Price List 09/18/2008 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Agreement-Renewal
Clean Harbors Environmental Services,Inc.
Price List—March 24, 2008
Additional Items(revised 9/18/08)
3) Flammable Liquid,Low Chlorine,Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon F/R/I 115.00
4) Flammable Liquid, High Chlorine, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon F/R/I 115.00
5) Flammable Liquid,Poison
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon I 171.35
6) Flammable Solids,Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon I 171.35
7) Aerosol Cans
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon I 224.25
8) Hazardous Waste Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon T/L/I 149.50
9) Poisonous Material,Liquid or Solid,Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon T/L/I 171.35
10) Corrosive Material, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon T/L/1 253.00
12) Oxidizers Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon T/L 224.25
13) Pesticides or Herbicides, Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon TII 172.50
14) Cyanides or Sulfides, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon T/l _228.85
23) Dioxin, Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
. 16 Gallon L 230.00
24) Non Regulated Soaps, Polishes, and Other
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon L 97.75
25) Mercurv Metallic (Laboack) Other Wastes
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
16 Gallon R 218.50
Mar 2~ 08 04:09p
Al Harrell
Hou~~hold Hazardous Waste Collectioll Al!rcement - Renewlll
Clelln Harbors Environmental Services, Inc.
l>rice List - March 24, 2008
8.0 Proposlll
The Clean Harbors proposes to provide the [allowing services to Monroe County
(tlle County) for the following costs.
8,,1 Costs for the Collection and Packaging
The County desires to conduct Iwo (2) household hazardous waste collection events
consisting of two (2) eight-hour days. Clean Harbors proposes to charge the County a fee
for the tasks specified in section 7.3 of the RFP. The County will require Clean Harbors
to provide a minimal of:
Minimum Required
ActulIl Supplied
1) One (1) Project Managers
2) One (1 ) Chemisls
3) Two (2) Technicians
Clean Harbors propose to charge the County" fee of _lJ.50.p_O_ Dollars per eight-hour
day for these services. Clelm Harbors proposes to charge the county a fee of 33.35.
dollars per hour lor services performed in excess of eight-hours hours per day.
8.2 Transportation and J)isposal.
The Counl:y es(imates it will generate tbe fol/owing types of wastes and Clean Harbors
proposes to charge the County the following lilr Ihe transportation and disposal oflhese
wastes a, delined in section 7.4 ofthc RFP. The management of all wastes sludl be
limited to the following disposal option is listed in 8.2. Clean Ual'bor.s shall idenlily
method fOlr each waste using the following codes:
(T) hazardous waste treatment
(L) hazardous waste landlill
(I) hazardous waste incineration
(F) fuel bknding
(R) recycling
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Flammable Liquid, Low Chlorine, Bulk
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost _ $
55 Gallon FIR 69.00
30 Gallon FIR 51.75
5 GaHon
2) Flammable Liquid, High Chlorine, Bulk
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 GaHon FIRII 67.85
30 Gallon FIRII 57.50
5 Gallon FIR/I 57.50.v
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3) Flammable Liquid,-HigJt.Chlorine, Lab Pack -yO--
Size of Container Disposal Method
55 GaHon FIRII
30 Gallon FIRII
5 Gallon FIRII
4) Flammable Liquid,. High Chlorine, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon FIRII 172.50
30 Gallon FIRII U5.00
5 Gallon FIRII 69.00
5) Flammable Liquid, Poison
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon I 279.45
30 Gallon I 171.35
5 Gallon I 80.50
6) Flammable Solids, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon I 230.00
30 Gallon I 171.35
5 Gallon I 92.00
7) Aerosol Cans
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon I 230.00
30 Gallon I 224.25
5 Gallon I 57.50
8) Hazardous Waste Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon TILl! 257.60
30 Gallon T ILII 149.50
5 Gallon TILl! 57.50
9) Poisonous Material, Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon TILl! 280.60
30 Gallon T/L/I 171.35
5.Gallon T ILII 57.50
10) Corrosive Material, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon TILl! 253.00
30 Gallon T ILII 253.00
5 Gallon T IL/I 57.50
_._.._--.~--_. -~-"'~_..- "'~."--- .._._"-
11) Oxidizers Liquid, Bulk
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T 345.00
30 Gallon T 276.00
5 Gallon T 57.50
12) Oxidizers Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Sizl~ of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/L 230.00
30 Gallon T/L 224.25
5 Gallon T/L 57.50
13) Pesticides or Herbicides, Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/I 276.00
30 Gallon T/I 172.50
5 Gallon T/I 57.50
14) Cyanides or Sulfides, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/I 333.50
30 Gallon T/I 228.85
5 Gallon T/I 166.75
15) Batteries, Dry Cell
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon L/R 0.75/lb.
30 GalIon L/R 0.75/lb.
5 Gallon L/R 0.75/lb.
16) Batteries, Lead Acid
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon R 345.00
30 Gallon R 230.00
5 Gallon R 69.00
17) Antifreeze
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/R 92.00
30 Gallon T/R 86.25
5 Gallon T/R 57.50
18) Used Oil
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon R/F 69.00
30 Gallon R/F 51.75
5 Gallon R/F 34.50
19) Antifreeze, Bulk Liquid
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/R 92.00
30 Gallon T/R 86.25
5 "Gallon T/R 57.50
20) Latex Paint, Bulk Liquid
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/R 126.50
30 Gallon T/R 97.75
5 Gallon T/R 80.50
21) PCB Liquids, Bulk
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/I 563.50
30 Gallon T/I 333.50
5 Gallon T/I 230.00 ..
22) PCB's Bulk
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon T/I 563.50
30 Gallon T/I 333.50
5 Gallon T/I 230.00
23) Dioxin, Liquid or Solid, Lab Pack
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon L 310.50
30 Gallon L 230.00
5 Gallon L 115.00
24) Non Regulated Soaps, Polishes, and Other
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon L 126.50
~O Gallon L .97.75
5 Gallon L 74.75
25) Mercury Metallic (Labpack) Other Wastes
Size of Container Disposal Method Cost
55 Gallon R 287.50
30 Gallon R 218.50
5 Gallon R 115.00
Page 1 of4
From: Cobb-Carol
Sent: Wednesday, May 07,20089:14 AM
Cc: Pierce-Dent; Garner-Kathrine
.~ Subject: RE: 2008 Household hazardous Waste Collection
Yes, the new price list has been accepted under the terms of the original contract (page 7, paragraph 14).
All systems GO.
Carol A Coco, a>~ Sr. Yldintntstrator
Solia'Waste Manaeement
1100 Simonton Street. Room 2-231
Xey 'West. J'L 33040
pfwne: 305.292.4432
fax: 305.292.4558
Please take a moment to complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey:
http://monroecofl.virtualtownhall.netIPagesIMonroeCoFL WebDocs/css Your feedback Is important to usl
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to or from the
County regarding County business are public record. available to the public and media upon request.
Your e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.
From: HARRELL, ALBERT D [mailto:harrell.albert@c1eanharbors.comj
Sent: Wednesday, May 07,20087:41 AM .
To: Cobb-Carol
Subject: RE: 2008 Household hazardous Waste Collectio~
Good morning C;:arol.
James McDill has scheduled service with Clean Harbors for May 22 and 23rd. I want to be sure the new
pricing has been accepted and authorized for 2008.
We appreciate your consideration and the continued opportunity to serve Monroe County.
AI H"arrell
Technicai Services Specialist
Clean Harbors Environmental Services
170 Bartow Municipal Airport
-----.____....,00._.,"".__._ _,___,__
09/29/2008 09:21
Page 2 of 4
Bartow, FL 33830
Office: 863.533.6111
Mobile: 863.228.2403
Fax: 863.519.6363
Emall: harrell.albert@9!!!I.!!!l.arbors.c;gm
Web: www.cleanharbors.CQm
n..-Orlglnal Message...--
From: Cobb-Carol (mallto;Cobb-Carol@MonroeCounty-Fl.Gov]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: 2008 Household hazardous Waste Collection
Scanned copy 18 nne for now.
Card.fIL CObb, CP..'M, JY. Jldininfstrator
Soild"Waste :Management
1100 Simonton Street, :Room 2-231
:Key West, J't. .HCJ40
plione; 305.2.92.4432
fax; 30$.292.4558
Please take 8 moment to complete our Customer Satlafectlon Survey:
htto:llmonroecofl,virtualtownhall net/Paees/MonroeCoFI. WehDocslcss Your feedback la Important to
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written communications to
or from the County regarding County buslne.. are pUblic record, available to the pUblic and
media upon requesl Your e-mail communication may be subject to public disclosure.
From: HARRELL, ALBERT D (mailto:harrell,
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:25 PM
To: Cobb-Carol
tel Pierce-Dent; Gamer-Kathrlne
Subject: RE: 2008 Household hazardous Waste Collection
Will a scanned copy with signature suffice or Is an original required?
---"Origlnal Message--.-
From: Cobb.Carol (mallto:Cobb-Carol@Monroecounty-FL.Gov]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:50 PM
Ce: Pierce-Dent; Garner-Kat/nine
Subject: RE: 2008 Household hazardous Waste Collection
Item #3 of the Price List contains an error in the descriptor. It should I"llad
Flammable Liquid, I.2W Chlorine. It currently reeds HI9I1 Chlorine. Please make
Page 3 of 4
this correction and include a signature at the end of the document.
Carol,.j'L CObo, CPM, Sr. .ftld1niniStrator
solld''Waste Jvtanagement
IJ(JO Simonton Street, Roam 2'231
Xey )vest, .ff. 33040
yfiane: 305.292.4432
fax: 305.292.4558
Please take a moment to complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey: WebDocs/css
Your feedback Is Important to usl
Please note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Most written
communications to or from the County regarding County business are public
record, available to the public and media upon request. Your e-mail
communication may be subject to public disclosure.
From: HARRELL, ALBERT D [mailto:harrell.alberl@c1eanharbors.comj
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:30 AM
To: ''
Cc: Cobb-Carol
Subject: 2008 Household hazardous Waste Collection
Attached you will find an updated Clean Harbors Environmental Services,
Inc. Price List to Monroe County for this year.
The Household Hazardous Waste Collection Agreement was originally
submitted in August of 1996 under Laidlaw. Since that time, these prices to
Monroe County have remained unchanged. Our services are directly
impacted by rising cost of fuel as well as other economic factors. With
increased costs impacting transportation, labor and materials, at this time, it
is necessary to implement an adjustment for changes over this period of
over ten years.
This new Price List will become effective 30-days as provided in Section 14
of the agreement, .
It continues to be our pleasure to service Monroe County and we look
forward to the years to come.
piease QO not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or if I
may be able to provide additional information.
AI Harrell
Page 4 of 4
Technical Services Specialist
Clean Harbors Environmental Services
170 Bartow Municipal Airport
Bartow, FL 33830
Office: 863.533.6111
Mobile: 863.228.2403
Fax: 863.519.6363
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it
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recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact Ciean
Harbors Environmental Services at 781.792.5555 and delete the material from
any computer.
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and
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or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this. information by persons or entities
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The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may
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or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended
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at 781.792.5555 and delete the material from any computer.