Item B Budget Proposal The County currently has serious financial problems looking at a 10 million dollar deficit. Also, the current budget for FY 08/09 is about 10% over the roll back or a 10% increase in taxes, which requires a unanimous vote or 4/5 vote of this Commission. I can not imagine that three current County Commissioners who are running for election would agree to the tax increase, if so I would say Bye-Bye - in getting elected. As we all know that the Financial Crisis is not only in Monroe County, but through Florida and the United States. High gas prices, foreclosures, high employment rates, out sourcing jobs, financial institutions going broke, stock market going down, housing market not selling, no new housing projects due to the poor economic of the country. We are clearly in a recession leading towards possible depression. This is due to many issues, the Iraq War having already sunk $686 billion and currently spending at a rate of $12 billion per month to maintain the conflict, the ever increasing U.S deficit along with the value of the U.S. Dollar down brought about by the clearly mismanagement by our political leaders, etc. So, in viewing the County's budget proposal all I see by staff is recommending cutting staff and programs that are for provider services to our most needy citizens, the elderly, disabled and poor, and cutting all low level staff, which I like to call the workers or Indians who provide the various services to the public, while all the fat cats (management) protect their turf, This County is extremely top heavy, that is where the cuts need to occur. For years Monroe County operated on a 7 1/2 hour day from 8:30am to 5:00pm. Since the Administration has recently recommended to reduce the hours of Transportation from 8 hours per day to 7 hours per day saving 12.5% plus cut several employees from that program, from that strategy the following idea came to mind. Current breakdown for Total Salaries and Fringe Benefits with FB being Retirement, FICA and Workmen's Compensation. FY 07-08 BOCC Sheriff Clerk Supervisor of Elections Property Appraiser $20,791,205 28,226.243 2,843.827 921,700 3.006.653 $55,789,628 *Not included in this total is the Tax Collector, as I understand her budget is based on the revenue collected. By changing the County's hours of operation from 8am - 5pm to 9am - 5pm, the salary and fringe benefit savings would be $55,789,628 times 12.5%, for a savings of $6,973,703. There would also be a savings in utilities with the current cost of $3,282,275 times 12.5% or $410,284 saved. Transportation: $1,000,000 funding could come from the current unused gas tax balance of $9 million saving the budget $1 million. Vandenberg Project: $2,000,000 savings by withdrawing from the project. Hickory House Property: $3,000,000 savings by selling otTthe property. In Summary, the totals: $6,973,703 Salaries & FB 12.5% cut 410,284 Utilities 12.5% cut 1,000,000 Transportation funding from gas tax surplus 2,000,000 Vandenberg Project withdrawal 3.000.000 Hickory House property sale $13,383,987 Additional cost savings can be gotten ifthe County would go 100% Grecn Use timers for lights, air conditioning, computers etc. Better control of water and gas usage. Reduce employees working during hurricanes from triple pay to double pay. Hurricane Wilma cost the County $700,000 in salaries that FEMA will not reimburse. Reduce upper management from 9 divisions to 4 divisions Consolidate functions Purchase only gas efficient vehicles while at the same time reduce the number of vehicles being used by non-essential positions. In prior years employees used their cars and were reimbursed for travel or received a car allowance. The County saves the cost of purchasing the vehicle, the maintenance on the vehicle and the cost of insurance. Stop doing any new capital projects because they have been for the most part been grossly mismanaged and have cost greatly over the budgeted amount. In Conclusion, to achieve this proposal the Constitutional Officers and the BOCC need to agree. To the employees, who are not pleased with this proposal, I would like to advise them that the pain is being spread across the board. I would suggest to the employees that if something is not done then just look at what is being proposed by Administration as it is already a drastic measure such as, -more employee layoffs - close various programs -outsource remaining programs -cuts in various benefits, such as dependent health insurance coverage and other employee benefits. Remember that this proposal is based on the current budget FY07-08. The proposed FY 08-09 budget should have even more possible savings, based on the above mentioned plan. This proposal would attempt to prevent an increase in taxes and stop the cutting of services and staff. Additionally, this solution may allow some already scheduled program and staff eliminations to not be necessary, especially within the Community Services and Public Works Divisions. Louis LaTorre