Resolution 475-2008 Comm. Sylvia Murphy RESOLUTION NO. 475 -2008 A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REQUESTING THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REVISE THE FIVE YEAR WORK PROGRAM AS IT PERTAINS TO MILLING AND RESURFACING OF US mGHWAY 1 FROM MILE MARKER 93 TO 106 REDUCING THE PROPOSED NORTH BOUND SHOUlDER TOTAL WIDTH TO NO MORE THAN FOUR (4) FEET OR MATCHING THAT OF THE SOUTHBOUND PROPOSAL. WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting on December 19, 2007 the Board of County Commissioners (HOCC) approved the proposed Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) 5 year work program with the exception of three projects (FDOT project numbers 419848-1-52-01,419859-1- 52-0 I and 419846-1-52-01) requiring that FDOT staff identifY the full scope of work for these three projects and allowing the BOCC to consider future action concerning these proposed projects; and WHEREAS, on March 12, 2008 FDOT provided additional project detail at a community meeting held at the Key Largo Library describing the proposed milling and resurfacing of US 1 from Mile Marker 93-97 (FDOT project number 419848-1-52-01), Mile Marker 99.7-103.1 (FDOT project number 419859-1-52-01) and Mile Marker 103.2-106.6 (FDOT project number 419846-1-52-01) including a northbound shoulder widening by six (6) additional feet to a total of 10 feet to comply with specific recommendations of the 2001 Florida Keys Hurricane Evacuation Study; and WHEREAS, the 2001 Florida Keys Hurricane Evacuation Study included the permanent improvement alternative intended to provide increased capacity and clearance time, detailing eight (8) permanent improvements to US 1 which would increase traffic capacity in the outbound lanes during an evacuation, one of which is the development and construction of one additional northbound lane from Mile Marker 90 through 106.3 as an inside center lane striped out on sections with no media break and functioning as a left turn lane where a media break occurs; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has been presented with no substantial data and analysis to support the capacity and clearance time benefit of an extended shoulder as proposed, nor data and analysis documenting the correlation of the additional center turning lane originally proposed in the 2001 Florida Keys Hurricane Evacuation Study to the capacity and clearance time benefit of the proposed extended shoulder; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has examined the three projects excepted from the previous approval of the proposed FDOT five year work program, and in accordance with the vision of the communities of Key Largo and Tavernier, cannot support the inclusion of expanded shoulders for the northbound lanes in the proposed milling and resurfacing as detailed in these three projects listed above; and WHEREAS, the need for an additional lane or shoulder is based on the incorrect assumption that during an evacuation, traffic lights would periodically stop traffic rather than operate in the flashing yellow mode; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: The BOCC requests that the Florida Department of Transportation revise the five year work program as it !pertains to milling and resurfacing of US Highway I from Mile Marker 93 to 106 reducing the proposed north bound shoulder total width to no more than four (4) feet or matching that of the southbound proposal as detailed in FDOT project numbers 419848-1-52-01 (Mile Marker 93- 97),419859-1-52-01 (Mile Marker 99.7-103.1) and 419846-1-52-01 (Mile Marker 103.2-106.6). Section 2: Thcl BOCC requests that the Florida Department of Transportation render to the Mayor of Monroe County any and all data and analysis which supports the equal or greater roadway capacity increase of a northbound extended shoulder of 10 feet from Mile Marker 93 through 106.6 as compared to the previously prescribed additional lane in the center of US 1 as detailed in the 200 1 Florida Keys Hurricane Evacuation Study. Section 3: The BOCC requests that the Florida Department of Transportation provide the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners with a detailed report of work to date, proposed work and a planned completion model to implement the prescribed improvements within the 200 1 Florida Keys Hurricane Evacuation Study Permanent Improvement Alternative as found in chapter 5.5 of the study. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, held on the 19th day of November, 2008. ~; :::l '.rl < N ..I a:::: .::> -' Cl e 1: :.0- U T ,~:;~ W :lI:: e::: < ..::) i'.'-- X e::: '-==, .D u C.) c> I .. _. z .. ::z;: l...' .... _",J C' ..c-: (.) ,'-. LL! -, , .,.", .,,-. . " c. = u... = ':.- <N Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Sylvia 1. Murphy Commissioner Mario Di Gennaro Commissioner Kim Wigington Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes Yes ~ ~ ..liQ.......... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA . ',:i>\y ~~~. 'oJoI.A4.,e.<r By: Mayor George Neugent (SBAt} . ,; ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK ByG. L~(~ t).c.... / MONROE; COUNTY ATTORNEY APPROvED AS TO FORM: ():Ni:.ft ~~O~tf-~I1"""".,), CHRISTINE M. LI BERT-BARROWS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY Dale (/0/ I\Q