05/03/1982 /lOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 OFFICE OF, (f) .^ .{~ ;';.~0~: Municipal Service District P.O. BOX @ o,~~;~~~,~E ""'~:.Y" (3051294 4G41 Wing II-B ~_PUbliC Service Bldg. . . -., tock Island ~.'_;'Key West, FL 33040 OOow..<4: May 4, 1982 American Management Systems Plaza 501 Building 501 Wymore Road Winter Park, FL 32789 Gentlemen: Your proposal of April 26, 1982 as to cost estimates for design, conversion and installation of our computer program was presented to and approved by the Board of County Commissioners on May 3, 1982. Your Company is now authorized to proceed with our project as outlined in the above mentioned letter. Please keep me informed as to the status of the proj ect. Sincerely, c=.:)-~=~~~v~_______ Uames ~J. Baker, Asst. Manager Municipal Service District JWB/slm , , r r American Management Systems, Inc. (!) April 20, 1982 Mr. Charles Aguero Manager Municipal Service District Wing 2B Public Service Bldg Stock Island Key West, Florida 3301i0 Dear Mr. Aguero: This is to document recent discussions and meetings we have had concerning the processing of Monroe County MSD data. 1. Up to and through April, 1982, Monroe MSD contracted with Continental Resources Company (CRC) of Winter Park to provide your processing. This service was canceled by CRC effective May 1, 1982. 2. You, myself, Erv Higgs, Harry Knight and staff met in Monroe County on March 17th to discuss the options for AMS providing future service. We estimated that Mr. Higgs computer did have available disk space and that we could write programs to allow online data entry for delivery by October, 1982. Beth Johnson was to be in touch with you to work out the details of what would be accomplished. Total cost was estimated at $10,000 - $13,000, at that time. I was to contact CRC about continued processing from May through October. 3. Since that meeting, Beth Johnson has been to your office for detailed discussions on the deliverables for the MSD programs to be written by AMS. Ii. I contacted CRC concerning continued processing of your CRC file from May through October and was informed they would be willing to do this for approximately $1,000 per month. I relayed this message to Jim Baker of your office. Jim stated that May - October was a low-volume time and that it would probably be more economical to process those months by hand. All of this leaves us (AMS) working, per your's and Beth's discussions, on a system to be delivered next October. You, I assume, are processing manually in the meantime. J.. / '-'~ I J/- P'-~,-<-L', _j ,~ '-' ~~A_~/C",,~-4".~ 1 v We certainly understand your position and hope that you know we are doing everything in our power to assist Monroe County. I.. l,-"._ ' . ,! '-"- / y -:=~ ,'-, ""'~./;'., '(""F c -_ t' ~ ';;:;;;'." ...."1.~....~.'.-t~' -, ",' -. ~-' i ,,,-,,'. ". /' ~,,'. 11'....;;-, "F.,.'~/" ~. e:- 0.--'..... ..." _",> d>,/' ", .>-"'/' ,.,...-t". ' (~_I ,..., Sincerely, ~ .m1.rcJ?--> -ci ~~_4r~ Morgan B. Gilreath {:l' Principal Plaza 501 Building, 501 \^./ymore RCI.)d. ","'inter Park, Florida 32789. (305) 628-5333 OtherOffict's in Boston, Chica~o, Houston, New York, San Diego, San Francisco, and vVashington, D.C. , , ~ Wilhe,'nllna Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 OFFICE OF: Municipal Service District (305) 2944641 P.O. BOX Wing II-B II.',.~~~ Public Service Bldg. 'A . "A; Stock Island \:." ;' Key West, FL 33040 o~. "" (0": OKYy~iY~R~~~9E April 26, 1982 Morgan B. Gilreath American Management Systems, Inc. Plaza 501 Building 501 Wymore Road Winter Park, FL 32789 Dear Mr. Gilreath: This will acknowledge your letter of April 20, 1982, the contents of which is agreed. In our telephone conversation subsequent to your letter you indicated that the work necessary to put our program package together was progressing as scheduled and that American Management Systems, Inc. has assigned Wilda Murphy to our account to complete the package. We also discussed determining a cut off date at which time no further input would be forwarded to Continental Resources Company. This date should be clearly understood by all parties concerned in order to have an accurate data base at the inception of our processing on Mr. Higgs computer. Please advise your recommendations for this date. Your kind assistance is appreciated. James W. Baker, Asst. Manager Municipal Service District JWB/slm cc: Mr. Erving Higgs Mr. Harry Knight \} \fl-'r ~ V ~\~~ \~;> \ ,::P Q) American Management Systems, Inc. April 26, 1982 Mr. Charles Aguero Manager Municipal Service District Wing 2B Public Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Aguero: Attached is the work plan, by Beth Johnson, for the Monroe Municipal Service District programs. These include the time estimates for system design, conversion, and installation at Erv Higgs computer facility. Estimated hours for major areas of development are: ESTIMATED HOURS Systems Jlnalyst Prop;rartrner I. Project Scope & Design II. Program ~lodifications III. CRG File Conversion rv. CHent Interface & Training 8 80 108 56 Total 8 244 Our hourly rates, as we discussed at the Monroe County meeting, are $50.00 per hour for systems analysts and $40.00 per hour for programming. Travel expenses are to be billed in addition at actual cost. Based on Beth's v:lsit with you and the attached work plan, the estimated costs (excluding travel) are: Systems Analyst: Progralllmer: 8 hours @ $50.00 = 244 hours @ $40.00 = $ 400.00 $ 9,760.00 Esti.mted Cost $10,160.00 As vie have discussed, vie will bill you on actual time spent on the project. We do feel the above estim2tes are realistic. ~G normally bills monthly on these type of projects. Plaza .501 Building, 501 \Vyr:ll1re Road. \\'inter Park. Florid.132789. (305) 628-5333 Other Odin's i~ Ht)'it')~1. Chic.),":\), ! !,)U~~l';', :'\t'W )'prk. 5.l!l f):\'S". Sar. Fr.I:lcisc\). ,lnd \..\';Jsh:irL;c':[(In, D.C. , Mr. Charles ~ouero Page 2 Please review the attached and contact me or B. K. Narayan if any changes are needed. I would also appreciate your sending written authorization for us to proceed with the project at the rates mentioned above. Sincerely, /J1//l!~~ Morgan B. Gilreath, Principal ~ enclosure MONROE MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT PROJECT ESTIMATE HOURS START DATE STOP DATE I. Define Project Objectives A. Determine Deadlines for Completion of Project B. Familiarize Client With System Contents 8 03/29 03/29 C. Assign Client Contact to Interface With AMS 03/29 03/29 II. Program Modifications A. Identify Modifications in On-line 16 Transactions B. Produce On-line Transaction 16 Modifications C. Test On-line Transactions 8 D. Identify Modifications to Batch 16 Programs E. Produce Batch Program Modifications 16 F. Test Batch Modifications 8 88 III. CRC File Conversion A. IBM - Winter Park L Identify Program Changes 4 8 8 2" Produce Program Changes 3. Run Test Conversion Submit Error List to Client - Make Necessary Corrections 4. Run Final Conversion List and Tape 8 B. Burroughs - WInter Park 1. Identify Program Modifications 8 for New Roll Type Format 2. Produce Program Modifications 16 3. Produce File on Test Data Base to 16 Verify Program Performance . , MONROE MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT PROJECT ESTIMATE (CONT'D) . HOURS START DATE STOP DATE C. Burroughs - Monroe County 1. Install Software Changes in Monroe County 8 2. Load Test Data Base 4 8 3. Demonstrate Test Data Base to Client 4. Produce Any Refinements 8 5. Load Final Production Data Base 12 108 IV. . Client Interface & Training (To Run Concurrently With III) A. Client Orientation & Training 8 8 4 B. Client to Compile Contents of UCR C. Train Client In Use of Security & UCR Transactions 1. Client To Enter UCR's & Security 8 2. Print List of UCR's For Approval 8 D. Demonstrate System Performance 4 Against Test Data Base E. Client To Approve Test Data Base 8 . F. Client To Approve Final Production 8 Data Base TOTAL 252