - 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this 5 page contract to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. PROVIDER: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ALLIANCE FOR AGING, INC BOARD PRESIDEN~ AUTHORIZED DESI SIGNED BY: DATE: October 16, 2002 ~~~ ~~~ NAME: STEVEN WEISBERG, M.S. TITLE: PRESIDENT/CEO DATE: --4lJ j I ~ '1- NAME: Charles "Sonny" McCoy TITLE: Mayor FEDERAL ID NUMBER: RECIPIENT FISCAL YEAR END DATE: 59-6000749 09/30 3 Contract Number US-351 ATTACHMENT I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The United States Department of Agriculture program provides reimbursement for the purchase of United States produced agricultural and other food commodities for use in nutrition projects operating under approved Older Americans Act Title III contracts. II. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED 1. Services: Upon receipt of a prior authorization for services from Alliance staff, to provide the following services: The purchase of United States produced agricul.tural. and other food cOllllDOdities for use in nutrition projects o.perating under approved Tit~e III contracts for nutrition services with the recipient. Prior authorization for these services will be provided by the Alliance or its designee. B. Manner of Service provision: The services will be provided in a manner consistent with the Department of Elder Affairs Client Services Manual dated 12/98. In the event the manual is revised, the contract will incorporate any such revision and the recipient will be given a copy of the revision. I I I . METHOD OF PAYMENT - FIXED RATE A. The Alliance shall make payment to the recipient for provision of services up to a maximum number of units of service and at the rate stated below: Service to be Provided Units of Services Eligible Congregate and Home Delivered Meals 1 unit = 1 meal Unit Rate Maxi 0.54 TBA The prospective rate is based on the estimated USDA grant award. B. All requests for reimbursement shall be in accordance with USDA 5 Contract Number US-351 policy regarding reimbursable meals and Client Information Registration and Tracking System (CIRTS) policy regarding data entry for USDA reimbursable meals. All requests for reimbursement shall include: 1. The request for reimbursement shall be submitted on DOEA Form 117, Request for Reimbursement, USDA Cash-In-Lieu of Corrunodities. 2. DOEA Form 118, PSA/Recipient Monthly Meals Report must be submitted with the request for reimbursement. 3. A CIRTS report must be submitted with DOEA Forms 117 and 118 as supporting documentation for the total number of meals reported. The CIRTS report must match the number of meals reported on DOEA Form 118. 4. Duplication or replication of the DOEA forms 117 and 118 via data processing equipment is permissible but replication must include all data elements in the same format as included on the departmental forms. 5. The due date for the request for reimbursement and report(s) shall be no later than the 10th day of the month following the month being reported. C. This contract is for services provided during the 2003 Federal Fiscal year beginning October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. The additional four months (October 1, 2003 through January 31, 2004) are to allow rates to be adjusted for the twelve month service period. Retrospective rates will be based on the final USDA grant award divided by the total USDA eligible meals reported in Florida. This contract shall automatically terminate after the final rate for the federal fiscal year has been established and the release of final payments are authorized by the department. D. In the event that the final reimbursement rate is greater or less than the rate in Section III, A., then this .contract shall be appropriately adj usted and the 'final ra"te shali - be effective for the entire contract period upon notice from the contract manager. E. Any payment due by the Alliance under the terms of this rate agreement may be withheld pending the receipt and approval by the Alliance of all financial and prograrrunatic reports due from the recipient and any adjustments thereto. IV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 6 Contract Number US-351 A. State Laws and Regulations 1. The recipient agrees to comply with applicable parts of the Florida Statutes, Rule S8A-l, Florida Administrative Code and the Department of Elder Affairs Client Services Manual dated 12/98. 2. The Alliance and recipient agree to provide the services and implement the provisions of this rate agreement in accordance with the Federal, State and Local laws, rules, regulations and policies that pertain to USDA cash payments and Older Americans Act program. 7