07/28/2008 Agenda AGENDA MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Any person who wishes to be heard shall provide the Clerk with his or her name and residence and the agenda item on which he or she wishes to be heard. Such information shall be on a card provided by the County. Once public input begins, there will be no further speaker cards allowed to be submitted to the Clerk for that subject. An individual has three minutes and a person representing an organi7ation has five minutes to address the Board (except that individuals wishing to speak during public hearings pertaining to land use issues will have five minutes). The first person representing the organization will be allowed the five minutes. Subsequently, all other speakers on behalf of that organization have three minutes to address the Board. Once an individual has addressed the Board, he or she will not be permitted to return to the podium for follow-up comments, unless the issue involved is quasi judicial in nature. In that case, the applicant may return to the podium to conclude his or her position at the end of the public hearing. Please note that all time approximate items are listed in bold. Monday, July 28, 2008 Marathon Government Center 2798 Overseas Highway, MM 47.5 (Gulf) Marathon, Florida TIME APPROXIMATE 10:00 A.M. vCALL TO ORDER ~OCATlON ~ALUTE TO FLAG / A. ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, DELETIONS y( FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET MEETING SPECIAL MEETING v-6verview & Discussion of Major Issues - County Administrator 1. Cons~tional Officers /Clerk of Courts ,,/property Appraiser XTax Collector ~tate Attorney vP~c Defender t,AUdicial v-Supervisor of Elections ""sheriff 1 / Xl. Guardian Ad Litem Yv('... Land Authority Tourist Development Council Health Department ~-/ Employee Services J'./ Public Works ~/ Growth Management Jf~' Community Services . Veteran's Affairs fAirport Services Key West & Marathon Airports . Emergency Services W Lower & Middle Kcys Fire & Ambulance District Board of ./'" Governors ~ Engineering Capital Plan P-' Housing & Community Development ~ Medieal Examiner ~ /Technical Services ~ County Attorney YlI Budget & Finance ". County Administration Programs Announcement of three public hearing dates, times and places to consider and adopt the final budget and final millage rates. The Board of County Commissioners must notify the Property Appraiser of the proposed Millage rate for TRIM notice, and meeting dates, times and places where the Tentative Budget and Tentative Millage rates will be adopted. (. q/lo 2. "1./17 C. CT~OFCOURTS .3. q/1.<j J~'~ Approval of a Resolution authorizing a $10,000,000 Line of Credit from Bank of America, N.A.; approving the form of and authorizing the execution of a Promissory Note and a Loan Agreement; and providing an effective date. 00MMUINTY SERVICES 1. Approval of Amendment 001 to the Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) Contract #US-851 between the Alliance for Aging and the Monroe County Nutrition Program. VIEW K.LL ,M~c. 1-16- C- 2 j E. ~AYORDIGENNARO / 1. Approval ofa Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of C;;,,~ Monroe County, Florida, directing the Supervisor of Elections to r- I place on the November 4, 2008 General Election ballot a./" referendum question regarding Ad Valorem taxes to fund Trauma Star; providing a process for the County Commission to act upon a favorable majority vote; and providing an effective date. VIEW f. I @~: -no-~~\ I ADA Assistance: Anyone needing special assistance at the Board of County Commissioners' meeting due to a disability should contact the County Administrator's office at 292-4441. 3