Notices to Owner "~~'pT ~ WARNING: FWRlDA'S CONSTRUcnON LIEN LAW, ALWWS SOME UNPAID CONTRAcrORS, SUBCONTRACfORS, AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR. PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMJ:NT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR. FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR. PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WIUTTZN RELEASE FROM US EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRAcrORS. NOTICE TO OWNER To: (Owner) Monroe County (700707100004 0364 6616) 1100 Simonton St Key West, FL 33040 Date: August 15,2008 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: Station eauioment. includinll: Dumos. control oanel and related eauioment for the imorovement of the real orooertv identified as: PRADO CIRCLE STORMW ATER PS-Prado Circle Lot 4, Big Coppitt Key, Monroe County, Key West, Florida Under an order given by: Charley Toppino & Sons Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your right to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713 .06, Florida Statutes. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws, those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claims is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments. the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL.PROTECT YOURSELF:- RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplyiog a Notice to Owner have been paid. - LEARN more about the Construction Lien Lawbfhapter 713, Part I, Florida Statutes, and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida ~t o@;lusiness and Professional Regulation. ;;S n ~ ~ i. ~C::2 G") c<',._ N "_~I'.-:' N ~ r~~- n &me: Jim Randall I : Vice President lIT Flygt 2152 Sprint Blvd Apopka, FL 32703 ~. :....;-..1 '1 F'" ;ra :x '!? .r::- 1.0 ,~ 11; Copies to: Charley Toppino & Sons (700707100004 0364 6623) US Hwy I Mile Marker 8.5 Rockland Key, FL 33040 Bee Brother Development (700707100004 0364 6630) 8362 Pines Blvd Ste 258 Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 Insource Ine (7007 0710 0004 0364 6647) 9500 S DadeJand Second Floor Miami, FL 33156 '--''-' v ../'../ "'i ITT Industries ...-----.--------------- BOND #SVI018207 4.. . 2152 Sprint Boulevard 0 Apopka, Florida 32703 0 407.880.2900 (1) 0 407.880.2962 (F) C:C:d"~ C.Ay 17900 ~W 5th Street, Suites 203A18, Pemhroke Pines FL 33029 TELEPHONE (954) 436-6668 FAX: (954) 436-7783 TOLL FREE: (8001329-7377 INTERNET: hltp:IIWWW.fIOridanW""'W'rlupr E-MAIL: l1otices@floridanoti~..c V' "'-4 kJ;. I I ! II DATE: NO~ ~ 5 i!l./I1lI.9/08 , NOTICE NO: 617699 NOTICIE TO OWNER TO: Mor,ROE COU~ITY (OWNER) PURCHASING OFFICE !lOO SIMONro.~ ST KfY WEST r-L 33040 0000 [Ccrt Mail 7107 2291 7190 1025 6745] WARNINGI FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCON- TRACTORS AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWlCE_ TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM: U S PRECAST CORPORATION i 'l.ji1l1inary ~'{l](e Notice oflntent to Claim Against Bond L____ ___._ __ The undersigned he'relJy i lforms you that he has furnished, or is furnislng services and/or materials as follows: EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. MAIERIALS/SERVICES for the in wovement of the real property identified as: NonCE OF COMMENCEMENT INFO: (If Available) 548768*COPPITf PRADO BIG CPT KEY STOCK ISLAND Florida Monroe County, Florida. CIRCLE under an 'leder given by: CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS -F+crida I.s.w P,'c',ic,-ibcs the se:r. j,g v[ tt,;:; ~Jtjce and iestricts YCi./r right to make payments undsr your con~ra.....: in acco,dance with 7 i 3.06, F1o,:>::a Statutes. If thi:;; job is bonded und!~r Section 713.23, Florida Statutes, Section 255.05, Florida Statutes or 270 United States Code, the firm sending this Notice wi:1 look to the bond (Surety Co.) for protection if not paid. If a Payment Bond exists, please furnish a copy to the firm shown below or provide the Name and Address of the Surety. Failure to provide this information may render you liable for damages. If more than one contractor is involved with this project, please furnish the firm listed below with a copy of each contract. Please refer to the Notice Number listed above when responding. THIS NOTICE '" FVRJ'JISHED AS A S'i'ANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE IN FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. IT IS NOT A LIEN. i C E R T I , F , 1. [cert Mail 7:07 2291 7190 1025 6752J CHARLEY TOPf'IiIO & SONS PO BOX 787 ~IILE MARKER #1) KEY WEST, FL 33040 0000 (~t:CcxOI-~ ROBERT L. JOHNSTON, Agent For: IN ACCORtlAI>lCE WITH SECnQN 713.18, F.S.. "REOlJESTS FORSWORN STATEMENTS OF ACCOUNr' ARE TO BE OIRECTEO TO THE liENOR'S OESIGNEE USTED aELOW; I E D I FIRM: /u S PRECAST CORPORATION ATTN:CREDIT DEPT I 3200 WEST 84 ST I HIALEAH FL 330180000 I (305) 556-1661 : C '0 I , P I II E' I , S I ~C..:. c V=) "< 5~:_v~____ _ __ _ __ _ __ ____ IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION ,---- -------- -- - - ---- .---------- I Under Florida laws. those who work en your property or provide materials and are not paid have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is kr,own as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractor's or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required ; payments, the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. . ._. --~--~.~._.. WARNING! FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW ALLOWS SOME UNPAID CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND MATERIAL SUPPLIERS TO FILE LIENS AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY EVEN IF YOU HAVE MADE PAYMENT IN FULL. UNDER FLORIDA LAW, YOUR FAILURE TO MAKE SURE THAT WE ARE PAID MAY RESULT IN A LIEN AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY AND YOUR PAYING TWICE. TO AVOID A LIEN AND PAYING TWICE, YOU MUST OBTAIN A WRITTEN RELEASE FROM US (Lienor) EVERY TIME YOU PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR. 71079857603025696568 OCTOBER 17, 2008 7107985760302569656B-5696599 NOTICE TO OWNER / NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR To: (Owner) 71079857603025696568 MONROE CO BOCC 1100 SIMONTON ST KEY WEST FL 33040 The undersigned hereby informs you that he or she has furnished or is furnishing services or materials as follows: UNDERGROUND PIPE AND RELATED MATERIALS for the improvements of real property identified as BIG COPPITT KEY, FLORIDA, "PRADO CIRCLE STORMWATER IMPROVEMENTS", BOND NUMBER SU1018207, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. under an order given by CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS. Florida law prescribes the serving of this notice and restricts your rights to make payments under your contract in accordance with Section 713.06, Florida Statutes. In the event that the contract for improvement is bonded, pursuant to Section 255.05 or Section 713.23, Florida Statutes Title 40 USC Section 3131, et seq., or any other form of bond, the undersigned intends to look to that bond for protection and payment. The undersigned requests a copy of the payment bond and a copy of any direct contracts pertaining to the improvements for this project and agrees to pay reasonable copy costs for such copy. ----- - IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR PROTECTION Under Florida's laws,those who work on your property or provide materials and are not paid.have a right to enforce their claim for payment against your property. This claim is known as a construction lien. If your contractor fails to pay subcontractors or material suppliers or neglects to make other legally required payments. the people who are owed money may look to your property for payment. EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. PROTECT YOURSELF: --RECOGNIZE that this Notice to Owner may result in a lien against your property unless all those supplying a Notice to Owner have been paid. --LEARN more about the Construction Lien Law,Chapter 713.Part I.Florida Samtes,and the meaning of this notice by contacting an attorney or the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. COPIES TO: 71079857603025696582 By: WILLIAM D.MEEK .JR.I NACM Services Corp.16131289.8894 (GEN CONTR) Any demand made pursuant to Section 713.16,Florida Statutes, \ � must be directed to the attention of the Denor's representative V CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS INC at the address of the Lienor shown below. US ONE AT MILE MARKER 8 1/2 ROCKLAND KEY FL 33040 As Authorized Agent for Lienor: FERGUSON WATERWORKS INC 71079857603025696599 ATTN: MICHAEL GOGULSKI IGEN CONTRI 2361 NW 22ND ST CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS INC POMPANO BEACH FL 33069-1329 PO BOX 787 (Refit: 39590) KEY WEST FL 33041 (Under an order given by) CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS PO BOX 787 KEY WEST FL 33041 71079857603025696575 (BOND) ARCH INSURANCE COMPANY /ARCH SURETY cc 12�a.n 3 PARKWAY STE 1500 l.� PHILADELPHIA PA 19102 /'¢// 1473055