Resolution 246-2008 James Callahan Emergency Services RESOLUTION NO. 246 -2008 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EACH P ARTICI- PANT IN THE LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARDS PROGRAM (LOSAP) TO BE CREDITED WITH AN ADDITIONAL YEAR OF SERVICE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. Each Participant in the Length of Service Awards Program ("LOSAP") shall be credited with an additional Year of Service actually earned in the Year 1990, providing the Participant: (A) was enrolled as a member of the non-profit corporation or MSTU; and (B) was eligible for and received reimbursement of expenses for nine or more months of the Year 2007. 2. The total number of Years of Service that may be credited for service accrued prior to the Effective Date of LOSAP shall not exceed a maximum of one Year of Service actually earned by each Participant prior to the Effective Date of LOSAP. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20th day of August ,2008. Mayor Mario Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern Charles "Sonny" McCoy Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Yes Yes Yes Yes . . ..~.i~~~'>. .....~::~f , ,.:" .. ..' Jd), '. '" AM!Ii: 'J5ANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Yes 3: o CJ :r; )> BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION~3 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ,,<"c. \::; C-~. . BY(;"~V~ Deputy C erk "m~ ~lY~---;( By ;';'" Mayor/Chairman ..., = = "'" > c: (;") N CO " ",. :::l:: '2 w \D ~'.) "',-, .".... MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY AR OV~~ AS .lG rF'R,Mj YNTH!P. L ~ ~T CO].iNTY ATTORNEY 1- -l(- :A onI? ASSIS Date MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN ACTUARIAL REPORT JANUARY 1, 2007 REVISED DRAFT June 8, 2008 Monroe County Board of County Commissioners c/o Acting Fire Chief James Callahan 490 63rd Street Marathon, FL 33050 Dear Plan Administrator: We are pleased to present the attached Report as of January 1,2007, covering the actuarial aspects of the "Monroe County LOSAP" for the Plan Year ending December 31, 2007 and the County's fiscal year ending September 30, 2008. A brief overview of the results can be obtained by looking at the following figures for the past three years: 2005 2006 2007 Item Plan Year Plan Year Plan Year Participants 147 73 83 Covered Payroll * $ na $na $na Current EOY Plan Costs .. $60,877 $24,233 $28,477 · assuming an additional years past service benefit .. includes provisions for expenses and provisions for Funding Standard Account debit balances Due to Key Largo terminating from the County plan effective October 1, 2006, we have not assigned any costs to them. We have kept the vested participants for Key Largo's Fire and EMS and assets estimated to be sufficient for those participants and reallocated the remaining assets to the other participating departments. Should additional vested participants arise from future census, we will include them with the future year's valuation and recapture the assets for those benefits. Additionally, in the future, should assets not be sufficient to cover those benefits, an additional recapture of assets may be needed. These recaptures, if any, will be made in the same ratio as the reallocation was determined, which split assets available for reallocation equally among the remaining active departments. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners June 8, 2008 Page Two The plan's investment return continues to be much below current market rates. We have lowered our valuation interest rate assumption to 2.5%, which represents an increase in the present value of benefits of$58,478. The plan has continued to invest in what appears to us to be a short term cash equivalent. The plan can, and should, consider longer horizon investments, since the plan's obligations are not short term. Should the plan's investment return continue its past patterns, future valuations will continue to lower the discount rate assumption. Assuming that the recommended funding is made and that the asset performance becomes consistent with our current assumption, it is our opinion that the Plan will be proceeding with a funding program, which can be expected to support the benefits promised by the Plan on an adequate and timely basis. Respectfully submitted, Glenn F. Mouton, FSA Consulting Actuary GFM/nm Enclosures June 8, 2008 ACTUARIAL REPORT PLAN: Monroe County, Florida Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Services Length of Services Award Plan PLAN YEAR: January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 SPONSOR FISCAL YEAR: October 1, 2007 through September 30,2008 V ALUATlON DATE: January 1,2007 This report presents the results of the Actuarial Valuation as of Valuation Date shown above of the Plan. The principal purposes of this report are To present the financial condition of the Plan To satisfY the requirements of Chapter 112 of the Florida Statutes To present the contributions required to adequately fund the Plan during the current year, according to the plan's current funding methodology To present disclosures required by Governrnental Accounting Standards Board, Statements #25 Mouton and Company, Inc. was retained by the Plan Administrator of the Plan for this report. This actuarial valuation and/or cost determination was prepared and completed by me or under my direct supervision, and 1 acknowledge responsibility for the results. To the best of my knowledge, the results are complete and accurate, and in my opinion, the techniques and assumptions used are. reasonable and meet the requirements and intent of Part Vll, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. There is no benefit or expense to be provided by the plan and/or paid from the plan's assets for which liabilities or current costs have not been established or otherwise taken into account in the valuation. All known events or trends which may require a material increase in plan costs or required contribution rates have been taken into account in the valuation. Date Glenn F. Mouton Enrollment #08-2773 On Behalf of Mouton & Company, Inc. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICES A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1, 2007 TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------ EXHIBIT I VALUATION RESULTS Schedule A - Plan Description - After Changes Schedule A - Plan Description - Before Changes Schedule B - Development of Current Year's Costs Schedule C - Development of Historical and Projected FSA Schedule D - Participant Data Schedule E - Assets Schedule F - Liabilities Schedule G - Actuarial Present Value of Accrued Benefits Schedule H - Statement of Changes in Total Actuarial Present Value of All Accrued Benefits Schedule I - Pension Cost Schedule J - Past Contributions Schedule K - Comparison of Actual to Assumed Earnings 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 EXHIBIT 2 PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHICS Schedule A - Coverage Schedule B - Participant Reconciliation 9 10 EXHIBIT 3 PLAN ASSET INFORMATION Schedule A - Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits at Market Values Schedule B - Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits 11 12 EXHIBIT 4 PLAN SUMMARY 13 EXHIBIT 5 COST METHOD AND ASSUMPTIONS 16 EXHIBIT 6 PENSION COST RATIONALE 18 EXHIBIT 7 GASB 25 INFORMATION 19 ~ o ~ o ;t o ~ N "0 a ~ c v 1> w>-~ <><< o 'o8'O~ =.2 ~ ::! 0<>< c e .- ll'- d .. v E g '" ~ 'a<'"" OJ OJ .. 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I ~~ ! t j z ~ .!! '" ~~ I ;:; l5 .. 'ii ~ ~ ! '" I" 8 ~~ ~ ] ~ ~; . ] ~ , '" 2 " j '~ g . ii 1i 8.1 . 6 I ' " II JJ 1 11 ~ i " " ~ ~ !1 ~~ 81; '& € ] e j ~ ~ , ~ f ~ , E .. ~ " "' ~~ ' . . II '" ~ ~'j 1 :: ~ ~ .., e 0 J 0 ~ . " s ~ " ~ .~ j .. . u ~~ j l 0 , ~ 11 , ] l . 0 c 0 '~ ! ~" ~ ! " ~ ~ . ~ '~ I ~ u ~ ! l "'~ 0 .t " , 00 00 9 9 ~ ~ ~'" u ~ "" ~ ~ ~ . . MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERViCE AWARD PLAN Page 3 of22 Actuarial Valuation as of Januwy 1,2007 CURRENT VALUATION RESULTS EXHIBIT I Development of Current Year's Costs Schedule B _________________n__________________n____.-____________________________________________________________.____u_____________________________________.n..h_____________.__b______________________ Before Change After Change >I' Current Year Current Year Prior Year o 1-Jan-2007 OI-Ian-lOD7 OI-Jan-2006 A Present Value of Future Obligations: -- --- 1. Active Members 558,521 570,916 780,318 2. Inactive Members 262,904 262,904 21,687 3 Retired Members 0 0 0 4. Survivors on Benefit 0 0 0 5 Disabled Members 0 0 0 -------------. _____.____h_ ------------- Total Actuarial Accrued Liability: 821,425 833,820 802,005 B. Less Present Value of: 1. Member Contributions 0 0 0 2. Florida Premiwn Tax Rebates 0 0 0 -------------- ------------- ______u.___ 0 0 0 C. Less Actuarial Plan Assets 725,508 725,508 700,939 ------------ ________b_ .-------- D. Amount to be Funded by County (A-B-C) 95,917 108,312 101,066 (Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability) --- --- -- E. Aggregate Normal Costs from District Calculations 16,711 18,826 19,233 F. Expenses not paid directly by the County 5,000 5,200 5,000 G. Interest Adjustments not included elsewhere 0 0 0 ------------- ------------ ----------- H. Total Plan Normal Costs = GASB 25 ARC 21,711 24,026 24,233 . Change is the crediting of 1990 as W1 additional year of potential past credited service. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Page 4 of 22_. Actuarial Valuation as of January I, 2007 CURRENT VALVA nON RESULTS EXHIBIT I Development of Historical and Projected Funding Standar.d Account Balances Schedule C B. Less Charges to Account 1. Nonnal Costs for the Year (BOY) 2. Provision for Expenses 2. Amortization Charges (net) (BOY) 3. Interest Adjustment to End of Year 2.50% Before Changes After Changes Projected Projected Current Current Plan Year Plan Year Prior Year 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2006 -- -4,342 -4,342 639 -109 -109 19 -4,451 -4,451 658 16,711 18,826 19,233 5,000 5,200 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,711 24,026 24,233 0 0 19,233 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19,233 -26,162 -28,477 -4,342 - A. Beginning Balance Interest Adjustment to End of Year sub-total C. Plus Credits to Account 1. Contributions Credited During the Year 2 Amortization Charges (net) (BOY) 3. Interest Adjustment to End of Year D. Ending Balance'" Date Made Amount Interest 17-Sep-07 19,233 o o o o o o o 19,233 o '" Note: A positive ending balance represents the accumulation of past contributions in excess of required minimums. Such a balance is available to the sponsor in the current or future years to adjust nonnal funding requirements. For the current year, Contributions Credited are detennined as the lowest amount which would avoid an ending negative balance, under the assumption that the contribution is received on the last day of the plan year. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN Page 5 of 22 Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 CURRENT V ALUA nON RESULTS EXHIBIT I Participant Data Schedule D _________________________h______________________________________~__________________________________________________.________.______________________________________ Next Current Year Prior Year Prior Year 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2006 01-Jan-2005 Number Included --- Active Members 51 70 136 Inactive Members 30 3 13 Retired Members 2 2 0 Current Beneficiaries 0 0 0 Disabled Members 0 0 0 Total Annual Payroll of Actives 0 0 0 Total Annual Benefits: to Retired Members 5,850 3,420 0 to Current Beneficiaries 0 0 0 to Disabled Members 0 0 0 Assets Schedule E -----------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------------ Actuarial Value 725,508 700,939 626,637 Market Value 725,508 700,939 626,637 Liabilities Schedule F ---------_._-~-------------_._---------------------------------------.------------------------------------.------------------------------------------------._------- Total Before Changes After Changes CWTent Current Prior Plan Year Plan Year Plan Year 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2006 558,521 570,916 780,318 262,904 262,904 21,687 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -----~--------- --------------- ----~~--------- 821,425 833,820 802,005 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------~------ -----~--------- --------------- 0 0 0 --------------- --------------- --------------- 821,425 833,820 802,005 (725,508) (725,508) (700,939) --------------- --------------- --------------- 95,917 108,312 101,066 Present Value of Future Benefits Active Members Inactive Members Retired Members Current Beneficiaries Disabled Members Less Present Value Future Member Contributions Future State Contributions Actuarial Accrued Liability less Actuarial Plan Assets Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN Page 6 of 22 Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 CURRENT VALUATION RESULTS EXHIBIT I ----------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Actuarial Present Value of Accrued Benefits Schedule G ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------~--------------------------------------------- Vested Accrued Benefits Inactive Members & Beneficiaries Active Members Before Changes After Changes Current Year Current Year Prior Year 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2007 o I-Jan-2006 --- 264,985 264,985 5,942 261,722 280,332 376,936 -------------- -------------- -------------- 526,707 545,317 382,878 56,741 54,612 78,722 -------------- -------------- ------------.- 581,547 599,929 461,600 Total Nonvested Accrued Benefits Total Statement of Changes in Total Actuarial Present Value of All Accrued Benefits Schedule H ------------------------~------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before Changes Current Year 01-Jan-2007 After Changes Current Year OI-Jan-2007 Present Value of Accrued Benefits at Beginning of Year 461,600 461,600 Increase (Decrease) During Year Attributable to (where applicable): Plan Adoption Plan Amendment Changes in Valuation -- interest rate Increase due to Survivorship Increase for less Interest Discount Benefits Accrued, net of excluded participants Benefits Paid Other Changes - tenninations Net Increase (Decrease) 0 0 0 20,675 58,478 58,478 0 0 13,760 11,467 87,611 87,611 (5,850) (5,850) (34,052) (34,052) -~-_._-------- ---------~---- 119,947 138,329 581,547 599,929 Actuarial Present Value of Accrued Benefits at End of Year MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Page 70f22 Actuarial Valuation as ofJanuary 1,2007 CURRENT VALUATION RESULTS EXHIBIT 1 --------~-----'---~---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pension Cost Schedule I ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before Changes After Changes Current Current Prior Plan Year Plan Year Plan Year 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2007 01-Jan-2006 -~- --~ Required Funding Costs 16,711 18,826 19,233 Current Administrative Expense 9,342 9,542 4,361 Interest Adjustment 109 109 (19) --._------- ------._--- ---------.- Total Required County Contribution 26,162 28,477 23,575 As % of Payroll N/A N/A N/A Estimated Participant Contributions 0 0 0 As % of Payroll N/A N/A N/A Estimated Premium Tax Refund 0 0 0 As % of Payroll N/A N/A N/A Remaining Amount to be Contributed by County 26,162 28,477 23,575 As % of Payroll N/A N/A N/A Past Contributions Schedule J ------------.----------..---------------------..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the fiscal year ended 12/31/06 Total Contribution Required Actoal Contribution Made By: State County Participants 23,575 o 19,233 o 19,233 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Page 8 of 22 Actuarial Valuation as ofJanuary 1,2007 CURRENT V ALUA nON RESULTS EXHIBIT I Comparison of Actual to Assumed Earnings Schedule K -.------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----------------.-----------------------------------------------._----------------------- (Assuming uniform income and disbursements, Employer Contributions assumed at End of Year) Benefits Valuation Beginning Ending Investment Other and Date Assets Assets Earnings Income Expenses ~"- ~- --~ --- --- 31-Dec-1999 0 150,113 0 0 0 31-Dec-2000 150,113 313,548 2,751 0 0 3 I-Dec-200 I 313,548 389,408 13,821 0 4,210 3 I -Dec-2002 389,408 474,729 4,284 0 8,400 31-Dec-2003 474,729 562,738 9,169 0 0 31-Dec-2004 562,738 626,637 8,412 0 8,417 31-Dec-2005 626,637 700,939 20,872 0 7,620 31-Dec-2006 700,939 725,508 15,466 0 10,130 Valuation Net Expected Actual 3 Year 5 Year Assumed Date Increase Earnings Experience Average Average Factor -~~~ --- -~~~ 31-Dec-1999 0 0 0.00% na na 5.00% 31-Dec-2000 2,751 7,506 1.83% na na 5.00% 31-Dec-2001 9,611 15,572 3.09% na na 5.00% 31-Dec-2002 (4,116) 19,260 -1.07% 1.28% na 5.00% 31-Dec-2003 9,169 23,736 1.93% 1.32% na 5.00% 31-Dec-2004 (5) 27,926 0.00% 0.29% 0.58% 5.00% 31-Dec-2005 13,252 24,913 2.13% 1.35% 0.85% 4.00% 31-Dec-2006 5,336 20,876 0.77% 0.96% 1.04% 3.00% 1999 is the first plan year and no assets were present prior to the end of the year, other than County accrued contributions. Current earning rates are artificially depressed due to the plan only recently starting its funding. Future assets will be invested assets and are expected to earn at or above the assumed factor, net of investment expenses. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Page 90f22 Actuarial Valuation as of January I, 2007 PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHICS EXHIBIT 2 ------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coverage Schedule A This valuation includes the following 83 persons covered by the plan as of December 31, 2006. Category Number Amount Active Participants Other Inactive Participants Retirees on Benefit Survivors on Benefit Participants on Disability Benefit Terminated Vested Participants 51 30 2 o o o 0* o ** o ** o ** o ** o ** TOTAL 83 N/A * Annual covered pay only ** Annual Benefit 20 persons (included in the data furnished to us) were ineligible for participation as of the valution date. Participant data was furnished by the County of Monore and was as of December 31, 2006. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Page IO of22 Actuarial Valuation as of January I, 2007 PARTICIPANT DEMOGRAPHICS EXHIBIT 2 ~-----------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant Reconciliation Schedule B Retired Survivor on on Active Benefit Benefit Disabled Inactive Total -- --- ~~-~ Participants at 01-Jan-2006 68 2 0 0 3 73 New 10 IO Retirement 0 0 Death 0 0 Non-Vested Termination 0 0 Vested Termination -27 27 0 Lump Sum Settlement 0 0 New Survivors 0 0 Participants at 31-Dec-2006 51 2 0 0 30 83 --- MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 Page 11 of22 PLAN ASSET INFORMATION EXHIBIT 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statement of Net Assets Available for Benefits* 31-Dec-2005 Schedule A 31-Dec-2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Market Value Money Market Accrued Contribution - Employer 700,938.69 0.00 . 725,508.15 0.00 700,938.69 725,508.15 Liabilities Accounts Payable Deferred Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Assets Available 700,938.69 725,508.15 ---------- ----------- ----------- ------------ * As reported by the County MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 Page 12 of 22 PLAN ASSET INFORMATION EXIDBIT 3 ------~------~--------~---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statement of Changes in Market Value of Net Assets Plan Year Ending: 31-Dec-2005 Schedule B 31-Dec-2006 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + INCREASES Earnings on Investments Unrealized Appreciation (Depreciation) 20,871.50 0.00 15,466.07 0.00 State Insurance Contributions Employee Contributions Employer Contributions: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,050.00 19,233.00 Accrued 0.00 0.00 61,050.00 19,233.00 81,921.50 34,699.07 DECREASES Expenses Professional Fees Professional Fees PMAFees (4,200.00) 0.00 0.00 (4,269.61) 0.00 (10.00) Paid to Participants Retirees Survivors Disabled Overpayment due to City (4,200.00) (4,279.61) (3,420.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (5,850.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (3,420.00) (5,850.00) (7,620.00) (10,129.61) Net Increase/(Decrease) 74,301.50 24,569.46 NET MARKET VALUE OF ASSETS AVAILABLE FOR BENEFITS: Beginning of Year 626,637.19 700,938.69 End of Year 700,938.69 725,508.15 ----------- ---------- MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICES A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 Page 13 of22 PLAN SUMMARY EXHIBIT 4 1. General Information (a) Plan Name: Monroe County, Florida Volunteer Firefighter and Emergency Medical Services Length of Service Award Plan (b) Plan Year: January 1 through December 31 (c) Plan Sponsor: County of Monroe, Florida (d) Sponsor Fiscal Year: October 1 through September 30 (e) Plan Administrator: Board or such other person or entity as designated by the Board to administer the Plan (f) Effective Date: January 1, 1999 2. Eligibilitv for Participation The Plan Administrator shall, in its sole discretion, determine those Volunteer Firefighters and EMS Volunteers ("Volunteers") eligible to participate in the Plan. Any Volunteer who was age 60 or older on January 1, 1999 shall not be eligible to participate in the Plan. In addition, any Volunteers who are age 60 or older at the time they commence volunteer service, or who commence service at a time that will not permit them to earn ten Years of Service by their Normal Retirement Age shall not eligible to participate. 3. Years of Service Each year of volunteer service, a participant will accrue a year of benefit accrual if the participant was: A. enrolled as a member of the nonprofit corporation or MSTU; and B. was eligible for and received reimbursement of expenses for nine or more months of the year. In the event that a non-vested Participant fails to accrue a Year of Service during any three consecutive Plan Years, the Participant shall incur a "break-in-service", and any Years of Service earned by the Participant prior to the break-in-service, shall be disregarded for purposes of the Plan. In addition, in the event that any Participant ceases to be carried on an active membership roll as a Volunteer Firefighter or EMS Volunteer MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICES AWARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January I, 2007 Page 14 of22 PLAN SUMMARY EXHIBIT 4 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ and later returns to active membership roll, only Years of Service earned after the Participant's return to the active membership roll shall be counted for purposes of the Plan No Years of Service shall be earned for any year of volunteer service after the Participant has attained age sixty (60). 4. Contributions Each Plan Year, the Board shall appropriate funds from the budgets of the various volunteer fIre/rescue MSTU's to fund the accrued or prospective benefIts for Participants on an actuarially sound basis. 5. Normal Retirement BenefIt (a) Eligibility: Completion of 10 years of service. (b) BenefIt: An annual benefIt based on the following schedule: BenefIt Schedule Years of Monthly Annual Service BenefIt BenefIt ~ ~~ M~ 24 360 4320 23 345 4140 22 330 3960 21 315 3780 20 300 3600 19 285 3420 18 270 3240 17 255 3060 16 240 2880 15 225 2700 14 210 2520 13 195 2340 12 180 2160 11 165 1980 10 150 1800 (c) Form of Payment: BenefIt payments are payable monthly for a period often years. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICES A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1, 2007 Page 15 of 22 PLAN SUMMARY EXHIBIT 4 ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 6. Vesting (a) Eligibility: Completion of 10 years of service prior to attainment of Normal Retirement Age (b) Volunteer Firefighters: Attained the rank of Structural Firefighter, Non-Structural Firefighter and/or Emergency Vehicle Driver-Operator prior to being credited with 10 years of service. (c) Volunteer EMS: Attained the certification of Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic or met all requirements by the State of Florida necessary to drive an emergency medical care and transportation vehicle ( ambulance) prior to being credited with 10 years of service. 7. Death Benefits prior to Attaining Normal Retirement Age (a) Eligibility: Death of a vested Participant. (b) Benefit: The present value of vested accrued benefits. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICES A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 Page 16 of22 COST METHOD EXHIBIT 5-A ===========================--==========-------- COST METHOD: A variation of the aggregate actuarial cost method is being used to value the benefits. The present value of the projected benefits is calculated using the provisions of the plan and the actuarial assumptions. The actuarial value of assets is based on market value. The balance to be funded is allocated over the present value of a level annuity for the average future service of active participants. Total plan results are determined by summing the results calculated by aggregating participants by fire district, and in the case of Key Largo, separately by fire personnel and EMS personnel. A department's normal cost is not allowed to become negative. Expenses are shown unallocated and are assumed to be paid directly by the County. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January I, 2007 Page 17 of 22 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS EXHIBIT 5 - B ======================================================================================= Actuarial Study as of: o I-Jan-2007 0 0 120 12 180 4500 Yrs Vesting 0 0% 10 100% Valuation Date Adjustment: Completed months to participate Maximum number of credited Service Months at program inception: For vesting purposes: For benefit accrual purposes: Annual Benefit Accrued for each completed year of service Maximum Annual Benefit Accrued for each completed year of service Vesting Schedule Termination Assumption: Godwin's Table I, V Select & Ultimate Table, with 50% termination prob. for YOS<I. Interest rate function assumptions 107.65056 i: 2.50% v: 0.97561 d: 0.02439 a(lO)due: 8.97088 i(12): 0.206% v(12): 0.99794 d(12): 0.00206 a(120)due: 106.41486 3,000 334.42 40,369 1,615 After: 1990 Before: 1991 18 Maximum annual benefit accrual limited by IRC Present value of maximum benefit: Present value of annual benefit accrual Year First Allowed for Benefit Accrual Purposes: Maximum Credited Years for Benefit Accrual as of the Valuation Date: MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICES A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January I, 2007 Page 18 of22 PENSION COST RATIONALE EXHIBIT 6 -----------------------------~--------------- -------------------------------------------- When one speaks of pension costs, one must distinguish between "true" costs and "actuarial" costs. The true cost of a pension plan depends on its experience and is equal to: Total Benefits Paid + Total Expense to Run the Plan Investment Earnings Because this true cost is not apparent until many years into the future, and then only in retrospect, the actuary scientifically estimates what the true cost will be and then assesses a share against the current year's operations. In order to estimate the true cost elements, the actuary must try to predict the future happenings which will affect them -- such as death, employee turnover, expenses, investment earnings, etc. The assessment to each current year is made using a particular "cost method", selected by the actuary considering tax implications to the Employer, future cost versus future earnings patterns, present and projected makeup of employee force, etc. Based on these considerations, the actuarial costs are found to be as shown in this report. It is important to remember that these annual costs are estimates of the actuary, which, if his projections are realized, will accumulate according to certain future patterns, as dictated by the cost method, to meet the true costs on an adequate and timely basis. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January t, 2007 Page 19 of22 EXHIBIT 7 a, (1) GASB 25 Notes to the Financial Statements ---------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------- The above PERS administrator is a single-employer with only one contributing county employer and no nonemployer and no contributors. (2) Only Volunteer Firefighters and EMS Volunteers are eligible at the sole discretion of the Plan Administrator. Any Volunteer who was age 60 or older oil January 1, 1999 shall not be eligible to participate. In addition. any Volunteers who are age 60 or older at the time they commence volunteer service, or who commence service at a time that will not permit them to earn ten Years if Service by their Normal Retirement Age shall not be eligible to participate in this Plan. Inactive Participants by category: Retirees currently receiving benefits Beneficiaries currently receiving benefits Terminated employees entitled to benefits 2 o 30 32 Fully vested and past normal retirement date Partially vested Non-vested (3) 31 o 52 83 Years of Service 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 The benefit provisions are as follows: Benefit Schedule Monthly Benefit $375 360 345 330 315 300 285 270 255 240 225 210 195 180 165 150 Annual Benefit $4,500 $4,320 $4,140 $3,960 $3,780 $3,600 $3,420 $3,240 $3,060 $2,880 $2,700 $2,520 $2,340 $2,160 $1,980 $1,800 (4) Volunteer Firefighters must attain the rank of Structural Firefighter, Non-Structural Firefighter and or Emergency Vehicle Driver-Perator prior to being credited with ten Years of Service. EMS V ounteers must meet all requirements as defined by the State of Florida necessary to drive an emergency medical care and transporation vehicle (ambulance) andlor attain certification as an Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic prior to being credited with ten Years of Service. Eligibility for vesting is completion of 10 years of service. The Plan shall be administered in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 112, Part VII, Florida Statutes. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGlITER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as ofJanuary I, 2007 Page 20 of 22 EXIDBIT 7 ============================================================================================ GASB 25 Notes to the Financial Statements. --------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------- For each Plan Year, the Board shall appropriate funds from the budgets of the various fire/rescue MSTU's, such funds to be applied as a contribution to the LOSAP trust account in an amount as determined by the Plan Administrator as is necessary to fund the accrued or prospective benefits for Participants on an actuarially sound basis and in accordance with Part VII of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. There arc no Participant contribution requirements. The authority under which those obligations are established is the Monroe County Ordinance No. 026-1999 b. (I) The accounting policies include the Accrual basis of accounting, and assets arc reported at Market Value. Exchanges or "swaps" of securities are accounted for in the income. (2) We are aware of no investments (other than U.S. government and U.S. government-guaranteed obligations) which represented more than 5% of net assets available for benefits. (3) We are aware of no investments in, loans to, or leases with any PERS official, government employer official, party related to a PERS official or governmental employer official, nonemployer contributor, or organization included in the reporting entity. The Actuarial Present Value of credited projected benefits, is a standardized disclosure measure of the present value of pension benefits, adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases and any step-rate benefits, estimated to be payable in the future as a result of employee service to date. There are no salaries paid to the Participants. MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES LENGTH OF SERVICE A WARD PLAN Actuarial Valuation as of January 1,2007 Page 21 of22 EXHIBIT 7 ----~~~~--~_._-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GASB 25 Notes to the Financial Statements -----------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the pension benefit obligation were: Investment Yield: 2.50% for both present and future. The prior valuation used 3.00%. Mortality Pattern: Not applicable Salary Increases: Not applicable Termination: Godwin's Table I, V Select & Ultimate Table, with 50% termination prob. for YOS<1. The System's funding policy, as mandated by ordinance, provides for actuarially determined periodic contributions The Actuarial Funding Method is a variation ofthe aggregate actuarial cost method. The present value of the projected benefits is calculated using the provisions of the plan and the actuarial assumptions. The actuarial value of assets includes only the value of assets. There are no member contributions, nor any State premium tax refunds. The GASB 25 Actuarial Funding Method is the Aggregate Method. Since there is no salary, allocations are based on service. Aggregation is used by fire district, in order to permit the county to allocate costs by district. Under this method, gains and losses are spread over future normal costs. N .... N t .... 0 ~ N N 0 ~ W 0.. Ol'" ~ ~ '" 0'" 000 0 00 0 000 0 j! 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