2nd Amendment 08/20/2008
Amendment 002
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Page 1
THIS AMENDMENT is entered into between the Alliance for Aging, Inc. (Aging Resource Center)
hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance" and Monroe County Social Services.
The purpose of this amendment is to incorporate the following outaourced Aging Resource
Center (ARC) functions and policies and procedures to the existing service contract.
I. Under this Contract Amendment, the provider agrees to the following:
A. Perform ARC outsourced functions in accordance with policies and procedures
developed by the Alliance for Aging. Refer to the following attachments:
i. Attachment I: Policies and Procedures for Outsourced Function-
ll. Attachment II: Policies and Procedures for Outsourced Function-Triage
iii. Attachment III: Policies and Procedures for Activation from Waitlist-
Client Services
iv. Attachment IV: Policies and Procedures for Termination from Waitlist-
Client Services
B. Maintain wait lists in CIRTS in accordance with DOEA requirements.
C. Report number of client contacts to the Aging Resource Center.
D. Adhere to prioritization policy as set forth by the Department of Elder Affairs.
E. Update the agency Disaster Plan to incorporate ARC outsourced functions.
F. Ensure against conflicts of interest and inappropriate self-referrals by referring
consumers in need of options counseling or long-term care services beyond the
provider's scope of services to the Aging Resource Center.
4:;. Ensure that services provided are in the clients' best interest, are the most cost
effective, of high quality, and are responsive and appropriate to the assessed needs.
The Assessed Priority Consumer List (APCL) is maintained when services funded by the
department are not available. Contracted providers of registered services for Alzheimer's Disease
Initiative (ADI), Older American's Act (OAA), and Contracted Services (CS) maintain waiting
lists in the CIRTS database for registered services when funding is not available. Note: OAA3E is
an exempt funding source for ARC Wait List purposes. For services provided through OAA3E, no
CIRTS client data entry is required.
Registered Services for the above listed programs are as follows: Adult Day Care (ADe), Adult
Day Heallh Care (ADHC), Chore (CHO), Escort (ESC), Home Health Aide (HHA), Homemaker
(HMK), Model Day Care (MDC), Personal Care (PECA), Facility-Based Respite (RESF), In-
Home Respite (RESP).
2. This amendment shall begin on May 16, 2008 (date this contract amendment was issued) or
the date it has been signed by both parties, whichever is later.
All provisions in the contract and any attachments thereto in conflict with this amendment
shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this amendment.
All provisions not in conflict with this amendment are still in effect and are to be performed at
the level specified in the contract are hereby amended to conform with this amendment.
This amendment and all its attachments are hereby made a part of the contract.
Amendment 002
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this amendment to be executed by their
undersigned officials as duly authorized.
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Mario DiGennaro
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President & CEO
August 20. 2008
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Amendment 002
Page 3
Attachment I
Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Aging Resource Center/Elder Helpline
Policy and Procedure for
Outsourced function - Screening
Creation Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date: nla
RevIew Date: nla
Objective: To ensure that a comprehensive list of clients in need of services is maintained in CIRTS by
appropriate funding source and that the ARC is thereby able to effectively gauge the level of elder
service need in Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties.
To obtain necessary information from clients in order to assist in determining level of need and
eligibility for DOEA funded services
1. ARC Contracted Providers will collect information from callers and conduct a 70lA assessment.
Alternatively, if a 7018 assessment already exists or is provided from another source (I.e. CARES)
the information from the 7018 can be ubllzed.
2. Based on the Information provided via the 70lA(8) assessment, the ARC Contracted Provider will
make a determination as to the seIVices that the caller is in need of receiving (see Contract
Amendment APCL).
3. The ARC Contracted Provider will determine the appropriate funding souroe(s) that provides the
needed services (see Contract Amendment APCL).
4. If the caller Is in need of a servlce(s) that Is not provided by the ARC Contracted Provider, the
ARC Contracted Provider will refer caller to the ARC Elder Helpline utilizing the ARC Referral Form
and/or to an ARC CO"b....ted ProvIder that provides the needed servtc:e.
5. The caller will be provided with general information regarding the ARC as well as the ARC Elder
Helpline contact number.
6. The caller will be infom1ed of the services and funding sources that they are being placed on the
wait list for in aRTS.
7. ARC Contracted Provider will create a dient record in aRTS (if there is no existing record) and
enter the seIVices needed for the caller by funding source and servtc:e. [If there is an existing
record In aRTS, the appropriate fiefds will be updated).
8. If the ARC Contracted Provider determines that the caller may qualify for more than one funding
source, ARC Collb acted Provider is encouraged to enter the appropriate information under
multiple funding sources. [If there is an existing dlent record in aRTS, the dient record In aRTS
will be updated with appropriate Information).
9. ARC Contracted ProvIder will inform caller that they will receive a follow-up call (or home visit in
case of active dient) to check on their status based on DOEA Wait Ust Reassessment Standards
and encourage caller to contact the ARC Elder Helpline with any questions.
Amendment 002
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Attachment II
Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Aging Resource Center/Elder Helpline
Policy and Procedure for
Outsourced function - Triage
Creation Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date: n/a
Review Date: n/a
Objective: To ensure that clients in need of OOEA funded services receive services based on the
highest level of need, first, as funding becomes available.
Policy: To assist clients in obtaining DOEA funded services as funding becomes available,
based on level of need as detennined by a CIRTS priority score.
1. ARC Contracted Provider will conduct periodic follow-up calls (or home visit in case of
active client) to check on client status based on OOEA Wait Ust Reassessment Standards.
2. Based on the infonnation provided via the 701A(B) assessment, the ARC Contracted
Provider will update the client infonnation in ClRTS specifically as it pertains to level of
need for services by funding source
3. The ARC Contracted Provider will ensure that the ClRTS prioritization score is accurately
maintained, according to OOEA Standards.
4. If the caller is in need of a service(s) that is not provided by the ARC Contracted Provider,
the ARC Contracted Provider will refer caller to the ARC Elder Helpline utilizing the ARC
Referral Fonn and/or to an ARC Contracted Provider that provides the needed service.
S. The caller will be infonned of the services and funding sources that they remain on the
wait list for and/or have been removed from the wait list for.
6. ARC Contracted Provider will advise client of any change in their ClRTS priority score based
on the updated infonnation.
7. ARC Contracted Provider will remind client of the ARC Elder Help Une contact number and
to contact the ARC Elder Help Une with any questions or concerns.
8. As funding becomes available, ARC Contracted Provider will run ClRTS Prioritization Report
and activate clients according to OOEA Standards (refer to ARC Client Activation Policies
and Procedures). The Contracted Provider will apply targeting criteria, as appropriate, to
prioritized clients to ensure activations meet programmatic requirements.
Amendment 002
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Attachment III
Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Aging Resource Center/Elder Helpline
Policy and Procedure for
Activation From Wait List - Clients/Services
Creation Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date: nfa
Review Date: n/a
Objective: To ensure that elders in need of OOEA funded services in Miami-Dade and Monroe
Counties and on the CIRTS wait list begin to receive services as funding becomes
Policy: ARC will work with ARC Contracted Providers to ensure that clients waiting for DOEA
funded services begin to receive those services as funding becomes available.
1. ARC Contracted Provider will activate clients on CIRTS wait list based on OOEA
prioritization polices and funding availability.
2. ARC Contracted Provider will update CIRTS status by funding source and service for any
services being activated for the client using appropriate CIRTS codes.
3. Client may be left on wait list of a different funding source than the one being activated if
ARC Contracted Provider determines that it is appropriate.
4. Client may also be left on wait list in CIRTS if they are being activated by the ARC
Contracted Provider under a temporary non-OOEA funding source and ARC Contracted
Provider determines that the clients need will persist after the temporary funding source is
5. ARC Contracted Provider will inform the client of any services/funding source that they are
being activated for as well as those services and funding sources that they will continue to
be wait listed for.
6. ARC Contracted Provider will inform client to contact the ARC Elder Helpline if they have
any questions or concems regarding the status of any of their services.
. .
Amendment 002
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Attachment IV
Alliance for Aging, Inc.
Aging Resource Center/Elder Helpline
Policy and Procedure for
Termination From Wait List - Clients/SelVices
Creation Date: March 5, 2008
Revision Date: n/a
Review Date: n/a
Objective: To ensure that the comprehensive list of clients in need of services in aRTS is
appropriately maintained by funding source and that the ARC is thereby able to
effectively gauge the current level of elder service need in Miami-Dade and Monroe
Polley: ARC will maintain an accurate and current list of clients in need of elder services in
Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties with the assistance of the ARC Contracted Providers.
1. ARC Contracted Provider will re-screen clients which the ARC Contracted Provider initially
placed on the aRTS wait list for services based on DOEA Reassessment Standards.
2. The re-screening may be in the form of a phone screening or a home visit depending on
the clients status (i.e. active/pending)
3. ARC Contracted Provider will determine if the client is no longer in need (or eligible) for
any of the services they were wait listed for.
4. ARC Contracted Provider will terminate the client from the wait list (entirely or by specific
service) using the appropriate aRTS termination code for any services or funding source
for which the client is determined to no longer be eligible for or no longer in need of.
5. ARC Contracted Provider will inform the client of any services/funding source that they are
being removed from the wait list for.
6. ARC Contracted Provider will inform client of their ability to be re-added to the wait list if
their level of need should change.
7. ARC Contracted Provider will inform client to contact the ARC Elder Helpline if they have
any questions or concerns regarding their wait list status.
8. Reference DOEA Notice of Instruction: Assessed Priority Consumer Ust#:062906-l-I-OVCS
as applicable.