07/21/1999 JANITORIAL SERVICES AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This is an amendment to an agreement dated December 9, 1998 and entered into by and between Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (the Owner) and Overseas Janitorial Services (the Contractor). A copy of the December 9, 1998 agreement (the original agreement) is attached to this amendment and made a part of it. In consideration of the mutual promises and benefits described below, the parties agree as follows: 1. In addition to the scope of services described in the original agreement, the Contractor must furnish the following additional services: a) Beginning April 25, 1999, the Contractor must provide an individual to clean and wax the floors at Key West International Airport (KWIA) between the hours of 10 PM and 7 AM, Monday through Friday. The Owner will pay the Contractor $16 per hour for the additional service, not exceed 40 hours per week based on a Sunday through Saturday week. The Owner must supply the burnishing machine and supplies; the Contractor must supply the buffing machine. b) Commencing July 30, 199& the Contractor must supply an individual to furnish 40 hours of janitorial service at KWIA, per week based on a Sunday through Saturday week. The Owner must pay the Contractor $12 per hour for such service. 2. In all other respects the terms and conditions of the original agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have set their hands and seals dated this '.:ll-d" day of "J"u.\y , 1999, ....\-, A; " (SEAL) ATTEST:DANNY L. KO HAGE, CLERK /~ /J / ...,~, '~4"?j?L.- By ~~~ , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, ~ORIDA · .. ~\ 0 ~ ~ ""1 ~B~~~'~"'~~ ~;'~ ~ Mayor/Chalrma~?C=:, I ." 0("')' \0 0 c: ~ -- .. :::0 :Z :::u - -1~~ ~ :::0 :< -1 :r.: f"T1 . -kE~. g ::0 C Attest jconvoverseas - AMENDMENT SPECIFICATIONS --- ~ EXHIBIT A -1 & A - 2 J;\NITOI~ SEEVICES Sl'LCIFICATIONS To pro\'lde j:\nitor-j;lI services at Key \Vest Inlernalional Airport terminal, 3491 So. I~oose\'elt 131\'d" Key \Vest, Fla. 33040, for all puLJlic areas of (he tcmlllla! uuilding, exccpt airlinc and rcntal car coun(crs and orTice space, U.S. Customs arca and the Conch Flyer reslauranlLounge. ~: ..'.":;~ , , DAILY INSfDE Check 1st Ooor ualrlrooms a( Ieas( every 30 minutes be(ween 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Clean (oile(s, urinals, sinks, noors as necessal)'. Pick up (rash and ' oCher deposits. Emp(y and clean, as necessary, all (rash cans (ls( Ooor). Take aU (rash (0 dUfilpJter. Swcep alld 1110p the c[llire 1st noor twice daily. Mop OOOI-S as needed for spot clean-up. Wipe off alld clean departure lounGe fUl'IIiture as ncedcd, but at letst eVCI]' lwo hours. \Vipe alld clean walls, doors :wd Glass as needed. DAI'LY OtJTSTD[<: Empty and clean all (rash cans on sidewalk and parkinG loc. Take all (rash (0 d umps(er. Emp(y as!l stands. Pick-upliller as necessary. Sweep alld clean up walkways and curus as needed. \Vipe off uenclles, mailboxes, etc. ;tS needed. SUPPLIES , Contr'actor 10 provide own supplies and equipment One additional man NTE 40 hours per week, $12.00 per hour EXHIBIT A - 1 JANITORIAL SERVICES SPECIFICATIONS To provide janitorial services at the Key West International Airport Terminal, 3491 S. Roosevelt Boulevard, Key West Florida, 33040. ---- Between the hours of approximately 10 pm and 7 am, NTE 8 hours per night, 5 days per week, Monday through Friday, clean and wax floors. Contractor will supply buffing machine. Airport will supply burnishing machine, and supplies. One additional man NTE 40 hours per week, $16.00 per hour. EXHIBIT A - 2