Resolution 262-2008 RHOIUlIonNo. 262 ~. AIlI!8OI.UTION _O'lHl! Me!l" OP UNAIlTICIPATI!O I'UNDS WHBIEA8.KIa_to...-opubllcheortv..""l\Mldby_,Z8.03,__to_lho-.,,: Morolhon M.S. T.u. Fund lee, One ConI __ _ Pund 304. 2003 -.... _ Fund 307 end Duck Koy W_1or Pund 311. lor lho _lOll' bogInnilg OclDIlo, ,. 2007 ond endilg "oI8mbor 30. 2OOll. __. BE IT RESOLVED BY TIE BOARD CF COUNTY COII""'IONIRI OF IIONROI COUNTY, FLORIDA..... PublIc tIeeItng MIl - on AuguIl 20. 2008. "0:00 P.M. to..- _ M.9.T.U. Fund '88. One ConI __ Fund 304. 2003 _ _ Fund 307 ond Duck Koy W_r Fund 311 budgoto ond to odopt lho 0"""'" budgoto .._: MondI.. M.S.T.IJ..Foad'6<i Curmn Inc.l(lloc.) ReYised Budpt IlIIdpt Reve.aa: 166-3112OOGA Del Ad VaIon:rD Taxes 5100.00 5170.68 5270.68 166.36100s0l Jntemt EarniDp 5500.00 522.422.36 522.922.36 166-389001 .....% fL Slat -530.00 ($1.129.65) -SJ.1S9.65 166-389002 Fund B_ ForwonI 5243.370.00 574636 00 $31800600 Toto1 1243".1.00 596,1199.39 S340,039.39 Appl'Opl'\odou: 166 55000 510'" MtbnWW__ 53.710.75 $0.00 S3.7I0.75 166 55000 >303<0 MIbn WW -OCberCoDh:l Svc 5209.669.2' 5125.659.39 5335,328.64 166 69OO1l ''''90 Ta ColIoctor-I66 MiIc. Exp 55.000.00 ($4,000.00) 51,000.00 166 85111 '90990 RcHrvn 166 -otber UIa $25.560 00 (125.560.00) ml!l! ToW $243,940." 596,1199.3' S340,ll39.3, $0.00 so.OO $0.00 ODe Ceat IDtrutr Surtu - Pod 304 CuncIlt IncJ(Dec.) ReviHci Revea.tI: Budact Budget 304-3126OOGN Diecret Sale, Tax 1 Ceat 514,000,002.00 SO.OO 514,000,002.00 304-36100s0l In_ EornInaa 1649,997.00 SO.OO S649,!I97.00 304-36Il3OOGM _II 1242,000.00 (5242,000.00) 50.00 304-381141GT TnCFm Fin> A Amb-141 517.594.21 SO.OO 517,594.21 304-389001 .... 5% FL~.. .S732,500.00 50.00 .1732,500.00 304.389002 __Forword $19 844.~ 00 il710A71 00\ S191U.tl1nn ToW 534,G22,049.Z' (5962,4'73.10) 533,059,5".21 Approprl.tloDI: 304 22004 SlOI20 County Eqiaeer ConItr hit $627.133.00 (389,630.00) 5237,503.00 304 22004 510140 """""'_CoomMt 5500.00 0.00 5500.00 304 22004 510210 """"",._ Coom Mt Sl',159.00 (38,1'9.00) SI7,ooo.OO 304 22004 "0220 """""'_CoomMt 573,967.00 ($43,967.00) 530,000.00 304 22004 SI023O,SI02oiO """""'_CoomMI SI34,96'.OO SO.OO $134.965.00 304 22004 ,- Couaty_Coom Ml $80,032.00 SO.OO S80,032.00 304 22005 5303<0 f100d Zooc .......... $3',930.00 SO.OO $35,930.00 304 22006 510-, SJo-" .560'" ADA AueIImeat $386,000.00 SO.OO 5386,000.00 304 23000 510'"" _1&- 529,430.00 SO.OO 529,430.00 304 23000 S60630 _1_' SI,253,676.00 5106,800.00 51,360,476.00 304 24000 510"' <loMaI O<wt Cop Proj S24,081.00 SO.OO 524,081.00 304 24000 530310 GonoaI O<wt Cop Proj SI74,962.oo SO.OO 5174,962.00 304 24000 S<<062O 000a0I 00" Cop Proj 5722.127.00 S3,556.oo 572',683.00 304 24000 ...... GonoaI Govt Cop ... 14,321.00 SO.OO 54,321.00 304 25000 510'" Culture 4; Reo Proj 539,048.00 SO.OO 539,048.00 304 2$000 '30340 CuIon.. .... PtoJ 51,109,179.00 ($1,087,000.00) 522,179.00 304 25000 S<<062O CWtuN A Rec Proj $480,077.00 SO.OO $489,077.00 304 25000 '6063. Cuhurca: Rcc Proj 51,075,97'.00 ($41,846.00) $1,034,129.00 304 26000 510-' PuIoIk WOIyCop Ptoj S64,075.00 SO.OO $64,075.00 304 26000 '6062. .......SoIOtyCopPtoj 51,650,462.33 SIO,144.00 51,660,606.33 304 26000 S60630 PuhtioWOIyCopPtoj 533,834.88 SO.OO $33,834.88 304 26000 _I PlIbIic WotyCap 'ruj S958,693.00 SO.OO S958,693.00 304 85532 ,...... ........304 52,375,084.00 (5697,200.00) 51,677,884.00 304 86502 590125 Bud_ rr-r... 12' 527,'163.00 SO.OO 527,963.00 304 86502 590207 ftudtetedTnmAn207 $4.066,075.00 SO.OO $4,066,07$.00 304 86502 '90307 IIudptod T_ 307 57,510,300.00 51,214,829.00 $8,725,129.00 304 86.02 S90310 1Iudptod_'IO 51,255,000.00 SO.OO 51,25',000.00 304 86502 'mil hdJttocI T~ren 311 $3.500,000.00 SO.OO S3.SOO,OOO.00 304 86lO2 '90403 __403 51,055,000.00 50.00 51,05',000.00 304 86502 '9ll<O4 _T_404 $4.500,000.00 SO.OO $4.soo,ooo.oo 304 86lO2 '90405 IIudptod ......... 40' SlOO,OOO.OO SO.OO SSOO.OOO.OO 304 86502 590910 Bud_T_ S210fVV\OO ml!l! 121000000 ToW $34,022,049.21 ($962,473JlO) _"7'-11 SO... SO.OO so.oo 1ldgI__Fund 188,304.307,311 . -- .... --._--_.._..~"..., -.._--" 2m R...... Boad . Ftuld 307 Camnt IncJ(Dec.) Revised Revenues: Budget Budget 307-36100501 Interest Income 543.327,00 SI21.873,00 SI65.200,00 307.381163GT Tnmafer flom FlIIld 163 559,664,14 ($16,864,42) 542,799,72 307-381304GT Tronsfer flom FlIIld 304 S7,510,300,00 SI,214,829,00 S8,725,129,00 307-389001 Leas 5% FL Slalllle -$2,166,00 (S6,094,00) -$8,260,00 307.389002, FlIIld Ba1ance Fmward S708913S00 ($2) RIO.Om !7 067 12S 00 Total S14,7IIO,260.14 SI,291,933.5I SI5,992,193.72 Ap_rlatlom: 307 24001 510." GaoeraI Govt Fund 307 SI22,63I.00 SO.OO SI22,631.00 307 24001 530340 GaoeraI Govt Fund 307 SI8,500.00 $0,00 518,500.00 307 24001 560620 GoIIeraI GoY! Fund 307 S8,852, 728,00 S724,999.00 59,5n,727.00 307 24003 SIO... Asbestos AbotementIPSB S99,320.00 SO,OO 599,320,00 307 24003 560620 Asbeatoe AbotementIPSB S3,025,370.14 S220,570,58 S3,245.94O,72 307 26004 510120 PubUc Safety Fund 307 53,200,00 ($2,860.52) $339,48 307 26004 510140 Public Safety Fund 307 $200.00 ($200.00) $0,00 307 26004 510210 PubUc Safety Fund 307 5208.00 (S I 08.00) 5100,00 307 26004 510220 PubUc Safety Fund 307 $320.00 (S220.00) SIOO,OO 307 26004 560620 Pubtic Safoly Fund 307 SII,258.00 ($297,48) SIO,96O,52 307 26501 5tO""' Fund 307 HUIIWl S.. Proj S96,9OO.00 50.00 596,900.00 307 26501 560620 FlIIld 307 Human Svc Proj S2 469,625.00 S350 050 00 52.819675 00 ToW SI4,71lO,2".14 51,391,933.58 SI5,992,193,72 $0.00 $0,00 $0,00 Dade Key W..-.ter Pr:l- JilJDlI 311 Camnt IncJ(Dte,) Revised Rnt.u.: Budget Budget 311-36100501 Intero&l1lomiDp SO,OO SO.OO SO.OO 311-363100GM Special Aueumenb 5544,500.00 SO.OO S544.500.00 311-38I304GT n-rer liom Fund 304 $2.000 000.00 SI.500 000.00 53.500.000.00 ToW $2,544,510.00 $1,518,000.00 54,044,580.00 Approprlatlons: 311 23003 560630 DocItKeyW"- $2,000,000.00 51,500,000.00 S3.500,OOO,00 311 55012 530340 DocIt Key Spccial__, S544.500 00 SllJlll 5544.500.00 ToW S 2,544,500.00 SI,5H,....OO $4,044,511.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 BE IT IlURTHIlR RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, tbat !he Cleric of said Board, upon raceipt of tho abow, is berobyautborizecl and _led to make Doceosary cbangea or said items, IS lOt for1lt above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by !he _or County Commissioners or Monroe Cmmty, Florida, at a tqpIIar meeting of tho Board on the 20th day of A...... AD 2008. Mayor Di Gennaro Yes Mayer Pro Tam McCoy Y e s CclmmlssioIleI- Spebar Y e s Commissioner Neupnt Yes Commiaaionor MIlIpby Yes 3:: o <:1 :e ):;.. "'" -,.. 1~2~"[ :;;;g "'" <::0 ~ I .z:- ; ,._-., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROB COUNTY, FLORIDA -.',~-_. ;g ~ <::) 0'> By: (ScoI) Atteat: DANNY L. KOLHAOB, Cleric MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY ctPPROVED AS TO FORM: ;At, D~.: Q-v A;/-..hmr Jb. . J CHRISTINE ,LIMBERT-BARROWS S...., Amendment R800 Fund 1611304 3073U ASSIST COU TY ATTORNEY 2 """ . . . uate