Item L3
Meeting Date:
Board of County Commissioners
Agenda Item Summary
~/ /g-
June ~2000 Division: B.O.C.C.
I J: 30 A..M.
Bulk: Item: Yes ./ No
Department: George R. Neugent
Agenda Item Wording:
Approval from the Board of County Commissioners to dissolve the Boot Key
Ad Hoc Committee.
Item Background:
Previous Relevant BOCC Action:
Directed Commissioner Neugent, BOCC representative to the Boot Key Harbor
Committee, to resolve with Boot Key Committee and the new City of Marathon an
acceptable plan ~o develop the county owned marina and management plan of Boot
Key Harbor. .
Commissioner Recommendation:
Dissolve the existing Boot Key Committee and establish a new Boot Key Committee selected by the
City and approved by the County. Enter into a partner agreement with the City to complete'
management plan of Boot Key Harbor as,reqJllT~d by the D.E.P. Future of Marina and Harbor to be
determined by interlocal agreement between City and County at future date.
Total Cost:
Budgeted: Yes No
Cost to County
Revenue Producing..: Yes_ No _
Amt per month
Approved By:
Risk Mgmt
Documentation: Included
To Follow Not Required _
, Agenda Item # J'L;
Draft Meeting Minutes
4 May 2000
Committee Members in Attendance:
Will Adams
Bernard Kan
Charles Kanter ../
Gene Kibbe
Cynthia Stong <./
Leehman Wexlin
Peter Worthington ,/
MAY 1 0 2000
County Staff Present:
Richard Jones
County Commissioners Present:
Commissioner George Neugent
Public Present:
Several membe~ of the public
Motions Made
Motion 1:
A motion to approve the 28 March 2000 meeting minutes.
Motion/Second KanterlKibbe Passed unanimously and adopted
Motion 2:
A motion to request the B,OCC to dissolve the Committee, as part of the negotiations between
the City and the County concerning the Boot Key Harbor Management project.
Motion/Second WexlinlKibbe Passed (511) and Adopted
Bernard Kan Yes
Charles Kanter Yes
Gene Kibbe No
Cindy Stong Yes
Leehman Wexlin Yes
Pete W orthington Yes
Motion 3:
A motion to adjourn.
Motion/Second Kanter/Stong
Passed unanimously and adopted
The Chairman opened the meeting at approximately 7:00 pm. A motion was made to approve the 28
March 2000 meeting minutes. The Committee then reviewed and accepted the meeting agenda.
Will Adams addressed the ~ommittee. Mr. Adams stated that he has resigned from the Committee and
has chosen to sit on the City's Boot Key Harbor Committee. The Chair and the Committee thanked Mr.
Adams for his work over the last few years.
Pete Worthington then mentioned that Bill Sweeney has also resigned.
Richard Jones then addressed the Committee and provided information on the County Marina. Mr. Jones
mentioned that the storm water runoff project is nearly complete, and that Sally Bueller is finishing up the
landscaping master plan. Mr. Jones explained that the pumpouts are up and running and that pumpouts
are free until May 15111. He mentioned that few boaters are taking advantage of the pumpout services. Mr.
Jones then explained that the pumpout dock and dinghy dock project is almost finalized, and the
Engineering Department is just waiting for approval from the County Attorneys Office to advertise for
bids. He went on to mention that Glen Boe and Associates has just completed the drawings for floating
and fixed docks for the eastern side of the marina basin and that we are awaiting cost estimates, and that
TDC money is being applied for to assist with the project. Gene Kibbe questioned the necessity for
increasing dock area. Mr. Jones stated that more dock space would provide much needed income for the
marina, regardless of moorings. He then mentioned that grant money had been acquired for the roof
repair and the emergency generator and wiring. Mr. Jones handed out a diagram and explained the
parcels currently owned by the Electric Coop that are needed for the boat ramp at the marina and some
mooring field area. He explained that the transfer is in the works. He further explained the bay bottom
swap that is taking place and indicated the areas that the County has requested from DEP to acquire,
which are centered within the proposed mooring fields and will allow for more long term moorings. Mr.
J ones mentioned that he is working on both a benthic and bathymetric survey, as per the requirements of
the DEP permit application.
Mr. Jones then mentioned the City's BKH meeting the previous week and that Gus Rios (with DEP) had
discussed the 1990 study. Gus Rios had explained that the sediment in the inner harbor did not need to be
cleaned up, but rather, the pollution sources need to be addressed. Mr. Rios had also explained that DEP
did not want to connect the harbor to the ocean or bay until pollution levels are reduced. Mr. Jones
explained that the cleanup needs to take place then water circulation may not be a problem. Mr. Jones
then discussed the possibility of back filling canals to an appropriate depth (6-8 ft), although it may not be
practical or feasible. He stated that he would be looking into this strategy further. Mr. Jones then
discussed a water quality monitoring program. He stated that he has submitted a draft project to DEP and
then will take input from DEP to provide an acceptable study, send it out for bids, and pursue grant
funding for the project.
The Committee discussed signage to protect the large shoal just southwest of the marina. Richard Jones
mentioned that markers are being requested by DEP for two separate permitting projects (the pumpout
dock and the mooring field), and that due to the level of need he informed DEP that the Department of
Marine Resources would move ahead with installing markers to protect the seagrass. He stated that he is
designing some small signs that would probably read 'CAUTION- Shallow Seagrass Beds'. Chuck
Kanter then discussed~e 'bird' idea for markers, and asked if that is still a possibility. Mr. Jones
explained that if a workable design is made, that he would submit it to DEP. He further mentioned that
the birds would have to be able to withstand the exposure, the tides, the wind, and be effective in
deterring boats. He discussed the possibility of having a high school shop class fabricating the design,
and that it would be great for community involvement. Gene Kibbe then stated that there must be some
signs to get the people to do what we need them to do. Mr. Jones said he thought a boater would not enter
water where birds are standing. Pete Worthington applauded Mr. Jones for his work over the last year.
He also thanked all the County commissioners for their help with acquiring the marina and moving
forward. Chuck Kanter also thanked Jack London for his past efforts.
There was discussion about the pumpout and how few people are taking advantage of it. Mr. Jones
explained that it is difficult right now because the pumpout dock has not been built yet. He further '
explained that the 'honey barge' is not popular because of the prohibitive price of $17.50 per pumpout,
which few people are willing to pay. He mentioned that the MCC is managing the pumpouts, and
questions or ideas should be directed to them. Pete Worthington suggested having pumpouts be part of
dinghy dockage fee. Mr. Jones explained that that is the idea with the managed harbor concept.
Pete Worthington then introduced Commissioner Neugent. George Neugent made a presentation
regarding negotiations that have taken place recently between the City and the County regarding the
harbor. He mentioned a meeting with Russ Teal and Jon Johnson, and another meeting with David Rice
and Mayor Miller. Commissioner Neugent expressed the need to partner with the new City of Marathon.
He acknowledged the City's interest in acquiring the assets in and adjacent to the harbor. Commissioner
Neugent stated his thoughts that it would be beneficial to create a singular committee that would work in
implementing the BKH recommendations and help in visioning where the project will go in the future.
He mentioned that Mayor Miller would support this recommendation. Commissioner Neugent had
expressed to Mayor Miller that some of the experienced members of our Committee sit on the new
committee. He ,also mentioned zoning problems at the marina. He stated that the City would become a
joint applicant on the present DEP application. He suggested that the Committee ask the Board to
dissolve the Committee to move forward with this new idea. There was discussion on the topic. Chuck
Kanter mentioned that the facility is a community facility, and that he would like assurance from the City
that they have no hidden agenda, or want to use it as a cash cow. Councilman Johnson stated that there
would have to be an interlocal agreement that would outline how the marina would be used and how the
harbor would be managed (for the community). Commissioner Neugent explained that in this new
partnership it would be written into any agreement that the MCC would stay in their present position as
marina manager (until the end of their three year contract), work closely with the City and the Department
of Marine Resources, and assist with implementing. the recommendations of the management plan. He
further stated that during the next twenty four months the new (proposed) BKH Committee, which is to
be a partnership of the County and the City, would act as a visioning committee and be there to help work
things out. Gene Kibbe stated that he is very leery of the direction Mayor Miller has been taking, but that
the City's BKH committee does appear to have caught up with what is going on in the harbor. He further
addressed how the tax payers of the entire county had paid for the facilities. Commissioner Neugent
addressed that comment and stated that although tax moneys were commingled, the Marathon community
has paid taxes for a long time, and that this is clearly a Marathon project. Pete Worthington asked
Commissioner Neugent to address the situation that the City does not own any bottom and that the
County needs to stay involved. Commissioner Neugent stated that the County is not walking away from
the project, and that the State and the County want this harbor to be one of several managed mooring
fields throughout the Keys (as well as the state), and that Boot Key Harbor should be a model harbor.
Will Adams asked how the members would be chosen for the new committee. Commissioner Neugent
stated that he advised Mayor Miller that all members should be familiar with the project and have
experience with the concerns, and that he made some suggestions for membership. Pete Worthington
asked who would make the decisions for the appointments. Commissioner Neugent said the City Council
would make the selections, and that he has entrusted the City with the choices, and that the Board would
stay out of it. Pete W ortmngton voiced his concern that Dick Ramsey, at a City BKH meeting, had
described the moorings as a cash cow, had suggested finger piers and excessive commercial development.
Commissioner Neugent then stated that the MCC will stay and fmish their contractual agreement to
implement the goals of the 1995 Boot Key Harbor Committee recommendations. Pete Worthington
mentioned the behavior that has been shown by the new City council and the objectives they have voiced
that do not go along with the BKH Committee recommendations. Neugent stated his thoughts that the
City Council will soon learn of the taxes, costs, and responsibilities that go along with owning properties
such as the marina property.
Chuck Kanter then asked Commissioner Neugent what direction he wanted the Committee to take.
Coinmissioner Neugent asked that the Committee make a motion to request the Board to dissolve the /
Committee. The motion was then made and approved. The Committee then thanked the Board for
moving ahead with the Boot Key Harbor project. Commissioner Neugent said he would agenda the item
for the June meeting in Marathon, and asked that the Committee be present. Gene Kibbe then commented
on the amount of work that Richard Jones has done on Boot Key Harbor and asked what would become
of Mr. Jones. Commissioner Neugent explained that Mr. Jones would continue as the County ann of the
Boot Key Harbor management implementation, and commended him on the work he has done and will
continue to do. Leehman WexIin asked if Mr. Jones might be in attendance at the June BOCC meeting.
Pete Worthington asked if Mr. Jones would be participating with the City's BKH committee. Jon
Johnson mentioned that Mr. Jones has already worked closely with their committee, and that maybe he
could take part in the new (proposed) committee. Leehman Wexlin asked Jon Johnson if the City would
disband their current BKH committee. Jon Johnson said he did not know at this time. Pete Worthington
reiterated that the members of the new (proposed) committee must be knowledgeable. Several
Committee members mentioned that previously members were chosen from a variety of sectors from the .
public having boater concerns. Commissioner Neugent closed by saying that this is the right thing to do
and it should speed up the process.
Pete Worthington then asked if there was any other discussion regarding the mooring fields, etc. He then
asked about the land swap and if that would provide a means to allow commercial vessels to stay long
term. Richard Jones explained that the intent is that commercially registered vessels engaged in
commercial activity would not be allowed to moor or anchor in the harbor (overnight). He went on to say
that the primary purpose for the managed harbor, as indicated by the state, is for recreational vessels. Mr.
Jones explained that moorings will be not for profit and that if we allowed commercial vessels to use
moorings we would basically be subsidizing their business. He stated that anyone getting into a
commercial business with a boat should provide dockage for that boat. Mr. Jones did mention however
that there are several privately owned bay bottom parcels west of the bridge on the north side of the
channel, adjacent to commercial fishing zoned upland, that might be used by commercial fishing boats.
Pete Worthington then suggested putting the fIrst moorings in Mooring Field n, and have the local
liveaboards in Mooring Field I where the County owns the bay bottom. Richard Jones mentioned that in
that case the liveaboards would not have the opportunity for a mooring. Commissioner Neugent stated
that moorings should certainly be provided to everybody.
Pete Worthington opened the floor to public comment. There were no speakers.
The meeting adjourned at approximately IOpm.