2nd Amendment 08/20/2008 DANNY L. KOLHAGE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT DATE: August 29, 2008 TO: Deb Barsell, Director Community Services ATTN: Dolti Albury Administrative Assistant FROM: Pamela G. Han~ Deputy Clerk lYJ At the August 20, 2008, Board of County Commissioner's meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of the following: Amendment #002 to the Alzheimer's Disease Initiative (ADI) Contract #KZ797 between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Aging Resource Center) and the Monroe County Board of County Commissiolli~rs (Community Services/In-Home Services) for Fiscal Year 7/1/07 to 6/30/08. Amendment #002 to the Older Americans Act (OAA) Contract #AA-829 (1/1/08-12/3:t/08) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Aging Resource Center) and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Community Services/In-Home and Nutrition Services). Amendment #003 to the Older Americans Act (OAA) Contract #AA-829 (1/1/08-12/31/08) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Area Agency on Aging for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties) and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Community Services/In-Home and Nutrition Services). Amendment #004 to the Older Americans Act (OAA) Contract #AA-829 (1/1/08-12/31/08) between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Area Agency on Aging for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties) and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (Community Services/In-Home and Nutrition Services). Enclosed are three duplicate originals of the above-mentioned, executed on behalf of Monroe County, for your handling. Please be sure to return the fully executed "Monroe County Clerk's Office Original" and the "Monroe County Finance Department's Original" as soon as possible. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: County Attorney Finance w/o documents File/ Amendment 002 CONTRACT KZ 797 Page 1 THIS AMENDMENT is entered lnIo bebrJ8en the Alliance for Aging. Inc. (Aging Resource Center) het....n. ._f.wnld to _ the "A/Iiance" and IIonroe County Bo8rd of Commissioner&. The purpoee of..... ........... Is to hlCOll_ Ll ... folio... ......... AgIng RI.wn:e CenI8r (ARC) futK.1Ions .1Id pale'" 8nd pro__ to'" _....... ...... ......-t. L V.... *11 C8Iltraet A..eDdBleBt, tile pnwider.. UI to tile bllcnlu.a: A. l\;.~.,. ARC ouflIounled fundiooI in accocdance widl policies and p:ocedlues d.... _II."",,, by die "'0__ fbr AcinI- Refer 10 die tbIlowiD8 "'l_'h..~.,-: i. ftu-.IunP.nt I: PoIicla and ProcedureI fbr <>utlIoun:ed FuactioD- Screeni"8 ii. ft-......... II: PoIicla and Proceclunla fbr 0.-.... ~ TriqIt ill. loIN. h1,o(ll" m: Policies and PtooedumI fur ActiwtiOll Dum WaitliBt- CIiaIt Sa:Yka N. ..~. 1 IV: PoIk..~... f'Al...Iw.. fbr T~...ln"1illU m.a Waidist- CJieat Services IL M,..:.....:.. WlIit IisII in CIRTS in ........~ with DOEA t-a......... C::. RqJod ..~ofdicat~ 10 the Aaiaa ~ Cemer. D. AdIarn to pn...:."_....~ poJicy ..lid fbrdl by die ~tw..ll ofElda' Affail'lI. E. UpdaSc die J ""J Dl 1. ... to .....~ ABC wl...... ~. Ji'. E1t.suIc qr- coot1icIII of iDt.eIal and ;,. .~'..- seIHdaraIa by referrin& _..-. i& DIllllI of ..,a.- 001'- ., Of L ~. C8II .__ wyv..j ... provider's scope of servias to the Aging Rc:soum: . Go - .. _..i..- l'"""d:d .. in die eii-m' 1IeIK .dla.... .. die DIOIt cost ~ of............"...... .~.... .Ill..:........ _....._ to the _:~ needs. Tile As5al8ed Priority CGllSIUIlCI" List (APCL) is nmint..inetf when sel'\'<<:e& funded b)' tit.; cL.t-tw..utanlDOtavailAhIa c.....:fAlIdpmvidaaolq.. ......rica_......... -'sDimlf InitUdivc (ADI),. Older Ama;"'. Act (OM),'" c...~ SIn_ (CI) "II ir"', WIitinc lists in the ClRTS database for registered services when fUlldlng is /1otllvailable. Note; OA\JE 1~ _ ........,.. r.....Ii"8 ........... :Ibr ARC Wail Lilt JIUIP' ' Fm lBYiIles pnMded 1hrou8h OAAJE, 110 CIRTS client data entry is required. Registered Services for the above listed programs are as fcllows: Adult Day Cace (ADC). Adult Day Health C- (ADHC). Chore (CHO). Escort (ESC). Home u__ Aide (HHA).lL..........k- (IIMK). Model Day Care (MDC). Personal C- (PECA). faciJity-o-I Respite (RESf). In- Home Respite (RESP). 2. This ....Idmellt shall begin on May 18. 2008 (dlIe8" ........... ............... _III lid) or the dal811. been 1iQIl8d ." both pertiM, ~lic:tIe.. ....... ,. ....;.111 II. in .. _........ ..., - J"I_.INo.. in 00I1IIl;t lllIiIh thiS amendn..1t .... .......,.... dWloL'IIf._..m........._..._1l All p1ovieio1lS lICll in COlllkt with .. lII'I18Ildmelll.. .. in .... ... .. to .. ..b~.... at the 1ev8I..,...clfied in the ........... ....... ~.lo.< WSI II tD COIIIof... ..... _Idment. This....iodnI......... ........_... ..110.., 1IlIMie. pm of the contract. Amendment 002 CONTRACT KZ 797 ~2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the plries t.elo have caused this amendment to be executed by their und8nigned olIiciaIs. duly autllUIlzed. PROVIDER: -~~~ ALlIANCE FOR AGING,INC. SIGNED BY: ~~ NAIIE: Kario DiGennaro M. & ..lIE: Prniant & CEO TITLE: DATE: Kayor/Chairman August 20, 2008 TITLE: DATE: ?/~/OJ , ::t: ..... = "C"] 0 t::J = ~ ),7;)0 = r- oo 0? '"" C:J r" ,." i- ~-i r' -0 " -- N :'1 C} ) -:~-j UI c -- -0 -,',) ; c 3: I (') 1 ~. ''I r" , I (n CO ,/ Attaduaeat I Amendment 002 CONTRACT KZ 717 Page 3 AIUancle for Aging, Inc. AgIng f'nJu.... O"'~../EIder Helpline PolIcy and P.~ for 0uts0uraId fund:Ion -... lning OMllon DIdie: MardI 5, 2008 ..All on DIIII8I nla ...... DIIII8I nla ObjectIVe: To.... that a c;ompreheneIve lilt 01 cIIenls in need 01..-- .. n.aa....lfld In elRTs br _..,... biding IOURle _that hARC is U_., abII to A.:. ~ ~ hllMll of elder hi. need In MiernH)lIde IRd Mon.ve Countlw. PaRcy: To oII&IIn ..... , .....R...... fnlm cIiBnllIln ordIIr to lIIIIIiIt in J I "....... 01 need n ~ far~fundId _lIiOM ~o ....~ 1. NC. co..adlod PIvlIIdeIs wII aIIect h...."odlbl froIn CiIIIIrs and antud: a 701A ._It. 1A....llMIIV, r a 7018 1 ,_It.... ecIIIiCs or 1I.......1dW flam ........ IIIUI'm (J.& CMES) the tnI'onnal:Ion frcm the 70111 can be IJtIbed. 2. tIIIId ._ ...." 'Il~ """"~,... 701A(B) ...... .. NC. o..tbadlod Ph.Ml. wII maIae a dllll.,,,I......, as lD the __us thIt: the caller Is In need 0I.~ (see co.tb..! Ar.....dl,.1It APa.). . . 3. The IIfC, O"....Jled Po.... wII...........the _... funding SOlIIa(s) thIt: pnMdes the . . ... <_o....a.Al......._.t APCL). 4. lfthe ca1Ier Is In need d a selv1a(S) thIt: Is IIlII: ...(WldedbrdleAACo..adlod PlVIIldeo, die NC. o..adlod PnMdeI wII.... caller lID the IIfC, BIIr I ~l_ ..- 4- /IIC IkbNII ..... lftJIor tit an NC. a....... PlvMIf IIllIt ",..[ ... _. [-..... S. The caller wII be ....-Idt.d wIttI !P....... .......... ._dIl.g the NC. as .. as the AAC Elder .- ."... ........ ....... 6. -rile caller wII be h"",,~ 01 the _WIIle& and funding SDlIIUlS tIlIII thay -18lI pIBa!d on the WllIt lilt far In QRTS. 7. /tIC ~...:Md IlftIMIl. wII CRIIIIIe a dIIri: n!IIlIlId In CRTS (r Ihn Is no ......l9 n!lCIIId) and __ ....... t ... far.. GIIIr br......... SlIllIRlI! and ewa. pr Ihn Is an ..dI6,g r<<JIlId.. CIR1'S, .. _...1...111'11......'" [1 q. 8. llftheARC co.llbadlod JI'ruIIIdIr.' - ""_lIIItdlec:al.ra,,"far .....ltI8n one funding scute, NC. o..lIbadlod PluMb IIItlallnIIIId lID _"'~.' - '.iWIo.. under multiple funcIng 5lOUIQ!S, [Jr Ihn IS.. J JJU"O dint NCIllnt In aRTS, tflt clint reoofd In c:um; wII be \4l'......f wIttI iIIlPIOIIIfaIJe 1nf'onnalIon]. 9. /tICo..lb..dll.d Po.... w11lnlbmullI'...thlt:dlerwll.... -,ea lil'" ._ up GIll (or home'li&il: in case of active client) to check on their status based on DOEA Walt list Reassessment SlancIards and encourage caller tit (OIltact the Me Elder I ~.. wIIfl .. CJl....M4... Amendment 002 CONTRACT KZ 797 Pqe4 Attllmmeat n AllIance far Aging, Inc. Aging Resource c...~_/EIder Helpline PolIcy and Proced..... far 0UtII0unled function - Tri8ge CreatIon DIdIe: March 5, 2008 RevIsIon DaIle: n/a Rln.1ew DIllIe: n/a ObJI :11..: To ensure thatdlenls in need rlDOfA fu1ded seMtes IIllCd\Ie seMtes based on the highest level rI need, first:, as fining I)....ena """... PolIcy: To 8IIIiIt dielllB in oblainilg OOEA funded UIVicel& _ funding becomes available. blINd on ...,.. rI.... . det8m1Ined by . CIRTS priorily lICOr8. PnJc:lecIure: 1. ARC Co.Ib....bod ProvIder will conduct periodic follow up calls (or home visit In case rI acttve cIenI:) to check on cIenI: status based on DOfA WaI UIIt P r 1 T r ._A Stattdilodl. 2. Based on the InfarmatJon pnMded via 1M 701A(B) ,,-- -,ent, the ARC Co.ltJadEd ProvIder wi updaIe the dIer1t InformaIIon In CDUS ~ as it .,0 ta/ns tD level of .... for _WlM by fUndIng SOUI'a! 3. The ARC CuIb4dled ProvIder wi ensure that the CDUS ptbl!'ic~ score Is acanteIv ITldiltdll.ed, acxxlIdI..V tD DOfA SbIndInfI. 4. If the caller Is in need d a serW:ie(s) that Is not provided by the ARC CoIlbaded ProvIder, the AAC Culb~ ProvIder .. reIW c:aIIer to the AAC BeIer IIeIpIIlIe UIIIzfng the ARC W...olI fann awJIor ID.. AAC o..lb..:lllld PnMdIr that pnMdeI the nllcled .w.. 5. The caler will be illi'onned d the seMtes and fining lllJlI'U!S that they remain on the walt 1st far lItd/or IllMt been n,,, _.'IId flam the WIIIt lit far. 6. AAC Co.Ib...w Provider will advise dient rI iI/l'f change In thW CDUS priority score based on the Ufl'1iJI1Id /nformaIlon. 7, ARC eo.lb....bod Provider will .....tInd dIer1t rI the AAC BeIer Help LIne l.UII.-..t IUIlber and tD COtll:act the ARC EIdIr H8Ip u.. with iI/l'f ql O'll. at l.UII_'" 8. As fining becomes 11\....-'-'<;, ARC Co.Ib....bod ProvIder will run aRTS Prbltiml:lun Report and Ilrf\. Lv..... _.'lII1D DOfA St....dlo ("'10 AAC ClIent Adivation PoIdes II'Id Pl~"'). 1hI o...dlIod Pl~ ..., t..".a.'III CJbrfII, as ............_ tD prlo.ltt-d clients tD..... ac:lIYatIoII6 meet p''Y.."lllIIIc ~ Amendment 002 CONTRACT KZ 797 Page 5 AU...h-eat m Alliance for Aging, Inc. Aging Resource c...a./EIder Helpline PoIIc.y and Ploaedure for A..Ii........ From w.H: LIIIt - ae..b./ServIces c:r.tIon Date: March 5, 2008 Rewi8lon DabI: n/a RevIew DMe: n/a ObJ,,-.thla. To ensure that elders In need ctDOfA fInIed services In MIaml-Dade and Moolloe Counties and on the 0R1S walt list begin to retelve services as ftnIng beoonleS iMIIIable. PolIcy: ARC wiI WOlf( with ARC eo.ltIlldled Providers to 8I'1IUI'8 that cIienIB waiting for OOEA fUnded -*- begin to recei... thoII8..w:. as funding beooIl188 available. PlOClIIdure: 1. ARC ContractIld PrcMder will actIYaI:e dIenIs on 0R1S walt list based on DOEA prIoo/ll...uon pon. - and funding anl'iIbI'Ity. 2. ARC a...lb....b:d PrcMder will update ORTS stiJtus by fiI1dIng source and service for any seMc:B bIIng adJvatIId for the dhInt using appoprlate 0R1S axles. 3. alent may be left on walt list ct a dirr...er4 fUndIng source than the one being activated If ARC a...lb...Jl.d PnMd8r cI8t8rmInas that It Is .......""'181& 4. CIent may also be left: on walt list In 0R1S If they n being ad:J!.1IOOd by the ARC a...lb....b:d ProIIIder under a tsnporaly non-DOfA funcIng source and ARC eo.,baaed PI1MdIIi d.."III... that the c::IIenbI need will paM. aft&' the boo~Ij)uoGl' ftnIng source Is exhaustEd. S. ARC eo.lb....b:d PrcMder w111lllfonn the dIenl: ct ." seMc:er/fUndII' source that they are being activated for as well as those Sl!I'YIces and funding souras that they will aJntInue to be walt Ib1ted for. 6. ARC a...lb....b:d ProIIIder will inIOnn dIent to ......lted the ARC Elder t h4A1i... if they have any qu f! lbw. or 000lCef11S regarding the status ct ." ct their se.W:et. Amendment 002 CONTRACT KZ 797 Pagel Au...h...-eat IV AllIancle for Aging, Inc. Aging RI.IIUrcl8 c:e.,te./EIfIfIr Helpline PolIcy and Pl'OCl8dure for Tennlnatlon Frum Walt list - CIIenbI/Servkles CreatIon Date: Man:h 5, 2008 Revision Date: n/a RevIew Date: n/a Objl ~H... To e15UI'e that the oomprehen.sNe list d dienIs In _ d seMa!s In CIRTS Is appropriately maintained by fiJndIng soun:e and that the ARC Is the.etYt able to dfectt,rety gauge the am!flI: level d elder service need In MIaml-Dade and Mc..oe Counttes. PoIk;y: ARC wiI maintain an ac:c:urate and ammt lilt of c:Iienl8 in need of elder services in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties with the .Blllllance of the ARC Co._acted Provicfcn. P.oceduret 1. ARC u..lb~ ProvIder wIH Ie saeer1 dlents which the ARC u..1b....bed ProvIder inlUally pIac:ecf on the CIRTS walt list for services based on DOEA P r r llellt Standards. 2. The Ie .sa eesung may be In the form d a phone saeenlng or a home visit depending on the dIents status (I.e. ac:tlve/pellclllg) 3. ARC u..1b~ ProvIder wIH determine If the dIent Is no longer In need (or eligible) for any of the SII w'Ials they were waft: IIsled for. 4. ARC ec..Ib....hod ProvIder wIH b!rmInatI! the dIent from the waft: list (entirely or by spedftc seMc:e) using the app."", IlIte CIRTS terrnNIIon c:ocle for any services or funding 5OI.IU for which the dlent Is ~lIdned to no longer be eligible for or no longer In need of. 5. ARC u..lb....tcd ProvIder wRIlnform the dlent of any servic:es/fUndI SOlI'te that they are being ,....__ from the wait list for. 6. ARC eo.ltl....tcd ProvIder wRIl1iorm dIent d their ability to be re-added to the walt list If their level d need shouIcI change. 7. ARC eo.lb....bed ProvIder wRIlnform dient to mltac:t the ARC 8der Helpline If they have any qu e stIr." or CIllrla!I ns regarding their walt list status. 8. Refelellce DOEA NotIc:e dInstructlon: Ass esn Lf PrIorIlyConuner List#:062906-1-I-oYCS as appIk:abIe.