Resolution 314-2008 OMB Schedule Item Number 11 Resolution No. 314 - 2008 A RESOLUTION TO RESCIND RESOLUTION NO. 229 -2008 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make changes ill the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2008, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Resolution No. 229~2008 previously set up in the Monroe COUllty Budget for the purpose of receiving transfer of funds in Fiscal Year 2008 contained certain erroneous infonnation and said resolution, passed and adopted on August 20, 2008 is hereby rescinded. Fund # 125 Government Fund Type Grants Function #5300 Activity #5380 Official Div #1021 Cost Center #22530 SFWMD Stmwtr Grt BPK Park Cost Center #22531 SFWMD Stmwtr Grt BCK Prado Cost Center #22532 SFWMD Stmwtr Grt New Mgmt Cost Center #22533 SFWMD Stmwtr Grt MEN GoYl SFWMD Agreement No. 4600001136 Project #GR0804 BPK Park SFWMD Stmwtr Grt Project #GR0805 BCK Prado SFWMD Stmwtr Grt Project #GR0806 New Mgmt Sys SFWMD Stmwtr Grt Project #GR0807 MEN GoYl SFWMD Stmwtr Grt Revenue: 125-22530-337300CP-GR0804 125-22531-337300CP-GR0805 125-22532-33 7300CP-GR0806 125-22533-337300CP-GR0807 Local Grants-Pby Env Local Grants-Phy Env Local Grants-Phy Env Local Grants-Phy Env $ 294,780.00 $ 147,560.00 $ 0.00 $ 57,660.00 Total Revenue $ 500,000.00 Appropriations: 125-22530-560630-G R0804- 560630 125-22531-560630-GR0805-560630 125- 22532-560630-G R0806-560630 125-22533- 560630-GR0807 - 560630 Capital Outlay-Infrastructure Capital Outlay-Infrastructure Capital Outlay-Infrastructure Capital Outlay-Infrastructure $ 294,780.00 $ 147,560.00 $ 0.00 $ 57,660.00 Total Appropriations: $ 500,000.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above, is hereby authorized and directed to make necessary changes of said items, as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 15'" day of October, AD 2008. Mayor Di Gennaro Mayor Pro Tern McCoy Commissioner Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Murphy Yes -- Yes Yp.~ Yes.- Yes 3: C) ~~ f-" ..... = = <:0 <::) , c-) ; ;"i -t N W ")' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUN , FLORJDA / By: -,--I ." ::J1: ~ o \D '. (Seal) Attest: DANN'I'{..,KOLHAGE, Clerk !halu1.~i,.:~ MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~"6 ~;~..It-"~P(l-f~"^ CHRISTINE . LIMBERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Date If) 1.J.l.:> 11)9. I , hem 11 rescind reso# 229-2008 SFWMD storm water grant