Resolution 470-2008 RESOLUTION NO. 470-2008 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, It is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers lIet up In the Monroe County Budget for fiscal ysar 2008-2008 and to create new Itsms under said budget, now, therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgetsd amounts previously set up In ths Monroe County Budget for the IIscal ysar 2008-2008 in the smounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the foll_lng account. Transferfrom TOC Emergency, 2 CENT Item #116 76090 530340 TR96274X 530340 Function #5500 Catastrophic Emergency The sum of $226,980.00 Into TDC Promotion, 2 CENT Item #116 76065 530340 TG96242X 530340 Function #5500 Advertising Resources Transfer from DISTRICT I, 3 CENT Item #117 77090 530340 TR97276X 530340 Function #5500 Cataslrophlc Emergency The sum of $1 00,000.00 Into DISTRICT I, 3 CENT Item #117 77020 530340 TP97242X 530340 Function #5500 Advertising & Promotion Resouces Trsnsfer from DISTRICT II, 3 CENT Item #118 78090 530340 TR98278X 530340 Function #5500 Catastrophic Emergency The sum of 533,393.00 Into DISTRICT II, 3 CENT Item #1 18 78020 530340 TP98242X 530340 FUIlction #5500 Advertising & Promotion Resouces Trsnsfer from DISTRICT IV, 3 CENT Item #120 70090 530340 TR80282X 530340 Function #5500 Catastrophic Emergency The sum of $75,979.00 Into DISTRICT IV, 3 CENT Item #120 70020 530340 1P90242X 530340 FunctiOll #5500 Advertising & Promotion Re80uces Transfer from DISTRICT IV, 3 CENT Item #12070090530340 TR90281X 530340 Function #5500 Catastropllic Emergency The sum of $4,803.00 Inlo DISTRICT IV, 3 CENT Item #120 70020 530340 1P90242X 530340 Function #5500 Advertising & Promotion Resouces Transfer from DISTRICT V, 3 CENT Item #12171090530340 TR91284X 530340 Function #5500 Catastrophic Emergency The sum of $52,795.00 Into DISTRICT V, 3 CENT Item #121 70020530340 TP91242X 530340 Function #5500 Ad-uing & Promotion Rescuces ...., = co 0" = ):;.... => .- AJ c::l -)(', ~. ... m ;~lC c-:> -'-i I :::l c.' N -0 ., .. :r::: -"-1 . ~ . -~l r- 3> C Transfer from DISTRICT V, 3 CENT Item #121 71090 530340 TR91283X 530340 Function #5500 Catastrophic Emergency The sum of $6,050.00 Into DISTRICT V, 3 CENT Item *121 70020 530340 TP91242X 530340 Function #5S00 Advertising & Promotion Resouces BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that tile Clerk of Board be and he I. heraby authorlzecllo take the _ry action to effKt the lranafe,. of fund. heratofora aat forth. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County CommlUlone,. of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular maatlng of.aIeI Board hald on tha 19thday of November. A.D. 2008. Mayor, Npl1t'pnt YPP., Mayor Pro Tem Murphy Commialoner nic,.pnn:lro YPP. '~'~I~~~, :~~::::. ::: ,~.' c:'(\\ 2 \\ l(:? " - J\ ii:;;: '" . ,.:/ ,\~.\ ,,~--~-, -~~~. .;,.::'! . \. "'"",.","" ~,~ ., , \~:!:r;~~~A~E, Clerk ./ C/-ERK Yes ~[S-.e ~~ Mayor/Chalrman BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPR~~'/j~ L- TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COU~L AS 'STANl ~o~~i"":tb6~RNEY Date 0 2