09/21/1995 ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT ~ (Central Air Conditioning Repair Contract - Upper Keys Facilities) THIS ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 21st .. day of Septemb_er, 1995, betw. =n ) the COUNTY OF MONROE and AMERICAN ENERGY & SHEETMETAL CORP. in order to amend that certain agreement between the parties dated October 20, 1994, as follows: 1. In accordance with Article 2.06B of aforementioned agreement, the County hereby exercises its option to renew said Agreement and hereby amend Article 2.06B and Article 2.02A to read as follows: "2.06B The Owner shall have the option to renew this agreement after the second year .for one addi tional year. The contract amount agreed to herein may be adjusted annually in accordance with the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers in the Miami, Florida area index, and shall be based upon the annual average CPI computation from January 1 through December 31 of the previous year, or by the actual increase in cost and labor, whichever is less. Increases in the contract amount during each option year period shall be ex~ended into the succeeding years." "2.02A The actual cost of parts and materials plus 35% used by the Contractor to fulfill the obligations of the Contract. Request for payment. for any part over $100.00 must be documented with sales slips, invoices, or other acceptable proof of purchase." 2. Payment by the County to American Energy & Sheetmetal Corp. for the performance of said service remains as set forth in Article 2.02 of the Contract Agreement dated October 20, 1994, as amended on September 21, 1995. 3. The term of this amended agreement shall commenc~ on October 20, 1995, and terminate on October 19, 1996. 3:. :51 ::! -.~.- --- .- 4. In all other respects, the agreement between the 'p'aJ:'fie~at@. October 20, 1994 remains in full force and effect. . -'-.., t...o '.::, hands a1{d -0 ..0 I.. iTJ - (~ .:.. a _ ::0 "::1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their the day and year first written above. seal, Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M~u;.~RIDA By: Aft ..,....1lI".v By: 4'nr~)~.,f~i"-) epu Cl rk ~&-nl;/~~ w~' 0~ '-7U7 W1 ness AMERICAN ENERGY & ::~E~~ I~'. r'~~ ~1 ".- SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 287.133(3)(a), FLORIDA STATUTES. ON PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS. I. Tbis sworn statement is submiUed to Monroe County Board Of Commissioners [print oame of Ihe public entil)') by To~__Vi~rgutz [prinllndh'idual'. name and title] for American^Energy & ~heetmetal Corp. [print name of entil)' .ubmllllng ...-om .Iat.ment) ~ whose business address is 101 N.E. Third Road Homestead Fl. 33030 and (if ap'plicable) ils Federal Emplo)'er Identification Number (FEIN) is S'l-11'lR711 (If the enlity has no FEIN, include the Social Security Number of Ihe individual signing Ihis sworn statement: .) 2. I understand tbat a "public entity crime" as delined in Paragraph 287.133(I)(g), Florida Statutes. means a ,iolation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business witb any public entity or with an agency or political subdh'ision oCany other state or oftbe United States, including, but not limited to, any bid or contract for goods or senices to be pro,ided to any public entity or an agency or political subdivision !If any other stale or of lhe United States and involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, rackeleerint, conspiracy, or material misrepresentation. 3. I understand that"co",ictcd" or "conviction" as dcfined in Paragraph 287.J33(IXb), Florida Slatutes, means a linding of guilt or a conviction oca public enlity crime, ..ith or 1'Iithout an adjudication ofguill, in any federal or slate trial court ofrecord relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July I, 1989, as a result of a jury verdict, nonjury trial, or entry of a plea of guilty or nolo conlendere. 4. I understand that an "affiliale" as delined in Paragraph 287.133(I)(a), Florida Statutes, means: 1. A predecessor or successor of a person convicted of a public entity crime; or 2. An entity under tbe control of any natural person who is active in tbe managemenl of Ihe enlity and who has been convicted oca public enlity crime. The term "affiliate" includes those officers, directors, executives, partners, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in Ibe management oCan affiliate. The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling interest in anotber person, or pooling of equipment or income among persons whim not for fair market value under an arm's lengtb agreement, sball be a prima facie case Ihat one person controls anotber person. A person whq kn01'lingly enters into a joint venture 1'Iith a person who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Florida during tbe preceding 36 months shall be considered an arliliate. S. I understand that a "person" as defined in Paragraph 287.133(lXe), Florida Statutes, means any natural person or entity organized under Ihe laws of any slate or o/'the United States 1'Iilh the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the pro,ision of goods or services let by a public entity, or which otherwise transacts or applies to transact business 1'Iilh a public entity. The term "person" includes tbose officers, directors, execullves, partners, sharebolders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management of anenllty. . 6". Based on inCormalion and belieC, Ihe slalemenl which I have marked below is Irue in relalion 10 Ihe enlity submilling Ihis sworn slalemenl. [Indicale whicb slalemenl applies.) ...KL Neilher Ihe enlity submilling Ihis sworn slalement, nor any oC ils officers, direclors, execulives, parlners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in Ihe managemenl orlhe enlity, nor any affiliale or Ibe entity bas been cbarged wilb and co",ided or a public enlity crime subsequent 10 July I, 1989. _ The enlity submilling Ihis sworn slalemenl, nor any or its officers, diredors, execlulives, parlners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are acth'e in Ihe management Drlbe entity, nor an affiliale or the entity has been charged with and con\icted or B public entity crime subsequent to July I, 1989. _ The entity submilling this sworn statement, or one or more or its officers, directors, executives, parlners, sbarebolders, employees, members, or agents wbo are acth'e in tbe manage"ment or tl\e entity, or an affiliale or Ibe entity has been cbarged "ith and con\ided or a public entil)' crime subsequent to July I, 1989. However,lbere has been a subsequent proceeding beCore a Hearing Officer or tbe State or Florida, Di\ision or A~ministralive Hearings and tbe Final Order entered by Ihe Hearing Officer determined tbat it was not in tbe public interest 10 place the enlity submilling Ihis sworn slalement on Ibe co",ided vendor list. (allacb a copy or tbe final order) I UNDERSTAND THA TTHE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED ON PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE) ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC ENTITY ONLY AND, THAT THIS FORM IS VALID THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OF THE CALENDAR YEAR IN WHICH IT IS FILED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQIDRED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION287.017, FLORIDAST A lUTES FOR CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION tONTAINED IN THIS FORM. ~ w'/ <!!f>,;r,..81I1rC) Sworn 10 and subscribed berore me Ihis ao day or ,19~. Personally knOW~~ .' . OR Produced idenlification Notary P Iic - Slate or My Commission eXPi;es~~I3. 9<6 (Type or identification) (Prinled typed or stamped commissioned name or notary public) ...,~\'IiJ!... MARCIA R. MCCORMICK lfl":':_ MY COMMISSION' CC 884391 ~~. ~J "EXPIRES: AugUlt 15, 1998 "i,~.R'r",,~ol' Bonded ThIu Notary Public UndarWl1tera Forni PUR 7068 (Rev. 06111/92) ~ . - t1 ~~ro roC!] QQ. ......... ""'l C ro ...... _CIl t:::l tlJ 8. ;:J ...... 0 ro ...... ::l o ::l ...... ::l ~ 0 ......... t ~ f > " r-- C') '" '" " . :c s .., ,,--,/*./;~-:--('-:~-:-'_.. ~., ~/.>\..i.~..J\1mr3~~__q;j~,:,.. ' 'Yf~,;Y/ . I (1~/T!!!.;:/;g. :!It:';.l . :!i'ylj>V\:\' i~L '<),. .f~h\i~~ 'K'q- ""[' ,(",I'I~~' "'''-.' .. .,.,., 'r'" .:c.' _' _", _ .. ,f._,,' ~ 0-"" .. f ,~.:',;/,' ,\\:.F iII::;.z '.': I"~ \\~,\ >-' ~, ,:,;<;~_~_~:_',:~2;.p:~:.~~6 ~ tiJ ~ v, CJ ~ ~~~~ ~ o~::giii V:l "::lv,t>l>;; :-lQ>;; '" ~:<:~~ ~ trit>l:::;:::j ~ t::lt5;::;,,-< ~ ~~~~~ ~. 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JI1. 8Ee ETAAVI . .P.R~ [] 1995-1996 MONROE FACILITIES OR MACHINES OCCUPATIONAL TAX STATE OF FLORIDA MUST BE DISPLAYED IN CONSPICUOUS PLACE EMPLOYEES 0 - 5 ROOMS SEATS ~~~N~~S 30140 C ONT RAC TO R S I A I R CON D IT I~?~N.'~;~r;'if.'':""., BUSINESS . ~};~~~i}_~j :~~: L:,;"OC:~'<~~~~~;:~_\1;. ADDRESS 1 0 9 N E 3 R D R 0 A D 1i,i-iJ' (.C....' '."'-'. ,. '"'i~' 00 - COUNTY OF MONROE Jl!},~,'::'\~,',l8fj iNi)"l \~J';l~, ~~~~ICAN ENERGY & SHEETME.mA~~ (Z~< I': "l\\~\~. VIERGUTZ TOM PRES ~I'\ ,-- '~\ ~ rlil VIERGUTZ TAMMY SEe ,';, I ; 1/ POBOX 901295 ,S / ,~i/! HOME STEAD F l 33090 '('.' 7;)01 ,,~o / ,,,,~1" C us TOME R R EQU E S TE D "'<l;":". /~."p ~ Co ---,~\. 11"" ''-1: (JIvTf\/lft:i , t''''<'''i>:,:>.:<V'",~"",,' THIS BECOMES A TAX HARRY F KNIGHT,. CFC, TAX COllECTOR RECEIPT WHEN VALIDATED P 0 BOX 1 1 29, ~ E Y W ~ S T F l 3 304 1 - 1 1 29 NAME MAILING ADDRESS 0000000000 0000002000 0000301400063680 1001 6 ...-- ACCOUNT EXPIRES 30140-0063680 SEPT. 30, 1996 SUPPLEMENTAL RENEWAL NEW TAX TRANSFER ORIGINAL TAX 20.00 AMOUNT PENALTY COLLECTION COST TOTAL 20.00 .,,-~oo -i:J: Q _.'0 J> D:J> -.~m _..wx::o 0..1-1' 1Tl':.ll ::rJ o~-< "'0 w,-'" ...oor-" ,-.JI'l t...) h)- o~ o (<.;I O-t % . wfTl.......OO- ,-,,-,:J>..oO::oCl Ot::i~':Jlt..j :x: THIS IS ONLY A TAX. YOU MUST MEET ALL COUNTY PLANNING , AND ZONING REQUIREMENTS.